Day of motorized rifle troops of Russia: date, history. When is Marine Corps Day celebrated?

The Marine Corps of Russia celebrates its professional holiday on 27november. And they began to do this relatively recently - only with 1995 . The date, of course, is not accidental - it was on this day that Peter I signed a Decree on the creation of Russia's first "regiment of naval soldiers" - the prototype of modern marines.

Photo: Izvestiya / Alexander Kazakov

The modern marines are the elite fighters of the Russian armed forces, functioning as part of the Navy. These servicemen are seriously trained, severe, modest and ready for protracted and extremely difficult situations. In theory, marines as part of the amphibious assault defend objects located near the water, and, if necessary, also take part in the capture of coastal territories where the enemy is located. It can be said that the Russian marines are capable of occupying entire islands, freeing them from enemy forces. In 2018, black beret groups operate as part of all Russian fleets: the Black, Baltic, Northern and Pacific, as well as the Caspian flotilla.

Black berets

The black beret of the marines is nothing but a symbol of courage and courage, an attribute of exceptional troops. Of course, no one can put on a black beret - he still needs to be earned, to prove that he is ready to defend the honor of the motherland as part of an elite unit. The exam is extremely difficult - in the process of passing it, most of the nominees do not pass. For example, those wishing to become Marines must make a three-day forced march, where most of the way is water. When performing this test, the command valued dedication, the will to win, as well as teamwork.

The second stage is an obstacle course. Of course, complicated, with elements of gas and smoke attacks, with a large number of walls, pits and swamps. Units manage. But those who go further can be said to be able to do almost everything - shoot, fight, attack and defend.

You may get the impression that the marines are capable of feats exclusively on the water. This is not so - black berets are like universal soldiers, they fight on land, water, and even land from the air. Their weapons are floating military equipment, automatic small arms, anti-aircraft and anti-tank systems.

In the conditions of hostilities, the Marines are dropped from the air almost into the epicenter of the battle, because these soldiers can fight some even when approaching the ground, on parachutes. If the landing takes place far from the battle line, the black berets can dismantle the mine-explosive obstacles set by the enemy and replace them with their own.

Marines distinguished themselves in the Battle of Borodino, the Crimean War, spared no effort fighting Hitler's troops during the Great Patriotic War, fought in Syria, Afghanistan and other countries - at the invitation of the governments of these states. And for all this time they have never allowed to doubt their professional suitability. Since the 60s, units of marines have participated in at least three dozen military operations, including in Yemen, Somalia, at the 55th point off the coast of Cyprus, in Lebanon and Dagestan.


"Sea soldiers" of Peter the Great

It is worth noting that Peter I, in the process of organizing a regiment of naval soldiers, had a clear goal - he planned to provide Russia with access to the Baltic Sea during the Northern War. And to do it in such a way that no one even has the thought of trying to deprive the country of this most important corridor. And there were those who wanted to - the Swedish army by that time had taken extremely good positions for them in the areas of Lake Ladoga and Peipsi. It was extremely dangerous to attack the enemy from the ground, the operation was doomed to failure. At that time, Russia had little experience in water battles, but Peter's foot soldiers coped.

The first regiment of marines, created as part of the Baltic Fleet, consisted of only two battalions of five companies each. These are 445 officers, 70 non-commissioned officers and 1250 privates. The fighters possessed the skills of hand-to-hand combat, they were given guns with prototypes of a bayonet - baguettes, cleavers and sabers, and prepared for extremely harsh conditions. The Marine Corps, upon entering the battle, was supposed to first fire at the crew of enemy ships, and when the ships approached, attack.

Victories under the St. Andrew's flag

Traditionally, the Marines are the first to enter combat. They often finish it, reinforcements are not required. For example, during the Patriotic War of 1812-1814, it was the Russian naval flag, Andreevsky, that was first raised over the liberated Paris, set by one of the marines celebrating the victory there - a soldier of the Naval Guards crew.

Andrew's flag. Photo:

A white flag with two blue stripes also flew over Constantinople, when the naval guards as part of the Danube Flotilla victoriously entered the city, exhausted by the Russian-Turkish war of 1877.

Marines during WWII

For a long time, Russia did not need the marines, but by the 40s of the 20th century, the need for fighters who were equally strong on land, water and in the air arose again. The first separate brigade of marines was created on the basis of the Baltic Fleet. The staff includes graduates of Russian military schools who have not yet shown themselves in battle, as well as their more experienced colleagues who have undergone retraining. Initially, the command plans were to create units similar to this in all Russian fleets, but in fact the Baltics remained the only marines until the start of the Second World War.

