Benefits of joining - the Rosicrucian Order. The teachings of the Rosicrucians consider the seven worlds 6 secret orders Masons Rosicrucians

They were called " Fama Fraternitatis RC» ( Glory to the Brotherhood RC) and " Confessio Fraternitatis» ( RC fraternity creed). In 1616, the allegorical treatise “The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross” was added to them. From these texts it followed that in Europe since ancient times there has been a "most revered order" of mystics-philosophers-scientists, who set as their goal the "worldwide reformation of mankind." According to the Rosicrucians, their teachings are built "on ancient esoteric truths" that are "hidden from the common man, providing insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm", which is partly symbolized by the emblem of the brotherhood - the rose that blossoms on the cross.

In the first centuries of its existence, Rosicrucianism was closely associated with Lutheranism and with Protestantism in general. Francis Yeats sees the Rosicrucians of the 17th century as the forerunners of the Age of Enlightenment. According to historian David Stevenson, this cultural movement had a significant impact on the establishment of a similar mystical society in Scotland, Freemasonry. Subsequently, many secret societies produced their succession and rites in whole or in part from the German Rosicrucians of the 16th-17th centuries. (and through them - from the templars or even the knights of the Round Table).

Three manifestos

The text "Fama Fraternitatis" tells the legend of a German scientist and mystic philosopher called "Brother C.R.C." (only in the third manifesto his name is deciphered as Christian Rosencreutz, which means literally "Rose-Cross"). It is stated that "our Christian Father" was born in 1378 and lived to be 106 years old. The first manifesto stated that Christian was initially brought up in a monastery and then went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. However, he preferred to travel to Jerusalem to communicate with the wise men of Damascus, Fez and the mysterious Damkar. Returning to his homeland, together with three students, he created the "brotherhood of the rose and the cross", the main goal of which was to comprehend divine wisdom, reveal the secrets of nature and help people. Traditionally, the year 1407 is considered the date of creation of the brotherhood.

According to legend, during the life of Christian Rosenkreutz, the "Order of the Rose and Cross" consisted of no more than eight members, each of whom was a doctor or bachelor. All of them vowed not to charge for the treatment of the sick, to keep the brotherhood secret and to find a replacement for themselves before they die. In 1484, Rosencreutz died, and only 120 years later his grave with secret books (according to his prediction) was discovered by his followers. His mausoleum had a Latin motto: “We are born from God. We die in Christ. Resurrection in the Holy Spirit".

Three Rosicrucian manifestos, which appeared in Germany at the beginning of the 17th century, attracted the keen interest of contemporaries. Many prominent scientists and philosophers of that time tried to confirm the real existence of the mysterious brotherhood - and subsequently some of them (such as Michael Mayer, a life physician and secretary of Emperor Rudolf II) assured that they succeeded. Much more often, the manifestos were regarded as a hoax or allegory (such, for example, was Francis Bacon's attitude towards them), and the real existence of a secret society was denied.

"The Rosicrucian manifestos were conceived (at least according to their alleged authors) as an intellectual game, a more or less comic literary experience in the spirit of the utopian genre", states Umberto Eco. The authorship of The Chemical Wedding was attributed to the Lutheran theologian Johann Valentin Andrea (1586-1654), who characterized this work as the plaything of an idle mind. In his later works, he scoffs at alchemy and places it on a par with music, art, theater and astrology as the most lightweight disciplines. Francis Yates disputes its authorship, and this opinion is the most common.

The emblem of the rose blooming on the cross was used more than 80 years before the publication of the first manifesto - in the Portuguese monastery of the order of Christ (Convento de Cristo). This order is the successor of the Knights Templar in Portugal. In 1530, a secondary work of Paracelsus "Prognosticatio Eximii Doctoris Paracelsi" was published, where there is also an image of a double cross on a blossoming rose.

Rosicrucians in the 17th and 18th centuries

The Rosicrucian writings that appeared in the course of the 17th century describe, literally and figuratively, nine stages of the involutive-evolutionary transmutation of the threefold human body, the threefold soul and the threefold spirit, which constitutes the concept of the “initiatory path” traditional for many secret teachings.

Manifestos of the beginning of the 17th century. attracted attention in many parts of Europe. The idea of ​​the existence of a secret brotherhood of alchemists and sages who sought to improve the arts, sciences, religion and mental life of their states seemed then new and in demand, because the continent was ravaged by political and religious strife. The manifestos were repeatedly reprinted, which stimulated the emergence of new texts, the authors of which sought to confirm or refute the existence of a secret brotherhood. The peak of interest in the secret society was reached in 1622, when two posters appeared in succession on the walls of buildings in the central square of Paris within a few days. The first read: “We, the Representatives of the Higher Board of the Rose-Cross, are indeed, clearly and invisibly, in this city (…)”, and the second poster ended with the words: “Thoughts, together with the true desire of the seeker, will lead us to him, and his to us" .

For understanding the reaction to the Rosicrucian manifestos, the writings of Michael Mayer (1568-1622) from Germany are most important; Robert Fludd (1574-1637) and Elias Ashmole (1617-1692) of England. Among others, Rosicrucianism was discussed Daniel Mögling, Gotthard Artusius, Julius Sperber, Adrian von Minsicht, Gabriel Naudet , Thomas Vaughn . So, Ashmole was convinced of the real existence of a secret society of Rose and Cross. Another prominent apologist for Rosicrucianism is Michael Mayer. He insisted that the brothers R.C. exist to advance the sacred arts and sciences, including alchemy. However, Mayer himself never announced his own attempts to obtain precious metals (just like Heinrich Khunrath and other alleged Rosicrucians): in the texts of the Rosicrucian circle, the emphasis is on spiritual alchemy as a kind of symbol of the transformation (transformation) of the human soul.

