Revizorro School - all issues, participants, who won Who won in the Revizorro School project. "School" Revizorro ": who will take the place of Elena Flying? School Auditorro Pilot Issues

Since June 7, on the Friday channel, there has been a high-profile premiere - the show "School of Revizorro", in which Elena Letuchaya will find her successor and give him the post of chief inspector of Russia. Flying has repeatedly stated in an interview that she will no longer host Revizorro, but she is not going to leave the program and will remain as a producer. Last year, a casting was announced for the "School of Revizorro". Friday viewers were asked to independently conduct an inspection of any institution or talk about the fight against injustice by commercial and government organizations, record it on video and send it to their website. I kept a close eye on the casting videos that were popping up on YouTube, as I was wondering if any of them could get into the project. Filming of the "School of Revizorro" began at the end of April, and at the beginning of June, the names of the participants appeared on the Friday website and I was very upset - they did not take A SINGLE real person "All the actors and people who have already appeared in other TNT and Friday projects. On this, in principle it would be possible to finish the review and put one star, but it is necessary to bring the matter to the end and decompose the "School of Revizorro" into bones.

So, Lena Letuchaya (or screenwriters, which is more likely) sat down and remembered what trials she had to go through while hosting the scandalous Revizorro show. Let me remind you that there were regular reports in the media about the beating of Letuchaya and her film crew in Tmutarakan, and on social networks, supposedly letters appeared every now and then, in which they frightened the appearance of Letuchaya in their institution and demanded a rollback. Scandalous moments regularly appeared in the program itself - the owners of the establishments came running and made a scandal with the police being called. In general, the students of the "School of the Lady" of the "School of Revizorro" will also pass through the same meat grinder of tests.

There is only one difference from Letuchin's fate, but a significant one - applicants for the position of the new host of "Revizorro" will not undergo real tests, but staged ones. That is, the participating actors will engage in combat with other actors. In my opinion, this is complete nonsense. A reasonable question arises: what if "Revizorro" itself was staged, and all the scandals were orchestrated?

The participants of the "School of Revizorro" are a bunch of episode actors and people who do not want to get out of the screen. I propose to get to know them better, because Friday and the show presents them in a completely different way than they really are.

#InspectorroSamokhina- Snezha from "The Bachelor" (Season 5 on TNT). In the "School of Revizorro" she suddenly became a guide. In fact, she is the ex-wife of one of the members of the board of directors of TNT.

#RevizorroIvanchenko- actor of episodes, was a week at Dom-2. And very bad, judging by the participation in the "School of Revizorro". The snake scene just screams "OSCAR!" (not really). As an actor performs under a different name.

#RevizorroMitrofanova- another actress, who either sits on "Live" on Russia-1, or allegedly conducts some business (the lawyer's website of her office is buggy and with errors - what is the cost of one "Alimony Recovery" in the service column). Climbs into any gap just to light up. One thing is good about her - beautiful.

#RevizorroKozyritsky- Chef. Apparently, he needed a springboard to stand on a par with media chefs like Ivlev, Levitsky and others.

#RevizorroErdman- actress. She has a different surname and she had to come up with a pseudonym, because her real surname is the same as the surname of the former host of "Revizorro" (not Flying, but different)

#RevizorroNikulina is another actress. Here she is definitely used to lying like ... The girl is actively involved in staged shows under other names.

#RevizorroKovaleva- Yulek, winner of the first season of the Russian "Tomboys". Oh, I don’t know who fooled her brains that she imagined herself to be a Lady and a beauty. I looked at her instagram and laughed for a long time. Julek, goodbye already, huh? You have zero charisma, you're boring. Here Queen Christina would be a worthy candidate, but Yulek about nothing!

