Famous company slogans. Slogans for all occasions that inspire

More attention to personality in the name of rustling cash!

Who understands the meaning of a masterpiece has dollars and euros.

Be observant like Proust, then you will hear the bucks crunch!

Normality is a road to nowhere. Be "strange" - and the Client will suddenly say "YES!".

It is very sad to live in the world without margin and without Art!

It is high time to understand: the basis of business is the game!

In a whirlwind of creative rage, a sale is made!

Imagine yourself a hero, and we will bury the profit in the garden!

Today Carlson, tomorrow - Don Juan, if only the money would fall into your pocket!

Instead of "tightening the screws", start memorizing tales!

For a business of any kind, more important than profit is freedom!

Whoever knows the best joke wins today!

Emotions are the source of money! And so - run to the training!

Do not mix beer with vodka, do not interfere with life with wiring.

One of the characteristic features - we have either a race or a concert!

The outcome of the game is unclear, but that's why it's beautiful!

Business is a preference: it gives an obscure chance!

Do you want to become a significant figure? Enjoy the business procedure!

Keep the right price for a sufficient margin!

Spreading with impunity, the sign means more than it's shown.

The connection between an asset and a liability is both useful and beautiful!

In order for the act to be pleasant, the right contact is important!

Meet in the best style, so that later you will be forgiven!

No one has resisted persistent praise yet!

Sale is a fusion of souls! And so - run under the shower!

Friendship, equality and brotherhood are the basis for wealth!

Speak slowly - so the connection will be more reliable!

If you want to be helpful, try to be kind!

Similarity is better than superiority!

One of the modern truths: the one who is selfless is lucky!

No quality system is possible without trickery!

Then only we are needed when we know how to be gentle!

Please be kind - and maybe avoid the abyss.

There are many intonations in life. Feel free to change!

Seminar attending sell positive!

With whom you live, you will give to that - that's the sales technique!

Success is available to everyone: you are wiser than everyone else in some ways!

A complaint is a reason to say a compliment: the Client teaches you business for free!

There are no bad roles in the play - there is a replica and there is an answer!

Comrade, seize the moment: art has become a tool!

Whether you're a hero or a simpleton - it doesn't matter WHAT, but it's important - HOW!

A writer and a poet will give advice to an entrepreneur!

Useful and thoughtless dandy, when he was invented by Gogol!

Incomprehensible to the mind, there is a thread from Hamlet to Mumu.

The balance of fantasy and meaning - here is the rocker of art for you!

Chestnuts and nasturtiums bloom on the tip of any instruction.

You can't describe a rhythm-filled life with an algorithm.

Today there is a demand for your ear, throat, nose! As well as other parts necessary for happiness!

Collect tricks and tricks for your daily workout!

Any of us in the life of a Jung is not yet aware of Jung!

When learning new concepts, don't forget contraception!

When dealing with the upgrade problem, don't forget about Sigmund Freud.

Our flags are higher! The happiness of business is in Freud!

Any behavior is explained by love.

We answer the question by avoiding the word “No!”

Having picked up the question to the answer, in the eyes of the Client you will be right!

Do you drink tea or whiskey?
Lower your risks.
ITS disks -
This is subscription happiness!

Why is it so characteristic of the mind
Sometimes ask: "why?"
And why sometimes then
We ask the question "why?"

No one has ever been loved by command.

What we recognize for the sign is the meaning, and we will choose the destination.

Give meaning to phrases
A wise mind is adapted.
But bypassing any restrictions
There is a path for poets!

For 1C:Enterprise sales, train your perception!

Have a couple of phrases in your stash that hit not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye!

The sage is at the mercy of the ice of logic and the hot flame of passion!

Whose character you like more, the accountant is drawn to that.

Wild nature is wise: there is no sense in it, but there is a game!

Only what is interesting to us is useful for business.

The state of delight is a condition for bargaining!

Metaphor as a woman is beautiful: incomprehensible and diverse!

Sometimes, the number of nuances is equal to the number of finances.

How to fight for money to always be yourself?

The words "Accessible and serious" do not mean "Quickly and to tears."

There is one way to happiness: a thought filled with passion!

Who has the Kamasutra on the table acts useful and wise!

Consult with the Genius more often - and you will be ready for changes!

So that there is no empty pocket learn from the eternal art!

They say in six words
Vastness of feelings is hidden:
Happiness, anger, sadness and fear.
Eroticism and tenderness!
Accept yourself as you are and you will eat porridge with butter!

Give freedom to the imagination, to the desired benefit for the sake of it! Create a unique style, and all unnecessary to the scrap!

Do not compete, be different, which means very expensive!

Extravagant approaches promise considerable income!

The more fun ideas the more rich people!

