Tasks of the 1st round. Practical work processing of graphic information

From the dictionary of V.I.Dal Labor is work, occupation, exercise, business, everything that requires effort, effort and care. Any tension of bodily or mental forces, everything that tires. Labor - work, occupation, exercise, business, everything that requires effort, diligence and care. Any tension of bodily or mental forces, everything that tires.

Craftsmen and Masters A master is a person who has achieved high skill (art) in his business, investing in his work ingenuity, creativity, making unusual and original objects Craftsman is a person who owns a craft, knows how to do useful things ..

Black hands Grandma was kneading the dough. The dough was fluffy, soft, white. Bake me a dove, Yura asked. Grandmother's hands began to sculpt a dove. Wings appeared, thin, tender, every feather is visible. And grandmother's hands are black, wrinkled, with dried thin fingers. The grandson cannot take his eyes off them, as if for the first time he saw his grandmother's hands. The grandmother took the pigeon out of the oven and placed it in front of her grandson. And he is a pity: white, lush, as if about to take off. - Grandmother, - Yura asks, - why are your hands black and black, and the dove is white and white? “If my hands were white, there would be no dough, no dove,” said grandmother quietly. Yura looked at the pigeon. Then he said: - Give me a shovel, grandmother. - Why? - I'm going to dig in the garden. - Why dig it now? - To blacken the hands. - Take, Yura, a shovel. V. Sukhomlinsky What did the author want to say?

1. Complete the table using the characteristics below. Occupation Characteristics of work Doctor Miner Teacher Artist Grain grower Housewife Janitor Programmer Permanent - Temporary, Simple - Complex, Mental - Physical, Paid - Free, Voluntary - Forced, Manual - Automated, Creative - Traditional, Collective - Individual

Proverbs and sayings Without labor there is no good. Man is famous for his work. A tree is recognized by its fruits, and a person by deeds (by labors). Patience and hard work will grind everything. Happiness and work live side by side. For whom work is joy, for that life is happiness. A man lives for a century, and his deeds are two. Sitting on the stove, you won't become a general. To eat a fish, you need to climb into the water. Labor bread is sweet. A penny of labor is good before God. Labor money is always strong.



Tasks of the first round of the regional stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in social studies 2014

Grade 9

1. "Yes" or "no"? If you agree with the approval, write “yes” if

Do not agree with us - "not t". Do not list your answers in the table.

  1. Law is a universal regulator of social relations.
  2. Myth explains the world by establishing permanent relationships between causes and their effects.
  3. If the thunder does not strike, the peasant will not cross himself. Thunder boomed. Therefore, the man crossed himself. This is the correct conclusion.
  4. Human behavior can become social meaning even out of contact with other people.
  5. Migration from developing country into a developed one is an example of horizontal social mobility.
  6. The concept of polyarchy was put forward in the middle of the 20th century. to describe political regimes modern states, moreover, such regimes that more than others corresponded to the democratic ideal.
  7. Timocracy is a military state constantly participating in armed conflicts.
  8. Separation of powers is a constitutional principle of all states of the world.
  9. An increase in the income tax rate will not lead to a reduction in the company's revenue.
  10. The introduction of a "ceiling" prices improves the position of buyers in the market.

2. Carefully consider the images below and read the proposed abstracts. Complete tasks.

A. B. C.

  1. The Old Testament book of Genesis (11:4) says: “And they said, Let us build ourselves a city, and a tower as high as the heavens; and let us make a name for ourselves, before we are scattered over the face of all the earth.”
  2. The surrealist poet Guillaume Apollinaire called this building "the shepherdess of the clouds."
  3. There are many legends about this tower. One of them tells about public experiments carried out on the tower by a great astronomer and physicist.


1) Match the image and the statement about it. Specify the name of the depicted object. Record your answer in the table.

2). Specify the building that can be attributed to architectural style"Gothic". Explain why you chose to do so.

_ _

  1. Below are the statements of famous writers and thinkers

The past, concerning one and the same concept (in the text it is designated

How [ …] ; possible variations and changing parts of this word).

“[…] is a special sign of a person” (F. Rabelais)

“Nothing is more afraid of a person than […]” (N.V. Gogol)

“[…] is the most powerful weapon in the victory over anger” (Gregory the Theologian)

“[…] ohm they correct morals” (O. de Balzac)

“Horror is incompatible with […]” (A. S. Pushkin)

“And when […] sometimes the heart hurts, and the end of joy is sadness” (Solomon)

  1. What is this concept?

  2. The statement of which of these thinkers seems to you the most important and interesting? Justify your answer (2-3 sentences)
  1. Solve for dachas and
  1. Legal task "Enterprising granddaughter".

Zinaida bought five pairs of sandals at a sale in Italy for 10 euros per pair. Returning to Russia, Zinaida sold the sandals to her friends

1000 rubles per pair. Grandmother Zinaida Praskovya Markovna fears that now her granddaughter will be imprisoned for speculation, grandfather Yegor Demyanovich believes that they will simply be fined for illegal business. Zinaida is sure that nothing threatens her.

Point out who is right and who is wrong. Justify the answer.

  1. economic task. "Professional dressmaker".

A dressmaker can make 5 dresses or 8 trousers in a month. At the moment, she has no income and cannot get a loan to buy fabric. If she sews with the leftover fabric, she will be able to sew 7 dresses or 7 trousers. The market price of the dress is 4,000 rubles, and the price of trousers is 2,800 rubles. How many dresses and trousers does a dressmaker need to make in order to get the maximum revenue from the sale of her products?

