Klara Novikova: biography and personal life of a comedian. Personal tragedies of famous comedians and comedians left behind the scenes Klara Novikova how to rest for a year

November 10, 2017

People's Artist of Russia, colleague and close girlfriend the satirist still cannot believe what happened, because Zadornov so courageously fought the disease.

photo: Global Look Press

Today comedian Mikhail Zadornov. The famous satirist died at the age of 70 after prolonged illness. The artist for a long time struggled with cancer: he had brain cancer. Fans and colleagues of the artist cannot come to terms with his death, because they were sure that the artist would be able to defeat the disease.

Iosif Kobzon, Boris Korchevnikov, Stanislav Sadalsky and a close friend of the artist Regina Dubovitskaya have already expressed their condolences. joined them People's Artist Russia and a colleague of Mikhail Zadornov Klara Novikova.

“I know Misha from his student years when he was still the head of the MAI student theater. He has a very special outlook on life, ”Novikova said in an interview with REN TV. You know, I still don't believe. We knew he had an illness. But he was so athletic. Sit on a twine, swim in cold water, ran along this coast in Jurmala. How could a disease settle in such a person? How could this head be hit? It is very sad". The comedian added that she had friendly, almost family relations with Zadornov. “Part of my life is gone,” she said.

Klara Borisovna Novikova is a Soviet and Russian conversational artist who became famous for her humorous monologues.

Clara was born and raised in Kyiv, in the family of the director of a shoe store Boris Hertser, a Jew by nationality, and his wife Polina, who was engaged in housekeeping and raising Clara and her brother Leonid. Name future star Received in honor of my paternal grandmother.

Children received strict upbringing. As the artist recalls, her father punished her brother and sister for the slightest offense, so the school drama club became the main outlet in the girl’s childhood. There, Clara received her first experience in theater performances and fell in love with the stage.

After school, Clara went to the circus variety school, which gave the girl little, except for the fact that it was there that Clara received new surname Novikov, who later became famous throughout the Soviet Union.

Since Boris Herzer categorically did not approve of the path chosen by her daughter, Clara had to leave home, and after college, the future actress leaves for Moscow, where she enters GITIS. Novikova made her debut as a pop actress of the Mosconcert under the direction of Pavel Leonidov, and in 1974 she even became the laureate of the main variety competition, having received a prize from the hands of himself. After participating in a humorous tournament, new stage in creative biography Clara Novikova.

Variety and theater

Klara Novikova performed with various numbers own composition, but the performances with monologues of other authors brought fame to the girl. Most famous character artistes - Aunt Sonya from Odessa. The first text was written by the writer Maryan Belenky, and then other comedians joined in. This image has become calling card Novikova.

Clara toured a lot around the country, appeared on television, and especially often appeared in combined concerts. popular program"Full House", which led. it comedy show later will open to the viewer another pop star -.

But in the 21st century, Novikova's position began to be squeezed, spouse. And Klara Borisovna herself was already looking away. theater stage. Soon the humor completely faded into the background.

At first, the humorist began to play in the theater of variety miniatures, which she headed, and later joined the troupe of the Israeli Gesher Theater, where Clara's dramatic talent was revealed. There, the actress made her debut in the play " Late love based on stories American writer Isaac Bashevis-Singer. This theater is still Novikova's main place of work.

The actress tried herself in literary genre. In 2001, Klara Borisovna published autobiographical novel"My Story", which was a success with fans.

Music and films

During the peak of popularity, Klara Novikova tried herself as a singer. The actress performed the highly demanded songs “Let the music sound”, “Mirrors”, “This life”, “I wish you love”. An interesting duet by Novikova was realized in the musical " The Snow Queen”, where the artists performed a comic song “Karl stole corals from Clara”. It is also worth noting the joint work of the artist with the group "Discomafia", with which Klara Novikova sang the hit "Once Upon A Time".

In the cinema, the actress first appeared in 1991 in the film adaptation of the play “How It Was Done in Odessa”. In 1999, the premiere of the comedy "You Will Laugh" took place, in which Novikova reincarnated in completely different characters, each time remaining main character stories. Also, the actress starred in the already mentioned musical "The Snow Queen" in the role of the crow Clara.

