Conservative Cancer man and eccentric Aquarius woman - compatibility in marriage and love relationships. Love compatibility signs

Cancer and Aquarius are not conflicting signs of the zodiac, but they don’t have much understanding either. The difference between the elements will make itself felt - the heaviness of water and the lightness of air impede the harmony of relationships. Despite the fact that Cancer and Aquarius will never become one, with mutual interest, these people can find a common language.

CANCER man and AQUARIUS woman

Cancer man and Aquarius woman are pleasant to each other, but if they are connected by common causes, they are unlikely to achieve great success. In Cancer, there is not enough determination, and in Aquarius, responsibility. Most likely, they will not conflict, because Cancer does not like women who oppress and strain him, and Aquarius has a compliant and easy character. The degree of closeness of these people directly depends on their desire to be together, so when it comes to personal relationships, mutual sympathy will outweigh the weaknesses of this union.

♋ + ♒: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The cancer guy perceives the Aquarius girl as a sweet and frivolous creature, so he will take responsibility for the development of relationships. He does not take his companion seriously, therefore, initially he does not build illusions about her and does not try to remake her.

After a while, pleasant meetings will captivate the guy, and he himself will not notice how he will become attached to his beloved. Even if he did not plan a long-term relationship, most likely he will choose this particular girl. From now on, the behavior of cancer will change, and the Aquarius girl will be genuinely surprised. If earlier the young man did not control her at all, now he will try to accompany her everywhere, be jealous from scratch and look for a potential threat to relations in a wide circle of her friends.

The girl will not be delighted with such a turn of events - Aquarians love freedom, therefore they perceive the invasion of their personal space painfully. Unfortunately, the cancer guy can express the strength of his feelings only in this way. He is the owner, a little selfish, so he wants to take the main place in the life of his beloved. The girl will decide the further fate of the relationship, and if she values ​​\u200b\u200bthis connection, she will try not to provoke her beloved to jealousy, but if she is not ready for such a sacrifice, a break is inevitable.

♋ + ♒: Married

UNWANTED UNION- Spouses Cancer and Aquarius quarrel a lot, because they are used to living in completely different ways. For a Cancer man, the house comes first, but his wife is not the best housewife, which will greatly upset him. He will have to take on a significant part of the household chores, but in his opinion it is the woman who should create comfort, so there will be claims from him.

The Aquarius wife after the wedding does not radically change her lifestyle and spends a lot of time at home. Her husband loves a quiet holiday in a family environment, but will often be left alone. For his wife, numerous girlfriends are of great importance, who, according to her husband, always appear out of place. If the spouses are determined to spend a day off together, and one of the wife's friends calls with another heartbreaking love story, the wife can change her plans at the moment and hurry with consolations. After this, the spouse can boycott her for several days, or even put her before a choice between his own person and active communication with the whole world.

There will also be quarrels about spending money. Cancer is not used to overspend, and his wife Aquarius does not consider it necessary to save and consult on expensive, but not practical acquisitions. In the heat of a quarrel, the husband will be accused of greed, and the wife of squandering. If spouses do not get tired of constant skirmishes for any reason, over time they can develop immunity to each other's claims. The marriage will be stronger in which the cancer man is much older than his wife.

♋ + ♒: In friendship

UNWANTED UNION- A trusting relationship between an Aquarius girl and a Cancer guy is excluded due to a different worldview, so in this case there can be no question. If for some reason these people do communicate, they will have conversations on neutral topics and there will be a sense of distance between them. A cancer guy will never open his soul to a talkative and sociable Aquarius, because he will be afraid that the whole environment of the girl will know about his story very soon. For Aquarius, Cancer is too closed, and therefore does not encourage rapprochement.

AQUARIUS man and CANCER woman

For a Cancer woman, an Aquarius man is too unpredictable, so it is very difficult for her to trust him. It is better not to start joint affairs for this couple, so as not to quarrel to the nines. Neutral communication on abstract topics can be very pleasant, because a Cancer woman listens attentively, and Aquarius charges her with positive. The rapprochement of these people will not be easy and fast, but they do not irritate each other, so there are chances.

♒ + ♋: In a love relationship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- For an Aquarius guy, getting to know a girl is a trifling matter, but the representative of the Cancer sign sees nothing but flirting in communication with him. Even if the young man has the most serious intentions, he will need time to convince the chosen one of this.

