Estonian pop singer Jaak Yoala: biography, cause of death, personal life, discography. Estonian musician, singer and teacher Jaak Joala dies

Jaak Yoala was born in musical family and from childhood dreamed of the stage. His mother, a musicologist working at the State Philharmonic Society of the Estonian SSR, instilled in him musical culture: as a little boy he was well versed in it, preferring Italian opera He studied piano and flute.

Estonian musician, singer and teacher Jaak Joala has died at the age of 65. bright stars Soviet pop music of the 70s and 80s…

Jaak's specialty at school and music school there was a flute, but from the age of 16 he played the bass guitar and sang in Estonian beat teams, the first of which was the Kristallid ensemble, later he began performing with the Northern Lights group (Virmalised). At this time, from 1966 to 1968, fame came to Yoala: he recorded on the radio and often appeared on the TV show Horoscope.

By the time he left for the army, the young singer was already so popular that his service was monitored by the Estonian youth press how at one time American journalists covered the army life of Elvis Presley. Joala served in Tallinn and often attended concerts.

After graduating from the service, Jaak Yoala participates in competitions for performers and often becomes the winner. In 1970, he was the leader in the republican competition of the Komsomol song, then in the competition of young pop singers. Since 1972, the artist has been trying himself at all-Union and international festivals.
He sings in Rostock and Helsinki, participates in the Tippmelodia-1972 and Tallinn-Tartu competitions. In 1975, he won the Vilnius Towers competition and received special prize jury for international competition songs in Sopot.
Jaak Joala sang in Russian and Estonian. The songs were written especially for him by the best Soviet composers: Tukhmanov, Zatsepin, Pauls, Oit. All-Union fame Yoala brought participation in numerous television programs of the format "Song of the Year" and "Blue Light".
His songs from the film "June 31" and the performance of the all-Union hit "Lavender" in a duet with Sofia Rotaru gained great popularity.
Yoala admitted that his favorite song of that time was the more chamber "Photographs of Lovers", written by David Tukhmanov and recorded by Yoala in 1976. He spoke extremely disapprovingly of Lavender and claimed that he performed it only once - during the recording of Blue Light.
“I don't sing those kinds of songs. This is too much, below any level. And it doesn’t matter that the song was crazy popular,” he said in an interview.
At home, Yoala was criticized a lot for singing in Russian. He received the nickname “Kremlin nightingale” precisely because of this. This attitude may have become an obstacle to the development of his singing career in post-Soviet Estonia.
Departure of Jaak Yoala Soviet scene passed by and large unnoticed - it was in 1988, more interesting things were happening in the USSR then, and the tabloid press, greedy for such topics, did not exist at that time.
He did not name the reasons - just at some point, Yoala, apparently, decided to prove that he was a nightingale, but not at all a Kremlin one. Rumors, of course, spread quickly among the fans, some believed them, some did not; but there were no new concerts of the Estonian singer, no new songs appeared, then the Baltic republics went on a free voyage, the USSR finally collapsed. In general, Yoala gradually went down in history, returning to his native and now independent Estonia.
For some time he organized concerts of visiting stars, taught. In the mid-90s, together with Mägi and Linna, he organized a big project - by Estonian standards - by making a program with his hits from the 60s and 70s.
“It's like a parody of The Three Tenors or The Three Little Pigs, if you will. To be honest, it didn’t give me much pleasure, ”Yoala said at the beginning of the 2000s. A few years later he finally left the music.

The musician, of course, was not forgotten - he had loyal fans, perhaps contrary to his wishes. In 2007, the album "Love Itself" was released in Russia - a compilation of his most famous hits, on which was also "Photos of loved ones."

On September 25, 2014, the Estonian singer Jaak Joala died. Loyal fans are still interested in the biography, the cause of death of this wonderful artist. Unique vocals and bright appearance made him one of the leading stars of the Soviet stage. about the fate of this amazing person we will talk in our article.


