Charity project of Dmitry Komarov and Andretan. Dmitry Komarov spoke about the most expensive season of "the world inside out", rumors and personal life Dmitry Komarov a cup of coffee project

The charitable tandem of a traveler and a designer shows that doing good is easy!

On June 13, in one of the capital's restaurants, the famous Ukrainian designer Andre Tan and TV presenter, author of the "World Inside Out" project Dmitry Komarov presented a joint charitable initiative.

First, we note that Dmitry Komarov has been supervising his project "A Cup of Coffee" for a long time, offering all caring people a little, to the best of their ability to help seriously ill children. The philosophy of the project is simple - it is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money on charity, sometimes it is enough to refuse to buy coffee in the morning and direct the money saved to the needs of others. And if everyone does this from time to time, then it will be easier to collect the necessary amounts for treatment.

It was within the framework of the Cup of Coffee project that Andre Tan and Dmitry Komarov created an original soft toy in the form of a triangular globe.

Dmitry Komarov and Andre Tan during the presentation of a common charitable initiative

Symbolic soft toy costs only 99 UAH

This symbolic gift will be sold in Andre Tan's chain of stores "a.Tan by Andre Tan" for only 99 hryvnias, and all the proceeds from the sale of the toy will be transferred to the treatment of kids who are helped by the "Cup of Coffee" project.

"We have been creating toys for many years, the money from the sales of which goes to charity. All of them have a triangular shape, and this time we also decided not to deviate from our concept by developing a triangular globe. A toy that projects the world inside out, breaking patterns, a non-standard approach to everything that surrounds us and raises to the surface what is so inconvenient to discuss and advertise," Andre Tan commented on the jointly developed toy.

Andre and Dmitry said that they do not always advertise the fact that they have been doing charity work for many years and are trying to help those who really need it. It was on the basis of this experience that Dmitry Komarov's project "A Cup of Coffee" was created.

“Every day we receive dozens of letters asking for help, and it is very difficult to realize that, unfortunately, we cannot help everyone. During the entire existence of the Cup of Coffee project, we managed to raise about 25 million hryvnias and save more than one life. I am happy that in our country there are so many caring people who realize that it is enough just to give up something insignificant and save even one, but a life," said Dima Komarov.

Presentation of the charity initiative of Andre Tan and Dmitry Komarov

It is thanks to such projects that one wants to believe in miracles and see sincere kindness, which actually exists and everyone can become a part of it. Doing good is easy!

Recall (Zhytomyr region). The girl was brought to Kyiv, and it turned out that everything was very bad: chronic illness kidneys 5 tbsp., chronic renal failure 4 tbsp. (terminal).

By today's standards, Dmitry has grown large family. He has a brother Nikolai and a sister Angelina, while he is the eldest. The biography of Dmitry Komarov began in Kyiv (1983). Despite the crisis of the nineties, the family was friendly, and childhood was happy, and this is entirely the merit of the parents, Dmitry is sure. His parents got married late by Soviet standards. The groom was well over thirty, and the bride was 27. In addition, they actively “searched for themselves”, tried many professions.

My father was fond of photography in his youth. Perhaps this influenced Dmitry's hobby, at twelve he was already taking high-quality pictures, which eventually led him to journalism. The love of travel also arose thanks to my father, or rather, his stories about his travels and hiking in the mountains. Dmitry is sure that thanks to his rich youth, his parents were able to create happy family having come to this already consciously in adulthood.

In one of the interviews, the journalist said that in his free time he travels around the country with the "little ones". He also likes family gatherings around the fire in the country. The sister works as a stylist in a prestigious beauty salon, the brother is engaged in the creation of computer games. Dmitry jokes that he became a "dad" at the age of six, when twins were born, which made him more responsible and more mature than his peers. At first it was difficult, since the parents worked, and there were no grandmothers, the upbringing fell on his shoulders. But when the twins grew up, the whole trinity became best friends.

Career Development

Many people are interested not only last news about Dmitry Komarov, but also his past. Komarov's craving for journalism manifested itself early, he collaborated with the press at twelve, and at seventeen he was already employed at Telenedel. However, post-secondary education had nothing to do with journalism (National Transport University). He combined his studies with work, collaborating with several publications, among which was gloss (EGO, Playboy).

