What is the daily dose of protein for gaining muscle mass? How much protein does a person need. Current daily protein intake in grams

Proteins (proteins) are the main material for the development of all cells and tissues of the body. Without them, life would be impossible. They are involved in the formation of hormones and enzymes, in protecting the body from infections, and promote the absorption of fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals from food. The lack of protein in the body, as well as its excess, leads to extremely negative health consequences. Therefore, it is important to know how much protein a person needs for normal life.

Functions of protein in the human body

Protein for your body

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are essential for a healthy and fulfilling human life. Not all amino acids are equally useful - out of 20 amino acids involved in the formation of proteins, 12 are synthesized in the body, but 8 are indispensable and can only come from food. The daily rate of protein intake provides the body with the necessary amount of amino acids to perform the most important functions for life.

  1. regulation of metabolism.
  2. Maintaining good condition of hair, nails, skin, bones, blood vessels.
  3. Breakdown and absorption of food.
  4. Growth and development of muscles, control over their work.
  5. Protection against bacteria and viruses - the production of antibodies.
  6. Delivery of oxygen from the lungs to other organs of the body.

Therefore, the human body is able to work normally only if there is a sufficient amount of protein. They do not accumulate "in reserve" like fats or carbohydrates, so they must be supplied daily with food. Its deficiency immediately affects health. But you should know that a significant excess of the daily intake of protein inevitably leads to diseases of the liver and kidneys, gout, causes inhibition of the intestinal microflora.

Signs of protein deficiency in the body

Table for determining the required amount of protein

Insufficient protein intake can occur for various reasons (an unbalanced diet, diseases of the digestive system, oncology or extensive burns), but the symptoms of protein deficiency are always the same:

  • constant fatigue and apathy;
  • frequent stool disorders;
  • dryness and pallor of the skin;
  • decreased immunity;
  • cessation of menstruation in women and problems with potency in men;
  • hair loss and brittle nails;
  • the appearance of excess weight or vice versa its sharp decrease (with anorexia).

Emerging health problems (unless, of course, they are associated with oncology or severe chronic diseases) can be easily solved by adding protein foods to your diet. Therefore, it is necessary to know how much protein per day the human body needs in order for all its organs and systems to function normally.

How much protein should a person get per day

The daily protein requirement for each person is individual and depends on:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • physique and muscle mass;
  • lifestyle and activity level.

That is why it is impossible to say unequivocally how much protein a person needs to consume per day. A petite older woman will require much less protein than the same amount that a muscular guy who works out at the gym five days a week should consume daily.

The Public Health Association has determined that the daily protein requirement for the average person is 90 grams.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the daily requirement for proteins for a person is 0.75 g per kilogram of body weight. But this is rather the minimum allowable level of protein intake, which assumes its complete digestibility from food.

In reality, up to 15% of the incoming protein is not absorbed, so nutritionists recommend increasing this value to 0.9-1 g / kg of body weight. It should be borne in mind that for pregnant and lactating women, this figure is increased to 1.5 g / kg, and for people engaged in heavy physical labor and athletes - up to 2 g per kilogram of body weight.

Thus, the daily protein intake for middle-aged people with normal weight is:

  • for women leading a sedentary lifestyle - 65-80g;
  • for athletes - 120-150g;
  • for pregnant and lactating women - 100-130 g;
  • for men engaged in light work (office workers) - 75–100 g;
  • for men engaged in heavy physical labor (loaders, miners) - 130–160 g;
  • for athletes - 180–220g.

The female body absorbs protein worse, processes its excess into urea much more slowly, therefore the daily norm in them in women is lower than the male norm.

Often people involved in bodybuilding seek to further increase the amount of protein consumed in order to gain muscle mass. The same situation arises for those who want to lose weight on a protein diet. The daily protein intake increases to 3 g/kg of body weight and above, and this is already fraught with serious health consequences. By acquiring a beautiful body, one can easily get digestive problems at best and kidney failure at worst.

