Kuprin white poodle pencil drawing. How to draw a poodle with a pencil step by step? Drawing a Fox Terrier step by step

    I think that everyone knows what a poodle looks like and has seen this dog at least once, because this breed is quite common. France is considered the birthplace of these dogs, although some argue that this is Germany, but this one does not matter now, the main thing is to learn how to draw poodles, and for this you can watch a couple of video lessons that can be paused at any incomprehensible moment:

    I offer quite easy drawing cartoon poodle.

    A joint drawing of someone from a parent and a child will cheer you up as you draw.

    I wonder what this drawing will be able to draw a common person who is not a professional painter.

    There are poodles different sizes and shades, cut them too different ways leaving pompoms in places. True, it happens with a poodle and regular haircut, these are ordinary poodles that do not participate in exhibitions.

    First we outline the head of the poodle, his torso, paws and tail

    Then draw the outline of the dog

    In the next step, we highlight the details more clearly.

    And we finish by drawing all the little things

    Poodles are considered mainly decorative dogs, they often participate in various exhibitions, the owners like to make them different hairstyles, they need careful care for six, they are very kind, smart by nature (they are in second place in the ranking of the smartest dogs). We will draw such a cute cartoon poodle.

    First, draw the oval of the head and torso, the line that will be the neck and the lines of the paws.

    Let's draw a muzzle and lush ears.

    Let's add eyes and a nose.

    Let's draw a furry breast.

    We draw paws.

    Add a tail and hind leg. The drawing is ready.

    This is how you can draw a very simple and cute poodle(multiple steps):

    And this is how we can draw a small poodle (puppy), also in several understandable stages, everything is drawn:

    Drawing a poodle is easy if you do everything exactly as shown in the pictures below. So, get your pencil, paper, and eraser ready. Let's get started.

    First, draw a nose, muzzle (e elongated part) for the dog, then hair on the head, eyes, pupils, large hanging ears.

    The last step is drawing the body.

    Below is a photo tutorial.

    It is very easy to draw an intricate with an original haircut, without which simply an aristocratic royal breed of poodle dogs simply cannot exist, just follow along with the drawing steps in this simple children's scheme.

    Most importantly, emphasize the pronounced haircut of this dog in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe paws, tail and, of course, the muzzle.

    There is one, not difficult lesson, step by step drawing poodle.

    Or you can draw such a poodle from a cartoon, each step must be performed in stages, follow the red lines. We start the drawing with the main lines of the head, body, paws and tail.

    start drawing, details of the head

    draw paws

    now the tail

    that's it, you can color it

    This is my favorite and very beautiful breed of dog, and in order to draw a poodle, you need paper, pencils and skillful pens.

    Start by contouring the body and limbs of the dog, then draw the features of the face and head, and then paint to your liking.

    Here are some videos to help you:

The faithful dog Artemon of the poodle breed from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" will appear today on your website. clean slate paper. However. To do this, take some tools and materials, which are described below.

Necessary materials:

Drawing steps:

  1. Let's draw the dog's head in the form of a circle, but the mouth - in the form of an oval. We draw two figures together.

  2. Now let's add fluffy fur on top of Artemon's head. Then we correct the silhouette of the muzzle of the dog and draw the main parts. For example, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. These details should be applied with a light touch of the pencil on paper, so that you can then correct the drawing or erase an unnecessary line.

  3. Once again we will go over the contour of the head, mouth and fluffy hair in the upper area of ​​​​the drawing. Let's make the pencil lines brighter. Then we erase unnecessary lines and elements, but on the contrary, we highlight the features of the muzzle against the general background.

  4. We continue to sketch the dog Artemon from the tale of Pinocchio on a piece of paper. Now let's draw his body.

  5. We will “dress” Artemon with fluffy hair in some places to show the breed of the dog by the haircut. A large mass of wool will be concentrated on the chest, as well as small parts near the legs.

  6. On the right side of the body, draw arcuate lines, a bow and a figure in the form of a drop. Add small details and get a tail with a bow for our fabulous poodle dog.

  7. Choosing a colored pencil gray tint and with a light movement apply base color on the torso, head and hair of Artemon. If this shade is not in the set of colored pencils, then take a regular school pencil, which was used to create a sketch of the character. But with a black pencil then add color depth and outline.

  8. Pencil blue color completely color the voluminous and large bow on the tail of the dog. Then you can take a blue pencil and give the decoration more natural look, paint with it in the shady places and along the stroke.

  9. Now on last step Let's finish drawing Artemon with a black marker. They create the contour of the body, paws, head, tail and also all small parts that exist on this piece of paper.

  10. A phased drawing of Artemon's dog with colored pencils is ready and will serve beautiful picture for a favorite fairy tale about a wooden boy and a golden key.