Then there was the experience of a special correspondent in Komsomolskaya Pravda and Izvestia in Ukraine. By the third year of study, he decided that he was still not ready to say goodbye to journalism, so he entered the University of Culture and Arts.

As a journalist and photographer, he collaborated with dozens of publications, and at the same time managed to travel. He has always been interested in unconventional unpopular unexplored places where there are no crowds of tourists, but there is the originality of local residents and local flavor. He traveled alone, which, according to him, allowed him to better understand an unfamiliar country, to fully immerse himself in new experiences. On trips, he photographed a lot, which later resulted in several photo exhibitions.

Once he realized that publications and photo reports cannot convey the volume of what he saw, which prompted him to take amateur photography. Later, the idea came up to transfer an entertaining and educational format, where there would be no already boring "traditional" tourist places, but an exclusive "without cuts", not a glossy presentation of hard-to-reach places, people living there, animals, curious customs and features. By the time the “World Inside Out” program appeared, Dmitry had visited twenty countries. According to the presenter, since the beginning of his author's project, he has never been on vacation. At the end of 2010, the first issue was released on one of the Ukrainian channels. The debut season became popular, the bet on originality turned out to be successful. This made Dmitry Komarov's growth career ladder impetuous. In five years, more than a hundred issues were published, which became a local record.

world inside out

Previously, Komarov traveled with a camera and a voice recorder. And this was enough for reporting and photo exhibitions, but the desire to convey the three-dimensionality of what he saw, and not just stop the moment, he began to shoot amateur videos, which he also published periodically. Then he clearly decided for himself that he wanted to create a program. He developed detailed plan concerning its various aspects, theoretical preparation was carried out until the sponsors became interested.

After that, funds were found for the first trip, intended specifically for the "World Inside Out", and made pilot issue which the audience saw. It was the first television experience. The cost of travel can be called modest, as the group does not live in expensive hotels. Most of expenses relate to flights, transport, payment of guides, various "thanks" for shooting (especially in Africa).

Few people are involved in the project. In addition to Dmitry and the operator, there are two editing directors, one editor, one or more local guides are connected at the destination. The harmonious combination of music and plots lies on the shoulders of the chief editor, sometimes after a joint critical review, something changes. Most of the music used is licensed, the rest is pure exclusive, brought from expeditions. Its authors do not collect large venues, but their original music is talented and therefore valuable.

A small team has disadvantages, but there are more advantages, Dmitry believes. This is an opportunity to show life “as it is” imperceptibly, which is impossible if this is done by a film crew, to which others pay attention in one way or another, which changes their behavior towards less naturalness. This is mobility, when you can climb into real wilds or dangerous areas. Two guys with cameras and a guide are perceived in a completely different way.

The distribution of roles is such that the main responsibility for filming lies on the shoulders of the operator (Sasha Dmitriev), and Dmitry decides on organizational and administrative issues. You have to take the necessary things with you, the number of which, at the same time, the language does not dare to call a minimum. This is dictated by the task to go through the country from beginning to end, often requires special equipment.

The decision to shoot with cameras is a deliberate one, and while it comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to dynamics, there are other benefits outside of shooting. For example, in some countries you will have to pay a lot of money for legality (sometimes it is two hundred dollars a day, and it takes two months to shoot). Another disadvantage of legal filming is the mandatory accompaniment of a representative of official structures, who controls that what cannot be shown is not filmed. Each trip gives a lot of photos, they can be seen in reports, at photo exhibitions that will be held in the future.

Before any trip, Dmitry studies all kinds of sources of information about the places where he is going. So there are two lists, in one of which it is necessary to go, and in the other - on the contrary, and outlines of what needs to be told. If these are tourist places, then they are shown from an angle that is unusual for the viewer, and much appears impromptu. At least half of the unscheduled plots are already directly in the country.

Communication with guides, of which there may be dozens, allows you to correct the original route on the spot and find topics that are not widely available. About three hundred hours of video material is brought from one trip. Shooting duration per day can reach two tens of hours per day. In hot countries, you have to get up early, at about five in the morning, and from ten it’s already hard to be on the street, a forced break is made until four in the evening, and from that time on, shooting gives a brighter picture.

