Home gymnastics for weight loss. Morning exercises - a set of exercises

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most popular sports for girls. And this is not surprising, young gymnasts are delighted with bright costumes, communication with peers and the first small victories. For parents, in turn, it is important that their girls grow up graceful, strong and successful. Gymnastics is the ideal sport to achieve these goals. It includes dance elements, acrobatic etudes and good psychological preparation. Thanks to this, they have grace, plasticity, flexibility, a sense of rhythm and psychological stability.

It is important for parents that their girls grow up graceful, strong and successful.

Parents should be aware that behind the veneer of this romantic sport, a hidden world can hide: the first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries to your child. You should also correlate desires with financial capabilities, gymnastics is not a cheap sport. Sewing bright costumes, buying the necessary shells and shoes will fall on the shoulders of the parents.

Having assessed the pros and cons of sports, as well as the potential and desire of you and your child, you must definitely send the girl to rhythmic gymnastics.

Getting Started in Rhythmic Gymnastics

How old can you practice

At what age to start doing gymnastics depends on the goals. You can start classes for yourself personally, that is, to maintain harmony, form flexibility and plasticity at any age. However, it must be remembered that there is a strict age limit for serious gymnastics.

The first time to train should come at the age of 3 years. At this age, bring your child to the rhythmic gymnastics hall for one hour a week. This is necessary for the baby to get used to the environment. At 4 years old, the baby can be brought to classes 2-3 times a week, however, to overcome psychological discomfort, parents should be close to the sports school at this time.

The official enrollment of young athletes in the rhythmic gymnastics section begins at the age of five. At this age, qualified coaches can conduct a cruel selection, after which only those children who are well developed both physically and psychologically remain in the sport.

Parents should be prepared that a lot of time is spent on training. By the age of 12-14, the gymnast will spend 5 hours daily in the gym. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a child from childhood for the fact that sport requires certain efforts, without which success cannot be achieved.

How to get your child interested in rhythmic gymnastics

Children and sports are inextricably linked, however, when a child starts playing sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal. Sooner or later, a young athlete will face difficulties and will not want to go to classes.

When a child starts playing sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal.

Often parents think that children do not understand anything because of their age and you can simply force them to go to gymnastics. However, remember that children in sports mature psychologically very early, so try to explain to your child the benefits of playing sports:

  • Prospects for the future
  • Can get a job early
  • The figure of a gymnast girl is distinguished by harmony and smartness
  • Internal psychological core

If the child is too small for serious conversations about the future and interest in prospects, try not to force him, but to distract him:

  • Buying a beautiful uniform for classes
  • Makeup and hair workout
  • Training in a swimsuit for performances
  • Buying equipment and accessories (rope, ball, etc.)

The most important thing is to distract the child before the first performance. If the result is successful, then he will still have an incentive to study for a long time. If the first time is not successful, do not scold the athlete, but praise him for the elements that turned out. In both cases, it is necessary to devote some time to mistakes so that the next time the little athlete improves his result.

Never compare your child with others, and in no case say in front of him that there are few chances at the competition, because there will be very strong competitors. By doing this, you doom your young athlete to low self-esteem. If you think that the child is still too young and does not understand anything, you are deeply mistaken. At a young age, children absorb any information like a sponge.

Gymnastics for beginners

The best option to start classes is to enroll in a sports school. However, gymnastics is available to all ages. If you decide to go in for sports at a conscious age, it is best to start with individual lessons. A qualified trainer will assess your athletic abilities and body condition. He will be able to build a training methodology for a girl in such a way as to get the desired result in a minimum amount of time and without negative consequences.

Behind the veneer of this romantic sport, a hidden world can hide: the first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries.

If it is not possible to take individual rhythmic gymnastics classes in gyms, start exercising at home. Get a mat and a comfortable sportswear, consult your doctor about the absence of contraindications and start doing gymnastics exercises for beginners.

