Kegel exercises - “~ ~ ~ Kegel exercises ~ ~ ~ How to quickly “pump up” intimate muscles. The result is a vivid sensation of intimacy

How much better can life be with these simple workouts? Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina with and without simulators.

In ancient times, women resorted to these activities to eliminate the consequences after childbirth. And in our time, training to strengthen the muscles of the vagina is an excellent prevention for women's health and much more fun in your personal life.

The Benefits of Exercise

Few people think about the importance of training vaginal muscles: for many women this is a taboo topic. How much better can life be with these simple exercises? We have prepared 4 reasons to train for you:

1. It relieves pain during menstruation. For many women who regularly pump their vaginal muscles, the critical days pass much easier and become less painful. And their men exhale with pleasure: PMS also becomes less pronounced.

Important: during menstruation, it is better to skip training.

2. With the help of exercises, stagnation can be avoided. Regular training of intimate muscles will help improve your health if you have ovarian disease or uterine prolapse.

3. Regular exercises contribute to the preparation of the input muscles for childbirth, while facilitating and accelerating the painful process. After the birth of a child, exercises help restore the walls of the vagina to their former elasticity and shape.

4. Frequent training of the vaginal muscles helps to expand the erogenous zones and increase the chances of getting an orgasm, while improving the quality of sex.

Many women, instead of taking care of their intimate development, blame their partner or run to the gynecologist. But it all depends on us - if there is a desire to work on ourselves and learn a lot more about our body.

How to train?

I am often asked if it is possible to train intimate muscles with jade eggs. In my opinion, this is the stone age and in no case should this be done. Why? When we train muscles with jade eggs, which are far from jade in themselves, severe thrush can begin, even if they are periodically disinfected. In the modern world, there are new unique technologies that are more efficient and hygienic.

In fact, with sufficient training, the muscles of the vagina can make the same movements as a woman's hands when massaging a male genital organ. To do this, you should work on the muscles that lift the anus.

Exercises without a simulator

1. Feet shoulder-width apart, socks turned to the sides, hands on the belt. We try to sit down slowly, while bending our knees apart. We freeze in this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

2. Alternately quickly strain and quickly release the input muscles of the vagina and the muscles of the sphincter. Repeat 5-10 times.

3. We retract the input muscles of the vagina and squeeze as much as possible for 10 seconds, while breathing is not held. This exercise is recommended to be done in different positions: sitting, lying, standing. When you bring the delay time to 3-5 minutes, there will be a noticeable effect.

Exercise with a simulator

Laser pointer - designed to train the bulbous muscle and Levator Ani. It perfectly helps to achieve endurance, agility and strength of intimate muscles.

After you have disinfected the machine, insert its head shallowly into the vagina. The exercise is carried out standing at a distance of 3 meters from the wall. The beam of the pointer should be directed to the opposite wall. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and follow the beam. When the head of the simulator rises behind the pubic bone, the beam crawls down the wall, when you relax the muscles - up. During the exercise, the pelvis should be motionless, the abdominal muscles should be relaxed.

Cargo trainer. It consists of a base with a ball and a hook on which the load clings. A simple exercise, but requires maximum strength and concentration.

Kegel. Inflate the tonometer to a value of 40, insert the tube with a nozzle into the vagina and slowly strain the input muscles. The simulator improves blood circulation and leads to the prevention of female gynecological diseases.

The effect of training

In addition to rejuvenation, mood, health, intimate muscle training is also a strong aphrodisiac to which men respond. An attentive husband, just like you, wants mutual ecstasy. It's nice to see a woman happy, cheerful and with a beautiful smile on her face.

A significant part of women throughout their lives experience problems in the intimate sphere. And most of them tend to blame men for all their failures. This is a fairly common position among the weaker sex, but, nevertheless, it is erroneous. Before you blame someone, you should take care of yourself. And you should immediately change the situation in your intimate sphere, because every woman deserves great sexual happiness. In addition, intimate dissatisfaction adversely affects the health of the female body as a whole.

