Script to represent the team. Business card of the team at the "safety school" competition




Bauman secondary school

  1. Business card. Team presentation.

(Exit under the rustic motive. Transition to the REP style)

We went on stage, there is no turning back.

We tell you - Egindykol, hello!

Here we are in front of you - to calm the trembling in the knees,

Of course, what to hide here, we are a little worried.

With trepidation in our hearts, we have been waiting for this moment,

Can we atone for this in applause?

Most of all, the team of school two confuses us,

As we think about them - dizzy.

We declare the purpose of the speech directly -

And there are no other ideas at all!

We sincerely say to our rivals “Hello!”

The main thing in the game is not victory, but participation.

We will try to be more modest -

Laugh in moderation, joke in moderation.

If the jury doesn't like our jokes,

Let it lightly scold us for it.

We will go down to the hall if the stage is not enough.

On the stage - the team "Provincials"!

And now let me introduce you to the members of our team: the formal captain of the team, Terekh Vladislav, does not have any outstanding abilities, but his dad is a businessman, and we need sponsors so much!

The informal leader of the team, the genius Goncharuk Vladimir, unrecognized by the teachers, the operational pseudonym is Vovka-Yeralash!

Another non-standard personality is Vitalik. Our school psychologist claims that Vitalik is an indigo child. So far, we have not found anything indicative in Vitalik. His only merit to the team is that he wrote the script for our performance in 20 minutes.

It is not so important to introduce the rest, just remember them in person - perhaps they will be useful to you at the regional KVN!

(Song to the tune of "Cruel Romance")

And finally, I will say - let's be tolerant,

Friendly, courteous...

What else can we wish for?

And all that remains is a fun game!

(Song "Everything Changes")

Everything changes in our age of change, in the movement of days the rotation of problems.

Good luck, the star, of course, will rise, the one who goes forward will find the way.

Good afternoon, friends, good hour!

We wish you all good luck.

And no matter who the best of us

Just let all KVN make friends!

(Leaving the stage)

  1. Homework.

(Entering the stage. The song “But we don’t care!”)

In the light yellow steppe, where only the distance is visible,

Somewhere out there, among the fields, a village was lost.

We rushed from there to here with the whole team.

We were very lucky to perform at KVN

We do not care! We do not care!
How we perform is up to you to judge.

And this plot is not for the sake of victories,

We just want to cheer you up!

(The team leaves, three remain, continue to sing and dance. Three come out, stop the dance)

We're all fooling around! It's time to get down to business!

Yes, we are already doing business - we show how cheerful and mobile everyone is at our school!

Here you go, mobile! Because of this mobility of yours, our school in the district is considered unlucky!

No first places in the Olympiads, no high scores in the UNT!

So what to do?

Friends, let's glorify our school in some unusual way!

Let's write an opera about school!

And where to find professional opera singers?

(singer exits)

ALL: Who are you?

Singer: Me?! Robertino Loretti is a famous Italian singer!

We don't believe, prove it!

(Sings "Santa Lucia")

We do not need foreigners, we will manage on our own!

Or maybe write a symphony about our school?

And what? Idea!

So - a classic situation: the director's office, the director of the school himself, the head teacher, the organizer and the loser, whom they are going to re-educate. And now let's shift everything to symphonic music.

(Performance of a parody on wind instruments)

Do you know how the popular TV show among many schoolchildren appeared?

Drawing lesson, 5th grade.

I asked you to draw a grain field. Ksyusha, Sobchak, what did you depict there?

I drew a house.

Oh, Dom-2, there is something in this!

Little-known historical facts...
1: - Almost no one knows that the art of artistic weaving originated precisely in the Bauman school - there a student wove such a thing about her absenteeism!

2: - Almost no one knows that modern educators are increasingly inclined to think that in the last century the best study guide there were rods.
3: - Almost no one knows... These are the results of the unified national testing in our school!

And let's talk about something beautiful, lyrical ...

Yes Yes! After all, outside the window is a beautiful autumn, which inspired A.S. Pushkin to write such poems. As there?

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

What do you think, my friend, would Pushkin dare to fall in love with autumn if he lived today?

I don't understand your sarcasm!

Well, imagine… Alexander Sergeevich is going from Baumansky to Egindykol on a rainy day. autumn sometimes on our off-road and firmly bogged down in the mud for a couple of days.

