Photo editor pencil drawing. How to Make a Realistic Painting Effect in Photoshop

Today, one of the classic topics is the creation of a pencil drawing effect from a photograph. This is one of those quick and easy techniques that is a real satisfaction for the pros, but also makes the tutorial useful for beginners. Sure, Photoshop is cool and has a lot of built-in filters and artistic effects, but they don't compare to what we want to show you.

What we want to get:

Step 1

Let's start by choosing a photo to work on. It is desirable that the background is clean, and the photo is of high quality. As an extreme option, download such a stock photo.

Only with these conditions we will achieve the desired result.

Step 3

Drag the background layer over the new layer icon in the Layers panel, or use a combination CMD+J to create a duplicate layer. Let's move on Image > Adjustments > Invert(or CMD+I) and right click select Convert to Smart Object / Convert to smart object.

Step 4

Choose Gaussian Blur and change the radius to 40 pix. Usage smart object will apply this filter as a Smart Filter (i.e. smart!) in such a way that we can simply adjust the parameters as needed, instead of constantly applying this effect.

Change the blend mode of the duplicate layer to Color Dodge / Lightening Basics, which will significantly increase the contrast and give the surface the grain that we need.

Step 5

Click on the icon Adjustment Layer / Adjustment layer and choose Levels. Move the shadow sliders and Midtones slightly to the right to darken the image a bit.

Step 6

Add new Adjustment Layer / Adjustment Layer and now select the option Black and White. The default settings will be enough to remove the color and give the image more "pencil".

Step 7

Use CMD+A, to Select All / Select All, then use Edit > Copy Merged(or keyboard shortcut CMD+Shift+C). This will clip all visible layers. Click CMD+V to paste this layer on top of the others.

Now we do this: Filter > Filter Gallery / Filter > Filter Gallery, then we go to Glowing Edges from the menu Stylize / Stylization. Change the settings as shown below:

Now Image > Adjustments > Invert(or the CMD+I) to make a negative of the picture (instead of black on white, it will turn out white on a black background).

Step 8

Change the blend mode of this layer to Multiply / Multiplication, then lower the layer's opacity to 50-60%.

Step 9

Click on the icon New Layer / New Layer at the bottom of the palette Layers / Layers, then press cmd+backspace to fill the layer with white (this is the default background color). Back in again Filter Gallery, but now choose Texturizer / Texturizer. Change the settings to Sandstone.

Change the blend mode of this layer to Multiply / Multiplication so you can see the main lines, then lower the opacity to 50% to achieve the texture effect of thin paper. To enhance the color pencil effect, turn off the black and white adjustment layer.


As a result, we got quite realistic effect pencil sketch with natural lines and shading.

Translation - Desk

In this article I will tell you how, without much time and any in-depth knowledge and tricks, to turn a portrait photo into pencil drawing(sketch).

I'll be using Photoshop CS6 for this tutorial, but the steps and commands in this article will work for all versions of Photoshop up to CS3.

Below I have provided an image with the original and the finished result. In the picture on the left you see the original photo, and on the right is the final image that we will get after applying the steps described in the article:

The first thing we'll start with is making a copy of the original image. Open the photo in Photoshop, then open the layers palette (press F7) and press the key combination Ctrl + J, after which the background layer will be duplicated:

The copy will be placed above the background layer and highlighted in blue, which tells us that this layer is active. We will perform all further actions with this copy of the image, leaving the original untouched.

Now we need to desaturate the image. To do this, go to the main menu tab Image --> Correction --> Desaturate (Image --> Adjustments --> Desaturate) or simply press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + U.

Now we need to create a duplicate of the black and white layer, in this moment we have it active (highlighted in blue), so press Ctrl+J again to duplicate it:

Invert the colors of the layer. Go to the tab of the main menu Image --> Correction --> Inversion (Image --> Adjustments --> Invert) or simply press the key combination Ctrl + I.
This action in our case, it inverts the brightness values, which makes the light areas dark and the dark areas light, in other words, we get the negative of the photo:

Change the blending mode of this layer to “Lightening basics” (Color Dodge). This will fill the working document window with white color. Depending on the image of your photo, there may be black areas in some places, but most of the document will be filled with white:

Now go to the main menu tab Filter --> Blur --> Gaussian Blur (Filter --> Blur --> Gaussian Blur)

This opens the appropriate filter dialog box. Start dragging the "Radius" slider to the right and you'll see the sketch effect begin to appear in the document. The further you move the slider, the more the blur effect will be applied and the sketch effect will increase accordingly. However, if you move the slider too far, halftones will appear and the pencil drawing effect will disappear. In my case, I settled on a value of 12.5 pixels:

Right-click on the active (top) layer, this will open context menu, in which move the mouse cursor over the "Merge Visible" item, hold down the Alt key and left-click on this item. Thanks to the pressed Alt, we will have a new layer, consisting of two merged upper (visible) layers. With this manipulation, the appearance of the photo in the working document window will not change. This is what the layers palette will look like:

Change the blending mode of this new layer to "Multiplication" (Multiply), this action will darken the lines in the sketch. If you find that the lines have become too dark, reduce the Opacity value of the layer. On mine I lowered the Opacity to 50%:

On the this stage a black and white drawing is ready, and if you need a black and white drawing from a color photograph, then you can stop. If you want to add colors to the sketch, then follow the few steps below.

So let's continue. Let's make a copy of the background layer located at the bottom of the layers palette, for which we left-click on this layer and press the Ctrl + J combination, while a new layer will be created directly above the original.
But we need this layer to give colors to the sketch, so we drag it to the very top in the layers palette with the mouse.