It is possible to speak with full confidence about the existence of Rosicrucian organizations only from the beginning of the 18th century. In 1710, the Silesian pastor Sigmund Richter, under the pseudonym Sincerus Renatus ("sincerely converted"), published a treatise entitled Theoretical - Practical Theosophy. True and complete preparation of the Philosopher's Stone of Brotherhood from the Order of the Golden-Pink Cross. In an essay consisting of 52 articles, Richter presented himself as a member of this fraternity and reported that it consisted of separate departments, each of which included 31 adepts. The Brotherhood is ruled by the “emperor”, only Masons in the degree of master are accepted into it. Two other milestones in the development of 18th-century Rosicrucian doctrine are Georg von Welling's "Opus magocabalisticum et theosophicum" (1719, treatment of alchemy and the teachings of Paracelsus) and "Aureum Vellus oder Goldenes Vliess" (1749, published under the pseudonym Herman Viktuld).

Rosicrucian-friendly 17th-century writers were puzzled by the absence of any real evidence of the existence of a secret society in contemporary Europe. The author of the pamphlet "Pia et Utilissima Admonitio de Fratribus Rosae Crucis" (1618) explained this by the fact that the Rosicrucians departed for the East because of the upheavals associated with the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War. The above-mentioned Sigmund Richter also repeats this legend, as does the occult researcher René Guénon. At the same time, Arthur Edward Waite (a prominent historian of Freemasonry and Martinist) was extremely skeptical about the legends about the connection of the Rosicrucians with the East. On the basis of speculation about continuity in the XIX-XX centuries. many neo-Rosicrucian societies formed. They claim to continue the occult tradition, allegedly coming from the “College of the Invisible” or the continuity from the “Unknown Higher” (Supèrieur Inconnu), “secret leaders”, etc.

Order of the Gold and Rose Cross

The earliest document indicating the integration of the Rosicrucians with the Freemasons is dated 1761. It was discovered at the end of the 19th century by the historian of Freemasonry Ludwig Abafi, working in the archive of the Hungarian counts Festetics. In this note, a member of the "Prague community" expounds the rites of the Rosicrucian order and lists its "fathers" who live in Prague, Regensburg and Frankfurt; many of them were members of Masonic lodges at the same time. The charter of the society he cites almost word for word coincides with the charter of the society of unknown philosophers ( philosophes inconnus), which was published by Baron de Tschudi in 1766, and is probably of French origin.

After the improvement of the hierarchy of the order, the Rosicrucians are announced in Silesia and eventually penetrate into Berlin, Hungary, Poland and Russia. In 1767 and 1777 the first known attempts to reform the Rosicrucian order were made. The most notable apologist for the renewed Rosicrucianism was Friedrich Schröder (1733-1778), a professor of medicine in Marburg. According to the characteristics of V. N. Pertsev, the highest flowering of the doctrine fell on the reign of the mystical-minded King Frederick William II in Prussia: Rosicrucianism "died with him, and only miserable remnants of it still continued to exist in some places" .

At the end of the 18th century, members of the Order of the Golden and Rose Cross claimed that Rosicrucianism was founded by followers of the Egyptian sage Ormuz (Ormusse) and "Licht-Weise", who emigrated to Scotland under the name "Builders from the East". After that, the original order allegedly disappeared until it was restored by Oliver Cromwell as Freemasonry. The Society of the Golden and Rose Cross also developed the modern symbolism of Rosicrucianism, set out in the treatise Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer (Altona, 1785).

Rosicrucian Degree in Freemasonry

"Knight of the Rose and Cross" - 18° in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The first mention of this degree dates back to 1765. The degree entered ritual practice and became widespread after 1780.

After 1782 Freemasonry added Egyptian, Greek and Druidic mysteries to their ritual practice. Marconi de Negre, with his father Gabriel Marconi, established the Masonic Rite of Memphis in 1839, building on earlier alchemical and hermetic research by the Rosicrucian scholar Baron de Westerode. Thus, the degree of the Knight of the Rose and Cross appeared in Egyptian Freemasonry. This degree, as well as in the DPSU, is practiced either at 18 ° or at 17 °.

The degree of Knight of the Rose and Cross is found in subsidiary orders of the French Rite. So, initiation into it takes place in the 4th order of this charter.

Selected Cohanim and Martinism

The main components of the Teaching
Directions of occult practice
Influenced figures
Martinist organizations
† Basic Symbols and Concepts †
Organizations associated with Martinism

From 1754 until his death in 1774, Jacques de Lleron Joachim de la Tour de la Case Dom Martinez de Pasqualis was a hereditary mason who inherited from his father a patent allegedly issued to him by Charles Stuart and giving him the right to “build temples to the glory of the Great Architect ", worked tirelessly to establish and promote his Order of the Knight-Masons of the Elected Kohanim of the Universe.

Modern societies

The diverse groups that have associated themselves with the "Rosicrucian tradition" can be divided into three categories: esoteric-Christian Christ-professing Rosicrucian societies; Masonic Rosicrucian societies such as the Societas Rosicruciana; initiate societies such as the Golden Dawn and the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis.

Esoteric Christian Rosicrucian societies contain esoteric knowledge relating to the inner teachings of Christianity.

After the death of Schwartz, the primacy in the inner steps of the order passed to the Moscow group of N. I. Novikov. Novikov claimed that he was the first to discover to him that "true Freemasonry is the sacrament of the Rosicrucians" mystical Field Marshal Repninwarning, however, that "true Rosicrucians ... are very difficult to find, and entry into their society is even more difficult" .

“The armament of the Knights formed a knightly circle: the Round Table, in which the Grail appeared; first guarded by the Knights of the Grail, then by the Knights Templar, and ultimately by the Rosicrucians.<…>The older generation (Kunrath, van Helmont and others) is quite developed; the line went, as they say, underground; and it was the Eastern Brotherhood that actually initiated Novikov.<…>I am called for help; together with Minclova, the three of us will make a real triangle for the construction of the temple of the knights; circles will gather around these "two"; Minclova will communicate with the Brotherhood of Initiates.”