But if this happens in our civilized time, then Pushkin would certainly use the cellular connection and call for help.

("Call me, call")

I remember that day two years ago, when the world-famous Beeline company promised to establish a cellular connection in Baumanskoye ...

(“Forget about this day, Beeline doesn’t need us!”)

Do you know what the abbreviation "Bilain" means?

Translated from English, approximately "bee connection"

And here is the Russian version of the word Bilain: Baumantsy and Ladyzhentsy,

Armand And Hope.

(Breaking the letter "H")

Who broke the inventory? You?

No, not us!

Do you have an alibi?

We have ALIBI!

What does the ALIBI holding mean for the Baumants?

I explain! Absolute Leader And Flawless Investor.

What is ALIBI, what is he known for in the steppe?

This is a grain holding, all so very cool.

Alibi, Alibi, Alibi, love our school more!

And save our village, Alibi, Alibi, Alibi!

Now understand what an Alibi is?

Not really!

Well, you are a village!

So what, what a village!

(rap and song)

Maybe what makes me different from the guys from the city,

But really, I vouch - I'm no worse than them!

Well, just think - a village, well, just think - a collective farm!

For fun, the village where I was born and grew up!

Let them tell us that there are other lands,

That there is another beauty in the world

But we love our native places,

Your own, dear places!

I want to climb to the top, I want to

And from there I will shout with delight to the whole world:

I love you, my village, here is my homeland,

And I will not exchange you for the best edges.

(Insert - in Kazakh and English)

What don't you like, boss?

And our region is celebrating its anniversary!

Friends, it seems to me that we swim too shallow!

What don't you like, boss?

You need to think bigger! After all, the homeland is not only our village, it is our whole country, our region!

And our region is celebrating its anniversary!

And it would be a shame for us not to remember this!

(Song "Felicita")

Egindykol, you are the capital of the region, you are like a free bird,

Egindykol, you celebrate forty years and you shine proudly,

So, let me congratulate you on your anniversary and glorify it in a song!

Yegindykol, Yegindykol!

Where can we find such words to sing you, little Motherland!

Let rumors spread around the world, let everyone know about you,


(Leaving the stage)

Business card school team "Adrenaline" was compiled to represent the team at the competition "Safety School" in Noyabrs in 2009.

Business card of the Adrenaline team

MOU "Kharpskaya secondary school" April 2009,

Noyabrsk, School of Survival

Who walks together in a row?

All: Our detachment near the Urals!

Where are we expected to visit today?

ALL: Well. of course, on tour!

One, two, we stand still!

ALL: We have two legs together!

Captain. Right! Once! Two!

I wish you good health to the judiciary and all the personnel! Team "Adrenaline" in full force to present business cards built! Commander of the visiting card POPOV Nikita

TO. Allow me to present the readiness of the arrived Adrenaline team to participate in the 6th rally of the Safety School competition!

To. Cadet Stovpivsky!

To. Cadet Stovpivsky is responsible for the allowance!

To. Cadet Stetsik!

I! I'm here!

Why not by statute? Cadet Stecik is responsible for…. Pleasure! Come on, tell me a joke!

Stecik. Yes please! Here is an anecdote on the topic of the day, about tourists.

The Tourist and the Bear collided to the nose.

-Who are you? - asks the bear?

- I am a tourist!

- No, I'm a tourist, and you are a tourist's breakfast!

But travel radio jokes:

The wind in the head is not favorable!

Every tourist has the right to the left!

Tourism Veteran Parameters 90-60-90. 90 - age, 60 - weight, 90 - backpack weight

Captain. Enough. Young man, don't you want to meet us? And you're right, you don't want to! Diana Balkenova is responsible for public relations! Here she will introduce us all!

Captain. So, where do we have intelligence? Allow me to introduce: intelligence Ruslan and Igor, no Igor and Ruslan. Damn, I can't remember! How are we doing with the reconnaissance of the distance? Where are the judges of the KP put? Where did they hang the parachutist?

Parasochka. Closer to 12 pm we will go out to reconnaissance and find out everything!

Captain. Fulfill! And here is our super-intellectual Yevgeny Khorolsky! Yesterday, the secret cipher of the Pentagon was cracked again, our pride is a hacker!