Sales Generator

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From this article you will learn:

  • How slogans work to attract customers
  • What principles are they based on?
  • What phrases should be used in slogans
  • How to develop a successful slogan to attract customers
  • How to avoid mistakes when compiling a slogan

Short, capacious phrases are well remembered by people. Even if a person has heard a good slogan only once, it will most likely stick in his memory. Moreover, many people may then not remember the content of the advertisement, have absolutely no idea what particular product is being discussed, but the slogan will be quoted by heart.

Why are slogans so important to attract customers?

First, let's figure out what an advertising slogan is. Translating the "slogan" from English, we get the "call", "slogan", "slogan". Hence the definition of an advertising slogan: this is a short motto of a product or company, the main task of which is to convey the main idea of ​​an advertising campaign. Therefore, a good slogan is not just a beautiful, but also a phrase that carries a certain semantic load.

Another, no less important, task of the slogan is to attract customers, increase brand awareness, work on the image of the company.

Meanwhile, if the slogan to attract customers is developed according to all the rules, then you can win quite a lot. The company's product will become more recognizable and memorable, and the image of the organization will be maintained at a certain level.

Advertising slogans to attract customers: requirements, types, approaches and methods of creation

The slogan consists of only a few words. But the value of each of them indicates the strategy of the firm.

With slogans:

  • Promote products and brands.
  • Attract clients.
  • Increase sales.
  • Trying to bring the team together.

In the latter case, we are talking about all sorts of corporate slogans and slogans.

The classification of slogans follows the principle of formation. The main options are as follows:

To create a good slogan to attract customers, you need to follow certain rules.

Be concise

Some are just too lazy to read a long text, others do not have time for this. Therefore, the phrase should be as short as possible, as well as easy to read and pronounce. Avoid complex words, so it will be easier for a person to understand the meaning of the slogan.

Examples here are the following:

  • Toyota: Drive the Dream!
  • Skoda: "Simply brilliant!"
  • Clothing Francesco Donni: "Only the best!"

Submit your application

Take advantage of the language

The slogan should not only attract customers, but also “take care” that the person remembers the information conveyed to him. Here you will be helped by rhymes, various puns, oxymorons and consonances. Do not neglect metaphors, be sure to use irony and humor. Find words with a strong emotional load: fear, hope, happiness, deliverance, etc.

Examples of such slogans:

  • Humor combined with metaphor, plus a reference to the well-known proverb: “Wash water before eating! Brita"
  • Most people appreciate humor: "Nuts - charge your brain."
  • The same goes for duplicated words: “A pair for each pair. Salamander.
  • Consonant words are easier to remember: “Free - “Volvo”.

Use Numbers

The numbers in the slogan attract the attention of a potential client in the first place. The buyer, for example, can be intrigued by a low price, a small amount of goods, a limited time for a purchase, etc.

Examples of similar slogans:

  • Quickness of impact: “Renny. 5 minutes and no heartburn!”
  • Unlimited: “Maximum possibilities. Maximum freedom. Lexus.
  • The ability to stretch the pleasure: “Guaranteed for 10,000 candies. George Dental Group.
  • Quality and strength of impact: “Triple protection for the whole family. Aquafresh.

Ask questions. Play on contradictions

These slogans attract customers by arousing their curiosity. If a question sounds in a phrase, but there is no answer, a person wants to know “how it will end.” Paradoxical, contradictory phrases also never go unnoticed by a potential client.

Examples of slogans:

  • Tide: "Are you still boiling? Then we go to you!"
  • Snow Queen: "Where do you dress?"
  • Winston: "You think I have no taste?"
  • Fairy: "Easy victory over difficult fat."

In the latter case, the slogan attracts the attention of customers with a phrase built on contradiction.

Try to evoke positive emotions in the client

To do this, use the appropriate words, upon hearing which, a person imagines warm clothes, a harmonious melody, a pleasant taste, a magical aroma, etc. Such ideas contribute to the production of serotonin by the human body - the “hormone of happiness”. As a result, the product you offer begins to be associated with something pleasant for the client.

Examples of similar slogans:

  • Candies Mars: “Mars. Everything will be in chocolate!”
  • Cosmetics L'Oreal: "Loreal Paris. After all, you deserve it!”
  • Nissan Almera car: "Pleasure without delay!"
  • Cosmetic brand Maybeline “Everyone is in awe of you! And you're from Mabillyn."

Promise customer benefits

The client must be sure that by purchasing your product, he will improve his health, achieve well-being, improve his living or other conditions, etc.

  • Panasonic: Microwave. Vitamins remain.
  • Pinosol drops: “Pinosol. Sneeze for a runny nose!
  • Kinder Surprise: Kinder milk slice. Milk to snack on!”
  • Audi car: "Winning for a clear advantage."

