List of beautiful Russian and foreign surnames and names for women. Name and surname combination Foreign surnames for girls: list

The most beautiful, according to researchers, are names that carry a certain mystery. Many parents also choose the name of their child very carefully, focusing on how it will sound with the surname and patronymic. For example, it is obvious that a beautiful foreign name will lose its mystery and romance in combination with a Russian patronymic. According to statistics, the most common female name around the world is Anna, in Russia - Anastasia.

About the combination of names and surnames

Beautiful and famous surnames in Russia are aristocratic. Many proudly declare that they are followers of the Romanovs, the well-known royal family. According to experts, surnames derived from the names are good: Nikolaev, Vasiliev, and especially if they have a “royal” coloring: Vasiliev from Greek is “king”. Surnames associated with the names of graceful birds and noble animals also have their own charm: Lebedeva, Zhuravleva. Those that originated from the names of professions are also considered honorary: Kuznetsova, Mayorova.

It's great that we girls can change our last name. So we, unlike men, if we wish, will not remain Fools or Krivorukov all our lives. But to choose so that the combination of the name and surname is really beautiful is not easy. Someone likes surnames with meaning, someone of noble origin, and many are now especially attracted to unusual-sounding foreign ones. It is worth paying attention to how the surname sounds not only with the name, but also with the patronymic. For example, Anfisa Petrovna Obolenskaya sounds somehow not too graceful, agree? Psychologists say that the right combination can have a positive effect on the personality. Remember the main important principle: the last letter of the surname should not coincide with the first letter of the name due to the partial loss of sound during pronunciation.

There are patronymics that will give beautiful combinations with almost any name: Andreevna, Sergeevna, Alexandrovna. More unusual, but no less beautiful, are patronymics Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Stanislavovna. As for surnames, simpler ones will also sound acceptable with Russian names, but you should be more careful with foreign ones.

Yes, at present the process of changing their initials is not so complicated, and many creative people generally use pseudonyms, which is also very important in various social networks and blogs. To select a pseudonym, it is worth sorting out a certain amount of literature, because there is a huge flight for fantasy. As for real names, if you suddenly decide to change them, then think over your decision a few more times, because it can change a lot. As for the euphony of beautiful female combinations of names, you should not chase after this, because in a person this is far from the most important thing. And certainly you should not choose the chosen one, relying only on his last name!

Every girl would like to have a beautiful surname. So I don’t want to be Tuporylova or Svinukhova! Relatives reassure: here, you will get married, you will change your surname. But if only Chervyakovs and Durakovs are stuffed into suitors. What to do? The last name can be changed.

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls: options

  • Beautiful surnames are often formed from proper names: Romanov, Vladimirov, Illarionov, Grigoriev, Pavlov, Vasiliev, Semenov, etc. They should go well with your name and patronymic. Diana Semyonovna Semyonova - it sounds too overloaded, this must be understood.
  • Transfiguration, Resurrection, Christmas - pronounced beautifully and nobly, in the Orthodox way.
  • You can choose a surname with meaning - Generous, Moscow, Slavic, Motherland.
  • Very beautiful surnames, according to many, come from the beautiful names of birds and animals - Lebedev, Strizhenov, Orlov, Sokolov, Solovyov.
  • You can borrow a surname from the count dynasties: Bestuzheva, Obolenskaya, Vorontsova, Heiden.
  • Neutral names are also good - Kovaleva, Vlasova, Rogozina, Krasnova, Lavrova, Svetlova, Teplova, Batalina.

Foreign surnames for girls: list

If Russian surnames do not suit you, although there are many wonderful ones among them, you can look for something suitable in the list of foreign ones.

  • Among the euphonious German surnames for girls, the following can be distinguished: Mayer, Weber, Brown, Werner, Lehmann.
  • A lot of beautiful English surnames Cast: Alison, Bailey, Brett, Cole, Day, Ellis, Evans, Gordon, Grant, Norman, Taylor, Stone, Ray, Mills.
  • At Poles there are many good surnames: Podolskaya, Kovalskaya, Valevskaya, Vitovskaya, Vitkovskaya, Vilenskaya, Troyanovskaya, Yaguzhinskaya, Levandovskaya, Koval.
  • Some Belarusian surnames also sound good: Levitskaya, Kaminskaya, Poplavskaya, Polyanskaya, Galonskaya, Chaikovskaya, Belskaya, Sokolovskaya, Dobrovolskaya, Ostrovskaya, Sobolevskaya, Savitskaya, Snezhinskaya, Gurskaya, Larchenko, Kirilenko, Kovalchuk.
  • There are many beautiful surnames Bulgarians: Apostolova, Angelov, Vladov, Danailov, Dimitrova, Blagoev, Nikolov, Tonev, Lyudmilova.