  1. Logic task"Chemistry and Life"

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev woke up in the morning in his laboratory. He is very thirsty. In front of him on the table are four test tubes and a note: “These test tubes contain distilled water, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and a solution of sodium hydroxide (caustic alkali). The contents of none of the tubes do not match the inscription on it. FROM Good morning, Dmitry Ivanovich! Your friends". The inscriptions on the test tubes look like this:

one - " Sulphuric acid or water "2 -" Alkali "

3 - "Acid or water" 4 - "Sulfuric acid"

Help Mendeleev determine which test tube contains what, using only the power of logic. Justify your answer.

  1. Set the match

At a social science lesson devoted to religion, the teacher explained to the students the essence of various approaches to this social institution. She asked the students at home to correctly place in the table the names of the classics, their works, and, accordingly, quotations reflecting the essence of these works. Student

Mitrofan the Ignorant, was in a hurry to play the new game "GTA-5", and, without thinking twice, while doing his homework, he mixed everything up. Before you is a table filled with Mitrofan.

Correct Mitrofan's mistakes by writing down the author's name and the corresponding work number and citation letter.

  1. Check which of the actions listed below are politically

With kim and

  1. writing a letter to the prime minister of the country;
  2. putsch.

7. Analyze the statement:

“The defendant refuted the suggestion that he did not object to the retraction of his denial of guilt.”

8. Read the provided text and follow the suggested


“The social role that, in the opinion of parents, is intended for their children, is of great importance in the upbringing system: the role of a man or a woman, a boss or a subordinate, etc. Not surprisingly, upbringing varies depending on the social group, even within the same society.

The way parents imagine the future of their children is very diverse. The American sociologist Inkel, who is Russian by origin, has studied the ideal upbringing of children in Russia for three successive generations: before the revolution, let's call this generation “tsarist”, during the generation of “revolutionaries” and under the new “Soviet” generation. Inkel studied the most important values ​​and driving forces in the system of education of these three generations. First, the reward: the child behaves well in order to receive encouragement. Secondly, traditions: one must follow in the footsteps of the fathers, follow traditional model. Thirdly, spontaneity: to allow the child to express himself. And finally - politics: the correlation of the "Super-I" with the state and society.

These value orientations can be seen in various models men and women. For example, the opposition between the ideal man of a traditional peasant society and the ideal man of a modern industrial society is very noticeable. The ideal peasant is an old, bearded, elder of a large family, surrounded by all his children, freed from manual labor for the sake of preserving moral authority and passing on to children and grandchildren the achievements of civilization; he plays a dominant social role because he is the owner of the land and, consequently, the owner of the family. An ideal person industrial society is an adult man who fully owns his means of labor, is on the rise of his professional career and lives with his children. When his children leave him, he will become an old man, deprived of the essential attributes of a person - a profession and children. Today enters into life new model: mo-

a young retiree who uses his free time to travel and take care of his grandchildren.”

(Mendra A. Fundamentals of sociology. M., 1999. S. 35-37)

  1. What is the name in sociology of the process of upbringing, in the process of which social roles, values ​​and other socially important qualities are assimilated?
  1. Why does the author of the fragment specify every time that we are talking about the upbringing and place in society of men and women, and not in general “people”, “citizens”, etc. ?
  1. The text gives a description of the "ideal peasant". Giving this description, the author had in mind certain social institutions in which

"Ideal Peasant" List all of these social institutions.

  1. What is the name in sociology of the type of society that is taking shape today, which is characterized, among other things, as the author of the fragment writes, the formation of “a new model: a young retiree who uses his free time to travel and take care of his grandchildren”?
  1. Here is a table compiled on the basis of the characteristics given in the text. Some data in it was lost. However, we know their values: 3%, 9%, 15%, 24%, 35%, 38%.

Arrange them in the table, based on the content of the text and the rules for constructing a data table.









Tasks of the first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 201 3 y.

Grade 10

  1. "Yes or no" ? If you agree with the statements, write “yes”

If you don’t agree with us - “no”. In not with and those with your answers in the table.

  1. The people of Russia cannot amend the Constitution through a referendum. Russian Federation.
  2. Karl Marx explained the relationship between such political phenomena as universal suffrage and Bonapartism.
  3. The competence of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation includes the support of public prosecution in the case of impeachment of the President of the Russian Federation from office.
  4. Marriage to a person of lower status is a case of vertical mobility.
  5. Politics in democratic societies is exclusively public.
  6. Prestige is an assessment by society of the social qualities of a person, his significance in society.
  7. Education always limits and suppresses the individuality of a person.
  8. Existence natural monopoly driven by economies of scale in production.
  9. The price of borrowed funds is the price level in the economy.
  10. Practice, being one of the criteria of truth, nevertheless, contributes to the formation of numerous misconceptions.












1 point for each correct answer. Maximum 10 points.


There are three different structures in front of you. But in fact they are all one and the same architectural element.

  1. What?

  2. Name the type of each of these structures.
  3. What is the symbolic meaning of this element. Justify your answer.


  1. Roof.
  2. A) a pyramid is a roof over the tomb of a pharaoh; B) chum (wigwam, yaran-

ha) - a cone-shaped roof "without walls"; C) pagoda - a series of roofs superimposed one on top of the other.

  1. Symbolizes the relationship of man with heaven.

The answer to the question of the task (roof) is given - 2 points.

The types of structures are named ( Egyptian pyramid, pagoda, chum ...) - 1 point

Symbolic function specified -2 points. The maximum score is 5.

  1. Solve for dachas and:

  1. Legal task "Housekeeper".

Tamara rented the apartment she owns to Dmitry, setting a rent of 20,000 rubles a month. Six months later, Tamara found out that for two months a friend of Dmitry, Vadim, had also lived in the apartment. Dmitry and Vadim divided the rent in half. Tamara demanded that Dmitry pay another 20,000 rubles in addition to the rent, which he, in her opinion, received as income from subletting an apartment for 2 months. Dmitry refused to pay.

