Where was born yuri antonov singer. Yuri Antonov - biography, information, personal life

Singer Yuri Antonov turns 72 in February 2017. In recent years, he has not often appeared in public, leading a quiet life in a country house near Moscow. But the concert schedule of the famous artist is still tight, because lyrical compositions Antonov loves more than one generation of listeners.

Childhood and youth

To calculate how old singer Yuri Antonov is, you need to know his date of birth. In 1945, on February 19, the boy Yura appeared in the family of a serviceman in Tashkent. Father served in marines, and the mother lived in Uzbekistan for some period of time in evacuation.

Like most military families, it was not possible to stay in one place for a long time. Father was soon transferred to Germany, where Yuri's younger sister was born. And then the family moves to Belarus, where the father serves in several garrisons. After frequent moves, the Antonov family stops in the town of Molodechno. This city is associated with the beginning of the singer's career, because it is here that his parents send him to a music school, and then to a local School of Music.

In the first year, young Antonov begins to work - he gets a job as a choir director at the local House of Culture. Success in the musical field allowed me to look for myself in this direction further. After graduating from college, Antonov goes to Minsk, where he gets a job at the Philharmonic. The parents of the beginning musician had also moved to Minsk by that time.

I had to take a short break in my career to serve in the army, where Yuri was called up in 1964. But after the service, the young man returns to the capital of Belarus and continues to work at the Philharmonic, where he is already in charge of the Tonika ensemble.

First steps to success

A young talented musician is noticed. In 1969, Yuri receives an offer from the Singing Guitars and accepts it. At first, the singer worked as an instrumentalist-keyboardist, but soon became a soloist of a well-known Leningrad band.

The first compositions of Antonov are heard at VIA "Singing Guitars", but very soon the songs of a talented musician can also be heard from Lev Leshchenko, his songs are performed by VIA "Blue Bird" and "Earthlings".

A few years later, Antonov is already working with the Sovremennik orchestra, followed by work artistic director VIA "Magistral".

The musician's songs are gaining popularity, he has hundreds of fans in different corners countries. We can say that the peak of the singer's career was the 80s, at which time Yuri Antonov was considered the most famous performer in the vastness of everything Soviet Union.

That's just despite the popularity of the earnings of the famous artist was very modest. According to the salary grid, his salary was approximately 30 rubles. In those years, it was a very mediocre salary, so it is not surprising that Antonov had to "farce". Helped to receive additional income trips abroad. In the West, Antonov bought foreign equipment, which he successfully sold to colleagues in his homeland. The earnings were not bad, so the singer soon managed to save up money for a Volvo 244 - a rare and expensive car in those years. By the way, this car did not become the first, but was an addition to the VAZ 2103 and VAZ 2106 already available at that time.

Quiet period

In the late 80s, new interesting bands appeared on the scene. The groups "Tender May", "Mirage" bathed in the rays of glory, won fans, while Antonov received less and less offers to hold concerts. The singer did not know how to remind himself and did not want to, so he decided to try himself in a new role - he became a producer.

The producer's project was Svetlana Almazova, for whom she wrote an album. That's just the name of the singer could not be promoted, so soon the novice producer closed his project. Even Almazova's first album, Yuri tried to withdraw from sale.

For almost 10 years, Yuri Antonov disappeared from the country's concert venues. And only at the beginning of the new century, his name began to appear again in concert programs. During this period, the audience again turned to retro artists, and the songs of the talented author sounded with new force. Until now, fans remember and sing his best compositions:

  • "The roof of your house";
  • "The world depends on us";
  • "Sea";
  • "I'll walk along Apricot";
  • "From sadness to joy";
  • "Dream" and many others.

At the beginning of the century, the singer releases new album. The list of compositions includes not only new songs, but also the most famous hits loved by more than one generation of listeners. The author himself believes that new songs are written by those who do not have popular songs. This expression certainly does not apply to him.

Not so long ago, Antonov tried himself as a jury member of the Main Stage project. There were rumors about his appearance among the mentors of the popular Voice project, but they were not confirmed.