#RevizorroKirilyuk- Member of House-2, writer, journalist. I found her a video on YouTube on the topic of Ukraine and Russia - you can say that she is also a couch politician (she herself is Ukrainian, former)

#RevizorroPerelman- restaurateur. Once he participated in the "Battle of Restaurants", he also seemed to be in some kind of culinary program on TNT. He also cannot say goodbye to television and is actively friends with Levitsky, a member of the jury.

By the way, about the jury. there are three people - the concierge, the cook and the Volatile. In each issue, they decide who was the best and who gets kicked in the ass. Elena Flying as the host of the show was very disappointing. She talks like a teacher at a party meeting. My inner lie detector screams DONT BELIEVE!

Who will be the winner of the show "School of Revizorro"? If anyone does not know, on the Friday website they promised that there would be 10 participants, not 9. The secret tenth participant will appear later and I am 99.99% sure that he (a) will become the host of "Revizorro". The current 9 participants do not pull for many reasons. First, the host cannot be an actor. Secondly, the chef or the owner of the establishment cannot be the host. It remains Yulyok from "Tomboys" - but she will have her own show, so it's not an option all the more.

The show "School of Revizorro" greatly disappointed me with its staging and insincerity. First, "Friday" cheated viewers with the casting. Secondly, "Revizorro" became popular due to the truth, which contrasted sharply with the rest of the content on television, and now the truth factor has been removed and there is nothing left that made "Revizorro" watchable. And thirdly, Lena Letuchaya is terrible as a presenter if she does not communicate in video blocker mode. I give two stars and do not recommend!

Sincerely, Andy Goldred

The motto of the project: choose a new face of justice! One of the brightest contenders is the ex-participant of the Dom-2 TV show, journalist and writer Tatyana Kirilyuk. The girl does not hide that she will be glad to continue her TV career. She has been familiar with television from the inside for more than 10 years: she hosted a program on Ukrainian TV for four years, then she took part in the Dom-2 show. Now Tatyana writes women's detective stories and doing journalism.

The spider sat on Tatyana's head for three minutes!

– While participating in the project, I already had to go through a lot: friendship, enmity, the joy of success, disappointment from defeat, – Tatyana shares her impressions. - A memorable example - I had to face my fears: fear of darkness, heights, fear of communication with creeping reptiles. But now I already feel much calmer when I rise to a height of three meters, which is already ridiculous for me, or if I hold a spider in my hand.

In addition to being tested by fears, the participants, like real hosts, had to get into the cesspool of an unfriendly restaurant team.

- I was not received at all hospitably in the institution. The cooks were specially trained to interfere with the work of Revizorro. Of course, there was dirt, and a mess, and abuse - I ended up in hell itself. Burnt meatballs and expired food were found in the kitchen. I left the restaurant with tears in my eyes, because huge cooks, strong aunts, threw rags and pots at me. It was a terrible test, but I passed it.

Our team was also waiting for a test of cohesion, for individual work, where it was necessary to show their physical strength, - Tanya continues. - To be honest, I'm not very happy with the result, because I expected more from myself, because I regularly work out in the gym and consider myself not a weak girl. It was hard, but I reached the end, gathering my will into a fist.

In the memory of the audience and fans of the project, the breathtaking blonde Elena Letuchaya stood at the helm. A perfectionist by nature and by profession, the girl personified natural purity. Then Olga Romanovskaya found her fans. The slender brunette bitingly parried all the excuses of the restaurant kitchen staff and was remembered by the owners of the establishments for a long time.

The styles of both presenters are unique, and it makes no sense to imitate them, - the participant believes. - The only thing worth taking into service is the knowledge and professionalism that Elena and Olga demonstrated. In addition, the project already had a blonde, a brunette, now it's time for a redhead! Moreover, I am distinguished by quick wit, courage, sociability. I think that I will look great in the place of the presenter. No one will leave my attention and my perseverance - neither an unscrupulous cook, nor a cockroach.