Point out who is right. Justify your answer.

Answer: Tamara's rights, since, according to Art. 136 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the fruits, products and incomes received as a result of the use of a thing, regardless of who uses such a thing, belong to the owner of the thing, unless otherwise provided by law, other legal acts, an agreement or does not follow from the essence of the relationship. In this case, the income from the use of the apartment, received by Dmitry, belongs to Tamara.- 5 points .

  1. economic task. "Investor".

An investor bought an ordinary share for 80 rubles and sold it a year later for 120 rubles. During this time, he received dividends on this share in the amount of 20 rubles.

Find the profitability of this operation as a percentage (give a solution).

Answer: 75%

Points - 2 for an answer with a solution, 0 points for an answer without a solution.

  1. Logic task. "Fishermen".

In the tavern "Three Minnows" four fishermen met and began to show off their trophies. It turned out that one of them caught a large burbot, the other

goy - a huge pike, the third - a giant catfish, and the fourth - an ordinary crucian. The names of these fishermen were: Nalimov, Shchukin, Somov and Karasev. It is known that (1) none of them, for reasons of principle, ever catches or eats fish whose name coincides with his last name; (2) it was not Karasev who caught the pike, and (3) the one who caught the catfish had a surname that coincided with the name of the fish caught by Karasev.

  1. Determine who caught which fish. Justify your answer.

  2. Name the type of primitive beliefs that may be characterized by the food prohibition described in condition (1).

Answer you:

  1. Burbot caught a catfish Shchukin caught a crucian Somov caught a pike Karasev caught a burbot
  2. totemism








crucian carp

Belief defined (totemism)- 1 point; Completely solved problem - 2 points; Proper justification given 2 points.

Maximum score - 5.

  1. Before you are excerpts from the writings of the authors of various political

Portret there and.


I. II. III. IV. V. VI.

Titles of works:

  1. "The System of Modern Societies".
  2. "Sovereign".
  3. "The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science".
  4. "Political parties".
  5. "On the Social Contract".
  6. "Leviathan".

Excerpts from works:

  1. ...We analytically divide society into four main subsystems. Thus, the subsystem of preservation and reproduction of the model mainly concerns the relations of society with the cultural system and through it with the highest reality; the goal-achieving, or political, subsystem of relations with personal systems of individuals; adaptive, or economic

Skye, a subsystem - of relations with a behavioral organism and through it with the material world. [...]

Politics includes not only the basic functions of government in its relations with the societal community, but also the corresponding aspects of any collective. We consider a phenomenon as political insofar as it is associated with the organization and mobilization of resources for the achievement of its goals by some collective. Political aspects of activity exist in business companies, universities, churches. In the development of modern societies, however, the state is increasingly differentiated from the societal community as a specialized organ of society, constituting the core of its political subsystem.

  1. ...To establish a common power, it is necessary that people appoint one person or an assembly of people who would be their representatives; so that each person considers himself a trustee in relation to everything that the bearer common face will do it himself or force others to do it in order to preserve common peace and security, and admitted to being responsible for it; so that everyone submits his will and judgment to the will and judgment of the bearer of the common person. It is more than agreement or unanimity. It is a real unity embodied in one person by means of an agreement made by each person with each other in such a way as if each person said to the other: I empower this person or this collection of persons and transfer to him my right to govern myself, on that condition that you will in the same way transfer your right to him and authorize all his actions. If this is done, then a multitude of people, united in this way in one person, is called a state, in Latin - civitas.
  2. Modern socialism in its content is primarily the result of observing, on the one hand, the class antagonisms prevailing in modern society between the haves and the have-nots, wage workers and the bourgeoisie, and on the other hand, the anarchy that reigns in production. But in its theoretical form, at first it appears only as a further and, as it were, more consistent development of the principles put forward by the great French enlighteners of the eighteenth century. Like any new theory, socialism had to proceed primarily from the ideological material accumulated before it, although its roots lay deep in material economic facts.
  3. Sovereignty cannot be represented for the same reason that it cannot be alienated. It consists, in essence, in the general

will, and the will can in no way be represented; either it is she, or it is another will, there is no middle ground. The deputies of the people, therefore, cannot be its representatives; they are only his representatives; they cannot decide anything definitively. Any law, if the people did not directly approve it themselves, is invalid; it's not a law at all. The English people consider themselves free: they are gravely mistaken. He is free only during the election of members of Parliament: once they are elected, he is a slave, he is nothing. Judging by the use he makes of his freedom in the brief moments of possession, he deserves to be deprived of it.

  1. The bipartisan tradition in America and England is an important factor in their modern strength. But it remains to be understood why it is so firmly rooted here: otherwise the problem is only pushed back in time. Only specific studies of each individual country can determine the origins of the dualism of parties established in it. The role of the national factor, of course, is very significant, but one should not underestimate in its favor, as is often done, the influence of one common factor technical order, namely the electoral system. This influence can be expressed in the following formula: majoritarian voting in one round leads to dualism of parties. Of all the schemes that have been cited to explain this phenomenon, this last one is undoubtedly the closest to a real sociological law.
  2. ... It is not necessary for the sovereign to have all [...] the virtues, but there is a direct need to look like he possesses them. I dare add that it is harmful to have [...] virtues and to follow them unswervingly, while to look like one possessing them is useful. In other words, one must appear compassionate in the eyes of people, faithful to the word, merciful, sincere, pious - and to be such in fact, but inwardly one must remain ready to show the opposite qualities, if necessary. It should be understood that a sovereign, especially a new one, cannot do everything for which people are considered good, since in order to preserve the state, he is often forced to go against his word, against mercy, kindness and piety. Therefore, in the soul he must always be ready to change direction if events take a different turn or the wind of fortune blows in the other direction, that is, as was said, if possible, do not stray from good, but if necessary, do not shy away from evil.