Love twists and turns of the artist

The first love of young Antonov was unrequited. The girl he met while studying at the Molodechno School chose another. They say that after many years she came to the concert of her former admirer and made her way backstage. But Yuri then accepted her coolly - love had long passed.

The first official wife was the girl Anastasia. Little is known about her, and according to the artist, the marriage was fictitious. She planned to emigrate to America and the singer agreed to help her with paperwork. At that time, he also had thoughts about emigration, but he soon abandoned this idea.

The second marriage with Mila Babanovich helped the singer get a "ticket" to travel abroad. The wife was a native of Yugoslavia, which gave him some advantages. Truth, family life did not last long.

Anna is the third wife of the singer. The marriage was also short-lived and broke up. Today Anna lives in Paris. Very little is known about her, like about other women of the performer.

The singer himself says that he fell in love more than once in life, but all relationships made it clear that there is a very short distance from love to hate. Perhaps that is why women in the artist's life did not stay long. He has a very complex character.

Antonov has two children. The eldest daughter lives abroad, but the son did not dare to leave the country.

In recent years, Antonov has been living in own house 15 km. from Moscow. Spacious Vacation home surrounded by high fence, as befits the main recluse of the domestic scene. After all, the singer gives little comments, rarely agrees to an interview, and it is a great success for any journalist to talk to him for a few words!

  1. A scandal erupted at a concert in Kuibyshev in the late 80s. The audience considered the singer's expressions rude, and his manner of performance completely inappropriate. The reason was the termination of the concert at the initiative of the performer after the coarse language that followed from the audience.
  2. 12 cats and 5 dogs live in the artist's house. Mostly animals are not thoroughbred, picked up on the street.
  3. He loves fishing and during the summer tours one of the conditions is to organize a fishing trip.
  4. Likes to drive a car.
  5. Man of moods. Concert organizers have long been familiar with the difficult nature of the singer and know that he can cancel the concert literally a day before it starts. True, all fees are honestly returned.
  6. Doesn't like gambling.


For more than 40 years people know, love and sing songs Yuri Antonov. Pretty solid creative experience by today's standards. Such popularity is worth a lot. As, however, and flattering reviews from the sir himself.

Yuri Antonov more than 10 years ago, the Ovation Award was awarded in the Living Legend nomination, because the singer is exactly that. In the composer's piggy bank a large number of reissued discs. He actively participates in competitions and festivals both as a member of the jury and as a participant, presenting his new compositions to the listener.

Birth of a legend

father of the future famous artist was a military man. He was given leave in the summer of 1944, and he came to Tashkent. Here in the evacuation was his wife Natalia. 9 months after their “date”, a son was born Yura.

Mikhail Vasilievich saw the boy in fits and starts. Father worked for 3 years in the Berlin commandant's office. When the Antonov family finally reunited, they decided to move to permanent residence in the Belarusian city of Molodechno. There Yuri went to school. He began to seriously study music and at the age of 14 he became the head of the railway choir at the local depot, and traveled to Vilnius for notes for the orchestra.

In the same club, 20 km from Molodechno, he came to play the accordion, for which he received 60 rubles per month. At this time, he got acquainted with jazz classics, which later played a certain role in his work.

He showed himself no less actively during the years of study at the music school. There he even created Dixieland. Due to the lack of necessary equipment, the participants had to be content with what was at hand - Russian folk instruments. But despite this, Dixieland Antonova was popular.

Believe in the dream

After graduating from music school Yuri Antonov was sent as a music teacher to the children's music school in Minsk. And soon young musician offered to take the place of a soloist-instrumentalist in the Belarusian State Philharmonic. Having served in the army, Yuri returns to his native Philharmonic and organizes his first team. And a few years later he was invited to work in the legendary Leningrad ensemble "Singing Guitars". In this group, he first performed his author's songs. But the song “For me, you are not more beautiful” brings him all-Union popularity - a hit of that time. This song was popular not only among the listeners and viewers, but, what is very important, it received rave reviews from the musicians. Besides, Yuri Mikhailovich for the first time in the USSR he performed the song "People meet" by the Hungarian composer Gavashi. Later, the participants of the "Singing Guitars" admitted that the songs from Antonova rained down, as from a cornucopia.

