Earthworks. Cadastral and land management works - determination and accounting of land plots

For the effective organization of land use, a unified system of land management is needed, which covers the entire land fund and provides a balanced program for regulating land relations in the short and long term. The state is an important subject of land relations, which is actively involved in the management of land resources. The most important public policy objectives include:

Formation of a full-fledged land taxation base and increase in revenues from land tax to the budget.

Formation of effective land holders and creation of basic conditions for attracting investments in the real sector of the Russian economy, with the provision of legal guarantees for investors in land rights.

Creation and strengthening of the system of state guarantees of citizens' rights to land. The most important mechanisms of state regulation and management of land resources are land management and land cadastre (as part of the real estate cadastre).

The current system of land management in Russia includes the following areas:

Legislatively defined composition, content and direction of land management. Despite the change in the land system, types and forms of land ownership, the composition of land management activities for a long time remains stable and includes the study of the country's land resources, the formation of land ownership and land use, their surveying, the organization of their territory, the establishment of boundaries of settlements, etc.

A land management process clearly regulated by law, an approved list (types) of land management documentation.

Specially created state and municipal bodies that carry out and control the land management process.

Organization of land management works and participants in the land management process (land management is a state process in the organization, both state and private enterprises or individual citizens can participate in land management work).

The state controls the process of land management.

The system of training land management personnel of higher and middle levels.

Organization of scientific research in the field of land management

The land management system is an integral part of the unified system of state management of land resources, the main link in the state management of land relations and the organization of rational use of land

Part 2. Land management activities. Types of land management works

Land management actions are legislatively defined types of land management works that are carried out in order to implement the land policy of the state and are reflected in the relevant land management documentation.

The Federal Law "On Land Management" provides for the following land management actions.

1. Studying the condition of the lands

The study of the state of land is carried out in order to obtain information about their quantitative and qualitative state and includes the following types of work:

soil, geobotanical and other surveys and surveys;

land quality assessment;

land inventory.

2. Geodetic and cartographic works

The materials of geodetic and cartographic works are the basis for conducting soil, geobotanical and other surveys and surveys, land inventory, land quality assessment, planning and rational use of land, describing the location and establishing boundaries of land management objects, on-farm land management.

Geodetic and cartographic works are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 N 209-FZ "On Geodesy and Cartography".

3. Soil, geobotanical and other surveys and surveys

Soil, geobotanical and other surveys and surveys are carried out in order to obtain information about the state of lands, including soil, as well as to identify lands subject to water and wind erosion, mudflows, flooding, waterlogging, secondary salinization, drying, compaction, waste pollution production and consumption, radioactive and chemical substances, contamination and other negative impacts.

4. Land quality assessment

Land quality assessment is carried out in order to obtain information about the properties of land as a means of production in agriculture.

The assessment of the quality of lands that are the original habitat of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation is carried out in order to determine the productivity of reindeer pastures and the availability of biological resources necessary to ensure the traditional way of life of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

Land inventory

An inventory of land is carried out to identify unused, irrationally used or used for other purposes and not in accordance with the permitted use of land, other characteristics of land.

7. Planning and organization of rational use of lands and their protection

Planning and organization of the rational use of land and their protection are carried out in order to improve the distribution of land in accordance with the prospects for economic development, improve the organization of territories and determine other areas for the rational use of land and their protection in the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

Planning and organization of rational use of lands and their protection include the following main types of work:

development of proposals for the rational use of land and their protection;

natural and agricultural zoning of lands;

Planning and organization of the rational use of land and their protection in urban and rural settlements are carried out in accordance with urban planning documentation.

8. Description of the location of the boundaries of land management objects

The procedure for describing the location of the boundaries of land management objects is determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for establishing the boundaries of land management objects on the ground is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. On-farm land management

On-farm land management is carried out in order to organize the rational use of agricultural land and their protection, as well as lands used by communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation and persons belonging to the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, for ensuring their traditional way of life.

When carrying out on-farm land management, the following types of work are performed:

organization of rational use of land plots by citizens and legal entities for agricultural production, as well as organization of territories used by communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation and persons belonging to the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, for ensuring their traditional way of life;

development of measures to improve agricultural land, develop new lands, restore and conserve lands, reclamation of disturbed lands, protect lands from erosion, mudflows, flooding, waterlogging, secondary salinization, drying out, compaction, pollution by production and consumption waste, radioactive and chemical substances, contamination and other negative impacts.