Niccolo Machiavelli

Thomas Hobbes

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Friedrich Engels

Talcott Parsons

Maurice Duverger

8 points for 6 completely correct completed lines. 7 points for 5 completely correctly filled lines.

6 points for 4 completely correct lines. 5 points for 3 completely correct lines. 4 points for 2 completely correct lines.

  1. Below are statements from well-known thinkers of the past, which

Saying the same concept (in the text it is designated as [...] ;

Variations and changing parts of this word are possible). Op re de l and those

Missed concept. Statement of one of the indicated philosophers

Do you find me the most important and interesting? C o u n an n s u t s o u t (2–3 predl of the same).

« […] I have been granted the privilege of speaking the truth without offending anyone."

(Erasmus of Rotterdam).

"I prefer […] enjoyment." (Antisthenes of Athens)

« […] – it is always meaning shattered into pieces.” (Michel Foucault)

« […] powerless, because it keeps the remnants of the mind. (Georges Bataille).

“There has never been a great mind without admixture[…] -I" (Seneca)

  1. What is this concept?

  2. The statement of which of these thinkers seems to you the most important and interesting? Justify your answer (2-3 sentences)

_ _ _


2 points (one each for defining the concept and one for justifying the preference).

  1. Proanalyze the statement:

The President said that he did not want to hear about the refusal to stop challenging the ban on lifting the moratorium on chemical weapons testing.

  1. Does this mean that he allows such tests to be carried out? Justify your answer.

6.2. Expand the meaning of the concept of "moratorium".

Answer : No, it does not.

The President stated that hehear you don't want to about refusal from cessation of smallpox

Riva niya for pre ta on the cancel m o ra th oryfor testing chemical weapons.

Solution : negations 7, so when reduced, one will remain. He is for a moratorium.

Correct answer - 1 point;

Correct answer and correct justification - 3 points.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the provided text and follow the suggested


“Usually we use the word population (more simply, population) to refer to the totality of people living within the boundaries of a particular political association. For example, we are talking about the population of countries. Then, to denote this set, one can use

concept XXXXXXX. You can also talk about the population of the state, county and city. The term “population” may refer to people living in a particular geographic or economic area (eg, the American South, Asia, or Eastern Europe). Or we sometimes use the word to refer to a specific economic area (for example, the population of Greater New York, including parts of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut)...

By grouping people according to place of residence, the census bureau is able to account for the movement of people into and around major cities. Big number white Americans left the central cities in the 1950s and 1960s, although their mass exodus slowed somewhat in the 1970s. The relocation of African Americans to the suburbs was insignificant - they aspired to the central cities.

The fertility rate refers to the number of children a woman has in her lifetime. This term should not be confused with the ability to bear children, i.e. the maximum number of children a woman can bear...

The general level of fertility of the population is affected by various social and economic factors... Changes in the level of fertility and the number of births are shown in Diagram 18–6.

We do not know all the reasons for the decline in the birth rate of the population, but some of them are quite understandable. Urbanization and the introduction of child labor laws have made children less valuable to city dwellers than to rural dwellers. Countries with high per capita incomes tend to have lower birth rates than those with relatively low incomes. Since high incomes of people are associated with the development of industry, this confirms that people tend to have fewer children because they cannot get them a job. In most countries, the birth rate is higher in rural areas than in urban areas. On the farm, each child is not only another eater, but hands fit for work. Also, in some societies, parents may hope that their children will take care of them in their old age...

Fertility is also related to other factors. As a general rule, high-status people tend to have fewer children than low-status people, although this difference has become less noticeable in recent decades. The same applies to education. Highly educated women tend to have fewer children than those with less education, although this gap is also narrowing. Religion and race probably also affect the farm.

style. Apparently, YYYYYY, education, religion and race are in such a complex interaction that it is impossible to explain differences in the level of reproduction on the basis of any one factor.

(Smelzer N. Sociology. M., 1998. S. 553–561.)

Analyze the text fragment and answer the questions.

  1. Formulate conclusions about the ratio of indicators of the level of fertility and the number of births and generalized trends in their change in the United States in 1920–1990. throughout the entire period.
  1. The text describes a situation where "children are of less value to city dwellers than to rural dwellers." Name based on content

of this paragraph of the text, there are three social institutions, the influence of which determines this situation.

  1. The concept of YYYYYY characterizes main characteristic high or low social status, which the author points out as one of the factors affecting fertility and fertility, summarizing what was said above in this paragraph. Name this factor. (Note: number of characters

"Y" is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the desired concept.)

Answers and evaluation criteria

  1. What is the branch of sociology that studies population called? What characteristics of the population are being studied?

Answer: the name “demography” is indicated and three elements of the subject of demography are indicated in these or similar formulations: (1) the composition of the population (by sex, age, ethnic composition), (2) settlement and population density, (3) levels of births, fertility, mortality, life expectancy (and others close in meaning) - 2 points

With an incomplete answer: "demography" and two elements of the subject of demography are indicated - 1 point

There is no correct answer, OR “demography” is not indicated with any number of elements of the subject of demography, OR “demography” is indicated and one / no element of the subject of demography is 0 points.

  1. What concept should be indicated in the text instead of XXXXXXX? (Note: the number of characters "X" is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the desired concept.)

Answer: the concept of "nation" must be indicated - 1 point Any other answer - 0 points.