How slogans to attract customers affect the psychology of buyers

If the slogan is composed correctly, then it acts not only on a conscious, but also on a subconscious level. At the same time, the emotions of potential customers are necessarily affected. And thanks to the originality of the slogans, a logical chain is created in the human brain that keeps the created image in memory.

As noted above, many people enjoy humor - provided it is subtle and original enough. Such slogans not only attract the attention of customers, but also cause joy and inspiration.

  • "The impossible is possible!" - people hope that their problems will be solved.
  • "Pause - eat Twix!" - customers are sure that they will enjoy the purchase.
  • "A touch of luxury" is a game on the feeling of self-importance of customers, because the product is a status one.
  • “All shades of your desires” - sexual motives are affected. Lipstick is simply obliged to attract the attention of men.
  • “Either the best, or nothing” is a slogan that attracts ambitious clients.
  • “Do you love? Give!” is a game of pride. A person thinks: “How can I not like this? I love it, of course!
  • "Florence. Causing envy ”(we are talking about a cottage village) - a game on a person’s desire to stand out among others - neighbors, colleagues, etc.

Not all slogans aimed at attracting customers appeal to noble human feelings. But these phrases do not harm anyone, and therefore have the right to exist.

On what principles are slogans built to attract customers?

There are several of them, and each of them is important in one way or another:

  1. Conciseness. The slogan must be short, not contain more than 7-12 words. There are many well-known slogans of just 2-6 words: "Manage the dream", "Impossible is possible!" etc. In general, the shorter the phrase, the better.
  2. Emotionality. A compressed emotional phrase makes the most powerful impression on the client.
  3. memorability. Good-sounding phrases remain in memory - reefed or at least rhythmic. You can use sound repetitions (alliteration). A prime example of such a slogan to attract customers is: “Your pussy would buy Whiskas. Phrases are remembered well in which words or parts of a sentence are repeated: “Easy to buy - easy to sell.”
  4. Simplicity. There is no need for complex or even more incomprehensible terms. Even words that are difficult to pronounce are not welcome.
  5. . The client must understand what is at stake. Only in this case, the image of the product will be associated with the slogan. For example, the phrase "Sleep formula" is quite compatible with the sale of beds.
  6. credibility. The quality of a slogan is extremely important for attracting customers. There should also be a call to action that cannot be expressed in abstract terms like “best” or “good.” You need specifics (at least half of the words in the phrase): “buy”, “only 2 days”, etc.
  7. Uniqueness. Thanks to originality, the phrase will be remembered, while plagiarism will not work. Moreover, borrowed slogans will still work for their "owners". On the other hand, after the emergence of a large number of imitators, even well-known brands have to change their slogans to attract customers.
  8. Focus on the consumer. It is necessary to interest the buyer, to offer a solution to his problems.
  9. Getting into a trend. Slogans distributed via the Internet or the media are on everyone's lips.
  10. Use of numbers. With their help, you can specify the information: “Renny. 5 minutes and no heartburn!”
  11. Use of question and exclamation marks. In the first case, this is a call to action, involvement in a dialogue, an invitation to think: “Where do you dress?” ("Clothing store"). In the second, the slogan sounds more emotional, which also attracts customers: “One Second is Enough!” (glue "Seconda").

Slogans to attract customers + magic phrases

Competent marketers have long known how to work with a word. Moreover, certain words have received the definition of "magic". They first make customers want to read the text of the advertisement in full, and then purchase the product. Here is some of them:

  • Free.
  • Power.
  • Inside.
  • Money.
  • Proven.
  • Intimate.
  • Exceptional.
  • Master.
  • Reliable.
  • Cash.
  • Scientific.
  • Incredible.
  • New.
  • Discovered.
  • Open.
  • Opening.
  • Breakthrough.
  • Disclosed.
  • Secret.
  • Sex.
  • Strength.
  • Hidden.
  • Private.
  • Shocking.

If you have doubts that these words do not work, do an experiment. Include some of them in email titles or email newsletters, and then look at open rates. It will definitely grow a lot.

Why is this happening? There is no special secret here. Certain words have a special effect on the subconscious of a person, as a result of which he seeks to read the text more carefully. But when creating slogans to attract customers, in addition to adjectives and nouns, it is imperative to use verbs. They give power to the phrase:

  • Explode.
  • Throw away.
  • Do it.
  • Get to the bottom.
  • Find.
  • Discover.
  • Open.
  • Come.
  • Rip.
  • Spread.
  • Create.
  • Save.
  • Save.
  • Push.
  • Strike.
  • Find out.

You can call it a kind of hypnosis. A call to action encourages customers to take certain actions: they subscribe to newsletters, leave their e-mail, etc.

