What to do if a man constantly stands. Permanent erection - what to do

One of the misconceptions of men regarding their sexual qualities is associated with an erection. It is assumed that "a real man - always worth it." Are there really men with permanent erections? Yes, but...

Persistent erection - the norm or a problem?

Frequent erections, in fact, are characteristic only for the age of adolescence and youthful hypersensitivity. During this period, erections are more likely to cause inconvenience than pleasure, as they occur at the most inopportune time. With age, a man can control his sexual reactions and can forcefully suppress unwanted erections.
An erection should arise as a result of desire. If there is no desire, there is no erection - this is the normal state of affairs. If, in the presence of sexual desire and arousal, an erection is weak or does not occur at all, this can be caused by a wide variety of reasons, both physiological and psychological nature. Such cases should not be confused with impotence, in sexology there is a special term - erectile dysfunction. If erection problems occur often enough, you should consult a doctor (urologist, andrologist or sexologist) to find out the causes of this phenomenon.

Permanent erection as ... a disease

Priapism is a prolonged, usually painful erection that is not associated with sexual arousal. The name of the pathology comes from the name ancient greek god fertility of Priapus, whose penis was always in an erect state.

Causes of priapism

The causes leading to priapism are poorly understood and represent a complex set of factors, but the main ones can be identified.
Non-ischemic priapism usually develops after injuries to the penis, when the isolation between the arteries passing through it and the cavernous bodies is broken.
The causes of ischemic priapism are: inflammatory processes, alcohol or drug abuse (often associated with the use of cocaine), blood diseases (in particular, sickle cell anemia), cancer, side effects of drugs, complications of sexually transmitted diseases, spinal cord injury.

Symptoms of priapism

With priapism, an erection is permanent and often accompanied by painful sensations.
Permanent or spontaneous uncontrolled erections in a sexually mature man are a sign of a disease - priapism. And in this case, they also bring discomfort.

An erection with priapism differs from the usual one in that:

  • not associated with sexual arousal;
  • only the cavernous bodies of the penis are filled with blood, and the head remains soft;
  • the blood pressure in the penis is usually higher, causing it to fold back into the abdomen.

Types of priapism:

  • Ischemic (with poor blood supply)
  • Non-ischemic (with good blood supply)

Pseudopriapism is separated from true priapism. Pseudopriapism is a temporary (usually nocturnal) erection and has nothing to do with true priapism.

Complications of priapism

Priapism leads to stagnation of blood and inflammatory processes. Thrombosis, sexual dysfunction and gangrene may develop.

Treatment of priapism

Pseudoephedrine may help relieve symptoms of priapism in the early stages. A few hours after the onset of priapism, surgical bypass or puncture under local anesthesia is usually required.

Why do guys have “stands” in the morning and what is it connected with?

An erection (colloquially “riser”9raquo;) is a common phenomenon, and its causes are also clear to everyone. True, everything is not so clear when it comes to morning erection immediately after waking up. Some are sure that such a phenomenon is a reaction to erotic dreams seen at night. In fact, morning erections most often have nothing to do with dreams.

The most common explanation

The answer to the question why guys have a penis in the morning is much more prosaic. The main version reads as follows. At night, the bladder fills up, its walls send impulses to the spinal center of urination. The state of excitation soon passes to the center of erection, which is located "next door". As a result, there is tension in the penis. In any case, if an overflow caused an erection Bladder, then it will never be as strong and long-lasting as with sexual arousal.

Night prophylaxis

There is another explanation that tells why the guys in the morning have a "boner"9raquo;. It does not cancel at all, but rather complements the first.

Erection in men and boys occurs not only in the morning, but also at night. At rest, the penis receives very little arterial blood. If he had been in this state all night, then hypoxia (ie, lack of oxygen) would have begun in the tissues of the penis. Spontaneous erections do not allow such a state and preserve sexual health. They appear even in those who do not lead a sexual life, sometimes they occur in infancy and in old age.

There are an average of 4-7 erections per night. Each of them lasts for 15-20 minutes and always occurs during REM sleep. By the way, during a fast sleep period, not only the penis is activated: the body temperature rises, the eyeballs move under the eyelids, and the pulse quickens.

testosterone flare

Some scientists and doctors explain the morning "riser9raquo; a surge of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Its content in the blood varies depending on the time of day. The amount of testosterone increases sharply in the period from 5 to 9 in the morning. Hence the activity of the penis.