  1. The author of the text points to the processes of population movement to the central large cities and adjacent areas, suburbs, departure to other settlements. What are all these processes called in sociology?Answer: Must be: horizontal (social) mobility - 2 points.
  • only social mobility is indicated - 1 point
  • there is no correct answer, OR the type of mobility is incorrectly indicated (any other than "horizontal" - 0 points
  1. Formulate conclusions about the ratio of indicators of the level of fertility and the number of births and generalized trends in their change in the United States in 1920-1990. throughout the entire period.

Answer: must be indicated (in this or a similar wording):

(1) indicators change in parallel, (2) in general, with an increase in the birth rate, the level of fertility falls AND / OR (3) over time / to today the fertility rate is increasingly lagging behind the number of births (the rate of increase in the rate of fertility is lower than the rate of increase in the number of births). – 2 points

Only one correct conclusion is indicated (only (1), or only (2), or only (3)) - 1 point

No correct answer - 0 points

  1. The text describes a situation where "children are of less value to city dwellers than to rural dwellers." Based on the content of this paragraph of the text, name three social institutions whose influence determines this situation. Specify the type of institutions if this explains this effect.

Answer: must be specified: (1) agrarian economy (OR rural economy, OR peasantry as an occupation), (2) extended family, (3) right (highlighted in bold -required elementscorrect answer). - 2 points.

Only two institutions are correctly specified with the correct specification of the type for (1) and (2). - 1 point.

There is no correct answer, OR three institutions are indicated without specifying the type, OR only one institution is indicated with the correct type indicated - 0 points.

  1. The concept of YYYYYY characterizes the main characteristic of high or low social status, which the author points to as one of the factors affecting fertility and fertility. Name this factor. (Note: the number of “Y” characters is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the desired concept.)

Answer: must be indicated: income ( financial situation) - 1 point. Any other answer option - 0 points.

Total for the task - 10 points.


To use the preview, create yourself a Google account (account) and log in:

I. Creative task.

Imagine that you are a Novgorod mayor of the 12th century, sending an embassy to the court of the Polish king. You need to prepare rich gifts.

Your task is to make a list so that it contains:

  • as many items as possible were indicated that could act as gifts;
  • only those products that reflect the high skill of Novgorod artisans were included;
  • the technique of making these gifts was described (briefly).

II. Questions and tasks.

  1. In the Christian consciousness of the medieval Russian man, the Mother of God occupied a special and very significant place. She was the main intercessor of the human race before God. She was treated as a gracious patroness. This explains great amount icons and fresco images of the Mother of God: Vladimir, Smolensk, Kazan, Fedorov, Kursk and others. Despite the huge variety of "personal" names that the icons of the Mother of God bear, there are only 3 main canonical images, within which some variations are possible: Oranta, Eleus and Hodegetria.

    Before you are several images of the Virgin. Determine the image type of each reproduction.

    1) 2)


  2. Why do icons darken over time, and frescoes brighten? (Answer should be short but clear)
  3. Monasteries were one of the main centers of cultural development in Ancient Russia. They concentrated literate people who copied and composed books. Icon painters and stone craftsmen also lived here. Future priests were taught in the monasteries, and lay people also came here to learn to read and write. In the monasteries, spiritual and material wealth was preserved and multiplied. Many monasteries had scriptoria. What it is? (Indicate the correct answer)
    a) the place where the monks copied and translated books;
    b) an icon-painting workshop at the monastery;
    c) a room in which the surrounding children were taught to read and write, count and the law of God.
  4. outstanding monuments ancient Russian literature are the Tale of Bygone Years, The Life of Theodosius of the Caves, "The Journey of Daniel, Abbot of the Russian Land", "Memory and Praise to Vladimir" by Jacob Mnich, "The Journey Beyond the Three Seas" by Afanasy Nikitin.
    Before you are fragments from all these works. Determine the names of the literary monuments from which these fragments are taken.
    a) “Prince Vladimir himself was baptized, and his children, and his whole house with holy baptism he enlightened freedom to every soul, male and female, holy for the sake of baptism ... O blessed time and good day, full of all good, on that day Vladimir was baptized Prince! And Vasily was named in holy baptism, and the gift of God overshadowed him, the grace of the holy spirit illuminated his heart ... "

    b) "In the summer of 6387. Rurik died and handed over his reign to Oleg, his relative, handed over his son, Igor, to him, for he was still very small"

    in) “We drove past Astrakhan ... For our sins, the tsar sent his entire horde in pursuit. And they overtook us on Bugun, and began to shoot at us: Our small ship stopped for a ride, they captured it and plundered it that hour; junk was on this small ship. In the big ship, we reached the sea and stood aground at the mouth of the Volga.

    G) "Brothers and fathers, my lords, forgive me a sinner and do not blaspheme my stupidity and rudeness, which I wrote about the holy city of Jerusalem and about that good land and about my walking in holy places. Whoever traveled with the fear of God and humility will never sin against the grace of God

    e) "After the death of his earthly father, he began to care even more zealously about earning himself eternal life in heaven: he longed for charitable deeds and moved away from any worldly pleasures: he stopped dressing in expensive clothes and wore only poor clothes. He always had only one desire - to achieve salvation. One day he happened to meet strangers from Jerusalem. Interested in their stories and inflamed strong love to the holy places, the blessed youth begged them to visit those holy places with him..."

  5. Most of the monuments of ancient Russian architecture that have come down to us are churches. It is they who give us an idea of ​​the Russian medieval architecture. The most ancient and most widespread design of the temple in Russia was the cross-domed temple. In the minds of our ancestors, the temple personified the universe, the cosmos. It is no coincidence that the domes of churches often depicted stars on a blue background. How is the Russian church arranged? Here is a reconstruction of one of the oldest Russian cathedrals - St. Michael's Golden-domed. The numbers in the figure indicate important components of the external appearance of the Orthodox church. Determine their name.
    1 - ..........
    2 - ..........
    3 - .......... etc.