Good fellow Yuri Antonov

In 1971 Yuri leaves for Moscow. This is where it starts new period his creativity. He performs in the ensemble "Good fellows." He writes new songs that are performed by the Cheerful Guys ensemble under the direction of Pavel Slobodkin. At this time, he writes the songs “Yesterday”, “Summer is ending”, “At the birches and pines." He is invited to the orchestra conducted by Anatoly Kroll as a vocal soloist. Performances begin in Moscow.

The singer admits that at the "Rosconcert" the ensemble "Good fellows" had to pass concert program 18 times! The fight that Yuri spent in those years, hardened him greatly. Then among the youth there was a fashion for long hair and sideburns like Tom Jones. But the artistic councils did not recognize her. Somehow the ensemble handed over the next program, and members of the commission demanded that the musicians shorten their hair. As a sign of protest, they all cut their hair bald. "What have you done!" – then the jury was indignant. To which the guys answered: “So, no one forbade such a view?”

At this time, the Rosconcert hatched plans for the creation of the Moscow Music Hall, and Yuri management promises its own group. Subsequently this collective becomes independent and receives the name "Magistral". With this ensemble, he tours all over the country with his own solo program.

At the Melodiya company, his first records begin to come out. The whole country sings songs Yuri Antonov, but the way to television is closed. And with the artistic councils of the recording company, not everything is so simple. Many songs Yuri not allowed for publication. The reason for everything is not a member of the Union of Composers. But, nevertheless, the popularity of the Soviet listener is growing like a snowball. The circulation of his records is growing like mushrooms, the bill has already gone into the millions. At Yuri Antonov new team- Airbus. Recordings of new songs begin - “On Kashtanova Street”, “I'm going to meet you”, “White ship”.

Lunar path of Yuri Antonov

But the real takeoff is yet to come. it big job at the Melodiya company with the Araks group. Records are released with the songs “Do not forget”, “Sea”, “Twenty years later”, “I remember”. Sold 20 million copies!

The Odessa film studio invites him to write music for the film “Take care of women”, beloved by millions of viewers. This is how film work begins. wrote music for the films "Beauty Salon", "Before Parting", "Order", "Unfamiliar Song", "Predators", "Fools Die on Fridays".

Together with famous poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky wrote a children's musical fairy tale-musical "The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi". In this musical, the song "The Roof of Your House" was first performed, which became very popular in the country. He works for the biggest concert venues countries: Kyiv - 20 concerts at the Sports Palace, Rostov-on-Don - 12 concerts at the Sports Palace, Moscow - 8 concerts at the Sports Palace in Luzhniki. But the real record Yuri Antonov- in 15 days - 28 concerts in the Lenin Sports and Concert Hall in Leningrad, 14 thousand spectators were present at each concert. The total circulation of sold music media is 47 million copies.

In 1985, Polarvox Music invited Yuri Antonov to Finland to record an album in Russian and English language. And five years later, Antonova appeared his own studio, in which he spends a significant part of the time. He rewrites his old songs anew, composes new ones, although he is not in a hurry to publish - he is not going to put his money into the pockets of pirates.

"I'm over it…"

Talking about love Yuri Mikhailovich admits that he was greatly impressed by the film "Sun Valley Serenade" with incredible music. Later he learned the melodies from this picture performed by the Glenn Miller Orchestra and played the accordion.

Yuri Mikhailovich He has been married 3 times and thinks he has had enough. First Yuri married in 1976 to a girl who was going to move to the West with her whole family, prepared for herself and her Required documents bought tickets. He helped them move to the United States, paid all the expenses and stayed in his country. I realized that I could not leave Russia forever. Subsequently, he never regretted that decision.

Little is known about the second wife, since Antonov preferred not to put his personal life on public display. She is Russian by nationality but lives in Paris. The third wife was Yugoslav. In addition to this, Antonova has a son, Michael.

People of several generations adore the inimitable "Antonov" style - pleasant, lyrical or rhythmic melodies, warm, usually unhurried intonations, a memorable penetrating voice timbre, sincere text.


- an emotional person. He likes to drive recklessly, and when he is detained by the police, swearing juicy, he presents a certificate of a traffic policeman!