Minclova passed on to her followers in Russia the three-part motto of the Rosicrucians: “ Ex Deo Nascimur (E.D.N.) In Christo mortimur (I.C.M.) In Spiritu Sancto Renascimur (I.S.S.R.)". Ivanov signed letters to other adherents of the secret teachings I.C.M., and Bely - I.S.S.R. Bely ended his story "Kotik Letaev" (1915-16) with the words: "In Christ we die, so that we may rise in the Spirit." During this period, the motif of the rose and the cross became one of the defining ones in Ivanov's poetry, and Alexander Blok, carried away by mystical teachings, created in 1912 his favorite brainchild - the play "The Rose and the Cross".

The first in modern Russia, a circle of followers of the Rosicrucian teaching was organized in Ozerki near St. Petersburg in 1907 by a pharmacy employee Alexander Kordig. The conspiracy theory lists the Rosicrucians as one of the driving forces behind the Russian Revolution of 1917. Before her disappearance in 1910, Mintslova said that "as if she had a conversation with one of the Grand Dukes and that this latter had raised the question of how we should be with our homeland and what to do with Tsar Nicholas II".

Thanks to the surviving order documents and texts, the spiritual brotherhood of the quasi-Rosicrucians "Lux Astralis", founded by the poet B. M. Zubakin and existed from 1912 to 1937, is known. From 1916 to 1933 there was an order of "Moscow Rosicrucian-Manichaeists" (Orionians), whose members developed ceremonial magic.

Under the leadership of V.K. Chekhovsky and E.K. Teger, in the general circle of mystical, religious and occult movements, organizations and groups that operated in Russia in the 1920s, from 1925 to 1928. there was the Rosicrucian Order "Amish Redevius", which set itself the task of mastering the occult forces of nature by experience, in practice reviving the fullness of the ancient initiation lost over the centuries and "conducting laboratory experiments on the transmission of thought at a distance, exteriorization, cultivation of elementals, operational magic" .

One of the last Rosicrucians in Russia was D. S. Nedovich, Lev Kopelev writes about a meeting with him in Butyrka prison in the book “Keep Forever”.

see also



  1. Directly in the manifestos it is stated: "We address you with parables, but we would gladly provide you with a correct, simple, easy and unsophisticated description, understanding and knowledge of all secrets."
  2. In the next century, Wynn Westcott (head Rosicrucian societies in England and one of the founders of the Order of the Golden Dawn) claimed that Richter was indeed the head of an authentic Rosicrucian fraternity founded by Christian Rosicrucian. However, the society he leads is a paramasonic organization, founded by Freemasons of regular English rites as a system of additional degrees, in imitation of the Charter of the Knights-Benefactors of the Holy City of Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, who first introduced the degrees of the rose-cross into Freemasonry and was the author of the corresponding initiatory ritual, which is used and still in the Scottish Rite. Thus, the authority of the judgment of the founders of the Order of the Golden Dawn in the matter of the actual Rosicrucian brotherhoods, and not their imitators, is doubtful.
  3. He calls the Frankfurt merchant Schwartz the head of the order.
  4. According to this tradition, the Rosicrucian order was founded in 46 CE. e., when the Alexandrian gnostic sage Hormuz and six of his supporters were converted by one of the apostles of Jesus Mark. Their symbol is said to have been a red cross surmounted by a rose, indicating a rose-cross. Proponents of the doctrine proceed from the fact that Rosicrucianism appeared through the purification of the Egyptian mysteries by the highest teaching of early Christianity.


  1. The Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 5, no. 2/3 (Jul. - Oct., 1919), pp. 265-270 by Joseph A. Murray; Review of New England and the Bavarian Illuminati by Vernon Stauffer; Vol. LXXXII of Studies in History, Economics and Public Law by The Faculty of Political Science; Columbia University Press (1918) (indefinite) . Catholic University of America Press.
  2. Rosicrucian Enlightenment - F.A. Yates - Google Books
  3. Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years - Diarmaid MacCulloch - Google Books
  4. About literature. Essay - Umberto Eco - Google Books
  5. Macedo, Antonio de (2000), Instruções Iniciáticas - Ensaios Espirituais, 2nd edition, Hughin Editores, Lisbon, ISBN 972-8534-00-0 , p.55
  6. Gandra, J. Manuel (1998) Portugal Misterioso (Os Templarios), Lisbon, pp. 348-349
  7. Stanislas de Guaita. Au seuil du Mystere. Paris: Georges Carré, 1886.
  8. Quoted by Sedir in Les Rose-Croix, Paris (1972), pp. 65-66
  9. Sedir (1972) Les Rose-Croix, Paris, p. 59 to 68
  10. See Theatrum Chemicum britannicum, 1650.
  11. The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoteric Order - Christopher McIntosh - Google Books
  12. Guénon, Rene, Simboles de la Science Sacree, Paris 1962, p.95ff
  13. Rose Cross and the Age of Reason, The: Eighteenth-Century Rosicrucianism in ... - Christopher McIntosh - Google Books
  14. A Rosicrucian Utopia in Eighteenth-Century Russia: The Masonic Circle of N.I... - Raffaella Faggionato - Google Books
  15. Christopher McIntosh. Rose Cross and the Age of Reason: the Eighteenth-Century Rosicrucianism in Central Europe and its Relationship to the Enlightenment. The State University of New York Press, 2012. 2nd ed. ISBN 9781438435619. P. 46-50.
  16. Arnold Marx. Die Gold- und Rosenkreuzer. Ein Mysterienbund des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland. // Das Freimaurer-Museum, 1930, No. 5. P. 16.

Theosophical Dictionary

Rosicrucians(Mas.) This name was first given to the disciples of a learned Adept named Christian Rosencreutz, who lived in Germany about 1460. languages. Members of the Order have maintained secrecy, but since then traces of them have been found in different places every half century. "Societfs Rosicruciana in Anglia" is a Masonic order accepting "outside" members; The Habrat Zere Aur Boher, or Order which has a very complete scheme of initiation into the Kabbalah and the Higher Magic of the Western or Hermetic persuasion, and admits members of both sexes, is a direct descendant of the medieval Rosicrucian brotherhoods, which are descended from the Egyptian Mysteries. (w.w.w.)

