Elements of acrobatics in modern dance. Sports and acrobatic elements in dancing

Acrobatic elements can be used in various dances. Thanks to them, dances become much brighter, more spectacular. You can name such as capoeira (it also applies to martial arts), breakdance, hustle, acrobatic rock and roll. However, to teach this species dancing is hard enough. But precisely because of acrobatic elements these destinations are becoming popular among young people. Let's talk about some types of this direction.

Brakedance ( street dance), it has elements of acrobatics, it represents the current of hip-hop culture. To perform acrobatic elements in it, a certain skill is required. Beginners, of course, will not be able to perform complex elements without getting injured in the process. But when the dance is performed by a master, it is very impressive, because the acrobatic elements are so perfect and magnificent that it is simply impossible not to admire them.

Acrobatic rock and roll is also considered a sports dance, which is performed at various competitions. It is danced in a group or couple. In it, dance movements, acrobatic and choreographic elements are closely intertwined. It is performed to rhythmic music for only a minute and a half. The program usually characteristic movements legs are combined with acrobatic and semi-acrobatic elements that are used to decorate the dance, but they are taken into account when the winner is determined. All, without exception, acrobatic stunts must necessarily be associated with dance, and their separate performance does not play a special role. Women who dance dances with elements of acrobatics should pay special attention to their clothes, especially underwear, because Properly selected women's underwear facilitates movements and liberates a woman, allowing her to perform difficult tricks.

Couple dance - Hustle is an impromptu dance. He is called: " social dance”, and you can dance it even with a partner you don’t know very well. It is quite simple and dances to any tune you like. Acrobatic elements in this dance are mastered at the very last turn (upper acrobatics and other tricks). They can be easily mastered if you work well with a partner. Moreover, if they trust each other, then there will be no need for special strength.

Thus, the example of these dances showed that acrobatic elements can be mastered, of course, not immediately, although they are not always very difficult. You just need to know the basics of dance well and be able to perform it, and then begin to perform more complex elements that make the dance so spectacular and spectacular.

Acrobatic dances first appeared in the circus arena. Acrobatic stunts have always attracted people's attention.

Acrobatic elements in today's dances with the use of a theatrical performance can turn into a spectacular and bright show.

The acrobatic dance created in the circus was at first a number that was performed in the form classical ballet. Of no small importance in preparing for the number was the choreographic training of partners.

Thanks to the artistic design and the variety of tricks, acrobatic dance has gradually evolved from a power dance. sports dance into a work of art.

So, at the beginning of the 20th century, theatrical performances on an oriental theme, in the style of gladiator fights, were considered popular, where the choreographic imagery of movements was shown in the foreground.

Sports acrobatics in the circus is still relevant today. Performers of pair dances, most often, are divided into a leading partner and a follower, with distributed responsibilities. The stronger partner takes the lead. He can throw, pick up and catch a lighter partner.

The same one does different tricks, in the form of a headstand on the head of the lower partner or on his hands. AT modern world acrobatic dances have already reached the dance floors, going beyond the circus arenas.

Acrobatics diversifies dances, diluting with various elements, and is perceived differently by both dancers and spectators.

An example of such a dance may be one of simple dances, which is performed on a hustle improvisation. You can dance it with any partner and to a variety of music. The hustle uses top acrobatics and whole line elements, as a result of which the dance becomes interesting and spectacular.

Rock and roll dance is also a kind of paired acrobatics, which reveals complex and original movements to the dancers. Rock and roll to the music contributes to the fast pace of the dance, where various elements of acrobatics are performed almost without static pauses and figures. In short, you cannot do without good preparation and excellent skill.

There is an opinion that to perform a modern acrobatic dance, significant efforts are needed, and such dances are far from accessible to everyone. In reality, this is not entirely true, and the expenditure of energy and strength is small, and the work is mainly designed for precise coordination of movements.

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There are few people in the world who could not be impressed by the fragile acrobats soaring in the air, the extraordinary flexibility and plasticity of the athletes, and the precise execution of the program. It also gathered a lot of fans all over the world. Now imagine how great the combination of the first and second! Acrobatic dance, or Acro dance is classic style, but with the addition of acrobatic inserts. This determines its sports orientation, a kind of choreography that combines two different types plastic art, in her dance performance. Today, the style is known among both amateurs and professional dancers. For example, this is one of the leading genres in the famous Cirque du Soleil. Acrobatic dance is sometimes shortened to the word "acro".

Acrobatic dance: features

Sports acrobatic dances, however, are not easy, because the performer must be able to dance and perform tricks. The impeccable physical form of the performer is obligatory, because the loads during the dance are quite serious. Despite the popularity of the acrodancer, not many specialized schools teach it due to lack of funding or lack of knowledge for the acrobatic training of their students.