Through the noise of the radio "Speedola" for the first time I heard the music of the ensemble. It happened in 1964.

“Now I have fifty new songs patiently waiting in the wings. I can safely wait. At least ten years. My music never gets old. This is proved by the sold-out at my concerts and in general my whole life, ”he says, and one cannot but agree with this.

Updated: April 14, 2019 by: Elena

Name: Yuri Antonov

Age: 74 years old

Growth: 178

Activity: Composer, singer, poet

Family status: married

Yuri Antonov: biography

Yuri Antonov is a Soviet pop star, a legend, the main hitmaker, the first in the USSR to officially earn millions.

The work of the singer and composer has not lost its relevance in new Russia. Among other things, young generation Antonov is known as a fighter against copyright infringement and a supporter of "infusion of fresh blood" into the musical community.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Antonov was born in Tashkent 3 months before the end of the Great Patriotic War. The boy's father, Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, served as an officer in the Marine Corps. Natalia, mother of the future pop singer and composer, was evacuated. After the victory, Mikhail Vasilyevich was transferred to the military administration of the Soviet part of Berlin, where he took his wife and son. When Yura was 3 years old, his younger sister Zhanna was born.

After Germany, the family moves to Belarus, where, after changing several military garrisons, they settle in the small town of Molodechno. Here, the mother takes her son to a music school, after which the boy decides to continue his education and enters the Molodechno Music College, where he learns to play the folk instruments.

Labor activity musician began when the boy was 14 years old: Yuri Antonov worked as a leader amateur choir in the depot, receiving his first salary - 60 rubles. Also, while studying at the school, Yura organizes variety orchestra, which gives several concerts in the Molodechno House of Culture.

After graduating from high school in 1963, Antonov was assigned to work as a teacher in a children's music school In Minsk. By that time, the parents were also moving there. In parallel, Yuri gets a job as a soloist-instrumentalist at the Belarusian State Philharmonic, but already in 1964 he was drafted into the army.

At the end of the service, the musician returns to the Philharmonic, but in a new capacity: now Yuri Antonov becomes the musical director in the ensemble called Tonika, founded by the People's Artist of the Byelorussian SSR Viktor Vuyachich. In his youth, Antonov also met a guitarist. According to the singer, creative biography artistic director of the popular began in his team.


In 1969, a talented musician receives an invitation from Leningrad. The vocal and instrumental ensemble called Antonov for the position of keyboardist. This team has become a launching pad for creative endeavors. young performer. Yuri first performed as a vocalist, in the same ensemble the first songs of his authorship sounded: “Stop, do not shoot, soldier!”, “Airport”, “Where is the courage?”.

The hit of that time was the composition “If You Love”, to which Yuri Antonov himself wrote the music, and the text was a compilation of works by Irina Bezladnova and Mikhail Belyakov. This song was released on a separate LP in 1971.

Bezladnova also co-authored "You Are Not More Beautiful", which put an end to the collaboration between Antonov and "Singing Guitars". Yuri replaced the "instant" which was hard to pronounce from the position of the performer to "vision". And the 3rd verse belongs to the pen of Mikhail Belyakov, the guitarist of Dobryye Molodtsev. The song was already recorded by the soloist of "Singing Guitars" Evgeny Bronevitsky. The artist considered that the 3-verse composition was too long. As a result, 2 remained, but a bass guitar solo was added.

Yuri Antonov - "There is no you more beautiful"

Yuri showed the same exactingness to euphony in his work on the song "Mirror" - he did not like the phrase "I look at you, like in a mirror, to the point of dizziness." , the wife of the author of poems, later said that at first she regretted when her husband gave the work to a little-known composer. Antonov wrote the melody overnight.

"And we understand: everything ... the heart broke and fell."

In the 70s, Antonov changed the team: he worked as a vocalist in the capital's VIA "Good fellows", then he played in the Sovremennik orchestra, became the head of the Magistral, an ensemble created at the Moscow regional philharmonic society. The musician collaborates with, prescribing a vocal part on the disc, and already in 1973 the first author's disc by Yuri Antonov was released.