Rhythmic gymnastics for beginners includes rules, the implementation of which will help in achieving results:

  • Training should be regular (3-4 times a week)
  • The duration of the session must be at least 30 minutes.
  • Do not eat 40 minutes before the start of the workout
  • Warming up is a mandatory element of training, you must remember that you need to develop all muscle groups to avoid injury.
  • After training, it is necessary to carry out a hitch and stretching

Basic exercises

Gymnastic basic exercises will help you learn rhythmic gymnastics at home, they include general physical training, so the implementation of these elements by beginners will not require special skills. They should be performed physically separately. When your muscles get stronger and the body gets used to the loads, you should move on to more complex elements.


Beginners should do the exercise with support on a chair. We perform 15 repetitions with the left and right legs. The angle in front of the standing leg should be blunt, the knee should not go beyond the heel. The knee of the supporting leg drops to the floor. The exercise engages the muscles of the abs, thighs and buttocks.


Performed with support on the wall. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, the hand reaches for the knee. We make 10-15 repetitions. We perform the exercise exclusively on warm muscles. The muscles of the body are involved.


You should spread your legs wide, make sure that the socks look exactly forward. We shift the body weight from the left leg to the right, perform 15 approaches. This exercise targets the inner thighs and buttocks.

Push ups

Beginners need to start the exercise with an emphasis on the knees. To obtain the desired effect, you need to keep your back straight and reach your chest to the floor. The exercise engages the muscles of the back, chest, abdomen and shoulders.

Knee lift

We stretch our arms parallel to the floor, we start walking, we pull our knees to our hands.

Schedule and school performance

People believe that serious sports cannot be combined with good studies. This opinion is completely wrong. Often athletes learn better than their peers due to discipline and responsibility. A busy schedule from childhood allows the child to concentrate on homework and complete homework faster than peers.

A healthy lifestyle is finally slowly but surely coming into fashion. Apparently, women still agreed that there is no easier way to maintain a figure than playing sports and eating healthy. In this regard, many are interested in gymnastics for beginners, because it will be quite difficult to immediately master the exercises for advanced athletes.

How to start doing gymnastics?

First of all, decide whether you want to attend a group of athletic, athletic gymnastics for beginners, or whether all you are interested in is exercises that you can practice at home in the morning as a “charge”.

If you are not looking to set any records and just want to keep your muscles in good shape, then any of these methods will suit you. Of course, aesthetic gymnastics for beginners in a fitness club is most desirable, because there a sensitive instructor can guide you and help you perform the exercises correctly.

If you have problems with free time, then stop at home classes - it is quite possible to organize them yourself so that they bring as much benefit as gymnastics lessons for beginners in a fitness club would bring you.

If you have a child, try to find a gymnastics complex for children, because if you teach your baby to sports from childhood, he will not only be more dexterous, disciplined and self-confident, but will also keep the right habits that will most likely help him in life.

In any case, for gymnastics you will need:

  • free time at least 2-3 times a week, preferably about 30 minutes;
  • mat for sports;
  • sportswear and footwear that does not restrict movement.

Do not forget that exercising several times a month will not bring any benefit to your body. For gymnastics to benefit, the most important thing is to constantly do it. This is the only way you can strengthen your muscles and learn all the advantages of regular sports for yourself.

Gymnastics for beginners for weight loss

Many women tend to use gymnastics for weight loss. In this case, it is advisable to include in your complex a 10-15-minute run on the spot or 7-10 minutes of jumping rope, as well as exercises that work on problem areas. This approach will help you effectively deal with excess weight.

Before gymnastics for weight loss, it is recommended to drink a cup of coffee without additives - this is an excellent natural fat burner. During the workout, you can drink water, but it is better to eat at least two hours after class, and before that - only protein foods (boiled egg, low-fat cottage cheese, chicken breast with vegetables, etc.).

Such gymnastics is best done daily - this will increase the consumption of calories, which means it will help you get rid of excess weight as soon as possible.

Gymnastics for beginners

If you decide to study at home and do not know where to start, you can borrow the program on the Internet in one of the many videos on this topic. One of them we offer you in addition to this article. Don't forget the general rules:

  1. Gymnastics begins with a warm-up: head rotation, head tilts, warm-up of all joints, bends, backbends, and so on.
  2. There can be no breaks in gymnastics, the complex is performed without respite.
  3. If you add squats, lunges, push-ups, these should all come after the main part.

Being engaged in the proposed video, you do not risk overloading the muscles. However, you can’t stop at such a mild stage for a long time: literally in 2-3 weeks your body adapts, and the load needs to be increased.