Morning erection in boys

Spontaneous erection in children occurs even before adolescence and does not indicate sexual arousal. It is necessary to take this phenomenon calmly. The only exception will be the case if the child has not begun to artificially delay urination in order to prolong sexual arousal, conscious or not completely. Need from the very early years to teach the child to go to the toilet immediately after he woke up. The excitation of the center of urination will pass, and with it the erection will disappear.

Teenagers sometimes get erections from being squeezed by tight pants, while riding a bike, climbing a rope, or even for no reason at all. This is a normal stage in the development of the male body. Spontaneous erection speaks only of good health.

But what if there is no morning erection?

Many are interested not only in the fact why there is an erection in the morning, but also for what reason it sometimes does not happen. If there is no erection on some days, then this condition is usually caused by overwork. The reason lies in fatigue, stress, poor, malnutrition. It is unlikely that an erection will appear after work at night or during illness. The recipe is simple - calm down, sleep, wait.

If there is no erection in the morning for a long time, then this can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of a violation. If it is present during sexual arousal, then, most likely, the morning erection simply goes unnoticed. When in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor, and not "cheat" yourself because of a problem that may be completely far-fetched.

What to do if the penis is not worth it or is badly worth it?

Why is not worth a member? What reasons? These questions are asked by many men. After all, almost every representative of the strong half of humanity at least once in their life faced a similar problem. It threatens even young guys, let alone older gentlemen. A man wants to have sexual intercourse with a partner, but he doesn’t get up at all or his penis is very bad. You can forget about enchanting sex. When such a problem arises, some conclusions can be drawn about the state of men's health.

The mechanism of erection and what leads to its weakness?

Erectile dysfunction occurs in modern men often enough. This violation manifests itself in the form of a lack of erection (the male member does not respond to stimulation at all), weak erection (the penis is flaccid, not tense enough, poorly filled with blood), poor-quality erectile response (an erection occurs, but the penis is not “active” for very long, it relaxes until end of intercourse).

An erection occurs as arterial blood fills the cavernous bodies of the penis. In this case, the venous outflow is blocked by muscle contraction. What is the reason for this process?

With proper intimate stimulation, the appropriate signal enters the brain, a complex mechanism for transmitting nerve impulses is launched. The penis fills with blood, increases in size, hardens - an erectile reaction occurs.

If a man does not get up in response to stimulation of his sexual organ, the problem is associated with one of the violations:

  1. vascular pathology.
  2. Defect in the musculature of the penis.
  3. Anomalies in the conduction of nerve signals.

In all men, the causes of erectile dysfunction (the penis does not stand well) are different. The problem may be the result of a variety of psychological pathologies, physiological (vascular, neurological, endocrine) disorders, the influence of medications or other negative factors. The reasons are also very banal, such as stuffiness in the room, haste, etc.

Endocrine pathologies that reduce potency

Of great importance is the health of the endocrine system. If there are violations of the glands, the man will experience a sexual disorder.

For sexual activity (potency) of a man, the hormone testosterone is responsible, the deficiency of which manifests itself:

  • poor erection;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • unexpressed hairiness or its absence;
  • fat deposits according to the "female" type (on the buttocks, thighs, chest).

Deficiency of this hormone is observed more often after the age of forty years and older. However, young guys also have problems with the production of testosterone, because of which they suffer from sexual weakness, their penis does not fit well.

Also, another hormone, prolactin, which is the opposite of testosterone, affects erectile viability. If its production is excessively increased (due to various anomalies in the body), the erection is disturbed. The male organ does not rise in response to stimulation if there are problems with the pituitary gland. The potency is weakened in a severe form of diabetes mellitus, because the body does not receive the necessary portions of insulin.

Adenoma (benign hyperplasia) of the prostate gland, prostatitis negatively affects male strength. A tumor or inflammation leads to dysfunction of the glandular organ - the prostate. She does not cope with her work, there is a hormonal imbalance.

Problems of a psychological nature

Often, poor erection is not associated with organic lesions of the body.

Psychogenic factors occur in a fifth of all cases of erectile weakness:

  • daily stress, prolonged emotional stress - depression;

  • mental trauma (often from childhood), an unsuccessful first sexual experience;
  • improper sexual education of the boy;
  • self-doubt, complexes;
  • incompatibility with a partner, conflicts;
  • phobias - for example, the fear of contracting a sexually transmitted infection;
  • increased anxiety.