Before the appearance of the project on television, Dmitry had a lot of experience, and already knew exactly which of the countries to return to. Today's programs are often filmed based on past developments and findings. He is interested in “following his own footsteps”, and even visiting the heroes of past stories again. Half of the topics on India and Africa were researched while working as a special correspondent. The author and host of the program are interested in its ratings. He periodically orders details in order to know what the viewer liked more and what prompted him to stop watching.

From everything that was in the programs, the viewers were especially impressed by the tribes. According to Dmitry, it was so dangerous to stay in some of them that even local guides refused, leaving travelers face to face with an unfamiliar hostile reality. But since much depends on the person himself, on his perception of people, the ability to find mutual language with whomever it was, the team always "came out dry from the water."

Komarov believes that constant travel trains intuition, which accurately tells where you can work and where it is better not to go. Vietnamese ethnic settlements, in contrast to African countries, much more modern, they know how to make money on tourists, but the team still found the place most unspoiled by civilization, where he was almost married, putting forward a number of conditions.

Personal life

The journalist and TV presenter is still not married, children, respectively, are only in the plans. And although there were novels in his life, rarely anyone is ready to put up with Dmitry's excessive employment. And he is not ready to give up his passion for exploring the other side of exotic countries, constant long trips. According to him, he is amorous, but he takes relationships seriously, and short affairs are not for him.

He met a lot of foreign beauties, but he is skeptical about marriage with them, because when the love subsides, the relationship is based on common interests, mutual understanding, and this is facilitated by a common mentality, similar values ​​absorbed from childhood. Even a high level of knowledge foreign language, communication with a foreigner will not be as deep as with a girl from home country. Dmitry's wife should be sympathetic to his way of life, the specifics of work, be able to wait a long time from expeditions.

On June 13, in one of the most beautiful restaurants in the capital, atmosfera restaurant, Ukrainian designer Andre Tan and a well-known presenter and journalist Dmitry Komarov, over a cup of fragrant coffee, presented a charity project "A Cup of Coffee" - #a cup of coffee, within which there was a jointly developed soft toy in the form triangular globe. The toy will be sold through the Andre Tan a.Tan by Andre Tan chain of stores for only 99 hryvnias, and all the money from sales will be transferred to the treatment of kids who are helped by the Cup of Coffee project.

“For many years we have been creating toys, the money from the sales of which goes to charity. All of them have a triangular shape, and this time we also decided not to deviate from our concept by developing a triangular globe. A toy that projects the world inside out, a break in patterns, a non-standard approach to everything that surrounds us and raises to the surface what is so inconvenient to discuss and advertise, "- commented on the jointly developed toy.

Andre and Dmitry said that, despite the fact that they do not always advertise it, they have been doing charity work for many years and trying to help those who really need it. It was on the basis of this experience that Dmitry Komarov's project "A Cup of Coffee" was created.

“Every day we receive dozens of letters asking for help and it is very difficult to realize that, unfortunately, we cannot help everyone. During the entire existence of the "Cup of Coffee" project, we managed to collect about 25 million hryvnia and save more than one life. I am happy that in our country there are many caring people who realize that it is enough just to give up something insignificant and save, albeit one, but a life, ”- told Dima Komarov.

It is thanks to such projects that one wants to believe in miracles and see the sincere kindness that actually exists. And yet everyone can become a part of it. Doing good is easy!

A handsome guy with an open smile and kind eyes, he is a real “thing in itself”: responsive and ready to help anyone, he provides a minimum of information about himself.

He climbed the whole world and surprises fans unusual photos from the most secret corners of the planet. By education - a transport engineer, by calling of the soul - a photojournalist. Meet Dmitry Komarov, host of the incredibly popular extreme travel show "The World Inside Out".

Brief biographical information

  • First name / patronymic / last name - Dmitry Konstantinovich Komarov;
  • Date of birth, zodiac sign - 1983, June 17, Gemini (according to Eastern calendar- Boar);
  • Height and weight - 180 cm, about 77 kg;
  • Place of birth - Kyiv, Ukraine;
  • Higher education. NTU (National Transport University) - engineer, KNUKiI (Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts) - public relations specialist;
  • Marital status - single. There is a brother Nikolay, sister Angelina.