A good orgasm is possible only with the elastic muscles of the vagina. Therefore, they need constant training. In order to keep our body in beauty and good health, we visit sports clubs, constantly pump the muscles of the press, arms and legs on simulators. And for some reason we forget about the muscles of our vagina, which also require constant attention to themselves. The sexual sensations of any woman depend on their elasticity.

You can develop vaginal muscles with the help of simple Kegel exercises. Following the recommendations below, you can easily master this gymnastics.

In order to find the vaginal muscles, you need to stick your own finger into the vagina and try to squeeze everything inside yourself. If you feel that a tight ring has formed around your finger, then you are doing everything right. No other muscles should be involved in this exercise, and breathing should remain even.

The whole set of Kegel exercises consists of 3 parts: slow contraction of the vaginal muscles, their contraction and expulsion. With slow contraction, the vaginal muscles should be tensed and relaxed alternately every 3 seconds. When contracting, you need to strain and relax the muscles much faster. When pushing out, you should push moderately, just as it happens during childbirth.

A good and fast result can be achieved only with regular training. They should start with 10 compressions, contractions and push-outs, which must be performed 5 times a day. After a week, the number of alternate exercises should be increased to 15, without increasing the number of approaches per day. After another week, do 20 squeezes, contractions and push-outs also 5 times a day. And so on until the number of exercises reaches 30. You can enhance the effect of the exercises by holding an object in the vagina. A vibrator is also suitable for these purposes.

After 1.5-2 months of classes, you can achieve amazing results. In the future, to keep the vaginal muscles in good shape, these exercises should be performed daily or every other day. You can train anywhere: on the way to work, in transport, sitting, lying down, etc. This should become your habit.

These exercises were developed by the famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel specifically for women who experience problems with urination after childbirth. Over time, it turned out that the technique not only helps stop involuntary urination, but also helps a woman experience strong sexual sensations.

Not only increase a woman's sensual sensations and increase libido, but also improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs, help control her own orgasm, facilitate the flow of the birth process and prevent vaginal ruptures during childbirth.

If you suffer from any acute or chronic gynecological disease, including infectious diseases, are pregnant or have recently undergone surgery, then you should definitely consult a doctor before starting classes using the Kegel method.

Having mastered the above technique of Kegel exercises well, you can try other variations of it.

Squeeze and unclench the vaginal muscles 30 times, gradually increasing this number to 100. Then squeeze the muscles hard and try to keep them in this state for 20 seconds, followed by relaxation for 30 seconds. You need to repeat this exercise 5 times.

Squeeze the muscles of the vagina for 5 seconds and relax. After doing this exercise 10 times, as quickly as possible, squeeze and unclench the muscles 10 times in 3 sets. Then strongly squeeze the muscles and hold them in this state for 1 to 2 minutes. After a short rest, repeat all over again.

Just regularly do not quickly squeeze and unclench the muscles of the vagina, starting from 2 minutes, and gradually increasing the time to 20 minutes.

For 10 seconds, as quickly as possible, squeeze and unclench the muscles of the vagina, alternating exercises with 10 second breaks. In total, you need to do 3 sets with breaks of 30 seconds. Then squeeze and unclench the muscles 10 times for 5 seconds, not forgetting to take breaks for 5 seconds. In conclusion, squeeze and relax the muscles 3 times for 30 seconds.

Every woman has her own little secrets that make her unique and unrepeatable - something that drives the men around her crazy. It can be a magical look with devils in its depths or an innocent habit of correcting a loose strand. And there is the science of seduction, which appeared many millennia ago ... it was thanks to it that we learned to apply a seductive fragrance to the body, make the skin look like velvet, wear breathtaking stilettos ... One of the components of the ancient science is wumbling - the art of owning intimate muscles. He's an imbecile.