Captain. And who is responsible for the demoralization of rivals?

Khorolsky. Comrade Captain! Allow me to apply! Can I be responsible for the demoralization of the female half?

Ksyusha. I am responsible for the male half. I can sing. ( song "Love, girls")

Captain. Team! Equal. Attention! Let me report! Everyone on the team knows their stuff. All team members are represented! At ease!

Maleev. Comrade Captain! Allow me to apply! We scouted the morale of the team.

Captain. Excellent! Urengoy? Nadymchan?

Maleev. No way! Your team!

Captain. Interesting. What dug up? Who is untrustworthy among us? Where is the weak link?

Parasochka. Ksyusha! She is in her mental abilities doubts.

Captain. Let's find out now!!! Cadet Sukhlyak Xenia! Break down! To me!

What problems?

Dryer. She rubbed her leg. Dropped off a stretcher! Oh. I'm such a fool! My mother told me: “Ksyusha, why do you need this circus? Running with ropes among the trees? Don't go! I'll buy you new boots!" And I told her: “No! Want! I'll go for the fog and the smell of the taiga! There are fires, a forest, homing crossings, boys

And now I myself don’t know who is right, me or my mother? My leg hurts, my knee was torn off, the bastards boys dropped me on the descent! ... But I like it here, adrenaline in my blood!

Maybe it's not by chance that I'm here? Can I find myself here and understand?

Song Yura.

Captain. One is ripe, ready! Now she will be sick of tourism all her life!

Enough Lyrica!!! Let's take an oath!

Team! To take the oath of allegiance to the tourist brotherhood, stand still! Start taking an oath!

Tourist oath.

“We, who voluntarily agreed to participate in the Safety School competitions, (everyone repeats)

in front of the panel of judges and the entire tourist fraternity of Yamal (repeat)

we solemnly swear: (repeat)

  • not to part until old age with skis, the main rope and auxiliary, carabiners, helmets. WE SWEAR!
  • standing, lying and crawling to overcome all obstacles that arise on the way; WE SWEAR!
  • create difficulties for yourself every day and courageously overcome them; WE SWEAR!
  • love the forest, wander on the water, overcome the mountains! WE SWEAR!

Congratulations to the tourist

Again the tea in the pot boiled,
The backpack dries out by the fire,
And the bivouac rang with a guitar,
Well, tomorrow - on the road in the morning:

Happy holiday to all of you, fellow tourists,
May the mountains not be steep for you!
May your path be smooth and clear
And the backpack is full of good dreams!

Song. "Time to go"

Team card for the regional competition "I think, I know, I act"

Captain: Team? Where is this team? Where did you disappear to? And what now to take the rap one?

Girl1: What are we for? Come on girls!!!

Girl2: What's going on here?

Captain: Competition is happening! With a very serious name!

Girl3: This with what such a serious?

Captain:"Think, Know, Act"

Girl 4: And why are you so nervous? We are students of the school named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin! It is impossible for us not to think and not to know, let alone to speak of action.

Girl 1: So, the team for a serious competition should be called "Erudite". And the motto will be made from the letters of the name! Ready?

Captain: « Scrabble» means energetic

Girl 2: Resolute!

Girl3: Successful!

Girl 4: Thinking!

Girl 1: Intelligent!

Girl 2: Creative!

Captain: Personalities!

Girl3: What can we tell about ourselves?

Girl 4: Lots of!

I am gifted by nature

In love with the beautiful world!

I want to know everything about him in order to resist in life!

Girl 3 I love teaching, learning

Always strive for knowledge

In practice, to get them

And apply successfully!

Girl1: Let's be short!

Girl2: Let's try. So, pupils of the 4th grade of school No. 2 of the city of Mozdok can read, write, count ...

Girl 3: analyze, synthesize, create, design

Girl 4: draw, imagine, embody, describe, expound

competition, whether comedy show or a marathon, always requires a thorough approach. Especially when it comes to team game, because if you can improvise alone, then in a group competition, coherence of actions is required. Therefore, it is so important to think through everything before the start of the event, including the presentation of the team.

But what is so important about this? Why is everyone so eager to make their presentation of the team perfect now? Well, the answer is simple, but let's talk about everything in order.

Why is it so important not to blunder at the very beginning?

