The history of the creation of the Tretyakov Gallery. Patrons

The Tretyakov Gallery for more than a century of existence has managed to become legendary: every year people from all over come to see the exhibits stored here the globe. Unique museum, which has collected pictorial masterpieces within its walls, tells a story not only about the development of art, but also about the difficult path of the Russian people, reflected in the paintings of famous domestic masters.

The Long and Glorious One officially began in 1856. The emergence of the now famous museum is associated with the name of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, who at that time began to collect a collection of works by contemporary Russian artists.

About Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was born in 1832 into a wealthy family that belonged to a well-known merchant family. Like all offspring of wealthy families, Pavel received an excellent education. Over time, he began to help his father in commercial matters. After the death of both parents, Tretyakov took up the development of the family business: the factory business grew and brought more and more income.

However, Pavel Mikhailovich was always interested in the history of art. About the creation of the first permanent exhibition Russian painting, he thought long before the founding of the museum. True, two years before the opening Tretyakov Gallery the future philanthropist purchased paintings by Dutch masters, and only in 1856 was the start of his legendary Russian collection. The first canvases in it were the oil paintings "Temptation" by N. Schilder and "Clash with Finnish smugglers" by V. Khudyakov. Then the names of these artists were not yet known to the general public, and Pavel Mikhailovich began his collection of paintings precisely from their works.

For several decades, Tretyakov collected paintings by outstanding masters of painting, supported friendly relations with many artists and helped those of them who needed it. Short story origin great collection would not contain the names of all who were grateful to the patron.

house for pictures

The Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow is one of the world's leading museums. The main building is located in Lavrushinsky Lane, one of the oldest districts of the capital - Zamoskvorechye, new halls - on Krymsky Val.

The history of the building of the Tretyakov Gallery is a constant expansion of the area. Initially, the paintings were located directly in the collector's house. Then, a kind of passage was added to the merchant's mansion of the Tretyakovs, which surrounded the house from three sides. Since 1870, the exhibition has been open to the public. Over time, the understanding came that it was no longer possible to accommodate the entire pictorial collection in the available space, therefore, in 1875, the building of the Tretyakov Gallery was built by special order of Pavel Mikhailovich, constantly growing since then with the necessary space.

Meeting replenishment: milestones

As conceived by the creator, the Tretyakov Museum should include only the works of Russian artists and only those of their works that would convey the special essence of the true Russian soul.

In the summer of 1892 the collection was presented as a gift to Moscow. At that time, the collection consisted of 1,287 paintings and 518 graphic works by Russian artists. The exposition also included more than 80 works by European authors and a large collection of icons. Since then, at the expense of the city treasury, the gallery began to replenish with real masterpieces of world art. Thus, by the fateful year of 1917 for the history of Russia, the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery already consisted of 4,000 items. A year later, the gallery became state, and at the same time there was a nationalization of various private collections. In addition, history art collection continued with the entry into the fund of works from small Moscow museums: the Tsvetkovskaya Gallery, Rumyantsev Museum, Museum of icon painting and painting by I. S. Ostroukhov. That is why already in the early thirties of the last century the collection was more than five times increased. At the same time, the works of Western European masters are transferred to other collections.

Such is the history of the creation of the State Tretyakov Gallery, which stores canvases that can sing the originality of the Russian people.

Today and prospects

Now the Tretyakov Gallery is no longer just museum exposition but also a center for the study of art. The opinion of its employees and specialists is highly valued all over the world, experts and restorers are considered among the most professional in modern world art. Unique local library- Another property of the Tretyakov Gallery: the book collection contains more than 200,000 specialized volumes on art.

The most significant exhibits are exhibited in historic building. The exposition is divided into sections:

  • ancient Russian art (XII-XVIII centuries);
  • painting with XVII century before the first half of XIX;
  • painting of the second half of the XIX and turn of XIX and XX centuries;
  • Russian graphics of the 13th - early 20th centuries;
  • Russian sculpture of the 13th - early 20th centuries.

Today, the collection includes more than 170,000 works of Russian art, while the replenishment of expositions and storages continues. Artists, private donors, various organizations and heirs donate wonderful works, which means that the history of creating a unique collection of domestic masterpieces has not been completed.