Yuri Antonov and the ensemble "Magistral"

To avoid bureaucratic red tape with the publication of large opuses, the musician publishes a number of small records, minions, which contain 1-2 songs. These minions brought fame and fame to the composer, as the songs quickly went to the people thanks to the talent of the author and the exact hit in the spirit of the era.

Yuri Antonov's songs “Well, what to do with him” and “If you love” (he wrote the text for both) are heard at concerts, in addition, all new groups include compositions composed by him in their repertoire. So, VIA "Singing Hearts" performed the song "Indian Summer", "Watercolors" - "Red Summer". Popular group used 4 songs, among which - "Believe in a dream."

Yuri Antonov - "Believe in a dream"

In addition to groups, Antonov's songs were also sung by individual artists, for example,. But, despite such popularity and demand, Yuri for a long time could not get on television and release a full-fledged disc, since the musician at that time was not a member of the Union of Composers.

In the 80s, Antonov began cooperation with the rock group "Araks", and this brought him all-union glory. The musicians released 3 EPs, which sold over 20 million copies throughout the country. The songs "The roof of your house", "Do not forget", "Golden Stairs" and "The Dream Comes True" sounded literally from every window. The singer joins the ranks of the most famous performers Soviet Union and takes 1st place in the "Sound Track" hit parade. The young performer wins the Golden Tuning Fork competition with the song Spring by Yuri.

Yuri Antonov - "Do not forget" ("The dream comes true")

Antonov's first big author's album is released outside the Union. In 1982, the disc was released by the Yugoslav firm Jugoton, and the following year the musician moved to the Chechen-Ingush SSR, where he worked as a soloist of the local philharmonic society for 3 years. At the same time, a close friendship with the choreographer is established.

Yuri collaborates with the Blue Bird ensemble. The result of joint work in the studio and on tour is the gigantic concert album Blue Bird. At the same time, the composer's first author's giant disc was presented. Of the most famous songs Antonov of those times, the composition “Wider Circle” stands out, which became the title song of the TV festival of the same name.

Yuri Antonov - "On Kashtanova Street"

The hit “On Kashtanova Street” is a gift from Yuri Antonov and Igor Shaferan for the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Crimean region. The composer sketched a melody in half an hour and just as quickly made a studio recording, not counting on the future. And, as life has shown, I was wrong. The song was liked, and the fans even tried to find the route mentioned in the text. According to rumors, residents of Gelendzhik were lucky to walk along Grape, Apricot and Tenistaya.

The composer also composes songs for children: together with songwriter Mikhail Plyatskovsky, Yuri Antonov records several records with fabulous musicals about the adventures of Grasshopper Kuzi.

Together with the Airbus ensemble organized by him, Yuri Antonov gives many sold-out concerts at the largest concert venues in the country. Video recordings of performances are now distributed on the Web as full-fledged clips. In 1984-1985, 2 giant albums were recorded: “The long-awaited plane” and “Believe in a dream”.

At this time, the song "Sea" becomes especially popular. So far, none of the colleagues in the CIS countries has beaten Yuri Antonov's tour record: 28 concerts were given in Leningrad in 15 days, and everyone gathered a full house.

Yuri Antonov - "Sea"

In 1985, the composer traveled to Finland, where he published the English-language opus My favorite songs, and upon his return became the soloist of the Moskontsert. In 1987, the album "From Sorrow to Joy" was released, and in the same year a scandal occurred that led to a 2-year persecution of the artist. At a concert in Kuibyshev (now Samara), the singer spoke sharply about local officials. This led to the fact that for 2 years the political apparatus and the media denigrated the artist in every possible way.

Antonov's next disc, Moonlight Path, was released only in 1990, after the collapse of the Union. 20 years later, these compositions and albums will remain as popular as ever.

Yuri Antonov - "Moon Path"

In the 1990s and 2000s, Yuri Antonov was a regular participant in the Song of the Year television festival. At the beginning of the 2000s, the artist decided to try his hand as a producer of the singer Svetlana Almazova, but the songs from the album "Sweet Honey" were not taken on the radio, so the project was quickly closed.