Vumbilding (VUM - short for “vaginal controlled muscles”) is a technique for developing the pelvic and other muscles in order to acquire the natural and necessary skills to master them in sex, during pregnancy, childbirth and the prevention of various female diseases.

Concubine Exam

So, in ancient China, only empresses and concubines (a little later - geishas) were taught this art - they formed the muscles of the pelvic floor using jade eggs. Love balls or beads were also used by women of the East. Mistresses in the emirs' harems were selected using a simple test: a stone egg on a silk thread was placed in the bosom of the girl and tried to pull it back. Only after the fifth torn thread was the concubine recognized as worthy to please the rich master.

There were other options for the exam. Colored water was injected into the vagina of the contenders for the sultan's bed and they had to dance a belly dance, holding the liquid in themselves. Well, the girl held the most important exam on the first night. The “newlywed” sat down on the Sultan, a burning candle or a jug of water was placed on her head, after which, while maintaining immobility, the “examined” had to bring the Sultan to orgasm.

Today, vaginal prowess is often demonstrated in various shows in Thailand. Butterflies fly out of the “secret places” of craftswomen, fish jump out, birds fly out ... Yes, in one night with such a craftswoman, men are ready for anything ...

For women's health and mental health

Vumbilding for many centuries remained an art for the elite, few women knew the knowledge of concubines. Today, hundreds of years later, the situation has changed: specialized schools have appeared, and now every woman can learn to control her internal muscles.

Why is this exotic art necessary? It is necessary for

- learn to control the muscles of love, increase their strength and elasticity;

- expand the sexual scenario, diversify intimate life;

— deliver maximum pleasure to your partner (and yourself too!) and become unique for him;

- learn to control your own orgasm;

- physiologically prepare for painless childbirth and accelerate postpartum recovery;

- take care of your women's health.

Now a little more about the benefits of wumbling

We all know that the female orgasm, as a rule, is not physiological, but psychological in nature, that is, it is based on feelings of intimacy with a loved one. And it's no secret that, according to statistics, most women do not experience orgasm at all during sex. One of the main causes of frigidity is weak, underdeveloped vaginal muscles. When they are “lazy” and do not participate in the process of copulation, the blood circulation in them worsens, and, consequently, the blood flow to the vagina is significantly reduced. Consequently, it becomes impossible to achieve orgasm. And vice versa: by forcing the muscles to work, we bring blood to the pelvic organs and ... enjoy the process.

And that is not all. Doctors say that regular wumbling exercises help in the fight against a number of gynecological diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle, wearing (in pursuit of a beautiful figure) slimming underwear. For example, the genital or intimate muscles in women sitting for 6-7 hours at the computer are not only in complete relaxation, but, figuratively speaking, “spread over the chair”, that is, they lose their shape, firmness and elasticity.

Numerous fibroids, polyps, prolapse of the pelvic organs, a huge percentage of caesarean sections and obstetric vacuum aspirations during childbirth in young people is nothing more than a consequence of weakness, lack of training of intimate muscles. And most importantly: imbuilding has a great effect on the entire female body, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. With regular training, bowel function improves, varicose veins resolve, and menopause is pushed back by a dozen years.

Train yourself

Wumbling classes, like any kind of self-improvement, are most effective under the vigilant guidance of an instructor. This is the best option. However, you can do it yourself, with books and instructions.

The first rule of the methodology is to start mastering it from the basics: you need to monitor your lifestyle, eat right, exercise regularly, get proper rest, etc.

Basic exercises in imbuilding are called Kegel exercises - they are recommended for all women after 25 years of age, and after childbirth they are simply necessary. Exercises, simple, but very effective, allow not only to significantly strengthen the genitals, but also to experience new sensations during sex, to give unique sensations to a partner. And also quickly recover after childbirth, improve your "women's health" and the state of the whole organism as a whole. Here are the simplest ones:

1. The first step is "getting to know" your vaginal muscles. All it takes is making sure you have them, they can contract and relax. To do this, when you go to the toilet, try to stop urinating. Did you feel your inner muscles tense up? Now you can proceed to the next imbuilding exercises.