Akro, I must say, settled even in the distant South Africa fifty years ago, and to this day it is taught there, and dancers participate in various competitions. 9 years ago, this direction was registered as a sports discipline, and to this day it is the official discipline of the South African Gymnastics Federation. Acrobatic dance championship of Russia also did not pass by.

Children's acrobatic dance

Acrobatic dance for kids teaches kids muscle control, flexibility, balance, and most importantly discipline and concentration. All these qualities are necessary for any child, and that he will always be in excellent shape - there is no doubt about it at all. Due to the presence of a sports element, young artists do not find acro boring, they are also attracted by bright plots and images. It also beckons that this style is not a dance of "puppets". good teachers always give athletes freedom of expression. Yes, and in the dance there should not be any rules restricting movement. Sometimes, to adapt the performance to a specific performer, movements from modern dance, jazz, tap dance, and ballet are added.

History of acrobatic dance

It appeared dance direction at the beginning of the last century in Canada and the USA. It was one of the vaudeville productions. Note that in the last decades of the nineteenth century, individual classical dance and acrobatics took place in performances, but then they were not so popular and did not represent a well-coordinated synthesis. There is no definite author of this trend in history. The dance appeared in vaudeville little by little and in a variety of forms, so the founder of the acro can no longer be identified.

The decline in popularity of vaudeville was the starting point for the evolution of the Acrodancer. One of important points transformation of the direction into what we have the opportunity to observe today - the inclusion of ballet technique in the dance program as a basis for unusual pas. The result of this was the polished movements of the dancer, which vaudeville could not boast of. The downside of the acro in vaudeville was that it was just performing stunts with musical accompaniment, and modern performances are primarily a dance that includes acrobatic movements.

Acrobatic dance composition

At the heart of the composition this direction- a figurative combination of arbitrary combinations. Such a figurative-etude style requires from the performer not only good technical training, but also the presence of artistic and expressive skills. In addition, acrobatic dance also implies a very careful selection of music for the performance, great attention to its content, the preparation of an individual plot, and the search for a variety of means of expression. Music for acrobatic dance is used the most diverse. It is also necessary to carefully master and study trick movements and combinations, and in addition, performers must be able to create and embody artistic, emotional and plastic images.

Means of expressiveness of dance

The leading means of expressiveness of the acro are, first of all, the harmonious postures and movements of the athletes. No less important are facial expressions, and the ability to feel the tempo, rhythm, dynamics of movement, keep in mind the spatial pattern of the dance and its composition, and the plastic expressiveness of the performer.

Dancers are not forbidden to use elements from other dance styles - jazz, folk or classical and others, one condition is that these movements should not dominate the main character of the dance. The costume of the artist must match the figurative style of the performance.


There are not so many prohibitions in this direction. A veto was imposed on the inclusion of elements from the following disciplines in the composition: acrobatic rock and roll and sports aerobics. This is due to the fact that they have bright style performance and this contradict the concept of acrobatic dance itself. However, as it was written above, it is not forbidden to include elements of other disciplines in the number.

It is also forbidden for the athletes themselves to use or be on the dance floor any additional props.

* - Mandatory fields

The studio has 2 rooms. One of them with pylons. And there are plenty of different directions for these dances. When I asked for advice from the administrator to find out what was what and in what of ...

Added: 05/30/2018

The DanceFit studio not only provides children with active leisure, but also develops physical fitness and improves health.
- Training contributes to the increase of creativity, personal development and the ability to interact and work in a team. Also, children master the initial skills of acting and dramatic skills.
- Participation in circus numbers, performances at Reporting concerts, as well as other venues teach children to go towards their goals and achieve high results!
- Such training from a simple hobby can turn into a future profession.

The training is conducted by a trainer 4 years of experience working with children and adults; 4 times Grand Prix winner; Multiple winner of International and All-Russian competitions. Anna has mastered many genres: rubber, balance, aerial gymnastics, acrobatics, juggling and Hula-Hups, and her pupils became holders of the diploma diploma and laureate of 1.2 degrees.

The coach competently organizes each stage of training, and will do everything to make the children really interested, and the classes are effective.


One of the oldest genres circus art- equilibrium. A feature of equilibrium and rubber is the ability to maintain balance in an unstable body position and flexibility. Your child will discover the possibilities of his body and do what at first glance seems impossible. The level of preparation and flexibility does not matter - in the classroom, an experienced teacher will select the load according to your strength.