How to develop advertising slogans to attract customers: 2 stages

We can say that the process of creating slogans consists of two stages. At the first - analytical - it is necessary to collect and analyze the necessary information in order to find out exactly what and how the slogan should convey to customers. The second stage is creative, and its goal is to find the ideal form for the advertising phrase. Let's analyze the algorithm for compiling a slogan to attract customers.

Analytical stage

At the end of the analytical stage, record all the information so that you can return to it if necessary. After that, it was time to think about the actual form of the slogan to attract customers.

creative stage

  1. Once again analyze the slogans of your main competitors, but with a slightly different goal. Here it is necessary in order to avoid random repetitions and find something of your own. In some cases, you can even play on the slogan of a competing company, only very carefully. For example, one company modestly stated: “We are second, but we try.”
  2. Develop as many slogan options as possible to attract customers.
  3. Consider whether all options meet the requirements found in the analysis. Remove the extra ones.

It is difficult to say what is more in the process of creating a slogan - analysis or creativity. But one thing is clear for sure: even the most “creative” option must remain within the limits defined by the tasks.

And one moment. Any slogan, no matter how wonderful and original it may seem to you, must be checked for uniqueness and tested on representatives of the target audience.

8 strategies for creating advertising slogans to attract customers

Talk about your leadership

There are many ratings that determine the best companies according to one or another parameter. And if the company takes first place in at least one indicator, this is already an excellent achievement. As a comparison, we can cite contests where the most charming "Miss" is chosen. Many people know that in addition to the Miss Universe contest, there are Miss World, Miss Grace, etc. Becoming the best in one of them is also an incredible success.

  • Carlsberg: "Probably the best beer in the world."
  • British Airways: World's Favorite Airline.
  • Pizza Hut: America's Favorite Pizza.
  • Yamaha: Born to Lead.
  • Disneyland: "The happiest place on earth."
  • Xerox: "We taught the world to copy."
  • Yandex: "There is everything."

Call customers to action

To sell a product or service, you need a call to action. Many people will not get up until they are told that “it is necessary!”. The slogan should not only attract a client, but also work to increase sales, that is, push a person to perform a certain action.

Examples of such slogans to attract customers:

  • GP: "GP batteries, you see - buy!"
  • Twix: "Pause - eat Twix!"
  • Snickers: "Hungry? Snickersney!"
  • Sprite: "Quench your thirst!"
  • Nike: Just do it.

Try to be different from your competitors

If your company or product offering has some unique feature, then the level of sales will quickly go up. To attract customers, tell in the slogan about this trait of yours. If people like it, it will be a good boost for your business.

Examples of such slogans to attract customers:

  • M&M's: Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
  • Duracell: "No battery lasts longer."
  • Heinz: "57 kinds".
  • Cadbury: "One and a half glasses of milk in every pound."
  • FedEx: "When there is no tomorrow."
  • CAMEL: "CAMEL relieves headaches."
  • Patra: "Beer with a cork."

Use rhyme in slogans to attract customers

Many slogans rhyme, making them more harmonious and easier to remember. A good move would be to build a rhyme around the name of the company or brand.

Examples of similar slogans to attract customers:

  • Whiskas: "Your pussy would buy Whiskas".
  • Sony: "This is not a dream, this is Sony"
  • Nicorette: "Nicorette, Nicorette - you can live without cigarettes."
  • Gillette: "Gillette is not better for a man."

Link the slogan to the target audience

Reaching the right audience is practically a guarantee of success. The slogan will surely attract the attention of a person, and he will think: “This is just what I need!”

Examples of such slogans to attract customers:

  • Alfa Romeo: The Bachelor's Car.
  • Pepsi: The New Generation's Choice.
  • Forbes: "The tool of the capitalist."

Use Comparisons

Often, in order to convince someone of something, you have to resort to comparison. In advertising, it works the same way. Comparative slogans do a great job of making a product or service stand out from its peers.

Examples of similar slogans to attract customers:

  • Ajax: "Stronger than dirt."
  • Beyond Petrolium: "More than fuel."
  • Matchbox: "We sell more cars than Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet and Buick combined."
  • Moscow cellular: "Only silence is cheaper."

Convince customers of their choice

If you make a person feel special, then with a high degree of probability he will make a decision in your favor. Advertisers have long understood this, and use this motivator wherever possible - including when compiling slogans. In fact, each person wants something different from the rest, something to attract attention. And by indulging their little weaknesses, people get into marketing networks.

Take care of your image

The image of the company is not only the trust of customers in it. This is prestige and status, this is fashion and trend. Let self-praise and not be too modest, but modest sellers are not successful. To sell a lot, you need to be assertive, in some ways even arrogant. The main thing in business is the result, no matter what philosophers think about it.

