Air gymnastics on canvases. The best aerial and circus gymnasts

AT modern society almost all genres are becoming very popular aerial gymnastics. If quite recently only professionals, circus artists could master such art, today it is available to everyone. And here age does not play a big role, initial physical preparation. It is enough to have the desire and desire to learn. The most elegant genre, which is preferred by quite big number women are classes on aerial canvases. You can learn to soar gracefully in the air and at the same time perform complex gymnastic elements in dance studios.

What are air canvases?

Aerial canvases are a sports equipment that is used in aerial gymnastics. They are a very dense material up to 9 m long, depending on the height of the room. Air cloths have a special system of fastening to the ceiling, which allows them to perform quite complex gymnastic and acrobatic elements. Cloths are made of stretching and non-stretching material. The first type is mainly used by professionals in their field. The second is more suitable for beginners in this genre. When choosing canvases, it is necessary to take into account some features, namely, they should not only be pleasant to the body, but also not slip too much, allowing you to make a high-quality element in statics, and not burn the body at the time of performing such elements as breaks, sliding, flips.

Aerial canvases have a special system of fastening to the ceiling, which allows them to perform quite complex gymnastic and acrobatic elements.

Initial training

Aerial gymnastics requires a lot of work, effort. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to master aerial canvases, then it is recommended to first choose a specialized studio, a school where teachers are either circus artists in this genre, or professionals in their field. Any coach must find an approach to his ward, depending on his characteristics.

The second thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a school is the premises. It must have high ceilings of at least 3 m in height. Only with such dimensions it is possible to carry out training and perform gymnastic elements without fear. Equipment also plays an important role in the choice. In addition to the fact that the bindings must be hardy, the room must contain mats, which are a kind of insurance during training. Mirrors are needed to hone your skills.

The first lesson is based on familiarization with safety precautions when working with aerial canvases. Further, depending on the level of physical fitness of the woman, the instructor determines the degree of load and the tactics of the training.

Conducting classes

Each lesson on aerial canvases begins with a warm-up, warming up the muscles and hands. Only after that they proceed to instructing the simplest elements. When the first stage is mastered, work begins on your own body. What does it mean? First, the student with the coach performs different kind stretch marks. Secondly, strength exercises so that the body can withstand the loads at height. When a beginner becomes an amateur, the instructor begins to hone the mastery of his elements.

Personal experience

In time, such a training can take from 1.5 to 2 hours. Most often, classes are either individual or group (4-8 people each). In the second case, the pair works on the same suspension in turn.

Why do we need aerial work?

The most important thing is that aerial gymnastics is grace, grace, art, sophistication, lightness, flexibility. The above is just a minimum of what gives every woman such classes. Thanks to work on air canvases, a person is constantly working on his muscles. By stretching the muscles and back, flexibility and grace are acquired.

In addition, classes on air canvases involve absolutely all muscles. No sport can boast of such a feature. Thanks to these trainings, the body becomes more elastic, posture is developed, the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks, and back are strengthened. It's also a great way to reset excess weight. Such a statement is connected with the fact that such training requires a large number of energy, diet and hard work.

Having mastered the art on aerial canvases, you can please loved ones with your talent at demonstration performances or family corporate parties. Many girls attend such classes for performances in nightclubs, which in recent times enjoys no less popularity than dancing.


The portal contains information about where you can sign up for dance classes on canvases in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular directions, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by districts and metro stations. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and trainings in different dance studios in the city, choosing the best option for the price.

Completely unique dance direction is a dance on aerial canvases or aerial gymnastics, harmoniously combining choreography, sports and acrobatic elements. Today this direction is developing very quickly, becoming more and more popular every day. Canvas dance includes exercises that are performed on apparatus or equipment suspended from the ceiling, for example, gymnastics on a rope, ring and canvases.

Teaching aerial gymnastics or dancing on aerial canvases in Moscow

Finding dance lessons on canvases in Moscow with the help of our portal becomes very easy! The tables contain information about dance schools, where full-fledged classes are presented. Visual prices will allow you to compare the cost of training in different institutions and compare the price of full-fledged subscriptions. Using the filter, you can choose with aerial gymnastics classes in the most convenient area or near a suitable metro station.

Aerial gymnastics on canvases - features of the direction

In some ways, the principle of dance is very similar to pole dancing. It contains both rotations and static poses. The only difference is that even the spinning pylon is fixed, while the canvases are spinning and swinging. Elements of aerial gymnastics look very unusual and beautiful, and the dance itself acquires a special sensuality and tenderness, behind which good physical preparation is hidden.