Aquarius has a real talent for talking to anyone, even uncommunicative Cancer. It is unlikely that the relationship will immediately become trusting, but the girl will at least be interested in a cheerful and pleasant guy. On her part, jealousy of his many friends, with whom the young man spends most of his time, is possible. Conflicts on this basis are unlikely to occur, because Aquarius tries to take the girl with him everywhere, and she will have a great opportunity to make sure that the guy’s sociability does not pose a threat to their love relationship. Soon she will get tired of accompanying her beloved, because his social circle is not interesting to her, after which they will grow together a little.

If lovers really value their happiness, each of them will be interested in understanding the other, and soon they will begin to adopt the best qualities from each other. The Aquarius guy will become more serious and responsible, and the Cancer girl will learn to treat people with more trust.

♒ + ♋: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- Despite the huge difference in the worldview and life values ​​of these people, they can complement each other and create a strong family. The Aquarius man rarely has any serious occupation and achieves success in his career. On the other hand, this is not so important, because he knows how to navigate difficult situations and his family does not starve. A cancer woman believes that only a serious attitude to work can provide a decent standard of living, but her husband is not as responsible as she would like. For Aquarius, it is in the order of things not to complete the order on time or to let down the entire work team with an invented disease. Oddly enough, the authorities appreciate him, because at the last moment he knows how to mobilize his forces and bring to mind the amount of work that he has been putting off until later from the first days of the month. Over time, a cancer woman will stop worrying about her husband's threatening dismissal, and will understand that you can rely on him.

After the wedding, the Aquarius spouse still continues to spend a lot of time with friends. The wife is not enthusiastic about this, but she is characterized by maternal care for her husband, therefore, when she escorts him to a bar or fishing, she will first of all make sure that he is warmly dressed and has lunch before going out.

Sexual compatibility is very good. Both love romance, bewitching intimate atmosphere, experiments in bed. Even after many years of living together, Cancer and Aquarius remain interesting to each other, and this is very reflected in other areas of life. The mutual love of the spouses will not cool down if they do not demand the impossible from each other and look for reasons to quarrel from scratch.

♒ + ♋: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The Aquarius guy and the Cancer girl do not feel friendly feelings for each other - they are too different. Leisure each of them spends in their own way, common friends, most likely, no. If cancer and Aquarius are relatives, then the guy will always cheer up the girl with funny jokes, and she will surround him with care. If there is no relationship, but young people spend a lot of time together, most likely this is not, but the beginning of a love relationship.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Spouses Cancer and Aquarius quarrel a lot, because they are used to living in completely different ways. For a Cancer man, the house comes first, but his wife is not the best housewife, which will greatly upset him. He will have to take on a significant part of the household chores, but in his opinion it is the woman who should create comfort, so there will be claims from him.

Cancer man and Aquarius woman

The Aquarius wife after the wedding does not radically change her lifestyle and spends a lot of time at home. Her husband loves a quiet holiday in a family environment, but will often be left alone. For his wife, numerous girlfriends are of great importance, who, according to her husband, always appear out of place. If the spouses are determined to spend a day off together, and one of the wife's friends calls with another heartbreaking love story, the wife can change her plans at the moment and hurry with consolations. After this, the spouse can boycott her for several days, or even put her before a choice between his own person and active communication with the whole world.

There will also be quarrels about spending money. Cancer is not used to overspend, and his wife Aquarius does not consider it necessary to save and consult on expensive, but not practical acquisitions. In the heat of a quarrel, the husband will be accused of greed, and the wife of squandering. If spouses do not get tired of constant skirmishes for any reason, over time they can develop immunity to each other's claims. The marriage will be stronger in which the cancer man is much older than his wife.

Aquarius considers unacceptable the infantile behavior of capricious Cancer, who is not ready to be as courageous and brutal as his chosen one wants. Periods when Cancer succumbs to nostalgic memories for Aquarius are a difficult test. She makes every effort to return her partner to the sinful earth. Cancer will not find understanding of his vulnerable soul in the face of his beloved, and by itself will not receive a proper emotional response to his sensuality. Aquarius is still not too tactful and sensitive towards others.

Difficulties lie in wait for this couple in everyday life. The Aquarius woman, who loves cleanliness and order, seems ready to put her man out the door along with the garbage that he calls a creative mess. And her love to change the appearance of Cancer at its discretion leads him to despair. He increasingly thinks about running away. The relationship of the Cancer man and the Aquarius woman is a torment for both, a constant search for compromises. Such an alliance will soon fall apart.