The coolest advertising slogans: creative examples from global brands

  1. Nike: just do it (Nike: just do it).

If earlier Nike simply sold sportswear, now we can safely say: it forms consciousness. People believe that you can keep yourself in good physical shape without being professional athletes. The main thing here is desire and perseverance. The company managed to convince its customers of this.

The author of this slogan was the agency Kennedy + Weiden. And none of the specialists working there could even imagine how Nike would develop in the future - and in many respects a well-chosen advertising phrase. From a mere supplier of sports goods for marathon runners, the company has grown into a major player in the world. And it's all about a well-chosen slogan that managed to attract new customers.

  1. Apple: think different (Apple: think differently).

One day, famous dreamers decided to challenge the system. They did it, and the world changed as a result. This was once told by Apple's "Here's to the Crazy Ones, Think Different" ad. This phrase is a response to IBM's "Think IBM" advertising campaign.

It wasn't long before the "Think Different" slogan began to be used throughout the company's advertising - even though Apple could not boast of any innovative products at that time. But one day people realized that Apple is not just another company that sells computers.

The company produced powerful and at the same time easy-to-use devices. Clients were attracted by the fact that they could feel savvy in terms of technology, and people were happy to purchase computers from the company.

According to Forbes, as soon as Apple issued a slogan to attract customers, its shares skyrocketed, tripling within a year. The company has not used this slogan for a long time, but Apple fans are still proud of the fact that they can think differently.

  1. L'oreal: because you're worth it (L'oréal: because you deserve it).

Every woman is sure that she deserves a lot. L'Oréal knows that their cosmetics are used by the fair sex in order to look as attractive as possible. This slogan attracts customers not by giving some information about the company's products. He talks about the opportunities that open up for women. And such a completely new approach to understanding cosmetics fully justifies itself.

  1. mastercard: there are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's mastercard (Mastercard: there are things that cannot be bought. For everything else, there is a mastercard) .

This slogan was invented in 1997 to attract customers, an advertising campaign with it was launched in 98 countries in 48 languages.

This campaign began with the story of a father and son who decided to go to a baseball game. The father paid for the entrance, for the food, then for the autographed ball, but the main thing in this advertisement is the conversation between the heroes of the video. At that time, there were no social networks yet, but the campaign gained extraordinary popularity and became truly viral.

  1. M&M: melts in your mouth, not in your hands (M&M: melts in your mouth, not in the heat).

Another example of a great slogan to attract customers. The company skillfully emphasized the peculiarity of its chocolate: it does not melt in the hands.

  1. Lay's: betcha can't eat just one (Lay's: bet you can't eat just one).

Has anyone ever eaten just one chip and stopped there? Probably not. A similar slogan to attract customers would be suitable for other snack companies, but, as they say, whoever had time, then ate it.

Lay's doesn't say how delicious its chips are. She talks about what is close to people: the properties of human nature.

  1. Dunkin' donuts: America runs on dunkin (Dunkin' donuts: America runs on dunkin).

The advertising campaign, launched in April 2006, cost Dunkin' donuts several tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars. To attract customers, a slogan was used stating that all busy Americans recharge coffee on the go from Dunkin' donuts.

  1. Mcdonald's: i'm lovin' it (Mcdonald's: that's what I like).

The campaign started in 2003, and this slogan still attracts customers. Many understand that food at McDonald's does not correspond well to a healthy lifestyle, but they cannot refuse hamburgers, wings, donuts and other dishes from there.

  1. The New York Times: all the news that's fit to print (The new york times: all the news that's fit to print).

This slogan is over a hundred years old. It was created in the last decade of the nineteenth century. The phrase contrasted The New York Times with publications that specialize only in sensationalism. The idea of ​​the slogan is that you need to print those facts and stories that can teach a person something new. Now The New York Times is considered a source of information that deserves complete trust.

  1. Maybelline: maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's maybelline

One of the most famous slogans in the world. Appearing in the 1990s, until 2016, he made women feel supremely confident. After all, as soon as any lady uses the company's cosmetics, she will turn into a model from the cover of a glossy magazine. In 2016, the slogan was changed to "Make IT Happen", thus inspiring women to express their understanding of beauty in their own way. But the previous motto is still relevant.

How to write slogans to attract customers, avoiding common mistakes

And a little more about the "magic" words, which were discussed a little earlier. Some of them have been used so often to attract the attention of customers that they have become quite worn out and no longer evoke the intended reaction. It:

  • nouns: bliss, fragrance, taste, secret, dream, etc.;
  • adjectives: flawless, perfect, true, best, etc.

If the slogan you created includes words from both of these groups, the advertising phrase simply will not work. It is difficult to come up with an expression more banal than "true bliss." On the other hand, such words in combination with fresh and original images will look very appropriate.

