Danil Pluzhnikov and Yaroslav Degtyarev: We like life after “Voice. A participant in the children's "Voice" continues treatment after a terrible accident What is Yaroslav Degtyareva doing now

  • Yaroslava Dyagtereva before the blind audition: "I think it's better to be a child. They don't force you to do anything, except for the lessons. And after the lessons, lie down and relax, watch cartoons."
  • Already at the age of 7, Yasya shows a fighting character: “Sometimes I don’t obey my mother. When I really want something, but they don’t allow me, I take it and do it.”
  • Yasya Dyagtereva about her dreams: "I would really like a horse. And a refrigerator that is so big and can make different juices and lemonade. And I also really want to sing the best and perfectly!"
  • Valeria Lanskaya asked Yasya before going on stage what needs to be done to make it work. Yaroslav confidently began to list: "It's good to sing, try and show your movements with your hand."
  • At the blind audition, Yaroslav Dyagtereva sang "Cuckoo" by Viktor Tsoi. She sang with good intonation, not at all a child's voice. First, Bilan turned around, then Pelageya, whose surprise knew no bounds, because she expected to see, probably, a 12-year-old girl. Yasi has a voice that is mature enough for a 7 year old.
  • "The first goosebumps belong to you," Pelageya said, rubbing her hands. Your combination of height and voice is something absolutely incredible!
  • Leonid Agutin recalled "The Tale of Lost Time", where the big ones became small: "It seems to me that Yaroslav was simply reduced, she is actually big, only small."
  • Dima Bilan went on stage so that the audience could see the difference in height between him and Yasya. And if in the cartoon the boa constrictor was 38 parrots long, then Bilan was two Yaroslavs long :-)
  • The mentors had not yet had time to ask who the child would go to, and Yaroslav Dyagtereva had already stated: "Pelageya, of course you are beautiful, but I choose Bilan." "Failure," - Paulie's frustration was heard under the general jubilation and laughter. When the applause died down, Pelageya was found: "Yaroslava, you are also very beautiful, I would also choose Bilan."
  • Bilan sat down and asked about the beginning of the song, the fact is that Yasya began to sing an octave lower, but quickly reorganized and did not return "down" anymore. Polya thought that this was how the child wanted to demonstrate the range. But Yaroslava explained this way: "I just forgot a little," which again caused laughter in the hall and broke a storm of applause.
  • Bilan also found out that Yasya’s mother and grandmother also sing since childhood, that Yasya’s mother is 29 years old, and then he took her in his arms, and in this position Yasya hugged her mentors and went backstage.
  • On October 24, 2013, Yaroslav Degtyareva and her parents got into a car accident. The court found Father Yasi guilty of Avria, for which he suffered the appropriate punishment. Yaroslava and her mother suffered greatly in the accident. Yasa underwent several operations, they removed fragments from her eye, and did eyelid surgery. At first she could not walk, moved on crutches. Thanks to the efforts of doctors, today Yaroslava has 100% vision, but there are scars on her left cheek.
  • In the hospital, Yaroslava Degtyareva sang, and patients from neighboring wards came to listen to her. When she began to walk, she herself walked around the wards and sang to support the patients.
March 04, 2016

After recovering from a severe car accident, the seven-year-old singer learned to walk again and won the hearts of the audience of the project

After recovering from a severe car accident, the seven-year-old singer learned to walk again and won the hearts of the audience of the project.

Photo: Dmitry Tkachenko

A little blonde in denim overalls from the city of Gukovo (Rostov region) made a splash at the "blind auditions". The song "Cuckoo" performed by her on Youtube has already gained 2.5 million views. Not to say that Yaroslava sang perfectly - the excitement interfered with the girl, but sincerity and desire did their job: Dima Bilan also turned to the original singer. And two years ago, Yaroslav could not dream of the project "" - she was in the hospital after an accident in which she almost died. An open craniocerebral injury, fractures and fragments on her face - neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists and orthopedists literally collected the girl in parts after the accident. The treatment is still going on, but the TV program magazine made sure that the character and fortitude will not let the girl turn off the path.

Photo: personal archive

- Did you suggest the song of Viktor Tsoi "Cuckoo" for "blind auditions"?

- For the casting in Ostankino (selection round before recording the broadcast - ed.), I prepared several songs, did not know which one to choose and sang my favorite "Cuckoo", although my mother and I did not prepare it specifically for the casting. I heard it earlier in the performance in the film about the war "Battle for Sevastopol". I liked this song. She's a real fighter! I love strong songs.