Aquarius woman compatibility - Cancer man can be briefly described in just a few words: side by side, but not together. As a rule, the union is not very strong. Cancer is solid and reasonable, he is used to living by unspoken rules and not deviating from them.

Therefore, it will be difficult for him to understand the unpredictable, loving freedom and windiness of the chosen one under the sign of Aquarius. The best relationship for a couple develops at the very beginning of their acquaintance, when the feeling of novelty is only exacerbated by the complete opposite of the characters. But later the misunderstanding will grow, and something will have to be done about it.

Aquarius and Cancer Compatibility

Reviews on the horoscope of people under these signs of the Zodiac agree in some way: Cancer for Aquarius brings practical benefits, and Aquarius for Cancer remains a “beautiful stranger”, mysterious and enigmatic for a long time. By the way, most of the other signs think so about him.

These people can be business partners, husband and wife, close friends, but one feature is inherent in all these unions. Aquarius loves to hurt the personality of his opponent, to make fun of him - not even out of "harm", but simply to see the reaction of Cancer. These signs, despite their pragmatism, are distinguished by rare emotionality. The face of Cancer is like an open book. On it you can read laughter or sadness, irritation or tenderness, fear or a desperate desire to hide something. And get real pleasure from such reading.

But there is a special quality, in which there is little good: this is the increased anxiety of the partner. The compatibility of the Aquarius woman - the Cancer man is also not ideal because the first ones have nothing to hide, and they often simply do not understand the suspicion and anxiety of their partners. In addition, the Aquarius girl often takes offense at Cancer for his habit of pouting. After all, whatever one may say, this is mainly a female prerogative.

Compatibility "Aquarius girl - Cancer guy" in family life

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, Rakov is attracted by stability, an established family life, to some extent even monotony. For Aquarius, this is not only incomprehensible - he is simply physically unable to give his partner what he wants. The girl of the water element is burdened by a monotonous pastime and does not like to sit at home.

Therefore, the compatibility of the Aquarius woman - the Cancer man in their views on the family and life is not the most ideal. As a percentage, it is about 50%. But both signs, with mutual desire, will be able to maintain their relationship and make the union strong. To do this, everyone must come to a compromise.

The secret of harmony in family life for Cancer: just mind your own business. Do not torment your partner with endless nit-picking, do not ask unnecessary questions. And if the distracted Aquarius forgets something, gently remind him of this without imposing your opinion. The recipe for Aquarius girls who want to get along well with their chosen ones is even simpler: surround Cancer with love, create an atmosphere of home comfort around him, be ready for heartfelt communication from time to time and learn to sympathize. After all, sometimes the compatibility of an Aquarius woman - a Cancer man, at first glance, by no means ideal, becomes a long and happy union.

The compatibility of the Cancer man and the Aquarius woman tells us that these two zodiac signs rarely find a common language and build a happy and harmonious relationship. Partners in these relationships have too different temperaments and characters, and it is extremely difficult for them to find mutual understanding among themselves. It is very important for the Cancer man to follow certain rules, to preserve traditions and family values, while the Aquarius woman is very eager for the future - she lives for it, and wants tomorrow to be better than today.

And if the Cancer man is a set of attitudes, restrictions and rules, then the Aquarius woman is an unbridled element, freedom-loving and unpredictable with her behavior. Yes, at the beginning of their romantic relationship, Cancer will be drawn to the mysterious and amazing woman Aquarius, and she will see in him a representative of the male tribe, which can give her some stability. But over time, most likely this initial interest will fade, and the couple will begin to move away from each other emotionally, and the matter may well end in divorce. Over the years, misunderstanding and rejection of these two can reach an extreme point if they do not consciously oppose it.

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A Cancer man is a person who values ​​his loved ones and family very much, and he initially strives for a strong and long-term relationship with a girl. He is not looking for entertainment for one evening. But the Aquarius woman is more windy, and most likely she will not be able to satisfy his desires. She is too disgusted to spend all her evenings only at home, she languishes in boredom and monotony - which she considers a quiet and routine home and family life. , and Aquarius is a social animal, striving for communication outside the walls of the house.

The views on the life of the Cancer-Aquarius couple are very different - and there are not so many points of intersection of interests. It is possible to maintain such a union only if the feeling of love between them is very strong, and both are trying in every possible way to smooth out sharp corners, and overcome misunderstanding and different points of view.

