We celebrate March 8 in the women's team. Scenario corporate party "March 8 in the fairy kingdom"

The 8th of March hastens to us.
It's time to congratulate the lovely ladies!
We want to hug them tightly
And we dedicate the hit to them!

Men sing to the tune of the song "Alice":

Sasha is with us, Andrey is with us
And many others famous people!
We have been preparing for a long time, and now the time has come to start!
Flowers, congratulations, bouquets of flowers,
Any of us is ready to congratulate cute girls!
Their holiday has come, a wonderful day on March 8th!

Holiday? And what is this holiday?

And this is a holiday of joy, smiles and spring,
When all our girls are beautiful and tender,
When the hearts of men are full of love and care!
When we are ready to surround them with attention,
When we are diligently ready to serve them,
After all, you can’t load girls with work today!

Girls? What are these girls?

Who are these girls and where are they?
Of course, in management, they look at computers!
And we, with such faces, will take it and join the ladies!

Even our favorite chef is with us,
He, if in the mood, can sing the chorus,
Because everyone knows how many women are in the department.
They work great, they burn with work,
They look great and delight our eyes.
Men know how to cheer up in five minutes!

And what do we want to wish our girls?
Always be young, never get tired!
Health and love, and holidays on the Black Sea!
May life smile at you, may you be lucky in everything!
Health does not end and creative upsurge!
And let fate fulfill all your dreams soon!

Presenter 1:
You are all so beautiful today
So charming, gentle!
Take a look - it will immediately become clear:
Around the breath of spring!

In this hard work,
Among computers, papers
You bloom brighter than ever
As if a good magician is near,

who gave you a miracle
To be young, to live lovingly,
And laundry, kitchen and dishes
I took it for sure!

So be happy, healthy,
Take it all in stride
And we are ready to set you up
Your reliable shoulder.

We wish you good luck in business,
Love beautiful and big!
You smile, which means
Everything in life will be fine!

And now let's sum up the results of the questionnaire that we conducted among our lovely women. Since we are celebrating the 8th of March, we also have eight questions.

(Presenter1 reads the question and Lead 2 best answers: five to six pre-selected options)

1. Your motto in a relationship with a man.
2. What shortcoming do you forgive men?
3. What fairy-tale heroine can you compare yourself to and why?
4. What do you dream about in spring?
5. And if everything starts again,
Who would you choose?
6. Describe your life with a line from a song.
7. Decipher the first letters of the word HUSBAND.
8. What is love anyway?
Prizes are awarded for the most lyrical questionnaire, for the most witty questionnaire and for the best answer
for every question.

Presenter 1: As for love, I can add the following: love is a disease in which only bed rest helps!
- What is this disease? - says the doctor, - when so much energy is spent?
This is work!
- What kind of work is this? - says the engineer, - when does the main unit stop?
This is art!
- What is this art? - says the actor, - when there are no spectators!
This is science!
- What is this science? - says the professor, when the last student can, but I can't!
So let's drink to eternal students in love!

Host 2: And now, dear women, let's test your erudition!

I propose to hold a little quiz. It also has 8 questions.
Winners, or rather, winners, expect prizes.

Chips will be awarded for correct answers, but if a man answers correctly, he must give his chip to any of the ladies present here.

1. Which ditty mentions both women and the number 8?
(Eight girls, one me.
Where are the girls, there I am!)

2. What alcoholic drink reminds of the name of the women's holiday? (Martini)
3. Remember films with the word WOMAN.
("Strange woman", "Sweet woman", "Beloved woman
mechanic Gavrilov", "Woman as a gift"...)

4. And what movie titles consist of only adjectives addressed to a woman? ("The most charming and attractive", "The only one" ...)
5. What songs are mentioned female names?
("Lisa! Don't leave!" "Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka!"
"At the samovar, I and my Masha", "Hello, hello, Alena!" etc.)

6. What wines are named after women?
(Lydia, Isabella, Dunyasha...)
7. What plants are reminiscent of female names?
(Rose, lily, pansies, daisy, Ivan da Marya...)