What foods are high in protein

To correctly form your diet in accordance with the daily intake of nutrients, including protein, you need to know how many grams of protein are contained in certain foods. Proteins are found in animal and vegetable products. But the fact is that animal proteins have a complete set of amino acids, but some amino acids are absent in plant products.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates and their ratio in a complete diet

What do you need to eat every day to get the protein the body needs per day? Below is a list of protein champion foods (per 100g).

  1. Soy - 35 g;
  2. Chicken breast - 29 g;
  3. Lean beef - 27 g;
  4. Salmon - 25 g;
  5. Legumes (lentils, beans) - 21–24 g;
  6. Cheese - 22–25 g;
  7. Nuts - 15–25 g;
  8. Eggs - 17 g;
  9. Cottage cheese - 14–18 g;
  10. Cereals - 10–12 g.

Proteins coming from plant foods are called defective. But in such products do not contain cholesterol and saturated fats, and they are rich in dietary fiber. If you use a variety of vegetable protein products, you can provide the body with all the necessary amino acids.

Proteins of animal origin are complete and much better absorbed by the body and help plant proteins to be absorbed. Nutritionists advise that they make up 60% of the daily intake of proteins, and vegetable - 40%.

When compiling a diet, one should pay attention to the fact that no more than 40 g of protein can be absorbed at one meal. Therefore, in order to obtain the necessary daily norm, it is necessary to divide it into two or three doses. Undigested protein will cause putrefactive processes in the intestines and can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

How to calculate the daily rate of proteins for weight loss

When compiling a daily diet, it is necessary to take into account the calorie content of protein products. It is impossible to eat nuts or cheese as the main source of protein when losing weight. These products are quite high in calories due to their high fat content. Most nutritionists, when asked how much protein a person should consume per day when losing weight, recommend increasing their daily intake to 2 g / kg, since protein foods:

  • for a long time saturates the body with useful calories, and their excess is never deposited in the subcutaneous fat;
  • helps to digest fatty and carbohydrate foods faster;
  • promotes an increase in lean body mass, and muscles are a factory for burning calories and destroying excess fat.

When losing weight, protein should account for at least 30% of the daily calorie intake. For a short time (no more than 3 days), this rate can be increased even up to 40-50%. At the same time, it is very important to observe the drinking regimen and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Thus, with a daily calorie intake of a losing weight person of 1200 kcal, the proportion of proteins is 350–500 kcal. Fats and carbohydrates will account for the rest of the calories (700–850 kcal).

How to get your daily protein intake

The optimal ratio is considered to be a combination of animal and vegetable proteins in a dish, and as a snack between meals, you can use a handful of nuts or a couple of slices of cheese. The daily protein requirement for a person of average weight leading a sedentary lifestyle is contained in:

  • 200 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 250 g of salmon fish;
  • 250 g boiled beans;
  • 300 g of hard cheese;
  • 500 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%.

When losing weight and gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to double the consumption of these products. In order not to overdo it with the protein content, but to maintain a balance of nutrients and vitamins, you need to eat small portions of these products, but often, combining them with each other, and be sure to add fruits, vegetables and herbs to the menu. In no case should you eat only protein foods, completely excluding fats and carbohydrates. Otherwise, the metabolism will inevitably be disturbed, which will lead to poisoning of the body and various diseases. Proteins are an integral part of a healthy diet, so their lack or excess threatens with great health troubles. That is why it is so important for every person to know the daily protein intake necessary to maintain health in order to make a balanced daily diet.

When looking for accurate information about the daily calorie intake and BJU numbers needed for men and women to lose weight or gain muscle mass, it is easy to encounter a lot of differing opinions. Many sites offer their own recommendations or even ready-made calculators for calculating daily allowances, without going into details at all and without explaining where the numbers come from.

The situation is complicated by the fact that there are simply no universal nutritional standards - it all depends on the individual, his goals and level of physical activity. In this material, we have summarized the latest scientific information and presented not just general data, but detailed tables on the norms for the use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, taking into account the person’s gender and body weight.