During the Great Patriotic War, infantrymen appeared wherever there was water. And they caused genuine fear and panic among the enemy. The Nazis respectfully called them "black death" - for the sudden appearance of nowhere.


By 1942, black berets fought almost everywhere where their participation was needed. Several brigades destroyed the enemy on the Black Sea coast, their colleagues defended Moscow. Obviously, versatility is a hallmark of black berets - they are needed even where there is no water. According to statistics, the Marines were many times more effective than conventional rifle units, but the losses among the personnel of the Marine Corps were higher - the soldiers were not afraid to rush into battle with their bare hands, holding the enemy or forcing him to retreat.

One of the most striking feats accomplished by representatives of the black berets was the defense of Odessa by five infantrymen led by political instructor Nikolai Filchenkov. For 73 days, these heroes, together with local army units, kept the city from the Nazis. And when the attack was inevitable, and enemy tanks began to drive into Odessa, the Marine Filchenkov, at the cost of his own life, threw himself under a car with a grenade, his fellow soldiers continued to hold the line. Ten tanks out of 22 were destroyed, the enemy was stopped and demoralized.


Kerch-Eltigen operation

The Kerch-Eltigen landing operation of 1943 became a tragic episode in the Russian marines. The command then set the task - by all means it was necessary to liberate the cities of Kerch and Eltigen, settle there and move further deep into the peninsula. The deadline was tight, and on the day on which the landing was scheduled, the weather deteriorated. Despite this, it was decided to carry out the attack - the fighters of the North Caucasian Front, the Black Sea Fleet and the Azov military flotilla worked with the support of the 4th Air Army. The first echelon of black berets landed in a terrible storm, and the main task at that time was to get to the shore. Not everyone could, a huge part of the personnel drowned. But those who reached the coast successfully captured the Kerch Peninsula, held this section for almost 40 days, destroying about a thousand Nazis during this time.
Kerch-Eltigen landing operation. Photo:

Marine Corps Day now

On November 27, on the Day of the Marine Corps, festive events are held throughout the country with mandatory demonstration performances. Underwater swimmers-saboteurs, armored personnel carriers, detonation of mines - these are the most demonstrative and voluminous performances that Russian soldiers demonstrate. Also on November 27, solemn marches of personnel, demonstration performances of infantrymen are held. Veterans of the Marine Corps - remember those who gave their lives defending their homeland. Flowers are laid at the memorials of military glory.

Modern infantrymen have long ceased to be ordinary foot shooters. These are warriors whose maneuverability is provided by combat vehicles. And the Rifle units themselves have long become Motorized Rifles. When do motorized riflemen celebrate their main holiday - Motorized Rifle Troops Day?

The clang of metal and the steady rumble of engines, volleys of guns and explosions of shells, the chirping of weapons and genuine fighting spirit. This is not an excerpt from the new trailer. This is the usual Day of Motorized Rifle Troops. Troops and warriors, on whose courageous deeds, readiness to always go for a breakthrough, more than one strategically important battle was built. They are worthy of words of admiration. It remains only to find out when the Day of Motorized Rifle Troops is celebrated in Russia.

Who notes?

It is clear that the main combat unit of this type of troops is a combat transport vehicle or a means with mechanical traction, which the infantry is equipped with. The prototype of the MSV was the dragoons, which conducted the main hostilities both on horseback and on foot.

The first "motors" fall into the army during the Anglo-Boer paramilitary conflict. But machines began to be massively used only during the First World War. At first they were adapted for transporting soldiers, and, starting from 1916, they became powerful field guns, since the tank was invented. Directly to the battlefield, the shooters were delivered both with the help of trucks and with the use of a transport tank, called an armored personnel carrier.

In 1918, in October, all the infantry military units that existed at that time, as well as units, received the name "rifle", and since then this designation has been forever associated with the infantry.

The young Army of Soviets is taking the general direction of motorization. And already in 1939, a new formation appeared in the army - a motorized division. Even the years of the war could not change the set course, and by the end of it, almost all existing rifle divisions were equipped with means of movement and actually slept with motorized divisions. American armored personnel carriers and Studebaker trucks appeared in the army.

