Household signs for the home - how to keep peace in the family. Important signs to know

It's no secret that people have long believed in various signs. The Russian people tried to do everything exactly according to these signs, so as not to harm themselves or loved ones, or vice versa, so that there would be good luck. Someone believes in folk omens, but someone does not. This is everyone's business. And here we will see what folk signs our ancestors observed, and many people still use them.

1. Eat from cracked dishes - unfortunately

2. After the sunset, you can’t lend money - they won’t return it

3. Wear a pin on your clothes - protect yourself from the evil eye

4. Giving knives - to a quarrel. You have to pay a penny to get by.

5. Find a horseshoe - fortunately. And for this happiness to be - it must be hung over the door.

6. Find a button - to trouble

7. Break a mirror - to trouble

8. Wipe the table with paper - to a quarrel

9. Spilling tea - to a misunderstanding

10. Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel. To avoid a quarrel, you need to throw a pinch of this salt over your left shoulder.

11. A teaspoon floats in a glass - for a gift

12. Eat peas on an empty stomach - you will jinx someone

13. Eat from a knife - you will be angry

14. Say hello and goodbye on the threshold - to a quarrel

15. Whistle in the house - there will be no money

16. A frog jumped into the house - good luck

17. A black cat crossed the road - there will be no luck. It is necessary to break the twig into two parts and throw them in different directions or cross the index and middle fingers and walk as you walked

18. If the groom stepped into a puddle in front of the bride's house, then he will be a drunkard all his life

19. If the groom stumbles during the wedding, it means that he was not sure of his choice.

20. To rock an empty cradle - there will be no more children.

21. To finish drinking after someone - to take his sins upon yourself.

22. A crow bathes in the yard - unfortunately.

23. A bird flew into the house - to the news.

24. How many cuckoos cuckoo - so many years you will live.

25. Building a house in old age - to a quick death

26. Forgetting something somewhere means you will return there soon.

27. Throw out garbage in the evening - be robbed

28. The icon fell - to the dead

29. Stick a knife into bread - to hunger

30. Sweeping the floor after a guest leaves is bad luck for that guest.

31. Met someone with an empty bucket - so the day will be empty

32. Hiccups started - someone remembers

33. Did not recognize a familiar person - so he will be rich

34. Accidentally meeting a funeral procession on the road is a great success.

35. A fly got into the soup - a gift

36. Kick a cat - the children will be capricious

37. Put on clothes inside out - either for a booze, or you will be beaten

38. The keys are on the table - to a quarrel

39. Losing a glove is unfortunately

40. Two yawned at the same time - so they get drunk together

41. The right palm itches - to profit, the left - to a loss

42. Itchy ears - to the news

43. Sit between two people with the same name - to fulfill a desire

44. Sitting on the corner of the table - to celibacy

45. Swearing in the house - to the death of flowers

website - interesting and funny facts about everything in the world.

In general, I always say that I don’t believe in any signs, but when it comes down to it, I spit over my left shoulder, and in the mirror I show my tongue to the reflection and go around the black cat.

With TTT through the left shoulder it is clear - this is probably purely automatic.

I don’t remember who taught me, but if I have to return home (cross the threshold and enter), then on the way back, when I leave, I always look in the mirror and show my tongue to the reflection. To many this will seem nonsense, but I think that I'm not the only one.

As for black cats, I had a case in my childhood: I learned to ride a two-wheeled bicycle in the yard, a black cat ran across the road, I fell onto the curb along with the bike, my knees and elbows were knocked down, in blood ... a classic of the genre) It was probably a coincidence. Or maybe not. Since then, I really dislike black cats and try to avoid them.

Another classic sign is to sit on the track. Believe it or not, but if the whole family sits down, then I ...
Superstitions can be useful, because in some of them many years of folk wisdom are concentrated
Photo by Anatoly ZHDANOV and PHOTOXPRESS.
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Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Center for the Study of Man Oleg POMERANTSEV: signs and superstitions
Good luck awaits the bride who marries in old shoes.
Quite a reasonable sign: why would a newlywed who will have to be on her feet for a long time, meeting guests and then dancing until night, bloody calluses? Just break in your new shoes before the wedding.
If the groom sees the bride's dress before the wedding, the marriage will be unsuccessful.
In many countries, this ban was placed not only on the groom. Before the ceremony, only the bride herself and the seamstresses could see the bride's dress, so that it would not be jinxed and ... not stolen, because the dress was given as a dowry and they tried to make it as rich as possible. And who needs a bride without a dress and without ...


