Who became the winner in the program. The long-awaited finale of the song show on TNT

The name of the one who won in "Marry Buzova" has already become known, since. But first things first.

For about two months, ten handsome men from all over the country sought the most popular and enviable bride in Russia - Olya Buzova. The participants of the program not only went through a variety of trials and difficulties: they arranged gondola races, fought with swords, chopped firewood, showed their culinary skills, and also got acquainted with the dearest people of the singer - mother, sister and friends, but also fought the temptation to take money .

The girl herself took each ceremony seriously, and therefore the choice was not easy, because she sincerely wanted to understand who came to her, and not to the project. And she needed time to get to know every gentleman claiming her heart.

Only one man reached the final of the program, he became Denis, in whose feelings the star did not immediately believe. But only his company and signs of attention turned out to be the most pleasant for her, because it was with him that the brunette decided to spend the last week of the TV show and fully figure out her attitude towards him and his sincerity towards her.

But he tried a couple, he came from Naples to Rome, as he was not given the opportunity to explain himself to the popular presenter. The bachelor, although she listened to her ex-fiance, who confessed his feelings to her, but that was the end of their conversation, since his “train had already left”. By that time, Olya had managed to make her choice and announced it at the end of the project: the winner of “How to Marry Buzova” was the only finalist of the show -

The host of "House-2" and the singer were betrayed by her husband, and now she is choosing a groom on a new TV project named after herself. The female viewers were involved in the process of selecting the “best of the best”: the choice, frankly, is not rich, but there is a favorite. Women on social networks decided: Cheese maker Denis Lebedev is the best fit for Buzova. 33-year-old businessman Denis Lebedev is an enviable bachelor. Wealthy, smart, athletic, good-looking ... An enviable difference from other participants in the reality show - has nothing to do with show business. In addition, Lebedev was noticed several times with Buzova in real life. What is friendship or love after the project? By the way, the show has already been filmed and shown to us in the recording.

The forecast for the couple Olga Buzova and Denis Lebedev for Komsomolskaya Pravda was the star of the Battle of Psychics Nicole Kuznetsova.

1. Is there a chance that Denis Lebedev, the favorite of the viewers, will win in the TV project?

Unfortunately, such a possibility exists. But for Denis himself, it would be better if this did not happen. The very participation in the show, and even more so, the application for victory causes great secret harm to the young man. There are such secrets in this quiet pool that one should not even joke with matchmaking. The soul of Denis already belongs to a woman, and this is not Olga.

2. Does the Buzova-Lebedev couple have a future after the program?

The couple does not only have a future, but also a present. They are attracted to each other by the ability to pretend not to be who they really are. But in order to create an alliance, this is not enough. In addition, Denis and Olga do not trust each other too much. And they do it right.

3. Will Olga Buzova meet a man with whom she will start a family on a TV project to find a husband?

Olga came to the project not to start a family. She knows what love is, and understands like no one else: the show will not help her find love. Real relationships, unions, marriages are made in heaven. Real meetings do not take place under such conditions. Buzova deserves a bright and successful life, but family happiness is not about her.


Earnings of grooms from the show “Marry Buzova”: 80 thousand for wedding management, 3 thousand for training

Komsomolskaya Pravda found out how the appearance of bachelors on the air of the federal channel is monetized. It is interesting that among the participants of the project "Marry Buzova" there are many guys who, by the nature of their activities, need PR


Who will win the project "Marry Buzova": we choose a good groom for Olga

TV viewers will know the winner of the TV project “Marry Buzova” on TNT in two months. In the meantime, we propose to tell Olga Buzova who can become a worthy husband for her. Vote for a man who, in your far-sighted view, will become a reliable support for Olga (


Show "Marry Buzova": Olga and dreams of love


Olga Buzova is the star of the era, and this is not something that would be ironic. You can frown as much as you like, hearing her name, but the man turned himself into a trademark - and what did you do, as they say. Can't sing? Definitely not Whitney Houston. But people like the way she whispers - they buy tickets, moan at concerts. Maybe it's a new genre? Whisper recitation

Marry Buzova - This is not a show, this is her life !. For you - it's just a show! For her, it's life!