Tatyana admits that she is not afraid of the difficulties that the host of the project has to face. Without them, life seems uninteresting to the participant. The fact is that a girl by temperament is a choleric and needs an emotional shake-up. She likes to prove her case and listen to a different point of view, Tatyana is not at all afraid of conflicts. It is important for her to get to the truth and justice in time.

The most difficult situation for me was when, during a collective task, I let the team down - I coped with it worst of all, - Kirilyuk recalls. That's why we got punished. Another difficult test was the situation in which I had to explain why I was better than the participant with whom I managed to make friends. It was humanly unpleasant to voice the negative aspects of his character. I must say that all 10 participants have advantages over each other: someone is an animator, someone is a restaurateur, someone is physically stronger than me. But I consider my journalistic experience, communication skills and fearlessness in the face of conflict to be my indisputable advantage. This is a useful quality for the Revizorro project! School "Revizorro" for me - akin to training in special forces. Who passed it, is ready for anything.

By the way, you can support Tatiana, as well as other participants, on June 7 by voting on the TV channel’s website or in social networks.

Once she dreamed of becoming a "cloud", but still became a lawyer, which did not stop her from conquering the blue screen. Connecting her legal knowledge and the media is her old dream. She came true. Now Olga combines the pleasant with the useful in her professional activities - she helps people and develops creatively.
Not so long ago, she tried herself in a new role - an expert on the program "Revizorro Show". I tried, and as a result I ended up in the "School of Revizorro", in which they prepared a new Revizorro of the country. On June 28, the final of the program took place, on which Olga took second place, but the show was never completed. The producer of the project, Elena Letuchaya, prepared another test for the participants, according to the results of which, perhaps, our compatriot will become the winner. Why not?
In the meantime, the girl willingly shares her secrets: how to become a well-known lawyer in the capital, leading, and why she wanted to become Revizorro. By the way, dear hoteliers and restaurateurs of Sosnovy Bor! If Olga wins, she promised to come to our city and check the service, and she already knows where.

“- If you become a new Revizorro, will you come to Sosnovy Bor with a check?
- Of course, I will (laughs). I even know where. But I won't tell you yet! »