Should we believe the signs that accompany our daily life? To what extent do Russians tend to believe in omens (statistics)? What are the church superstitions? We offer you selected articles on the topic “Signs and Superstitions” that will give answers to these questions.

13 most common and stupid signs and superstitions

We are superstitious people, so we believe that Friday the 13th is bad, but finding a coin is good.

Many superstitions are related to the same thing that makes us believe in monsters and ghosts: when our brain is not able to explain something, we shift the responsibility to supernatural forces. In fact, last year's research showed that superstitions can sometimes work, because believing in something can make a task "done" better.

13. Beginners are lucky

This is the idea that a beginner has an unusually high chance of winning when they first start any kind of activity, be it a sport, a game, or…

For a long time I was looking for where to put the question and stopped here ... If it’s off topic, tell me where you need it.
But the question is this. The fact is that my husband will soon turn 40 years old. And although this event will only be in August, acquaintances and friends are already asking for a visit. And the husband keeps saying that men cannot celebrate their forties (I myself heard about this) And now I don’t know what to do, whether to arrange a holiday or not. What do you, dear members of the forum, think about this?

42 years
ukraine cherkasy

all signs are nonsense, do not hammer your head. We have an employee at work celebrating her 40th birthday 2 years ago. So I'll tell you everything is fine with her, and everything is fine with her. And if you think about the bad all the time, then you yourself attract everything negative. Thoughts tend to materialize. So it's good to note DR.

Do you believe in omens? Until recently, I believed in everything I knew:

Sprinkle salt - quarrel

If you come back to look in the mirror, otherwise there will be no road

Itchy right palm - say hello

The left palm itches - for money

The bird is trying to fly into the glass - bad news

Do you believe in omens?

Many blindly follow the instructions: a black cat crossed the road - there will be no road, which means that someone needs to go first. And so people stand and wait for a passer-by who will cross this line. Sometimes there is a whole line of people who want to finally cross the forbidden line. Don't you recognize yourself?

What do omens mean? What will make sense at all? Do I need to believe in omens?

I will tell you this: only those signs that you believe in come true. If you do not pay attention at all, then they will not come true.

Usually signs denote some kind of event, good or bad ....

Since ancient times, people have been afraid of inexplicable things that are associated with folk signs. Despite great progress in science, many people continue to wonder whether it is worth believing in omens, and also whether superstitions really come true. This article will help answer these questions.

What are omens?

As many scientists say, signs cannot be considered something special and mystical. For the most part, signs are called some natural phenomena that people, thanks to self-hypnosis, associate with certain events in their lives. This is due to the fact that most people throughout their lives are trying to predict fate and somehow influence it. That is why people want to see something mysterious in their lives that will portend bad or good events. True, earlier this fact was justified by the desire to get a good harvest or achieve excellent results in hunting. And now signs and superstitions have become the lot of sorcerers ...

My housemate recently gave birth to a wonderful daughter, she will soon be a year old, but no one has seen her. When she was pregnant, we often talked to her, sometimes we went to visit, and now she always walks with a stroller covered with something dark and does not allow anyone to look at her child, does not tell anything about him. I understand, of course, that it is possible that she is afraid of the evil eye, but not to the same extent as to cover the stroller with a dark mourning cloth, who already needs to harm her child there. Therefore, I wanted to know what folk signs are for a newborn, and what signs do you believe in, if you believe of course?

Do you believe in omens?