In 2004, Klara Novikova appeared mainly cast Comedy "Beware, Zadov! or The Ensign's Adventures, where the stars of Soviet and Russian cinema also starred -,.

A year later, the actress appeared in the film "Queen of the Gas Station 2" in the eccentric image of Rogneda Karpovna. In the comedy film, it was about an applicant for a theater university, Lyudmila (), who failed her exams and returned home. On the way, the bus on which the girl was traveling breaks down, and Lyudmila has to stay at the nearest gas station. Over time, the girl turns into a successful gas station employee, and then a business owner.

Personal life

The first time Klara Borisovna got married while still a student at the circus school. The husband was fellow student Viktor Novikov, who later became a drummer and a member of many Ukrainian and Russian musical groups. This marriage did not last long, but it gave Clara the name Novikov, which became famous.

The second husband of the pop artist is journalist Yuri Zerchaninov, head of the journalism department of the Yunost magazine. The couple lived in perfect harmony until the death of Yuri in 2009. The family had a daughter, Maria, who followed in her father's footsteps and also plunged into journalism, and now teaches at higher educational institutions. Thanks to her daughter, Clara Novikova has three grandchildren - children Leo, Anna and Andrei. The woman suffered the death of her husband hard and for a long time felt lonely and useless.

In 2013, the actress was diagnosed with breast cancer. The diagnosis sounded like a death sentence. After a planned operation, a long and exhausting period of rehabilitation began. The artist fell into depression because of her hand. Clara could not eat or drink pills. Helped Novikova's friend. Soon the actress returned to normal, the hand recovered, the disease did not return.

Now the personal life of Clara Novikova is the family of her daughter - adored grandchildren, with whom the actress spends her moments free from creativity. The appearance of Clara Novikova has not changed much over the years - the actress still looks youthful in the photo.

In October 2017, Klara Novikova attended the premiere of the infamous melodrama. The actress was accompanied by an imposing man. Klara Novikova answered the perplexed questions of journalists that the playwright Dmitry Minchonok, whose daughter is studying at the director's course of the Teacher, became a companion. The actress noted high quality films and games and .

Clara Novikova now

Klara Novikova continues to participate in life Russian stage. In early 2017, the actress spoke at the Moscow FM radio station, where she spoke about the imminent resumption of the Around Laughter project, but now in a new format. According to the actress, the program will include performances in the genre of satirical monologue, stand-up, theatrical miniature, sketches and parodies. Premiered April 1st long awaited show, whose TV presenter became

It is sometimes very easy to hide serious problems behind smiles and jokes.

Mikhail Zadornov, whose illness became known in October 2016, refused on principle to talk about his health in recent interviews. About the state of health and how the treatment took place, the fans learned from his official representatives. Some news appeared on the page of Mikhail Nikolaevich in the social network. In his few interviews, Zadornov spoke mainly about his work. Like many "kings of smiles" who make millions laugh, he preferred to keep his personal problems out of the public eye.

Jan Arlazorov

The famous actor and humorist was also sick with cancer - and until the last he hid his illness from everyone. Jan Arlazorov died in a Berlin clinic, where he was treated for oncology and underwent two surgeries. Two years before his death, at the celebration of his 60th birthday, he casually mentioned that he was terminally ill. AT recent months During his life, Arlazorov practically did not communicate with anyone.

After the death of the humorist, his father said that before last day Yan Arlazorov hoped that his adult daughter would visit him in the hospital Elena from marriage to an actress Yoloy Sanko. The relationship of the spouses was difficult, one day the wife simply took her daughter and left - for several years Yan Arlazorov tried to get the opportunity to see Elena. The comedian was waiting for her before last minute own life. She never came to the hospital to see her father - only for the funeral.

Elena Sparrow

The star of the "Full House" Elena Vorobey never complains about her personal life, but, meanwhile, everything in her is far from being as successful as many fans of the charming artist think, who are sure that she certainly does not suffer from a lack of male attention.

There were rumors in the press about Sparrow's numerous novels, she was married, but family happiness never happened in her life. The artist could not get pregnant for a long time - daughter Sofia she gave birth in March 2003, at age 36. Almost nothing was known about the girl's father for a long time. Elena only said that his name is Igor and he is a businessman.