Photo: personal archive

What does "powerful" mean? How to sing to turn around?

- With soul, from the heart. And without purpose. Because if you sing with calculation, without a soul, it doesn’t work out. For example, he aimed to turn to you, and so you will forget about the song.

Do you have a talisman or favorite toy that is always with you?

- Probably, my talisman is my mother, she is always there. True, before going on stage at the Voice, we were given special items, gifts from a bag. A kind of talisman. Children chose different toys and things, left them for themselves. I got a bracelet - I had to weave it and put it on my hand. True, I was still worried and took the wrong note at the beginning of the song. But she was not taken aback - she continued to sing, corrected the mistakes. And Pelageya and turned to me.

“Behind the scenes, you said that the mentor looked like one of your friends…

- Yes, I go to the Inspiration vocal studio, and I have a friend there. He is as funny as . And he also looks like his hair. And humorous.

How long have you been doing vocals?

- While I do not go to a music school and do not do vocals professionally. I have been singing at the Vdohnovenie vocal studio for more than a year now, since I went to first grade. I also like to walk in the fresh air, train my dog. I like to interview my dolls and the cat, as if I'm playing "" - "Look from below." My mother and I often go to the park and ride horses. When I was still little, that is, smaller, I rode horses, so I'm not afraid. I have not learned how to manage them yet, but riding brings me pleasure.

Photo: personal archive

Did your classmates congratulate you at school?

- After the broadcast, I have not been to school yet. My mother and I were in Moscow for a medical examination - we recently returned. But everyone is calling me, congratulating me, and looking forward to it. They write a lot of good things on social networks and want to make friends. Sometimes my portraits are sent. Some, on the contrary, create fake pages and write on my behalf.

- Do you have a cherished dream?

- I don’t even know ... of course, each participant wants to win the “Voice”. And yet, I’m scared to remember it, and I didn’t talk about my desire, but I want the scars to heal and I am completely cured.

Photo: personal archive

Mom of the singer Olesya Degtyareva: "Doctors fought all night for the life of Yasi"

Photo: personal archive

- Yasya sang from a little girl (from childhood) - from about a year she began to sing along. And usually hit the notes. At the age of three, she loved to sing songs from the Bremen Town Musicians. Now she sings when she does her homework. Sings while standing in the store. And when Yasya came to first grade, she was immediately noticed at music lessons and taken to perform on stage. Then we were offered to go to competitions, I agreed. After the accident, I was left alone with Yasya in my arms (with my husband Olesya in a divorce - ed.), it was hard. And we moved to the Rostov region to my mother. The accident happened on the highway, Yasi's father was driving. On the way, we flew into a cliff, the windows were broken, Yasya was badly hurt. Doctors spent the whole night saving her life: an open craniocerebral injury, closed fractures, internal injuries, severely damaged eye. While we were in the hospital, we staged mini-performances, learned to read. In fact, it was wildly excruciating to see her in pain. On the eve of the New Year, Yasya asked the Christmas tree for a gift: "so that the legs begin to walk." In the hospital, where there were many difficult children, Yasya sang for them too. When she got to her feet, she walked around the wards and sang to those who could not get up. And then she told me: “Mom! They love it so much! I'm so glad I can do something for them."

Grandmother Nadezhda Ivanovna: “Lying in the hospital, Yasya sang for others”

Photo: personal archive

- Even before the first broadcast, I saw Yasechka in an advertisement for Golos. The first sensation is goosebumps. An extraordinary feeling. And as the ether was shown, so continuous tears! Why is her voice so mesmerizing? Daughter Olesya graduated from music school. They have similar voices with Yasya, very powerful. Every day they rehearse, sing. Although Olesya herself was badly injured after the accident, her eye was half sewn up, but she still devoted most of her time to Yasa. The situation hardened her. Even when I could not hold back my tears, looking at her, she said: “Grandma, don’t cry! Everything will be fine". Of course, she has her favorite toys, without which she does not go to bed. On the "Voice" she took with her a pillow with a monkey. In general, Yasya wears a cross and a bracelet consecrated in the church. They keep her.

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First, Friday, 21.30

Yaroslav Degtyarev

She sings from the age of six, studies in a vocal studio. Despite her young age, she has already participated in several music competitions. "I think it's better to be a kid - you're not forced to do anything except homework. Sometimes I don't listen to my mom. I would really like a horse and a big fridge that makes delicious lemonade."