In February of this year, the TNT channel presented a new project in which producers Maxim Fadeev and Timati joined forces to find new faces and new music.

The hosts of the show were Pavel Volya and Ekaterina Varnava.

And now, the final concert has just ended. Kristina Kosheleva, TERRY, NAZIMA, DanyMus, Maxim Svoboda and Soufee fought for the victory.

The winner of the show Songs on TNT: who won 5 million rubles, the best performances of the star

At the final concert of the show "Songs" Timati offered the youngest member of his team a contract with the country's largest label Black Star - Dany Muse. The producer noted the guy's talent and emphasized his eccentricity.

Max Fadeev has repeatedly singled out Kristina Kosheleva among all the members of his Malfa team and offered her a contract. Despite the fact that the girl has no musical education, her voice is incredibly different from others.

Well, Terry, a member of the Timati team, became the favorite of the viewers. He got the main prize - 5 million rubles. With a small margin from Max Svoboda (Malfa), he took the lead in the voting results. The singer dedicated his victory to his mother, who was at that time in the hall.

Who won the show "Songs" on TNT?

Malfa - Maxim Svoboda,

Black Star - Oleg Ternovoy or Terry.

And here is how the places were distributed among the participants in the final of the show:

First place: Terry, contract

Second place: Maxim Svoboda, contract

Third place: Kristina Kosheleva, contract

Fourth place: Danymuse, contract

Fifth place: Nazima, contract

Sixth place: Sophie.

In recent weeks, no one doubted this - that the representative of the BLACK STAR team Terry will win the show. For a long time, Ternovoy was a dark horse and suddenly, in a few weeks, pumped the entire audience with his hits - Intercom, Megapolis, Future Former (joint performance with Creed). His songs are number one on the charts to this day. As a result, the audience voted for Oleg.

Woman’s Day found out what the members of the Grazia team, who won 1 million at the Minute of Glory, and the Pichkalevs, who earned 8 million rubles on the Dom project, are doing.

Renata and Alexey Pichkalev ("House", TNT, 2003)

In 2003, the couple abandoned the house, choosing money

In 2003, even before Dom-2, TNT launched the Dom project. Its participants were not single guys and girls, but married couples who built a house in the suburbs with joint efforts. The winners could take the cottage. But the Pichkalevs from the city of Perm, who won the first place, chose as a prize not a built house, but compensation - 8 million rubles. At that time, it was the largest cash prize in the history of Russian television.

For some time after the victory, Renata and Alexei hid from the public, which gave rise to many rumors. There was even a version that the former "house builders" died at the hands of bandits, their bodies were found in the Kama River, and the accounts were cashed by someone. But all this was not true. The children were alive and well. “For a few years after our victory in the show “Dom”, what they just didn’t write about us and didn’t talk about on TV and in the newspapers! - Renata said then in a telephone interview with our publication. “We and our relatives are already accustomed to this kind of notes. As for the money won, Alexey and I invested it in our own business.”

Prize-winning spouses "invested in beauty." To help Perm women become more beautiful, they opened a salon business school, where future cosmetologists, makeup artists and masseurs are trained. Colleagues speak of them with warmth.

“The Pichkalevs are capable leaders and good people,” shared one of the colleagues of the winning spouses. – They truly love their work and have gathered like-minded professionals around them. I'm in a hurry to work like a holiday! And the fact that the company recently moved from the old office to the new one indicates that financially, things are going well. And they are a harmonious couple. Energetic Renata and soft-spoken Aleksey complement and support each other.”

The Pichkalevs themselves say that everything is fine with them. But to all attempts to interview, they politely answer “no”. “Many media outlets, even central TV channels came to us,” Aleksey explains kindly. - But we made a clear decision a long time ago: not to give interviews. Not about the present, much less about the past... More than ten years have passed!”

At the same time, the winners of the TV show look great: well-groomed, stylishly dressed, smiling. In general, the whole appearance of the spouses says one thing - they really are doing well.