After warming up, immediately start exercising. It is best to learn 2 - 3 exercises a day, it is easier to remember the movements. In a week or two, you will fully master the entire complex and will perform it with ease and pleasure.

At first, I advise you to limit yourself to two or three approaches to each movement, otherwise an untrained person will certainly feel pain in the muscles. In my opinion, it is better to do everything gradually, I approached the development of the complex in such a way that the load increased gradually, and the exercises did not cause pain and discomfort.

Exercise 1. Breathing stabilization

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, arms lowered, body relaxed. Focus your attention on your hands.

As you inhale, gently slowly raise your arms in front of you just above shoulder level, palms pointing down and in a relaxed state.

Once your arms reach shoulder level, as you exhale, bend your knees so that your knees are at the level of your big toes. This position is called “quarter squat” in qigong gymnastics. At the same time, the body maintains a straight position, the head does not tilt, the chest does not move. Simultaneously with the bending of the knees, the relaxed hands gently go down and touch the knees, after which the legs are straightened.

During the exercise, make sure that the back remains straight all the time, the inhalation falls on the upward movement, and the exhalation on the downward movement.

Benefit: exercise has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, eliminates blood stasis and promotes the proper distribution of energy. It is especially useful for people suffering from hypertension, heart and liver diseases.

Exercise 2. Chest expansion

While inhaling from a quarter squat position, smoothly straighten your knees, at the same time raise your arms forward to shoulder level and turn them palms to each other and spread them apart with your palms up. The focus is on the chest.

As you exhale, bring your hands together in front of you with palms to each other, gently lower your hands, while turning your palms down, turning into a quarter squat. The hands gently touch the knees, the legs straighten.

Benefit: exercise is useful for diseases of the heart, lungs, shortness of breath, palpitations, and neuroses.

Exercise 3

As you inhale after completing the previous exercise, slowly raise your straight arms up with palms facing each other.

As you exhale, transfer the center of gravity to the slightly bent right leg, while the foot does not come off the floor, the left leg is straightened and touches the floor only with the toe. At the same time tilt the body to the left, pointing the left hand horizontally to the left. The right hand passes over the head, palm down.

Repeat the movement on the other side. As you do this exercise, visualize a colorful rainbow hovering above you. Watch your breath: hands up - inhale, hands to the sides - exhale.

Benefit: exercise is useful for diseases of the thoracic and lumbar spine, reduces body fat in the lumbar region.

Exercise 4

Having completed the swing, we lower our hands, crossing them at the level of the lower body, at the same time moving into a quarter squat.

While inhaling, we straighten our knees, and raise our crossed arms up and turn them over our heads with our palms up. Then we straighten our arms with our palms to the sides and, as we exhale, lower them down through the sides, returning to a quarter squat, again crossing them in front of us. Focus your attention on the chest.

Benefit: exercise strengthens the muscles of the lower back and hips, useful for diseases of the shoulder joints and the heart.

Exercise 5. Pulling the shoulder back

This exercise was the most difficult for me, for a long time I could not understand from the description whether I was doing it correctly, but over time it began to work out for me. Therefore, I will try to describe it as clearly as possible.

Remaining in a quarter squat, extend your straightened left arm in front of you, palm up. Simultaneously with this movement, bend at the elbow and turn the right hand palm up and take it to the thigh. As soon as the right hand is at the level of the thigh, begin to turn the body to the right, and raise the hand in a smooth, wide movement to the level of the ear. The eyes follow the right palm.

Then we bend the right hand at the elbow and push it forward with force with the palm of our hand somewhere at ear level. At the same time, the left arm is bent at the elbow, describes an arc with the palm and lowers to the level of the thigh.

Benefit: the exercise has a very good effect on the hands, shoulder and elbow joints, it is also recommended for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it helps with asthma.

Exercise 6. Boating

Having finished the previous exercise, bend your knees, but a little more than in the previous exercises, lean forward a little and lower your arms freely. From this position, we take straight arms back, turn our palms up, then raise our hands as high as possible, straightening our knees at the same time.