Yasya, as her relatives and friends call her, was born and lives in the Rostov region, in the small mining town of Gukovo. When the girl was only 5 years old, she and her parents got into a car accident. The child had to literally learn to walk again - first on crutches, then on his own. Her mother, Alesia Bumagina, was terribly worried that her daughter would develop complexes due to injuries and scars, but Yaroslava already at the age of 5 showed herself to be a real fighter and a resilient optimist. She not only dealt with problems purposefully, but also encouraged her mother.

To relieve the psychological burden on her daughter, Alesia enrolled Yasya in the children's vocal studio "Inspiration", where the girl became the leading soloist at the age of 6. The timbre of Degtyareva's voice, unusual for such a tender age, instantly distinguishes her from a number of other children.

As a singer, Yasya Degtyareva tried herself in several music competitions in her city and in Rostov-on-Don. When the casting of the 3rd season of the children's version of the television show "Voice" was announced, she and her mother decided to overcome fear and excitement and apply.

Show Voice Children

At the preliminary audition, the organizers of the project approved the choice of the song "Cuckoo" by Yaroslava Degtyarova from Viktor Tsoi's repertoire. The girl heard this song on the eve of the performance in the movie "Battle for Sevastopol" and she herself insisted to perform it. Unlike most of the other participants, who prepared their numbers for many weeks, Yasya sang after minimal preparation.

The task of the 7-year-old singer was even more complicated by the fact that she had to perform first at the blind auditions. At first she got agitated and performed the debut of the song in an inappropriate range, but then she pulled herself together and from the second verse she sang so that she made a splash, and Pelageya, one of the judges' three, even announced publicly that she had goosebumps from Yaroslav's amazing voice . And when the jury members saw what a little girl was standing on the stage, their surprise knew no bounds. Another member of the panel of judges, Dima Bilan, even went on stage to make sure that the young participant was almost half his height.

Since two of the three jury members turned to Yaroslav, she could choose her own mentor. With childish spontaneity, the girl said that although Pelageya is very beautiful, she chooses Dima Bilan, since “even as a child” her mother played his songs to her, besides, the girl’s best friend is very similar to him.

Thus, Yaroslav Degtyareva became not only the first singer to appear on the stage “Voice. Children”, but also the first member of the Bilan team.

After the performance of just one song "Cuckoo", little Yasha already had crowds of fans who hope that she will retain that sincerity and immediacy of singing, with which she won the hearts of a multi-million audience.

Despite the adult reasoning and the difficult trials that befell this girl, Yaroslava still remains an open and cheerful child. With childlike innocence, she dreams of a refrigerator that would make lemonade and a pony she would take to a horse beauty salon.

She also dreamed of riding a horse for a long time, and thanks to her participation in the Voice project, she was able to fulfill this desire. After a full-fledged training at the equestrian arena, Yasya realized that equestrian sport is no less difficult than professional vocals. Now she wants to become a sought-after singer and buy herself a real horse.

Although the girl still does not strive to grow up quickly. She believes that it is better to be a child, because children are not forced to do anything but homework.

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Yaroslav Degtyarev. Biography and creative path

Yaroslav Degtyarev was born on August 14, 2008 in Rostov-on-Don, and later moved with her mother Olesya Degtyareva to the small mining town of Gukovo in the same region. Since childhood, the girl had a passion for vocal craft. According to relatives, Yasya (that's what her relatives call her), From about the age of one, she began to sing along with her mother.

At the age of three, she liked the compositions from the animated musical The Bremen Town Musicians, and at the age of 4, Yaroslav herself learned the main hit from the legendary blockbuster of world cinema from director James Cameron's Titanic.

When the baby was 5 years old, she and her family got into a terrible accident on the Rostov highway and received serious injuries, as a result of which she barely survived, underwent many operations, including to restore her vision, and literally learned to walk again. Despite her young age, the girl showed herself to be a real fighter and optimist.

Olesya Degtyareva: When the accident happened, Yasi's father was driving. The car was blown off the cliff, the windows were broken. Doctors spent the whole night saving my daughter's life: an open craniocerebral injury, closed fractures, eye damage. They put a needle in the leg so that the bone would grow together ... While they were in the hospital, they staged mini-performances with Yasya, learned to read. And before the New Year, the daughter asked the Christmas tree for a gift - she wished that her legs would start walking ... When she got to her feet, she walked around the wards and sang to those children who could not get up, and then said: “Mom, they like it so much! I'm so glad I can do something for them."

After the accident, my mother, who, by the way, herself graduated from a music school and studied vocals, moved with Yaroslava to her grandmother Nadezhda Ivanovna in Gukovo, where the girl was sent to study at the local vocal studio "Inspiration". There she became a leading soloist. The creative inspirer of the young performer is her mother, who works with Yasya on staging a voice, selects a repertoire and learns compositions.