The formation of its own defense industry made it possible in the Union to completely solve the problem of mechanization of the army by 1957. However, the troops were renamed motorized rifle only in 1958. So ordinary infantry shooters turned into formidable, invincible warriors capable of solving the most unthinkable combat missions.

Today, the MSV includes directly the motorized rifle units themselves, but also other troops. Units of tankers and artillerymen, rocket and anti-aircraft gunners, as well as special units today belong to motorized rifles.

They are equipped with both small arms and modern universal missile systems, which increase the firepower of the troops by an order of magnitude. Tanks and artillery, infantry fighting vehicles, as well as armored personnel carriers are aimed at hitting ground, moving and air targets.

And all officers, soldiers, cadets who serve or are preparing to serve in these armed formations are waiting for the Day of the Motorized Rifle Forces of Russia - the date of 2016, as always, is unchanged and is closely connected with the history of the development and formation of the Motorized Rifle and Ground Forces.

history of the holiday

The question of when the Day of the Motorized Rifle Forces is celebrated can be heard not only from amateurs, but also from professional military men. Indeed, in the calendar of military holidays there was no place for an official personal celebration of motorized riflemen. Answers can be heard contradictory and different.

First of all, the Motorized Rifle Forces are the largest and most numerous division of the Ground Forces. Therefore, the main date, what date is the Day of the Motorized Rifle Forces, will be October 1, marked in the calendar of holidays as official. The basis for the celebration was the Decree of the President, signed in 2006. This document regulates almost all dates of military holidays. The October date has a historical justification. It was on this day that the association of the best riflemen began, which was organized during the time of Ivan the Terrible and actually became the birthday of all units fighting on land.

However, veterans and active officers of the Motorized Rifle Forces consider another date as the day of celebrating their professional triumph. This is due to the history of the emergence of the First Armored Division. Under its initial name, as the "First Machine Gun Automobile Company", this unit appeared in 1914 on August 19th.

Considering that other troops that are part of the units fighting on land have their own separate holidays: they celebrate September 8, and Artillery Day on November 19, motorized riflemen really hope that in the near future they will receive their personal holiday. Therefore, among motorized rifle soldiers it is accepted that August 19 is the Day of Motorized Rifle Troops. It is on this day that the fighters gather to celebrate their holiday.

About modern motorized rifle troops

Today, in the Russian Federation, the units that are part of the Motorized Rifle Forces are considered the most numerous, which are organized for fighting on land. Brigades became the main types of MSV units. Divisions, as such, motorized riflemen are a thing of the past. From a combat point of view, these brigades are self-sufficient, versatile and maneuverable, and have increased firepower.

Modern brigades are trained and conduct combat operations without problems, both in conventional paramilitary conflicts and in critical conditions when weapons of mass destruction are used. They are not afraid of natural disasters and even geographic and climatic conditions. At any time of the day, fighters are able to go into battle and carry out orders both on foot and with the use of combat vehicles.

Special units of motorized rifles are used in complex combat operations as a specially drilled landing force, which is thrown by planes, helicopters, ships. Such units are capable of waging lengthy battles in any conditions without support, absolutely independently.

Modern motorized rifles make forced marches over fairly long distances, which is ensured by equipping units with high-speed vehicles that have a fairly high cross-country ability. They are able not only to maneuver directly on the battlefield, but also to quickly switch to various types of combat.

Such troops successfully break through the most solid defenses of the enemy, they inflict a crushing blow on the enemy in oncoming battles and during pursuit. They are not afraid of even water barriers, which are immediately forced. And the captured lines will be securely held, and the order will be executed at any cost.

Infantrymen participate in all armed conflicts, are present in hot spots. It is they who own the well-known victories in the Chechen and other complex operations carried out by the Russian Armed Forces. They are the first to pave the way for other units and take the brunt of it. Thanks to motorized infantry, operations are carried out in hard-to-reach and dangerous places. Not uncommon in modern brigades of a unit on snowmobiles, skis, and also having climbing equipment in uniform.

It is not for nothing that the motto “Mobility and maneuverability” is displayed on the emblem of the troops, which speaks of the incredible abilities of modern motorized riflemen.

Congratulations to motorized riflemen

To all officers, soldiers serving in motorized rifle troops on a holiday, we wish peaceful everyday life and clear horizons. But let your morale and military training always be ready to repulse unexpected guests and enemies.

For those to whom the army infantry

Native was and will be forever,

To the one who quickly crawls through the swamps,

Their dirt, sands will never stop.

