How Santa Claus and other main characters of the new year appeared. Who is really and where did everyone's favorite Santa Claus come from

The question of the existence of Santa Claus has been raised many times. And there has never been a definitive answer. Let's try to lift the veil of secrecy and find out if the fairy-tale grandfather is just fiction or not at all.

The name of Santa Claus has always been surrounded by a halo of mystery, and as soon as we try to touch this halo, we suddenly realize that our fingertips are simply passing through a foggy haze. Let's try to figure out whether the fairy-tale wizard really exists, and for this we will analyze Grandfather's personality according to several indicators.

fabulous popularity

He is without exaggeration the most popular character throughout the history of planet Earth. None of politics and sports can outdo him in this. It is unlikely that any of us managed to see Jennifer Lopez with our own eyes. But no one doubts that it actually exists.

No artist has so many doubles around the world. So, in Japan, Santa Claus is called Oji-san, in Italy - Babo Nattale, and in Sweden - Yolotomten. Perhaps it would be even more correct to call them relatives, and not twins. How can one not believe in the existence of a person who has such a huge family?

His image is always in trend. Judge for yourself fashion trends change at the speed of light, but the demand for red coats and hats trimmed with white fur remains surprisingly stable. Apparently, Santa Claus still cooperates with a team of professional stylists.

Amazing Talents

He wonderful artist. Do you know someone who could draw winter forest on glass without using brushes and paints? And in one night. Floor commercials on the sixteenth.

He doesn't care about formalities like the laws of physics. Santa Claus moves through the air in a harness reindeer, goes down the chimney, into which even his staff can hardly climb, and in one night manages to visit millions of dwellings.

But after all, we, being late for work, overcome a huge distance in a matter of minutes. And we manage to be at home after the corporate party, even at a time when no transport is running anymore. Apparently, a fairy-tale wizard lives in each of us.

He delivers a lot of gifts exactly to the addresses. And he never got confused! Moreover, the number of these gifts is several times greater than the number of troupes of all Russian theaters taken together - and it is the actors who earn extra money on holidays as fairy-tale grandfathers.

Real facts

He has a residence permit. Yes, yes, Santa Claus is the most real citizen of their country. For a long time, Veliky Ustyug has been his permanent place residence.

The presence of opposition. Many people doubt the existence of Santa Claus. And if there are skeptics, then you can argue. After all, there is no smoke without fire.

He's amazingly successful. Father Frost's career is perhaps the most successful in history. Despite the fact that Grandfather has reached an absolute peak in her, he does not seem to be going to stop there. But a career cannot exist autonomously from its creator.

He has an excellent pedigree. Moreover, it takes its origin already in ancient Slavic history. So, one of his ancestors is known - Grandfather Treskun, who was a strict but fair old man. He did not favor whiners and lazy people, but he gave good health to patient workaholics.

In life there is always a place for a miracle. Remember even those desires that we write down on a piece of paper, then we burn it and, having dissolved the ashes in a glass of champagne, we drink it in one gulp. But there is not some kind of minimum program, but the volume of tasks that could fit within five years. However, our dreams come true!

Remember, at the very beginning, we spoke about the foggy haze through which our fingers pass when trying to touch the secret of existence. good wizard? So those who believe in Santa Claus will feel gentle warmth in this haze. It feels like a miracle.

Let's support this warmth, let it continue to warm our hearts. And of course, on the eve of the New Year, when even the most convinced skeptics begin to believe in a miracle, it's time to get Blank sheet paper, pen and start writing: “Dear Santa Claus! ..”

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Somewhere on the edge of the earth wooden house old man lives. His mansions are full of amazing things: a huge throne, a warm fireplace, a bed with separate pillows for every day, and even a wishing room. With the onset of cold weather, when the snow falls in a confident cover on the ground, grandfather begins to bypass the property. Either he will freeze the river, then he will dress the tree in frost, or he will send a blizzard to people's houses. On New Year's Eve, he comes with a huge bag of gifts over his shoulder. He takes out colorful big and small surprises from there and gives children happiness, joy and a miracle. The real magic. Who shows it to kids? Without whom it is impossible to imagine in our time New Year? And who is this mysterious old man with a white beard? Of course, Santa Claus! Its history is very interesting and modern life even more interesting.