Daily intake of carbohydrates

Protein intake per day:

Norm with a weight of 50 kgNorm with a weight of 60 kgNorm with a weight of 70 kgNorm with a weight of 80 kg
For weight loss165 g170 g175 g185 g
To maintain weight145 g155 g165 g175 g
For a set of muscles180 g190 g200 g210 g
For weight loss140 g150 g165 g175 g
To maintain weight115 g125 g135 g145 g
For a set of muscles155 g165 g175 g185 g

Daily fat intake

It must be remembered that fats are an essential element of a healthy human diet, without which normal metabolism and metabolism is impossible. The role is also played by the fact that both an excess of fats in the diet, leading to weight gain, and their lack, which reduces not only the production of hormones, but also immunity, are harmful. At the same time, they are of particular importance.

It is also interesting that the most beneficial diets for health and weight maintenance - traditional and - imply a fairly significant proportion of fat in the diet (about 35-50% of all daily calories). However, it must be remembered that the source of these fats should be predominantly vegetable oils, and not animal fat.

Fat intake per day:

Norm with a weight of 50 kgNorm with a weight of 60 kgNorm with a weight of 70 kgNorm with a weight of 80 kg
For weight loss40 g40 g40 g40 g
To maintain weight55 g60 g60 g65 g
For a set of muscles70 g70 g75 g80 g
For weight loss30 g35 g35 g40 g
To maintain weight45 g50 g50 g55 g
For a set of muscles60 g60 g65 g70 g

Calorie definition

On the one hand, the definition is the basis for compiling a diet for weight loss or for gaining muscle mass. On the other hand, the figure calculated even by the most accurate formula will be very approximate, since any method of mathematical determination of the daily calorie intake has a significant error of 300-500 kcal.

The role is also played by the fact that the needs of a real person in daily calories always vary from day to day, since the body always adapts to various external factors, slowing down or speeding up the metabolism. In fact, in most cases, to determine the approximate calorie intake, it is enough to multiply the body weight in kilograms by a factor of 35 (i.e. 2625 kcal for 75 kg).

BJU table: Norms for weight gain

In fact, when gaining muscle mass, nutrition plays a more significant role than strength training itself. For growth, the number of daily calories should be increased by about 15-20%. Carbohydrates should be consumed at the maximum limit of the norm, but proteins and fats - in moderation (otherwise the body may).

Note also that the timing of nutrient intake is important - for example, a significant portion of carbohydrates should be eaten during the "carbohydrate window", lasting 2-3 hours after strength training). In this case, the body will store carbohydrates in the form (literally increasing their visual volume), and not at all in fat reserves.


When determining your daily requirement for proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you need to take into account not only the main goal (weight maintenance, weight loss or muscle gain), but also adjust for age and general activity level. At the same time, it is not just the number itself that plays a role, but what is hidden behind it, since both fats and carbohydrates are not at all the same - some of them are useful, while others are harmful.

Scientific sources:

  1. Calculate Your Recommended Carbohydrate Intake,
  2. Calculate Your Recommended Protein Intake,
  3. Calculate Your Recommended Fat Intake,

What do proteins mean for the human body? Without any doubt, you can answer that a lot. After all, it is protein that is the building basis for the growth and restoration of absolutely all biological tissues of our body.

Why does the body need protein?

No enzymatic activity is possible without protein, since all enzymes contain protein components. If you analyze any single hormone, it will turn out to be a protein. Plasma (humoral) immunity factors are complex protein complexes. The contraction of absolutely all muscles, in particular, the respiratory muscles, occurs solely due to the specific interaction of actin and myosin proteins.

Finally, the well-known hemoglobin, which carries vital oxygen in the composition of erythrocytes, is also a protein with a complex quaternary structure. This small list is enough to realize the impossibility of our body's vital activity without proteins.

Every day, the human body consumes a certain amount of proteins for its needs, which is why daily replenishment of this organic material is required to restore the necessary protein supply. It is known that the main route of protein intake is, of course, food products. However, protein is a rather complex high-molecular component, which, in order to be absorbed, must first be broken down into smaller particles.