Since then, the composer has practically not released new songs. One of his few recent works that gained popularity is a joint performance with the singer of a composition called "On the Arbat".

Yuri Antonov and Leonid Agutin - "On the Arbat"

For my creative activity Antonov has received a number of awards. At the end of the twentieth century, Yuri received the title of Honored, and then People's Artist Russia. Over the years, the composer has been presented with the Orders of Francysk Skaryna, Friendship, Honor, as well as the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. He is a laureate of the All-Russian Ovation Award in the specially created Living Legend nomination.


In 2009 Antonov joined the jury music competition « New wave”, in 2014 he evaluated the performances of the participants in the Five Stars musical competition, and in 2015 he was invited to the jury of the large-scale TV project Main Stage. It is on this music show viewers remembered the performance of Yuri Antonov with the singer. They sang famous composition"By birches and pines." Many fans called this performance the best ever.

Yuri Antonov and Grigory Leps - "By birches and pines"

Users on social networks claimed that they could not fully express the emotions that they experienced when listening to this melody. And thought about what last years on the Russian stage young people do not appear at all, talented musicians, capable of being compared with legendary performers. Individual fans of Antonov and Leps said that numerous competitions do not help find new talents, but famous representatives musical art there is simply no substitute.

It was planned that Yuri Antonov would replace the jury of the 4th season of the popular show "", a competitor of the "Main Stage". The media wrote that a musician who was not interested in similar projects, allegedly agreed to participate only because of the fee. Later, the singer categorically denied these rumors.

Yuri Antonov in the program "Alone with everyone"

Then Yuri was invited to the portrait program "Alone with everyone." The TV presenter talked with the artist about iconic life events. In 2017, the People's Artist of Russia became a guest of the debut episode of the program " Honestly". The singer shared previously unknown details of his personal life in the talk show “The Fate of a Man”.

Personal life

Behind the shoulders of the singer and composer - 3 trips to the registry office. The first time Yuri married in 1976, but later Anastasia, the first wife, immigrated to the United States with her family. Antonov, being at the peak of his popularity, did not dare to take such a responsible step. Now the woman lives in New York.

The second wife - Miroslava Bobanovich, lives in the city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. This marriage also broke up. An alliance with a citizen of Yugoslavia, according to friends, allowed Antonov to buy professional equipment, which was superior in quality to that produced in the USSR, and resell it at home.

As for the third wife of the maestro, little is known about her: her name is Anna, she is Russian, but she chose Paris as her place of residence.

The composer has two children: daughter Lyudmila, who lives with her mother abroad, and Mikhail, who is in Moscow.

In the studio of the Live program, Antonov also touched on fleeting novels. He spoke about his passion for an actress from Mexico, the head of a record company. The singer tried to win the heart of actress Natalya Fateeva, but the beauty of Soviet cinema did not honor the musician with attention.

Yuri Antonov in the program "Live"

legendary singer and the composer loves animals. In an interview, Antonov admitted that 45 cats live in his house, as well as peacocks, rabbits, Indonesian ducks and guinea fowls. On the program in “Visiting Gordon”, the artist said that his pets are the best, they miss when the owner is not at home, and he even talks to them.

A middle-aged age did not become an obstacle for the musician in following fashion trends 21st century. Yuri Mikhailovich started a page on Instagram, where he managed to post a couple of dozen pictures. However, in 2015, Antonov's account was hacked and a photo of obscene content was published. After that, the singer announced that he was leaving social network, and the official statement was made by the lawyer .

Yuri Antonov now

In 2016, Yuri Antonov was hospitalized. The singer explained that the reason was the food shipment, although the media wrote that the favorite of millions suffered a heart attack.

The musician said that in this case, journalists would not have had to interview at all. Antonov later added that he perceives health problems as blows of fate: he can hardly hear with his right ear, his vestibular apparatus is broken, which is why he walked with a cane at one time.

A year later, the singer fell ill again, canceled his traditional participation in the Chanson of the Year festival, tours and concerts. Creativity has faded into the background, but Yuri treats difficulties philosophically - you can’t run away from age. Nevertheless, in 2018, the discography of Yuri Antonov was replenished with the album "Road to the Sea". The disc includes the composition “Girl school years».