Nervous overload depletes the body. Under stress, a man may justifiably experience a fear of intimacy. If a child has been taught from childhood that sex is a sin, a shameful thing, then it is quite possible that when the boy grows up, he will be ashamed of his sexual desire, clamp down.

Libido in this case is very reduced, as a result of which the erection worsens, the member of a young, physically healthy man does not get up when it comes to bed comforts.

A man, as a rule, retains a night and morning erection, however, during intercourse with a partner, the penis is tense, the erection may be intermittent. It directly depends on fluctuations in the emotional background of a person. Typically, violations of this etiology are periodic.

Allocate specific variety erectile inability - "selective". The problem occurs only with one of the women. If a man enters into intimate contact with other partners, there is no dysfunction.

Other factors that weaken erection

Long-term alcohol abuse, drug use, smoking can be the reasons why the penis does not respond to intimate stimulation.

What other causes cause sexual weakness:

  • Chronic systemic diseases. The accumulation of concomitant ailments, especially in older men, has a negative effect on sexual strength. Atherosclerosis, varicose veins, aneurysm, hypertension, hemorrhoids, heart disease are common causes of sexual weakness. The blood flow to the penis is disturbed due to vascular pathologies, the erection is either unstable or completely absent.
  • Physical inactivity is a sedentary (sedentary) lifestyle. Physical inactivity provokes congestion in the pelvis, creates favorable conditions for the development of inflammation in the genitourinary system.

  • Organic lesions of the central nervous system (tumors, brain cysts), accompanied by impaired conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Obesity. Overweight leads to hormonal imbalance.
  • Injuries of the spine and pelvis. Damage to the lumbar spine has a particularly negative effect on potency;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome, constant lack of sleep.

Sometimes the male member gets up badly due to the effects of medications, such as antiandrogens. The appointment of these drugs is required in a number of pathological conditions of the body. Antihistamines (diphenhydramine), drugs that depress certain brain functions and reduce the conduction of nerve impulses also worsen the strength of an erection.

Ways to solve the problem

What to do if there is an erectile dysfunction? It is best to seek help from a specialist. Treat sexual dysfunction depending on its true reasons sexopathologists, endocrinologists, psychotherapists, neurologists, andrologists, urologists.

In addition to eliminating (if possible) the direct reasons why the male member does not rise (and therefore there is no possibility of conducting high-quality sexual contact), in addition to treating comorbidities, such methods of correcting deviations and eliminating sexual dysfunction are used:

  1. Drug therapy - the use of pharmacological drugs, due to which the sexual power of a man is restored during sexual contact, hormone therapy. Making an appointment for yourself is prohibited. Specialist advice required.
  2. Non-traditional methods - time-tested secrets folk wisdom. Well increase the potency of such medicinal plants: clover and St. John's wort, immortelle and wild rose, calamus and celery, lemongrass. From herbs you can make teas, decoctions, infusions. Apply them according to the scheme, usually the course is long.
  3. Special diet food to improve the erectile ability of the penis. The penis costs a long time at night, if the wife adds seafood to the husband's dinner, different types nuts, parsley, cilantro, ginger, lean meat or fish.
  4. Physiotherapy. It is recommended to regularly do exercises that train muscles pelvic floor. To get rid of congestion, you need to do simple gymnastics daily. You can do exercises in a standing position, sitting, lying down. It is necessary to alternately compress and relax the muscles of the perineum, gradually increasing the number of approaches. You can do such exercises even while driving a car, while watching TV, etc.
  5. Psychotherapy.

The patient is recommended to establish a daily regimen (normalize the ratio of sleep / wakefulness, rest / work), do morning exercises, get rid of bad habits. It is possible to achieve a positive result in the case of an integrated approach to treatment.

Medical therapy

Most often, the effect of drugs to increase potency is based on an increase in blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis.

These are Cialis, Viagra, Levitra, as well as their generics. They have big list contraindications, which should never be ignored, and a number of side effects. Not all other drugs can be combined with such drugs. For example, it is strictly forbidden to combine with nitrates. It is possible to use such drugs to improve erectile ability only as directed by a doctor. Against the background of the use of such drugs, a persistent, prolonged erection is observed, emotional sensations from sex. If psychogenic factors are the reason that the penis does not get up on time, then drug products such as Viagra will not have a full effect.