Now it remains only to change the blending mode to “Color” (Color) and reduce Opacity (Opacity), in my example I set the Opacity value to 65%:

Take another look at the end result:

In this simple tutorial, I'll show you the technique of how to regular photo Using Photoshop, you can make a drawing, as if painted with colored paints. The bet is made on the circled edges. It turns out the effect that at first the drawing was sketched with a pencil, and then it was painted over, leaving an underlined stroke of the contours.

Original Image:

Final result:

Step 10

Activate the bottom black and white layer and set the blending mode to or , depending on how your photo looks.

With mode overlap:

With mode Soft light:

To reduce the intensity of the color, you can lower the value on the second black and white layer or on the background layer.


The finished result should look something like this:

When choosing a photo for processing, please note that the best way This tutorial allows you to style images with nature or with flowers. Macro shots are also suitable for the lesson. Processing portrait or animal shots will likely not look as impressive.

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A detailed tutorial on turning an ordinary photo into a hyper-realistic painting in just a couple of minutes.

Some talented artists can draw in the technique of hyperrealism, but we, mere mortals, can only dream of this. Fortunately there is Adobe Photoshop, where you can create various interesting effects and mimic hand-drawn styles. We found a great tutorial by Chris Spooner, designer and founder of Blog Spoon Graphics. He shows how from a simple portrait photo in just a couple of minutes you can make a real work of art with detailed strokes and highlights.

Of course, in Chris's example, everything looks really masterpiece, but in Photoshop a lot depends on the original photo, and not always those effects that work great with one photo will work for another. Therefore, we decided to take a portrait of a slightly different quality and try to do all the same manipulations in the hope of getting something similar.

1. So, open the photo of your choice in Photoshop and add a curves adjustment layer. We need to darken the shadows a bit and lighten the highlights a bit to make the photo more contrasty.

2. Press Ctrl+J to duplicate the background layer twice. Then add the High Pass effect from the filter menu to the top of the duplicates.

3. Adjust the radius of the High Pass filter between 1-3 px. This will be enough to create the desired effect. Larger radius may result in unwanted noise and ghosting.

4. Change the Blend Mode of the High Pass filter layer from Normal to Linear Light to make the photo sharp. The increased sharpness guarantees accurate strokes, especially on hair.

5. Now merge the High Pass layer with the duplicate background layer below to fix the effect. This can be done using the MergeVisible command from the layers menu. Just for starters, leave visible only those two layers that you are going to merge. After that go to Filter > Stylize > Diffuse.

6. Change the blur mode to anisotropic (Anisotropic) is key moment, which actually creates this magical effect of the picture.

7. If you look closely at the result, you can see ugly seams that scatter and repeat. But there is a way to solve this problem.

8. Go to Image > Image Rotation > 90° CW to rotate the image and press Ctrl+F (Cmd+F) to redo the diffuse filter.

9 Rotate the image again and apply the diffuse filter again. Repeat this step a third time to get the photo back in the correct position.

10. Diffuse filter perfectly imitates a brush, but at the same time blurs the image a little. Go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen to add sharpness. Set the Threshold to around 100, but use a small radius so you don't over-process it.

11. The result already looks impressive, but you can make it even more interesting. Select Surface Blur from the Filter > Blur menu and set the Radius to about 20 and the Threshold to about 15 (as you can see, the Radius value of 40 blurs the picture a lot). This will create flat areas and give the photo an even more painted look.

12. Well, that's all, our Santa has turned from a photograph into a hyper-realistic painting. From a distance, you might think that this is still a photograph, but if you look closely, you can see the numerous strokes and transitions that are characteristic of painting.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial as much as we did - a couple of simple manipulations to achieve a stylish effect. This can be useful for the contact section of the site, for example, when you need to combine different photos with something common in order to achieve harmony.

You can see Chris Spooner's original tutorial here. ©PressFoto/Hasloo

AT this lesson we will make a pencil drawing from the photo. For work, I took a photo of a girl, which you can also download in the "Materials" panel on the right.

1) So, open the photo of the girl with the Photoshop program and proceed. First of all, we make a copy of the photo layer and make the top layer "Base Dodge" overlay, instead of "Normal".

2) Next, apply "Invert" to the same top layer. For this, with a dedicated top layer in the layers panel, select "Image" - "Correction" - "Invert" in the top menu, or press the key combination "Ctrl" + "i".

3) Now we will apply the "Gaussian Blur" filter to the same layer, for this, with the layer selected, select "Filter" - "Blur" - "Gaussian Blur" in the top menu and in the filter window that appears, set the blur radius to "26.3" . Given value selected specifically for the size of the photo we are editing, if the size is larger or smaller, then the blur value will also have to be selected differently. The main thing is to get the same result.

4) Now you need to discolor the processed layer. To do this, with the layer selected, in the layers panel below, select the adjustment layer "Hue / Saturation".

5) The next step is to set up the "Levels" of the layer. To do this, as in the previous case, with the layer selected, select the "Levels" adjustment layer in the bottom menu of the layers panel and adjust the levels in the settings window that appears to make the picture more contrast.

6) Now select the bottom layer with the photo, which is in its original form and convert this layer into a "Smart Object". To do this, right-click on it and select "Convert to Smart Object".

Now apply the "Cross Strokes" filter to this layer, which will simulate the effect of pencil strokes. To do this, with the layer selected in the top menu, select "Filter" - "Filter Gallery" - "Cross Strokes" in the filters tab "Strokes". Now we set up a filter by values ​​as in the screenshot.

After these manipulations, we will get what we wanted - the effect of a pencil drawing from a regular photo.

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