The Tretyakov brothers came from an old but not very rich merchant family. Their father, Mikhail Zakharovich, gave them a good home education. From their youth, they took up the family business, first trading, and then industrial. The brothers created the famous Big Kostroma Linen Manufactory, did a lot of charity work and social activities. Both brothers were collectors, but Sergei Mikhailovich did it as an amateur, but for Pavel Mikhailovich it became his life's work, in which he saw his mission.

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov is not the first collector of Russian art. Famous collectors were Kokorev, Soldatenkov and Pryanishnikov, at one time there was a gallery of Svinin. But it was Tretyakov who was distinguished not only by artistic flair, but also by democratic convictions, deep true patriotism, responsibility for native culture. It is important that he was both a collector and a patron of artists, and sometimes an inspirer, a moral co-author of their work. We owe him a magnificent portrait gallery of outstanding figures of culture and public life. He was an honorary member of the Society of Art Lovers and Musical Society from the day they were founded, contributed substantial sums, supporting all educational initiatives.

The first paintings by Russian artists were acquired by Tretyakov as early as 1856 (this date is considered to be the year the gallery was founded). Since then, the collection has been constantly updated. It was located in a family-owned house in Zamoskvorechye, in Lavrushinsky Lane. This building is the main building of the museum. It was constantly expanded and rebuilt for the needs of the exposition, and at the beginning of the 20th century it acquired a familiar look. Its facade was made in the Russian style according to the project of the artist Viktor Vasnetsov.

From the moment the gallery was founded, Pavel Tretyakov decided to transfer it to the city and already in his will of 1861 he stipulated the conditions for this transfer, highlighting large sums to its content. On August 31, 1892, in his statement to the Moscow City Duma on the transfer of his gallery and the gallery of his late brother to Moscow, he wrote that he was doing this, “wishing to contribute to the establishment of useful institutions in my dear city, to promote the flourishing of art in Russia and at the same time to preserve for eternity the time of my collection." The City Duma gratefully accepted this gift, deciding to allocate five thousand rubles annually for the purchase of new items in the collection. In 1893 the gallery was officially opened to the public.

Pavel Tretyakov was very humble person who did not like the hype around his name. He wanted a quiet opening, and when the festivities were organised, he went abroad. He refused the nobility, which was granted to him by the emperor. “I was born a merchant and will die a merchant,” Tretyakov explained his refusal. However, he gratefully accepted the title of honorary citizen of Moscow. This title was awarded to him by the City Duma as a sign of high distinction and gratitude for his high merits in the preservation of Russian artistic culture.

History of the Museum

An important milestone in the history of the Tretyakov Gallery was the appointment in 1913 of Igor Grabar, an artist, art critic, architect and art historian, as its trustee. Under his leadership, the Tretyakov Gallery became a museum European level. Early years Soviet power Grabar remained the director of the museum, which was given the status of a national treasure by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars in 1918.

Aleksey Shchusev, who became director of the gallery in 1926, continued to expand the museum. The Tretyakov Gallery received a neighboring building, which housed the administration, manuscript and other departments. After the closure of the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, it was reequipped for the storerooms of the museum, and in 1936 a new building called "Shchusevsky" appeared, which was first used as an exhibition, but then it also housed the main exposition.

In the late 1970s, a new museum building was opened on Krymsky Val. Large-scale art exhibitions, and the collection is also stored domestic art XX century.

Branches of the Tretyakov Gallery are also the House-Museum of V. M. Vasnetsov, the Museum-Apartment of his brother A. M. Vasnetsov, the Museum-Apartment of the sculptor A. S. Golubkina, the House-Museum of P. D. Korin, as well as the Temple-Museum St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, where divine services have been resumed since 1993.

Museum collection

The most complete is the collection of art of the second half of the nineteenth century, it has no equal. Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was, perhaps, the main buyer of the work of the Wanderers from their very first exhibition. Paintings by Perov, Kramskoy, Polenov, Ge, Savrasov, Kuindzhi, Vasiliev, Vasnetsov, Surikov, Repin, acquired by the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery himself, are the pride of the museum. Here are collected truly the best examples golden age of Russian painting.

The art of artists who do not belong to the Wanderers is also well represented. The works of Nesterov, Serov, Levitan, Malyavin, Korovin, as well as Alexandra Benois, Vrubel, Somov, Roerich took pride of place in the exposition. After October 1917, the museum's collection was replenished both at the expense of nationalized collections and thanks to the works contemporary artists. Their canvases give an idea of ​​the development of Soviet art, its official movements and the underground avant-garde.