Acrobatics as an element of dance style

Physical exercises, which eventually became known as acrobatic, have been known since ancient times. People liked them and attracted those who dreamed of learning how to control their body, feel it, control it and give everyone around them amazing spectacles, surprise them with their incredible physical abilities.

Acrobatics has always developed, because it has become effective tool upbringing of the spirit and improvement of physical and moral character necessary not only in sports, but also in everyday life and labor activity. Over time, the monotonous and dry sports acrobatics were replaced by such a dance direction as acrobatic dances, which today are a full-fledged and vibrant show with the addition of many dance and acrobatic elements.

Acrobatic dance is a dynamic and very energetic dance, built on acrobatics with well-used acrobatic elements in the production, which makes it more spectacular, bright and memorable. This is an art that closely interacts with sports, because strength and endurance are as important here as plasticity and grace.

Acrobatic dances are also attractive because they can be easily combined with any, even the most unusual and completely unsportsmanlike, dance style or direction:

  • modern;
  • jazz;
  • hip-hop;
  • stripplasty;
  • capoeira;
  • rock and roll, etc.

It is this variety of dance styles and directions and their combination with acrobatic stunts makes acrobatic dancing incredibly attractive and popular destination among people who appreciate the perfect combination of dance and acrobatics itself. At the same time, acrobatic dances are 50% dance and 50% acrobatics.

Benefits of Acrobatic Dancing

A beautiful acrobatic dance is the result of many hours of training, during which:

  • coordination of movements develops;
  • body flexibility and strength develops;
  • develops the ability to control one's body, courage and determination;
  • correct posture is formed;
  • the functions of the vestibular apparatus are improved.

And it is impossible to achieve mastery in acrobatic dance without developing physical and moral-volitional qualities in oneself, developing a sense of partnership, responsibility not only for oneself, but also for another. And this is very important not only in sports, but also in everyday life.

Especially useful are acrobatic dances in the studio for children, because they allow you to consolidate many skills and abilities, develop courage, endurance and willpower. At the same time, acrobatic dancing is incredibly beneficial for health. So, for example, acrobatic classes with a professional trainer contribute to the development and strengthening of the back muscles, which favorably affects the formation of the correct posture.

Moreover, acrobatic dances can also be considered as physiotherapy exercises. This is very relevant at the present time, when children spend more time in virtual world and completely forget about sports and physical activity.

Acrobatic dances in Tula

Do you want to develop a sense of rhythm and artistry in yourself, get rid of feelings of stiffness or depression? Contact the DanceFit fitness and dance school in Tula and you will learn how to enjoy dancing. With us you will forget about shyness and over time you will be able to show everything that you are capable of and even more!

Our school is a unique antidepressant and provides a chance to love yourself for who you are, and dance classes we have a great way to spend time in a fun and useful way, developing not only your creative thinking, but also your physical abilities.

We are proud of our talented, wise and experienced teachers who can turn anyone, even a novice dancer, into a real professional. Having come to us once, you will not want to leave us, because here you will find friends, like-minded people and just like-minded people.

Within the walls of our school, not only dance elements are studied, but also various trick elements that help to make a dance performance colorful and spectacular.

Are you still tormented by the question of how to learn to dance acrobatic dances? Stop thinking, just come to our school! We will prove to you that everyone can dance!


Acrobatic dance first appeared in the US and Canada in the early 1900s as an element of vaudeville.


The composition of acrobatic dance is based on the etude-figurative style of arbitrary combinations. The etude-shaped style suggests, along with a good technical training the presence of a level of expressive abilities, artistry. This style requires a special careful approach to the choice of music, penetration into its content, composing your own plot (like a ballet libretto) and the search for expressive means. This style requires a deep study and careful mastering of gymnastic, acrobatic elements and connections, as well as the ability to create plastic, emotional-motor, or artistic images by athletes.


Main means of expression acrobatic dance:

  • harmonious movements and postures;
  • plastic expressiveness and facial expressions;
  • dynamics, pace and rhythm of movement;
  • spatial drawing, composition (creative construction to the music of individual elements and compounds).

Athletes can use elements of free plasticity and dance technique in their performance (for example, modern, jazz, classical, historical and everyday, folk and characteristic dancing), but they should not dominate and be the main ones.

The costume must correspond to the etude-figurative style of acrobatic dance.


It is forbidden to use and include in the basis of the composition of acrobatic dance such directions, styles or disciplines as: sports aerobics, acrobatic rock and roll, as they already have their own pronounced sports or dance style and thereby contradict the concept of the etude-figurative style of acrobatic dance .

It is forbidden to use additional props in an acrobatic dance on stage or on the competition ground.

see also



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  • Akryony (Petrikovskiy district)
  • Acroballists

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