It is amazing, but today many people, like centuries ago, believe in signs and other superstitions. The reason for this is, apparently, the fact that few of us think about the origin and history of superstition. At the same time, it is quite obvious that they were born out of delusion and have been supported by it for thousands of years. The source of this delusion was the inability of primitive man to establish causal relationships in nature. Humanity at an early stage of its development was distinguished by the amazing naivety characteristic of young children. Everyone noticed in their child extremely strange judgments about the world around them. For example, children believe that the wind blows because the trees shake their branches. Cause and effect are erroneously defined here, which is quite natural for a child's mind, which is not adapted to the logical thinking of an adult. Needless to say, sometimes adults themselves argue, ignoring all logic.


Breaking dishes is fortunately, the more fragments, the more happiness. The frying pan fell to the guest. A spoon or a fork fell - wait for a woman in the house, a knife fell - a man will come. If you don't want guests, tap with the back of a knife. I often have this omen come true. If a large spoon falls, then the mother-in-law will definitely come. If you are waiting for a guest for dinner, and he is late, you need to shake the tablecloth on the table - he will come. The hostess's apron is untied - for unexpected guests. How unexpected it is, if the omen has already warned. How do you feel about salt? If I spill salt, then to a quarrel, but not necessarily with my husband. There may be unpleasant conversations at work, or you will quarrel with someone in the store. Sometimes you find fault with your son for no reason. So, in order for peace to reign in the family, you need to throw three pinches of salt over your left shoulder. At the table, pass the salt with a smile, but it’s better to let the guest take the salt shaker himself. Interestingly, in the age of space and computers, does anyone adhere to these traditions? I happen…

In the 21st century, there is a lot of debate about whether to believe in omens. Today we will try once again to understand this issue and find the truth. Signs are millennial observations of our ancestors, which helped them predict future events and protect themselves from impending misfortunes. Every modern person has the right to think and believe only in what seems truly true to himself. But one should not be absolutely skeptical about signs. You just need to learn to see the signs that fate sends to you. You do not need to try on all the signs. Observe the events that take place in your life, and try to establish a pattern between the cause (the sign that was given to you) and the effect that followed this sign. Then you will learn how to create your own signs that will carry a hidden meaning just for you.

Signs of our ancestors

But there are also common signs that apply to everyone, writes These are signs…

"Do not buy! Don't take pictures! Don't hang laundry! Do not go! Do not say! Don't sit down! Don't pick it up! Do not eat! Do not drink!" - all these prohibitions and advice are poured on a pregnant woman from all sides, from grandmothers, sisters, aunts, girlfriends. What to do, is it worth paying attention to all these tips? Yes, it's worth it!

As a rule, all signs are divided into two groups:

signs with a real basis, and baseless superstitions.

Signs to listen to

You can not eat red, because the child will also be red. This sign should be interpreted as follows: if you eat exotic fruits growing in other countries, then this can cause the baby to develop and subsequently persistent ...

Re: FOLK SIGNS… what are there and do you believe?

You can't cut your hair while pregnant

This is one of the most common superstitions. The sign goes back to ancient times, when hair was partially saved from the cold. It was believed that it was in the hair that the life force of a person was hidden. A large number of prohibitions in general were associated with hair: it was impossible to comb it out and throw it into the wind; cutting, washing and combing hair was allowed only on certain, strictly stipulated days.
To part with your hair meant to reduce your vitality, shorten your life, or, at the very least, deprive yourself of prosperity. But from the point of view of medicine, a haircut cannot cause any harm to the health of a woman and her unborn baby.
Hormones produced during pregnancy have a positive effect on hair growth and structure. Therefore, the hair becomes strong, thick, silky. Many women note that their hairstyles look much better. However, if a woman wears...

Almost everyone, consciously or not, believes in various signs that are sent to us from above. These are horoscopes, signs, all kinds of rituals and rituals. Everyone throws coins into the sea, lake or fountain to return. They pronounce strange phrases, for example, “no fluff, no feather”, send their well-wishers “to hell”, hold fists and the like. There is hardly a person who has not met a fortuneteller at least once in his life.


The most popular as signs of fate are signs. And those are the ones you know. In fact, there are a great many signs. Every nation has its own signs. And if you don’t know about some sign, then it will mean nothing to you. But if you know about the sign, and there is a certain file about it in the subconscious, then it is better to pay attention to the hint, even if you do not believe in signs. Through signs, our angels, our guides from the subtle world, coordinators, the Universe, or call it like that, talk to us ...