Yaroslav Degtyarev. Project Voice. Children

Yasya tried herself in several music competitions in her city and Rostov-on-Don, and when a casting was announced for the third season of the children's version of the Voice show, the girl and her mother decided to try their luck and applied. At the age of seven, Yaroslav became a member of the vocal project “Voice. Children season 3 ", which started on February 20, 2016 on Channel One.

At the stage of blind auditions, the girl performed first. She sang Victor Tsoi's song "Cuckoo" and conquered the competition jury. Pelageya and Dima Bilan turned to the vocalist. It is his Yaroslav Degtyarev and chose her as a mentor. Entering the stage to the ward, the artist measured his height with Yasya: the “height difference” was twice.

Yaroslav Degtyarev about the qualifying round before recording the show: I prepared several songs for the casting in Ostankino. I didn’t know which one to choose, so I sang my favorite “Cuckoo”, although my mother and I did not prepare it specifically for the casting. I used to hear her performed by Polina Gagarina in the film about the war "Battle for Sevastopol". I liked the song, it's fighting! I love strong songs.

Yasya successfully passed another stage of the music show - "Fights". her mentor Dima Bilan, having chosen a girl to go to the final, admitted that the seven-year-old vocalist surprises him with her mystery, lurking not only in her voice, "which is not yet given to an adult, but to a very serious and reasonable person."

As a result, 13-year-old Danil Pluzhnikov won the final victory, for whom Yaroslav, as she later noted in an interview, was very happy.

In December 2016, the finalist of the third season of the show “Voice. Children ”was invited to take part in another large-scale project of Channel One -“ Best of all! ”. The young performer presented on the stage of the project, which is hosted by Maxim Galkin, the immortal hit of the Queen group - The Show Must Go On.

Yaroslava Degtyareva is a small participant in the 3rd season of the vocal show “Voice. Children ”- captivated the audience and the jury with a non-childish performance of a complex composition. The girl surprised and bribed not with the technique of performance, but with penetration into the image, sincerity. Yasya is not just a singer, she is an artist with a brilliant perspective. For the ability to find a path to the heart, fans call Yaroslav the "queen of goosebumps."

Yasya, as her relatives and friends call her, was born and lives in the Rostov region, in the small mining town of Gukovo. At the age of 5, Yaroslav Degtyareva, along with her parents, got into a car accident. The car flew into a ditch, the windshield shattered, cutting the baby's face with fragments.

Doctors fought for her life all night. After a car accident, Yaroslava was diagnosed with an open craniocerebral injury and multiple fractures. Neurosurgeons and ophthalmologists pulled fragments from the face, orthopedists piece by piece assembled the legs.

Yasi's mother said that after the accident she was raising her daughter without her husband, whom she broke up with.

Alesiya Bumagina, Yasya's mother, was worried that her daughter would develop complexes due to injuries and scars, but Yaroslava at the age of 5 showed herself to be a fighter and a resilient optimist: Yasya coped with problems and encouraged adults. And yet, barely getting to her feet, she sang to the little patients of the clinic, bedridden.

The child had to literally learn to walk again, overcoming hellish pain, first on crutches, then on his own. Yaroslav Degtyareva demonstrated willpower and a steely character to battered doctors and patients of the hospital.


Yaroslav Degtyareva learned to sing before speaking. Musical hearing in a baby from a mother who graduated from a music school. At one year old, the daughter sang along with her mother, getting into the notes. At the age of three, Yasya knew songs from the Bremen Town Musicians.

In order to remove the psychological burden from her daughter after a car accident, Alesia enrolled her in the children's vocal studio "Inspiration", where Yaroslava became a soloist at the age of 6. The timbre of Degtyareva's voice, unusual for such a tender age, instantly distinguished her from other children. Thus began the creative biography of the little artist.

As a singer, Yaroslava Degtyareva tried her hand at several music competitions in her hometown and in Rostov-on-Don. When the casting of the 3rd season of the children's version of the television show "Voice" was announced, the girl and her mother overcame fear and excitement and applied.

Show "Voice"

At the preliminary audition, the organizers of the project approved the choice of the song "Cuckoo" by Yaroslava Degtyarova from the repertoire. The girl heard this composition on the eve of the performance, in the movie, and insisted on its performance. Unlike other participants, who prepared the numbers for two or three months, Yaroslava sang after minimal preparation.