We will put together a song of glory in congratulations,

Happy holiday, our dear protector,

And may you have enough strength, patience in battle,

And you will not be abandoned by fate.

You keep the world and give us peace,

Stand on the defense of all Russia,

And your character is strong and masculine,

Do not submit to troubles and the elements.

For this on a holiday and on another day, an hour.

We always say thank you.

For the fact that the infantry will never leave us.

And the army will be firm and united.

Larisa, August 30, 2016.

The structure of the Russian army includes several types of troops. On land, the Ground Forces ensure the safety of citizens and protect the interests of the country. The holiday, which the soldiers celebrate on October 1, is dedicated to them.

Russia has always been famous for its brave warriors. Their exploits are inscribed in history and have become an example to follow. The power and strength of the modern army is provided by various kinds of troops, the basis of which are the ground. The servicemen of these troops celebrate their professional holiday on October 1 - the Day of the Ground Forces.

Who is celebrating?

Citizens of our country can not worry about their safety on any day of the year. Even on the Day of the Ground Forces, when all the soldiers and officers of this type of troops celebrate the holiday, our homeland is in good hands.

For whom else has this holiday become close? In addition to serving in the army, retired officers consider this holiday to be my holiday.

Military reserves and veterans of military operations also soul this day with their brethren. The employees of the state apparatus, who are directly related to the ground forces, do not stand aside either.

history of the holiday

The date of the celebration of the Day of the Ground Forces in Russia was not chosen by chance. In accordance with historical documents, it was on October 1 that the Judgment (Decree), signed by Ivan the Terrible, saw the light of day. The event is dated 1550. The document marked the beginning of a new era in the development of Russian troops. Of course, long before the decree of Ivan the Terrible, brave warriors stood guard over the world, and the army in those days was only land.

During the time of Peter I, a legalized "draft company" appeared, which looked like a recruitment set, and the first semblance of a regular army was formed, as well as the Military Collegium.

Alexander I also makes a historical contribution to the development of the army. It was under him that the state manifesto was signed in 1802, according to which a new ministry was established, responsible for the activities of the military Ground Forces.

It was the first minister of this structure, Sergei Kuzmich Vyazmitinov, who initiated the organization of the Zemstvo militia, which played a huge role in the people's war against the invader Napoleon. He began to consider the formation of military structures in the form of divisional units.

In 1815, this ministry received a new name - the Military Ministry of the Russian Empire. The main military structures were subordinate to him in the form of:

  • office;
  • departments of artillery and provisions, engineering and inspection, commissariat and audit, medical troops;
  • special units, which consisted of a military topographic complex, a military committee and a military printing house.

The land route played a key role in Russia's military victories.

The feat of the Russian soldier was praised by more than one artist. Heartfelt and touching, the selflessness and steadfastness of warriors are reflected in the works of Lermontov's "Borodino", Tolstoy's "War and Peace", the paintings of Vasilyev, Samsonov, the poetry of Tvardovsky and Simonov.

In the post-war years, a specialized military command appeared, which was disbanded in 1991.

The history of the modern holiday dates back to 2006, when the President of the country signed a decree on May 31, on the basis of which the professional holiday was established.

About the modern Ground Forces

Since the appearance of railway communications, aviation and the navy, the structure of the Russian army has undergone significant changes. But the army on land continues to be the fundamental structure.

It is a mistake to believe that, as before, only infantry enters into them. Today it is a large-scale complex consisting of various troops:

  • tank, considered the main strike force;
  • motorized rifle, the main of the most numerous;
  • rocket and artillery, ready to be the first to strike at the enemy;
  • anti-aircraft, capable of repelling any attack from the air;
  • special, which are required to ensure the success of military operations on land;
  • logistical, providing not only the supply and engineering support of the troops, but also the protection of a chemical, radiation, biological nature.

More and more modern technologies are being introduced into military tactics. Therefore, the equipment and weapons of the land force are undergoing a significant change, being equipped with electronic and robotic technologies.


On a holiday proclaiming the strength and power of the Ground Forces, I would like to note the contribution to the future of our country of every soldier who is in the ranks or has ever worn the shoulder straps of an infantryman or artilleryman, tanker or missileman. And let's not forget to remember our comrades-in-arms, who are no longer with you. Let's raise a glass of tea and with cries of "Hurrah" we wish you health and life, and military success.

The sky will be clear and life will be happy,

When the glorious infantry stands guard over the world.