Modern pharmacies also offer an alternative to the above-mentioned medicines - a variety of nutritional supplements that improve potency, plant-based. They usually contain ginseng, aralia, eleutherococcus, dwarf palm and others. High-quality dietary supplements not only improve potency, but also improve the health of the male body as a whole. Their use in each individual case must also be approved by the doctor.

In eliminating a delicate male problem, an important role is played by a sexual partner. If a woman morally supports her husband, his sexual dysfunction can be dealt with much faster. Timely treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system, regular sex life, a healthy active lifestyle help prevent the deterioration of potency.

Why is there no morning erection?


Husband. 25 years.
Ukraine, Kyiv

Guest (not registered)

My boyfriend has a problem. He constantly "stands" a member. We can have sex more than once, but as soon as he thinks again, even just takes his hand - again "it's worth it." This has several serious consequences. First, if it is not discharged, it experiences pain (after a rush of blood). Secondly, social discomfort - how can a person live among people, if it is always “worth it” (this can happen spontaneously in class (I am not there), at a party or a cafe we ​​just keep our distance ...).
What could be the reason for such a “hyper erection” and how to “normalize” the situation?
Thanks for the answer!

Add. inf. This is a 25 year old man. To achieve orgasm, as a rule, he needs a long time. The problem started around the age of 18-19. Now she seriously puzzles him. On the one hand, he is embarrassed to go to the doctor, and on the other hand, he is afraid that he will be prescribed treatment, after which he will have the opposite problem.

Member is bad: what is the reason and what to do

With the problem of sluggish erection, perhaps, faced every man. Usually its causes lie in psychological overstrain. Many men feel bad at the age of 18-30 due to worries or constant stress.

In some cases, a sluggish erection occurs due to various diseases. This can be caused by diseases that affect the prostate gland, blood vessels, or the penis itself.

In order to establish an erection, you can use special sexual stimulants. Pharmaceutical drugs can act as stimulants, traditional medicine or dietary supplements.

Causes of sluggish erection

Why is the member bad? This may arise due to a large number factors. Often a sluggish erection occurs due to insufficient arousal.

Other causes of sluggish erections include:

  1. Damage to blood vessels. For example, with endarteritis or atherosclerosis, an erection occurs quickly, but after 2-3 minutes it becomes sluggish.
  2. progression of diabetes.
  3. Increased physical activity.
  4. Violations in the work of the prostate gland. If the penis does not stand regularly, then there is a possibility that prostatitis develops. Also, a sluggish erection may indicate the development of prostate adenoma.
  5. Psychological factors. Often the penis is poorly placed if a man is nervous before intercourse.
  6. Bruises and fractures of the penis.
  7. Dysfunction of the endocrine system. A hormonal imbalance can lead to a sluggish erection. This usually occurs after long-term use of anabolic steroids.
  8. Smoking.
  9. Drinking a lot of coffee, sweets, fatty foods.
  10. Abuse alcoholic drinks. At constant use alcoholic beverages, blood vessels pump blood worse to the penis.
  11. Long-term use of certain medications. A sluggish erection can result from long-term use of antiandrogens, antihistamines, and sedatives.

Many men complain that when I put on a condom, the erection disappears. This usually occurs if a condom has been fitted with the wrong size or thickness.

How to eliminate a sluggish erection with medication

What to do if the penis is bad? In this case, you need to see a doctor. Initially, doctors must find out why the penis is bad. If it was found that impotence appeared due to pathologies, then special therapy is prescribed.

When the dick is bad because of physical activity or stress, then sexual stimulants can be used. Drugs such as Sildenafil (700-1000 rubles) and Yohimbine Hydrochloride (150-280 rubles) are best suited. These medicines can be purchased at any pharmacy, but only with a prescription.

Sildenafil is a drug that is the best sexual stimulant. The active ingredient of the drug enhances blood flow to the penis. It is advisable to use the medicine if a man has a bad penis due to mental stress, penis injuries, high physical exertion, and age-related changes.

It is also advisable to use Sildenafil in cases where impotence has developed due to long-term use of antiandrogens or prostate adenoma. How to drink the remedy? The instructions say that the best daily dose- 50 mg (1 tablet). If necessary, the dose can be increased to 100 mg. The duration of therapeutic therapy is 20-30 days.