We think everyone remembers the scenes from the film, where they show how warriors shout a battle cry before a large-scale battle? The feeling that arises at this moment is difficult to convey. in simple words. It seems that another moment - and you yourself will rush with them into the thick of the battle, scattering enemies to the right and left.

The same feeling should arise in people when they listen to the greeting of the team. It should bewitch them, capture their hearts and minds, so that during the competition the audience would support their favorites with applause.

Also, the performance should reflect the whole essence of the team, show it. Obviously, it will not work without preliminary preparation, therefore, a few weeks before the event, or even earlier, you need to start rehearsals.

What does it take to successfully represent a team?

Representing a team at a competition is not an easy task, and you can't imagine it in half an hour. Therefore, gather all the participants in advance and start thinking about how to present yourself to the public.

To do this, let everyone express their ideas. Practice has repeatedly proven that collective thinking gives better results than the elimination of single ideas. Besides, as they say, one head is good, but two is better.

So, what does it take to successfully represent a team?

  1. Name. Where without it, because then how to stand out from the rest?
  2. Business card. It is she who will be the chip that will convey to the public all the necessary information about the group.
  3. Slogan. Every self-respecting team has a "chants", which, in theory, should be remembered by the audience the first time.

These three elements are able to make the presentation of the team unforgettable. Therefore, they need to be worked out all, while carefully sorting through each of the components.

Team presentation: business card, name and slogan

So, you should start with the name. After all, it should sound good and at the same time reflect the whole essence of the team. I would like to point out one point: quite often collectives take the names of their institutions and enterprises. On the one hand, this increases recognition, and on the other hand, it may sound too banal, and sometimes even tasteless. After all, who will cheer for the Budenskaya Sausage football team?

A slogan is a small sentence that serves as a motto. First, he must speak well so that the public immediately remembers him. Secondly, the saying should be funny and, in addition, carry a certain meaning. For example: “If to be, then to be the best!” or "Do not look at the steps of others, otherwise you will fly off the road!".

A business card can have a different shape and presentation style. It all depends on the genre and the level of the competition. So, in KVN, a whole number is allocated for a business card, and for a sports competition, a regular website is enough, which contains all the necessary information.

The main thing is to be yourself

And most important rule is to be yourself. If the team stays stiff on the stage, then it will not be interesting to look at it, and then even a well-prepared performance will not help to change the attitude towards oneself. The same goes for sporting events.

Therefore, participants should not be afraid or shy. The public loves fighters who are ready to do anything to win. And if any of the teams manage to prove that they are exactly like that, then the hearts of the audience will certainly "get" them.

Municipal state educational institution
average comprehensive school with in-depth study individual items town of Falenki, Kirov region

Tourist of the Year!
(scenario of the introduction of the tourist team)

Explanatory note3
Purpose and objectives4
1. Explanatory note
Tourist rally - main sports holiday our region. Along with sports and intellectual competitions, teams show themselves as part of the "Team Presentation" contest, in which it is necessary to express themselves clearly and in an original way.
The main criteria of this competition are: mass character, musicality, integrity, compliance with the regulations.
The organizers of the competition give the teams the right free choice introduce yourself. And this is the main difficulty: how freely, naturally, without repeating yourself, in one breath, show yourself, talk about the team and each of its members.
The developed scenario was tested at 52 district tourist competitions for schoolchildren. The team of students from our school took second place in the competition "Representation of teams" (Appendix 1).
The scenario of the event is designed for students in grades 6-10.
This methodological product is intended for the organizers of tourist and local history work, class teachers, counselors and head teachers for UVR.
2. Goals and objectives
Purpose: to promote the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the promotion of tourism as an important means of educating the younger generation.
Development creativity students, speaking skills and expressive reading;
Rallying children's team through the event
Education of kindness, a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance, confidence in one's strengths and abilities.
3. Scenario
Fanfares sound (Appendix 2). Leaders come out.
Host 1: Good evening, dear friends!
Presenter 2: We are glad to see you all at the next 52nd Annual Tourist of the Year award ceremony.
Presenter 1:
We all have one thing in common
What matters most.
They call us tourists
Tourism is one tribe.
Host 2:
Tourist is a huge concept. These are hikers, orienteers, TPT-shniki, and just people who like to sit by the fire and sing songs.
Host 1: Do you like to play cards?
Host 2 (surprised): Yes.
Presenter 1 (shows orientation maps): Look how many maps I have!
Presenter 2 (takes cards and reads): Oh, this is the Bobino map, the Beryozka camp, and even the map of the village of Murygino. Yes, where we just did not navigate!
Presenter 1: So, we announce the first nomination "They came out of the forest." Nominated for the award: Nadezhda Byakova - Falenki village, Anna Votintseva - Oktyabrsky village, Elena Korzunina - Talitsa village.
Presenter 2: These girls are the leaders of our region in orienteering. But who was the winner?