In connection with the different tasks of the state in the field of land management, the composition of land management actions may change.

The activities of the organizations of the GosNPTszem system have a number of features that have a significant impact on the organization and management of land management work. These features are mainly as follows: most types of work require a survey of farm lands, study of their production activities, adjustments, surveys of their lands, which is associated with the obligatory stay of a specialist at the facility. This makes it necessary, based on the content, to subdivide them into field cameral. The work associated with the preparation of projects for each object is divided into design, technical and drawing and design, which requires the cooperation of labor and its appropriate organization.

The peculiarity of the organization of work on land management is that design organizations mainly consist of engineering and technical workers, and temporary (seasonal) workers are involved to perform field technical work.

An important feature of the production of works is also the fact that very often objects are located throughout the territory of the region and the republic. In various conditions of the regions of the country, this is associated with significant expenditures of funds and labor of both the engineering and technical staff and managers. At the same time, this requires clear coordination in work and the adoption of appropriate organizational measures.

A very important feature of the production of work that affects the organization of labor is that certain parts of the types of work (stages) must be performed not only in a certain sequence, but also taking into account the place and time.

3.3. The content and nature of engineering work in land management and cadastre

The Land Code states that land management includes a system of state measures aimed at implementing the decisions of state bodies in the field of land use. The tasks of state land management are to organize the most complete, rational and efficient use of land, improve the culture of agriculture and protect land. This definition expresses the socio-economic essence of state land management. The implementation of state measures for land management is associated with the implementation of a complex set of engineering and economic works.

The spatial organization of the territory must be coordinated with the organization of other means of production, labor force, and the entire system of agriculture. Land management significantly affects the performance of agricultural enterprises, is an integral part of social production. This also determines the socio-economic nature of the work of specialists in design organizations, primarily land surveyors.

Among the material conditions necessary for the production activity of people, and, consequently, the production of material goods, a special place is occupied by land with its natural wealth. In agriculture, it is a material condition and at the same time the main means of production, since it directly participates in the formation of the product. However, in every agricultural enterprise with land, certain land. massifs are inextricably linked with other means of building production, roads, ponds, wells, shelterbelts, field camps, etc. Therefore, in order to rationally organize agricultural enterprises, it is necessary to jointly resolve the spatial organization of both the land and these means of production. This is what they do with on-farm land management.

The task is to develop such a project for the organization of the territory, the development of which allows you to get the largest amount of agricultural products at the lowest cost of labor and funds per unit. This is possible when the development of the project is carried out taking into account natural and economic conditions, on the basis of a progressive system of measures for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, and all design decisions are economically justified. So, for example, when designing crop rotation fields in order to reduce labor and time costs for production processes occurring within their boundaries, and creating conditions favorable for the cultivation and growth of agricultural crops, they take into account the shape of the field, the dimensions of the sides, the terrain, the soil cover, the existing road network, location of shelterbelts, settlements, etc. The correct solution in the project of on-farm land management of all issues of organizing the territory of the economy ultimately affects the volume of output per unit area and the amount of labor and funds spent on its production. Therefore, the most economically feasible design decision is finally made.

Consequently, factors that positively influence the amount of labor and capital expenditures in the production of agricultural products will constantly operate in the land management economy. This influence will be felt as long as the organization of the territory meets the requirements and the economic level of development of the economy.

Thus, the organization of the territory of agricultural enterprises should be considered as an integral part of the organization of all production, as an objective necessity arising from the needs of rational agricultural production as a whole.

The work of a land surveyor in its content, methods and methods of performing work is mainly mental work. However, during the period of field work, it is supplemented by physical elements associated with the implementation of field geodetic work. The work performed is expressed in certain units, namely, in the number of measured angles, indicative signs set, length of lines, etc.

As a result of mental and physical labor, in the process of work, a project of on-farm land management is created, reflecting the organization of the territory of an agricultural enterprise for a certain period of its development.