Yuri Antonov at the My Hero project in 2018

The return of the artist to the stage is evidenced by participation in children's competition"Blue Bird", in concerts for the Victory Day "Thank you for your loyalty, descendants!" and for the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol, recordings of performances for New Year's programs. The unfading and resilient Antonov became the headliner of the concert that ended the All-Russian Championship of Working Professions "Skills of the Wise", in which professionals over 50 years old competed.


  • 1973 - "Yuri Antonov and the Sovremennik Orchestra"
  • 1975 - "Yuri Antonov Sings"
  • 1983 - "The roof of your house"
  • 1985 - "Believe in a dream"
  • 1986 - "The long-awaited plane"
  • 1987 - "From Sorrow to Joy"
  • 1990 - "Moon Path"
  • 1993 - "The current carries me"
  • 1996 - "Mirror"
  • 1996 - "Yuri Antonov. Songs for children»
  • 2001 - "You are not more beautiful"
  • 2018 - "Road to the sea"

In 1963 he graduated from the Molodechno Musical College, accordion class.

He worked at the Belarusian Philharmonic, from where he was called up for military service in the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Since 1967 - music director Ensemble "Tonika" by People's Artist of the Byelorussian SSR Viktor Vuyachich.

Since 1969, Antonov worked in the Leningrad ensemble "Singing Guitars". At this time, he wrote the song "You are not more beautiful", which brought him fame. Then Antonov wrote popular songs, included in the ensemble's repertoire - "Stop, don't shoot, soldier" and "Song of good fellows and red girls.

In 1971, Yuri Antonov moved to Moscow, where he became a soloist of the VIA "Good fellows".

In 1971-1975, he worked in the Sovremennik orchestra conducted by Anatoly Kroll.

In 1975-1977 he was the artistic director of VIA "Magistral".

In 1977-1983, Antonov worked for the Melodiya All-Union Recording Company, where he released several albums.

In the 1970s, Yuri Antonov actively collaborated with the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Merry Fellows", in which he played keyboards for some time and was one of the leading vocalists. The ensemble's repertoire included his songs "If you love" and "Well, what to do with him", "Why" and "The Third Day (Telephone Communication)", "Meeting". AT debut album David Tukhmanov "How Beautiful the World" (1972) Antonov recorded the lead vocal part in the title track.

In 1975, together with the Dobry Molodtsy ensemble, they recorded the songs "Still yesterday", "The current carries me", "Why". With the group "Araks" - "Do not forget" (1980), "Sea" (1982), "Twenty years later" (1981), "Anastasia" (1979), "Mirror" (1979), "I remember" (1980) ) and etc.

With the ensemble "Airbus", which Antonov organized together with guitarist Igor Shablovsky, the songs "On Kashtanova Street", "I'm coming towards you", "White ship" and others were recorded.

In 1982, together with the poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky, Antonov wrote children's musical"The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi", with the famous song"The roof of your house." With this song, the singer first reached the final of the festival "Song of the Year" (1983). In 1997-2002, Antonov also reached the finals of "Song of the Year", including in 1999-2002 with songs from past years.

Yuri Antonov was invited by Polarvox Music to Finland to record an album in Russian and English.

By 2000, the singer had released about 30 records and CDs total circulation over 48 million copies.

Antonov did not release his recordings on digital media for a long time due to the scale of piracy. music business. In 2008, with the assistance of the Nikitin recording company, he released his first live release. solo discography- CD-ROM with recordings from the album "You are not more beautiful."

Yuri Antonov wrote music for the films Take Care of Women (1981), Before Parting (1984), Beauty Salon (1985), Order (1987), Fools Die on Fridays (1990), Predators "(1991), as well as to the animated films "The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi" (1990-1991) and "The Adventures of the Bear Cub Sadko" (1990).

The singer is vice-president of the Authors' Council of the Russian Authors' Society.

The popularity of Yuri Antonov in Soviet time was at such a level that no one could surpass him. From the side it seemed that Yuri Antonov was a real minion of fate: he officially earned about 15 thousand a month with average salary across the country barely exceeding 100 rubles. He diligently avoids answering questions about his personal life, abruptly cutting off journalists trying to find out why the singer, who has been married three times and has two children, prefers to live surrounded by his pets.