These constituent components of the protein are amino acids - in other words, the structural units of the protein. To date, about a hundred amino acids are known, but only about twenty are actively involved in the metabolism of our body. With insufficient intake from the outside, some of them can be independently synthesized in the body, others do not have this ability, so amino acids are divided into interchangeable and irreplaceable. Thus, essential amino acids in our body should come only with food.

How much protein should be consumed for the normal functioning of various body systems?

Scientists have been searching for the answer to this question for decades. Despite the fact that in the 19-20 centuries the daily protein requirement for the body ranged from 26 to 136 grams. Such a difference in opinion was explained both by the reactionary views of some scientists who acted on the instructions of the government, and also by insufficient consideration of all the reasons that can change the daily requirement for protein in one direction or another.

Currently, 100-120 grams of protein per day is considered sufficient for a person. More precisely, this amount is displayed by the proportional ratio of protein to body weight, this is how you can determine the individual need for protein, based on the fact that 0.8-1.1 grams of protein should be per kilogram of weight. But, as we mentioned above, the right amount of protein for a person per day can vary.

So, for example, during physical or mental stress, the need for proteins increases, which is why the lifestyle of each individual person, as well as his profession, plays a big role here. By about ten percent, you need to increase the protein diet for pregnant women, and for nursing mothers - by twenty.

If you are losing weight, then you need to consume daily 1.5-2 grams of protein per 1 kg of your weight. But remember that at one meal the amount of protein should not exceed 30 grams, otherwise the excess protein will not be absorbed by the body. If your weight is more than 100 kg, then do not consume more than 200 grams of protein per day.

What causes protein deficiency in the body

When losing weight, a lack of protein will affect the muscles and you will lose weight at the expense of muscle, and not at the expense of fat. The lack of protein in the body leads to a number of pathological conditions that are associated with hormonal imbalance, insufficiency of enzymatic systems, and a number of other factors. A person develops alimentary (nutritional) dystrophy, brain activity is disturbed, the work of hematopoietic organs, the liver, and many other systems worsens.

Protein deficiency has a very adverse effect on the child's body: the baby lags behind in growth, in physical and mental development. With a protein deficiency in the pituitary region of the brain, a deficiency of specific cells also develops. The function of these cells is to produce growth hormone, which is responsible for the growth of the child's body. With severe protein deficiency, there may even be death from dystrophy.

The main sources of protein are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, and other meat and dairy products. Such a protein is called an animal. Peas, beans, nuts contain vegetable proteins, which are necessary, first of all, for the construction and growth of all tissues and organs. Least of all protein in berries and fruits. It is worth saying that, on average, animal products contain more proteins, in addition, they have a properly balanced amino acid composition, and this is important for normal digestion, for the absorption of protein components.

However, you should not overeat protein foods. When overeating in the intestines, putrefactive processes intensify, and this leads to the formation and absorption of toxic decay elements into the blood.

At the beginning of a healthy lifestyle, a novice athlete is always bombarded with a huge amount of incomprehensible information. New information about how to eat, how to exercise, how much sleep ... and so on, and so on for each area. One of the first problems is the question of how much protein should be consumed per day if you are starting to do fitness and build muscle. We will answer this question easily and clearly!

First, how many calories do you need per day?

First, calculate your daily calorie intake. It's very easy to do this.

How much protein do you need per day?

Men's magazines and magazines for bodybuilders have made it a rule to give such an answer to the question of how much protein you need per day: for muscle growth, you need to consume 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body. This figure has settled down and has become a common place in the theory of bodybuilding and bodybuilding. Moreover, even more often there is information that for this figure it is necessary to increase as much as possible.

Institutions that are not associated with sports and muscle building have completely different information on this matter. The World Health Organization recommends that healthy modern adults consume 0.75 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. And yes, we are talking about men, in women this dose fluctuates at the level of 0.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Rospotrebnadzor of Russia measures the norms differently: in our Russian climate, an adult man is recommended to consume from 60 g to 120 g of protein per day. Quite a spread, isn't it? The following information also appears: consuming more than the indicated amounts of protein is simply harmful: the kidneys will not cope and the liver will go haywire.

