Presentation on the theme of a seven-year-old daughter. Literary reading lesson "Russian folk household tale with riddles" Seven-year-old daughter

Two brothers rode: one poor, the other rich, eminent. Both have a horse - the poor mare, the rich gelding. They stopped for the night nearby. The poor mare brought a foal at night; the foal rolled under the rich man's cart. He wakes up the poor in the morning:

- Get up, brother! My cart gave birth to a foal at night.

The brother stands up and says:
- How can a cart give birth to a foal? This is my mare brought.

What's the contradiction guys?

Rich says:
- If your mare brought, the foal would be near!

They argued and went to the authorities. The rich man endowed the judges with money, while the poor man justified himself with words.

It came down to the king himself. He ordered to call both brothers and asked them four riddles:

- What is the strongest and fastest thing in the world, what is the fattest thing in the world, what is the softest thing in the world, and what is the cutest thing in the whole world?

And he gave them a period of three days: “Come to the fourth, give an answer!”

The rich man thought and thought, remembered his godfather and went to her to ask for advice. She put him at the table, began to treat him, and she herself asks:

- Why so sad, kumanek?
- The sovereign asked me four riddles, and set a deadline of only three days.
- What is it, tell me.
- And here's what, godfather: the first riddle: what is the strongest and fastest thing in the world?
- What a mystery! My husband has a brown mare; no faster! If you hit with a whip, the hare will catch up.
- The second riddle: what is fatter in the world?
- We have another year, the pockmarked boar feeds; He became so fat that he could not rise to his feet!
- The third riddle: what is the softest thing in the world?
- A well-known case - a down jacket, you can’t imagine softer!
- The fourth riddle: what is the cutest thing in the world?
- The sweetest of all granddaughters is Ivanushka!
- Well, thank you, godfather! I taught the mind, I will not forget you forever.

And the poor brother burst into bitter tears and went home. His seven-year-old daughter meets him (there was only one family that had a daughter):

- What are you, father, sighing and shedding tears?
How can I not sigh, how can I not shed tears? The king gave me four riddles that I will never solve in my life.
Tell me what riddles.
- But what, daughter: what is stronger and faster than everything in the world, what is fatter, what is softer and what is cutest of all?
- Go, father, and tell the king: the strongest and fastest of all is the wind, the fattest of all is the earth: whatever grows, whatever lives, the earth nourishes! The softest of all is the hand: on which a person does not lie down, but puts his hand under his head; and there is nothing sweeter than sleep!

Both brothers came to the king, both rich and poor. The king listened to them and asked the poor:
Did you come by yourself or who taught you?
The poor man answers:
- Your royal! I have a seven-year-old daughter, she taught me.
- When your daughter is wise, here is a silk thread for her; let him weave a patterned towel for me in the morning.

Guys, how to solve this problem?
The man took a silk thread, comes home sad and sad.
- Our trouble! daughters says. - The king ordered to weave a towel from this thread.
- Don't freak out, daddy! - answered the seven-year-old; she broke off a twig from, gives it to her father and punishes: - Go to the king, tell him to find the master who would make a cross from this twig: it would be something to weave a towel on!

Presentation: vocabulary work.

What the hell is this girl talking about? Did she set a feasible task for the king?

The man reported this to the king. The king gives him a hundred and fifty eggs.
“Give it back,” he says, “to your daughter; let him bring me a hundred and fifty chickens by tomorrow.

How many days does the chick hatch? (21) But what if the chickens should be in the morning?

The peasant returned home even more abruptly, even sadder:
- Oh, daughter! From one misfortune you will dodge - another will be imposed!
- Don't freak out, daddy! answered the seven year old. She baked eggs and hid them for lunch and dinner, and sends her father to the king:
“Tell him that chickens need one-day millet for food: in one day the field would be plowed, and millet sown, harvested and threshed. Our chickens will not peck at another millet.

How can the king get out of this situation? Come up with your own puzzle for him.
The king listened and said:
- When your daughter is wise, let her come to me in the morning - not on foot, not on a horse, not naked, not dressed, not with a present, not without a gift.