How many good omens?
Love Melamed
It also happens that fate itself, without our efforts, will bestow good signs.

Do not count folk signs. There are some for all occasions. Ancestors edify, teach the mind to reason - the tone is appropriate: “don’t go there ..., don’t put it here ..., don’t take it from here ... don’t do it like that ... do it like this, otherwise ...!” Fear alone! Here they are the ancestors, their goal is to save us from trouble, to make our life safer.

Security alone is not enough for a modern person, positive emotions, a good attitude, optimism, and an energy charge are needed. But from the majority of folk wisdom, with their mentoring tone and prohibitions, it is difficult to get all this.

However, among the signs there are also kind, bright ones. Sometimes it happens that in itself, purely psychologically sets up for the positive. For example, a double rainbow or a rainbow in winter - fortunately, good luck; a child smiling in a dream is a guarantee of family well-being. Meeting three nuns is also good.

And the not-so-pleasant ones happen...

"If the horse told you that you are crazy, then this is true."
Folk omen.

If you remember where the legs of signs and superstitions grow from, then you have to admit that some of them once really had a basis. Here, let's say, is a well-known sign: to sprinkle salt is a quarrel. This superstition is rooted in a time when salt was very expensive and not everyone could afford it. Food was salted in abundance only in rich houses. So, spilled salt then inevitably led to conflict (try to bang your spouse’s new smartphone on the floor, for example, and you will understand why).

Or another sign, even more unpleasant: a broken mirror - unfortunately, and even to death. Where do limbs grow from this superstition? There are several versions here. According to one of them, our ancestors considered the reflection in the mirror a reflection of the soul. Breaking the mirror meant destroying the soul, and the person was soon to die. According to another, mirrors are doors to another world, ...

Many signs that originated in antiquity are still relevant to this day. Thanks to folk wisdom, everyone can avoid trouble.

You can't say happy birthday

According to popular belief, an angel guards a person on his birthday, and words of congratulations in advance can attract unclean forces that will take away the health of the birthday person.

Early congratulations can reverse all kind words, and the birthday person will get everything that you wish him, exactly the opposite.

You can not eat with forks at the wake

According to the sign, the soul of the deceased during the commemoration is among the invited guests. Sharp objects, abundant on the table, can cause her pain and suffering.

Can't sew clothes on

Unwashed pots will entail an outflow of financial well-being.

You can ruin your personal life without washing your porcelain items.

Conflicts in the family await a married woman.

If a stranger helps you, then his negative thoughts can remain in your house, disrupting the energy of well-being.

The kitchen was a sacred place for our ancestors, and if they needed help, they always paid in small coins to those who help to clean up.

Can't eat with a knife

One who eats from a knife will become angry and aggressive and will often pay the price for his "sharp tongue".

Our ancestors believed that eating from a knife was to invoke their own stupidity.

Another interpretation of the sign says that a person who eats from a knife incurs illness. They can turn into surgery.

For men, such a “ritual” promised a reduction in life expectancy, and for girls it predicts an evil husband. Pregnant women, eating from a knife, risked the health of their child.

You can't eat apples before Apple Savior

According to legend, eating apples before the deadline can lead to illness and misfortune in the family.

The ancestors believed that apples not illuminated in the church bring seven troubles, while after the Savior they bring only happiness and prosperity.

You can't put your hat on the table

Such an action can lead to poverty for the whole family. In addition, a headdress on the table can provoke a robbery or theft of your car.

The habit of throwing a hat on the table can turn into a lot of quarrels, not only at home, but also at work, at an institute or school.

Can't pour by hand

If you decide to pour something through the hand of a person sitting next to you, then, according to the sign, you will incur a series of failures on yourself and your loved ones.

Curtains not allowed

Having accepted curtains from a stranger, you can fall under his negative influence.

If you give away curtains, then financial difficulties await you.

Also, by the way, the curtains given by you can provoke evil gossip against your family.