The song "Lavender" is musical composition, which became calling card Jaak Yoala. However, he himself did not like this composition very much. And it is fundamentally wrong to judge his musical talent by her. There were legends about the performance skills of our hero. They say that he could read a song from a sheet of music, sing it from the first take and immediately forget about it. Probably, such unique skills were acquired by him in childhood.

Estonian pop singer Jaak Joala was born in 1950. He was born on June 26 in one of the maternity hospitals in Viljandi. The boy grew up in an intelligent family. His mother was a professional musicologist and worked in the local philharmonic department. FROM early years the future celebrity was sent to a music school, where he learned to play the piano and flute. As a teenager, the guy became interested in creativity The Beatles. This prompted him to create his own rock band. Therefore, at the time of entering the school, our hero was a fully formed personality. He had a clear idea of ​​his own preferences and tastes. His passion Western culture did not go unnoticed for him. He was expelled from the school for his freedom-loving spirit and love of rock music.

Career development

After that, our hero had to join the army. The biography of Jaak Yoala (we will indicate the cause of death below) testifies to his extraordinary temperament. He was very sincere, he took everything to heart. Perhaps an excess of emotions helped him to better realize himself in his favorite business. In the army, the guy continued his concert activity. His military unit was in Tallinn. The singer often performed at various venues and was very liked by his peers. His performances were full houses. After returning to civilian life, the enterprising Jaak made his own rock band called Lainer. The performer combined constant tours with participation in professional competitions - "Tipmelody", "Tallinn-Tartu", etc.


Joala Jaak Arnovich was not only an excellent singer, but also an excellent musician. He played a variety of instruments, so he was gladly received in various musical groups. Our hero managed to be noted in Kristallid and Virmalised, as well as perform as part of the Radar group. She was known outside of Estonia, so they found out about a talented guy in different parts Soviet Union. However crucial moment in the artist's career came in 1975. He successfully performed at a competition for young singers in Sopot, received an award and was invited to work abroad - in a British production center. It was tempting offer but at the time iron curtain absolutely unrealistic. The Soviet singer could not leave for a capitalist country without abandoning his own homeland.

Fortunately, venerable Soviet composers - Tukhmanov, Pauls, Zatsepin became interested in the person of our hero. As a result, Jaak Yoala appeared on central television with new songs. Most of all, the singer liked Tukhmanov's song cycle "Photographs of the Beloved". He considers these compositions the best. Around the same period, the performer entered the stage with the songs "I draw" and "Pick up the music."

At the zenith of glory

The Russian viewer became interested in the work and biography of Jaak Yoala. We will talk about the cause of the singer's death later. Let's describe it first creative way at the zenith of glory. He sang several songs for the film June 31st. The picture was released in 1979 and instantly glorified all its participants. The songs “Dragonography”, “Charleston”, “Gold is heard ringing ...”, “I will marry her anyway”, “Love chooses us” the audience knew by heart.

So, all-Union glory overtook our hero. In the 80s, he often participated in various television programs. His performances became part of holiday concerts. The unusual "rock and roll" style of performance impressed the audience and listeners. The masters of the Soviet stage favored the newcomer and found his manner of singing fresh, lively and original. Estonian singer regularly became the laureate of the "Song of the Year". He also happened to act in musical films - "Twins", "Stars of the American Regatta" and others. The demand for the artist began to decrease in the early 1990s. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the singer stopped going on tour.

For the entire period of its active concert activity Jaak Yoala has recorded several albums. In 1972, 1976 and 1979 records with the names "Jaak Yoala" were released. In 1979, a collection of Tukhmanov's songs was recorded on Kharitonov's verses. In 1981, a joint album of the hero of our article and the Radar group was released. The album "Love Itself" was released in 1985. Yoala's albums, recorded in Estonian, are also known.

Last years

But recordings of his performances were broadcast on television for a long time. The song "Lavender" has become one of the most beloved and memorable hits. She was sung at the next New Year's light. The singer was in excellent shape and pleased not only with a magnificent voice, but also with excellent external data. Rotaru and Jaak Yoala performed with a bang. So the completion of the concert activity at first did not affect the popularity of the artist. He himself took up teaching activities. He taught students the basics of vocal and guitar playing at the Tallinn School, from which he was once ruthlessly expelled. At the beginning of the 2000s, Jaak Yoala started producing. He promoted young artists, wrote songs for them. In addition, he was engaged in copyright protection, and was also the head of the Estonian Union of Performers.