Guys, how to answer these tasks, discuss in pairs and express your assumptions.
“Well,” the peasant thinks, even his daughter will not solve such a cunning problem, it’s time to completely disappear!
“Don’t fret, father,” the seven-year-old daughter told him, “go to the hunters and buy me a live hare and a live quail.”
Her father went and bought her a hare and a quail.
The next day, in the morning, the seven-year-old threw off all her clothes, put on a net, and took a quail in her hands, mounted a hare and rode to the palace.
The king meets her at the gate. She bowed to the king:
"Here's a present for you, sir!" - gives him a quail.
The king extended his hand, the quail fluttered - and flew away!
- Well, - says the king, - as ordered, so she did. Tell me now: your father is poor, so what do you feed on?
- My father catches fish on a dry shore, he does not set traps in the water; and I wear a fish under my hem and cook my fish soup.
- What are you, stupid! When did the fish live on the dry shore? Fish swim in the water!
— Are you smart? When have you seen a cart bring a foal? Not a cart, a mare will give birth!

The king ordered that the foal be given to the poor peasant, and his daughter was taken to him; when the seven-year-old grew up, he married her, and she became queen.

What made the biggest impression on you?

Who are the main characters?

- What section are we studying?

Far beyond the forests, seas, high mountains, there is an amazing land of fairy tales. Imagine this country.

What is she?

You can’t come to the land of fairy tales by car, you can’t sail on a steamer, you can’t fly by plane.

And how to get into the land of fairy tales?

You can only travel on the wings of fantasy.

I know that you know how to fantasize, so I invite you to visit this amazing country called a fairy tale.

Do you accept my invitation?

Recall what you know about fairy tales.

Get your Know, Interest, Learn spreadsheets

What do you know about fairy tales?

I know

"that I know"

I'm interested

"what i wanted

to know"


"Now I know"

There is a beginning (beginning)


Triple repeat

Magic Heroes

magical events

Good conquers evil


Well done!

We are with you in a fairy tale. And in what now we will guess.

Game "Remember the story"

We work in pairs.

Each pair chooses a card with an excerpt from a fairy tale.

Agree on who reads and who finds the answer card and sticks it on the board. The answer card has a number. You need to place it on the board in the corresponding box.

  • Let's see what we can do.

Cards with excerpts from fairy tales.

On level ground, as if on a harrow, away from all roads, in a remote village there lived an old man and an old woman.

The old man cut willow twigs, wove baskets. The old woman spun and wove flax. That is what they fed on (“The Most Expensive” Russian folk tale)

2 The old man and the old woman had two daughters. The eldest will not sit idle for a minute. And for what she does not undertake, everything comes out with her, every business is argued. And the younger daughter was a sloth. She didn’t want to do anything, and besides, she was arrogant and unfriendly. Whatever he does, everything is reluctantly and somehow. And the people called the elder Radivaya, and the smaller - Lazy. And so it went - Radivaya and Lazy (“About Lazy and Radivaya” Russian folk tale)

3 Two brothers were traveling, one poor, the other rich. Both have horses - the poor mare, the rich gelding. They stopped for the night nearby. A poor mare brought a foal at night; the foal rolled under the rich man's cart. He wakes up the poor in the morning.

Get up brother! My cart gave birth to a foal at night

("Daughter of the Seven Years" Russian folk tale)

4 And it was, my dear, in the old days,

When grandfather Arkhip decided to climb the moon;

Then fairy tales flew through the air,

They grabbed each other by the wings,

And I rode after them on a golden horse

Yes, I collected these fairy tales in a bag.

("Tsarevich Nekhiter-Nemuder" Russian folk tale proverb)

5 An old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds go. Each bird has its own special name. The old one-year-old waved for the first time - and the first three birds flew. It blew cold, frost.

6. Two brothers lived in one village; the land was plowed, the grain was sown. The elder brother had no children; the younger brother had four small children. The brothers lived so amicably that it was a pleasure to look at them (.L.P. Tolstoy "Two Brothers")

7. Three girls under the window

Were spinning late in the evening.