Can't celebrate 40th birthday

According to the sign, for women, a holiday can turn into a punishment from above. They will lose their charm, beauty and intelligence.

Men can pay with health and financial well-being.

Can't sit on two chairs

Our ancestors avoided sitting on two chairs in order to avoid uncertainty about the future and not incur misfortune. It can also provoke greed, which will result in big losses.

Can't sit on a pillow

Sitting on a pillow can both provoke illness for the person sitting and deprive him of the favor of capricious Fortune. Newlyweds are an exception. During the celebration, they are planted on pillows so that the young family quickly gets on its feet and does not experience financial difficulties.

Can't sit on the table

Our ancestors respected the table as a place where the whole family gathers. Sacrificial sitting on the table, according to legend, threatens with trouble and even serious illness.

The girl sitting on the table risked never getting married or finding a husband who would not respect his wife.

Sitting on the table reduces financial opportunities.

You can't cross your legs

Crossing the legs, according to our ancestors, was a source of health problems. Also, such a habit can cause a person to want to quarrel with household members.

Can't look at the moon

Ancestors did not advise looking at the Moon, since a person could become extremely whiny and susceptible to any troubles. And such behavior, in turn, could violate a person’s natural defenses, making him susceptible to the evil eye.

"Look at the moon - do not sleep at night, do not eat during the day." So they used to say in ancient times, forbidding girls to admire the night luminary, so as not to provoke contention with their loved one, especially if they were planning a wedding.

Can't sleep on two pillows

To sleep on two pillows is to declare to Fate your independence. Luck may turn against you.

If one of the spouses sleeps on two pillows, then the family cannot avoid a serious scandal that can turn into a divorce.

If you dreamed that you were sleeping on two pillows, then expect financial difficulties.

Can't sleep with your feet to the door

Sleeping with your feet towards the doorway - to nightmares and bad sleep.

Our ancestors believed that a living person who decided to go to bed in this way runs the risk of not waking up.

Sleeping people are not allowed

The soul of a person during sleep may not be in the body. Frighten her with a bright flash or sound - expect trouble.

Sleeping children are more susceptible to attacks by evil spirits, so filming or photographing is prohibited. Before the absence of technology, our ancestors tried not to show their sleeping child to anyone so that they would not jinx it.

In May, a period of prosperity and renewal of life begins. Our ancestors at this time began active ...

From time immemorial, folk wisdom has helped people live happily and avoid troubles. Many signs are related ...

Many people are rather skeptical about the signals that the body gives, but they warn of danger, ...

Many of us believe that all signs and superstitions are a relic of the past. However, we are still afraid of black cats on the roads and broken mirrors. Consider the most famous signs and their meanings. Probably, after that you will be able to answer the question: is it worth believing in omens?

Why not celebrate 40 years?

The origins of this sign stretch from the time of Kievan Rus. In ancient times, it was customary to check a buried person forty days later for incorruptibility. In this regard, the number 40 entered everyday life with a special mystical meaning. And if you believe the esotericists, then 40 is the number of death and corresponds to the “Death” card in fortune-telling on the Tarot card. It is believed that if a person celebrates his fortieth birthday, he will attract trouble.

Why can't you donate a watch?

Give a watch Bad sign. This superstition came to us from ancient China. The inhabitants of this country still believe that the donated watch is an invitation to their funeral, and they will count the minutes until the death of the person who gave such a present.

Why can't you take the trash out of the house at night?

According to popular belief, those who take out the garbage from the house after sunset will become victims of gossip and gossip. The meaning of this sign and its origin is unknown. It is believed that people who took out the trash in the dark were hiding something. Curious neighbors saw everything and began to speculate about the contents of the trash can: after all, it’s not without reason that a person takes out the trash at night!

Why are the dishes breaking?

Many people think that broken dishes are a bad omen. However, it is not. The ancient Chinese believed that if, for example, a cup broke, it means that it accumulated a lot of negative energy in itself and broke because it could no longer withstand the pressure of negative emotions. Broken dishes must be immediately collected and thrown away from the house.

Why does the left palm itch?