2. The second exercise: rhythmically, with force (all other muscles of the body must be absolutely relaxed), strain the intimate muscles for 8-10 seconds. In the first week, you need to do 5-10 contractions 6 times a day. For 6 weeks, the number of contractions should be increased to 50 contractions (also 6 times a day). Then, to maintain tone, you can perform about 20-25 contractions daily. Obviously, this exercise doesn't require a dedicated space or time—that's what's great about it.

3. For the same purpose, vaginal balls are used (they, which came to us from Ancient China, are now available in any store specializing in "erotic" goods). The balls treated with a small amount of lubricant are injected inside and they try to hold at first for at least one minute, gradually increasing the duration of the exercise.

Perhaps this is all that a novice geisha needs to know - you can learn about the details, about new exercises and simulators from a variety of manuals or from a professional trainer ... Any means are good when you want to tie Him to yourself. The main thing is when you take care of your body. And we, women, have many ways. Wumbling, by the way, is not the only and not entirely indispensable. Agree, after all, in order to tie a man with his art in bed, he must also be lured to the bed. How? Just! With an alluring look, an unfading smile and ... female cunning!

Intimate muscle training is carried out in order to prevent diseases of the female genital area, to increase control and sensations during intimacy.

Thanks to the trained pelvic floor muscles, the prenatal and postpartum period of a woman's life is easier than for those who did not train intimate muscle tissue.

The technique of performing the exercises is not complicated, so they can be performed at home.

Why do you need intimate muscle training?

When a woman's pelvic floor muscles are trained, they are strong, resilient, and flexible. Thanks to this, during sexual intercourse, a woman can control them to achieve more pleasure for her partner.

Well-trained muscles allow you to get an orgasm even in a stationary state of both partners, this is called frictionless intercourse. During it, only the muscles of the female genital organs are put into operation.

Women who master the art of frictionless orgasm regularly train their pelvic muscles, thanks to which they have great success in relationships with the stronger sex. According to sexologists, a regular, full and varied intimate life is a necessity for married men.

Therefore, a woman who can bring originality and diversity to intimate relationships will undoubtedly be confident in the fidelity of her husband. To do this, many modern women regularly train intimate muscles at home.

Benefits of pelvic muscle training for women:

  • Gymnastics for the development of intimate muscles strengthens the health of the reproductive female organs. Trained muscles have a stronger blood flow, which means that menopause will come later than those women who have weakened muscle tissue.
  • Strong muscle tone of the pelvic floor organs allows labor to pass easier and with less pain. Many women start training intimate muscles at home just before childbirth.

The tangible effect of training intimate muscles at home can be felt in about a month if you do it regularly.
  • Together with the strengthening of muscle tissue in intimate places, the hips, abdomen and buttocks are strengthened, which means that cellulite is eliminated.
  • Trained vaginal walls maintain the tone of the male genital organ, prolonging the male sexual age.
  • In women with elastic intimate muscles, pheromones are produced more actively, which attracts men.

The positive aspects of the training complex of intimate muscle tissue

In women who regularly train muscle tissue in the intimate area, the following changes are noted:

  • intimate muscle tissue training improves sex life;
  • due to muscle tone, the size of the vagina decreases;
  • sexual intimacy is diluted with new sensations;
  • restoration of elasticity in the ligaments of the genital organs;
  • the pain of menstruation decreases;
  • cessation of pathological processes of the genitourinary system;
  • training at home is the prevention of diseases of the genital area;
  • less painful symptoms during childbirth;
  • strengthening the pelvic floor and abdominal press;
  • improvement in general well-being.

The undeniable advantage of training is the ability to conduct it anywhere: at home, in the office, while attending cultural events or even outdoor recreation.