"If I were a queen,

One girl says

Then for the whole baptized world I would prepare a feast "

(A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Swan Princess")

8. There was a rich merchant who had three daughters.

He was about to go for the goods and asked his daughters what to bring them. The eldest asked for beads. The second asked for a ring, and the smaller one says: - I don't need anything. If you remember me, then bring a walnut branch. (L.N. Tolsto “The walnut branch”)

9. In ancient times, in a certain kingdom, not in our state, it happened to one soldier standing at a stone tower at the clock; the tower was locked and sealed with a seal, but that was at night. ("Elena the Wise" Russian folk tale)

  1. There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived in poverty. They didn’t have any cattle - only one cat. He lived with the old people for a long time, so old that he stopped catching mice. The old woman began to take offense at the cat, saying: “If he doesn’t catch mice, we don’t need him!” And she made the old man put the cat in a bag, carry it away into the forest and shake it out there. (“The Fox and Kotofey Ivanovich” is a Russian folk tale)

11 Once upon a time Drozd Eremeevich. He built a nest on an oak tree and brought out three cubs. Lisa Romanovna got into the habit of visiting him. Come and sing:

This oak tree would be cut, cut down:

Plows, harrows to repair and bend skids! ("Drozd Eremeevich" Russian folk tale)

12. An old man lived with an old woman, and take off the granddaughter Dunya lived. And Dunya was not so beautiful, as the fairy tale says, only she was smart. (“Smart granddaughter” is a Russian folk tale)

Let's read what happened.



What are gifts?

  • What are the gifts?

And how is the solution related to our lesson?

What would you like to learn in class?

What discoveries to make?

Record in your tables

I know

"that I know"

I'm interested

"what i wanted

to know"


"Now I know"

Fairy tale is one of the literary genres

What gifts did the fairy give?

What gifts were given?

What does a fairy tale teach?

There is a beginning (beginning)


Triple repeat

Magic Heroes

magical events

Good conquers evil


2012 has been declared the year of France in Russia.

Acquaintance with the biographical data of the author

A long time ago (381 years ago) in one country, it is called France, there lived five brothers. They were so similar to each other that they even wrote in the same handwriting. One of the brothers was named Charles Perrault. His childhood was prosperous. Like other sons, he was beautifully dressed, taken in a carriage, and given toys. The brothers have grown up. Everyone went about his business, and Charles Perrault devoted himself to state affairs. Many years later. One winter evening, 68-year-old Sh.P. sat by the fireplace. Suddenly he remembered the nurse and her amazing stories. He so wanted to write them down that he immediately sat down at the table. Fairy tales were written so quickly, as if a fairy was standing behind her and whispering words. For several days Sh.P. did not leave the table, remembering more and more nanny's tales. Like a real storyteller, Sh.P. made fairy tales very modern: want to know what fashion was more than 300 years ago? Read the fairy tale "Cinderella": the sisters, going to the ball, dress in the latest fashion. So the fairy tales were born, which were included in the collection "Tales of Mother Goose".

Charles Perrault was born in France in 1628.

What century is this? (17)

How many centuries have passed since that time? (4th century)

Perrault's tales have been read for several centuries, which means that this is a classic, something that does not become obsolete with time.

What did you learn from different sources about Shar Perrault?

What fairy tales have you read?

Acquaintance and analysis of a new fairy tale

Let's get acquainted with another fairy tale by Charles Perrault "Fairy Gifts"

preparation for reading

1) Blow out the candle, one big exhalation, two small ones.

2) Blow off a leaf from the palm of your hand.

3) Turn to each other and say "fairy tale"

With surprise

With sadness

With joy


Well done!


Reading and working on content (23min)

Let's open the textbook with 145 . Is reading…

Reading part 1.

Take a pencil, watch, underline incomprehensible words.

Which words were not clear, which ones were underlined?

Where can we find the meaning of the word?

Rough - insufficiently cultured, impolite, indelicate

haughty haughty, arrogant, seeks to emphasize his importance and superiority over others.

Arrogant - arrogant, self-confident.

Meek - submissive, submissive, humble.

Who did you learn from what you read?

How does the fairy tale begin?

How can you title it? (Two daughters)

Who did the youngest daughter meet?

What is the youngest daughter? (attentive, kind)

Why do you think so?

How shall we name it? (Fairy and youngest daughter)

part 3

Why did the fairy take on the appearance of a simple, village woman?

What did the fairy give to her youngest daughter?

Why did she get a gift?

What heading shall we give? (Fairy gifts to the youngest daughter)

part 4

How is the second meeting different from the first?

Why did the fairy take on this form?

Entitle (Fairy and Eldest Daughter)

part 5

What gift did the fairy make to her eldest daughter?