The Tretyakov Gallery continues to replenish its funds. Since the beginning of the 21st century, a department of the latest trends has been operating, which collects works of contemporary art. In addition to painting, the gallery has a large collection of Russian graphics, sculpture, and a valuable archive of manuscripts. Rich collection ancient Russian art, icons - one of the best in the world. Its beginning was laid by Tretyakov. After his death, it amounted to about 60 items, and in this moment has about 4000 units.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the largest art museums in Russia and the world, named after the founder, merchant and philanthropist Pavel Tretyakov. P. Tretyakov began collecting paintings in 1850, and 17 years later he opened a gallery, the collection of which consisted of about two thousand works. visual arts and several sculptures. In 1893, the collection, previously donated to Moscow, became known as the Moscow City Tretyakov Gallery and was maintained with money bequeathed by the founders.

In 1918, the Tretyakov Gallery was nationalized and became the "state property of the RSFRS", its first directors were the art critic and artist I. Grabar, and then the architect A. Shchusev. Under them, the funds of the Museum grew, several new buildings were added, and new expositions were actively developed.

During the Great Patriotic War, all canvases and sculptures were taken to Novosibirsk and Molotov. The evacuation lasted more than a year, but already on May 17, 1945, the exhibitions were again open to residents and guests of Moscow.

In the following decades, the Museum continuously grew, and today it includes the Gallery on Krymsky Val, the Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, the house-museum of V. M. Vasnetsov, the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi and other branches.

The museum's collections include works of art XI-XXI, among which are Russian painting, sculpture, graphics. by the most famous works, stored in the Museum, are considered icons of the XI-XVII centuries, and the face of Vladimirskaya is especially valuable among them. Mother of God, Rublev's "Trinity" and icons painted by Dionysius, Theophan the Greek, Simon Ushakov.

The basis of the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery is Russian painting, most of which dates back to the second half of the 19th century. The collection includes works by Kramskoy, Perov, Vasnetsov, Savrasov, Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Repin, Vereshchagin and other famous Russian artists. In the 20th century, the Gallery was replenished with works by Vrubel, Levitan, Serov, Malevich, Roerich, Benois. AT Soviet period Deineka, Brodsky, Kukryniksy, Nesterov and others appeared in the expositions. In addition to painting, the Museum stores and exhibits works by Antokolkolsky, Mukhina, Shadr, Konenkov and other famous sculptors.

Currently, the Tretyakov Gallery is developing new expositions and exhibitions, is actively collaborating with many museums in the world and Russia, providing them with collections for temporary exhibitions, and is also carrying out restoration and research work, replenishes funds, develops cultural and educational programs, participates in major museum, film and music festivals.

The Tretyakov Gallery in 1995 was recognized as one of the most valuable cultural objects for its activities in the field of preserving art objects and promoting museum values.

Tretyakov Gallery Address: 119017, Moscow, Lavrushinsky lane, 10
Directions: Metro "Tretyakovskaya" or "Polyanka"

Tretyakov Gallery brief information.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the most famous art museums in the Russian capital, and throughout the country. It was founded in 1856 by the merchant and philanthropist Pavel Tretyakov. It is here that one of the world's largest collections of Russian fine art is kept.

History of the gallery

The State Tretyakov Gallery actually began to take shape in the mid-1850s. official year her discoveries are considered to be 1856. It was then that Tretyakov acquired two paintings by Russian artists - "Clash with Finnish smugglers" by Khudyakov and "Temptation" by Schilder. They became the basis for the formation of the collection.

Although his interest in art began to appear even earlier. So, two years before, Tretyakov had already taken possession of 9 paintings by old Dutch masters and 11 graphic sheets.

The first prototype of the State Tretyakov Gallery was the Moscow City Gallery of Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov. It first opened its doors in 1867, with more than a thousand paintings, as well as sculptures and drawings by Russian artists. 84 works were presented by foreign masters.

Moscow as a gift

Significant event for the State Tretyakov Gallery took place in 1892, when it was actually donated to Moscow. The collection of works of art by that time had grown considerably. A year later, the gallery officially opened.

At the same time, Pavel Tretyakov remained its official manager until his death. In 1898, a board of trustees was created to manage the gallery, headed by Ostroukhov. They began to support it on a percentage of the capital of 125,000 rubles, which its founder himself bequeathed to the Tretyakov Gallery. Additionally, a certain amount was allocated annually by the City Council.