The product of social production is the result of collective labor, both physical and mental. As a result, the creation of a product is impossible without the work of engineers, agronomists, scientists, etc. The work of a land surveyor is also necessary for the production of material goods, since the product of his labor in the process of on-farm land management is a project with which he influences the organization of a particular agricultural enterprise. The organization of the territory is an integral part of the organization of agricultural production. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that it is not always possible to fully measure the productivity of engineering labor, to quantify its effectiveness, since it manifests itself through the results of the work of an agricultural enterprise as a whole.

Land management is one of the most important areas in legislation, with the help of which planning, study, organization and use of land resources takes place. Moreover, relations relating to all forms of ownership, namely state, municipal or private, are regulated.

Main goals

Since land management is a legal category that regulates the areas of land exploitation, it includes a list of certain activities and actions. They are used in the following cases:

  • resizing and borders of various ;
  • use of problem areas, improvement of their quality;
  • protection of the earth from natural disasters, emergencies and natural disasters;
  • detection of objects with various violations;
  • restoration of the earth after the impact of natural disasters.

The main functions and tasks of this area are as follows:

  • obtaining information regarding the quality of land throughout the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • development of plans for the use of sites;
  • compiling an inventory that includes information about the location and quality of the land;
  • definition of boundaries;
  • control over lands held by indigenous peoples.

Land management is, first of all, actions aimed at controlling and preserving lands located on the territory of Russia.


The goals of land management are quite extensive and make up the following list:

  • providing effective;
  • protection of territories both from natural disasters and from illegal human activities;
  • improvement of land quality and provision of favorable conditions.

Land management also includes work aimed at optimizing the use of land and their restoration.


Types of land management differ in tasks and directions of action. It is customary to distinguish 3 main groups.

State land management is considered the most extensive industry, the activities of which are reduced to the following:

  1. Change of layouts for more convenient use.
  2. Implementation of the organization of the work of agricultural enterprises, whose activities affect the economy of the state.
  3. Soil erosion control, improvement of its fertility.
  4. Detection of ownerless lands and their registration.
  5. Setting the boundaries of cities, towns, etc.
  6. Measurement and other surveys of territories.
  7. Withdrawal of land upon detection of a violation of the law.

Each type of land use is responsible for performing specific functions. This distinction contributes to a more efficient operation of the system.

Subject and object

A description of land management would be incomplete without specifying what these relationships are.

The entire territory of the Russian Federation is considered as an object, namely, lands for various purposes, owned by the state, municipality, etc.

Land use entities include:

  1. The state itself as a whole, its subjects, acting in the person of the authorities.
  2. Self-government bodies act on behalf of municipalities.
  3. Legal entities (enterprises, organizations, etc.).
  4. Individuals.

The special part of this category of law includes lands belonging to indigenous peoples.

The documents

Land management, like any other industry, includes the availability of certain documentation, namely:

  • diagrams and plans that clearly show the division of the entire territory into sections;
  • projects of on-farm land management;
  • reports on various studies;
  • maps that clearly show the purpose of using the sites and the quality of the landscape;
  • materials containing an assessment of soil fertility and other indicators;
  • plans for the improvement, protection and development of land.

Land management is a category of law, the main focus of which is the preservation of the rich potential of lands, their protection and restoration. Also, with the help of this industry, control over the use and quality of territories is carried out. If such a category as land management were absent in Russian legislation, then, most likely, many rich lands would have been depleted long ago, resources were used with less efficiency, and the number of offenses increased several times.

Land management work is a large-scale activity that is carried out by government agencies and responsible geodetic organizations on legal grounds.

The study of lands and their changes, the surveying of sites, the preparation of documentation should be carried out in accordance with the established procedure. The state has an examination of land management materials, therefore, in order to prevent non-compliance with the requirements of the law, it is necessary to strictly comply with all stages of work.

Land management work is a set of activities that covers the study of the state of land resources, the installation of new boundaries and landmarks, planning and organizing the rational use of allotments. These works must be carried out when changing the boundaries of administrative units or when surveying plots allocated for agricultural activities.

Land management also includes the organization of territories inhabited by small indigenous inhabitants of distant regions of the country.

The law, which regulates relations in the field of land management, provides for the following types of land management works.