8. Which movies have women's names in their titles?
("Mashenka", "Anna Karenina", "Valentin and Valentina",
"Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha", "Seraphim and Seraphim"...)
So, the title "Vasilisa the Wise" deserved .....
(there is a prize for the largest number chips and Diploma:
"Vasilisa the Wise from admiring men")

However, do not forget: the convolutions are given to a woman in order to go around sharp corners!

A musical pause is announced, during which a jury of men who are the most competent in this matter will choose Elena the Beautiful. The men approach a stand with baby photos of women (without a caption), which was made in advance, for which all women were asked to bring their baby photos.

Presenter 1: So, the title "Elena the Beautiful" deserved photo N ....
We ask the original to come up for the prize! The winner is awarded a prize and a similar diploma.

Host 2: And now we will ask the women who sewed today's outfit with their own hands to come here. Please walk in front of us so we can appreciate your art!

So, the title of "Mary the Artificer" and our Grand Prize deserved ......

(The rest of the participants in this competition receive a chocolate bar "Rapture")

However, I want to warn our dear ladies: if you hear a cry of fashion, do not immediately respond - what if it's not you! And now a competition is being announced for the best toast in honor of our lovely women, as well as on the theme "Man and Woman".
Concerning last topic, then I have a toast like this:

Late night. The men are not at home. Two women are worried - wife and mother. So let's drink to the fact that not what the mother is afraid of happens to the man, but what the wife is afraid of!

A toast competition is held throughout the evening. Prizes are awarded to the winners.

Presenter 1: And now the smartest women will receive souvenirs from us! You only need to guess what is in the package.
1. It is liquid and solid. Various colors and shapes.
Has something to do with football, opera and television series.
(Soap - "Judge for soap!", "soap opera")

2. This gift is related to the song "Eat Coconuts, Chew Bananas",
but edible in name only
(cream "Coconut")

3. The name of the form is laid down,
And fill out the form!

Host 2: The soul sings and the conversation
The combined choir will continue again:

Song to the motive "If you, frowning, leave the house ...":

If you frown and leave the house,
Remember that today is a holiday!
What is ready to congratulate you any friend
Or even an unfamiliar oncoming boy!

And a smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!

We were brought together in the department by a lucky chance!
We love our lovely women not in vain!
Gentle, kind, modest, in general - the best!
More than our words about this views say!

And male admiration
Suddenly touches your eyes
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!

If you want early tea
Or it's time for lunch
Get out that tablecloth!
Here, in our gift, there are a considerable number of them!

Your appetite, no doubt
Will play right away
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!

Presentation of gifts (women are given .....)

Presenter 1: And finally, with all my heart we want to wish you:
Let the children do not upset you,
They will be beautiful like flowers!
Fives at school get
And make all dreams come true.
Just remember that when you have many children, they are obedient, when you have one child, you are obedient.

Host 2: Let there be a husband and a dear friend,
And a faithful companion for you!
To be proud of your spouse
And so that the fire in the soul does not go out!
Saying: "You are mine!", Immediately specify what exactly to wash!

So that when you come home from work,
Had the strength to joke
So that worries do not age you,
So that you do not get tired of loving!
Do not forget that the age of a woman is determined not by years, but by men!

And on this bright spring day
We sincerely wish you
Always be in shape, in the mood
And do not count the years!

Flowers, gifts and kind words are definitely nice, but expected. AT holidays I want bright fresh emotions and a complete distraction from everyday life. Successfully planning a corporate party on March 8 in a mixed team is not easy. But there are so many opportunities to implement the ideas of the organizer, and how pleasant it is to watch the company having fun!


Decide where your corporate event will take place - at work or in a restaurant. Celebrating March 8 at work in a close team, if there is a suitable room, is very fun! You can stay up late, include noisy contests, ditties, chants in the script, because you will not bother anyone.

