When is Air Defense Day celebrated? Day of Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops

Air defense troops are the main means of destroying air targets and aircraft of a potential enemy. And like any other branch of the military, they also have their own professional holiday. Do you know what date Air Defense Day is celebrated in our country? And perhaps one of your friends or relatives serves in these troops? In this case, you definitely need to know when exactly you should congratulate him.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", Air Defense Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April. But for the first time this professional holiday of the defenders of the sky of our country began to be celebrated in the Soviet Union, when in 1975 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a corresponding Decree. Air Defense Day was first celebrated on April 11, and somewhat later, in 1980, its annual celebration was moved to the second Sunday of this spring month.

On this day, in all air defense units and subdivisions, especially distinguished soldiers are awarded, they are given awards, certificates and valuable gifts. Some conscripts and contractors receive vacations - they can go home and see their families. And, of course, this day is not complete without solemn formations and processions. Yes, and lunch on this day is in a special festive way.

But even on their professional holiday, air defense soldiers continue to carry out combat duty. The sky of the country, as well as its border, is under reliable protection even on a holiday.

Air Defense Day 2019

It is no coincidence that the Air Defense Forces are called the ears of the modern defense system of our country. They carefully monitor that military aircraft of a potential enemy do not appear in the sky of our homeland, and if such an object is found, they are obliged to determine its location and destroy it. In addition, when conducting combat operations, air defense forces must cover ground forces and facilities from air attacks,

Modern Russian air defense forces consist of command bodies, air defense command posts, anti-aircraft missile (rocket-artillery) and radio engineering formations, military units and subunits. They are capable of destroying potential targets at altitudes of the widest range: from extremely low - less than 200 m, to high - from 4000 to 12000 m or more, up to the stratosphere. The ground air defense forces of Russia are armed with anti-aircraft missile, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft gun-missile and portable anti-aircraft missile systems, which differ in range and guidance methods. Complexes that hit targets at a distance of up to 10 km are considered short-range systems, but there are also such complexes that are capable of destroying a potential enemy at a distance of more than 100 km.

The basis of the armament system of military air defense is anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes (air defense systems and air defense systems):

  • "S-300V3"
  • "Buk-M2"
  • "Tor-M1"
  • Osa-AKM
  • "Tunguska-M1"
  • MANPADS "Igla"

But the modern air defense forces include not only anti-aircraft and missile troops. This also includes radio engineering troops equipped with the most modern weapons, communications troops, fighter aircraft flying to intercept enemy aircraft and, of course, training units. After all, in order to master all this modern technology, you need to spend a lot of time in the classroom.

Highly professional officer cadres for the air defense forces are trained in such educational institutions as the Military Academy of the East Kazakhstan Region named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, located in Tver, its branch located in Yaroslavl, and branches of the Higher Military Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky: Vladimir Training Center for Radio Engineering Troops and the Training Center for Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops, located in Gatchina near St. Petersburg.

The air defense troops carry out their combat duty around the clock - just like the border guards. Air defense aviation makes more than 13,000 sorties every month, and all of them are accompanied by a cover of the radar system.

Air Defense Forces Day is traditionally celebrated on the second Sunday in April. In 1891, the first exercises in shooting at air targets took place in Krasnoye Selo. As targets that had to be hit, balloons or ordinary balloons mounted on long cables were used.

More than 20 years later, by 1914, the outstanding engineer of the Putilov plant F.F. Lender developed the first anti-aircraft gun, which made it possible to successfully hit enemy air targets. By the beginning of the First World War, 33 anti-aircraft guns were already in service with the Russian army.

A significant date for the Russian Air Defense Forces is December 8, 1914. On November 30, 1914, a government decree was issued on the organization of air defense of Petrograd and its environs, and on December 8 it entered into force. Therefore, this date is considered the official day of the founding of the Russian air defense, the role and importance of which in the defense of the Fatherland cannot be overestimated.

Air defense in the USSR

The air defense troops have always adequately carried out their service for the good of the Motherland. In 1932, the issue of air defense was considered at the government level. The “Regulations on the air defense of the territory of the USSR”, approved on October 4, 1932, determined the strategic directions for the development of air defense for the coming decades.

A huge role was played by the air defense forces during the Second World War: the first PUAZO radars, radars, and radio fuses appeared, which made it possible to hit enemy targets with great accuracy. The air defense showed particular courage in the defense of Moscow - more than 350 enemy aircraft were shot down over the sky of the capital. In the post-war years, the USSR air defense was rightfully considered one of the most powerful and developed in the world.

History and traditions of Air Defense Day

On February 20, 1975, a government decree was issued on the establishment on April 11 of the Day of the Air Defense Forces. After 5 years, in 1980, the date of the holiday was moved to the second Sunday in April.

In modern Russia, the holiday is celebrated no less solemnly than in the USSR. On this day, solemn events are held, in which the entire air defense personnel, from soldiers to generals of the troops, takes part. Awards, promotions, exercises with the use of new air defense systems are timed to coincide with the holiday.