Hands describe a circular motion and go down, while bending the legs at the knees. We focus on the arms and back. On the inhale - raise the arms, on the exhale - lowering down.

Benefit: exercise has a positive effect on the nervous system, heart and digestive organs.

Exercise 7. Playing with the ball

The Chinese call this exercise the ball game, but in fact it is more like playing with a balloon, since the movements should be performed smoothly and easily. I remind you that each exercise leads to the next. From the previous position, slowly straighten up, the body to the left. At the same time, the left hand remains in the same position, and point the right hand up to the left, the palm also up.

When the right hand is at the level of the left shoulder, make a movement with it, as if you were tossing a balloon. In this case, shift the center of gravity to the left leg.

Lower your right arm and repeat the movement on the other side. When performing, follow the imaginary ball with your eyes, focus on your hands. Try to keep the movements enjoyable, slow and smooth. On the inhale, move the arm up, on the exhale - down.

Benefit: exercise has a tonic effect on the entire body.

Exercise 8. Admiring the moon

In the quarter squat position, lower your arms along the body, while inhaling, turn the body as much as possible to the left, while straightening your knees and raising your left hand, palm up. The right arm is bent at the elbow at chest level. Turn your head to the left and look at your left hand. As you exhale, lower your arms and return to the starting position.

Any girl and woman always dreams of a slim and stretched figure. For this, some resort to useless diets that only harm their health, others start going to the gym and pumping up unnecessary muscle mass. But all doctors confidently say that you just need to do the usual gymnastics at home. Yes, right at home. To maintain a figure, you do not have to go to expensive studios. By doing gymnastics at home, you save time and money, and most importantly, you work on yourself not only physically, but also morally. After all, the incentive is what I want, and not because “the money has been paid”, as is usually the case. But how to do gymnastics?

Preparing for classes

Gymnastics is now fashionable to call different words: fitness, Pilates, aerobics, but in fact it's all gymnastics. If you like to work with objects, you can buy yourself a hula hoop or dumbbells. They will help you develop more during classes.

First of all, you can buy a regular inexpensive exercise picture book. In it, poses for classes will be clearly visible. Another option is to purchase a disc with gymnastics lessons. When buying a book or CD, you choose the option that suits you best. The next step is the selection of a suitable tracksuit. Not necessarily a special very expensive suit. You can wear cotton leggings, a tight T-shirt. It is important to purchase gaiters.

If you are doing stretching exercises, it is very important that your muscles remain warm all the time. To do this, choose high leggings that will cover the leg above the knee. You can practice in socks or ballet flats. Tie your hair back into a high ponytail so that it doesn't get in your way during your workout. These first tips will help you understand how to do gymnastics correctly.

How to learn to do gymnastics at home

Now that your costume is ready, find the right music for you. If you do yoga or calm movements, then it is better to choose relaxing music. It can be the sound of the sea or the sounds of the forest. But if you are planning dynamic classes, then choose fast, active and stimulating music. Ask “music for sports” in the Internet search engine and a ready-made music collection will be selected for you.

Now let's get to the exercises. To get started, choose simple exercises. Combine standing exercises with lying exercises. Choose at least three exercises for each muscle group and more for the problematic part of the body. It can be the stomach or thighs.

If you are out of breath while exercising, it means that you are not breathing properly. Remember that we must always exhale air in effort. For example, you raise straight legs from a prone position. When you lift them up, you must exhale, and when you lower them down, inhale the air. It is very simple, just do not rush when doing the exercises. By doing this, you will only bring down the rhythm of breathing and will not be able to achieve the desired results. Do all exercises slowly, as if freezing.

The simplest set of exercises that can be performed per day is:

  • step in place
  • hands up,
  • swing your arms and legs,
  • squats,
  • lifting legs from a prone position,
  • lifting the body from a prone position,
  • stretching.

All of the above exercises must be performed with an increasing degree of load. You should start with five actions in one approach. And then increase purely actions and the number of approaches.

Breathing exercises

How to do breathing exercises? You can do breathing exercises at work, using your break. Such gymnastics should be done for at least 10 minutes, two to three times a day.

First exercise

We do this exercise at a slow pace. First we inhale, in our thoughts we count to five, then we hold our breath for five seconds, and we exhale in the same way, counting to five.