If it is decided to gather on March 8 in a restaurant, the corporate party scenario should be worked out taking into account the time allotted for the event, free space, and the rules of the establishment. Before renting tables, find out if you can bring your own decor. In order for guests to plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday in advance, give an invitation to a corporate party in honor of March 8 to all colleagues.

You can make an original invitation with your own hands by decorating a blank card with lush corrugated buds, a company logo, a fluffy number 8 made of paper petals.

To immerse yourself in a joyful spring atmosphere, decorate the room:

  • balloons under the ceiling with buds tied to the tails of ribbons;
  • garlands of flowers made of paper, serpentine of delicate spring shades;
  • huge paper pompoms, circular fans with funny pictures or photos of employees in the center;

  • daffodils, tulips, mimosa on the tables;
  • congratulatory banner at the entrance / above the stage;
  • photo zone on the background of a thematic poster/press-ox with the company logo.

It is hardly worth embodying complex design ideas for March 8 - the main thing is that the corporate party takes place in a “smart” setting, and not in a boring faceless room. Music will emphasize the theme of the holiday (songs about spring, women, congratulatory), but also the usual dance music for March 8 should also be on the track list, otherwise the atmosphere will turn out to be too "vanilla".

Entertainment, script

We offer a universal scenario for a corporate party on March 8 in a mixed team - contests, games, congratulations, a playful quiz. Entertainment for both women and men, including pair competitions (they can be replaced by any other at the discretion of the organizer).

Two presenters are supposed - a woman (VZH) and a man (VM), but this is not critical, the texts are easy to correct. Leading in the form of a capricious demanding young lady: “Hey, why are we sitting? Come on, they quickly invited the ladies to dance, otherwise I’m not responsible for myself today! - and top leg.

opening scene

The holiday opens with a funny scene and a short reworking song, girls perform. At this point, the guests are seated at the table leading. The first two typical “blondes” to appear on the stage are brightly made up, in very short dresses, dazzling the audience with rhinestones and jewelry.

Since these are not home gatherings, but a corporate party, choose funny scenes on March 8, taking into account the morals and personal qualities of the guests. It is important that the humor is kind, not insulting and sarcastic.

First and second blondes (1b and 2b):

1b: Darling, what did you give to your 23rd?

2b: The socks are warm and the shorts are comfortable for the house. Cool ones with hearts. And you?

1b: And I’m a machine and foam, he just ran out ... Girlfriend, can you give me a razor next year, and I’m underpants?

2b: Come on, they did the same the year before last - it turned out fine, original. And what did you ask yours for on March 8? I want an iPhone. Well, or at least the fifth Chanel.

1b: And I say, buy me a fur coat, almost three years old - I will disgrace myself in rags. And he, think, answers me - why do you need a fur coat for spring? Oh, what a man went!
2b: Yes, you won’t expect normal gifts from these goats ...

Completely different girls come on stage - modestly dressed, soft makeup, with handkerchiefs thrown over their shoulders, with braided hair. The dream of a future family man! There can be as many as you like, but at least two.

Girl: Hello girls! We accidentally overheard your conversation here, and here's what I want to tell you ...

One of the blondes: By chance? Aha! And what kind of girls are we to you? It's you unfinished chants, and we are real women! Yes, Mash? (the second one hums).

Dev1: Yes Yes. Real ones ... About like that fur coat, whose father is a mink, mother is a beaver.

Blonde: You understand a lot! It's ex-key-ziv! Yes, although how do you, rednecks, know such words (both leave the stage with their heads held high, gait from the hip, comically staggering on high heels).

Dev1: It is because of such persons that they then say that all women are fools. And how to explain to them that women's happiness is not in minks and iPhones?

Dev2: Yes, well, their forest-field! The mood today is wonderful, it smells like spring. Let's sleep better, shall we?

Today is a holiday for girls -
Give gifts in the morning
And the girls' cheeks are on fire
All day bright blush.
The girls are sitting, things are aside
Bouquets in the hands of teasing
After all, today is the whole evening for the girls
Compliments come from the guys.
Men are full of pride
Caring, kind.
After all, our girls are slim,
Beautiful and wonderful.
The girls are dancing, the husbands are on the sidelines
Glasses and glasses clink
On the main evening of spring March
We expect only the best from the guys!