Presenter 2: Of course, you are our earthly compass.
We can't live without you.
And most importantly, we are good with you.
Without you in the team - a mess.
The winner of the nomination is Byakova Nadezhda!
handed a figurine
Presenter 1. The next nomination is "Not only tied with a rope." The nominees of this group are not only tourists, but also old friends.
With friendship, bad weather is not terrible,
With friendship - life is full in spring.
A friend will share the pain and joy,
A friend will support and save.
With a friend - even an evil weakness
In an instant, it melts and leaves.
Believe, keep, appreciate friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
She will serve you.
Friendship is a priceless gift!
Host 2: Who is this?
Presenter 1: The nominees were: Alexey Shuklin and Nikolay Khaimin - Oktyabrsky village, Lyubov Domracheva and Anna Markina - Falenki village, Liliya Ulyanova and Victoria Fominykh - Oktyabrsky village.
Take out an envelope with the name of the winners
Presenter 2: They have been together since the first class, their voices merge into a single whole, their legs have traveled more than a dozen kilometers along native land. And these are two clever, beauties. LYUBA AND ANIA.
Hand over a figurine one for two
Presenter 1:
Romance - a fire and a bowler hat,
Pine or deciduous woods,
Here is singing to the guitar by the fire,
Dew covers the beginning of the day.
Presenter 2: And where is the romance here? Mosquitoes, ticks, acrid smoke, now hot, now cold! Brr!
Host 1: It's all nonsense! Every corner of our country is beautiful in its own way.
Presenter 2: Then I propose the following nomination - "Hospitable Land".
Presenter 1: Dear friends, who would you nominate?
Spectators propose nominees. it settlements where tourist competitions have ever taken place.
Presenter 2 (touches the earpiece): The director suggests that the results are ready. Now we will be given an envelope with the winner.
Take out an envelope with the name of the winner
Presenter 1: We invite Sergey Alexandrovich Beltyukov to receive an award.
handed a figurine
Host 2: And now, by tradition, we will give you our song!
The whole team leaves. Lined up in a row.
Alexei: Stop, stop, stop. We have forgotten the most important thing.
Maxim: Let's congratulate those for whom this tourlet is the last in their team.
Anna: We have it - Kultysheva Natalia and Byakova Nadezhda.
Presenter 1: Let's smile just like that,
Give smiles to random people.
What would not be for a penny, and not for a quarter,
And just smile at them!
Presenter 2: To everyone who was friends, friends and will always be friends, our song is dedicated!
The team performs a song to the melody of the Bravo song "Orange Tie" (Appendix 2.)
1. How to map for a geologist
Like a halt for a tourist
Everyone on our team
Became my faithful companion
At the hour when I smile
Or heart trouble
Our friendly team
Always with me
May we never rain
Dawn in Africa
And we won't make a fire
In the jungle at night
But we know for sure on earth
There is no stronger friendship
The light that gives everyone
Happiness is with you

2. If you are in this world
Can't live without a smile
If you are a romantic at heart
So you and I are friends
Well, when it gets sad
Don't give up on fate
Remember your team
Friendship will help you.
All team members, holding hands, bow to thunderous applause.

4. Used literature
1. Borisova O.V. Business cards of teachers for the competition "Teacher of the Year" // " Last call", 2009, No. 10.
2. Voevodina N.P. Musical scene " healthy image life"//"The Last Call", 2010, No. 11.
3. Gerasimova E.A. Agitation team “A healthy mind in a healthy body” // “Last Call”, 2011, No. 5.
4. [ Download the file to see the link ]
5. [ Download the file to view the link ]
6.www.[ Download file to view link ]
7. [ Download the file to view the link ]
8. [ Download the file to see the link ]

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