Kegel training

Before starting training

The most famous technique for strengthening the vaginal muscles is called the Kegel technique. Before taking on active exercises, you need to learn the sensual sensations of the muscles themselves.

You can feel the work of intimate muscles during urination. This requires holding back the process several times, making pauses.

During this action, the perineal and vaginal muscles work. After a session of urination, you need to repeat the actions in the ordinary state several times.

After the muscle tissue in the intimate area is felt and the skills of its tension are acquired, it is allowed to move on to direct Kegel exercises.

Kegel intimate muscle training exercises

  • For 15 seconds, it is required to compress and decompress the muscle at an accelerated pace, relax for the same time and repeat the exercise three more times. After resting for 30 seconds, do the same contraction / decompression for 7 seconds, rest the same amount, repeat 8 times.
  • It is required to tighten the vaginal muscles and hold in this state for 6 seconds then relax. Do repetitions up to 8 times. At the next stage, it is required to similarly compress the muscles, hold for half a minute, rest also, half a minute. Do 3 sets of such training movements. At the end of this workout, rhythmic compression and unclenching for 8 seconds follows.

  • At a fast pace (12 sets), it is required to compress and decompress the vaginal muscles. Then rest for half a minute, do it twice. Tighten the muscle, and stay in this position for up to 1.5 minutes, rest and repeat again.
  • Do compressions and decompressions 25 times (this figure should be increased daily, reaching up to 90 times). Then you should squeeze tightly and hold, counting to 25, relax for half a minute, repeat. Such approaches should be done 5.
  • With an ordinary, calm speed, it is required to relax and strain the muscles for 3 minutes. Every day the time increases, bringing it up to 15 minutes. for one session.
  • It is necessary to strain the intimate muscles in increasing order, reaching the peak state, linger for a couple of seconds, and also relax gradually. Do up to 6 sets.

It's important to know! If you train according to the Kegel method at home at least 3 times a day, intimate muscles will quickly acquire tone, elasticity and strength.

Training the vaginal muscle with exercise equipment at home

In addition to performing independent exercises according to the Kegel method, experts recommend using simulators for training intimate muscles, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed more than once.

Interesting fact! The very first simulator was created by Arnold Kegel for the technique he developed. Its name is Perineometer.

It was intended to measure the clamping force of the vaginal sphincter, with the creation of the necessary resistance. The device has not received approval for use, but the Kegel technique itself is in demand.

Modern research and development have received positive results on the use of new simulators for strengthening intimate muscles. Here is some of them:

Pneumatic trainerThanks to this device, intra-abdominal pressure is regulated, which makes it possible to develop the ability to control the muscles of intimate areas. In addition, the simulator massages the walls of the vagina.
laser trainerThe main function of this development is to enhance the feeling of feedback from the muscle tissue of the intimate area (evaluation of the effectiveness of training). This model monitors the correctness of the exercises and indicates the degree of muscle formation.
Trainer EggThis simulator has similarities with the well-known vaginal balls and jade eggs.

For training at home, it has significant performance and ease of use. Its goal is aimed at training the intimate organ.

Its application consists in wearing the egg for some time inside the vagina. Thus, you can control the muscles, teaching them to enter into tone, regardless of desires. The device is also designed for training with loads, but you can switch to them only after preparation.

Tips for purchasing and using a wumbling simulator

The modern method of training the pelvic floor muscles in women (wumbling) has many positive aspects for the health of the woman and the sexual life of the family. Exercise machines are designed to achieve the result of training as soon as possible.

The difference between the Egg simulator and the Kegel technique is ease of use. It is only required to insert it inside the vagina and perform compressive - unclenching muscle movements (pulling in and pushing out) the recommended number of times.

Before you buy a simulator, pay attention to the following points:

  • The egg must be selected according to the size allowed (for women who have given birth, the egg should be larger).
  • For training sessions, you must use a condom. This is not only hygienic, but it also makes it easier to pull out the device (you need to leave a small tail outside).
  • The simulator should not have flaws (chips, cracks), this will help avoid injury to the vaginal mucosa.