The building that housed the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow was purchased by the merchant's family in 1851. With the increase in the collection, new premises were constantly attached to the mansion, in which works of art were demonstrated and stored. The first such building was erected back in 1873, and from 1902 to 1904 a facade famous throughout the capital appeared, which was developed by the architect Bashkirov according to the drawings of Vasnetsov. The architect Kalmykov directly supervised the construction.

Tragedy with a painting by Repin

Many works of the State Tretyakov Gallery were of great value for Russian and world culture. Therefore, the whole world was struck by an incident that occurred in 1913. The vandal attacked the painting by Ilya Repin "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan." She was seriously injured by the knife. Because of this, the artist had to actually recreate the faces in the image. Khruslov, who at that time was the curator of the Tretyakov Gallery, upon learning of this incident, threw himself under the train. Shortly thereafter, the City Council elected Igor Grabar as the new trustee of the gallery.

Soon after the victory of the October Revolution, the gallery was declared the property of the Soviet Republic, and it was then that it received the name 1st State Tretyakov Gallery. Grabar was appointed its director. With his direct participation, the museum fund was created, which until 1927 remained one of the key sources of full-fledged replenishment of the collection.

In 1926 the director changed in the gallery. He becomes the academician of architecture Shchusev. The next year, a certain part of the collection moves to a house on Maly Tolmachiy Lane, located next door. A large-scale restructuring was carried out here, after which the administration was located here, as well as the library, scientific departments, funds, departments of manuscripts.

Already by 1985-1994, the administrative building was built on according to the project of the architect Bernstein, after which it was equal in height to the exposition halls. In 1929, electricity was brought to the gallery.

During the Great Patriotic War

When did the Great Patriotic War, the gallery began to produce an urgent dismantling of the exposition, as in most other museums in Moscow. She was being prepared for evacuation. The canvases were transferred to special wooden shafts, lined with tissue paper, and stored in waterproof boxes. Already in the middle of the summer of 1941, 17 wagons left Moscow for Novosibirsk. Works of art were evacuated until the autumn of 1942. When the turning point in the war became apparent, the collection began to be returned. In May 1945, the exposition reopened to Muscovites and guests of the capital.

Expansion of the exposition area

In the post-war period, Korolev played an important role in expanding the exposition area, who headed the Tretyakov Gallery in 1980. Already in 1983, he began active construction, and two years later the depository was put into operation. This is a specialized storage for works of art, and restoration workshops were also located at its base.

Since 1986, a full-scale reconstruction of the main building has been carried out. And in 1989, a new building was even built, which opened an information and computing center, a conference room, a children's studio, as well as additional exhibition halls. The building began to be called the Engineering Corps, because the main engineering services and systems were concentrated in it.

But the buildings located in Lavrushinsky Lane were closed from 1986 to 1995 due to major reconstruction. For a whole decade at that time, the building located on Krymsky Val remained the only exhibition site. In 1985, it was officially merged with the Tretyakov Gallery.

Tretyakov collection

The collection of exhibits of this museum is considered the most extensive in our country and one of the most significant in the world in general. The State Tretyakov Gallery, whose collection by 1917 numbered about four thousand works, was perhaps the richest in Russia. That is why it aroused such interest among numerous visitors.

In the future, it only replenished. By 1975, the State Tretyakov Gallery, whose collection already numbered about 55,000 works, was one of the largest in Europe. It was regularly replenished through government purchases. Today, in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, one can find a collection of Russian paintings, sculptures, graphics, works of foreign authors, as well as works of arts and crafts of the 11th-21st centuries.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the collection of icons. Here are icons of the XI-XVII centuries, including the works of Simon Ushakov, Dionysius, the famous "Trinity" by Andrei Rublev.

A lot of famous paintings the second half of the XIX century can be found in the Tretyakov Gallery. Here is the richest collection of the Wanderers. Among them are works by Kramskoy, Perov, Savitsky, Makovsky, Savrasov, Polenov, Shishkin, Vasnetsov.

There are many paintings by Ilya Repin, among the ones already mentioned in this article are "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan", "They did not wait." Many are familiar with Surikov's creations "Menshikov in Berezov", "Boyar Morozova", "Morning of the Archery Execution", as well as the works of Antokolsky and Vereshchagin.