  6. Carefully consider the images of architectural monuments below and read the descriptions of these monuments. Match the number of the image with the letter of the description corresponding to this monument.

    1 _____ 2 _____
    3 _____ 4 _____
    5 _____ 6 _____

    BUT- Belfry "ward" type, four-tiered: in the lower tier - basement, in the second - open gallery, in the third - the church, the fourth - the ringing tier
    B- The compositional solution of this temple - "ship"; a refectory and hipped bell tower adjoins the western facade, two aisles adjoin the side ones; from the south, a porch with a locker adjoins the base of the bell tower
    AT- Pillar-shaped bell tower on an octagonal base, 7 tiered, with 4 tiers of ringing
    G- Five-domed temple, with one luminous and four decorative domes, on a two-tier basement
    D- Residential building, one of the few surviving examples of civil architecture of the XVII century; cubic two-story volume: the lower floor is economic, the upper one is residential.
    E- Tent bell tower on the octagon from the ground; with one tier of ringing and three rows of rumors
  7. What is the name of the type of architectural decoration marked on the reproduction, which is very common in ancient Russian architecture?

  8. During the period feudal fragmentation developed local schools of architecture. The specific appearance of the Kyiv, Novgorod and Vladimir-Suzdal churches was largely determined by the material that was used in a particular area. Correlate construction material and land where it was most often used in places of worship.
    Gray flagstone Kiev Principality
    Red plinth Vladimir-Suzdal Principality
    White limestone Novgorod land
  9. Cross out the odd one and explain your choice:
    Bell tower, chapel, belfry, citadel, refectory, church
  10. Before you are images of two wide famous monuments ancient Russian architecture, having a unique, memorable appearance. Determine the name of each temple, the time of creation and location. Describe your process for completing this task.

"one. "Yes or no"? If you agree with the statement, write “yes”, if you disagree, write “no”. Enter your answers in...

Tasks of the first round of the regional stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013

1. "Yes" or "no"? If you agree with the statement, write "yes"

if you don't agree, "no". Record your answers in the table.

1.1. The people of Russia cannot amend the Constitution of the Russian Federation through a referendum.

1.2. Karl Marx explained the relationship of such political phenomena,

like universal suffrage and Bonapartism.

1.3. The competence of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation includes the support of public prosecution in the case of impeachment of the President of the Russian Federation from office.

1.4. Marriage to a person of lower status is a case of vertical mobility.

1.5. Politics in democratic societies is exclusively public.

1.6. Prestige is an assessment by society of the social qualities of a person, his significance in society.

1.7. Education always limits and suppresses the individuality of a person.

1.8. The existence of a natural monopoly is due to economies of scale in production.

1.9. The price of borrowed funds is the price level in the economy.

1.10. Practice, being one of the criteria of truth, nevertheless, contributes to the formation of numerous misconceptions.


yes yes no yes no No no yes no yes 1 point for each correct answer. Maximum 10 points.

2. Carefully review the images below and read the proposed abstracts. Complete tasks.

A. B C There are three different structures in front of you. But in fact they are all one and the same architectural element.

2.1. What?

2.2. Name the type of each of these structures.

2.3. What is the symbolic meaning of this element. Justify your answer.


2.1. Roof.

2.2. A) a pyramid is a roof over the tomb of a pharaoh; B) chum (wigwam, yaranga) - a cone-shaped roof "without walls"; C) pagoda - a series of roofs superimposed one on top of the other.

2.3. Symbolizes the relationship of man with heaven.

The answer to the question of the task (roof) is given - 2 points.

The types of structures are named (Egyptian pyramid, pagoda, chum ...) - 1 point.

The symbolic function is indicated - 2 points.

The maximum score is 5.

3. Solve problems:

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013

3.1. Legal task "Housekeeper".

Tamara rented the apartment she owns to Dmitry, setting a rent of 20,000 rubles a month. Six months later, Tamara found out that for two months a friend of Dmitry Vadim also lived in the apartment. Dmitry and Vadim divided the rent in half. Tamara demanded that Dmitry pay another 20,000 rubles in addition to the rent, which he, in her opinion, received as income from subletting an apartment for 2 months. Dmitry refused to pay.

Point out who is right. Justify the answer.







Answer: Tamara is right, since, according to Art. 136 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the fruits, products and incomes received as a result of the use of a thing, regardless of who uses such a thing, belong to the owner of the thing, unless otherwise provided by law, other legal acts, an agreement or does not follow from the essence of the relationship. In this case, the income from the use of the apartment, received by Dmitry, belongs to Tamara. - 5 points.

3.2. economic task. "Investor".

An investor bought an ordinary share for 80 rubles and sold it a year later for 120 rubles. During this time, he received dividends on this share in the amount of 20 rubles.

Find the profitability of this operation as a percentage (give a solution).





Answer: 75% Points - 2 for an answer with a solution, 0 points for an answer without a solution.

3.3. Logic task. "Fishermen".

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013

10 GRADE Four fishermen met in the tavern "Three minnows" and began to show off their trophies. It turned out that one of them caught a large burbot, the other - a huge pike, the third - a giant catfish, and the fourth - an ordinary crucian. The names of these fishermen were: Nalimov, Shchukin, Somov and Karasev. It is known that (1) none of them, for reasons of principle, ever catches or eats a fish whose name coincides with his surname; (2) it was not Karasev who caught the pike, and (3) the one who caught the catfish had a surname that coincided with the name of the fish caught by Karasev.