But there are not so many patients among bodybuilders who die from protein overkill, despite the fact that many use 300-500 g per day (and you also add steroids that are unhealthy here). So, health problems with an overabundance of protein are a myth? And what should an ordinary person who wants to build a healthy and beautiful body do? How much does he need? And how can he even draw any conclusions when it is clear from the foregoing: the average person consumes too little protein per day, and bodybuilders - too much?

Safe protein intake

We read the theory about how much protein you need per day, and here's what we found out: there is no link between increased protein intake and heart disease (in fact, high protein intake reduces the risk of coronary heart disease). The only indisputable link between high fat intake and heart disease is fairly accurate and proven. With a protein intake of about 2 g per 1 kg of body weight, no diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and bones were detected in the short term. People have also been observed using protein in the amount of 2.8 g per 1 kg of body weight - and what do you think? No kidney problems in the short term.

It has been proven that high protein intake does not have a negative effect on the kidneys.

There is another opinion: excessive protein intake leaches calcium from the body. Studies have shown that there is no difference between 50 g per day and 150 g in the field of calcium excretion. It can be taken as an axiom: the consumption of protein in the amount of plus or minus 2 g per 1 kg does not have any negative impact on health. And yes, men's magazines, in general, are right: to increase muscle, it is worth consuming exactly this amount! Moreover: if you consume more than 3 g per 1 kg of body (+40% of calories), you will not harm the body, and the muscles, accordingly, will grow larger and faster! You decide.

How much protein to eat in one meal?

According to research, muscle protein synthesis increases depending on the dose of protein supplied at a time. Muscle protein synthesis can be stimulated with a maximum of 3-4 g of the branched chain amino acid leucine, which is equal to 0.05 g per 1 kg of leucine. This means that to get 3-4 g of leucine you need 30-50 g of protein. Approximately this amount of protein you should consume in 1 meal.

How often should you eat protein?

This question, accordingly, fights with the question of how often you need to eat in general. The stimulation of protein synthesis can be repeated every 3-4 hours - so often you should eat.

If you focus on daily workouts, then you should consume protein like this:

  • Before the start of strength training (30-40 minutes before)- 0.3-0.4 g per 1 kg
  • During a workout- 10-12 g
  • After workout- 0.3-0.5 g per 1 kg.

Learning to balance

We have already learned that a high protein intake will not cause you physical harm. But there is another extreme: with high use
protein intake of carbohydrates, logically, low. Low carbohydrate intake will still lower your performance: what's the point of increasing the amount of protein if the main source of energy is still not enough? It's not for us to tell you how life is on a low carbohydrate intake: bad mood and reduced immunity are just the tip of the iceberg. Plus, with a low carbohydrate intake, the body will not be able to quickly recover from a workout, which means that you will train less often and less intensively, and all efforts to increase the amount of protein will be pointless.

Oddly enough, carbohydrates have no less and almost more influence on muscle growth than proteins. Moreover, fats cannot be excluded from nutrition - none of the macronutrients can be excluded, all of them are of great importance for the human body and especially the body of an athlete carrying overload.


If you use protein not from chemistry and cocktails, but more from foods high in leucine - eggs, milk, some types of meat, then less percentage of the substance is required for successful muscle growth. Simply put, the higher the quality, the less you need. Keep this in mind as you build your new champion diet!

About how much protein is needed per day for normal human life, many scientists are intensely arguing. After all, there is simply no single answer to this question. Protein is the main "building material" of any living organism on Earth. Its insufficient intake with food will seriously affect the life processes and metabolism in living tissues.

How much protein do you need per day to feel good?

Every second, metabolic processes occur in the human body associated with the formation of new tissues and nerve fibers. Proteins that come from outside take an active part in them. For a particular person, the rate of protein per day consumed during metabolic processes will depend on the following factors:

  • health status;
  • physical activity;
  • food;
  • body mass;
  • age.