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - Theosophical Dictionary

Secret Doctrine

“Brahma, in its totality, has, first of all, the aspect of Prakriti, both evolving and non-evolving (Mulaprakriti) and also the aspect of Spirit and the aspect of Time. Spirit, O Twice-born, is the chief aspect of the Supreme Brahma. The next aspect is twofold - Prakriti, evolving and non-evolving, and the last is Time. In the Orphic theogony, Kronos is also represented as a born god or mediator.

In this stage of the awakening of the Universe, the innermost symbolism represents it as a perfect Circle with a Point (Root) in the Center. This sign was universal, therefore we find it also in Kabbalah. However, the Western Kabbalah, now in the hands of Christian mystics, does not recognize it at all, although it is very clearly indicated in the Zohar. These sectarians start from the end and give, as a symbol of the pregenetic Cosmos, calling it the "Union of the Rose and the Cross", the great secret of occult generation, whence the name Rosicrucian (Rose Cross)! This can be seen in one of their most significant and famous symbols, which has never been understood, even by modern mystics. It is the symbol of the Pelican tearing his chest to feed his seven chicks that symbolizes the true belief of the Rosicrucian Brothers, which is a direct offspring of the Eastern Secret Teaching.

According to the dogmas of the Rosicrucians, as this time correctly, though partially, explained by the uninitiated, "Light and Darkness are in themselves identical, they are only separated in the human mind"; and as Robert Fludd says, "Darkness took Illumination to become visible."

Among the mystics and cabalists, the Rosicrucians identified Fire more correctly than others. “Take a simple lamp, keep it filled with oil, and you will be able to light it with the flame of lamps, candles and the lights of the whole world, without reducing this flame ...

Rosicrucians, to whom the secret meaning of tradition [about the fall of Satan] was well known, kept it for themselves, teaching only that the whole "creation" happened and was the result of the legendary "War in Heaven" caused by the rebellion of the Angels against the Creative Law or the Demiurge. This statement is correct, but internal its meaning is still a mystery.

Among the Rosicrucian Brothers, the figure of the cross or deployed Kuba was the topic of the dissertation for obtaining one of the Theosophical degrees Peuvret, and interpreted on the basis of the principles of light and darkness or good and evil .

The "Brothers of the Rose and Cross" of the Middle Ages were as good Christians as others in Europe, but nevertheless all their rites were based on symbols, the meaning of which was predominantly phallic and sexual. Their chronicler Hargrave Jennings, the best contemporary authority on Rosicrucianism, speaking of this mystical Brotherhood, describes how

The torment and sacrifice of Golgotha, the Torment of the Cross were in their (Rosicrucian) famous blessed magic and triumph by protest and appeal.

Protest - from whom? Answer: protest from the crucified Rose, the greatest and most revealed of all sexual symbols - Jonah and Lingam, "victim" and "murderer", the feminine and masculine principle in Nature. Open this author's latest work, Phallicism, and see how vividly he describes sexual symbolism in what is most sacred to Christians:

Flowing blood flowed from the crown or piercing crown of hellish thorns. Rose is feminine. Glossy, carmine petals are guarded by thorns. The rose is the most beautiful of flowers. Rose is the Queen of God's Garden (Mary, Virgin). Not only does the Rose represent a magical idea or truth. But it is precisely the “crucified Rose” or the “tortured Rose” (according to the majestic mystical apocalyptic image) that is the talisman, banner and object of adoration of all the “Sons of Wisdom”, or true Rosicrucians.

Nothing like all"Sons of Wisdom", not even true Rosicrucians. For the latter would never invest in such a nauseating image, exhibit in a purely sensual and earthly, not to say in an animal light, the greatest noble symbols of Nature. For the Rosicrucian, the Rose was a symbol of Nature, the ever fertile and virgin Earth or Isis, the mother and nurse of man, considered feminine, and represented by the Egyptian Initiates as a virgin woman. Like all other personifications of Nature and the Earth, she is the sister and wife of Osiris, since these two characters correspond to the personified symbol of the Earth; as she and the Sun are the offspring of the same mysterious Father, because the Earth is fertilized by the Sun - according to the earliest Mysticism - by means of a divine blowing. It was the pure ideal of mystical Nature that was embodied in the "Virgins of the World", in the "Heavenly Maidens", and later in the human Virgin, Mary, Mother of the Savior, Salvator Mundi, now chosen by Christendom. And it was the character of the Jewish girl that was adapted by Theology to the ancient Symbolism, and not the pagan symbol was remade in a new way.

Isis Unveiled

Persian proverb says:

"The darker the sky, the brighter the stars will shine."

Thus, in the dark firmament of the Middle Ages, the mysterious brothers of the Rose and the Cross began to appear. They did not found societies, they did not build schools, for being persecuted on all sides like wild beasts, if they fell into the hands of the Christian church, they were burned without any conversation.

“Since religion forbids the shedding of blood,” says Bailey, “therefore, bypassing the Ecclesia non novit sanguinem, they burned human beings, because when a person is burned, his blood is shed!"

Many of these mystics, following what certain treatises had taught them, kept secret from one generation to another their discoveries, which would not be neglected even in our time of the exact sciences.

Hermetists and later Rosicrucians believe that all things visible and invisible were created by the competition of light with darkness, and that every particle of matter contains a spark of divine substance or light, spirit, which, by its tendency to unfetter and return to the central source, creates the movement of the particles, and out of the movement forms are born. Quoting Robert di Flaktibe, Hargrave Jennings says:

“So all minerals in this flash of life have the rudimentary possibility of plants and growing organisms, so all plants have rudimentary senses that can (through the ages) enable them to perfect themselves and transmute into moving new creatures, lower or higher in their development, possessing good or evil functions; so all plants and the entire plant world can pass (by detours) to a higher stage than they have occupied, to an independent more perfect progress, allowing their original spark of light to grow and tremble with higher vibrations, burn with a bright flame and rush forward to more vast information. being wholly taken over by the planetary influences ruled by the invisible spirits (or workers) of the great Primordial Architect" [ 76 ].