Which sentence expresses the main idea of ​​the whole story?

How can you title it? (Gift from the fairy to the eldest daughter)

part 6

Where did the prince meet his youngest daughter?

How did he judge? Why?

Let's Entitle (The Youngest Daughter and the Prince)

part 7

What happened to the eldest daughter?

Why did it happen so?

How shall we name it? (The fate of the eldest daughter)

We have read the story.

What is your mood?


A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!

What is the lesson in Charles Perrault's Fairy Gifts?

(What a service, such a reward!)

How do you understand these words?

(If you do good, it will come back to you)

Have you ever had occasions when

What fairy tale did you meet, who is its author? Who are its main characters?

1) Retelling the tale according to the plan.

2) Exercise 1,2 p.108.R.T.

Lesson: Literary reading.

Topic: Russian folk tale "Daughter - seven years".

Target: introduce students to the Russian folk tale "Seven-year-old daughter".

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to introduce students to the Russian folk tale "Seven-year-old daughter"; continue to form fluent, conscious, correct and expressive reading among students; develop an active attitude to the problem under discussion, reflected in the title of the section “A wise man is different from a fool in that he thinks to the end”, which is present in a literary work; to teach children to see the hidden subtext of a folk tale, its wisdom;

2. Developing:

Improve reading skills; to develop competent, coherent speech of students; activate "thoughtful reading"; accept and fulfill the educational task; develop the skills of analyzing a literary text, figurative thinking;

3. Educators:

Contribute to the education of diligence; to cultivate respect for the opinions of others, the ability to listen to each other.

Teaching methods:

1. Verbal (conversation, explanation, work with a book, description);

2. Visual (illustrations, observation, demonstration method);

3.Practical (exercises).

Forms of study:

Front work;

Individual work;

Pair work.


At the teacher: textbook, presentation, cards.

At the student: textbook, signal cards

1. Motivation for learning activities

Target: preparing students for inclusion in educational activities at a personally significant level.

3 min.

Listen to the teacher and answer him in rhyme.

Literature is a great lesson

Lots of good stuff in every line.

Is it a story or a story

You teach them, they teach you.

You have emoticons on your tables, please show your mood.

What is your goal in the literary reading class?

How would you like our lesson to be? ? (Interesting, playful, fabulous, fun, amazing)

May this lesson bring us the joy of fellowship.

Target:(Learn to talk with a book;

-Improve reading technique;

- Learn to express your attitude to what you read;

- Describe the heroes of the works and give them a description;

-Learn to answer questions correctly and competently;

-Learn to work with a textbook and dictionaries.)

Personal: moral attitudes of students.

Personal: motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Target: preparation of the articulatory apparatus before reading.

3 min.

3. Formulation of the topic by students.

Target: children independently put forward a goal and formulate the topic of the lesson.

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

Target: organization of communicative interaction aimed at the discovery of new knowledge.

20 minutes.

A) vocabulary work

The children are doing the exercises.

Children at the blackboard of letters collect the word: "Fairy Tale".

Answer questions

At the beginning of the literary reading lesson, we do articulation gymnastics. What do you think it is for?

I suggest you do some exercises.

1. Elephant frog.

(Alternating the positions of the lips: in a smile - with a tube. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting).

I will stretch my lips straight to my ears like a frog.

And now I am an elephant, I have a proboscis.

2. We brush our teeth.

Open your mouth, smileShow me your teethCleaning the top and bottomAfter all, we don't need them.

Guys, today we are starting to study a new section. Please read the title on the slide. -

Decide what the works of this section will be about in the book.

What genres of works do you know?

To find out which of the genres we will meet today, you need to assemble a word from letters.

What does fairy tale mean?

What kind of fairy tales are there?

What kinds of fairy tales do you know?

What does a fairy tale teach us?

Open the textbook on p.50

Let's complete the tasks. Read the first assignment...

Read it straight:


Read it right:


Read attentively:


In what part of the words is there a change (in the prefix by, under)

Read the title of the story.

What is this fairy tale?

Guess what the story is about by the title?

In the text you will come across unfamiliar words, let's get acquainted with their meaning:

Gelding - this is a stallion;

Kauraya - light chestnut, reddish color.

pockmarked hog - a male pig covered with variegated spots;

Krosna - An old loom.

articulatory gymnastics - this isexercises for organ trainingarticulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw), necessary for the correct sound pronunciation.