Only in the fall of 2016, Sparrow said that she and Sonya's father met when he was still married, after his divorce they began an affair. Igor was in no hurry to call her to marry - and she herself was embarrassed to "accelerate" the situation. Even when she became pregnant, her beloved, although he confirmed his desire to become a father, did not take the artist to the registry office. Elena gave the girl her last name. And after a while, Igor married another, although he continued to communicate with Sparrow and their common daughter. In the spring of 2016, he died - he fell down the stairs, received a fracture of the base of the skull. Doctors fought for his life for nine months. Elena Sparrow experienced his death very hard.

Clara Novikova

In 2009, the husband of Klara Novikova, a well-known journalist, passed away. Yuri Zerchaninov with whom they lived together for almost three decades. While her husband was alive and seriously ill, Klara Borisovna did everything in her power, earned a living and for his treatment.

Zerchaninov underwent several heart surgeries, a valve was put in, but after a while it was rejected and sepsis began. The husband died in the absence of Clara Novikova. While Yuri was in the hospital after another operation, the artist had to go on tour for several days. She was informed of his death by telephone. And then Novikova reproached herself for a long time for flying away then.

Vladimir Vinokur

In 1992, the artist almost died when he was on tour in Germany in a terrible car accident. Two people who were with him in the car died, Vinokur himself received severe injuries. Doctors literally assembled him in parts, they even wanted to amputate his leg. As she later said Regina Dubovitskaya, the doctors assumed that the comedian was unlikely to be able to walk, and he would have to forget about the stage forever. Then Vinokur himself and his relatives had to endure quite a few terrible moments. Fortunately, the frightening predictions did not come true. Three and a half months later, the artist stood on crutches.

As Vladimir Natanovich himself later admitted, when he finally took the first steps after the accident, he realized: this is real happiness. According to Vinokur, the fact that he remained alive was a gift from above. After that accident, he revised his life principles and, as his friends assure, he became a different person.

Robin Williams

In August 2014, the film world was shocked by the news of the suicide of Robin Williams. Everyone was even more shocked by the fact that famous actor and the stand-up show master, who has been called the Einstein of comedy, struggled with depression for many years.

Some believed that it was because of her that he decided to commit suicide. But, as Williams' widow later said, depression was only one of the many symptoms of the disease progressing in the actor - one of the severe types of dementia.

Jim carrey

The other main movie cheerleader in Hollywood, which the audience used to consider Jim Carrey after The Mask, was officially married twice - and both times the family boat was broken. As his wives later recalled, the actor was a very difficult person, he fell into depression, then he was seized by fits of anger and rage. His girlfriends spoke similarly about Kerry.

In 2015 ex-lover actor Catriona White committed suicide. The girl's parents blamed Jim Carrey for everything that happened. Litigation followed, and the lawsuit continues to this day. After this story, Kerry became depressed, stopped shaving, grew a beard, fans note that he has aged a lot. Subsequently, he nevertheless got rid of the beard, but today it is still difficult to recognize the former Jim in the 55-year-old actor who looks noticeably older than his age.

Clara Borisovna Novikova (née Herzer). She was born on December 12, 1946 in Kyiv. Soviet and Russian pop artist, comedian. Honored Artist Russian Federation(1992), People's Artist of Russia (1997). Member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Klara Novikova was born on December 12, 1946 in Kyiv, in the family of a front-line soldier, director of a shoe store in Podil, Boris Zinovievich Herzer (1914-2004) and housewife Polina Semyonovna (d. 1997).

Brother - Leonid Herzer - a doctor, left for the United States after the Chernobyl accident in 1986, lives in San Diego, is married, his wife Elena is also a doctor. Niece Julia studies at the Medical University.

“As a child, no one told me that I was beautiful - dad kept my brother and me in tight rein, everything in the house was subject to his will. A front-line soldier who went through the whole war, he was doubtful about my choice of profession, you need to shout in the toilet with your voice “Busy!” When my mother showed him: "Borya, look, our Clara, and what kind of people are nearby - Utyosov, Brunov, Raikin ...", dad shrugged his shoulders: "So what? She's not Raikin. "I mentally proved to dad all my life that I really wanted to make him proud of me. My mother, small as a mouse, served in the Great Patriotic War in the military echelon, which delivered ammunition and uniforms to the front. At the front, she was brave, strong, at home she managed to hide your character, because it is necessary in the family. With patience, I am into it, "said Klara Borisovna.