  • If possible, it is better to give preference to healing stones (quartz or sapphire), their use for training purposes normalizes the microflora, heals wounds.
  • Effective strengthening of the muscles in the pelvic floor contributes to the regularity of classes. To get the expected effect from the use of devices for training the intimate muscle, classes are required to be carried out three times a week for 3-5 months.

If you use these tips and therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, the result will not be long in coming.

In medical practice, most often, training of intimate muscles in women using the Kegel method is prescribed for urinary incontinence, early menopause, difficulties in obtaining an orgasm, and diseases of the genitourinary system, such as uterine prolapse.

Video about the importance and benefits of intimate muscle training for women

Exercises for training intimate muscles at home:

A great way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles is with Kegel exercises:

Wumbling at home:

After the birth of a baby, many face a problem in their sexual life, it also happens to older women, and sometimes even young girls complain about the lack of orgasm. There is a solution to this issue - wumbling, or a special set of exercises for training intimate muscles. Thanks to this approach, you can fully feel your sexuality, easily achieve pleasure and please your partner.

Orgasm control skills are acquired, both one's own and a partner's;

The body prepares for painless childbirth;

Exercise also strengthens the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor;

Reduces the appearance of cellulite;

Another indisputable plus of training intimate muscles is that most of the exercises can be done anywhere - at work, at home, on the bus, theater or bed.

Arnold Kegel complexes:

10 seconds intensely squeeze and unclench the muscles. Repeat 3 times with a 10 second rest. Then repeat squeezing and unclenching for 5 seconds, alternating with a 5 second rest. Repeat the exercise 9 times. Next - squeeze the muscles for 30 seconds and relax the same way, repeat 2 times. At the end, repeat the first part of the exercise once.

Squeeze your intimate muscles for 5 seconds, then relax them. Repeat 10 times. Then 10 times at a fast pace, squeeze and unclench the muscles. Rest 10 seconds and then do 2 more reps. Squeeze the muscles and try to hold them in this position for 2 minutes. Rest 2 minutes and start the exercises again.

Squeeze and unclench intimate muscles 30 times. Then 40 times... 50 and so on. Gradually increase the number of compressions to 100 times. At the end, squeeze the muscles very strongly and hold them in this position for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise first 5 times.

Squeeze and unclench the muscles for two minutes. Take a break and squeeze for 5 minutes ... Gradually bring the exercise to 20 minutes. You need to do this exercise 3 times a day.

Exercise 1

2 minutes alternately contract the muscles of the anus, then the vagina. Then tense everything for 10 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Do 3 sets. Do this exercise 5 minutes a day.

Exercise 2

Strongly tighten the muscles of the vagina, as if trying to pull in and hold something. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Relax and gradually increase the time to 5 minutes.

Exercise 3

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, and put your hands on your knees. Move forward by alternately tightening the buttocks. The knees can be slightly bent, but straighten them before each subsequent tension. Do the exercise for about 5 minutes and rest. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 4

When urinating, hold the stream as long as you can, and then try to push it out with force. Repeat as much as you can. You can imitate such movements simply by sitting: squeezing and pushing the air with your vagina.

Exercise 5

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend at the knees. On the count of times - take a deep breath and tighten the sphincter. On the count of two, sit down and exhale. Relax and repeat the exercise for 4 minutes.

Exercise 6

Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Within 2-3 minutes, rhythmically raise and lower the pelvis. Rest and repeat 5 times.

Exercise 7

In the previous pose, lift the pelvis, but at the same time tighten the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and sphincter. Do 1-2 minutes. Take a rest. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 8

Similar to the previous one, only the feet must be closed.

Exercise 9

Squeeze your intimate muscles slowly during intercourse. Then try to alternate the intensity and frequency of contractions. For your partner, this will be the most enjoyable exercise.

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