In the event that you opted for a foreign surname, special attention should be paid to its compatibility with the name!

Cool last names for girls: original selection

If you like to stand out, then the original surname from this list will suit you: Starry, Golden, Brilliant, Naughty, Cheerful, Sunny, Azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Bright, Beautiful, Happy, Beloved, Rare, Plastic, Great, Southern, Fairy Tale, Rainbow, Spark.

You can borrow a surname from one of the stars or famous writers, for example, Kirkorova, Boyarskaya, Koroleva, Portman, Douglas, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Mayakovskaya, Dostoevskaya, Pushkin.

Literary characters are also suitable: Larina, Karenina, Bolkonskaya, Dubrovskaya.

When choosing a new surname for yourself, see if it suits you so well, combines with your name and patronymic. Remember that when you decide to change your last name, you are taking an important step that may even change your destiny. Think before you do this. Maybe your real name is not quite harmonious, but it connects you with your clan, family.

Beautiful female names and surnames are undoubtedly the pride and a kind of adornment of a woman.

Below are collected Russian and foreign lists of various origins. They will be useful for those who are expecting a daughter and choose a harmonious combination of first and last name for her, and for those who plan to change their first or last name, thereby changing their fate.


Ladies' names are very diverse, so it is not surprising that at the birth of a girl, parents often argue about what to name the baby. Most of the names common in Russia are of completely non-Slavic origin. There are few primordially Russian names, but they are distinguished by their beauty and euphony.

Once upon a time, names were very popular in Russia, which eventually acquired their modern form: Nastasya (from Anastasia), Aksinya (Xenia). Today, on playgrounds, you can increasingly hear these names in their original form.

Separately, one can note such primordially Russian names as Joy, Dragomila, Efrosinya, Evpraksia, Evdokia, Bogdana, Anisya, Stanimira, Krasimira, Mlada, Radoslava, Lada, Velislava, Gorimira, Dobromira, Zabava, Dobrava, Krasava, Lubomira, Jaromira.

As if from Russian fairy tales, the names sound: Elena, Marya, Daria, Vasilisa, Yaroslavna.

Such names as Nadezhda, Vera, Elizabeth, Ekaterina, Xenia, Tatyana, Natalya, Yulia, Anna have gained a new round of popularity.


A beautiful Russian surname should be distinguished by sonority, well remembered. No wonder the most beautiful options include royal families: Romanovs, Rurikovich.

Getting a beautiful Russian surname from birth is a gift of fate. It helps to make new acquaintances and win over those around you.

Aristocratic families are distinguished by their special beauty: Bestuzheva, Rzhevskaya, Golitsyna, Sheremetyeva, Vorontsova.

Surnames formed from geographical names sound no less beautiful: Smolenskaya, Baltic, Rzhevskaya, Siberian, Yaroslavtseva.

It is worth noting the names derived from the names of tree plants: Dubinin, Rozov, Yasenev, Kalinin, Topolev, Tsvetkov, Orekhov.

There are many beautiful Russian surnames that do not necessarily belong to any category: Artemova, Afanaseva, Bakhmeteva, Borisoglebskaya, Borovskaya, Vinogradova, Volskaya, Vostokova, Goncharova, Gronskaya, Dal, Dolinina, Donskaya, Zhemchugova, Znamenskaya, Zorina, Ignatiev, Kamenskaya, Lazarev, Lvov, Makarov, Maksimov, Nikitin, Ozerov, Parisian, Rakhmanov, Titov, Umanskaya, Filatov, Tsarevskaya, Shemetov, Yuriev.

Beautiful English surnames for women

English surnames have a beautiful sound. Most of them are worn not only by the inhabitants of foggy Albion. They are quite popular all over the planet.

Below is a list of the most beautiful English surnames in alphabetical order.

  • Anderson, Adamson, Abramson;
  • Bakker, Black, Brown, Bradberry, Buckingham;
  • Campbell, Carroll, Cook;
  • Davidson, Duncan, Daniels;
  • Edington, Erickson;
  • Fisher, Ford, Fordster;
  • Gardner, Gilbert;
  • Haley, Hoggart;
  • James, Johnson;
  • Kelly, Kennedy;
  • Lamberts, Little, Lincoln;
  • Mackenzie, MacDonald, Milton, Morrison;
  • Neville, Nelson;
  • Oliver, Otis;
  • Page, Paterson;
  • Richards, Roberts;
  • Stanley, Simpson;
  • Taylor, Turner;
  • Warren, Weasley.