Widely represented Soviet art. Here, Grabar, Kukryniksy, Konenkov, Serov, Mukhina, Brodsky, familiar to everyone and everyone.

The State Tretyakov Gallery, with a collection of more than 60 thousand works today, remains the most attractive place for numerous art lovers from all over the world.

Tretyakov gallery in philately

Stamps from the State Tretyakov Gallery have long become a value for philatelists. For example, a 1949 stamp is considered especially valuable, on which a monument to Joseph Stalin is depicted in front of the Tretyakov Gallery, which was later demolished. Released in 1956 Postage Stamp dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the State Tretyakov Gallery. And in 2006, a whole postal block appeared in circulation, which was released for the 150th anniversary of the gallery.

How to get there?

The main building of the Tretyakov Gallery, which is worth a visit if you expect to get acquainted with the richest collection gathered here, is located in Moscow at Lavrushinsky lane, 10.

The gallery's working hours are as follows: on Monday - a day off, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday it is open from 10 am to 6 pm, and on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 to 21:00. Please note that the box office closes one hour before the gallery closes.

The Tretyakov Gallery is located almost in the very center of Moscow, so getting to it is not great work. The easiest way to do this is by using the metropolitan metro. To do this, you need to get to the stations "Polyanka" or "Tretyakovskaya", which are located on the Kalinin line, or to the stations "Oktyabrskaya" or "Novokuznetskaya" of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line. Another option is to get off the car at the Oktyabrskaya station of the Circle Line.

Ticket price

For adult visitors, a ticket to the Tretyakov Gallery will cost exactly 500 rubles. Such prices are determined in the gallery for 2018. Russian students and pensioners will have to pay 200 rubles each. Entry for minors under 18 is free.

Please note that the gallery offers free admission for Russian students on the first and second Sundays of the month.

After visiting the Tretyakov Gallery, take some time to see the sights nearby. These are the Church of St. Nicholas, Shmelev Square, the Tretyakov pier, the Kadashevskaya Sloboda Museum, Yakimansky Square, the Ore-Petrographic Museum.

If you are going to visit the Tretyakov Gallery, then do not try to embrace the immensity. Do not set yourself the task of seeing all the collections in one day. It is better to decide in advance on two or three masters or directions on which you will concentrate your attention this time. Leave the rest for the next visit.

A free guide will also help you get oriented, which you can install on your phone and use it to see the most interesting things without spending too much time.

In the museum itself, you can be offered an official audio guide, the use of which will cost you 350 rubles. Such audio guides exist in Russian, Italian, English, French, German, Chinese and Spanish. Remember, in order to use it, you will have to leave a deposit of two thousand rubles. An alternative to money as collateral can be any document proving your identity. The only exception is that you cannot leave your passport.

The history of the creation of the Tretyakov Gallery began a long time ago. In 1832, the founder of the famous art museum, Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. He received an excellent education due to the fact that his family was a merchant, and his parents owned a factory, whose income grew every year. Pavel Mikhailovich was always interested in art, although he worked with his father, over time he began to think about how to create a pavilion that would contain paintings by all Russian artists. It was their work that inspired the patron most of all.

At first, the paintings hung in Tretyakov's house, in the process of collecting the collection, extensions began to be made to the house, which in 1870 became available to the general public. When the philanthropist realized that all the canvases simply would not fit in the outbuildings, he ordered the construction of a special building - the Tretyakov Gallery, which opened its doors in 1875 and is located to this day in the oldest quarter of Moscow in Zamoskvorechye. From that moment, the history of the creation of the Tretyakov Gallery began.

In 1892, the collection was donated to Moscow, already then it numbered more than 1,300 paintings by Russian authors, most of whom not only sold their creations to Tretyakov, but were proud that the philanthropist chose them, and were grateful for the help he provided to all those in need. After the death of Pavel Mikhailovich, the Tretyakov Gallery was not abandoned, on the contrary, it began to replenish with new works, and by 1917 it contained more canvases, as well as a collection of icons, maps and other Russian creations.

Paintings from the Tretyakov Gallery: Ivan Shishkin - "Morning in pine forest» V. V. Vereshchagin - "The Apotheosis of War" I. N. Kramskoy - "Unknown" I. E. Repin - "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan" Serov Valentin - "Girl with Peaches" V. V. Pukirev - " Unequal marriage» R.F. Pavlovich - "Again deuce" B.K. Pavlovich - "Horsewoman"

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