People say that if the left palm itches, then this is for monetary profit. If the right palm itches, then, on the contrary, you will have to give money. It is believed that the left hand is the taker and the right hand is the giver. So if you want to attract money, then scratch your left palm more often, then the profit will be drawn to you.

Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel?

There is a popular sign that says: spilled salt - expect a quarrel. This ancient sign originated at a time when salt was considered a delicacy. She was brought to the table only on holidays, as she was very expensive. If someone spilled salt, then he was strongly scolded for it and could even be beaten.

Break a mirror - to grief?

The origin and meaning of this sign came to us from the ancient teachings of feng shui. The mirror, according to Chinese wisdom, is an indicator of the atmosphere in the house. If it broke, it means that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the house. It is believed that if you break a mirror, then seven years of bad luck await you. This consequence can be avoided if you do not look at the fragments, quickly collect them and throw them away from home.

Wear clothes inside out - to trouble?

It is believed that clothes worn inside out will attract trouble. In ancient times, holy fools wore clothes inside out. Therefore, the meaning of this sign is quite justified: clothes inside out are a sign of an unlucky, sick and poor person.

Why can't you eat with a knife?

According to this popular belief, eating from a knife means being charged with negative energy. Since ancient times, knives have been designed for hunting and war, so if you decide to eat from a knife, it will make you aggressive, angry and irritable.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?

The meaning of this sign is still not fully understood. Many argue that it is impossible to photograph sleeping people just because in a dream the soul of a person leaves his body, and in the picture he will turn out in this case without a soul, which can harm him.

The origin of these signs is connected with ancient beliefs, which at present have practically no justification. But this is no reason not to believe folk signs! Trust only good superstitions, then they will bring you good luck and happiness! We are waiting for your comments on the topic and do not forget to click on the buttons and

11.02.2014 15:23

Signs after death have been observed for many hundreds of years. Despite the ban of the church, many are trying to fulfill the original ...

Our wise people over many hundreds of years have accumulated a huge number of signs associated with various areas of life. There are weather signs, there are household, love, worldly signs. As well as children's, women's, men's. Signs associated with animals, seasons, holidays and sorrows.

Some signs have long lost their relevance, so to speak, for "technical reasons." And some continue to operate successfully until now ..

But first, let's say: to believe or not to believe in signs is a personal matter for everyone. However, for folk omens it is not superstition that is hiding, but the centuries-old experience of our ancestors. And signs did not arise from scratch, they are the fruit of the observations and conclusions of a huge number of people.


Folk omens

Each time of the year has its own signs. They allow you to predict the weather, tell us what awaits us the next day, and what the harvest will be like. And, by the way, the largest number of folk signs is devoted to the weather and the seasons.


  • Summers are dry and hot - winters are cold and snowy.
  • If there is a lot of field thistle in summer, the winter will be cold, if there is a lot of sorrel, the winter will be warm.
  • The abundance of berries in summer portends a cold winter.
  • Big mushroom harvest during the summer heralds a long winter.
  • If the sun rises in fog, the day will be quiet and stuffy.
  • During sunrise, there is stuffiness - to bad weather.
  • The rays of the sun darken - to a thunderstorm.
  • The weather will be hot and sunny:
  • if at sunset the sky is blue, golden or bright pink,
  • if the dew falls before sunrise
  • when the sun is white at sunrise.
  • From a distance, visible objects seem unusually large - you can expect a north wind and rain.
  • If, in clear weather, distant objects are unclear, as if in a fog, it will rain.
  • If the air above the forest turns blue, it will be warm.
  • The greenish color of the moon - to a severe drought.
  • Rainbow in the morning - to the rain.
  • The greener the rainbow, the more it will rain.
  • If the rainbow is visible in the evening, then the weather will be fine, and rain in the morning.
  • Rainbow in the west - it will rain, in the east - warm, clear, dry weather (bucket).
  • A rainbow across the river - there will be good weather, a rainbow along the river - there will be heavy rain.
  • The rainbow stands from north to south - to rain, from east to west - to good weather.
  • A double (triple) rainbow is a sign of rainy weather.
  • The water in the river foams to rain.
  • There was no dew at night, it will rain during the day.
  • Fog spreads over the water early in the morning - there will be sunny weather.
  • Fog over the forest stands - by the rain, mushrooms will go.
  • Clouds spread across the sky in stripes - to the rain.
  • Red clouds before sunrise - to the wind, clouds - to the rain.
  • Wind from the east in summer - to drought.
  • If earthworms crawl to the surface, lizards bask in the sun, sparrows chirp loudly, bathe in dust or puddles, at sunset the red sun sets in a cloud, then there will be rain and wind.
  • Sparrows sit puffed up - to the rain.
  • If the seagull sat on the water - wait for good weather.
  • The geese bathe before the rain.
  • Swallows touch the surface of the water with their wings - to rain.
  • Swallows bathe and anxiously fly in and out of the nest before the rain.
  • Swifts fly low and with a cry - to the rain.
  • The cuckoo cuckoos - the weather will be good.
  • Fish jump out of the water - to the rain.
  • Mosquitoes and midges in a column - to good weather.
  • The flies are buzzing briskly for warmth.
  • If you see a lot of spiders - good weather.
  • The spider strenuously weaves webs - to dry weather.
  • Flowers smell strongly - to the rain.