The drug has a number of contraindications for use:

  • Violations in the work of the heart.
  • myeloma.
  • Peyronie's disease.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Violations in the circulatory system.
  • Allergy to ingredients.
  • Childhood.

Treatment with Sildenafil involves the rejection of alcoholic beverages, since the active component of the drug interacts poorly with ethyl alcohol.

When using the drug, complications from the cardiac, nervous, digestive and immune systems can develop.

Yohimbine Hydrochloride - Inexpensive but very effective remedy from a flaccid erection.

This drug is advisable to use in the treatment of impotence, which arose as a result of:

  1. Physical loads.
  2. Stress.
  3. Decreased testosterone levels.

When using the drug, the sexual organ receives more blood, as a result of which a sluggish erection is eliminated.

Also, when using Yohimbine Hydrochloride, libido increases and testosterone levels rise.

How to drink the drug? The optimal daily dose is 3-6 tablets. They need to be consumed in 3 doses.

It is worth noting that the dosage should be raised gradually. If the penis is normal, then after 3-4 weeks the course of treatment should be interrupted.

When using the medicine, you may experience such side effects:

  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Headache, sleep disturbances, tremor of the limbs, increased nervous excitability, sweating.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Loss of appetite, diarrhea or vomiting.

If the above side effects appear, then treatment is recommended to be interrupted.

If necessary, symptomatic therapy is performed with the use of sedatives and antihistamines.

Supplements for sluggish erection

In some cases, synthetic drugs do not help. Why men have such a reaction to drugs cannot be explained even by doctors.

With the ineffectiveness of treatment with the use of synthetic drugs, it is better to use dietary supplements.

Peruvian Maca is considered the most effective dietary supplement. This tool can be purchased online for 1200-1300 rubles. The active component of the supplement is the plant of the same name.

This drug helps:

  1. Normalization of erection.
  2. Increasing the level of testosterone in the blood.
  3. Strengthening sexual desire.
  4. Increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

How to take medicine? The instructions say that the optimal daily dose is 5-20 grams. In this case, the powder should be added to food or distilled water. The recommended duration of taking Peruvian Maca is 2 weeks.

BAA is contraindicated for use in children under 18 years of age and people with allergies to its components. The drug has no side effects. But with an overdose, a person may experience allergic reactions, increase blood pressure, or disrupt the functioning of the digestive tract.

If the penis is bad, then mono use the drug Lovelas. This medicine is worthwhile and very effective. The drug is sold only on the Internet. Its cost is 1400-1500 rubles.

The composition of the drug includes plant extracts. Lovelace helps:

  • increase libido
  • improve potency
  • Increase blood testosterone levels.

The instructions for use of the drug say that you need to take 3 capsules daily. The duration of drug therapy is 30 days. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated after a month.

Lovelace should not be taken only if you are allergic to its components. When using dietary supplements, side effects usually do not occur. But with an overdose, there is a risk of developing allergic reactions.

Treatment with folk remedies

If the traditional approach to treatment was ineffective, then you can use folk remedies. With the help of decoctions, you can eliminate a sluggish erection and increase libido.

It is best to use decoctions, which include linden honey. From this ingredient, you can make a medicinal tincture, which should be taken before sexual intercourse. It is easy to prepare the remedy at home:

  1. Initially, you need to mix 500 ml of linden honey, 500 grams of semi-sweet wine and 400 grams of aloe leaves.
  2. The resulting solution should be sent to the refrigerator for 5 days.
  3. After 5 days, strain the tincture.

The resulting decoction should be taken 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse. The optimal daily dose is 10 ml. If desired, the tincture can be drunk even for preventive purposes. It is recommended to use the remedy for 30-40 days.

You can also treat sluggish erections with ginseng tincture. For its preparation you will need:

  • 50 grams of ginseng root.
  • 500 ml of water.
  • 30 grams of sugar.

Mix these ingredients thoroughly, and then send the tincture to a dark place for a week. After 7 days, the product should be filtered. It is recommended to take 2-3 tsp daily. tincture 2-3 hours before sexual intercourse. The duration of treatment therapy is 30-40 days.

Why do guys have standing in the morning? Why do men get up in the morning?