The children are doing the exercises.

A wise man differs from a fool in that he thinks to the end.

About wisdom and stupidity.

Fairy tale, story, fables, poems.


Fiction, fantasy.

Magic, household, about animals, heroic

Kindness, courage, generosity, intelligence, etc.

In the prefix on, under.

Seven-year-old daughter

Russian traditional

Oh girls.

Regulatory UUD: - formulate the topic of the lesson;

Cognitive UUD:

- navigate your knowledge system

Cognitive UUD:

Analyze, compare, draw conclusions;

Compare, generalize.

Choose the most effective way to solve the problem;

Communicative UUD:

build a monologue; work in pairs.

Regulatory UUD:

save the learning task and exercise control.

B) Primary reading.

5. Physical education minute

6. Consolidation of the studied.

Target: consolidate the acquired knowledge.

9. Summing up the lesson.

10. Reflection


Children work in pairs, characterizing the heroes of the fairy tale.

Today at the lesson we were visited by four wise questions. Hear what:What is the strongest and fastest thing in the world? What is the fattest thing in the world? What in the world is softer? What is the cutest thing?

What are our goals based on these questions?

You can find the answers to these questions in the fairy tale that we will read today.

We walk on our toes, And then on our heels. Here's a posture check. And brought the shoulder blades together.

To what genre do we classify this fairy tale and why?

Who are the heroes of the fairy tale?

Why the tale is named: Daughter - seven years old.

Why did the rich man decide that his cart gave birth to a foal at night? the foal was under the cart

Why did the dispute start?

Why did the brothers turn to the chief?

What role does the king play in the story?

How many riddles did the king ask the poor peasant? (four)

How many tasks for the girl was invented by the king? (3)

Why did the king ask riddles?

How does a poor brother overcome his opponents? (daughter helped)

What is unusual about this tale? There are mysteries in the fairy tale

For what? Does a fairy tale need riddles?

Are there proverbs in the story? “If you dodge one misfortune, another will be imposed!”

What other proverbs on this topic do you know?

What is the main idea of ​​this tale?

There are cards on the tables in front of you.

Your task is to describe the characters.

At the beginning of the lesson, I asked you questions, please answer them.

What is the strongest and fastest thing in the world?

What is the fattest thing in the world?

What is the softest thing in the world?

What is the cutest thing?

What conclusion will you draw for yourself?

Find out the answers to these questions.

Reading the whole story.

(There are no miracles in a fairy tale, there are no talking animals, real characters act in it - which means that this is an everyday fairy tale.)

Poor, rich, godfather, daughter, king.

7 years old, she was the main character.

The foal was under the cart

The rich man wanted to outwit the poor, and the poor wanted to prove his case

The rich wanted by paying to win the argument

Decisive. He is the head of the country.


Check how smart they are.

Daughter helped

There are mysteries in the story.

Guessing the riddle helps to understand the characters.

Money can't always help. The main strength is your mind. We must stand up for the truth to the end.

The girl is smart, kind, honest, wise.

Kuma: stupid, evil, cunning.

Rich - cunning, greedy





You can't be greedy. Your mind will always help.


be able to formulate conclusions.

Communicative UUD:

conduct a dialogue, express one's opinion, listen to the partner's opinion in the framework of the dialogue.

Personal: the ability to express one's attitude to the characters, to express one's emotions.

Cognitive UUD:

To systematize, summarize what has been learned, draw conclusions.

Communicative UUD:

construct a monologue

Regulatory UUD:

Adequately perceive the assessment;

Correlate the objectives of the lesson with the result of the work and with the ways to achieve it;

Correlate the goals and results of their own activities;

exercise self-control;

Together with the teacher and classmates, evaluate the activities in the lesson;

To highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned; evaluate the results of their activities and the whole class;

Seven-year-old daughter
Russian folktale

Two brothers were traveling: one poor, the other rich. Both have horses - the poor mare, the rich gelding. They stopped for the night nearby. The poor mare brought a foal at night; the foal rolled under the rich man's cart. He wakes up the poor in the morning:

Get up brother! My cart gave birth to a foal at night.