The advantages of doing aerial gymnastics include the absence of such a number of bruises, which is typical for the pole. Unusual exercises give extraordinary lightness to the whole body, giving elegance and grace to movements. Pole dancing lessons can be held both individually and in pairs - it all depends on the school schedule and agreement with the teacher. Today, dance or circus studios offer full-fledged training with a qualified teacher. Aerial gymnastics for children is also suitable, such lessons can be started as early as 4 years old. To make the classes comfortable, it is better to prefer a closed, tight-fitting suit.

Acting skills, plasticity and good physical preparation are the main components, without which it is difficult to imagine dancing on canvases. The dance includes a set of static elements, complemented by elements of acrobatics and smooth transitions performed at a height of 4-5 meters with the help of dense woven ribbons. It is difficult to describe the feeling of a dancer who moves to the music on the canvases - you need to try it yourself!

Choosing to learn aerial gymnastics on canvases, students not only master dizzying tricks and create a perfect figure. They develop their own flexibility and plasticity, sense of rhythm and musicality, gracefulness of movements.

In flight, each person will be able to feel free and easy. Aerial gymnastics helps to remove any boundaries and soar in the air. The so-called invisible wings make it possible to fly effortlessly and feel happiness and goodness.

Air gymnastics

Basically, this type of sport is used in circus acts. In addition to canvases, aerial gymnastics on the ring is also popular. This option requires more additional training and professionalism. The combination of paintings and rings looks quite interesting. But this is only for the viewer, and the gymnast himself puts too much effort into this matter.

As you already understood, this genre include numbers where there are shells and devices suspended at a certain height. There are options with swaying movements, as well as rising and falling tricks on canvases that look quite interesting for both adults and children.

This sport requires a certain amount of precision and concentration. Here it is necessary to have a good command of your own body and not make any mistakes. Gymnasts are at great risk, as they can get a really big injury with subsequent complications, and in some cases a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, without the right level of training, you should not try to perform tricks intended for more experienced athletes.

Aerial gymnastics itself improves the skills and abilities of an average person and surprises ordinary people. In appearance, it is simply something unreal and not feasible, as many viewers say. Genre on this moment is the most spectacular and bewitching. Dexterity and courage are the main features of athletes, which, in the very first place, should surprise ordinary people.

Air canvases

Of course, like any other sport, aerial gymnastics with canvases has its own standard projectile. The canvases are created from a fairly dense material, and their length is about 9 meters. In most cases, the length is determined by the height of the desired room. They have a special mounting system that allows you to stay on the ceiling quite well during the execution of any jerks, strong swings, and so on. The density of the fabric holds the weight of the gymnasts well and, accordingly, is selected separately for each. Acrobatic and gymnastic elements are performed by athletes professionally at their level.

The canvases themselves can consist of both ordinary material and stretching. The non-stretching one is used for tricks by beginner gymnasts, but the second option was created for more experienced ones. The choice of canvases is very important for gymnasts. There must be certain criteria:

  1. Pleasantness to the body, the fabric should not cause irritation or allergic reactions.
  2. Sliding should be in moderation. Materials that are too slippery will make tricks more difficult.


Certain training is needed in absolutely any sport. Of course, aerial gymnastics on canvases also needs this. Photos of beginner gymnasts and professional ones have certain differences in the complexity and performance of tricks. In this case, initial training has special meaning and you can't do without it.

To begin with, attention should be paid to the choice of the studio or school in which the gymnast will practice. Teachers are circus performers, professional gymnasts and so on. Each coach must independently find an approach to each future gymnast, taking into account all his features, abilities and, most importantly, his desire to practice.

Ceiling height in the room educational institutions should be more than 3 meters. Only this height can guarantee safe training for adults and children. Also, there must be specialized mats in each of the rooms. And in order to professionally hone skills, mirrors are needed on the walls.

Positive sides

Athletes, for whom aerial gymnastics has become a part of life, have unusual photos. It can be both shots from regular trainings, and from performances. Everyone will love the captured moments of any tricks, and especially when they are taken by a professional photographer.

The definition of aerial gymnastics is associated primarily with grace, art, grace, refinement and flexibility. Thanks to tricks and exercises, each gymnast works hard on his own muscles, strengthening them and forming a relief. The back muscles stretch over time, and with that comes a great stretch for the whole body.

Attract people

Aerial gymnastics attracts spectators most often in the circus. It shows chic flights over the dome, which delight the audience. And the versatility of the aerial gymnastics genre itself surprises people.