Affairs of the Heart

Jaak Yoala's personal life included many novels. However, there were only two legal marriages. First, the artist married a beauty named Doris. He met her during the filming of the film "Duet Duel". The first wife gave him a son, Yanar. After some time, the artist left his wife and tied the knot with the singer Maire. After that, he practically did not communicate with the first child. I even saw my own granddaughter - Carmen - only a couple of times in my life. Yanar never forgave his father for the divorce. According to Estonian bloggers, he drinks heavily and becomes unrecognizable when drunk.

Jaak Yoala lived with his second wife for more than thirty years. The couple had a very affectionate relationship. AT last years Maire lived in a cozy country house, and Jaak - in Tallinn. But this did not make their marriage any less strong.


The biography of Jaak Yoala knows a lot of ups and downs. The cause of the singer's death was heart attack. He devoted a lot of time and energy to his beloved work and did not spare himself at all. The last heart attack happened in 2011. The performer was sent to the cardiology department. The treatment was successful, the singer was discharged, but three years later, in 2014, the artist's heart stopped forever. It happened on September 25th. Jaak Yoala rests in the Forest Cemetery in Tallinn. There are always fresh flowers on his grave.

  • Jaak Joala's discography includes more than thirty records. In addition, five CDs of his best songs have been released.
  • In his youth, the singer was seen famous producer from UK. His name was Joe Napoli. He promised our hero world fame. However, Jaak was forced to refuse. After that he long years was getting Greeting Cards on the New Year from his failed patron.
  • Yoala had an independent disposition. He started his singing career when three composers dominated the Soviet stage - Frenkel, Fradkin and Feltsman. It was believed that the young performer is obliged to sing one of their songs. However, our hero somehow managed to get around this unspoken rule.
  • The artist did not complain to journalists. After the declaration of independence, he received from them the nickname "Kremlin Nightingale". In the last years of his life, Yoala found a way to get rid of annoying reporters. He spread a rumor that he lives outside the city, while he himself lived and worked quietly in Tallinn.
  • Once the singer decided to escape from Estonia. He quarreled with the Minister of Culture and decided not to return to his homeland from Alma-Ata. However, by the time of departure, he was so drunk that he fell asleep at the airport. There he was discovered by the authorities. The musician's passport was taken away and was not returned until the flight to Tallinn.
  • The title of Honored Artist of the Republic Jaak Yoala received only in 1981. However, he should have been awarded it much earlier - in 1975, after winning the Polish festival in Sopot. But the director of the Estonian Philharmonic preferred to pretend that he did not know about the new title of the singer. Only a shout from Moscow forced the local authorities to change their position.


Now you know that Jaak Yoala has lived decent life. He never changed his principles and suffered greatly from the restrictions that the Soviet regime imposed on his work. Only at the end of his life did he feel freedom. The singer was engaged in producing, in every possible way supported the young and talented performers, taught them not to give in to difficulties and always remain true to themselves and their calling. Many still remember his lessons with gratitude. The life and work of Jaak Joala are interesting to everyone who loves and appreciates pop music.

The hits of this Estonian-Soviet singer are known even by modern youth. These include “A sharp turn behind”, “Hello world!”, “The monkey got up early”, etc. This is all for Anne Veski. Her biography is below. The songs she sang were always filled with cheerfulness and warmth. And even today, at 60 years old, Mrs. Veski is able to win over a crowd of listeners and fans by performing just one song!

Short review

Citizens from the Baltics in the Soviet Union were treated in a special way, as was Anna Veski (biography, year of birth below), and therefore on stage they were allowed a little more than domestic performers. The songs that Anne Veski performed excited the people of the 80s, touched a nerve, without hinting at Soviet ideology. Her clothes were elegant, modern and sophisticated. Anna knitted a lot of concert costumes herself. But not many of us know that the singer, shining with purity and joy, shed bitter tears upon returning home. Do you listen to Anne Veski's songs? Biography, year of birth later in the article.