She graduated from the Kyiv Studio of Variety and Circus Art and the Moscow State Institute of Theater Arts.

At first she wanted to be a dramatic actress, she entered Theatre Institute. I dreamed of playing Anna Karenina. But at the institute they did not see a dramatic actress in her. And then she came to the circus school. And so the artist Klara Novikova appeared on the stage - one of the best in her role.

In 1974, she became a laureate of the All-Union Variety Artists Competition, of which she was chairman of the jury.

In 1976 she was invited to the Mosconcert by its leader Pavel Leonidov and settled in Moscow.

She created hundreds of images on the stage, the most famous of which is “Aunt Sonya”. The creator of the image, the author of the first monologue of Aunt Sonya is Maryan Belenky. Subsequently, Aunt Sonya's monologues were written by other authors.

In 2008, on the embankment of Yalta near the Yubileiny Palace, it was planned to open a monument to Aunt Sonya. However, the monument was not erected and remained in the studio of sculptors Igor Lysenko and Ella Lysenko.

Since 1992, Klara Novikova has been working at the Moscow Theater of Variety Miniatures, which she directs. In the same year, Klara Novikova received the Golden Ostap professional award at the International Festival of Satire and Humor in St. Petersburg.

In 1995 she became the winner of the Arkady Raikin Cup for international festival"MORE SMEHA" in Riga.

In 2010, together with the theater "Gesher", Klara Novikova for the first time tries her hand at the role of a dramatic actress, playing the main female role in the play "Late Love" (staged by director Yevgeny Arye based on the play by Valery Mukharyamov "In the Shadow of the Vineyard", written based on the story of the laureate Nobel Prize Isaac Bashevis-Singer).

Clara Novikova - the first and the only woman, People's Artist of Russia conversational genre stage. When asked why there are so few ladies among comedians, Klara Novikova answers with the words of Mikhail Zhvanetsky: “You don’t want to laugh at a woman, you want to watch her.”

Her stage monologues always cause laughter, and she herself constantly remains the object of universal admiration. For my long creative career this inimitable artist managed to do a lot. She knows how to be infinitely different. Her heroines are bright, juicy, ironic. Any mask suits Novikova, and it is not for nothing that her specialty is the conversational genre.

"back side tragedy is laughter. If we don't make fun of what we've been through, we can't go on living. They believe that it is impossible to talk with laughter about illnesses, about grief. Why? It matters how you speak. If you can find this note, then everything is possible. In order to be funny, you need such a perception of life: to see the funny even in the most tragic events. As one of my heroines said: "It's good that they laugh at you - it's worse if they cry at you." My characters are still me. I have the option to play it or not to play it. And because I choose it, there is me in each of them. I really sympathize with them, I live life with them. Therefore, if they ask for advice, I never refuse to any of my viewers who come to me. My heroines are recognizable because I sculpt them in detail from real and concrete features, peeped in life. All these “aunts, ladies, women” are my contemporaries, real “products” of our everyday reality. I love and miss them all. In my monologues, they peacefully side by side, probably because all of us, including myself, are from the same life," says the artist.

Clara Novikova in the program "The Fate of a Man"

The growth of Clara Novikova: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Clara Novikova:

The first husband is drummer Viktor Novikov, a fellow student at the circus school.

The second husband is a sports journalist Yuri Leonidovich Zerchaninov (1931-2009), head of the journalism department of the Yunost magazine. Daughter - Maria Zerchaninova (born 1976), journalist, teaches theater criticism at the university.

She met Yuri Zerchaninov long before they got married. They were already connected by a close relationship, but Yuri kept pulling with the offer. “Friends, or rather, one of them, played a decisive role in our marriage. He told Yura quite frankly, they say, if he does not marry me, then he will do it himself. The fact is that Yura introduced me to acquaintances exclusively as a friend. And after that, he had to, so to speak, officially hit on me, "Klara Borisovna recalled.