“the goal in the beginning ... was nothing more than the support and promotion of Catholicism. When this religion was determined to completely suppress freedom of thought... The Rosicrucians have also correspondingly expanded their designs to hinder, if possible, the progress of this widespread enlightenment."

From "Sincerus Renatus"(truly converted) S. Richter in Berlin (1714), we learn that laws were put forward by the administration of the "Golden Rosicrucians", "carrying undoubted evidence of Jesuit intervention."

We will begin with the cryptography of the "Red Princes of the Rosy Cross", also called the Knights of St. Andrew, the Knights of the Eagle and the Pelican, Heredom, Rosae Crucis, Rose Cross, Triple Cross, Perfect Brother, Prince Mason, etc. "Heredom Rosy Cross" also claims descent from the Templars in 1314



The Knights of Kadosh have another cipher, or rather a hieroglyphic system, which in this case is taken from the Jews, perhaps in order to be more like the Biblical Kadeshim of the Temple.


As for the Royal Arch cipher, it has already been given before, but we can present it in a slightly expanded form.

This cipher consists of certain combinations of right angles with or without dots. The following is the basis of his Education:

Now, the alphabet consists of twenty-six letters, and these two figures, when divided, form thirteen definite signs:

A dot placed inside each of them gives thirteen more characters:

Together this gives twenty-six, equal to the number of letters in the English alphabet.

There are at least two ways to combine and use these characters for the purposes of secret correspondence. One way is to call the first character a; the same sign with a dot b; etc. Another way is to apply them, in the usual order, to the first half of the alphabet a, b, etc., up to m, and then repeat them with a dot, starting with the letter n, o, etc. to z.

According to the first method, the alphabet looks like this:

The second method looks like this:

In addition to these signs, the French Freemasons, apparently under the guidance of their perfected teachers - the Jesuits, perfected this cipher in every detail. So, for example, they even have signs for commas, diphthongs, accents, periods, etc. Here they are:

Enough of this. We could, if we chose, give the cipher alphabets, with their keys, to yet another method of the Royal Arch Freemasons, strongly resembling certain Hindu scripts; to G. . El. ˚ Mystic City; to the well-known form of the Devanagarian script of the (French) Pyramid Sages; and the supreme master of the Great Work, and others. But we refrain; for the reason that only some side branches of the original Blue Lodge of Freemasonry still hold the promise of being useful in the future. As for the rest, they can and will soon go to the dust heap accumulated by time. High Masons will understand what we mean.

Now we must bring some evidence to what we have stated and demonstrate that the word Jehovah, if Freemasonry clings to it, will forever remain a substitute and will never be identified with the lost miraculous name. This is so well known to the Kabbalists that in their careful etymology of the word הוהי they show beyond any doubt that it is only one of many substitutes for the real name and is composed of the double name of the first androgyne - Adam and Eve, Yod (or Jodh), Bay and He-Va - a female serpent, as a symbol of the divine Mind emanating from the ONE-Generating or creative Spirit. Therefore, Jehovah is not a sacred name at all.

The ancient Mystical Order of the Rose and Cross, known throughout the world under the acronym A.M.O.R.C. (D.M.O.R.K.), is not a newly created philosophical movement. From the point of view of history and tradition D.M.O.R.K. goes back to the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt, where enlightened mystics gathered together to learn the mysteries of existence. That is why they were called "Mystery Schools" (or "Mystery Schools"). They united researchers striving for a better understanding of the laws of nature and the universe. In this sense, the word "mysteries" in Antiquity, i.e. during the ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations, had no accepted meaning today. It was not applied to "mysterious", "fantastic" or "strange", but meant rather gnosis, secret knowledge.

mystery schools

One of the first mystery schools in Egypt was the school of Osiris. Her teachings concerned the life, death and resurrection of the god Osiris. It was presented in the form of theatrical performances or, more precisely, ritual dramas. Only people who proved their sincere thirst for knowledge could discover the Osirian myths. As the centuries passed, the initiation ceremony in these schools became even more complicated. Their mystical pursuits took on a more closed character and began to take place exclusively in temples, a large number of which were built for this purpose. The Rosicrucian Tradition has told us that the pyramid complex at Giza was the most revered among the initiates. And contrary to what historians claim, these pyramids were never the tombs of the pharaohs. They were places of mystical pursuits and initiations.

The initiation included a rite of symbolic death for the candidate. Laid in a sarcophagus and brought into a state of detachment of consciousness, he could feel for a moment the separation of soul and body. This division was intended to prove to him his duality. After that, he gave a solemn oath to devote his whole life to mysticism, gaining inner confidence that the goal of human life is the perfection of the soul on the path of earthly incarnations. By taking an oath, he gained access to the most secret knowledge that could be accessed by a mortal.

Initiates of Ancient Egypt imprinted part of their knowledge on the walls of temples and on numerous papyri. Another, no less important part of it was secretly passed from mouth to mouth. The famous Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge speaks respectfully in one of his writings on the Mystery Schools. Here is what he writes on this subject: "There must have been a gradual development in these 'mysteries', and some of them seem to have been completely unknown during the period of the Old Kingdom. There is no doubt that these mysteries were part of the Egyptian rituals, and in this case, it can be argued that the Order, nurtured by the priests of Keri-Hebs, possessed a secret esoteric knowledge, jealously guarded by the Masters.Each of them, if I correctly understand the obvious, possessed gnosis, that is, the highest knowledge, which was never trusted written expression, they directly expanded or reduced the field of its action, according to circumstances. Therefore, it would be absurd to look for a description of the secrets that make up the esoteric knowledge of Keri-Hebs in the Egyptian papyri. "

Pharaohs - mystics

Pharaoh Thutmose III (1504 - 1447 BC) united all initiates into a single brotherhood, the rules and foundations of which are embodied today in the D.M.O.R.K. During the ceremony when KeriHebs appointed him to succeed his father's throne, he experienced a mystical revelation proving that he was supposed to be the Grand Master of the secret brotherhood. Rosicrucian tradition says that he felt himself "ascended" to heaven and thus proved his cosmic chosenness. Thanks to the rules established by Thutmose III, this brotherhood, whose members worked in various mystery schools, each of which had its own charter, became a real mystical Order with a single code.