VZh: Dear men, you have the floor. Open the champagne, we have already prepared ears for toasting about the beautiful half of our team!

Instead of this touching remake song for March 8, you can choose a different theme if the corporate party involves a more cheeky atmosphere.

Using x-minus.me or a similar program, it's easy to change the tempo of the music so that the melody fits perfectly with your words.

Table chant

VM., after a skit and a series of toasts / congratulations in free form: Friends, a swallow on my tail brought me amazing news. It turns out that not everyone within a radius of 5 km knows how great we are celebrating International Women's Day. This urgently needs to be fixed!

Write roles and lines for them on pieces of paper, let the guests choose who gets what. In a large team, you will get several identical roles, but this way the game will be even more fun.

When the guests hear the word from their card in the speech of the host, you need to shout out your line.

Cards (=number of guests):

Woman- we deserve it!

The male- I'm good, I bought a gift (these cards need to be exchanged if the gender does not match the role).

Holiday- we walk, hooray!

March- the freaky spring has come!

Work- I'll wait!

Vodka- pour it already!

The leader reads the text, making short pauses after key phrases. Guests listen carefully so as not to miss their role:

MARCH in our country by tradition WOMEN'S month, because everyone celebrates a wonderful HOLIDAY in a warm company, often after WORK. Compliments and congratulations from MEN, dances accompanied by a good snack and vodka raise the mood of WOMEN to the highest degree!

Let's forget about WORK today and show everyone how to celebrate MARCH 8! After all, our corporate party is a HOLIDAY for the soul! Dear MEN, do not forget to add wine to WOMEN, well, do not deprive yourself - if suddenly, we have someone to run for VODKA (pour it already, period =).

Such games in a team help to relax before competitions, to stop being ashamed of each other. Of course, if the corporate party is 8 March will pass in a restaurant where, in addition to those invited, there will be strangers, it is better not to include such noisy games in the script.

Quiz for men

VZh: Brave, brave, strong, reliable our men! Oh what am I? I haven't come to my senses since the 23rd, sorry. In short, guys! Cheer us up, huh? I have prepared a quiz here, and since March 8, the topic is women. I wonder how much you know our woman's family? Go!

The presenter reads out a list of questions: “Who is the most .... a woman in the world?”, the men answer. In place of the ellipsis is the following (below immediately with the answers, but, of course, they do not need to be read out):

Sensitive (Princess and the Pea)
Green (Frog Princess, Princess Fiona)
Windy weather)
Miniature (Thumbelina)
Capricious/Changeable (fashion)
Wise (Vasilisa the Wise)
Cold ( The Snow Queen, Snow Maiden)
The best (mother, wife)
Sad (Princess Nesmeyana).
Who is the most harmful and old woman in the world (not mother-in-law, but Baba Yaga).

Quiz for women

VM: Girls, is it fun for you to laugh at the fantasies of men? Well, nothing, we have prepared such an answer for you! So the quiz...

VZh: Ha, also a quiz. You are my original, quick-witted! Give me a kiss (reaches for VM's cheek).

VM: "Katya", control yourself! How will I explain to your husband later that we didn’t have an orgy in the team, but a decent corporate party on March 8? Any ideas? I don't have it here.

VZh: Last year, on March 8, I yelled ditties until the morning so that my neighbor sang along. So don't worry - my husband will have something to do even without finding out who I smacked in my heart. Okay, let's burn us with the napalm of originality.

VM: And here are the pipes. This lovely ladies will have to show off originality! There is no single correct answer to my questions, but there is no need for one. Show us the famous female logic by humorously answering why some men:

  • Spit on the worm before putting it on the hook(because the fish bite better on the smell of vodka).
  • Put a bag on the plate before eating(not to wash the dishes).