Positive compatibility - Cancer man and Aquarius woman

The ideal compatibility of this couple is Cancer men and Aquarius women, this is the marriage or union in which there is a lot of love and tenderness, and the desire to adapt to another person. Since they are psychologically very different, both must be great and wise diplomats, and build their relationship very carefully and economically.

It's great if this couple is united by some common idea or dream that they aspire to. In this case, they seem to begin to look in one direction, and those disagreements that usually arise in Cancer and Aquarius are smoothed out on their own, as the couple begins to concentrate on something else, more important to them. If they are connected by a common mission, such a love union may well survive even after many years, despite not the best psychological and moral compatibility.

Another possibility of building harmony and peace in this couple is when the Cancer man and the Aquarius woman live at a distance. It can be both different rooms and different houses. In this case, many everyday problems that exist between them will disappear by themselves, and the positive qualities of their union will be preserved. Cancer will be drawn to an unpredictable and interesting woman, she will find warmth and comfort in him, and a certain stability that will balance the restless temper of the Aquarius woman. She will intuitively feel in him a certain wisdom and restraint, which she really lacks, and sometimes ask him for wise advice on the path of life.

Negative Compatibility Cancer Man and Aquarius Woman

Cancer and Aquarius will experience serious problems in their relationship - and it's easy to tell why they will appear. that Aquarius will already give up his tricks, calm down, and will take care of the house, children, and family. But for all the time he will be torn into society, trying to achieve something and will strive for constant communication outside the home. After all, her strong point is sociability, friendly character, openness, and the ability to find a common language with different people. All this can be fully revealed only in society.

The Cancer man will be greatly burdened by the huge number of new friends of the Aquarius woman - for him all this is too much fuss. He is much more cautious, and tends to limit his social circle to only the closest people. He is much more comfortable in such an atmosphere. Plus, Cancer is quite jealous, and of course, when his wife constantly communicates with strangers, including men, all this will cause him great anxiety and a sense of dissatisfaction. But he won't know how to change it.

The Aquarius woman, on the other hand, will be annoyed by the fact that Cancer is trying to put her “on the hook” of household duties, and constantly teaches and tells how she should behave and how to live.

She, not feeling the support of her chosen one, will experience cold emotions, and move away from her man. Cancer can begin to manipulate, blackmail and apply various pressures in order to persuade a woman to her side, but all this will not help, but will only cause Aquarius to smile, and sometimes compassion. If this goes too far, then the Aquarius woman may well decide that she is tired of such a relationship and leave the family for freedom. Especially if she is interested in someone outside her close circle of friends - from the men she met.

How to find the key to the heart of a Cancer man? Use secret words that will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what to say to a man in order to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

Horoscope Cancer-Aquarius - well-being of the union

The compatibility horoscope of Cancer and Aquarius - says that in order to achieve complete harmony and happiness in this love union, the Aquarius woman will have to accept one certain thing: Cancer likes to stay in his experiences, his inner world, and he does not strive to go anywhere. something else. This brings with it both negative consequences (Cancer does not like society, and seeks to remain either alone or with the closest ones), and positive ones - he knows how to see the essence of things well, since he devotes a lot of time to reflection and philosophy.

If the Aquarius woman listens more to Cancer, appreciates his opinion, and expresses gratitude to him for his thoughts, he will open up more and more and trust his chosen one. At the same time, you need to do this not out of hypocrisy - Cancer can really tell a lot of interesting and unusual things, often hitting the nail on the head. The Aquarius woman just sometimes lacks such insight, and she can look at the surrounding events too superficially.

It is also important that the Aquarius woman does not seek to flaunt her independence and freedom in front of Cancer - this will not cause an attack of joy in him, but will only annoy. But on the other hand, if you express original thoughts and show originality of thinking, then this can surprise him and attract him very much. He likes intellectual conversations, and the Aquarius woman copes very well with the role of a wise and attentive conversationalist.

If Aquarius begins to feel any. He probably doesn't do it out of malice. He is just trying to find ground under his feet, because he began to worry and doubt - do you love him? Is it important to you? All these thoughts cause anxiety in him, and an instinctive desire to attract and bind a partner to himself. But here's how to do it with the freedom-loving and wayward Aquarius - he just doesn't know, and starts playing incomprehensible manipulations and games that can simply destroy relationships.