The prototype of Santa Claus

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Who is this Red Nose Frost and how old is he - questions that concern both kids and many adults. Many people are interested, but few people know that according to many sources, the Wizard is already at least 2 thousand years old! Our Slavic ancestors considered the mighty and gloomy old man Treskun to be his prototype. The people also called him:

  • Zimnik;
  • Morozko;
  • Morok;
  • Student.

The pagan god had great power. He could freeze with one breath. Rivers and lakes froze under his feet, and from the swing of a stick in his hands, the trees were covered with frost. That's where was real Santa Claus ! In those days, about no good New Year's wizard and there was no question. Outwardly, he was very similar to a modern guest of the New Year holidays, only he was small in stature. They were afraid of grandfather, and they were very afraid of meeting him, because you could stay frozen in the forest forever. Some superstitious people still, when a blizzard blows, lower their heads low and hide their eyes so as not to meet the gaze of the lord of winter. Those who do not believe in similar images they interpret such deeds as mere caution before a swirl, when you don’t want to feel the taste of snow on your lips and the cold behind your collar.

Confirmation that the story of the appearance of Santa Claus is not fictional, is the fact of the existence of a very real Saint - Nicholas the Wonderworker. The elder lived in the 4th century in the city of Patara (Asia Minor) and did charitable deeds. He became the prototype of the current Winter sorcerer both thanks to his outward resemblance and good deeds.

In 1700, by decree of Peter the Great, the New Year became an officially celebrated holiday. Santa Claus could well become the symbol and guest of matinees, New Year's Eve and festivities. At that time, he had already changed his stick for a less formidable staff, and began to bring gifts to obedient children. The naughty ones, who indulged and upset their parents and teachers with their behavior, got "beaters" with rods.

If at all times the legends about Santa Claus were only heard, then in 1840 for the first time the magician was mentioned in literature. He appeared in Odoevsky's story, where readers finally found out the old man's real name - Moroz Ivanovich. His temper was still cool, he himself was powerful, but kindness, sympathy and understanding appeared in his character.

In the 20th century in different periods Celebrations of the New Year holidays, as well as the installation of a Christmas tree, were either banned or resumed again. And since 1935, officially under Stalin, a celebration was announced from December 31 to January 1. The guest of the programs was Ded Moroz, who in the same 35th year first appeared at a holiday in Moscow with the Snow Maiden.

Russian Grandfather Frost recently celebrates his birthday on November 18th. This date is significant in terms of changes weather conditions. According to the data that were obtained as a result of summarizing the figures for many years, it is from this day in Russia that real winter. The earth is covered with a reliable layer of snow and winter frosts come. Kids love to celebrate the birthday of their idol, and therefore send him postcards with congratulations and gifts made with their own hands.

Santa Claus in different countries

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For those who would like to learn something from the heading " Father Frost Interesting Facts", offered cognitive information. First of all, we should mention Santa Claus and Santa Claus. Currently on new year posters, as in modern cartoons and films, these two images are often identified or forced to become related. Indeed, the winter old people are very similar to each other: the same white beard and mustache, eyes with a smile, warm clothes and gifts for children. Here is just our Frost:

  • tall, powerful and stately;
  • does not change taste in clothes: wears a long fur coat and a high hat with fur trim;
  • always appears with a magic staff;
  • puts gifts for children under the Christmas tree while they sleep.

Santa Claus, on the other hand, often appears in glasses, wears a red jacket and pants, a red cap with a pom-pom, and enters the house to the kids through the chimney. Many families in our country adopted American tradition hanging colorful socks near the fireplace, in which Santa hides gifts for children. This is an additional entertainment, and decorating the premises for the New Year holidays, and a memorable event for the kids.

Santa Claus in different countries looks different, and the method of delivering gifts to babies is different. So, in France, Per Noel puts surprises in shoes that prudent house owners leave in front of the fireplace. The Wizard comes to the monastery on a donkey, and even in wooden shoes. Instead of a bag, he has a basket with gifts, and the caftan is equipped with a hood.

In Holland, the magician is called Sinderklaas. He is invariably shod in white boots and dressed in a caftan. Before New Year's Eve the magician stays in the capital on a ship, and gifts are distributed to the children by Sinderklaas' close associates - the Moors.