An erection that occurs at night and in the morning is explained by the special condition of the male genital organ. Due to spontaneous blood flow, the phallus increases significantly in size.

full bladder

The question that worries many young people about why guys have a penis in the morning was previously explained by the cause of overcrowding of the bladder, which sends a signal about this to the spinal center. When the stimulation of the active point reaches its maximum degree, it moves to neighboring areas where the center of erection is located. As a result, the penis becomes excited. Numerous medical studies in the field of the genitourinary sphere have confirmed the fallacy of this statement.

Among young people, there is another answer to the question of why guys have a sexual organ in the morning. The reason for this may be dreams that carry erotic character. In practice, it turns out that not all people have dreams, and if they do, then their theme may be connected with completely different events. Nevertheless, the morning erection in men is still present.

This is normal

Often the question of why guys have a penis in the morning worries parents of teenagers and younger boys. Morning erections are presented to adults as a kind of deviation from the norm and are explained early development modern children. In fact, even in prenatal infants, physicians have observed genital arousal.

Concerns about why men have a erect penis in the morning are usually expressed by adults, poorly educated people. Today, information is widely known that an erection is directly related to the night phases of sleep, of which there are two in a person.

The fast sleep period lasts about twenty minutes, the slow one reaches an hour. During the night, the phases, alternating, periodically replace each other. Dreams visit a person precisely in short period fast sleep. At this time, the pulse quickens, movement occurs eyeballs and a slight increase in body temperature. In this state, the excitation of the penis occurs.


If a man wakes up during REM sleep, then his penis may be in an erect state. Such a simple explanation can be given to the question of ignorant people about why guys have a phallus in the morning.

The topic of morning and night erections was carefully studied back in the forties of the last century. Fifteen young people were long time in laboratory conditions, where equipment was installed that takes readings of brain activity and marks the onset and duration of REM sleep. Also, the behavior of sleeping people was recorded hidden cam observations.

Examination of patients confirmed the natural onset of each of several nocturnal erections, with a total duration of about two hours. As a result of observations, it was concluded that in young, physically healthy men, the excitation of the penis occurs at night every hour and a half. The duration of standing can last from twenty to forty minutes.

With age, the frequency of occurrence of nocturnal erection significantly decreases and its duration is reduced. In older people over seventy years of age, the ability to excite is still preserved, but the strength and duration are minimal.

Good health

It has also been established why men get penis regularly at night. Such arousal is found in people who have sound healthy sleep and many positive dreams. Physical and nervous fatigue, chronic lack of sleep have the opposite effect on erection.

lack of oxygen

Understanding in detail the question of why guys have standing in the morning, you should turn to the physiological aspect of the problem. When the male genital organ is in a calm, unexcited state, the rate of blood flow in it noticeably decreases. During the day, during the period of wakefulness, this condition is compensated vigorous activity person, often associated with physical labor. In this case, blood circulation occurs in the body evenly, reaching all organs of the body.

At night, a long stay of the phallus at rest can lead to a lack of oxygen in the tissues. In response to impending hypoxia, the sex cells begin to become excited and, thus, the entire penis is brought into a state of erection.

If there were no night standing, men could quickly lose their sexual health. In other words, involuntary erection supports physiological state genital organs at the appropriate level. This property of the body is especially important for those men who do not live a regular sexual life for a long time.

Nocturnal erections occur during sleep and usually go unnoticed. But why do men have a penis in the morning? This question can be answered in the following way. Morning erection is nothing more than the last nocturnal excitation that occurred during the fast phase of sleep, at the moment of which the person woke up.

Lack of erection in the morning is not a sentence!

If in the morning a man sometimes does not find himself aroused, this fact should not be regarded as a health problem. When the weakening of the morning erection becomes regular, or it stops altogether for a long time, this can cause anxiety state men and reflections on the subject of probable impotence. Such a mood only exacerbates the negative state. If such a thing occurs, then the best option will immediately contact the doctor.

Taking into account the dependence of the full-fledged work of the sexual sphere on the psychological conditions of life, it is safe to say that the calmer and more stable a man's life is, the less sexual problems will appear.

What does sexual activity depend on?

Every person should know that sexual activity is directly related to the activity of the heart and blood vessels. The weakening of erection can be affected by diseases such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus. The consequence of these diseases is damage to the erectile tissue.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, drugs not only negatively affects sexual health, but can quickly lead to its complete loss.

A sedentary lifestyle also does not add health, and stress and depression contribute to the inhibition of sexual function.