Beautiful American (female) surnames

Interestingly, most of the American surnames come from common nicknames, mostly Indian ones.

Many beautiful surnames appeared from the names of professions: Smith, Taylor, Miller, as well as from geographical objects: Bush, Moore, Lancaster.

It is worth noting such beautiful (female) American surnames that originated from the names of animals, phenomena and flowers: Kat, Fish, Winter, White, Young, Rose. In America, singers and actors often take such surnames as pseudonyms.

Beautiful French surnames can be classified in the same way as Russian ones. Some of them originate from the ancient aristocrats, others are popular because they are worn by famous people.

Below is just a small list of beautiful French surnames:

  • Azoulay, Arnaud, Harcourt, André;
  • Boisselle, Benard, Bonnier;
  • Viardot, Vien;
  • Grosso, Galliano, Gabin;
  • Dubois, Deneuve, Delaunay;
  • Jacquard, Julien, Girard;
  • Kamber, Curie;
  • Lambert, Luc, Legrand;
  • Martini, Monty, Monsoon, Murai;
  • Noiret;
  • Prejean, Pascal;
  • Roussel, Revial, Richard;
  • Sorel, Simon;
  • Tournier, Trial;
  • Ouvrard;
  • Freel;
  • Chabrol, Sherro.

Doubles sound especially beautiful: Benoit de Sainte-Maur, Ducange-Cassan, Catrou-Quelus, Lacourt-Delatre, Michel-Seden; Saint Evremont, Favre de Paul, Cherezy-Chicault.


Almost all German surnames consist of one word. After all, back in 1993 in Germany it was forbidden to have polysyllabic and trisyllabic surnames.

The most beautiful surnames in Germany are still the most common: Schmidt, Wolf, Müller, Schroeder, Werner, König, Krause, Neumann, Schwartz, Gref, Mayer.

Japan always knows how to surprise the world.

Therefore, even the names of the inhabitants of this country sound more than interesting, but this does not mean at all that there are no beautiful and euphonious ones among them, however, for the Russian ear they do not always sound familiar: Tanako, Yamaguchi, Yamasaki, Mori, Ikeda, Ogawa, Goto, Ueno, Kubo, Noguchi, Matsuo, Honda, Iwamoto, Hagiwara.

The Italian language is melodious, it is heard very beautifully and melodiously, therefore, the female surnames of Italians are distinguished by melodiousness and beauty: Russia, Rousseau, Bruno, Ricci, Allegro, Rinaldi, Leone, Martini, Valentino, Monti, Bellini, Milano.

Modern Russian surnames

Despite the variety of beautiful native Russian surnames, new surnames continue to be born in Russia every year.

Here are the most beautiful of them: Avdeeva, Avdonina, Vadeeva, Vadimova, Daineko, Dankova, Kagan, Kasatkina, Nadezhdina, Ukraintseva, Rosomahin, Yagodkina.

Have you ever thought about your name? About what it means, how it sounds, is the name combined with the patronymic and surname? For sure, yes. After all, it is the first thing we tell others about ourselves.

The most beautiful, according to researchers, are names that carry a certain mystery. Many parents also choose the name of their child very carefully, focusing on how it will sound with the surname and patronymic. For example, it is obvious that a beautiful foreign name will lose its mystery and romance in combination with a Russian patronymic. According to statistics, the most common female name around the world is Anna, in Russia - Anastasia.

Beautiful and famous surnames in Russia are aristocratic. Many proudly declare that they are followers of the Romanovs, the well-known royal family. According to experts, surnames derived from the names are good: Nikolaev, Vasiliev, and especially if they have a “royal” coloring: Vasiliev from Greek is “king”. Surnames associated with the names of graceful birds and noble animals also have their own charm: Lebedeva, Zhuravleva. Those that originated from the names of professions are also considered honorary: Kuznetsova, Mayorova.