Let's consolidate your skills in drawing figures from spirals on the example of a drawing of a poodle. As you know, these dogs are very curly. And if you also cut them in a peculiar way, making balls out of their wool, then they look just great.

Imagine that our poodle also has a beautiful haircut, and start drawing it.

1. Draw a circle with a line similar to a spiral or spring, something similar to wavy line, but having small loops at the tips.

2. Draw a second smaller circle in the same way, below the first one, but slightly shift it to the right from the center of the axis of the first circle. The first and second circles should not intersect, but only touch.

3. Now draw a big circle from the spiral line. It should turn out exactly under the first circle and about half, cross the second.

4. We draw the fourth circle approximately the same as the third one, only we make a strong shift to the right side. They should overlap a little.

5. Carefully erase the excess. All extra lines of intersection will be from the third circle. The second and fourth circles should be intact. Now we finish our poodle with one hind paw to the fourth circle and two front paws to the third circle.

6. We draw a muzzle to a poodle so. From the point of intersection of the second and third circles, we begin to draw a smooth semicircular line to the left and up, stopping at the level of the lower edge of the upper circle. Next, make a small bend up and to the right, this will be the nose of the poodle. And we draw a smooth line curved down towards the center of the upper circle. We stop at the point of contact. We also draw a tail in the form of two semicircular lines as shown in the figure.

7. Finishing touches. Draw an eye, nose and mouth for your poodle, we think it will not be difficult to do. At the end of the tail, make another small circle from the spiral line, this will be the tip of the poodle's tail.

That's all, we drew a beautiful poodle, it remains only to color it. We chose these colors, you can experiment with others.

Who guards the man's house? Who is his most faithful friend?

Before drawing a dog, think about how you will position the drawing: vertically or horizontally.

1. With an inclined line, you must first outline the slope of the dog's torso.

2. Then mark her body with three ovals. The upper oval is the head, the lower oval is the body itself, and the middle (transverse) oval is the upper part of her paws.

4. Ears are drawn with triangles. The lower part of the paws is rounded.

Coloring finished drawing pencils or paints

Drawing a Cocker Spaniel step by step

The Cocker Spaniel belongs to the breed of hunting dogs, it is distinguished by rare beauty and intelligence. The breed was bred specifically for hunting waterfowl, field and marsh birds.

Look, the whole drawing consists of circles and ovals, draw them, outline the muzzle and thick hair.

Draw the details

Coloring the drawing

Drawing a Poodle step by step

Let's draw this dog right away with paints. It is all circles. Draw two large circles with a brush - these will be the head and torso, then small circles - these are paws and tail, draw a muzzle, ear and paws.

The poodle is ready.

Interesting fact. A more suitable dog for friendship with a person is hard to find. Poodles are sociable and friendly creatures, trying to be useful to their master in everything. They endure even a long and not always pleasant haircut procedure stoically, so as not to cause grief to their beloved owner.

Drawing a Fox Terrier step by step

Owners adore foxes for their tirelessness and cheerfulness, for their unbridled temperament and willingness to keep company in active entertainment and outdoor games. This dog can be represented in the form of ovals: large, small, elongated. It remains only to add a furry muzzle and small triangular ears.

Doberman drawing step by step

First, try to draw the face of the dog. Start drawing the Doberman figure from the frame. The torso and head are circles, first mark the elongated paws of the dog with lines. Then connect the torso and head with lines.

Give the paws thickness, draw pointed ears and muzzle.

The Poodle is a popular toy dog ​​breed. The ancestors of poodles were hunting dogs, but now there is no question of this - if you look on the Internet, you will see hundreds of unusually trimmed dogs that look like toys (human whims) when you search for "poodle". Well, since such is their fate, then we will draw such a fashionable poodle.

Let's start with a pencil sketch:

The body of the poodle is lean, the chest is wide, the back is even:

The hind legs are long and slender, but because of the thick fluffy coat, this is almost imperceptible. The tail also looks like a puff:

Let's draw the front paws - they look like fluffy columns. Due to the specific hairstyle, the fingers are not visible at all.

The neck is long and the poodle holds its head proudly up. There is also an original hairstyle on the head, but first we will draw a muzzle:

Let's add very fluffy ears and a curly kok on the crown:

Our poodle is white, it seems like it’s not necessary to color it, but it’s still worth showing the shadows:

We won’t master a lot of poodle haircuts, but it’s worth learning how to draw a head. For this purpose, I chose a black poodle - in memory of the medallion that Margarina wore at Woland’s ball.

How to draw a poodle head

The drawing steps are the usual - first, of course, you need a pencil sketch.

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