- Olga, reveal the secret: how did a girl, in general, from the provinces, manage to become a little-known lawyer in the capital, and even a TV presenter?
- I dreamed of becoming a lawyer since I was 5 years old. When my parents asked me who I wanted to become, I answered “a cloud” ... Who it was, I had no idea, but I clearly associated the “cloud” with someone powerful, very fair, doing good and always a beautiful person (smiles - approx. ed.).
My parents transformed my explanations and dreams into a “lawyer” and I had no more questions. In the 11th grade, I studied at the Faculty of Law at St. Petersburg State University in paid preparatory courses for admission. What they taught us, in the evenings, she retold at mini-lectures in a kind of school for elementary grades, so that they already had the opportunity to prepare for adulthood. Then the actual training began.
As a student, at the age of 17, fate brought me to a lawyer from a fairly well-known since Soviet times consultation number 10 on Liteiny Prospekt, 33 - Irina Evgenievna Adashchik. I came to her practice and ... she liked it, she took me as an assistant. I spent my first 200 dollars earned on driving lessons, because I started drawing cars for my dolls at the same time that I decided on the “cloud”, not knowing where and how I would take money for a car (we didn’t have a car in the family, but in Sosnovy Bor does not need a car, there is beautiful nature).
I am very glad that I grew up in Sosnovy Bor: having traveled to many countries and cities, I believe that my hometown is one of the most beautiful and energetically powerful places in the world. Incredible dunes, white sand, the Gulf of Finland, birch groves. And also coniferous forests - I love walking there, and, of course, Anderson Grad (smiles).
Still, I want to tell you about the car ... My parents decided to give me my grandfather's car - an old cherry nine, I worked for a year without a salary increase, and it was very cool, although the car broke down at least once a month. Petersburg evacuators still congratulate me on March 8, they remember me very much.
At the age of 19, I received the status of a bachelor, rights and the possibility of applying for an internship. I became an apprentice to the head of the consultation, Gennady Lebedev, and ... it started spinning! At the age of 21, she passed the exam for the status of a lawyer (so far no one has broken this record in Russia) and began practice.
By the way, it so happened that I was drawn to creativity, since childhood. Not a single performance was complete without my participation at school, and while studying at the university, I sometimes starred in serials, and it gave me pleasure. And a little later, this hobby helped me to realize myself in another area ...
After graduation, my friends went to different places: to Moscow, Los Angeles, London. We met rarely, but aptly. One day we crossed paths in France by the closest favorite company. The girls asked me: what would I like most? And I answered that I dream of combining my legal knowledge, real help to people (to be honest, years of practice, of course, showed the imperfections of laws and the judicial system, and for some reason my desire for justice has not disappeared) and ... the media! After this conversation, literally the next morning, as if by magic, when I was running along the sea, the bell rang. The girl asked: is it true that I am Mitrofanova and I have the status of a lawyer, and would I like to participate in a new project on NTV to fight for people's rights? The answer was predictable on my part - of course, yes!
I flew to Moscow with things for three days. And she stayed on the set of the "Test Call" program for two weeks. Then I flew for a bigger suitcase ... and now I have been in Moscow for three years. The premiere of the first program with me came out on August 30 on my birthday, when I turned 27.
I believe that this project is a huge gift of fate. It so happened that I feel and find the meaning of life when I create something useful. And it so happened that in 25 episodes of this program, we really helped a huge number of people really solve their problems: resettle emergency houses, provide apartments for veterans and large families, and even build bridges where it is vital.
At first it was hell: every day, when we came to the officials to demand respect for the rights of people, the police, the riot police, came. The shutters were twitched more than once, after two weeks I already wanted to give up, but when in the city of Lobnya we were able to ensure that a large decent family was relocated from collapsing dangerous housing, and the father of the family came up to me, shook hands and said with tears in his eyes: “Thank you you, I thought, this does not happen”… Then I realized that I would not go anywhere. Eight months in the cities and villages of Russia. It was complicated. And they beat, and tore clothes, and constantly threatened, hid, and even issued instructions to the administrations: “What to do if a“ control call ”comes to you (laughs). Then we were closed. I believe that I did as much then as I could not have done in a couple of lives as a lawyer. Then I resumed the practice of law in Moscow, but focused only on family matters.

« Olga Mitrofanova: «For me to become Revizorro is organic. This is another chance to do something useful and have fun doing it.”

- And yet, who is easier to be: the host of the "Test Call" program or a participant in the "School of Revizorro"?
- There is no such thing as easier. All these are pieces of one mosaic, one life - the lawyer Mitrofanova. It's Complicated. Life in Moscow is very difficult and exhausting. I love this town. Really, I don't know why. After all, it takes away health, energy and beauty.

What prompted you to become a member of the Revizorro School - a craving for creativity or a desire to make the service of Russians more comfortable?
- It so happened that I worked as an expert on all editions of the Revizorro Show program on the Friday channel and analyzed the legitimacy of Elena Letuchaya's actions. Before that, I confess, I didn’t watch Revizorro, and it seemed to me that this program was not so important compared to what we did before, but when I saw what Lena went through, having learned what was happening in the kitchens of restaurants, I understand the total legal and legal illiteracy of people.
I was inspired by the idea of ​​this program. Making the world a better place is, in fact, what always motivates and inspires me. I believe that it depends on each of us what kind of world we live in.
Therefore, for me to become Revizorro is organic. This is another chance to do something useful and get high along the way, because I really enjoy overcoming difficulties.

- What was the most difficult in the shooting of "School"?
- The hardest thing about filming is the feeling of the unknown. I always thought that reality TV shows were staged. It turned out - no. Sorry to have to prove it. If she herself had not worked in the "Test Call" on NTV, here, probably, she would not have believed it. But friends, it is. This is our reality, our life, our country.
From us carefully concealed what awaits us next. It was so unexpected, so unpredictable, that somehow it was simply impossible to prepare. And emotionally we were squeezed out by tests very much.