The brother stands up and says:

How can a cart give birth to a foal? This is my mare brought. Rich says:

If your mare brought, the foal would be near her!

They argued and went to the authorities. The rich gave the judges money, and the poor justified themselves with words.

It came down to the king himself. He ordered to call both brothers and asked them four riddles:

What is the strongest and fastest thing in the world? What is the fattest thing in the world? What is the softest thing? And what's the sweetest thing? And gave them a period of three days:

Come to the fourth, give the answer!

The rich man thought and thought, remembered his godfather and went to her to ask for advice.

She put him at the table, began to treat him, and she herself asks:

What is so sad, kumanek?

Yes, the sovereign asked me four riddles, and set a deadline of only three days.

What is it, tell me.

But what, godfather! The first riddle: what is the strongest and fastest thing in the world?

What a riddle! My husband has a brown mare; no faster! If you hit with a whip, the hare will catch up.

The second riddle: what is fatter in the world?

We have another year the pockmarked hog feeds; He became so fat that he could not rise to his feet!

The third riddle: what is the softest thing in the world?

A well-known case is a down jacket, you can’t imagine softer!

The fourth riddle: what is the sweetest thing in the world?

Dearest of all granddaughters Ivanushka!

Well, thank you, godfather! I taught the mind, I will not forget you forever.

And the poor brother burst into bitter tears and went home. Meets his seven-year-old daughter:

What are you sighing about, father, and shedding tears?

How can I not sigh, how can I not shed tears? The king gave me four riddles that I will never solve in my life.

Tell me what riddles.

But what, daughter: what is the strongest and fastest in the world, what is the fattest, what is the softest and what is the cutest?

Go, father, and tell the king: the strongest and fastest is the wind, the fattest is the earth: whatever grows, whatever lives, the earth nourishes! The softest of all is the hand: on which a person does not lie down, but puts his hand under his head; and there is nothing sweeter than sleep!

Both brothers came to the king - both the rich and the poor. The king listened to them and asked the poor:

Did you come by yourself or who taught you? The poor man answers:

Your royal majesty! I have a seven-year-old daughter, she taught me.

When your daughter is wise, here is a silk thread for her; let him weave a patterned towel for me in the morning.

The peasant took a silk thread, comes home sad and sad.

Our trouble! - says the daughter. - The king ordered to weave a towel from this thread.

Don't freak out, daddy! - answered the seven-year-old; she broke off a twig from a broom, gives it to her father and punishes: - Go to the king, tell him to find the master who would make a cross from this twig: it would be something to weave a towel on!

The man reported this to the king. The king gives him a hundred and fifty eggs.

Give, he says, to your daughter; let him bring me a hundred and fifty chickens by tomorrow.

The peasant returned home even more abruptly, even sadder:

Ah, daughter! You will dodge one trouble - another will be imposed!

Don't freak out, daddy! - answered the seven-year-old. She baked eggs and hid them for lunch and dinner, and sends her father to the king:

Tell him that the chickens need one-day millet for food: in one day the field would be plowed, and millet sown, harvested and threshed. Our chickens will not peck at another millet.

The king listened and said:

When your daughter is wise, let her come to me in the morning - neither on foot, nor on a horse, nor naked, nor dressed, nor with a present, nor without a present.

“Well,” the peasant thinks, “even a daughter will not solve such a cunning problem; it’s completely gone!”

Don't freak out, daddy! - the seven-year-old daughter told him. - Go to the hunters and buy me a live hare and a live quail.

Her father went and bought her a hare and a quail.

The next day, in the morning, the seven-year-old threw off all her clothes, put on a net, and took a quail in her hands, mounted a hare and rode to the palace.

The king meets her at the gate. She bowed to the king.

Here's a present for you, sir! - and gives him a quail.

The king stretched out his hand, the quail fluttered - and flew away!

Well, - says the king, - as ordered, so done. Tell me now: after all, your father is poor, what do you feed on?

My father catches fish on a dry shore, he doesn’t set traps in the water, but I wear fish under my hem and cook my fish soup.

What are you, stupid, when a fish lives on a dry shore? Fish swim in the water!

And you are smart! When has it been seen that a cart of a colt has been brought?

The king ordered that the foal be given to the poor peasant, and his daughter was taken to live with him. When the seven-year-old grew up, he married her, and she became queen.

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Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...