Let's wish the land to live full-blooded,

And, of course, to be friends with military luck and success.

The ground forces are our army's stronghold.

It is not in vain that all the people are proud of you.

And tankers, and signalmen, and infantry, and landing

We wish happiness and success to all military brothers.

Larisa, August 30, 2016.

It is celebrated in our country annually by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The Ground Forces, as a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, are designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land. At all stages of the existence of our state, they played an important, and often decisive role in achieving victory over the enemy, protecting national interests.

The history of the creation of these troops refers us to the middle of the 16th century. October 1, 1550 was a historical turning point in the construction and development of the regular Russian army. On this day, the tsar of all Russia, who, in fact, laid the foundations of the first permanent army, which had signs of a regular army. And soon measures were taken to recruit the local troops, a permanent stay in the service in peacetime and wartime was established, and centralized command and control of the army and its supply were organized.
The next important stage in the development of the Ground Forces was the reforms. According to his decree "On the recruitment of soldiers from free people," since 1699, the recruiting principle of forming an army began to operate, and after graduation, a regular army appeared in Russia. When, according to him, the Ministry of the Military Ground Forces was also created. The reform continued and, which introduced universal conscription, reorganized the structure of the army, the methods of manning and arming the troops, as well as the system of training military personnel.

By the end of the 19th century, the technical component of the Ground Forces also changed a lot, in connection with the development of railway traffic, aeronautics, and aviation. After the revolution of 1917, the development of the Ground Forces continued as part of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. And during the Great Patriotic War, they played a decisive role in the victory over the Nazi troops.

The official registration of the Ground Forces as a branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR took place in 1946, when the governing body was formed - the Main Command of the Ground Forces. And the Marshal of the Soviet Union was appointed the first commander in chief of the Ground Forces.

A new stage of reforming this type of troops, and indeed the entire Russian army, began after the collapse of the USSR.

Today, the Ground Forces of Russia are the most numerous branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in terms of combat composition. In terms of their combat capabilities, they are capable, in cooperation with other types of armed forces, of conducting an offensive in order to defeat the enemy grouping and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to a great depth, repel the invasion of the enemy, his large airborne assault forces, and firmly hold the occupied territories, areas and lines.

The Ground Forces of the Russian Federation include the following types of troops: motorized rifle, tank, engineering, missile troops and artillery, air defense troops of the Ground Forces, reconnaissance formations and military units, troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection, communications troops. The ground forces of the Russian Federation are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Other holidays in the section "Holidays of Russia"

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Marine Corps Day 2019 is celebrated in Russia on November 27th. The holiday is celebrated by all employees of the Marine Corps of the Russian Navy: junior, senior officers, privates, developers and manufacturers of relevant equipment, support personnel. Cadets, teachers, graduates of specialized higher educational institutions, former employees of these units join the celebrations.

Combat operations may involve the capture of the enemy's coastline, adjacent infrastructure, or its defenses. There are units that ensure the fulfillment of tactical tasks: they contribute to the further advancement of the main forces, suppress firing points, and protect entrusted lines. A professional holiday is dedicated to them.

Holiday traditions

On this day, officers, cadets, veterans gather at festive tables. The authorities conduct a ceremony of awarding employees with orders, medals, certificates of honor. The command makes notes of gratitude in personal files. The best employees are promoted in ranks and positions for outstanding achievements. Demonstrations are organized in which the Marines demonstrate their skills.

Materials about the holiday are published in the mass media. Veterans are being interviewed. They share memories.

history of the holiday

Marine Corps Day in Russia was formalized by the Order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Russian Federation F. Gromov No. 433 of December 19, 1995. The chosen date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to the formation of the “regiment of naval soldiers” on November 27, 1705, thanks to the order of Peter the Great. The division became the prototype of modern ones.

About the profession of a marine

Members of the Marine Corps of the Russian Navy perform dangerous and important tasks, fighting against superior enemy forces. They are mainly involved in offensive operations, which are associated with significant losses in manpower and equipment. Units land on the coast to capture territory, strategic facilities, defend the enemy and further advance.

Employees receive full-time weapons of the ground forces: artillery, armored vehicles, air defense equipment. They are involved in all military conflicts in the country and abroad.

A career begins with a draft or training at a specialized educational institution of the Ministry of Defense. The cadet must know the principles of operation and the device of the equipment, be able to handle it, comply with the standards, and master tactical training. The profession of a marine is classified as life-threatening.

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