- What do you remember about the project?
- Each test was memorable: from the lie detector and jumping from the bridge, to returning from the forest to Moscow and the first checks, which, although they were staged, the actors participated in them, but still everything that happened was modeled not in our favor, and they beat us in the kitchen for real.

- How do you evaluate the competitors in the school, if you consider them as such?
- Competitors are all strong. Relationships are varied, but mostly good. With Snezhanna, we immediately became friends. With Julia it turned out to get closer unexpectedly and quite sincerely and deeply. Funny and always positive, Nikulina and Ruslan always charged the set and created messages for laughter. With Kozyritsky in the evenings they played old Soviet machine guns and went to cafes. We chatted with Erdman in the car after filming and excitedly discussed what happened to us.
My beloved Perelman makes me admire: calm, purposeful, very sincere and kind. It's just a thrill, as if they've known each other for a million years, and he's a businessman by nature! These qualities are so lacking for me, I tried to get business skills and graduated from Business Youth, headliner, Skolkovo, but I'm still a creative person.

- If you become a new Revizorro, will you come to Sosnovy Bor with a check?
- Of course, I will (laughs). I even know where. But I won't tell you yet!

- Suppose you are already a Revizorro, you are going for a check, what should you pay attention to first of all?
- Well, first of all - the refrigerator and the delay - this is the most dangerous thing for consumers and restaurant guests. For example, recently there was a holiday - 10 years of graduation from the university. I didn't go because we were filming the semi-final. And some of the guys got poisoned and left in an ambulance. We draw conclusions...

In the end, you always want to ask about your plans, but I see you already have enough of them, so I’ll ask, perhaps, of interest to many fans of the Revizorro program: what is she, Elena Letuchaya, and is this her real name?
- But I don’t know about the surname (laughs), but in general she is cool. She let me out of the clutches of the successful Dmitry Potapenko at the Revizorro Show. The most important thing about her that I admire is her workaholism and dedication, she is a great fellow. There are few such people. Not only women, but also men - strong, clear and with such a supply of vital energy. And, of course, stylish.

By the way

Despite the fact that the final of the project took place on June 28, the points in the program were never set. The participants will have to pass new tests, so the residents still have the opportunity to support Olga. This can be done in the official project group -

On Wednesday, June 28, the TV channel "Friday!" will show the finale of the School of Revizorro. The audience will find out who will be the successor to Elena the Flying.

Three years Lena Volatile was the flagship of the All-Russian struggle for quality service. She checked hundreds of hotels and restaurants across the country and honestly showed what happens where ordinary guests are not allowed to enter.

And now she's gone! Restaurateurs and hoteliers breathed a sigh of relief: there will be no more sudden checks and uncomfortable requests to open the refrigerator, strict assessment of cleanliness in hotel rooms and a cruel verdict “Not recommended” ...

But very soon they will meet with the new host of the most fair project of the TV channel " Friday!».

From the very beginning in School Revizorro» ten newcomers who wish to become in the near future the main headache of directors of cafes, restaurants, hotels were received. Participants of the program during the tests have already had a chance to meet with impudent and arrogant owners of establishments, get acquainted with living spiders and even lie in a bath with a snake.

Eventually reached the final, being the most persistent and cold-blooded, five applicants - this is Vladimir Perelman, Alexei Kozyritsky, Natalya Erdman, Olga Mitrofanova and Vadim Abramov. Which of them will be the new auditor of the country, the audience will decide.

Do not miss the finale of the "School of Revizorro" on the TV channel "Friday!" on Wednesday, June 28th. As a result of the show, we will find out the name of the winner of the program, which means the new host of the most honest check of public institutions. The fourth issue starts today at 19:00.

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