3.3.1. Determine who caught which fish. Justify your answer.

3.3.2. Name the type of primitive beliefs that may be characterized by the food prohibition described in condition (1).










3.3.1. Burbot caught a catfish Shchukin caught a crucian Somov caught a pike Karasev caught a burbot 3.3.2. totemism

–  –  –

The maximum score is 5.


–  –  –

Titles of works:

1. "The system of modern societies."

2. "Sovereign".

3. "The development of socialism from utopia to science."

4. "Political parties".

5. "On the social contract."

6. "Leviathan".

Excerpts from works:

A....We analytically divide society into four main subsystems. Thus, the subsystem of preservation and reproduction of the model mainly concerns the relationship of society with the cultural system and through it with the highest reality; goal-achieving, or political, subsystem - from the first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science in 2013

10 CLASS of wearing with personal systems of individuals; adaptive, or economic, subsystem - relations with the behavioral organism and through it with the material world. [...] Politics includes not only the basic functions of the government in its relations with the societal community, but also the corresponding aspects of any collective. We consider a phenomenon as political insofar as it is associated with the organization and mobilization of resources for the achievement of its goals by some collective. Political aspects of activity exist in business companies, universities, churches. In the development of modern societies, however, the state is increasingly differentiated from the societal community as a specialized organ of society, constituting the core of its political subsystem.

B....To establish a common authority, it is necessary that people appoint one person or an assembly of people who would be their representatives; that each person consider himself a trustee in relation to everything that the bearer of the common person will do himself or force others to do in order to preserve the common peace and security, and acknowledge himself responsible for this; so that everyone submits his will and judgment to the will and judgment of the bearer of the common person. It is more than agreement or unanimity. It is a real unity embodied in one person by means of an agreement made by each person with each other in such a way as if each person said to the other: I empower this person or this collection of persons and transfer to him my right to govern myself, provided that you are so in the same way you will transfer your right to him and sanction all his actions. If this is done, then a multitude of people, united in this way in one person, is called a state, in Latin - civitas.

C. Modern socialism in its content is primarily the result of observing, on the one hand, the class antagonisms prevailing in modern society between the haves and have-nots, wage workers and the bourgeois, and on the other, the anarchy that reigns in production. But in its theoretical form, it appears at first only as a further and, as it were, more consistent development of the principles put forward by the great French enlighteners of the 18th century. Like any new theory, socialism had to proceed primarily from the ideological material accumulated before it, although its roots lay deep in material economic facts.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013

10 CLASS D. Sovereignty cannot be represented for the same reason that it cannot be alienated. It consists, in essence, in the general will, and the will can in no way be represented; either it is she, or it is another will, there is no middle ground. The deputies of the people, therefore, cannot be its representatives; they are only his representatives; they can't decide anything. Any law, if the people did not directly approve it themselves, is invalid; it's not a law at all. The English people consider themselves free: they are gravely mistaken. He is free only during the election of members of Parliament: once they are elected, he is a slave, he is nothing. Judging by the use he makes of his freedom in the brief moments of possession, he deserves to be deprived of it.

E. The bipartisan tradition in America and England is an important factor in their modern power. But it remains to be understood why it is so firmly rooted here: otherwise the problem is only pushed back in time. Only specific studies of each individual country can determine the origins of the dualism of parties established in it. The role of the national factor, of course, is very significant, but one should not underestimate in its favor, as is often done, the influence of one general factor of a technical nature, namely, the electoral system. This influence can be expressed in the following formula: majoritarian voting in one round leads to dualism of parties. Of all the schemes that have been cited to explain this phenomenon, this last one is undoubtedly the closest to a real sociological law.

F.... It is not necessary for the sovereign to have all the [...] virtues, but there is a direct need to appear as possessing them. I dare add that it is harmful to have [...] virtues and follow them unswervingly, while it is beneficial to appear to possess them. In other words, one must appear in the eyes of people as compassionate, faithful to the word, merciful, sincere, pious - and to be such in fact, but inwardly one must remain ready to show the opposite qualities, if necessary. It should be understood that a sovereign, especially a new one, cannot do everything for which people are considered good, since in order to preserve the state he is often forced to go against his word, against mercy, kindness and piety. Therefore, in his soul, he must always be ready to change direction if events take a different turn or if the wind of fortune blows in the other direction, that is, as it was said, the first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science in 2013.

–  –  –

8 points for 6 completely correct completed lines.

7 points for 5 completely correct completed lines.

6 points for 4 completely correct lines.

5 points for 3 completely correct lines.

4 points for 2 completely correct lines.

5. Below are the statements of famous thinkers of the past concerning the same concept (in the text it is designated as […];

variations of the modified parts of this word are possible). Define the missing concept. The statement of which of these philosophers seems to you the most important and interesting? Justify your answer (2-3 sentences).

“[…] I have been granted the privilege of telling the truth without offending anyone”

(Erasmus of Rotterdam).

“I would rather […] enjoy.” (Antisthenes of Athens) “[…] is always meaning, shattered” (Michel Foucault) “[…] is powerless, because it keeps the remnants of the mind.” (Georges Bataille).

“There was no great mind without admixture […]-I” (Seneca)

5.1. What is this concept?

5.2. The statement of which of these thinkers seems to you the most important and interesting? Justify your answer (2-3 sentences) __________________________________________________________________



The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013



Answer: MADNESS 2 points (one each for the definition of the concept and one for the justification of the preference).

6. Analyze the statement:

6.1. Does this mean that he allows such tests to be carried out?

Justify your answer.

6.2. Expand the meaning of the concept of "moratorium".









Answer: No, it does not.

The President said that he did not want to hear about the refusal to stop challenging the ban on lifting the moratorium on chemical weapons testing.

Solution: there are 7 negatives, which means that with the reduction, one will remain. He is for a moratorium.

Correct answer - 1 point;

Correct answer and correct justification - 3 points.