It's great that we girls can change our last name. So we, unlike men, if we wish, will not remain Fools or Krivorukov all our lives. But to choose so that the combination of the name and surname is really beautiful is not easy. Someone likes surnames with meaning, someone of noble origin, and many are now especially attracted to unusual-sounding foreign ones. It is worth paying attention to how the surname sounds not only with the name, but also with the patronymic. For example, Anfisa Petrovna Obolenskaya sounds somehow not too graceful, agree? Psychologists say that the right combination can have a positive effect on the personality. Remember the main important principle: the last letter of the surname should not coincide with the first letter of the name due to the partial loss of sound during pronunciation.

There are patronymics that will give beautiful combinations with almost any name: Andreevna, Sergeevna, Alexandrovna. More unusual, but no less beautiful, are patronymics Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Stanislavovna. As for surnames, simpler ones will also sound acceptable with Russian names, but you should be more careful with foreign ones.

Yes, at present the process of changing their initials is not so complicated, and many creative people generally use pseudonyms, which is also very important in various social networks and blogs. To select a pseudonym, it is worth sorting out a certain amount of literature, because there is a huge flight for fantasy. As for real names, if you suddenly decide to change them, then think over your decision a few more times, because it can change a lot. As for the euphony of beautiful female combinations of names, you should not chase after this, because in a person this is far from the most important thing. And certainly you should not choose the chosen one, relying only on his last name!

Almost every day we pronounce, read, hear and write the names of relatives, friends, acquaintances. Every citizen of Russia has his own surname. They are recorded in birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports and other documents. But not everyone will think about how his last name came about, and how long it has existed. We perceive it as something given, but very significant.

Why is a surname needed?

The very word "surname" entered our language quite late. It means "family" in Latin. The main purpose of the surname is to designate a single family name, which is called the whole family, not excluding the most distant relatives.

A bit of history

Every person who lives in Russia has a first name, patronymic and, of course, a surname. Of course, this was not always the case. First, a name appeared, then a patronymic, and only in the XIV - XV centuries did the first surnames appear. The first, of course, were the boyars and princes, then in the 16th-18th centuries they appeared among the nobles. In subsequent centuries, they were received by service people, merchants and ministers of the church. Peasants acquired surnames only by the end of the 19th century.

Origin of surnames

Most often, the surnames of the wealthy classes came from the name of the possessions. For example, Zvenigorodsky, Vyazemsky, Tver. Since the lands were inherited, respectively, they were transferred from father to son and surname.

Many people purchased them at the place of their birth and residence. For example, Arkhangelsk, Moskvin and others.

Surnames of the clergy: Zvonarev, Popov, Molitvin and others. A beautiful Russian surname appeared based on the names of churches and church holidays: Christmas, Assumption, Trinity. In the names you can hear the origins of the Russian army: Soldiers, Cadets, Captains. Very often they were given by the name of the head of the family: Ivanovs, Pavlovs, Mikhailovs. In addition, Russian surnames are a real pantry for the history of life and professions, the meaning of which we, at times, do not even know. For example, the Melnikovs, Bochkarevs, Telegins, Argunovs ("argun" - a carpenter).

Each surname is a riddle, which is sometimes difficult to solve.

native Russian surnames

Undoubtedly, the most beautiful surname in Russia should be sonorous, spectacular, memorable. And by right royal families are considered as such, for example Rurikovich. They cause a certain thrill in the soul.

No less sonorous is the surname Vasiliev, which means “king” in Greek.

Smirnov is the most common beautiful Russian surname. Why does she meet so often? Previously, there were many children in families, and the birth of a calm, obedient child is a rarity. Therefore, such children were called Smirny or Smyrna. Gradually, the church name was lost. Now in this surname the stress is placed on the last syllable.

Another equally common surname is Ivanov. A few centuries ago, the name John covered almost all men, especially among peasants. In fairy tales, Ivan the Fool always wins. Now some owners of this surname insist on pronunciation with an emphasis on the letter "a". This gives the names a certain nobility and sonority.

The beauty of rare surnames

The history of each family is unique in its own way. Sometimes the bearers of one surname are thousands of people, and sometimes it is unusual for us to hear any surnames. Of course, there are relatively few of them, but they exist, and they have their own stories of origin. For example, very rare one-letter surnames: O, Yu and E. There are also those that consist of one syllable: An, Yong, To and Do. Rare beautiful surnames are consonant with geographical names: Moscow, Astrakhan, America and others. Some surnames were obtained by splicing two words. Some of them sound pretty funny and make you smile: Dobryden, Zacheshigriva, Khvataymukha, Shchiborsch, Nepeyvoda, Eybogin and others. Perhaps a beautiful Russian surname is one that is considered legendary. For example, Pozharsky, Grozny, Karenina and other famous ones.