The Finns call Santa Claus Joulupukki. He is very similar to Santa Claus, only he lives in Lapland (Northern Finland) with his wife. Grandfather's favorite pastime is feeding his beloved reindeer Rudolf with lichen and, of course, giving gifts to the kids who are waiting for him.

In Italy, Frost is called Babbo Natale, in Georgia - Tovlis Babua, in Armenia he is called Dzmer Papi. Belarusian kids meet Zyuzya or Dzeda, and Estonian kids meet Yyuluvana. In Hawaii, the Wizard is allowed to appear not in a long fur coat and pants, but in a jacket and shorts, and in Australia, Santa can dress up in a funny blue fur skullcap.

Where does the Winter Wizard live?

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The city of Veliky Ustyug deservedly bears its majestic name. It is surrounded by magnificent landscapes, which embodies the true Russian nature. The settlement is also the birthplace of the great masters of wood and silver. That is why Veliky Ustyug became the patrimony of Father Frost. Here, in silence, tranquility and harmony with the outside world, the Patron of Winter lives, who every year gladly welcomes the children who come to visit.

The residence of the Winter Wizard is located 15 km from the city itself. Pinery, the river Sukhona, wooden towers contribute to the creation of a truly fabulous atmosphere. Magic reigns in Grandfather's house itself. Located here:

  • wardrobe;
  • throne room (wish room);
  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • the rest of the 13 rooms.

In the dressing room, Santa Claus stores all his outfits for different events. Here you can see coats different colors and patterns, summer kaftans, as well as a sports ski suit! Every child who wants his dreams to come true strives to the wishing room. It is believed that it is enough to really, really want something and think about it, and the room will then do its job. Many kids and parents return to the room again in order to make their next cherished wish. It is also interesting to visit the room where numerous gifts are collected for Santa Claus himself. Children send him crafts and beautiful postcards, and friends of Santa Claus - funny little things, for example, a shaman's tambourine!

In addition to the house in Veliky Ustyug mighty Wizard appears in his . There are mansions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kemerovo, in the Crimea and in Yekaterinburg. On the eve of New Year's Eve, Grandfather Frost, together with his beloved granddaughter Snegurochka and assistants, comes to visit the children from different corners countries. For example, the residence in Yekaterinburg is the only one in the Urals, and therefore residents of the cities of nearby regions gather here.

It is very important for children to new year holidays in the company of the Lord of Winter. For them, Frost with his retinue always prepares a lot of entertainment. The residences have attractions, playgrounds, a skating rink (in the Moscow Apartments), as well as an exciting reindeer sleigh ride!

Letters and gifts

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Santa Claus in the eyes of kids and schoolchildren is the personification of miracles, magic and the fact that a fairy tale can come true. On such days, one cannot do without the main surprise - gifts for the children. In the residences of the Wizard, on the patrimony and on the squares in the cities, mass festivities are organized. Round dances are performed around the Christmas tree, garlands are lit and fireworks are set off.

For matinees in kindergartens and schools, as well as events in the residences of Father Frost, children prepare thoroughly. The smallest learn funny and simple quatrains. Older children can learn funny or narrative poems, sing a festive song in unison. For the efforts, the guys are presented with gifts. From a huge bag that Santa Claus always carries with him, he takes out wonderful toys, constructors, dolls, balls and much more interesting and long-awaited.

For guys who know exactly what they would like to receive from this magic bag, there is Santa Claus mail. Children together with their parents can write a letter to the Wizard, put it in a beautiful and hand-decorated envelope and send it to the addressee. In order for grandfather to hear the guys and pick up gifts for them, you should be polite to him, respect him and his retinue, and also thank you for the New Year's mood.

Beliefs and interesting observations

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Many mistakenly compare Santa Claus with the Snow Queen. Like, both command cold and blizzard, freeze and chill. Just now The Snow Queen turns people's hearts into pieces of ice, because instead of a heart, she herself has a piece of frozen water in her chest. Santa Claus, on the contrary, warms hearts with his kindness and warmth. He gives everyone a chance to improve in the coming new year, to leave everything bad and wrong in the outgoing year. He generously gives gifts to children, and adults - the joy of watching the happiness of his children. It is only thanks to him that multi-colored lights are lit on the Christmas tree, the trees are wrapped in hoarfrost, and in every house under the Christmas tree in new year's eve gifts appear.