  1. Obtaining information about the state of land.
  2. Cartographic and geodetic activities. This area of ​​relations is regulated by a separate federal law and includes work on the study of cartographic material by geodetic enterprises, its processing and modification, direct collection of data from the terrain (determining coordinates, heights, monitoring changes and taking measurements from geographical objects).
  3. Works on planning and further organization of the use of land resources are carried out in order to determine the purpose of land in connection with projects for the economic development of a separate administrative unit and the entire state as a whole. All activities are carried out on the basis of urban planning documentation, which may include stages for improving land resources, programs for their development, volumes and deadlines for the implementation of plans.
  4. Description of the location of the boundaries of objects in relation to which land management is carried out. The meaning of the event is to study the information that is in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, the choice of a method for describing the object and determining the location of the boundaries of allotments with normative accuracy. The result of the work is a scheme of the site in paper and electronic form, including descriptive and graphic parts. Actions to describe the boundaries are carried out on the basis of the established Procedure of the Ministry of Economic Development.
  5. The determination of the boundaries of allotments and administrative units on the ground occurs on the basis of information from the USRN. The new boundaries between settlements are marked with landmarks, which are established on the basis of a Government Decree that provides for the rules for carrying out such work. After fixing the boundaries on the ground, this information is entered into the formed land management file.
  6. Conducting an on-farm arrangement is carried out in relation to agricultural lands and territories inhabited by indigenous peoples of remote regions.
In turn, Obtaining information on the state of land includes the following works:

  • study of the soil and its changes, geobotanical survey of sites for erosion, waterlogging, the appearance of compactions, susceptibility to landslides, etc.;
  • land valuation - carried out to obtain information about the possibility of targeted use of the allotment;
  • inventory - carried out in order to identify land that is not used at all or is used for other purposes, as well as to check the correct location of allotments and determine new boundaries.
Planning work includes the following activities:
  • land protection;
  • work on proposals for further rational use of land;
  • zoning for the purpose of distribution of agricultural land.
And the on-farm device includes the following activities:
  • checking the rational use of land resources that are transferred to individual and collective entities for agriculture, as well as the opportunity to lead a traditional way of life in remote regions;
  • when degrading lands are identified, a project for the reclamation of the territory is developed with a plan for further measures to improve the properties of resources.

Land management work is a complex activity of authorized bodies, which includes several types of activities. Each of them has an ultimate goal - putting land relations in order and rational use of resources for the economic development of the state.

The implementation of land management takes place in three stages.


It consists of finding the necessary documentation, which previously could indicate data about the site.

It can be:

  • extracts from the USRN, which contain information about this site, about the nature of the area where it is located and about linking to it;
  • drawings of the boundaries of the site, established earlier;
  • documents on the right to own or use the allotment;
  • if they were previously on the site, then data on their past placement is also required;
  • a list of persons who are interested in carrying out surveying.

In addition, an agreement on land management is concluded, prices for the implementation of work and estimated deadlines are determined. Consideration should also be given to neighboring sites that may be affected by such activities.

field stage

The land surveyor organizes a visit to the site, compares the data of the previously received documentation with the situation on the spot. An extract from the cadastral list, drawings of the allotment boundaries drawn up earlier, boundary marks - all this can be taken as the basis for a technical project that the land surveyor will work with.

Prepare a work plan, which should include the following data:
  • about the reasons for the work;
  • about signs of the area;
  • data that is displayed in the old documentation;
  • information about old signs, boundaries, characteristic points of the area;
  • the order in which it is planned to collect new data;
  • if it is necessary to carry out new calculations or to verify old data, it is necessary to clarify the formulas and the calculation procedure.

The document is endorsed by the land surveyor and approved by the customer. If there are controversial issues, at this stage it is possible to involve specialists in the field of land law.

In addition to drawing up a plan, at this stage all work related to land management is carried out - setting new boundaries, fixing them with signs, land surveying, etc.

Cameral stage

It consists of the processing and evaluation of the data obtained at the previous stages, the list and description of the work performed and the registration of all materials in the final document.

All land management activities are carried out in three stages: it is impossible without studying the history of the object, carrying out work on the ground and compiling the final document with entering data into the Rosreestr.

Completion of work must be accompanied by properly executed documentation.