  • Cooked sausages in a shell(because without it, the sausage will “get fat” after cooking, and he is already on a diet).
  • Often lose one sock(to laugh at the funny poses in which the wife searches every corner of the apartment).
  • Sniff food before eating(because yesterday my mother-in-law was visiting, and you never know what’s in the appetizer ...).

The presenter reads his answer (in brackets) after the ladies. The guests applaud who came up with the funniest explanation. The VP is indignant and stamps his feet if the invitees are on the side of the VM, convincing the team that the ladies did better.

Game congratulations with humor

it funny congratulations will fit into any scenario of a corporate party on March 8. Props - cards with toasts or poems. You can break a long verse into several parts and mark the reading order with numbers. Choose lyrical, playful, spicy - mixed up it will turn out funnier.

VM: I think both halves of our wonderful team did a great job with quizzes!

VZh: Yes, I admit - the men are on a roll today, well done! But why haven't you heard compliments addressed to us for 5 minutes already?! For this you have a terrible punishment - now everyone is obliged to congratulate the ladies on March 8 funny and in verse! And whoever fails, it's not my fault - it will be a week to wipe the dust at work. After the corporate party, of course, it’s okay today, relax.

Don’t be afraid, we will distribute the texts to you (VM takes out a tray with cards). But you need to read with a condition. What? And to whom will the fortune-teller slip something! They choose, read the congratulations in a funny voice:

Toothless grandfather
of an enthusiastic youth

We offer ideas for a corporate party at work / in a restaurant where there is not too much space:

  • put the egg in a small bag, make a tight knot(so as not to stain clothes). Divide into pairs of men + women, stand with your backs to each other. The goal is to lower the egg sandwiched between the backs to the floor before the rivals, without crushing or breaking it;
  • stand opposite each other for 20 seconds, turn around. The VM asks the woman questions about her partner in the game (the color of the eyes, watch strap, boots, how many buttons are unbuttoned on the collar, etc.). Then similar questions asks the VJ to the man. The one with the most correct answers wins.

When choosing games and competitions for a corporate party in honor of March 8, consider the nature of the company. For example, alcoholic and spicy entertainment is not always appropriate, although they usually go with a bang at adult holidays.

  • for men- draw a portrait of a blindfolded lady of the heart, women evaluate. Or draw with mayonnaise, sauces and cotton buds instead of brushes. Or, at speed, gnaw out a perfect heart from a chocolate bar, put on as many rubber gloves as possible on one hand;

  • for women- collect more “fans” on a long ribbon, passing it through the sleeves of shirts (m. stand in two lines, w. compete for speed). Or a booty to determine how many pills are in a bag on a chair, tie a tie in boxing gloves.

Collective congratulations

At the end of the script, it is emphasized main topic corporate party on March 8 - congratulations beautiful ladies, this time from the entire male team. VM reads, the stronger sex supports in a friendly choir (preparation, you need to agree in advance):

Dear ladies, we congratulate
We wish you love and joy
Happiness, health, constant luck
(men in chorus) Since March 8!
In a team to appreciate
They carried houses on their hands,
And in the hands of always an unlimited card
(in chorus) from March 8!
Foreign car in the garage, positive at heart,
Bright everyday life, freshness, excitement
(in chorus) dear, since March 8 you!

After such sincere congratulations It's time to give gifts and bouquets. It is better to give girls gifts at the end of the holiday, so that they do not have to think about where to put the presents.. For awards in competitions, prepare souvenirs with the company logo and / or funny thematic inscriptions, sets of sweets, bottles of wine / champagne.

Two presenters enter the hall.

Presenter 1:
Good evening ladies and those who keep them company!

Presenter 2:
Good evening! So March 8 has come, the soul requires something fun, special and interesting!

Presenter 1:
I want fairy tales! Or rather, to make the fairy tale come true! If only for an hour to live like fairy-tale heroes neither. For example, (in a dreamy voice) like Snow White. It's like a woman got lucky - 7 men!

Snow White enters the room.

Presenter 2:
Ouch! Here are miracles!