The blue-eyed and fair-haired handsome Yuri Antonov has always been popular with girls, even at a time when his name was not yet known. Each of his three wives contributed to the composer's loneliness.

First wife Anastasia

At the age of 23, Yuri Antonov moved from Minsk to Leningrad to work in the popular VIA Singing Guitars. Shortly after moving, he meets a girl. She was Jewish by nationality and dreamed only of how she would leave for America to live.

Yuri fell in love and completely shared her aspirations. They got married and began to prepare travel documents. They are inspired by their love and have plans for future life over the ocean. Surprisingly, permission to leave Yuri Antonov and his wife was given quickly enough. Everything was ready, plane tickets were bought, but in last moment the composer hesitated.

Something prevented him from leaving his country just like that. And the parents persuaded the son to stay. As a result, Anastasia flew to America alone.

Irina Bezladnova

The performer was sad in loneliness for a very short time. Soon he met the Leningrad poetess Irina Bezladnova. The blond beauty with huge eyes captivated Antonov. They were not married, but the girl played a very important role in the life of the composer.

True, the singer did not have money for beautiful courtship at that time, but they walked a lot together, sometimes going into inexpensive cafes. At the same time, Yuri Antonov always sang or whistled some tunes. They just poured out of him. One of them interested the poetess, she decided to ask what kind of music it was. It turned out that it was a tune that had just been born in his head. Irina offered to write poems for him.

She sat over the text all night, and the next day she brought Antonov two verses of the song “For me, you are not more beautiful.” In the original text, Yuri changed only one word, and later, on the train, the third verse was added by Mikhail Belyakov. It was this song that became the first hit of Yuri Antonov.

Their romance ended somehow quickly, the girl got married, went abroad with her husband. The composer does not seem to remember his relationship with Irina.

He quickly became popular, every song he wrote became a hit. His official fees brought him very good income. His savings book received monthly royalties in the amount of 13 to 15 thousand rubles. Yuri Antonov later became the first Soviet millionaire from show business.

Second wife Miroslava Bobanovic

In 1980, Yuri Antonov fell in love again, with the young Yugoslavian Miroslava Bobanovich. They were introduced by a mutual friend during Mira's short stay in the Soviet Union. She lived in Zagreb and won the heart of a successful composer at that time literally at first sight.

This time he firmly decided to leave the country with his bride. He was persuaded to refuse marriage to a foreigner, summoned to the top management, but Yuri was inexorable.

On the way to the embassy, ​​a truck crashed into the car with the bride and groom. But the perseverance of the star can only be envied. After his injuries, with many fractures, on crutches, he went to the registry office. The bride received multiple bruises, but the lovers signed, out of spite for all the injuries. And they left for Yugoslavia.

Them Honeymoon lasted all summer, and after that Yuri Antonov got bored. And he went back to the USSR. For a few more years, he flew to Yugoslavia to his Miroslava. But she refused to move to the Union. Living together at a distance was only an illusion of a family, Yuri and Miroslava divorced.

Third wife Anna and children

Nothing is known about the third wife of the singer, except that she lives in Paris. Antonov categorically refuses to talk about her and their joint daughter Lyudmila, who lives with her mother.

Similarly, the composer does not answer questions about his illegitimate son Michael. He simply interrupts journalists who are trying to develop the topic of his relationship with children.

Cats, fish, dogs

AT huge house, built by the composer near Moscow, his sister Zhanna and nephew Yuri live with Yuri Antonov.

And many more animals for which they are simply created ideal conditions. Cats, dogs, fish, birds - they all have a place in his estate and in his heart. Yuri Mikhailovich believes that cats are very similar in their behavior to women. They also rub all the time and ask: “Give!”

In the lower part of the house there is a chic studio, with the most the best tools. But the one with whom he could be close, as in the song "Twenty years later", Yuri Antonov never met. He knows that there are real love but he was not lucky enough to meet her.

Yuri Antonov's colleague, the composer, was much more fortunate in life: he met his love in his youth.

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