The Air Defense Forces are a worthy example of selfless service to the Motherland. Even in peacetime, their soldiers are always at their combat posts, bearing on their shoulders a huge responsibility for the security of every citizen of the country. On a solemn day, be sure to congratulate the people of this courageous profession. After all, our calm sky is, without a doubt, their merit.

Modern conflicts take place with the participation of aviation. Its use provides a number of advantages compared to other means, allowing you to conduct reconnaissance, deliver precision strikes, and carry out the landing of manpower, weapons and provisions. There are special units to counter aircraft. A professional holiday is dedicated to them.

When they celebrate

Air Defense Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April. In 2019, it falls on April 14 and is not a national holiday. The Day of the Air Defense Forces is enshrined in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The document was signed by V. Putin.

Who is celebrating

All military personnel of the Air Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, regardless of their rank or position, take part in the celebrations. Among them are installation operators, dispatchers, developers and manufacturers of relevant equipment, and support staff.

The holiday is considered by cadets, teachers, graduates of specialized higher educational institutions, soldiers and officers who have ever been in the ranks of these units. Their relatives, acquaintances, friends, relatives and close people join the events on the occasion of the Day of the Air Defense Forces.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event originates in Soviet times, with the adoption of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 20, 1975 No. 1098-IX “On the establishment of the annual holiday “Day of the Air Defense Forces of the Country”. Since then, the custom of honoring employees has been born, which has been preserved in Russia. In 2006, the head of state issued a document that included the celebrations in honor of the guards of the sky in the list of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The date has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the adoption in April of a number of resolutions and measures that strengthened protection against aviation. The custom unites officers, cadets, veterans at festive tables. Toasts are made to colleagues. Congratulations, wishes of health and peace are heard from the mouths of those gathered. Colleagues demonstrate photos from albums, tell stories from everyday life, share their experience and plans for the future.

Events continue with family, friends and loved ones. Law enforcement officers receive gifts. Among them are souvenir, thematic products: atlases and models of military equipment, books about the history of military units. The command holds a ceremony of awarding employees with medals, orders, certificates of honor. Appreciation entries are made in personal files by superiors.

The best are promoted in ranks and positions for outstanding achievements. Air Defense Day 2019 is marked by the rite of the so-called washing of the stars, which will soon appear on shoulder straps. The tradition involves immersing the new insignia in the alcoholic beverage that is drunk.

About profession

The air defense forces are engaged in the control of the country's airspace. For this, radars, radar stations, “friend or foe” recognition systems are used. When an intruder is detected, he is intercepted by a link of fighters for escort to land or expulsion outside the border. In some cases, it is allowed to shoot down aircraft. For this, rockets, anti-aircraft installations are used.

A career begins with military service or training at a specialized educational institution of the Ministry of Defense. A graduate must have tactical training, know the principles of operation and equipment design, be able to handle it, complying with the standards. In wartime, air defense units are the primary target of the enemy and are relatively easy to identify.

Our great country has many reasons to be proud, one of which is the air defense forces. It is thanks to these defenders of the Fatherland that Russians can live in peace, love, grow up without fear of threats from the air.

However, people are so accustomed to the impeccable work of the fighters of the air defense forces that they no longer appreciate the security provided, the hard work of the defenders, taking it for granted. Therefore, the government of the Russian Federation decided to introduce a good and important holiday - the Day of the Air Defense Forces, which is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April. Air Defense Day in 2017 falls on April 9th.

The history of the air defense forces and the holiday "Air Defense Day"

In the modern world, military conflicts are usually not complete without the participation of aviation. The use of air power provides a number of advantages when compared with other means. With the help of aviation, reconnaissance is carried out, provisions are being landed, weapons, manpower, and precision strikes are delivered, if necessary. Opposition to enemy aircraft is carried out by special units. The holiday is dedicated to them.

The history of the Air Defense Forces dates back to the dawn of the 20th century, during the First World War. With the advent of airships and balloons used for military purposes, the need arose for an opposing force.

In order to protect our troops from the destructive actions of the enemy from a height, our military began to use portable rapid-fire cannons and machine guns, with which they shot down enemy aircraft when they approached the location of a military unit.

In 1914, the first battery of guns was created, which performed the tasks of monitoring and eliminating enemy aircraft. A year later, the first anti-aircraft guns appeared, and with the help of airships and balloons, a full-fledged air surveillance system was created.

The real "baptism of fire" of the air defense forces was the Second World War. The rapid development of aviation completely destroyed the security of the rear areas - the forces of tank units and infantry could not deter air raids. To ensure the security of the rear, special military units were allocated, the task of which was to protect and preserve the "purity of the sky."

Over time, from a rather uncomplicated security system, air defense has turned into a high-tech segment of the Russian defense forces.

On February 20, 1975, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the Establishment of the Annual Holiday of the Day of the Air Defense Forces of the Country” was adopted. The celebration should certainly draw public attention to the underestimated merits of the units of these troops, as well as the invaluable contribution of these "knights of heaven" to the defense of the Motherland, both in wartime and in peacetime.