  • Damp summer and warm autumn - to a long winter.
  • Snow will fall early in autumn, and spring will be early.
  • The first snow falling on dry ground promises a good summer.
  • The first snow fell on wet ground - it will remain, on dry ground it will soon disappear.
  • The first snow falls forty days before winter.
  • Migratory birds fly high in autumn, there will be a lot of snow, and low - little.
  • The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn - to a mild winter.
  • Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.
  • If the leaves, crumbling, lie inside out - for the harvest and a warm winter, face up - for a cold winter.

Folk signs about the weather (seasons)


  • Winter is dry and cold, summer is dry and hot.
  • Warm winter leads to cold summer.
  • Snowy winter - rainy summer.
  • If the stars shine brightly, the summer will be hot.
  • Frost in winter, dew in summer.
  • In winter, there are many large icicles - for the harvest of vegetables.
  • Large hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - for the harvest.
  • Few stars in the sky - to bad weather. If the stars shine brightly - to the cold.
  • Soon the dawn is breaking - there will certainly be snow.
  • A whitish circle near the sun - to be a storm.
  • If the sunset is purple, then there will be a lot of snow or a snowstorm with frost.
  • The pale color of the moon portends heavy snowfall.
  • If the moon is blindingly white - to the cold, if the moon turns red, expect wind, warmth and snow tomorrow.
  • If reddish rings appear around the moon, there will be a very severe frost.
  • Foggy circle near the moon - be a snowstorm.
  • Clear high-horned moon - to the cold.
  • The air above the forest turned blue - it will be warm.
  • The sky is overcast with clouds - it will get warmer.
  • Clouds go against the wind - to the snow.
  • The clouds are floating low - there will be a cold.
  • Hoarfrost on trees - to frost, fog - to thaw.
  • Snow sticks to trees - to heat.
  • The ice is cracking - frosts will stand for a long time.
  • The cat lays down in a ball somewhere higher, on something soft - to the frost.
  • Cats and dogs hide their faces - to the frost.
  • The cat lies belly up - to the heat.
  • The cat rubs against something - it will be warm.
  • If a cat runs around the room in winter, it will be frosty.
  • Indoor birds are silent - the cold will be for a long time.
  • Crows and jackdaws hover in the air in front of the snow, sit on the snow - to the thaw, sit on the tops of the trees - to frost, and if on the lower branches - to the wind.
  • A crow walks along the road - to warmth.
  • Tits squeak in the morning - it will be frost at night.
  • Birds flutter - to bad weather.

Folk omens


  • If lightning flashes in early spring, and no thunder is heard, then the summer will be dry.
  • In spring, the snow melts quickly, and the water runs together - to a wet summer.
  • Long icicles - for a long spring.
  • If a dry March is followed by a rainy April and a cold May, there will be a good harvest.
  • If in the spring the snow melts from the sun - there will be a fruitful year, from the rain - there will be a drought.
  • In the spring there are many tadpoles in the puddles - by the fruitful summer.
  • Birds build their nests on the sunny side - by the cold summer.
  • If in the spring a lot of cobwebs fly, the summer will be hot.
  • If the clouds move quickly in one direction, it will be hot.
  • Birds sit on the ground - to the warmth, sit on the lower branches of trees - to the wind.
  • The cuckoo calls strongly and often in the spring - the heat is just around the corner.