The quality of night and morning erections can be significantly affected by some medications used for a long time. These include diuretics, psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants. Means that reduce blood pressure and dilate blood vessels can also weaken a man's potency, not to mention night and morning excitement.

The presence of a sufficient amount of the testosterone hormone in the body directly affects the stable operation of the reproductive apparatus.


Taking into account all of the above, it is safe to say that a morning erection is a confirmation of good male health. Now it is clear what to do if there is a member in the morning. Of course, rejoice!

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Frequent erection is typical most often at a young age with hypersexuality. During this period, such a phenomenon brings a lot of discomfort rather than pleasure, as it manifests itself in the most inappropriate situations. The older a man gets, the faster he controls unwanted impulses.

An erection always occurs only if desired. If, if desired, it is not there, then the reason may be as psychological state as well as physiological problems.

If it happens too often or, conversely, is absent, then you should visit a doctor.

There are many reasons leading to frequent erections, but they are not fully understood.

Usually this problem is influenced by a combination of factors:

  • blood clots in the veins and vessels of the small pelvis;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • intoxication various types poisons;
  • various blood diseases, for example, anemia;
  • impregnation of the tissues of the penis with any harmful substances;
  • genital trauma;
  • exposure to alcohol, nicotine and psychotropic substances;
  • injections into the cavernous body;
  • abrupt cessation of sexual intercourse or sexual activity in general.

Permanent erection can be observed in massive formats during natural disasters. For example, if a disaster occurs at night, when many young people are having sex, and the sexual act is interrupted suddenly.

There is also a list of drugs that can:

  • drugs like Viagra or Levitra;
  • injections directly into the reproductive organ;
  • strong drugs that suppress depression;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • anti-anxiety drugs such as Valium;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • a lot of drugs, for example, cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy.

Description and symptoms

An erection occurs only when certain substances are released into the blood. She brings them to the vessels of the small pelvis and causes tension in the penis.

The reproductive organ includes the cavernous bodies and is penetrated by a dense network of blood vessels. In the normal state, the blood moves through the vessels very slowly, but when excited, it rushes to the genital organ. great amount blood, which raises it and increases in size. After orgasm, there is an outflow of blood, which reduces the size of the penis and returns it to its original state. Erections are controlled by acetylcholine. It is produced by the body itself and is destroyed by any factors of influence.

Uncontrolled erections in men of a permanent nature are a disease called priapism.

With the disease, frequent erections pass with discomfort and pain.

Erection in the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • does not apply to normal arousal;
  • blood fills only the cavernous bodies, and the head does not increase in size;
  • pressure increases more than usual, so the penis rises higher and even bends.

There is also a false form of priapism: this is a temporary erection, usually observed at night. This is a periodic phenomenon and has nothing to do with the true form.

What should be expected?

An excessive amount of sexual intercourse can deplete the body, so it is quite possible that the work of the penis will be disturbed. It is also harmful to remain without sex. A man must determine for himself the optimal number of sexual acts: it is individual for each person.

On average, about 3 acts per week or at least once every one and a half months are required. This is directly related to fertility: the maximum activation of hormones occurs between the ages of 20 and 30, so you need to monitor your sex life.

Most men, afraid of exceeding the limit of sexual activity, try to plan their sexual relationships and have sex almost on schedule. You can't do that. This is especially true for young couples who must have frequent sex. Lack of sexual intercourse young man can cause nervousness. Studies have shown that a young man can have sex once a week and this will already be the norm. The most important condition for sexual intercourse is that they should not lead to fatigue, but, on the contrary, invigorate.

Some men think that quality sex must be done in several passes. Doctors have a different opinion on this matter: the most important thing in sex is that it ends in ejaculation. This is an indicator that the man is not exhausted. If there is no ejaculation, then you should take a break from sex.

If a woman begins to hint to a man about sexual problems on his part, this can only aggravate the situation and suppress his masculine power. Every man needs and opportunities for sex are individual and can vary greatly.

There is a certain time period in which it is best to have sex: from about 6 to 9 pm. In addition to time, it is also worth considering factors such as psychological factors, opportunities and the situation itself. In any case, you need to calculate intimacy so that it falls between 6 and 9 pm. This time applies to both men and women. In addition, people who like to get up early can have sex from 6 to 9 in the morning. At this time, men are especially excited.

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