Another group of rare surnames that did not receive suffixes, but remained consonant with nouns, verbs and adverbs. For example, Frost, Magpie, Saucepan, Bite, Touch, Peck, Generously, Nothing, Sideways and many others.

Sonorous surnames for men

The man is the head of the family. And it is through the male line that the surname is passed from generation to generation. Naturally, each of the male representatives is proud of his last name, especially if it sounds beautiful. Beautiful Russian male surnames are associated with aristocratic ones, that is, those worn by tsars or nobles. For example, Romanov. This surname comes from the name Roman (translated from Latin - “Roman”), and Rome, in turn, is a model of the great and high. Therefore, the carriers of this surname may well be proud. Aristocratic names include such surnames as: Pechorsky, Vyazemsky, Lermontov, Shuisky and others. Kostomarov - from the word Kostomarov. So in ancient Russia they called strong, broad-boned and strong people. Some of the "animal" names can also be attributed to the majestic surnames. Surely, such surnames as Lvov, Sokolov or Orlov gave people with a strong character and will, those who were respected. The surname Vinogradov was very much appreciated in Russia. It was not given to everyone and everyone. She got only those who particularly distinguished themselves. Another category of harmonious surnames is the military. After all, employees always personify discipline, smartness, beauty, accuracy and accuracy. Such surnames sound solemnly: Maiorov, Gusarsky, Polkovnikov and others.

Sonorous surnames for girls

In our time, a surname is of great importance for a girl. Some even seek to change it. What beautiful Russian surnames for girls are the most harmonious? They can be found in "animal" or "bird" surnames. Zainkina, Zaichik, Zaichikova - a diminutive and affectionate form of the word suggests that a person bearing a similar surname is treated with tenderness, well.

Lebedev, Lebedushkina. Most likely, such surnames were given to people who distinguished themselves by their fidelity, grace and slender figure.

Kotik, Koshechkina - suitable for affectionate and gentle people.

A beautiful Russian surname also comes from the names of plants. Rozanova, Rozochkina - associated with the chic and graceful nature of the rose. Berezkina, Poplar, Poplar - suitable for slender tall girls. Aspen - such a surname was given to modest people.

The surname, descended from Lyubim, delights without any explanation. For example, Lyubimova, Beloved.

Surnames for girls

Surely every girl is proud of her unusual or rare surname. Belenkaya - the surname is suitable for blond girls. which are derived from female names. For example, Mashechkina, Anechkina, Tanechkina and others. Some beautiful surnames for Russian girls speak for themselves. These include the names of Sweetheart, Krasavina, Kind. Good - personifies a kind and sympathetic person. Surnames such as Zhemchuzhina or Droplet are quite suitable for girls. They sound quite unusual, but at the same time very cute and cute.

Beautiful combinations of names and surnames

Many parents, in anticipation of a baby, choose a name for their child that is combined with a surname. Indeed, it is worth considering whether the name is compatible with the surname. They should be harmonious, not cut the ear. For example, the combination of Adelaide Pupchik may cause bewilderment or a smile. In order for beautiful Russian names and surnames to be combined, it is necessary to adhere to some rules.

  1. Beautiful rare names are suitable for noble surnames.
  2. If the surname is long, then the name should be short. And vice versa.
  3. Observe the harmony of sounds for easier pronunciation (at the junction of the male name and surname there should be no combinations, as well as a large cluster of consonants).
  4. Rare names do not combine with dissonant surnames (Gloria Kozlik).
  5. You should not turn a child into a full namesake of famous people (Eugene Onegin, Ivan the Terrible). Often such children become the subject of ridicule.

There are also wonderful surnames that come from the names of military ranks and professions. Many will like, for example, the names of Generalov, Kuznetsov. But do not hide that in this case, some incidents may occur. The surname Zolotarev sounds beautiful and sonorous, but it has its origins, as they say, “with a smell” - a well-known fact, what people like goldsmiths did in Russia. And someone may consider such famous names as Diaghilev, Nabokov, Tsvetaeva beautiful. No matter how much we would like, it is simply impossible to mention all the beautiful Russian surnames in this article. We no longer mention foreign ones, such as Montmorency, Lamborghini, Poisson. This is a matter of taste and preferences of each person individually. Surnames, like parents, we do not choose ourselves. Unless the fair sex can be petty when choosing a groom.

In any case, whatever your last name is, appreciate it and love it!

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