When figuring out how many grams of protein a healthy person needs per day, scientists talk about 1.2-2 grams per 1 kg of total body weight. But you should not try to consume a large amount of protein food "in one sitting" - more than 30-35 grams of protein consumed at a time simply will not be absorbed. An excess amount of this important element will simply be excreted from the body. For the rational assimilation of protein products, it is necessary to divide their consumption into small portions, which are consumed every 3-3.5 hours.

When the incoming amount of protein per day is not enough for the body

The problem of lack of protein in the body is mainly faced by men and women who adhere to a dietary form of nutrition. The limited consumption of meat and dairy products leads to the fact that the incoming amount of protein per kg of body weight decreases markedly and leads to pathologies such as:

  1. dystrophy of muscles and internal organs;
  2. disruption of the central nervous system;
  3. deterioration in brain activity;
  4. depression;
  5. weakening of the immune system.

The fact is that the missing norm of protein per day is taken by the body from the muscles and other tissues of the body. To fill the energy deficit, subcutaneous fat is used by the body systems last. Being a difficult to decompose compound, it gives priority to organic proteins in catabolism.

In particular, protein deficiency negatively affects the development of the growing body of a child or adolescent. The lag in physical growth and mental development begins. An unbalanced diet in terms of protein leads to a backlog in school subjects and general fatigue. In this situation, you will have to contact a nutritionist who will determine how much protein is needed to restore a weakened child's body. At the same time, the diet should be saturated with other important elements - carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

How much protein does a training athlete need for muscle

This question is of most interest to bodybuilders seeking to quickly gain maximum muscle mass. In the process of training, the energy expended is taken not only from carbohydrates. Up to 35% of the incoming proteins will be spent on overcoming high sports loads. The athlete has to calculate how much protein to eat per day for muscle growth, taking into account its increased consumption. There will no longer be a discussion of standard norms. Many bodybuilders are starting to double their protein intake. Such nutritional methods are hardly justified - the body can process such an amount of proteins only with enhanced synthesis of special enzymes in the body.

When calculating how many grams of protein an athlete needs per day for muscle growth, you can use special tables. When calculating the consumption rate, it is provided that:

  • the athlete’s diet includes only a complete protein in terms of amino acid composition;
  • the diet is fully balanced and includes the required amount of trace elements;
  • a person has no diseases and additional loads, both physical and psychological.

For the average 80 kg athlete, consuming 100 grams of protein per day will increase and maintain muscle mass in a normal training regimen. In the process of "drying" the muscles, a larger amount of protein products should enter the body. Otherwise, there will be a significant decrease in overall muscle mass.

How much protein per day is safe to eat

Switching to a protein diet and significantly increasing its consumption rate, people begin to suffer from the question - how much protein can be consumed in one day without harming health. Recent studies by scientists have proven the absence of any relationship between the amount of protein-rich foods consumed and the occurrence of pathologies in the body. Conducted experiments authoritatively proved that a large amount of proteins that come with food does not affect the state of internal organs.

In addition, during the research, an improvement in the condition of the heart muscle was observed when additional protein dishes were included in the diet. The increased amount of protein per kg of weight of the people participating in the experiment had a positive effect on the functioning of their liver and kidneys. Increased overall metabolism and improved well-being. You can safely increase the amount of consumed protein products, without any fear for the state of health. And whether you need a large muscle mass, gained through increased protein intake, you need to decide for yourself.

Comment on the article "How much protein do you need per day?"

There are no excesses in proteins and fats, either the norm or lower. How is the daily calorie intake calculated so that the weight goes away?

About the protein in the urine! At a rate of 0.140, it is 0.196 - a very large excess? Collection of daily urine for protein, glucose or salts. If a child urinates in a potty, collection problems ...


did you collect it correctly? washed, the dishes are clean? very often, with the correct collection, such indicators. The reason with the kidneys may not be all right, retake it again and see the pediatrician!

After the temperature, the son always has a slight excess (up to 0.2) Up to 0.3 traces, those are your 0.196 - a slight excess - do not worry. You can submit again in a week.