In fact real name Anne - Waarmann. She was born in one of the Estonian towns - Rapla - in 1956 on February 27th. According to the sign of the zodiac, the singer is Pisces. In his hometown Anne Waarmann completed her studies at music school. Then the future singer did not even dare to dream that she would become an international artist. After school, Anne entered the Tallinn Technical Institute, then worked at a tobacco factory. AT free time she sang in ensembles and realized that her place was on stage, with a microphone in her hand. And her young husband made a lot of efforts to shine and turn on the audience from the stage to Anna Veski. Biography, personal life of the singer are subtly intertwined.

Duet of personal life and creativity

Late seventies Estonian Anna linked her fate with Jaak Veski. From the first day, their union was full of contradictions. Either Yaak took care of his wife impeccably, or he made scandals on the basis of jealousy. He was inspired by love and wrote amazing poems to his wife. Anna's first hits were just her husband's love poems. Jaak did everything for his wife to get a job singing in the Vitamin group, but soon he himself issued ultimatums that she should perform less and be more within the walls of the house. The life of Anna Veske is amazing and complex (biography, family and relationships).

The breakup of the Veski family

When Anna was 21 years old, she became a mother. Married to Jaak, the Estonian singer gave birth to a daughter, Kerli. Speaking in Russian, the girl was nursed by her grandmother - Anna's mother. But, unfortunately, the husband was still dissatisfied and often fell into a rage when the wife left for the performance. A little later, the situation escalated. Jaak began to raise his hand to Anna. But when he, in a state of intoxication with an ax in his hand, broke into his wife's room, this incident became the last straw for Anna. She fled with her daughter in her arms.

Second marriage

In the same 1981, Anna Veski had a chance to perform in a variety show. Her biography is filled with romanticism and drama. In that institution, she met her future husband Benno Belchik. Three months later, the lovers tied the knot. Benno is older than Anna by almost ten years. But neither the difference in age, nor the transience of the decision to marry did not affect them. family life. The couple have been together for over thirty years.

Continued solo career

Unlike Jaak's first husband, Benno actively supported Anne during concerts and performances. He sincerely wanted to spend more time with his beloved woman, so instead of scandals, showdowns, Benno became the director of Anne. It was he who insisted that songs in Russian appear in Anna's repertoire. So in 1983 music studio Melodiya released her debut album in the Soviet Union. The following year, Anna is invited to a music festival in Soyot. A little later, Anne Veski goes on tour in the socialist countries.

Her biography is complicated. Anne Veski does not post photos for fans on a social photo network. They can be found on regular sites and portals about the singer.

New millennium - new albums

In the 2000s, Benno is actively working and releasing new songs for Anne Veski. The biography and achievements of the singer do not stop there. In the new millennium, the artist is full of energy and strength. New songs appeared in her repertoire. In autumn 2003, she released new album. The songs in it sound in Russian. The next record is released by Veska in 2004. And in 2006, joy fell “from heaven” for fans! The singer released three records at once! The following year, Veski and Belchikov released two more albums. But after that, the couple happens and the albums are released only in 2009 and 2013.

Continues to sing and now Anne Veski. Her biography opens with a new chapter. Our audience is a salvation for the singer. When Estonia demonstrated its independence 25 years ago, the Estonian did not abandon the Russian audience. And her Russian fans managed to reciprocate her. They sorted out tickets for her concerts. The halls were packed. Not many people know that in 2011 Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev awarded an Estonian with the Order of Friendship. In 2016, she turned 60 years old, the singer decided to celebrate the anniversary in Russia, so it was in Moscow that her grandiose concert took place.

Thus, even today we see an active and successful Estonian singer Anne Veski. The biography of a woman is amazing. Before becoming a world-class star, she had to endure family drama and its collapse. Her hard work and optimism were rewarded with a new and pure relationship! Perhaps every woman dreams of such a fairy tale ...