Almost seventy years later, Pharaoh Amenhotep IV was born in the royal palace of Thebes, becoming the most enlightened man of his time. Adopted very early in the secret Order, he was so imbued with his teachings that he changed his former name, calling himself Akhenaten, which means "close to the Aten" or "glory to the Aten." In Egypt, he became the initiator of fundamental changes in the field of religion, culture and art. By challenging the priests of Amon, he declared for the first time that God is one, and this was said in an era when polytheism was universal. He devoted his whole life to fighting the darkness of ignorance and spreading the mystical ideals of the Order. Shortly after his death in 1350 B.C. e. the Theban priests restored the cult of Amun, but the case of Akhenaten has already become part of history.

Spread of the Order in the West

From Egypt, the Order spread to Greece through the ancient Greek philosophers Thales and Pythagoras (7th and 6th centuries BC), then to Italy under the influence of Plotinus (203-270). In the era of Charlemagne (742 - 814), thanks to the philosopher Arno, the Order penetrated into France, and then into Germany, England and the Netherlands. Over the following centuries, alchemists and the Templars (templars) contributed to the spread of the Order in the East and West. Due to the restriction of freedom of conscience, at times he had to hide under various names. However, in all epochs and in all countries, he did not stop his activities, spreading his ideals and teachings, directly or indirectly participating in the development of art, science and civilization as a whole, always proclaiming the equality of the sexes and the true brotherhood of people.

A brief explanation is in order here. Often, in close connection with the history of Rosicrucianism, the name of "Christian Rosicrucian" (1378 - 1484) is mentioned as the founder of the Order, from which it is concluded that the Order appeared only in the 14th century. This is a delusion. In fact, when a moment favorable for the revival of the Order came in each country, the necessary actions were taken to publish a manifesto or appeal announcing the discovery of the "grave" where the "body" of the Grand Master of the KRK rested, along with rare valuables and manuscripts that gave the right to discover them start a new cycle of activity of the Order. The proclamation was an allegorical act, and the initials "KRK" did not hide a real face. They were a symbolic title given to certain leaders of the Order. It is in the light of these explanations that the story of the legendary Christian Rosencreutz should be taken.

Cyclic rebirth

In the 17th century, the Order gained its greatest fame with the publication and wide distribution of the treatise "Fama Fraternitatis", erroneously attributed later to Valentin Andrea (1586 - 1654). This treatise, in fact, was one of the elements of preparation for the next cycle of activity of the Order, which, following its own law, after a period of one hundred and eight years of activity, leaves the stage in order to resume its social activity after one hundred and eight years. During one of these periods, the Order became officially known as the Order of the Rose and Cross.

In 1693, Rosicrucian settlers from many European countries, led by Grand Master Johannes Kalpius (1673 - 1708), reached the New World aboard the Sarah Maria. In early 1694 they settled in Philadelphia. A few years later, some of them moved to southern Pennsylvania, establishing a new colony. By establishing their own printing press, they published a large number of masterpieces of mystical literature, and it was thanks to these European Rosicrucians that the true teaching of the Rose and the Cross was spread in America. Under his influence, many American political institutions were born and science and the arts were unprecedentedly developed in the United States. Famous figures such as Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) and Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) worked closely with these Rosicrucians.

Modern D.M.O.R.K.

In 1801, in accordance with established rules, the Order entered a period of silence in the USA. However, he remained active in Germany, France, Russia and the East. In 1909, Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis went to France to get information about the Order there. For several years he studied metaphysics and esotericism there. After passing many examinations and tests, he was able to meet with one of the French leaders of the Order. Some time later he received his initiation at Toulouse and was officially commissioned to prepare for the revival of the Order in America.

When everything was ready for this, the brochure "Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose and Cross (D.M.O.R.K.)" served as a manifesto that announced a new cycle of activity of the Order. In accordance with the charter, the Supreme Council of the Order in the United States proclaimed Dr. Lewis Emperor, and he successfully fulfilled his mission, spreading the traditional knowledge of the Order and developing its activities in every possible way within its jurisdiction. After the death of Harvey Spencer Lewis in 1939, his son Ralph Maxwell Lewis was appointed Emperor. After the Second World War, the leaders of the Order in Europe decided to apply throughout the world the teaching methods adopted by the Order in the USA. Currently D.M.O.R.K. is the only custodian of the Rosicrucian tradition in those countries where its activity is permitted by law.

Currently, the highest official of the Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose and Cross is Christian Bernard, elected by the Supreme Council. According to this title, he is the guarantor of the Rosicrucian Tradition in all countries of the world.

Rosicrucians- an ancient secret society around which many legends are composed. According to some documents, the first mention of anything resembling the Rosicrucian order in history dates back to 1188, when a group known as the Priory of Sion under the Grand Master Jean de Gisors received the second name "Order of the True Cross and the Rose." Gisors was a vassal of the English king Henry II. Despite the fact that the Rosicrucians were for a long time attributed to Freemasonry, in fact, these organizations merged together only at the end of the eighteenth century. The group claims to be able to trace its history back to the time of the pyramids and a period called prehistory. De Gisor inspired his followers that Rosicrucianism was an ancient secret system that has come down to us from ancient Egypt through the great Greek philosophers.

The Rosicrucian order remained completely unknown for several hundred years. The world first became aware of its existence after Christian Rosicrucian's "Report on the Brotherhood of the Rosicrucians" was published in 1614. In this book, the author, who had been dead for over a hundred years at the time of publication, claimed to have founded a new order, the "Order of the Rosy Cross", after he had been introduced to Eastern esoteric knowledge while traveling in the Holy Land.

Most scholars now believe that Christian Rosencreutz never existed, and all of his writings are by Johann Valentin Andrea, who was Grand Master of the Priory of Sion from 1637 to 1654. Rosicrucian legends claim that he was born in 1378, and died in 1484 at the age of 106, and wrote his works throughout most of the fifteenth century. It was assumed that the papers signed by "Rosicrucian" were kept by a secret brotherhood operating in France and Germany, which wanted to change the world by expanding the circle of human knowledge. These manifestos severely criticized the Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire. In them, the author called on mankind to free themselves from the chains of religion and join scientific knowledge, which he called "the discovery of the secrets of nature."