Dima's childhood, the beginning of a career

The future star of the Ukrainian channel "1 + 1" and the Russian "Friday" was born in the sunny and hospitable city of Kyiv even before the collapse of the USSR, in 1983. Modest and not at all public, Dima's parents managed to create a strong family and raise beautiful children. In addition to Dima, his father and mother also have twins, Nikolai and Angelina. with their parents early childhood Dima remembers being cheerful and sociable: there were always guests in the house, sincere parties were held with songs and interesting conversations. The boy was sent to music school to the piano class (a common thing in Soviet families at that time), where he studied for six years.

In the photo are the parents of Dmitry Komarov.

Interesting fact about brother and sister. Dmitry recalls that he really did not like being only child, and he persuaded his parents to "give" him a brother or sister. With great excitement, he was waiting for the addition of the family, when his mother began to go to the doctor, and it was already clear that someone would be born soon. A boy - this was the result of an early ultrasound, but ... after the brother, a sister was also born!

When the parents were away, the older brother was instructed to look after the naughty twins. Dmitry loves his brother and sister very much, they also achieved success in life. Brother Nicholas is engaged computer games(development of 2D games on the Unity engine), sister is a hair stylist.

Happy childhood Dima..

At the age of 12, he already tried himself in the field of journalism, writing articles for the school newspaper. The leadership of the Ukrainian weekly "Telenedelya" was incredibly surprised when Dmitry, being a 17-year-old boy, came to the editorial office and seriously proposed his candidacy for the staff of correspondents. Under the law, at this age it was impossible to hire, a written consent was required for this from the parents. They gave it without objection: is it bad that the son already wants to earn money himself?

There was also a parallel collaboration with the publications "EGO" and "Playboy". “And what does traveling have to do with the latest magazine?” readers wonder numerous biographies Dmitry, where this fact is necessarily indicated. Not everyone knows that in Playboy, in addition to the “frank” one, there is also a travel section, and Dima wrote articles there, and, according to him, they paid very well.

This was after two high schools. Two - because at first Dima Komarov entered the Kyiv National Technical University as an engineer. Why he went there - even the parents were surprised beyond words, because everything pointed to the creative nature of the young man and the fact that he would be a correspondent. After graduating from the transport university, Dmitry goes to get a second higher education already to my liking - to the University of Culture and Arts.

Then - successful work in " Komsomolskaya Pravda”, for six years he was special there. correspondent. At the same time, Dima worked for several years in the Izvestia in Ukraine publication (since 2007).

He began to travel the world and take interesting pictures of the picturesque places of the planet, while still a student. Dmitry immediately decided to move away from the standard "cliches" in his travels: he photographed large cities, the capitals of countries, of course, but he was more interested in small villages, remote places with unusual, mysterious stories. He made his first trips completely alone, believing that loneliness is the main "engine" in the naturalness of the information that a naturalist photographer receives; it helps to collect "pure" facts about exotic tribes with whom contact is intended.

In 2005, the audience was offered the first reportage-exposition about Africa (it included pictures taken in Tanzania and Kenya). Then Dmitry made an exposition about Nepal. The next series of photos was dedicated to India (it came out under the name "Indosutra"). During a trip to India, Komarov won two records at once: he was the first foreign correspondent admitted to cremation near the banks of the Ganges River, and the figures “20 thousand km in three months” were entered into the Book of Records of Ukraine.

The photo essays were a great success, but the two-dimensionality of the photographs was not enough for their author. The photo, according to Dima, could not fully convey the beauty and originality of the exotic, which he witnessed.

Volume, play of colors, sounds - all this should be in a TV program that will show the viewer not the standard "sleek" views of the Earth, but something new, shocking, so that it will take your breath away. With this thought, Dmitry Komarov and his friend Alexander Dmitriev went with a movie camera to Cambodia. It was not possible to find a sponsor for this dangerous journey, and the friends decided to make a report with their own money.