Already in 2006, the commander-in-chief of our country, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, signed a document that included the holiday in honor of the guards of peace and security from the sky to the list of memorable days and professional holidays in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The date of the Air Defense Day was not chosen by chance and is symbolic. Just in mid-April, the adoption of the most important resolutions relating to the organization and adjustment of the air defense system, as well as the creation of such troops, took place.

Initially, this significant day was celebrated on April 11, and in 1980 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to move the date of celebration to the second Sunday of April each year.

Air Defense Day Traditions

The custom, formed over the years, gathers veterans, officers and cadets at festive tables. Toasts are made in honor of colleagues, congratulations, wishes of peace and health are heard. The military show each other albums with memorable photographs, tell interesting stories from everyday work, share experiences and plans for the future.

Of course, the celebration continues with family, loved ones, friends and comrades. Both at home and at work, employees of the department receive gifts. These can be souvenirs or useful thematic presentations: from atlases to books about the history of military units. Under the leadership of the command, a solemn ceremony of awarding distinguished employees with orders, medals, certificates of honor is held. Appreciation notes are also included in personal files.

The best employees of the power state body are promoted in positions and ranks for outstanding achievements in the professional field. Also, Air Defense Day is marked by a certain rite of the so-called "washing" of new stars that appear on shoulder straps. This interesting tradition involves lowering the new insignia into a vessel of liquor to be drained.

Russia has many reasons to be proud, one of which is the air defense forces. Thanks to such defenders of the Fatherland, all citizens of the country can live in peace, but fearing any threats from the air. However, people are so accustomed to the good work of such fighters and the security provided that they practically ceased to appreciate their hard work, taking it for granted. Therefore, it was decided to introduce an important holiday - the Day of the Air Defense Forces, celebrated on the second Sunday of April. In 2016, a similar holiday falls on the 10th day of the second month of spring.

The history of the holiday

The date of the celebration of the Day of the Air Defense Forces was not chosen by chance. It was in mid-April that the most important decisions were adopted regarding the creation of such troops, the organization of an air defense system, as well as the development of such activities necessary to protect the country. The decision on the introduction of a new holiday was adopted at the end of the second month of 1975, and its most influential body was the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The holiday was supposed to draw public attention to the merits of such units, as well as their invaluable contribution to the defense of the country in wartime and peacetime. Initially, the holiday was celebrated on April 11, but since 1980, the same influential body decided to move the date of celebration to the second Sunday in April.

What do air defense forces do?

Among the people, the fighters of such troops are often called air border guards, because they tirelessly ensure the security of the country and all citizens from the air, and also serve in any weather or season. Each fighter of such a system undergoes serious training in order to take on the important duty of monitoring the country's airspace and ensuring maximum security in times of war or peace. The air defense forces must timely detect and promptly destroy all enemy missiles that cross the borders of the state and are a potential danger to Russia and its citizens.

Air defense fighters practically do not know peace or a sense of carelessness. During exercises and duty, they are prepared for the possible need to accept a challenge within a few seconds and use all combat skills. Therefore, the citizens of Russia are quite calm about various warnings or threats of terrorists from other countries, knowing that the domestic air defense forces will always give a worthy rebuff and will be able to prevent any attack.

How did the air defense forces appear?

For the first time, the need for air defense troops arose during the Great Patriotic War. At that time, it was necessary to prevent not only tank and rifle attacks, but also air attacks. Compared to that time, air defense has undergone a significant development process. Single anti-aircraft aircraft and special guns for attacking enemy aircraft have been replaced by units equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, aircraft equipped with missiles, as well as high-tech systems for detecting the enemy in the air long before the strike. Thus, the primitive system of airspace protection has grown into a specialized system, equipped with missiles, detection systems, and also provided with specially trained fighters who skillfully manage such equipment.

With the development of aviation, other troops also improved. Efficient means of influencing the enemy's rear appeared, as well as ways to protect their own rear, previously in the shadow of the battle command. Thus, the anti-aircraft forces have become as automated as possible, excluding gross errors due to the human factor.

What to give for Air Defense Forces Day

Since air defense waxes are closely associated with security, combat and aircraft, there are many gift options. Almost all men are happy with miniature models of retro cars, from which incredible and rather original collections are often collected. However, it is much better for air defense fighters to present a miniature aircraft, more typical for a similar field of activity. A similar aircraft model can be purchased at a souvenir shop or assembled to order by one of the modern craftsmen. An excellent option could be a mini-plane on an original stand made of wood or metal with engraved initials of the person receiving congratulations.

You can also give a kind of souvenir award. If you want to show originality, you can order the printing of a newspaper for 1942-1945 from the publishing house with a congratulatory article with a photo on the first page. Such a newspaper will be a real gift after artificial aging, as it will resemble antiques. You can also give a letter with a list of the main merits of a fighter. Such a diploma can be framed in a stylish frame, as well as a thin metal plate with silver or gilding. Small metal figurines depicting combat models of aircraft with engraved words of congratulations can also be an excellent option. The most budget option is a T-shirt or cup with an inscription related to the air defense forces, as well as key chains with miniature planes, helicopters, missiles, soldiers or weapons.

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