Anne Veski - famous Soviet singer from Estonia. On the territory of the Soviet Union, Anne gained wide popularity thanks to the performance of the song "Queen of the Rose Garden". The hits “Behind a sharp turn”, “Forgive me for love” allowed the Estonian singer to gain a foothold in the starry sky of the Soviet stage.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born in 1956, February 27, according to the zodiac sign Pisces. In the childhood and youth periods of the biography, the future singer bore the surname Vaarman. Anne's parents, Estonians by nationality, were fond of music and played folk instruments. At the same time, both had simple professions - the father worked as a driver, and the mother worked as a seller.

As a child, she studied at a music school and, together with her brother, performed in an independently formed children's ensemble. She received a higher technical education, because the creative path in the understanding of Veska was not promising. However, she was invited to work at the local Philharmonic, where she devotes herself and her talent pop vocals and performances in VIA"Mobile".

The fame of the ensemble spread quickly - at first Music band went on tour, then began to participate in thematic television shows. In her youth, the singer preferred to perform in ensembles, but gradually she moves into the category of solo artists.

Anne Veski in childhood and adolescence

At the height of her career, the singer was in great demand - she acted on TV, recorded radio programs, and toured. A series was shot about Anna documentaries. She got the opportunity to try herself as a real actress, playing several roles in feature films in the 90s.

Sometimes the tour of the cities took many months in a row, without a break. There was one plus in such a busy schedule - Anna was always next to her beloved husband, who worked as her tour director.

After the collapse of the Union, Anne and her husband tried to do business - they invested cash in the organization of tailoring and distribution of fur products. However, this business did not last long, and soon the couple returned to what they can do best - perform and delight fans with the singer's work.


by the most popular songs the actresses became “Behind a sharp turn” and “Leaves of a bygone summer”. They are issued music videos that are shown on television. During the period from 1978 to 2013, the singer released 29 discs with songs in two languages ​​- Estonian and Russian. Albums with her songs sold out in huge numbers. Songs were written for her best composers and songwriters of the country.

Anna's work stood out against the background of the repertoire of other Soviet stars, and her accent gave zest to the performance. Together with other Estonian stars (,), she conquered the Russian-speaking audience. Sometimes with these artists she performed together on the same stage as part of large concerts. The artist has always admitted that Jaak Yoala was an example for her of how to pierce her songs.

For her contribution to the development of culture, Anna was repeatedly awarded national awards and titles, several times she won all-Union competitions of performers, and her songs became "Song of the Year".

Anne Veski - "Behind a sharp turn"

After the collapse of the USSR, Anne continues to tour Estonia. In the discography of the artist, albums oriented towards the Estonian public are increasingly appearing. These are the disks “Kallis, kuula”, “Ingleid ei…”. But Anna does not forget the hospitable Russia.

In 2007 took place big concert in Moscow, dedicated to her work. On stage, Veski sang many of her hits, some of which were performed by stars together with the singer Russian stage. The audience was pleasantly surprised by the duet of Anna and young singer by name, who was on the first wave of all-Russian popularity.

Anne Veski - "Sorry for Love"

In the new century, Anne participated in the filming of a series musical programs for Russian TV. For example, she sang together his hit "The Impossible is Possible" in the program on NTV. and Anne Veski repeatedly performed as a duet, performing the popular song "Sorry for Love." And the performance with the Finnish Polka, in which Veske made up the company, became a kind of hit among the Russian audience. Of the Estonian performers, Anne Veski's duet was Koit Tommi (Koit Toome).

Anne Veski & Koit Toome - "Veel"

At the suggestion of Moscow friends, the artist celebrated her anniversary in 2016 in Moscow, where her solo concert took place in cultural center"Moskvich". On a solemn occasion, Anne Veski's performance also took place in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

In her entire career, Anne Veski performed to a phonogram only once - she didn’t like standing on stage, silently opening her mouth so much that she left this right to other artists, and she herself decided to perform at concerts exclusively “live”.