It can be:
  • general schemes for land management of the Russian Federation and individual administrative units;
  • land use and protection schemes;
  • object plans - consist of a graphic and a descriptive part, the descriptive part contains information about the site obtained during the procedure, a graphic image is a drawing of the site with the presence of geodetic signs on it;
  • on-farm projects - for agricultural plots and remote regions;
  • thematic cartographic materials, which displays the state of land, their mode of use, data on zoning and zoning of the territory;
  • materials obtained as a result of a detailed geobotanical study of lands;
  • land improvement and development projects, decisions on the need for reclamation and other works to restore degrading sites.

The types of documents listed above are mandatory for the entire territory of the state, but individual administrative units have the right to issue special documents depending on the specifics of the region (for example, the acts of Krasnoyarsk oblige to create projects for the area where reindeer herding is practiced).

All documentation generated based on the results of the work is subject to agreement with state bodies and inclusion in land management.

The approval is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2002. It is carried out within a month and, if necessary, requires the conclusion of state experts.

All agreed documentation is entered into the State Data Fund, which is formed from land management files and is the property of the Russian Federation.

Violation of the established requirements may lead to the prosecution of the guilty subjects.

Land management works are carried out only by the competent authorities, all information must be checked in detail for compliance with the law. Failure to comply with the requirements may result in liability.

Land management - measures for studying the state of land, planning and organizing the rational use of land and their protection, the formation of new and streamlining existing land management facilities and establishing their boundaries on the ground, organizing the rational use of land by citizens and legal entities for agricultural production, as well as organizing territories used by communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

Types of land management. According to the content, land management is divided into:

1. inter-farm, which allows you to determine the intended purpose of land, to carry out inter-sectoral and intra-sectoral distribution (redistribution) of land resources. With the help of inter-farm land management, new land tenure and land use are being formed and existing ones are being changed, measures are being developed that ensure optimal inter-farm economic ties.

Provision of land for ownership, lease and lifetime inheritable possession - all these activities require inter-farm land management;

2. on-farm, which is carried out in order to organize the rational use of agricultural land and their protection, as well as lands used by communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation and persons belonging to such peoples, to ensure their traditional way of life.

In accordance with Art. 69 of the Land Code, land management is carried out at the initiative of authorized executive bodies of state power, local governments, land owners, land users, landowners or by a court decision.

land management process- the procedure for performing land management actions.

They take place next sequences:

1) preparatory work is being carried out;

2) forecasts, schemes, land management projects are developed;

3) the project documentation is considered and approved;

4) projects are transferred to nature (to the venue);

5) land management materials and documents are issued to all interested parties.

The local government decides start of land surveying works or on the refusal of the application (it must be justified and can be appealed to a higher state body).

Upon decision on the conduct of land management, preparation of a land management case is being carried out. It consists in collecting, systematizing and processing the necessary materials, conducting, if necessary, surveys and studying the object according to a program specially drawn up for this.

Project development This is the main stage of the land management process. At this stage, preliminary and technical design is carried out, various options are analyzed and the one that best meets the legal and economic interests of the applicant is selected from them. The project is drawn up with the participation of interested parties. Its individual stages and the final version are discussed with the applicant and adjusted if necessary. Arising disputes are considered and resolved in an administrative order.

The project of inter-farm and intra-farm land management is approved by the customer (the owner of the land plot), and then by the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the head of the district administration. The approved project, with the participation of representatives of interested parties, is transferred to nature.

final stage land management is the design and issuance of design materials. All project documentation consists of graphic and text parts. The graphic part is a drawing of the main project and drawings of working projects (land reclamation, anti-erosion measures). The text part is a summary of calculated indicators, land explications, a list of land transformation, an explanatory note.

The approved project is obligatory for execution by land owners and land users (tenants, etc.).

Federal Law "On land management" Art.19

To types of land management documentation include:

· the general scheme of land management of the territory of the Russian Federation, the scheme of land management of the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the scheme of land management of municipalities, schemes for the use and protection of land;

maps (plans) of land management facilities;

· projects of on-farm land management;

· projects for the improvement of agricultural land, the development of new lands, the reclamation of disturbed lands, the protection of lands from erosion, mudflows, flooding, waterlogging, secondary salinization, desiccation, compaction, pollution with production and consumption waste, radioactive and chemical substances, contamination and other negative impacts;

· materials of soil, geobotanical and other surveys and surveys, assessment of land quality, land inventory;

· thematic maps and atlases of the state and use of land.

Federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, may establish other types of land management documentation.

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