Female and male signs

Folk omens

Signs affect the private, personal life of men and women. True, there are not as many of them as there will be weather or household ones, but they still have a place to be. And, in general, they turn out to be quite accurate.

  • If a girl hides a bride's needle or pin from her wedding dress, then get married this year.
  • If a girl pricks herself with a needle, she will hear praise.
  • If the thread sticks to the dress, this portends a gentleman, a white thread - a blond, a black one - a brunette.
  • A man should not try on beads, otherwise he will have as many debts as there were beads on a string.
  • If a husband and wife dry themselves with the same towel, they will certainly quarrel.
  • A stranger should not sit on the matrimonial bed, otherwise the wife and husband will separate.
  • Who among the young in the church holds the candle higher, he will dominate the family.
  • In difficult childbirth, to relieve the pangs of the woman in labor, you need to remove the earrings from her ears.
  • You can’t sit on the corner of the table, otherwise you won’t get married or get married for seven years.
  • If you finish eating or drinking after someone else, you can find out all his thoughts.
  • Do not smooth the porridge - the groom will be bald.
  • Whoever eats without salt, no one loves him.
  • Whoever eats salty is in love.
  • Mustaches itch before a hotel or before a kiss.
  • Four to greet crosswise - for the wedding.
  • Whoever has long fingers - the bride will be small.
  • Whoever has short fingers - the bride will be tall.
  • Who is ticklish, he is jealous.
  • A pregnant woman must not step over a rope, otherwise the baby gets tangled in the umbilical cord and childbirth will be difficult.
  • If two girlfriends or two friends look together in the mirror, they will fall in love with the same person.

household signs

We can say that everyday signs are a ready-made instruction in order to live safely and in harmony with others. Literally every household action has its own sign.

  • Giving someone a pin is a quarrel. But if they really ask, then you need to prick this person or take money from him, then there will be no quarrel.
  • It is impossible to keep a pin open in the house, this can lead to a quarrel between households.
  • So that no one jinxes, you should pin a pin on the inside of the dress so that no one sees.
  • To meet a woman with empty buckets - unfortunately, to bad news, and with full ones - fortunately, to good news.
  • To meet a man with empty buckets, on the contrary, is fortunate, but with full ones, unfortunately.
  • If a guest choked while eating, it means that the host regretted his treat.
  • You can’t scratch at a party - there will be trouble.
  • Trim nails at a party - to a quarrel.
  • If a brownie strokes you at night with a soft and warm hand, this is fortunately and wealthy, if it is cold and bristly, it is a disaster.
  • While eating, look in the mirror - seize beauty.
  • If you raise a mirror above your head so that it reflects the young month, then you can see as many moons as there are days for the moon.
  • The mirror will crack - unfortunately.
  • Keys on the table - to a quarrel.
  • If you leave a book open, you can lose your memory.
  • Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel. In order not to quarrel, one must throw the spilled salt over the left shoulder three times and smile.
  • An extra spoon on the table for lunch or dinner - to be a guest.
  • You can’t knock with spoons while cleaning them from the table - the neighbors will slander.
  • It is impossible to cut bread with two different knives while eating - a quarrel will certainly occur.
  • If two knives are served instead of a fork and a knife, then you will have to marry twice.
  • Do not play with a knife - there will be a quarrel.
  • You can not scrape the table with a knife, as this portends a quarrel.
  • You can’t eat from a knife - the tongue will be evil.
  • A girl cannot eat from a knife - the husband will be as sharp as a knife.
  • If the knife is dull, the owner is stupid; if the tablecloth is black, the hostess is stupid.
  • In fact, of course, it will take much more. And if our readers are interested, we will definitely return to this topic.

    Nadezhda POPOVA

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