Anne Veski and Anton Makarsky - "Thank you"

The artist notes that more and more often she began to receive applications at concerts in Estonia with requests to sing her songs in Russian. She became a member of a cycle of documentaries about popular Estonian artists in the USSR. This project received high ratings views on local television.

Personal life

The singer bears the name of her first husband Jaak Veski, a poet and author of her first songs. Anne broke up with her husband because of the burning jealousy and envy of the man. Such a storm of feelings became life-threatening for the artist, so the marriage lasted four years. From her first marriage she has children - a daughter named Kerli. Jaak was going through a hard divorce, after parting, he lived a little more than 10 years. Despite the hardships that Anne experienced with her first husband, the singer retained warm memories of him.

The artist continues to enjoy every day and, despite the hardships experienced in her personal life, marries a second time to a man whom she makes her tour director. The couple met on solo concert Anne Veski in Tallinn. Soon the lovers signed.

Together they travel around the countries, spend all the time together, and therefore they do not have groundless accusations and suspicions of treason. Her husband Benno Belchikov also has a daughter from his first marriage, so the couple decided not to have children together. Anna sometimes regrets this decision. The artist loves a strong family in the composition that she has - she great relationship with her daughter, there are grandchildren - two mischievous little boys, Dominic and Frederic.

Daughter Anna could follow in her mother's footsteps and become a singer - she has talent. However, she decided that touring away from her family was unacceptable for her, so she devoted herself to home and work as a lawyer in government.

Anna and her family live in a spacious country house. In the tradition of the family, to arrange gatherings with friends at a large table. Her husband cooks in her family, and he does it masterfully. Happy Anne is happy to be responsible only for dishes and cleaning.

Despite her age, the singer looks great and looks great in the photo. According to her confession, she did not resort to plastic surgery, although it has nothing against surgical intervention. According to some media reports, the artist's height is 165 cm, and her weight does not exceed 65 kg. Anne Veski communicates with fans through a personal website, and her fan page operates on Instagram.

The beauty secrets of the artist - life, full of love and harmony, because the singer is sure that with age, the character of a person is manifested in his appearance. The artist also spends a lot of time on fresh air, regularly visits the sauna, where he uses a natural scrub to improve skin elasticity. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on Anna's health. As for style, here the singer prefers to follow her inner instinct and not change herself. For example, Anna herself likes her signature hairstyle so much that she has practically not changed it since the 80s.

Anne Veski now

Now the native republic of the singer is widely celebrating the centenary since its formation. The celebrations began in Estonia in 2017 and will end in 2020. Among the artists who participate in most of the festive events is the favorite of the public, Anne Veski.

Concerts are held on the territory of Estonia and in neighboring border areas. Russian cities. In July 2018, Anne Veski received the status of the headliner of the first music festival Baltic Sun, which took place in Narva, in Hermann's castle. In addition to the popular Estonian, the concert was graced by the Radar ensemble with songs by Jaak Joal, Eurovision winner, ensembles and The Crossroadz.

2018 turned out to be an anniversary year for Anna Veski - the artist celebrates her 40th birthday creative activity. Tours in Estonia and Russia are scheduled for the year ahead. In an interview, Veski reports that, as before, the audience asks to perform the popular hits of past years “Behind a sharp turn”, “Enjoy life”, “Take me with you”.


  • 1983 - "Anne Veski"
  • 1984 - "Behind a sharp turn"
  • 1984 - "Sings to Anna Veski"
  • 1985 - "I promise you gardens"
  • 1988 - "I thank you"
  • 1994 - "Kaleidoscope"
  • 1994 - "Anne Veski"
  • 1996 - Channel Tunnel
  • 2000 - "Armukarneval"
  • 2002 - "Don't be sad, man"
  • 2003 - "Lootus"
  • 2004 - "Regret nothing"
  • 2009 - "Ingleid ei..."
  • 2013 - "Kallis, kuula"