The personal life of Santa Claus, according to popular belief, has developed quite successfully. In his wives - Winter herself. According to some superstitions, a blizzard lives in his beard, and the blizzard obeys his will, according to others, the blizzard is his daughter. Frost's favorite granddaughter is the beautiful Snegurochka, who has good heart and love for kids. The Snow Girl always accompanies her grandfather, helps to congratulate the children, dances with them and sings songs. In the residences of the country, personal chambers have been prepared for the Snow Maiden, where she can relax and braid her beautiful braid.

There are several more superstitions that define Santa Claus as the majestic and powerful Lord of the Cold:

  1. When Frost walks around his possessions in the cold, he leaves unique patterns on the glass of the windows. Where his foot steps, the water is covered with ice, and if he hits the hut with his staff, the log on the log house will crack.
  2. In addition to the freezing staff, the Wizard always has a bag with gifts in his hands. It is believed that he is bottomless. Santa Claus never rummages through it in order to extract a gift. He just puts his hand in there, and the right gift jumps into his mitten.
  3. Frost Red Nose travels on a sleigh pulled by three handsome stallions. Horses are named after the winter months - December, January and February.
  4. The wizard's wardrobe contains long fur coats of three colors: white, blue and red. All of them are decorated with fabulous patterns, turned off with white fur and girded with a wide belt.

At present, the facts and beliefs regarding this Wizard are closely intertwined and created wonderful legends, traditions and beliefs in tandem. What is true and what is fiction is difficult to determine. It is easy to learn only one thing: the New Year holidays, and especially the night, are filled with miracles. And they come true especially for those who believe in them with all their heart!

Where did Santa Claus come from? The answer to this question interests not only children, but also adults. In anticipation new year story the emergence of this fabulous image will be informative for all readers.

pagan traditions

Our ancestors in ancient times worshiped many gods at once. Each image was responsible for a certain element or action. For example, Perun was considered the main deity and was called the Thunderer in another way.

According to legend, Svarog was responsible for all the gods who led the natural forces. Morozko was a similar character in those days. He was in charge of the weather in winter. It was believed that this deity gave the Slavs sparkling snow and a festival with the onset of cold weather.

People firmly believed that during the attack of enemy troops, it was he who did not allow them to advance further, freezing everything around. According to legend, this deity created such ice that it was impossible to cut even with iron axes.

Fight against paganism

After the arrival of Christianity in Russian lands, active propaganda began new faith. All forces fought against paganism. In those days, the image of Morozko was drastically changed, making him a negative hero.

According to an invented legend, he turned into the Great Elder of the North, who came to different settlements and brutally froze people. One of these tragedies is described in the work "Frost - a Red Nose", which belongs to Nekrasov's pen.

In the poem, the Great Old Man froze his lonely mother in the forest without regret. Due to this tragedy, several children were left orphans, they had to overcome many difficulties in order to survive on their own.

The uneducated villagers began to believe in this legend. With the advent of winter, they were terribly afraid that this deity would come to their house.

Did Santa Claus pick up children

At times ancient Russia in every village the guys were afraid of this hero. They waited with horror for his arrival. It was believed that he was catching up very coldy and wind to the villages to "pick up" the children.

Often in poor houses during a strong snowstorm it was very cold, because such shacks were not heated in any way. Weak guys sometimes froze to death. Such a misfortune in the family was associated with the arrival of this by no means kind and long-awaited character. For those families, it did not matter where Santa Claus came from. The story, unfortunately, is not very pleasant. But she also had a place.

In those days, it was believed that this deity took the children to him. Unlike modern children, the children of ancient Russia never expected this hero and were very afraid of him. Everyone didn’t even want to pronounce his name aloud, and no one was interested in the question of where Santa Claus came from.

Crucial moment

In 1910, for the first time, cartoon postcards began to depict this character in a more attractive way. Artists in this way tried to eradicate pagan traditions and overcome the fear of the children.

A character appeared on the cards who smiled and came to the children with a large bag of gifts. Artists knew for sure that kids are very easy to bribe even with small surprises, because kids are so gullible.