"Grace" ("Minute of Glory" on Channel One, winners in 2008)

Girls from the Perm team "Grace" won the third season of the "Minute of Glory" project. Anya Shalamova and Sasha Sudakova, as well as sisters Yulia and Nastya Istomin, showed themselves to be real princesses of the circus on the project, although they were engaged in an amateur troupe. The team was awarded 1 million rubles for the victory (for all).

This is what girls looked like in 2008

After the high point on TV, the life of the girls went back to normal. Part of the prize money went to new costumes and equipment for the team. And with the money that the young artists themselves got, they disposed nobly.

“I gave them to my dad so that he would buy a car,” says Alexandra Sudakova. “Just the day before, he had an accident, and our family needed a new car. Bought a Volkswagen.

“And there are five children in our family,” Istomin's sisters say. - So all the money went to the necessary things. It can be said for the life of our large family.”

As winners of the Minute of Glory, the girls were repeatedly invited to perform in Moscow and twice in Israel. The girls remembered the excursion to Jerusalem and swimming in the Dead Sea.

Six years have passed since the performance. All the members of "Grace" have grown into beautiful girls. Three of them are still engaged in the team. Only one left - Anya Shalamova, who is now a little over 20 years old. Sasha Sudakova is nineteen, she studies at the sports training college of the Perm Territory. Yulia Istomina graduated from high school this year and entered the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Perm Polytechnic University, and her younger sister Nastya entered the senior class and dreams of becoming a physicist. “We are not going to leave the circus. Let's keep doing it!" - promise circus acrobats.

year 2014. Julia, Nastya, Sasha and the head of "Grace" Guzel Sabirzyanova

Reading this article:

On June 2, the 1st season of the musical show Songs on TNT ended on the TNT channel. For several months, talented performers lived under the guns of cameras and prepared for weekly reporting concerts.

From Timati's team, an 18-year-old nugget reached the final, hard-working and no less talented and the most purposeful and ambitious participant.

The brightest show with the participation of the finalists and the brightest participants of the project was an excellent end to the Songs. So in the finale, s, s and appeared on the stage.

Publication from Black Star(@timatiofficial) Jun 3, 2018 @ 7:33am PDT

The winner of the project was chosen by the audience through online voting. The final concert culminated in the announcement of the results of the audience voting, as well as the decision of the producers on which of the finalists will sign a contract with their labels.

Max Fadeev preferred young Kristina Kosheleva from Sysert, which impressed the famous producer from the first audition. Timati once again noted the unique feature of the girl's voice:

“This is a natural gift - the ability to switch registers and move from pure vocals to splitting and vice versa,” the rapper said. “This is a special structure of the vocal apparatus.”

Timati himself also relied on youth and energy. Of his trio, he preferred to sign a contract with Danymuse. According to the producer, the young man has a great future, because he represents something fresh in music. On the Russian stage, Daniil is unlike anyone else.

The audience determined the fate of the winner and the owner of the prize in the amount of 5 million rubles. First, Pavel Volya announced the names of the leaders of both teams. They were Maxim Svoboda and Oleg Ternovoy.

As a result, the host announced that the winner of the Song on TNT is Terry. Former paramedic, actor of the Academic Russian Drama Theater of Uzbekistan, has no musical education. He dreamed of a contract from as much as 5 years and was confidently moving towards this goal on the project.

The jury of the project noted that in the middle of the season, the guy shot and literally conquered the audience with hit compositions every next, both solo and in duet with other performers. For example, the track "Future Ex", performed together with became an absolute hit among iTunes users.

A real gift for fans of Khabib Sharipov, who did not make it into the final six, was the news that Fadeev decided to sign a contract with him as well. And this means that listeners will definitely hear new hits performed by the guy.

The producers noted that the story of the project participants is just beginning. From July, young people will go on a long tour of the cities of Russia, which will include about a hundred cities. The audience will be able to see the best participants of the show with their own eyes and hear their favorite songs live.

On June 4, at the Black Star private party, Timati announced that all three finalists of his team, and not just Danymuse, were becoming the label's new artists.

Did you like the finale of the Songs on TNT and its results? Whose performance was the best and did Oleg and the rest of the guys deserve the victory? Share your opinion with us in the comments!

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