Second exercise

Inhale, strongly drawing in the stomach. Then slowly, with difficulty, jerks out air through tightly clamped lips in small parts. Also, when inhaling and exhaling, you should relax and strain the muscles of the press. It is desirable to do 20 times a day.

Ekaterina Morozova - mother of many children, editor of the "Children" column in Colady magazine


Some parents consider exercise superfluous (“why - there is physical education at school!”), Others do not have extra 15-20 minutes for children, “because it’s work!”. And only a few mothers and fathers understand the importance of exercise for the child, and specifically get up in the morning half an hour early in order to have time to cheer up with the child and prepare the body for the school / work day.

If your kids sleep in class and constantly shirk PE, this guide is for you!

When is it better to do exercises for a younger student - how to prepare for gymnastics?

Man by nature must move a lot. No wonder they say that movement is life. The less the child moves, lying all his free time near the TV and the more health problems he gets.

Children's specialists are sounding the alarm and reminding parents that the children's body should actively move at least 10 hours a week, and for younger students this minimum increases to 3 hours a day. Moreover, it is desirable that this happens in the fresh air.

Naturally, parents have too little time, but still allocating 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening for exercise is not so difficult.

Video: Gymnastics for primary school children

What is charging?

  • Prevention of obesity.
  • Prevention of problems of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, and so on.
  • Elimination of nervous tension.
  • The return of the body to normal tone.
  • An increase in mood is a psychological setting for a good day and a charge of vivacity in the morning.
  • Full awakening (the child will come to class with a more “fresh” head).
  • Activation of metabolism.
  • etc.

How to prepare a child for charging?

Of course, it is difficult to get a child out of bed ahead of time - especially "for some kind of exercise." This wonderful habit needs to be instilled gradually.

As you know, it takes about 15-30 days of regularly repeated actions to establish a habit. That is, after 2-3 weeks of such classes, your child will already be drawn to them.

No mood - nowhere. Therefore, the most important thing in the formation of this habit is to tune in and.

In addition, it is important that the exercises for the child change periodically (children at this age get tired of the same type of training too quickly).

And do not forget to praise the child and in every possible way encourage any physical activity.

Video: Morning exercises. Charging for children

15 best exercises for children 7-10 years old - correct posture and increase muscle tone with a daily set of exercises!

If you do not have the opportunity to go out into the fresh air to recharge, then open the window in the room - training should not take place in a stuffy room.

So, to your attention - 15 exercises for younger students

The first 5 exercises are for warming up the muscles. It is absolutely impossible to do complex exercises immediately after sleep.

  1. We take a deep breath and rise on our toes. We pull the handles up as high as possible, as if trying to reach the ceiling. We go down to the full foot and exhale. The number of approaches is 10.
  2. Tilt your head to the left, return to the starting position for a couple of seconds and then tilt your head to the right . Next, we make circular movements with the head - to the right side, then to the left. Run time - 2 minutes.
  3. Now shoulders and arms. Alternately raise one shoulder, then the other, then both at once. Next, we make swings up with our hands - in turn, then with the left, then with the right hand. Then circular movements with the hands, as when swimming - first breaststroke, then crawl. We try to do the exercises as slowly as possible.
  4. We rest our hands on our sides and do inclinations - left, right, then forward and back. 5 times - in each direction.
  5. We walk in place for 2-3 minutes, raising our knees as high as possible . Next, we jump 5 times on the left leg, then 5 times on the right, then 5 times on both, and then jumps with a turn of 180 degrees.
  6. We stretch our hands forward, interlace our fingers in a lock and stretch forward - as far as possible . Then, without losing the lock, we lower our hands down and try to reach the floor with our palms. Well, we finish the exercise, trying to reach the ceiling with clasped hands.
  7. We do squats. Conditions: keep the back straight, legs shoulder-width apart, hands can be clasped behind the head in a lock or pulled forward. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  8. We do push-ups. Boys do push-ups, of course, from the floor, but for girls, the task can be simplified - you can do push-ups from a chair or sofa. The number of repetitions is from 3-5.
  9. Boat. We lie down on the tummy, stretch our arms forward and slightly up (we lift the bow of the boat), and the legs as well - we connect them together, lift up the “stern of the boat”. We bend the back as hard as possible. The execution time is 2-3 minutes.
  10. Bridge. We lie down on the floor (children who can descend onto the bridge from a standing position descend directly from it), rest our feet and palms on the floor and, straightening our arms with legs, bend our backs in an arc. The execution time is 2-3 minutes.
  11. We sit down on the floor and spread our legs to the sides. We alternately stretch our hands to the toes of the left foot, then to the toes of the right. It is important to touch the leg with the stomach so that the body lies with the leg - parallel to the floor.
  12. Bend the left leg at the knee and lift it up, clap your hands under it . Then repeat with the right leg. Next, raise the outstretched left leg as high as possible up (at least 90 degrees relative to the floor) and again clap your hands under it. Repeat for the right leg.
  13. Martin. We spread our arms to the sides, take the left leg back and, slightly tilting the body forward, freeze in the swallow position for 1-2 minutes. It is important that the body at this moment is parallel to the floor. Next, repeat the exercise, changing the leg.
  14. We clamp an ordinary ball between the knees, straighten our shoulders, rest our hands on the belt. Now slowly squat down, keeping your back straight and the ball between your knees. The number of repetitions is 10-12.
  15. We rest our hands on the floor and “hover” above it in the “push-up” position. And now slowly with the help of hands we “go” to a vertical position. We rest a little in the “ostrich” position and “stomp” with our hands forward to the original position. We go back and forth with our hands 10-12 times.