Her husband was 14 years older than her. He lived to the age of 78, was a sick man, worried about his heart, on which he suffered complex operation. In September 2009, Zerchaninov passed away. At this moment, Klara Borisovna was on tour.

Son-in-law Boris teaches at the university ancient literature. Grandchildren: Leo (1999), Anna (2002) and Andrei (born in December 2008).

"I have a job. I have money to afford something ... I can afford to dress brazenly. By age, not by age - these are my grades! I can’t afford only one thing - rudeness. I can’t stand it Yes, in general, I feel good, although I won’t call myself very happy. Of course, it’s sad, sometimes the melancholy attacks. There is a state of complete despair. But this is the case with any person, regardless of whether you are an artist or have another profession. By the way, another quality that I can’t stand in people is arrogance, so often found in those who became famous for a week and became very proud of it. When people say to journalists: “Oh, don’t shoot me! do you ask about everything? Why then did you become an artist, if you don’t want to be filmed? They also sometimes watch me in such a way that you cry later, looking at the photo. But this is such a profession. And it’s more interesting for people to look at the artist, what he is in Everyday life. I understand all this,” says the artist.

Filmography of Clara Novikova:

1991 - How it was done in Odessa (film-play)
1994 - Yeralash - a teacher dressed as a gypsy
1999 - You will laugh
2003 - The Snow Queen - Crow Clara
2004-2005 - Beware, Zadov! - Rita
2005 - Queen of the gas station 2 - Rogneda Karpovna
2008 - Arkady Arkanov. Piano in the bushes (documentary)
2009 - Roman Kartsev. I know where crayfish hibernate (documentary)
2009 - Endless Yeralash (documentary)

Voiced by Clara Novikova:

Bibliography of Clara Novikova:

Despite her considerable age (in December she will turn 70 years old. - Approx.ed.), Klara Novikova follows modern realities. She knows perfectly well what the Internet is, uses it, but believes that the Web does not have a great influence on culture, and vice versa.


As an example, the artist cited her acquaintance with Alexander Gutin, who is known exclusively on the Internet. “Recently, it so happened that I met Alexander Gutin, whom everyone knows as a poet. This is from the series that is there ... I don’t compare, but Orlusha, let’s say, and I ... We met him, and he immediately invited me to their performance. The guys do not perform in large halls, in some clubs. I came. I was an absolute shock for them, for that audience: "Who came to us?" You know, a stranger. They did not expect. It's all the same, that Grandma Thatcher would have come there. Why would she be there? I saw amazed looks. They even squeezed a little. Sasha came on stage. The vocabulary in his poems is sometimes very profanity, right? And he even began to pronounce it in a whisper. And he looked idiotic. He still says it! What are you doing! But he almost says it with his lips ... "- began Novikova's story.

According to Clara Borisovna, the mat helps her live. “I’m already at the table for him - and there everyone is sitting at the tables, waiters walk around, bring food, - I say: “Sash, you’re not in the Kremlin! Relax and say everything. You wrote it. What are you shy about?" - "I need a little of you..." - "That's it! I know and use these words! Sasha, these words help me to live! "And that's all, somehow I took off this tension," the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the comedian.

Interestingly, Gutin managed to pull her onto the stage. “And I, a person of a different time and generation, came out. And I was so interesting to them! They applauded me through the word, did not want to let me leave the stage. So I tell them what they are interested in! Life has not changed. Life is the same. "People love the way they loved. And in the same way. And in the same way children will be born. Well ... they came up with a few more ways ... But the paraphernalia of life has become different, of course. Today life is impossible without the Internet. Impossible! You are so loaded with information, I just want to go into the web... But not into this Web, but climb somewhere, sleep off in the grass. And anyway, the time of dandelions comes. And lilacs still bloom. And chestnuts still bloom. And it's still the time of peonies. And anyway the time of rainbows and rains. And this does not depend on the Internet, "Novikova said.

In conclusion, the artist stated: “Yes, today is such a time. The Internet takes me a lot of time. I scold myself terribly. What am I watching there? But, listen, there is no Jurassic in such quantity on the Internet, but at the same time there is Jurassic. Well, there is no Sasha Filippenko, but there is Alexander Filippenko. "

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