The third and last of Rosenkreutz's manifestos was published in 1616 and was called The Chemical Wedding. Written in the spirit of a comedic allegory, the manifesto told the story of a princess whose kingdom was unjustly taken by the Moors. The princess herself was thrown into the ocean in a wooden box. However, she soon got ashore and went through numerous adventures. Ultimately, the girl marries a prince who helps her regain the kingdom and the throne.

The origin of the name "Rosicrucians" has always been a topic of controversy. Is it a direct reference to the crucifixion of Christ? Or is it “associated with the red crosses depicted on the shields of the Knights Templar? Perhaps the Rosicrucians are the same Knights Templar, who simply changed their name after their order was outlawed? Or is this name just a derivative of the pseudonym of Christian Rosenkreutz?

The sect, called the "Order of the Golden and Rose Cross", joined Freemasonry under the name "Lodge of Strict Observance" and under this name received the Illuminati who wished to join the Masonic brotherhood. Since at least the eighteenth century, a very peculiar version of history, adopted by the Rosicrucian order, has maintained that Moses of the Old Testament and the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep IV are one and the same person. According to them, the parables of the Old Testament are borrowed from the Egyptian religion, which preceded the Jewish culture. And those, in turn, took as the basis of their myths about the creation of the world of history, recorded by representatives of the first civilization known to us - the Sumerian, which once existed on the territory of modern Iraq.

Rosicrucians - symbols

What does it mean to be a Rosicrucian according to the interpretation of the secret society itself? According to an expert in the study of the order, Franz Hartmann, author of the book "Symbols of the Rosicrucians": "The place or state in which a real Rosicrucian exists is too sublime and magnificent to be attempted to describe in words." However, he nevertheless makes such an attempt: “When we enter the vestibule of the Church of the Cross and the Rose, we find ourselves in an area of ​​uncomplicated joy and happiness. There everything is flooded with an unearthly light, where all everyday thoughts, attempts to find the reason and rationale for the unknown disappear, because in this light there is only the reality of absolute knowledge. To live here means to perceive, and to perceive means to know. Nothing impure can penetrate into this paradise of divine consciousness. There is no place for earthly flesh and blood here, but the spiritual creatures that dwell here are created from the flesh and blood of Christ, in other words, from the substance of the spirit.

According to the text of the Rosicrucian Philosophy website ( “The cross represents the thorns belonging to the Rose . If not for these thorns, even after changing everything negative in the "Progressive Transmutation of Self Process" , Rose, or Soul, could not be dissolved in the Upper Light . The rose represents the "Spiritual Arcana" Renaissance or "second birth" Saint John. The Rose and the Cross have the same meaning as the Ankh cross among the Egyptians. They symbolize rebirth through the perfect balance between male and female essences. This Spiritual Being or Soul, pure and divine in nature, is "crucified" on the Cross, which is a temporary physical body, a "prison" Souls, which, in turn, symbolizes the limitations of the material. It follows from this that the "temporary prison" due to ignorance makes the inner spiritual being constantly suffer, infecting the thorns of the Rose with ignorance, selfishness, sadness, greed, deceit, envy, irritability, anger, rage, etc.

Rosicrucian rules

  1. Love God the most.
  2. Devote your time to spiritual perfection.
  3. Be selfless.
  4. Be restrained, modest, active and silent.
  5. Study to learn about the origin of the metals in your body.
  6. Beware of those who teach what they themselves do not know.
  7. Live constantly admiring the highest good.
  8. Study the theory before trying something in practice.
  9. Be generous and help all beings.
  10. Read books of ancient wisdom.
  11. Try to understand their secret meaning.

There is also the twelfth rule, called "Arkan", but the rules forbid talking about it. This rule is revealed only to those Rosicrucians who deserve it. According to Franz Hartmann, Arcanum "cannot be expressed in the language of mortals and therefore can only be transmitted from soul to soul."

Duties of the Rosicrucians

  • Help the afflicted and heal the sick without accepting any reward.
  • Dress as is customary in the country in which they live.
  • Meet once a year at a specific location.
  • Each member must choose a worthy person to become his successor.
  • Letters R and C are the emblem of the order.
  • The existence of the brotherhood must remain secret for hundreds of years from the date of its foundation. But this "hundred years" will not end until the understanding of his divine essence wakes up in a person.

Signs of the Rosicrucians

The secret signs by which a real Rosicrucian can be distinguished are formulated as follows:

  • The Rosicrucian is patient.
  • Good Rosicrucian.
  • The Rosicrucian knows no envy.
  • The Rosicrucian is not boastful.
  • The Rosicrucian is not vain.
  • The Rosicrucian is organized.
  • The Rosicrucian is not ambitious.
  • The Rosicrucian is not irritable.
  • The Rosicrucian does not think badly of others.
  • The Rosicrucian loves justice.
  • The Rosicrucian loves the truth.
  • The Rosicrucian knows when to be silent.
  • The Rosicrucian believes in what he knows.
  • The Rosicrucian does not lose hope.
  • The Rosicrucian cannot be broken by suffering.
  • The Rosicrucian will always remain a member of the order.

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The Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose and Cross is a global philosophical organization that preserves and develops ancient Knowledge. Its purpose is to bring a person closer to understanding the laws of the Universe, acting inside and outside of him, and thereby open the horizons of a happier and more fruitful life for a person. The Order is neither a religion nor a sect, its members are free in all respects. However, any political discussions are prohibited within it. According to his motto "The widest tolerance with the strictest independence", he does not impose any dogma, but offers his teachings to those who are interested in spirituality and mysticism. It should be clarified that the term "mystical", included in its name, is of Greek origin and is derived from the word "mystery". In ancient times, it also meant "hidden knowledge", which can be defined as a kind of synonym for science for that distant time.