We finish the exercises with a simple exercise for relaxation: we stretch out “at attention” while inhaling, straining all the muscles - for 5-10 seconds. Then we sharply relax on the command “at ease”, exhaling. We repeat the exercise 3 times.

Motivation for a younger student to perform a daily gymnastics complex at home - useful tips for parents

It is difficult even for an adult to force himself to do exercises in the morning, let alone children - you need to try hard to accustom a child to this useful ritual. There is no need for motivation here.

Where to look for this motivation, and how to lure a child to exercise so that the child is happy with it?

  • The main rule is to do exercises together! Well, if dad categorically refuses, then mom should definitely participate in this process.
  • We turn on cheerful and cheerful music. Doing exercises in silence is boring even for an adult. Let the child choose the music!
  • We are looking for an incentive in each case. For example, a beautiful toned figure to the envy of everyone can become an incentive for a girl, and a muscle relief that he can be proud of can become an incentive for a boy. No less incentive will be weight loss if the child is overweight.
  • Looking for someone to imitate. We do not create idols (!), but we are looking for a role model. Naturally, we are looking for him not among bloggers and bloggers with beautiful bodies and emptiness in their heads, but among athletes or heroes of films / films that the child loves.
  • Charging is needed to become stronger. And you need to be strong (strong) to protect your younger brother (sister).
  • In addition to 5 exercises for warming up the muscles, you need to choose another 5-7 exercises for direct charging. More for this age is not needed, and the training itself should take no more than 20 minutes (twice a day). But it is important to regularly change the set of exercises so that the child does not get bored! Therefore, immediately make a large list of exercises, from which you will pull out 5-7 new ones for every 2-3 days.
  • We talk more often with the child on the topic of health : why exercise is so important, what it gives, what happens to the body without physical activity, and so on. We are looking for thematic films and cartoons that we watch, of course, with the child. We often watch films in which young athletes achieve success - often such films become powerful motivators for a child to go into the world of sports.
  • Arrange a sports corner for your child in the room . Let him have personal bars and rings, a Swedish machine, a fitball, a horizontal bar, children's dumbbells and other equipment. Reward each month of training with a trip to a trampoline center, play rock climbing, or other recreational sport.
  • Use your own cravings to encourage your child to exercise. . For example, if a child loves a ball, consider a set of exercises with the ball. He loves uneven bars - do exercises on the children's sports ground. Etc.

Video: Fun exercise for a child

Remember that it is impossible to drive a child to exercise, as to hard labor. It is important that he wants to work with you. Therefore, first of all, we demonstrate the importance of charging by our own example.

Children at this age already think and analyze perfectly, and if you constantly lie on the couch, growing your belly, then you simply cannot force your child to study - a personal example is more effective than all other methods.

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