7. Read the presented text and complete the proposed tasks.

“Usually we use the word population (more simply, population) to refer to the totality of people living within the boundaries of a particular political association. For example, we are talking about the population of countries. Then, to designate this set, you can use the First round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science in 2013.

10 CLASS concept XXXXXXX. You can also talk about the population of the state, county and city. The term "population" may refer to people living in a particular geographic or economic area (eg, the American South, Asia, or Eastern Europe). Or we sometimes use the word to refer to a specific economic area (for example, the population of Greater New York, including parts of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut)...

By grouping people according to place of residence, the Census Bureau is able to take into account the movement of people to the central large cities and their surrounding areas. Large numbers of white Americans left the central cities in the 1950s and 1960s, although their exodus slowed somewhat in the 1970s. The relocation of African Americans to the suburbs was insignificant - they aspired to the central cities.

Fertility refers to the number of children a woman has in her lifetime. This term should not be confused with the ability to bear children, i.e. the maximum number of children a woman can bear...

The general level of fertility of the population is affected by various social and economic factors... Changes in the level of fertility and the number of births are shown in Diagram 18–6.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013

GRADE 10 We do not know all the reasons for the decline in the birth rate of the population, but some of them are quite understandable. Urbanization and the introduction of child labor laws have made children less valuable to city dwellers than to rural dwellers. Countries with high per capita incomes tend to have lower birth rates than those with relatively low incomes. Since the high incomes of people are associated with the development of industry, this confirms that people tend to have fewer children because they cannot get them a job. In most countries, the birth rate is higher in countryside than in cities. On the farm, each child is not only another eater, but hands fit for work. Also, in some societies, parents may hope that their children will take care of them in their old age...

Fertility is also related to other factors. Generally, high-status people tend to have fewer children than low-status people, although this difference has become less noticeable in recent decades. The same applies to education. Highly educated women tend to have fewer children than those with less education, although this gap is also narrowing. Religion and race probably also affect fertility. Apparently, YYYYYY, education, religion and race are in the first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013.

10 CLASS of such a complex interaction that it is impossible to explain differences in the level of reproduction on the basis of any one factor.

(Smelzer N. Sociology. M., 1998. S. 553–561.) Analyze the fragment of the text and answer the questions.

7.1. What is the branch of sociology that studies population called? What characteristics of the population are being studied?





7.2. What concept should be indicated in the text instead of XXXXXXX? (Note:

the number of characters "X" is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the desired concept.) __________________________________________________________________


7.4. Formulate conclusions about the ratio of indicators of the level of fertility and the number of births and generalized trends in their change in the United States in 1920–1990. throughout the entire period.








7.5. The text describes a situation where "children are of less value to city dwellers than to rural dwellers." Based on the content of this paragraph of the text, name three social institutions whose influence determines this situation.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013

GRADE 10 __________________________________________________________________




7.6. The concept of YYYYYY characterizes the main characteristic of high or low social status, which the author points out as one of the factors affecting fertility and fertility, summarizing what was said above in this paragraph. Name this factor. (Note: the number of characters "Y" is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the desired concept.) __________________________________________________________________

Answers and evaluation criteria

1) What is the name of the section of sociology that studies population? What characteristics of the population are being studied?

Answer: the name "demography" is indicated and three elements of the subject of demography are indicated in these or similar formulations: (1) composition of the population (by sex, age, ethnic composition), (2) settlement and population density, (3) birth rates, fertility, mortality, life expectancy (and others close in meaning) - 2 points In case of an incomplete answer: "demography" and two elements of the subject of demography are indicated - 1 point No correct answer, OR "demography" is not indicated with any number of elements of the subject of demography, OR “demography” and one / no element of the subject of demography are indicated - 0 points.

2) What concept in the text should be indicated instead of XXXXXXX? (Note:

the number of characters "X" is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the searched concept.) Answer: the concept of "nation" must be indicated - 1 point Any other answer - 0 points.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013

Grade 10 Answer: must be indicated: horizontal (social) mobility - 2 points.

Only social mobility is indicated - 1 point

There is no correct answer, OR the type of mobility is incorrectly indicated (any other than "horizontal" - 0 points

4) Formulate conclusions about the ratio of indicators of the level of fertility and the number of births and generalized trends in their change in the United States in 1920-1990. throughout the entire period.

Answer: must be indicated (in this or a similar wording):

(1) indicators change in parallel, (2) in general, as the birth rate increases, the fertility rate falls AND / OR (3) over time / to date, the fertility rate lags more and more behind the number of births (the growth rate of the fertility rate is lower than the growth rate of the number of births) . – 2 points Only one correct conclusion is indicated (only (1), or only (2), or only (3)) – 1 point No correct answer – 0 points

5) The text describes a situation where “children are of less value to city dwellers than to rural dwellers.” Based on the content of this paragraph of the text, name three social institutions whose influence determines this situation. Specify the type of institutions if this explains this effect.

Answer: must be indicated: (1) agrarian economy (OR Agriculture, OR peasantry as an occupation), (2) extended family, (3) law (highlighted in bold are mandatory elements of the correct answer). - 2 points.

Only two institutions are correctly specified with the correct specification of the type for (1) and (2). - 1 point.

There is no correct answer, OR three institutions are indicated without specifying the type, OR only one institution is indicated with the correct type indicated - 0 points.

6) The concept of YYYYYY characterizes the main characteristic of high or low social status, which the author points to as one of the factors affecting fertility and fertility. Name this factor.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social science 2013

10 CLASS (Note: the number of characters "Y" is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the desired concept.) Answer: must be indicated: income (financial situation) - 1 point.

Any other answer option - 0 points.

Total for the task - 10 points.

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