If I am not for myself, then who is for me?

So do it!

Don't drag out your problems for the rest of your life..

Think about the upcoming victories!

There are no limits to the realization of dreams!

I am the first!

I know what I stand and what I want from life!

The most amazing thing in this life is that you can sculpt yourself however you want.

The best way to get rid of fear is to face it, not every tiger can stand it.

Either you control your mind or it controls you.

Remember, the strongest defense is the absence of fear. And in order to lose it, you need to be sure that you are the strongest person. Every person should love and respect himself.

I can do anything, if I just want to!

You are the master of your own happiness.

Yes! I want this!

Never lose respect for yourself!

Success needs no explanation, failure needs no excuse.

Take responsibility for your life.

A person should always set goals for himself in life and strive to achieve them. He must only go forward.

Learn to look people in the eye.

Those who have succeeded in life do not blame others.

It's hard for you, I know, but you can do it.

Set a goal for yourself and go towards it firmly.

Don't do that. What you like and what you need.

Obstacles are there to be overcome.

Learn to control yourself, do everything in the best way ..

Be the strictest judge for yourself.

You stumble more when you run away.

You have the right to choose and power you don't even know you have.

The future is today, there is no tomorrow, and do not wait for the day of deliverance to come, it has already come.

Before you can learn to control the power contained in the grain, you must learn to control yourself.

A person is paid for the ability to do something. And from here the consequence is that big money is paid for the ability to produce something that is of even greater value.

Will I try just once?

If you don’t know where you are going, you need to be very careful, otherwise you may not reach.

Follow the intended path stubbornly and consistently.

Act like….

When you work hard, put your soul into your work, you achieve success.

I realized that if you want to be successful, you have to work hard and that the one who only complains will never reach the top.

Try your best and you will succeed.

With effort, you can achieve anything you want.

Life is a fight.

A good deed is never done in vain. Sooner or later it will come back to you.

Courage lies not in the absence of fear, but in overcoming it.

The soul strives for selflessness, the body is filled with egoism. We ourselves must strike a balance.

Persistence brings success.

To conquer the world, you need to conquer your will.

I!!! Want!!!

There is a law in human relationships: how we teach ourselves is how we are perceived.

It is hard to believe that remaining a slave to his weaknesses, a person will be a fighter in life.

Self-control is the power of a person over himself - this is the suppression of his habits, fears, laziness, reflexes in order to achieve a goal - this is the ability to suppress the sensual side of his psyche, the ability to resist temptation.

Is the choice still mine?

I am the master of my world, and only I can change it.

I live in a world of endless possibilities!

In order to achieve something, you must believe in yourself.

Oh life you are beautiful, oh life you are beautiful believe me…….

I want, I will, I must...

I am a winner!!!

I have a choice now, don't I

If you do not conquer yourself, you will be conquered yourself.

Life is the only reward in the evolution of the soul...

Consider yourself lucky.

Don't shy away from making decisions

Love yourself

Consider everything achievable.

Consider all events as auspicious.

Always finish what you start...

Live big, indulge in excess...

Don't compromise...

Don't share your secrets with anyone.

Be patient.

Stand up for your rights.

Focus on what has been achieved.

You are always the best.

If you want to be happy, be it!

In this life it is not difficult to die, to make life much more difficult...

Live in the compartment of one day.

Don't waste your energy looking at the outlines of distant horizons.

Hourglass: grain by grain of sand, case by case.

Today a new life begins...

Where the spirit goes, the body follows.

“He understands that he didn’t have any life, that he passed it by, and now you can’t change anything ...”

Today is the only thing we own. Only in it we can be sure to the end ....

First understand, then decide.

Convince yourself that you can succeed and success will come to you.

A necessary element in life is unshakable faith in yourself.

Qualities necessary for the development of hypnosis: -self-confidence




When it gets hard, the first to surrender is the spirit and not the body.

You are a frank person, you have serious obligations to yourself and your loved ones. Make a commitment - study the problem in detail and begin to act, using your full potential as a person.

I won't be afraid, I won't worry. If I have even one chance, I will not miss it, I will live!

It is better to burn out from work than to wither from melancholy.

Life is too short to be petty.

Lord, give me the serenity to accept what I can't change, And the courage to change what I can, And the wisdom to tell the one from the other.

Unfortunate not blind. And the one who cannot bear blindness.

Our way of thinking has a striking effect on our physical capabilities.

Let's fight for our happiness!

We live the life we ​​deserve.

The body is stupid and should not be forgotten.

Stop apologizing for no reason.

First you need to try to love your body shell.

You are your body, and loathing it means not accepting yourself as a human being.

In fact, the happier you make yourself, the higher the potential of your intellect.