The task of the 7-year-old singer was complicated by the fact that she had to perform first at the stage of blind auditions. The girl got excited and performed the debut of the song in an inappropriate range, but then she pulled herself together and sang from the second verse in such a way that it made a splash.

Pelageya, one of the three judges, even announced publicly that she had goosebumps from the amazing voice of Yaroslav Degtyareva. And when the jury members saw what a little girl was standing on the stage, their surprise knew no bounds. Another member of the panel of judges even went on stage to make sure the young contestant was half his height.

Since two of the three jury members turned to Yaroslav Degtyareva, she herself chose her mentor. With childish spontaneity, the girl said that although Pelageya is very beautiful, she chooses Dima Bilan, since “even as a child” her mother put on star songs, and besides, the girl’s friend looks like Bilan.

Yaroslava Degtyareva became the first singer to make her debut on the stage of the 3rd season of the Voice. Children ", and the first member of the Bilan team.

After the song "Cuckoo" was performed, little Yasha had crowds of fans. Fans hope that the young artist will remain sincere and direct.

At the end of the project, Yaroslava Degtyareva sang the retro hit "The January Blizzard Rings", arousing the admiration of the audience and the jury. The composition is difficult in that it needs to be “pulled out” and not broken. Yasya was one step away from the superfinal, but lost.

Personal life

Despite the adult reasoning and the difficult trials that befell this girl, Yaroslav Degtyareva remains an open and cheerful child. With childlike innocence, she dreams of a refrigerator that would make lemonade and a pony that she would take to a beauty salon for horses.

Yasya dreamed of riding a horse for a long time, and thanks to her participation in the Voice project, she made her wish come true. After a full-fledged training at the equestrian arena, Yaroslav Degtyareva realized that equestrian sport is no less difficult than professional vocals. Now the young artist dreams of becoming a sought-after singer and buying a horse.

The girl does not want to grow up. She believes that it is better to be a child, because children are not forced to do anything. In her free time from lessons and vocal classes, Yaroslav Degtyareva walks with a dog, interviews a cat and dolls, and goes with her mother to the park to ride horses.

Yaroslav Degtyarev now

Fans will learn news about the life of the singer on the pages of Yasi in " Instagram”, where she uploads photos and short comments.

A new masterpiece from Yaroslava Degtyareva in April 2017 was the song "One", written for a young performer by composer Alexei Galinsky (ex-member of the musical groups "Oil" and "Mara") and poetess Tatyana Bogatyreva.

The song performed by Yaroslava was included in the soundtrack of the musical "Alice in Wonderland on Ice". Once again, the finalist of the "Voice" struck adults with sensibility, justifying the title of "queen of goosebumps."

The single “One” was released by the M2BA label, and since the summer of 2017 the song has been available on music services.

In September 2017, Yaroslav Degtyareva became a guest of the Close Up program. The little artist childishly sincerely answered the "adult" questions. The popularity of the star from Gukovo is growing rapidly, and fans are interested in how and how Yasya lives.

The girl has two passions: singing and horses. In her free time, Yaroslav Degtyarev reads adult books, but invitations and tours followed the popularity.

At a concert dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Murom, Yaroslav Degtyareva sang "The Ballad of Three Sons", and at a festive event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Rostov Region she presented the patriotic song "My Russia". The young vocalist was also invited to a festive concert in the Kremlin, where she performed the familiar hit "Cuckoo".

From the media and on the artist's fan group page on the social network, the star's fans learned that Yaroslav Degtyarev was acting in films. In the summer of 2016, information appeared that the girl was invited to the family comedy “How Dad Became an Adult,” directed by Natalya Belyauskene.

This is a TV fairy tale that tells the poignant story of the growing up of the girl Sasha and her dad. The role of Sasha went to Yasa. A candidate was considered for the role of grandmother, but whether the prima donna gave her consent is a mystery.

According to the plot of the film, the heroine, together with her father, goes to the casting of the “main competition of the country”.

Filming began in the spring of 2017.

On Instagram, Yaroslava Degtyareva, fans learned that the aspiring actress would appear on the screens in another film - an adaptation of the story "Reserve". The director of the picture is, starring - and.

On Yasi's page there is a joint photo with Bezrukov with the caption: “So my shooting days in the film ended today. Huge thanks to the film company and Sergey Bezrukov for the incredible opportunity to star in this amazing film.”

Discography (songs)

  • "Cuckoo"
  • "The January blizzard is ringing"
  • "One"
  • "The Ballad of Three Sons"
  • "My Russia"
  • "Still Loving You"
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