How an Aquarius woman will interest a Cancer man and attract him

The Cancer guy at the very first dates will very quickly pay attention to the Aquarius girl - she will show her sociability, openness and kindness, and he will undoubtedly like it. Plus, Aquarius can listen very carefully, and show that the interlocutor is extremely interesting to her - and this will also melt the ice on the soul of Cancer - and impress him very much. And since Cancer is always aimed at long-term relationships, and is looking for a woman for life, he will begin to scroll through his head with thoughts on how to win such a girl and make him his.

In any case - he will represent Aquarius as his wife in the first place. But as soon as this couple converges, and the Aquarius woman becomes closer to him, he seems to begin to entangle her with bonds and restrictions - all in order to tie her to him as close as possible. Aquarius will perceive this as pressure, and a desire to limit her freedom. And it is very difficult for her to endure.

Such pressure can only repel and cool the ardor of the Aquarius woman. She is ready to take the side of her chosen one, but only if this does not happen by force. For her, respect is very important, and the ability to compromise. And from Cancer this can not always be expected.

As a result, it may well turn out that the first, most romantic stage of the relationship between Cancer and Aquarius will seem to them the best in their personal and family life.

Marriage can bring much less emotion and satisfaction for both. On the other hand, it can happen in a different way, and this couple will be happy - since both love to develop spiritually, and if their energy in this area matches and they strive for common spiritual values, then it is quite possible that they will completely satisfy each other. friend, and be in harmony. Life for them will be in the background, and will not be able to destroy such a family.

Friendly Compatibility Cancer Man and Aquarius Woman

A Cancer man and an Aquarius woman can be friends, but it’s hard to call it a full-fledged friendship. Rather, it is a kind of business union that unites when there is something to do it for. There is a common goal for which they are ready to communicate - they communicate, and the couple exists. As soon as the goal disappears, then both Cancer and Aquarius begin to doubt - is it worth wasting time on each other at all?

Unfortunately, in such "friendly" relationships, there is a lack of care for loved ones, warmth, sincere emotions - everything that can strongly bind true friends. In the union of Cancer and Aquarius, this is extremely small. The Cancer man is too closed and immersed in the inner world, the Aquarius woman loves freedom and openness. Trust in such a pair is likely to be not very much.

Opportunities for this friendship to flow into a romance are also not many. They usually do not experience physical attraction to each other, therefore, it is not worth waiting for a romantic period. They just don't need it.

Work and career - how compatible are Cancer and Aquarius?

The working couple of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman is a pretty good pairing, and can usually achieve good results if it works. Yes, they work in completely different ways, they have different styles and paces of work, but this is also their secret: having agreed, they can complement each other if they very clearly share their responsibilities, and will follow the agreements in the future.

If Cancer and Aquarius cannot find a common language, and this is quite likely, then their common work will only bring disappointment. They seem to put sticks in each other's wheels, and such business cooperation is more likely to harm the overall result than to move it forward. It is better in this state to separate them in different angles - so they will be much more useful.

The biggest difficulty in such a working pair is that Cancer and Aquarius simply cannot understand each other. They seem to speak the same language, but everyone means something different. The Aquarius woman is usually benevolent and open, and can tolerate Cancer for a while, but this will not last long.

There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which the Cancer man will begin to fall in love.

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It is difficult to find 2 zodiac signs that would be as incompatible with each other as a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman. Nevertheless, their union can be successful.

What is the incompatibility of signs and how, despite the misalignment of the stars, make the relationship between Cancer man and Aquarius woman happy and long?

Cancer man character traits

Closure, silence, slowness, solidity, long decision-making, sensitivity, emotionality, romance, sincerity, jealousy, a tendency to subjugate people.

Character traits of an Aquarius woman

Openness, talkativeness, dynamism, the need to feel that life does not stand still, the desire to act here and now, lightness, quick decision-making, rationality, self-control in all situations, gullibility, the ability to understand and respect other people's principles of life.

These are completely different people. Not a single similar character trait.

Having started to communicate with the Aquarius girl, Cancer understands that he is very comfortable with her. It is usually difficult for him to get along with people, but he feels at ease with her literally from the first minutes of communication. She carefully listens to her interlocutor, and she is pleased to talk with him, because Aquarius intuitively feels that Cancer is wiser than her. Together they are fun, easy, at ease. She selflessly reads her chosen one like a book, and he reads her story.

Cancer is happy: his opinion on all issues is important for the girl, she understands him. Deciding that this will always be the case, Cancer thinks about creating a family with his chosen one. But Aquarius finishes selfless reading of the book, having reached the last page, and for her Cancer becomes understandable, boring, and life next to him seems monotonous. Cancer, on the contrary, having learned everything about the girl, begins to appreciate her more, because she hates surprises, is prone to a measured and monotonous life.