The creation of the "World Inside Out" program and its resounding success

A trial release, the so-called "pilot", was offered to the Ukrainian channel "1 + 1", it went on the air in December 2010. The success exceeded all expectations: an exciting report on the culture of Cambodia, facts about mysterious rites, the presenter himself, who gives information in an original way - all this convinced the editors of the channel that the program was a real find. Frames where locals eat poisonous spiders, filming the country's brothels, a story about a tribe of cannibals - that's what the shocked viewers saw in the first issue of "The World Inside Out", and of course, they began to write, call, ask: when the next program comes out, where will the fearless presenter go next?

Vietnam, Indonesia, India, several African countries - this is an incomplete list of places where Dmitry filmed his program. By 2016, together with cameraman Dmitriev, he had processed so much material that it allowed him to get another nomination in the Ukrainian Book of Records. It is called - "the maximum number of programs on tourism, filmed by a minimum film crew."

In any country, Dima tries to find an unusual and interesting information. In Mexico, he visited Hemingway's home, where the writer created his most famous works. Dmitry conquered Everest (2016), reaching the very high point planets. In Nepal, he visited the epicenter of the earthquake (5.5 points) and filmed what was happening on camera.

The journey through the kingdom of Mustang was remembered by the audience of the “World Inside Out” because the host of their favorite program almost died: some higher power protected him from death. They had to get to the city of Jompson by plane, and there Dmitry met a mysterious hermit (by the way, his fellow countryman!), Who dissuaded him from flying through the air. Dmitry doubted whether to take a car: the road is very dangerous, besides, the cost of renting a car is several times more than plane tickets. Still, we went in a jeep, miraculously survived the collapse, and when we got to Mustang, we found out that the plane they were supposed to fly on crashed!

The “trick” of a journalist is to meet New Year not in a hotel room or even in a tent, but in unusual place Outdoors. During a trip to Kenya, on January 1, Dima was ... in a distant tribe of cannibals: “I am still in shock, how did they not eat us?” In Bolivia, on the night of December 31st to January 1st, he put on "cats" (special alpine equipment on his feet) and began climbing Mount Huayna Potosi alone, where he celebrated the New Year with the Ukrainian flag in his hands at a height of 6 thousand meters.

The year 2017 passed for Dmitry under the sign of Japan. He was admitted to secret world sumo fighters, communicated with representatives of the yakuza (because of a slightly unfortunate comment, he was almost killed, but with brilliance he got out of a dangerous situation). Dima climbed the "rock of suicides" in this country and tried to uncover the secret high level suicide in Japan. While climbing, he met a woman named Yayo and talked her out of committing suicide. “I descended later and thought that it was not just an ascent, but a mission, the purpose of which is the price of human life.”

Dmitry Komarov and social networks, his charitable activities

The journalist is an active user of social pages: photographs, travel cuts are very popular among his fans in RuNet and abroad. Everyone: viewers of the program, visitors to Instagram, VK, Facebook, the management of 1 + 1 and Friday have long been convinced that not only exclusive information is the key to the success of The World Inside Out. Himself is incredible interesting person, charming and open, with a surprisingly kind smile. In the most difficult situation, he "keeps his mark" and maintains his composure, humorously describes moments that at first glance are not at all funny.

Dmitry Komarov and Nadia Dorofeeva managed to collect cash for an operation on four-year-old Stas.

Under the “cup of coffee” tag, Dmitry is running a charity program, the proceeds from which go to seriously ill children. The essence of the program: people are called upon to transfer a purely symbolic amount to the fund for helping babies who need a complex and expensive operation. “Give up one cup of coffee, a pack of cigarettes, pour one liter less gasoline into the car tank, don’t drink a bottle of soda. You won’t even feel that you have less money, but for someone it’s life! Let's prove that people can work miracles, and a cup of coffee can stop death!” - this is how Dima calls to do good.

There is no shame or conscience among scammers who even here do not hesitate to get rich: Dima's Instagram and Facebook pages have been hacked countless times, trying to gain access to the accounts where donations are received. Dmitry's team in the social. networks (his most active assistants are Nadya Dorofeeva and Alena Semenit) constantly warns those who want to help children not to be “led” to hacked or fake pages, not to give a “cup of coffee” to deceivers.

In the photo Dmitry Komarov and Alexander Kucherenko in the TV show "Dancing with the Stars".