No complaints about circumstances that we cannot change.

If you repeat something often enough, it will become a part of you.

The basic law of possession: use it, otherwise you will lose it.

A person has unlimited energy at his disposal, if only he knows how to get it, he will achieve everything.

Life is not worth a penny if you live it like a worm.

Anyone who believes that he does not have enough time for physical exercises will have to make time for illness sooner or later.

It is impossible to please everyone.

There are two types of people: one enters the room with the words: “Here I am”, and the other: “Here you are!”.

Too late, we realize that the meaning of life is to live it, rejoicing in every day and hour given to us.

It's a disease. The disease is severely neglected if you change your position at the slightest sign of disapproval from the outside.

Everything that a person can imagine, everything that he believes in, all this is achievable.

A man does not suffer defeat until he admits he has been defeated.

Don't drag out your problems for the rest of your life..

The mind has no limits other than those we set ourselves.

Repetition of an order addressed to the subconscious. The only way to consciously develop faith.

Self-discipline is the hardest and most important of all jobs in life.

Do not wait. There may not be the right moment. Start immediately and act with all the means that you have.

If you know what you want, you will get it

It is well known that if a statement is repeated many times, one begins to believe in it, regardless of whether it is true or false. Each person is what dominates in his mind, what he allows to dominate. The thoughts that a person consciously introduces into his consciousness constitute the driving force that directs and controls every movement of a person, his every action and deed.

You have to fight. You must believe in yourself. You must know what is really hidden in yourself.

Any mental impulse that repeatedly enters the subconscious mind is eventually perceived by it and converted into a physical equivalent.

Never give in.

I'll get mine! I won't give in to anything or anyone else. I will fight and victory will be mine.

Inaction throws back. Start your fight right now!

Whose life am I actually living?

People with courage and character are always inconvenient for others.

Life is either a risky adventure or nothing at all.

Think you are free! You can go wherever you want! Everything is available1 Everything is real! So what are you waiting for?

Now I'm the head of everything!

Beware of your own indecisiveness. After all, the lack of determination always leads down!

Do not shift responsibility for your life onto others.

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Popular and well-known slogans are advertising. Slogans are one of the best ways to influence your clients as slogans are short and you can easily convey a message through slogans to your clients. Obviously, creating an attractive and catchy slogan is not an easy task. You need to be outstanding and have superb wit and creativity to create catchy and simple slogans that attract customers and speaks of your brand. Thus, in this article, we will show only some of the best slogans that are popular and loved by everyone.

1. (I’m Lovin’ It) owned by McDonald’s is McDonald’s current international branding campaign created by Heye & Partner, an agency of McDonald’s (Germany). It was originally launched in German "Ich liebe es" in Munich, Germany on September 2, 2003, later it was launched in Australia on September 21, 2003, the UK on September 17, 2003, and in the USA on September 29, 2003. It has since gained popularity and is now the slogan that represents McDonald's.

2. "(Finger Lickin' Good), owned by KFC, is the most popular KFC advertising slogan, which was created back in 1950. However, there is an interesting story behind this phrase. During a TV commercial showing Dave Harman (Pete's brother) in the background licking his fingers, a viewer called the channel to complain saying that someone in the background was licking his fingers, a KFC manager named Ken Harbaugh responded to is: "Well, it's really" lick your fingers "" and later this phrase became the most famous slogan of KFC.

3. (Soon there will be 2 kinds of people, those who use computers and those who use Apples), owned by Apple - this slogan was introduced by Apple in the early 1980s. And she proved it when she launched the iMac in the 90s. It was really so successful that people were incredibly fascinated with its appearance and they loved to use it and buy it, paying a lot more than a regular computer just for the looks.

4. (Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat), owned by Kit Kat - The slogan was introduced in 1958 by Donald Gilles, the head of JWT Orland, this is their international advertising slogan, which they still continue to use.

5. (The pause that refreshes), owned by Coca Cola - The slogan was introduced in 1929, and Archie Lee himself was the one who came up with it. And that made Coke synonymous with a break. However, Coca Cola changed its slogan regularly depending on the regions.

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6. (There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard) 1997, owned by MasterCard - This slogan forms the basis of MasterCard's ongoing campaign, which is linked to the company's trademarked "Priceless" slogan.

7. (The happiest place on Earth), owned by Disneyland since the 1960s - Disneyland needs no introduction, and their characters have long been popular internationally. Everyone loves them and the slogan "The Happiest Place on Earth" is their property.

8. "We do it all for you"(We do it all for you) owned by McDonald's is a slogan used by McDonald's from 1975 to 1979. They previously used "You deserve a break today" from 1971 until 1975. And after this slogan, since 1979, they began to use: “Nobody can do it like McDonald’s can” (Nobody can do it like McDonald’s can).