KBJU - where to get proteins? Need advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight.


Amber cheese, 10% fat, 32% protein. And if you pre-fill it with boiling water, as I like, and then drain it, some of the fat and salt also comes out. And I think it tastes so much better. Eat 100 grams of cheese - there are already 32 grams of protein! Calorie he has, in my opinion, 222 kcal / 100 grams. And carbohydrates in it are only 1% per 100 grams. Everything else - salt, water, calcium ...

It is good to get protein with cottage cheese. But thirty percent is a lot. Recount.

Protein in urine normal? Girls, tell me, maybe someone came across ... I am pregnant at the maternity hospital, I gave urine there, there was a protein of 0.03, the doctor did not prescribe anything, there are no edema, pressure in ...


Hello! I won’t tell you on the topic, but let everything be ok! Listen, are you going to give birth in the four? They have a sink! Or will you be brought, and give birth in another?

Each laboratory has its own standards and should be indicated directly on the printout (or form). In general, of course, it should be 0. Such small values, like yours, are more likely a sign of non-sterile containers than the presence of protein in the analysis. And the doctor in the LCD - that's why she is a doctor in the LCD. Let him flap his wings, you know that everything is ok.

In the urine protein, 0.11 at a rate of 0.1. The pressure was 120/80, it was usually not higher than 100. Another doctor noticed swelling in the legs: (Well, the increase, of course, is a large 1.5 kg in two weeks.


First of all - retake the urine test, especially since your protein index is borderline - 0.11 is not much more than the norm up to 0.1, and it could also get into the urine "mechanically", figuratively speaking.
Slight swelling on the legs after 30 weeks has the right to be, such is our pregnant lot. Try to monitor the pressure yourself at home for 1-2 days, and again, 120/80 is quite normal, no one has ever found fault with me for such pressure (although it happens 100/60).
The increase is also not an indicator - the last weigh-in was on an empty stomach in a thin sweater, this is after dinner in a thick sweater, for sure 500 g will be picked up.
Why were you prescribed Monural? This is a urological antibiotic, it is drunk when leukocytes and bacteria are detected in the urine (and more than once it is necessary to pass an analysis + Nechiporenko). Do you have them in your urine?
Preeclampsia, of course, is a dangerous condition, but my pregnant experience so far only says that the doctor is very reinsured and it’s easier for her to hide you in the hospital.

In my last B, the doctor kept "trying" to find preeclampsia in the later stages. It was based mainly on a bad urinalysis. She said that if I don’t see swelling, it doesn’t mean anything. But edema is always felt by the state of health. The increase and pressure were normal. As a result, I went and retaken the analysis in another place, and then in another one. I brought her the results, wrote a refusal from hospitalization (by the way, if you don’t want to go to the hospital, calmly say that you will write a refusal - they even have forms ready). And later in the LCD there was a scandal about the fact that it turns out that all the jars of urine were idle for almost a day in the laboratory while the doctor's hands "reached" them.
in general, what is all this for: try to observe the regimen until the end of the week and take an analysis on Monday both in the LCD and elsewhere, since now there are paid laboratories at every step. And find out what they will do to you in the hospital that you cannot do at home? When I was in the 1st RD, then girls with the same diagnosis were simply stuffed with pills and that's it. They did not have any special procedures for such a diagnosis.

Protein in the urine.. Analyzes, studies. Children's medicine. Child's health, diseases and treatment Be sure to retake the general analysis, if confirmed, you can pass the daily allowance.


Girls, thank you all for the answers. We retested urine, as in the hospital they wrote in a hospital pot! The results came, leukocytes 1-2, no protein. I hope that it won't.

Yes, that's a lot. And cottage cheese has nothing to do with it. The ESR is also high, there is an inflammatory process in the body, there could be a complication in the kidneys after the illness. Need to be treated. (I also speak with all responsibility, since I myself am personally in the subject.). I know that the presence of protein is worse than even elevated leukocytes.

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