Art of the Baltic states under the USSR. Estonia March 9th, 2017

Hello dear.
A lot of water has already flown under the bridge since the collapse of the once "great and indivisible". And, probably, one can hardly argue that the Baltic countries received the most preferences from the collapse of the USSR. I emphasize, of course, in relation to the other 12 republics. However, I see that with the existing pluses, there are no less fat minuses. AT Soviet time The Baltic States was a showcase of the USSR, they went there as if they were going to the "West" and the attitude was appropriate. Baltic means quality. Smart and competent businessmen from there, despite political barriers, were able to make good money on such memories. And in principle. it suited everyone. Until recently, I myself enjoyed eating Lithuanian cheeses, Estonian milk and Latvian sweets. Now almost all of this is blocked. Perhaps the Baltic countries will find some new markets, will be able to interest the European consumer (which I sincerely wish them), perhaps not. This is the sphere of the economy, and everything can work out here. But there is an area in which the Baltic countries have lost a lot, and are unlikely to be able to reach the level of the late USSR in the foreseeable future. I mean the development of culture and art. Just remember how many well-known Baltic actors, directors, musicians we had in the Soviet Union. A lot, right? Maybe I'm wrong (correct boldly), but now there are many times less of this in these states. Let's just remember a few. Let's start with Estonia.

The Estonian SSR is one of the smallest in size (only the Armenian and Moldavian SSRs are smaller), and the smallest in terms of population (just over 1.5 million people) was very well represented by its representatives in various fields of art. And above all, the music immediately comes to mind.

Of course, number 1 here, one of the most famous opera singers, whose name is known even to people very far from music - this Georg Ots. famous baritone, National artist USSR, People's Artist of the Estonian SSR, winner of two Stalin and the State Prize of the USSR was known as the reference Mister X. And perhaps this is one of the most famous Estonians in history.

An excellent swimmer, he almost died in World War II, but discovered his talent for singing and performed until the end of his life. Despite the fact that the last 2 years have been very difficult. He had a brain tumor and had an eye removed. But he performed and delighted his many fans to the end. In addition to Russian, Estonian, German, Finnish, French and Italian, which he spoke, he sang in Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Tatar, Armenian, Moldavian, Serbo-Croatian, Albanian, Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish, English, Mongolian and other languages.

I remember Estonian pop musicians very much in my childhood. Recently departed from us Jaak Yoala was famous not only for the Soviet hit "Lavender" (albeit shamelessly stolen), but also for a considerable number of worthy compositions.

Anne Veske is still in sight. Her soft, melodic accent became her calling card, and her powerful voice is recognizable to this day. Remember:

At Tõnisa Myagi it was full of hits. Including it was he who was entrusted with singing the main song of the Olympics-80, and this, you see, means a lot.

Less known to a wide range of viewers, but no less loved by admirers Ivo Linna. The groups "Orange" and "Rock-Hotel" created by him really delivered with their music, which is very different from the accepted canons.

There were Maryu Lyanik, opera singers Ida Loo and Anu Kaal, jazz singer Aino Bailin, rock musician Urmas Alender, and of course a powerful chamber singer Tiit Kuuzik

Famous pianists Bruno Lukk and Anna Klaas. Highly famous composer Arvo Pärt. Well known to many Lepo Sumeru, Eino Tamberg and Jaan Ryaets.

Of the more or less modern Estonian musicians, I can only remember a few conductors - the same Tõnu Kaljuste, and a memorable girl Sandra Nurmsalunu performing at Eurovision

If we talk about painting, then immediately comes to mind Gunther Friedrich Reindorf, folk artist USSR, a wonderful graphic, whose authorship belongs to a bunch of cool postage stamps. By the way, he also illustrated pre-war Estonian stamps :-)

He was also a very good artist. Olev Subbi.

In the cinema and theater, representation is not so extensive, but even here there are prominent representatives. Is it possible to forget the beauty Evie Kiwi

powerful actor Bruno Oya

textured Heino Mandry

And of course the inimitable Lembit Ulfsak. For me, this is Paganel forever and one of my favorite childhood actors :-)

To be continued...
Have a nice time of the day.

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