The independence of the Order, named in its motto, means that it will never become part of another movement and will not fall under the influence of another organization. In this regard, it is appropriate to answer the frequently asked question about its relationship to Freemasonry: the order has nothing to do with Freemasons. From its very foundation, it has been completely independent of any other organization, and that is why it was able to show such wide tolerance towards all philosophical and mystical currents. In the public mind, for obvious reasons, there is an aberration about various, secret in the past or in the present, organizations.

Speaking about the history of the Rosicrucians, two aspects should be separated. One of them is the allegorical legends and stories passed down through the ages by the Rosicrucians by word of mouth. The other is chronologically sequential facts, documented.

Often, in close connection with the history of Rosicrucianism, the name of Christian Rosencreutz (1378-1484) is mentioned as the founder of the Order, from which it is concluded that the Order appeared only in the 14th century. In reality, this is not so. When a moment favorable for the revival of the Order came in each country, the necessary actions were taken, manifestos appeared, announcing the opening of the "crypt", where the "body" of the Grand Master of the KRK rested, along with rare valuables and manuscripts, giving the right to start a new cycle of activity of the Order. The proclamation was an allegorical act, and the initials "KRK" did not hide a real face. They were a symbolic title given to certain leaders of the Order.

The Rosicrucian tradition traces the origin of the Order to the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt, which appeared around 1500 BC under Pharaoh Thutmose III. One of the first mystery schools in Egypt was the school of Osiris. Her teachings concerned the life, death and resurrection of this god. It was presented in the form of ritual dramas, and only people who proved their desire to comprehend the secrets of being could discover osirical myths. Mystical studies were closed and took place in specially built temples. Tradition refers to these temples the Egyptian pyramids, which were not the tombs of the pharaohs, but places of mystical studies and initiations. The organization itself was formed by 1350 BC, during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, better known as Akhenaten. To this enlightened mystic, mankind owes the appearance of the first monotheistic religion in history. The ancient Greek philosophers Thales and Pythagoras contributed to the spread in Greece of the ideas they brought from Egypt (7th-6th centuries BC). In the III century AD. under the influence of Plotinus, the Order spread to Italy, and starting from the 8th century, in the era of Charlemagne, the Order penetrated into France, Germany, England and the Netherlands. Over the following centuries, alchemists and Templars spread it in the East and West.

In the 17th century, the Order gained its greatest fame with the publication and wide distribution of the treatise "Fama Fraternitatis". During this period, the Order became officially known as the Order of the Rose and Cross. In 1693, the European Rosicrucians, led by Master Johannes Kelpius, reached the shores of the New World and settled in Philadelphia. A few years later, in Pennsylvania, where they founded their colony, a printing house began to operate, which published a large amount of mystical literature. Thanks to these settlers, the teachings of the Rosicrucians spread to America. Many American institutions were born under his influence and developed in an unprecedented way in this country of science and art. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin worked closely with these Rosicrucians.

The teachings of the Rosicrucians were continuously enriched as a result of the work of mystics on the path of knowing the secrets of the Universe, nature and man himself. The knowledge gained by the sages of Ancient Egypt was supplemented by the concepts of the thinkers of Ancient Greece, supplemented several centuries later by the Neoplatonists. They were then enriched by the experiences of the Rosicrucian alchemists of the Middle Ages. Famous people of the Renaissance and modern times, remaining in line with the tradition created by their remarkable predecessors, refined and expanded many aspects of the ancient heritage. Among them we will meet the names of Leonardo da Vinci, Paracelsus, F. Rabelais, F. Bacon, J. Boehme, R. Descartes, B. Spinoza, B. Pascal, I. Newton, G, Leibniz, Cagliostro, M. Faraday, K .Debussy and many others. All of them were members of the Order or had a direct connection with it. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, other Rosicrucians, being recognized authorities in many areas - physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, philosophy - have replenished this teaching. Therefore, the Rosicrucian does not study the doctrine of some master of thoughts or guru, the mystical knowledge to which he joins is not frozen in time. His work is based on laws and principles that have passed the test of practice and reflect everything that the human genius has created for the glory of the Mind of the Universe.

The teaching of the Order consists of four parts, each of which, in turn, is divided into steps. Here, for example, is a brief overview of the topics covered in the "Initiates" section: the fundamental laws that govern the micro- and macrocosm; objective, subjective and subconscious areas of consciousness; laws of organic life and cosmic energy; Rosicrucian ontology; unknown and known philosophy of Ancient Greece; hygiene and therapy; human mental body, nerve centers; soul, free will, reincarnation; extrasensory perception, vibroturgy, telepathy, mystical regeneration, etc. In parallel with the above topics, the teachings of the Rosicrucians also offer a large number of experiments designed to develop some abilities that are not manifested in most people: intuition, visualization, mental creativity, telepathy, cosmic harmonization and others. The doctrine of the Rosicrucians is practical and should allow each to influence his own life, to organize it according to his own expectations.

Eloquent in this sense are the words of R. M. Lewis, head of the Order from 1939 to 1987, in his work "The Inner Sanctuary": "The mystic can and should achieve such results in work, science and or art that would bring him the respect of colleagues and adepts. He should just as easily turn his consciousness into himself, as he should enjoy the greatness of the Universe. Only ignorance makes some imagine a mystic as a person incapable of overcoming everyday material obstacles. Consider him helpless, mute in the earthly world, think, that he needs to hide in the mountains to avoid real life, there is an insult to the possibilities that the mystic has developed in himself.If you want to know the mystic, do not limit your search to monasteries and temples.When you meet a person who is active, diligent, sociable, loved by relatives and neighbors, tolerant in the religious field, able to show you in the simplest thing the power and greatness of God, you know - before you is a mystic.

A harmonious combination of the spiritual and physical development of a person, equal respect for the spiritual and material world are the key to building a happier and more worthy life. And this fundamental idea is best demonstrated by the main symbol of the order - the Rose and the Cross, in which the golden cross represents the physical body of a person and the trials of his earthly life, and the red rose in the center of the cross symbolizes the soul and its gradual flowering in the succession of incarnations

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