Ever since the middle of the 19th century, visitors circus performances paid attention to such tricks, but in our time everyone more people dream of repeating everything they saw on their own. Cloths are now the most in demand, so many ordinary gymnasts want to test their own strength in the air.

on canvases

There is also an air one and it is no less popular. These classes give children an unforgettable experience, they make them believe in miracles and the infinity of their own possibilities.

Of course, in these classes, as in adult program, be sure to include a warm-up before starting to perform tricks. Group classes will not only allow you to get the support of others, make new acquaintances, but also learn additional tricks where several people are involved. Self-confidence is added with each new occupation, and fear and shyness recede further and further.

Comfortable and safe training rooms are present in almost every gymnastic center, but you still need to choose carefully. The criteria are exactly the same as for adults. And then not only the child, but also the parents will receive a lot of positive emotions.

Experience the throes of creativity while working on a program celebratory event? Stuck in the search for that very pearl that can raise the degree, raise the level of holding and the status of the celebration, draw attention to any event or opening? Is your main task aimed at ensuring that guests remember the grand scale of the event for a long time? Then the show of gymnasts will become an indispensable find for the scenario of the holiday.

There are many styles and trends rhythmic gymnastics. The entertainment industry has been significantly replenished with unique teams of circus and aerial gymnasts performing at corporate parties, banquets, weddings and anniversaries. Numbers with ribbons, balls and hoops are complemented by acrobatic lifts and choreographic elements. From this variety, it is easy to choose a spectacle that meets the aesthetic requirements and format of your event.

What should be considered when inviting gymnasts to a holiday?

Gymnastic numbers performed by professionals will not leave indifferent both a solid and respectable contingent and a mischievous children's audience. However, when ordering such a performance for your celebration, you should take into account a number of necessary factors:
It is necessary to inform the team in advance where the performance will take place and what conditions for work are there. Because, for example, aerial gymnasts need a room with high ceilings and the ability to fix their equipment.

Each band or performer has equipment and attributes for a performance, you don't have to worry about it.
The repertoire and the number of speakers are selected in accordance with the size of the stage space and the format of the event.
the site has collected on its page the most professional and sought-after gymnasts with a wide variety of programs designed for a chamber and large-scale audience!

Performing in the air on different equipment is not only an extreme spectacle that we can see in the circus, this discipline is now developing as a sport. In the air, you can perform on rings, trapeze, canvases, cord de flounces, horizontal bars, vertical rope and other similar structures (bamboo, air flight). But in training sports clubs the main projectiles are rings and canvases.

Performances on canvases

Air canvases are designed to perform aerial gymnastics exercises. They are two canvases of fabric that stretches a little, with a width of one to one and a half meters. If the training of the gymnast allows, then the fabric stretches more, it is more difficult to perform, but there is more room for acrobatic creativity.

Canvas gymnastics has a long history - it was known in the 17th century in China, when aerialists used leather belts for their tricks. But in Europe, trapeze artists began to perform in 1959, when it was necessary to come up with an original replacement for other apparatus for performing above the ground. Thus, aerial gymnastics on pieces of fabric became the latest modification of this circus sports art.

Since 1996, classes on pieces of fabric have become mandatory in all circus educational institutions in France, now this discipline is taught in all large circus studios, and classes are also held for children and adults in private sports clubs and dance schools. As an analogue to canvases, classes on hammocks or loops are the same pieces of fabric, only they do not hang freely, and the two ends are fixed to the ceiling, and the projectile becomes like a swing.

Acrobatics on the ring

The air ring is rigid, it has long been used in circus performances, being a classic circus art. It is also called an air hoop, lyre. This hoop often has additional elements, such as loop and crossbar.

On this projectile, gymnastic elements are performed, like twine, also acrobatic - for balance, swinging, dynamic exercises. On the ring, classes are possible in pairs, but as a sport, and not demonstration performances, this discipline is suitable for single classes.

The air hoop requires a lot of strength, flexibility and agility, which is why it is popular with those who want to try themselves in a difficult discipline. But this discipline is not safe, so the ring must be securely fixed, insurance and an experienced coach are required.

Areas of application of aerial gymnastics are circus and demonstration performances. Dance schools often hold concerts, performances and aerial competitions. dance compositions. Unlike pole dancing, dancing on other aerial apparatuses is devoid of double-digit associations (unfortunately, they also penetrate into nightclubs), so they develop as a sports and dance direction.

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