With the help of new fairy tales and stories, they and their parents were offered a good version of where Santa Claus came from in Russia.

During the Soviet period, belief in any deity was strictly prohibited. In those days, Christianity was also actively oppressed. In order to further increase the patriotism of children, they turned into a kind old man who brings gifts to good children, a little forgotten Santa Claus. Where this character came from, no one knew. His legend at that time had not yet been invented.

Santa Claus, as well as his wonderful granddaughter Snegurochka, became the most beloved and desired characters. They came to kindergartens and schools on New Year's parties, entertained the kids near the Christmas trees, which in those days were organized in every park and in every club. about these good fairy tale characters in Soviet time many wonderful cartoons and films were shot, which today's children also enjoy watching. Perhaps because in such tapes there was not even a hint of violence, wonderful human qualities such as honesty, mutual assistance, friendship. Santa Claus in these tapes has always been fair, cheerful and infinitely kind.

Truth and speculation

Those who were children Soviet era, perhaps, they will be very surprised to learn that some modern historians are trying to connect the image of Santa Claus with communist propaganda. In those days, this hero was sincerely loved and believed that he was "the real one." And the statement that he comes only to obedient children hardly needs to be given a negative connotation, because not only in the Soviet Union they tried to influence the behavior of children in this way. fairy tale character Andersen Ole Lukoye also opens colored umbrellas only over obedient children.

For the first time, a children's matinee with the participation of Santa Claus was held in 1935 in Kharkov. The event was a huge success. The good red-cheeked grandfather in a red coat was loved not only by children, but also by adults, he brought so much positive with him, created a festive mood.

Image development

Gradually, this character entered the lives of people so firmly that few people were interested in the question of where Santa Claus came from. It was enough for the children to know that he brings gifts for the New Year, and they were very much looking forward to his arrival.

With the help of cinematography, an approximately identical image of the character emerged. He was required to have:

  • Gray hair and long beard.
  • Cheerful smile.
  • Red cheeks.
  • Staff.
  • Red or blue sheepskin coat and the same hat.
  • Big bag with gifts.
  • Kind eyes.

Gradually this hero grew incredible stories and legends.

Snow Maiden: daughter or granddaughter?

Over time, the writers decided to diversify the character and added an assistant to him. Where did Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come from? For the first time, people learned about this heroine from the work of Ostrovsky.

The fairy tale told that the Snow Maiden appeared in the forest in front of the walkers, who was attracted by the songs and dances of the youth. According to the plot, the girl was the daughter of Santa Claus and helped him to lead a life.

Over time, her image passed into the status of a granddaughter. There is an easy explanation for this. By age, a small girl approached the children, with whom communication at matinees became more pleasant and liberated.

Where did Santa Claus come from in Russia, and where does he live? There is no single answer to the question. This hero has repeatedly changed his place of residence during his existence. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the deity lives in dense forest.

With coming Soviet power this hero was moved to Arkhangelsk. Children were taken there on excursions and showed his residence. Now Veliky Ustyug is considered the official place of residence. Here the architects built a large residence of Father Frost with all winter attributes.

Thousands of children come here during the New Year holidays to get to know their favorite character and plunge into his life. Many adults, in order to return at least for a while to their childhood, are also happy to walk around the possessions of their beloved fairy tale hero.

Santa Claus has a full-fledged family. Winter is considered his wife, and the well-known Snegurochka is his granddaughter. Together they reread the children's letters and collect gifts in a big bag.

Santa Claus has several animals on his farm. It has long been customary that this hero travels in a sleigh pulled by three horses. But in the residence of the character there is also a beautiful deer Leshka.

In the penates of Frost, there is a room for a wardrobe. It stores a large number of elegant fur coats of the character. Also here you can find a ski suit and summer outfits. Thus, the Russian Santa Claus is a "fashionista" in comparison with similar characters from other countries.

November 18 is considered to be the birthday of our fairy-tale hero. Around this period of the year, colds set in and frosts intensify in Russia. Father Frost celebrates his holiday first in Veliky Ustyug, and a few days later he arrives in the capital. Here, hundreds of children are also waiting for him with gifts and congratulations.

The main Santa Claus of the country is 37-year-old Andrei Balin. He has been in charge of the household at the residence for 15 years. The livestock specialist at the age of 22 signed an agreement with the local authorities and makes the kids happy every year during the winter holidays.