In October 2017, Dima Komarov impressed everyone with another noble act. He participated in the Ukrainian project "Dancing with the Stars" and at the final stage, together with his partner Alexandra Kucherenko, made a joint decision to leave the program, losing the lead to the duo "Yuri Tkach - Ilona Gvozdeva". All the funds that were collected from the SMS sent to the address "Komarov - Kucherenko", the couple gave to the fund of sick kids. It was rumored that Dima got involved with this girl during the filming of the program romantic relationship, but both contestants on the show ignored the rumors.

Personal life and latest news

The alleged affair with the brilliant Sasha Kucherenko is most likely not a fact, but the reaction of Dima's fans to his absolute "ignore" when questions are asked about his personal life. Open to the whole world, able to find a common language with shamans, cannibals and yakuza, it is completely closed to everyone in terms of personal details. “What is it, a game for the public, the desire to “warm up” secret popularity?” some envious people grumble. Does he really need an artificial rating increase? It's just that he is modest, does not like to show off his personal, and probably has not yet met his true love, since there is still no wife and children.

Dmitry Komarov with his brother Nikolai and sister Angelina.

Some literally grains about the "affairs of the heart" stars of an extreme TV show still leak sometimes to the press, though without names. Allegedly, he is so attractive and sincere that in almost every country he has a fleeting romance. Dima himself does not deny the fact that he fell in love with foreign women several times, but only a Ukrainian will be his chosen one for the "post" of his wife. "Lent" - because it is not only joy, to live with such wonderful person, but also hard work: to endure constant absences, to watch with bated breath how a husband climbs a high rock or talks with savages.

About his statements about the fact that the “most-most” girls in the world are Ukrainians, the media also “walked” with criticism many times. Dima explains his sympathy for fellow countrywomen without "binding" to the national question. I, he says, will be able to find a common language and live for a long time with a girl who was brought up in the same environment as me. The same upbringing, a similar children's and teenage company, the university of their native country, the same films and even cartoons watched - all this forms a close mindset that Dmitry's future chosen one should have. “Here is the meeting with which we will be on the same wavelength, then I will start thinking about the family,” he invariably says. And when they ask him if he even has a permanent girlfriend, he smiles and replies: “Happiness loves silence.”

Instagram komarovmir.

In 2018, Dima Komarov continues to work fruitfully and shoot new reports. But this is not the limit of his work: he is now writing a book, at the beginning of the year its preliminary announcement was released. According to him, the book will be a symbiosis of advice from an extreme traveler, it will include rare recipes from exotic countries that have not been included in social networks photo, even detailed maps the places he has visited. Dima dreams that this book will become an alternative geography textbook for schoolchildren.

  • His grandfather and grandmother lived in Nalchik, his grandfather led the anti-hail and anti-avalanche services of the region. Isn't it hereditary at the genetic level that he is drawn to dangerous places?
  • He trusts his hair only to his sister Angelina - he cuts his hair exclusively in her salon.
  • Dmitry spent a lot of time in the Elbrus region as a child, and as an adult he came there to do free-ride (descent from the mountains not along the ski track, but on pure snow).
  • Even before the Ukrainian “Dancing with the Stars”, he tried himself as a dancer, starring in Japan in a video with a famous pop group.
  • The perfect vacation, he says, is riding a four-wheeled chopper. Explaining such a strange choice, Dima quotes experienced motorcyclists: "Four wheels carry your soul, and two - only the body."
  • He is so charming and irresistible that even the natives cannot resist his male attractiveness. In New Guinea, a Papuan woman persistently rubbed against his shoulder, suggesting "a walk in the woods." The translator also said that the girl asked me to tell the “white deity”: she agrees to marry him.
  • It is quite possible that one of the next reports of the journalist will be about his native Ukraine: “There are also places in Ukraine where you can greatly surprise yourself and the viewer.”
  • Dima travels strictly alone with the operator, but there is another person to whom Komarov expressed public gratitude many times for his help in creating the program. This is a "voice-over", director-editor Vitaly Naryshkin.
  • Continuing fundraising under the tag "cup of coffee", the journalist is seriously thinking about creating his own charitable foundation.

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