9. (Connecting People), owned by Nokia - A slogan used by Nokia to market their mobile phones. It was introduced in 1992 by Nokia. However, frankly, Nokia was synonymous with all mobile devices in some countries, and especially in India, for a number of years in the late 90s and early years of the 21st century, as they covered a huge part of the mobile device industry at that time, but now they are facing fierce competition.

And yet, they really "connected people", in accordance with their slogan.

10. (Think small) owned by Volkswagen - This slogan was used by Volkswagen in the 1950s for their trademark "beetle". It was created by Helmut Krone and this campaign is regarded as one of the best advertising campaigns created in the 20th century and is a well-deserved success.

Are you aware of the slogans used in any successful or unique campaign? Then share the information with us in the comments.

"Kings are not born, they are made thanks to the love of the people." It is quite difficult to create a successful "royal" brand that will make a profit. In this process, every component is important: packaging design, corporate identity, and how the brand name or company slogan, advertising slogan sounds.

The development of each element of the brand must be approached with knowledge of the matter and understanding of the target audience. A product that is focused on its consumer, arouses his interest and positive emotions, and satisfies his needs, will always be loved. However, when your brand is just at the very beginning of a long journey, the first thing you need to do is attract the attention of the audience, gain a foothold in their minds and become a recognizable product.

How to do it? The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, advertising, however no advertisement will bring the expected result without an advertising slogan. A person may not remember what the advertisement is about or what the product is called, but they will remember the advertising slogan. Don't believe? See for yourself, each of us will be able to continue such advertising slogans as: "Don't slow down - ...", "Your pussy would buy ...", "Pause - eat ...".

The slogan development process includes the following steps:

The slogan is

Types of slogans

There are the following types of advertising slogans:

  1. Company slogan(brand) - a short phrase that reflects the image and positioning of the company (brand) in the market. Often such a slogan reflects those semantic aspects that could not be placed in the name (naming). Or vice versa, it complements the name, facilitates its interpretation and understanding.
  2. Definitor(descriptor) - a signature to the name of the company, which contains the positioning of the trademark, its mission, values. The definator creates a unique and understandable brand image, just like a slogan does.
  3. Slogans for advertising- designed for special events: promotion, presentation, concert, social event, etc.

What should be the slogan?

When creating slogans, consider requirements for a slogan. So it should be:

  1. Accurate. It is necessary that the slogan be clear and exactly correspond to the task. The target audience of your product does not consist of one person, but of a wide range of people, so the slogan should be understandable to everyone, written in the language of the audience.
  2. concise. The slogan should be focused on one main idea of ​​the company or its product and present this idea to the masses in just a few words.
  3. Simple. The consumer will not deal with what he did not understand the first time. The slogan should be simple, concise and encourage to make a purchase.
  4. original. Creating a bright image through an advertising slogan, the literacy of its writing are of great importance. Spelling errors often unnerve consumers, but sometimes you have to break the rules to create the desired effect. An original slogan will make your product stand out from the competition.
  5. rhymed. Such slogans are better remembered, but there are exceptions to all the rules, the more creative the idea, the more vivid and successful the slogan will turn out.
  6. Memorable. Ease of pronunciation, brevity, rhyme, use of non-standard words and other factors determine how recognizable and memorable your slogan will be.

Remember that the company's slogan should be focused on the needs of the target audience and not have an ambiguous interpretation.

“How to come up with a slogan so that it turns into an advertising slogan for the consumer and strengthens the position of the brand?”. The main rule when developing a slogan: "More meaning - less text." This is the basic principle of a professional advertising slogan. Companies that prefer long slogans (slogans for advertising) short, sooner or later, still come to understand this principle.

In the same way that an empty phrase will not be perceived by the consumer, a long slogan will be more difficult to remember or in parts. Therefore, to develop a successful advertising slogan means to fill the minimum number of words with maximum meaning!

The slogan or motto of the company, like the entire advertising campaign, is built on the basis of brand positioning and strategy. Slogans for advertising carry the emotional load of a PR campaign, form the brand image and the future attitude of customers towards it. Therefore, when creating a corporate slogan, the techniques of using aphorisms, quotations, allusions, metaphors and puns in the slogan are used.

Properly chosen words - an advertising slogan can not only attract attention, but also lead to a number of behavioral reactions of the consumer, form a positive perception of the company or brand, and most importantly stimulate the consumer to make a purchase.

Examples of effective slogans designed for famous brands branding agency KOLORO ; You can see company slogans, brand slogans and advertising slogans in our Portfolio. We create slogans for those who can afford everything, for the "kings of the market". Our slogans are not only rational, but also emotional, which greatly enhances the effectiveness of communication with the consumer.

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