Prototypes in other countries

Almost every state has its own characters who play the role of donors for the New Year. So, in Cyprus and Greece, Santa Claus is called Agios Vasilis. In these countries, January 1 is considered not only the New Year, but also a holiday named after all Vasilyev and Vasilis.

Where did Santa Claus come from in France? Per Noel - this is the name of this character in this European country. Its history of appearance is connected with religion. Per Noel is considered the prototype of St. Nicholas, who gave sweets to children from poor families on Christmas holidays.

American Santa Claus is increasingly appearing in commercials and in our country. The story of the appearance of the hero is connected with Nikolai Ugodnik. This saint was real character and endured many trials in his life. Despite this, he always remained the patron of children.

Initially, Santa Claus had the appearance of an elf and was dressed in dark green clothes. But in 1930 famous company Coca-Cola came up with a publicity stunt and depicted the character in the red and white colors used for their products.

Since that time, Santa Claus has become a large old man with a beard and mustache. He travels everywhere in a sleigh pulled by 12 deer. The favorite of them is Rudolf. The American prototype does not have a Snow Maiden. Little elves help him in everything. They go through the kids' letters and collect gifts.

Where did Santa Claus come from in Africa? Does he exist there? Of course yes. Here, too, there is such a character. His name is Papa Noel. Of all the characters, he is the most secretive, does not like to be in public. No one knows exactly what he looks like, where he lives.

the most interesting and unusual name possesses a character from Finland. Here it is called Joulupukki. Finnish Santa Claus comes to the children on a goat. Gnomes work for him as assistants. He lives with his wife in a small house on the mountain.

It probably doesn’t matter what this hero is called, how tall he is, what he is wearing. The question of where Santa Claus came from, let adults worry. It is enough for children to simply believe in his existence and wait for his arrival every New Year. After all, the feeling of a fairy tale and a miracle is preserved in a person throughout his life.

Can any of the children or adults imagine such a beloved and long-awaited New Year's holiday without the most important guest of Santa Claus. All people are waiting with equal impatience for both of them. The capricious queen from the fairy tale "Twelve Months" claimed that there would be no New Year until snowdrops were brought to her. But in reality, the New Year does not come until the most welcome guest, Grandfather Frost, comes to visit.

But what is the story of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? How did Santa Claus and his granddaughter appear? Has he always been a grandfather? Very young children are more interested in what gifts he has in the bag, and older children already want to know more about him and his companion.

The history of the appearance of Santa Claus - a good grandfather goes far into the past, there is no unequivocal opinion who exactly became his prototype. There are several versions and legends that reveal the secret of the appearance of a magical character:

Lord of the Cold

Similar characters appeared long ago in ancient Russian legends. People believed that the lord of cold wanders through fields and forests, wrapping them in snow, knocking with a staff, freezing rivers and lakes, and drawing patterns. They called this Vladyka Moroz, Grandfather Studenets, Morozko, Grandfather Treskun or Moroz Ivanovich. This gray-haired old man not only freezes, he also looks after nature, helps plants and animals survive the frosty winter. Morozko did not give gifts to children and did not wish Happy New Year, his main task was to take care of nature.

Spirit of the ancestors

Ancient people believed that the spirits of the dead take care of the living and protect nature. As a sign of gratitude, people performed a kind of ritual, depicting the spirit of the dead, and went from house to house. For this they received remuneration from the owners. The oldest person among all carolers portrayed a formidable spirit, for which he was called Grandfather. Probably, he could become the predecessor of Santa Claus, with the difference that the participants in the ceremony received gifts, and Santa Claus, on the contrary, brings them.

Ancient Varuna

In the rites of antiquity, falling on the period of the winter solstice, during Christmas time, depicting the sun, it was customary to draw his legs. This meant that all roads were now open to the sun. Now the sun begins its new journey in a circle, which increases the daylight hours and frees nature from snow and ice. By analogy with the ancient Varuna, in Russia this is facilitated by Santa Claus, who also connects the world of the living and the dead and helps the souls of the dead return to Earth with rain or snow. It was from Varuna that the winter guest known to us adopted the custom of judging people by their deeds and repaying according to their merits, being a strict and fair judge.