Aquarius understands the life principles of Cancer, but she has no desire to make them her life principles. Cancer seeks to subjugate his wife in everything, and Aquarius is not used to obey, she is freedom-loving.

Life for Aquarius will never come first. Household chores for her are a necessity, not activities that bring pleasure. She prefers to spend time in noisy companies, in the cinema, in cafes or traveling. Cancer is a home person. For him, there can be no better evening than at home at a computer or TV.

Tormented by jealousy, Cancer will begin to try to manipulate his chosen one with the help of insults, scenes, threats. Such attempts, most likely, will not lead to the subordination of Aquarius, but to a sharp break in relations on her initiative.

Choice between husband and friends

When marrying a Cancer man, an Aquarius woman must understand that she will have to exclude all male friends from her life and significantly reduce the circle of friends. Cancer himself, as a rule, has no friends, and he is uncomfortable with the communication of his woman with strangers. Cancer tends to perceive all men as rivals.

He will not tolerate girlfriends in his house either and will try to make sure that they do not come (for example, he will start flirting with them, causing the jealousy of his wife, who herself will not want to invite anyone into the house after that).

Be prepared for what you have to work hard on yourself to look for compromises. This is not easy, especially in a state of irritation due to the absolute dissimilarity of characters.

Listen and hear each other, be careful with words. One carelessly spoken word can become a huge gap between partners for a long time.

Cancer cannot cope on its own jealousy. Aquarius should learn to bring him out of the state of the “statue” (when he is completely immersed in his experiences and does not perceive anything from the outside), she needs to tell her husband as often as possible how much she loves him, that she does not need anyone except him.

It is very important to find a common hobby.

Aquarius needs to be prepared for the fact that Cancer can be jealous of her even for reading books. He wants his chosen one to belong entirely to him, and is afraid that books can lead her to freedom-loving thoughts.

Aquarius cannot give up what is dear to her, for the sake of Cancer's peace of mind. He does not know what a half measure is, and after a while he will demand the complete renunciation of his beloved from everything that is dear to her. Aquarius must inspire Cancer: "The fact that I maintain my life values ​​\u200b\u200bdoes not affect the strength of my love for you."

Cancer will always compare his wife to his mother. Aquarius must definitely build a friendly relationship with the mother-in-law, and Cancer, if there are disagreements between the two women, take a neutral position.

Cancer is married to another woman, completely in control of her. Aquarius woman - as a lover, to which Cancer comes to relax, spend time easily and naturally, and then return to the patriarchy in the family.

Spouses (Cancer and Aquarius) share common spiritual values. Thanks to each other, they develop spiritually. In this case, everyday disagreements are perceived by them as a payment for development. This may be a family of teachers, psychologists, people who are passionate about one hobby, for example, fishing, etc.

Aquarius is much older than Cancer. The life wisdom of Aquarius and the patriarchy of relationships in the Cancer family are a reliable foundation for a strong family. The eccentricity of Aquarius is in the past, she is attracted by the comfort and measured life next to her beloved man. Such a union promises to be happy.

Sex for Cancer is one of the most important components of life. But he tends to (often unreasonably) doubt his sexual abilities. If some careless phrase of the partner leads him to such a doubt, the romantic evening will not succeed, and the sexual desire of Cancer will turn into a desire to “hit the nerve” of the partner, to find such strings in her soul that are painful to touch. With a couple of careless strokes on these strings, Cancer will calm down, bringing Aquarius to tears, and then make a lot of efforts to calm his beloved.

Intimacy with Cancer at first will not be diverse for Aquarius: he is a conservative, and prefers traditional positions in sex. However, over time, Cancer itself will remove the traditional barrier from sexual relations, inviting the partner to try something new. And here he will be pleasantly surprised: Aquarius has a rich fantasy.

Advice for Aquarius: Do not invite Cancer to play role-playing games. It is important for him to know that it is his image that inspires you, and not a fictional one.

Usually, the union between the conservative Cancer and the eccentric Aquarius woman turns out to be fragile. If at first the total dissimilarity of characters makes the relationship interesting, over time it becomes the cause of misunderstanding of each other and mutual insults. The successful union of a Cancer man with an Aquarius woman is an exception to the rule. It is within the power of only spiritually developed people striving for self-education and self-improvement.

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