Evil Frost

There are several versions, according to which the prototype of dearly Grandfather was completely opposite characters. According to one legend, he is known as an evil and cruel deity, the lord of cold and blizzards, the Great Northern Elder, who freezes people, and one day freezes a young widow to death and leaves her children orphans. According to another version of the pagan peoples, Santa Claus received sacrifices on earth, stole small children and carried them away in his bag.

St Nicholas

According to one version, many of the features of Santa Claus were inherited from real person, who lived before our era, the kind and disinterested Nicholas. Living in prosperity, he willingly helped the needy and those who were in trouble, he paid special attention to children. Everyone knows that Nikolai helped collect a dowry for the daughter of a poor peasant, he threw a bag of coins into the chimney, and the coins fell into the girl's sock drying near the fireplace. This legend marked the beginning of the tradition of hiding surprises - "Nikolaychiki" in children's socks. For his kindness, Nicholas began to be called a saint. And in many countries, the custom of giving gifts for the Christmas holidays has become entrenched.

Image and clothes

Previously, Santa Claus was depicted in completely different clothes, which were radically different from the outfit we are used to. Now it's hard to imagine that Santa Claus was once dressed in a raincoat. Then the artists worked on the image and outfit of the grandfather, and at the end of the 19th century he wore a red coat with white fur trim. Later, the image of a good-natured old fat man with a gray beard characteristic of his age was created.

Now the grandfather we know has such special signs:

Hair and a long beard to the floor(same in all collective images character) - thick, gray-haired, symbolize power and happiness.

Shirt and trouserswhite color with the same snow-white pattern, symbolize purity. It is a mistake to dress grandfather in red trousers.

Fur coat- very long and exclusively red, with swan down trim and decorated with a silver pattern. A short sheepskin coat and fur coats of other colors belong to the wardrobe of grandfathers from other countries.

Hat- red, without tassels or pom-poms, with swan down trim, embellished with pearls and a silver pattern, with a V-neck at the front.

Mittens- always white, not red, decorated with a silver pattern, symbolize purity.

Belt- white with a red pattern, symbolizing the unity of the past and the present.

Shoes- felt boots or red or silver boots.

Staff- has a twisted silver handle, with a bull's head or a moon on top, which symbolizes fertility and power, the staff can freeze mischievous children and helps to move through the snowdrifts.

Bag- bottomless, full of gifts, always red.

Who is the Snow Maiden?

If with the advent of Grandfather Frost everything is very complicated and confusing, then the story of his granddaughter Snegurochka is known - this is the heroine of the New Year's play, which the audience has loved so much that her image has been popular for more than a hundred years. Although there was an image of a girl in a white coat before - it existed in folklore and they called this girl Snezhevinochka, Snegurka. Her name comes from the word "snow", because this girl was born from the snow.

Sometimes she is portrayed as a young girl, sometimes as a little girl, because there is a version that the Snow Maiden is the daughter of Grandfather Frost, but we know her as the granddaughter of a fabulous grandfather.

Be that as it may, not a single children's matinee can do without her, it is she who helps the kids to call Santa Claus for the holiday, it is she who is his permanent companion and assistant.

On holiday

On the holiday, Santa Claus manages to go around every house, but he does not invite anyone to visit him, so no one knows his exact address. People who believe in magic assume that his home is far in the North, in the land of ice and eternal winter. Many believe that grandfather may well live at the North Pole or that his home is in Lapland. Santa Claus will feel comfortable in any country where winter rules all year round.

Grandfather comes to visit on a sled flying through the air, which is harnessed by three horses, he can also come on skis or on foot. If someone had to see him on deer, keep in mind that Santa is in front of you.

Santa Claus comes to the children with the Snow Maiden, who is his granddaughter. Her clothes are snow-white in color, with a silvery ornament, and on her head she wears a crown with 8 rays. The image of the Snow Maiden is very close to children, she takes an active part in New Year games and competitions and helps the kids to call Grandfather Frost for the holiday.

The appearance and character of Santa Claus were collected from many good and evil, real and fictional characters. Having traveled a long way, he appeared before us as a symbol of power, goodness, justice and holiness. Meeting with him marks the beginning of a new period in the life of a person and the whole planet, in which there will be only good, kind and the best.

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