Snow White:
You girls don't even know what you're dreaming about! Don't you know that all men are their own?! And then just imagine - as many as seven pieces! And everyone has impeachment in their pants.

Presenter 1:
How? Everyone has? I thought there were no failures in fairy tales.

Snow White:
How it happens! Nothing human is alien to them. And all this is their trips to the left, worn out tools. In a word, its!

Presenter 2(dreamily):
But at one time everything was good...

Snow White:
Yeah, wash, iron, feed seven, give 7 pairs of socks for February 23, which then collect them all over the hut. This buzz is already up to the light bulb. So, girls, do not dream about any fabulous garbage. It’s better to look at something for yourself on the spot (looks at the hall and turns to someone) will you be the eighth? How about impeachment? Good? Take something...

Presenter 1 does something with her hands. The noise of the wind sounds, Snow White imitates the movement that she is blown away by the wind and she “flies” out of the hall under it.

Presenter 2:
What's a hurricane?

Presenter 1:
Yes, it's a necessary measure. And then she already laid her eyes on ours. We ourselves need them. With and without impeachment.

Presenter 2:
Better without it.

Presenter 1:
Who argue.

Presenter 2:
Something mood completely after the fabulous beastliness deteriorated.

Presenter 1:
An all-time effective medicine for women is a new thing.

Presenter 2:
What's in trend right now?

Presenter 1:
Now we will find out.

4-5 men are called. They first take out twisted pieces of paper from the bag (cap). One will get a piece of paper with the inscription "leading fashion show", the rest "model". Then the models are blindfolded, a pile of clothes is poured out in front of them (details can be from different clothes: male, female, work, weekend, wedding, etc.). They must pick up their clothes by touch. Then the bandages are removed. The clothes obtained will make up their new costume. They go behind the screen (or even leave the hall). Where they put on the extracted details of clothing, trying to create some kind of image. Along with them is also the "leading fashion show", since he should consider the outfits, because he will present them to the public, pointing to strengths clothes. While the men are busy changing clothes (by the way, new clothes can be put on both on their own clothes and directly on the body - this is a question of the relaxedness of the players), the presenters entertain the audience. You can guess riddles for small prizes, whoever guesses it gets a small prize. Then the leading fashion show enters the hall (from behind a screen) and opens the fashion show. The first model comes out, the presenter advertises the outfit. Then comes the second model, the third, the fourth.

Presenter 1:
Personally, for myself, I have already decided what I will take.

Presenter 2:
I also looked.

Presenter 1(addressing the audience):
We accept orders up to a ton!

All women present at the solemn table are given leaves. Men of the model line up, they count on "first, second ...". Women in the leaves should put one number corresponding to the outfit that they like best. Then the hosts collect the leaves, count the votes, the winner is given the right to invite to the dance (kiss any girl present in the hall 50-100 times).

Presenter 1:
It got a little more fun.

Presenter 2:
Yes, something else is missing, either a drink, or a snack, or something else.

Presenter 1:
You can always drink!

Raising glasses.

Presenter 2:
I'll sleep right now.

Presenter 1:
Why, at such a solemn moment, engage in amateur performances, let's leave it to professionals.

3-4 men are called. Again they pull papers from the bag (cap). Only there is written one verse and a chorus of some song about women, for example, “Oh, what a woman,” etc. A song congratulation is organized, it turns on musical accompaniment and the men must sing the songs they have inherited.

Presenter 1:
And life is getting better!

Presenter 2:
Yes! Feel the arrival of spring! Girls, it's good.

Presenter 1:
Yes, just work on the stronger floor, oh, how long you have to work. Completely raw material. They don't appreciate us.

Presenter 2:
That's right, they love themselves. Sympathy is not expected.

A parrot "flies" into the hall (a homegrown artist playing the role of a parrot). The parrot stops, in the hands of a hoop.

Presenter 1:
What is this guest?

Presenter 2:
The people call the butt-fool.

Not a fool, but a complete idiot.

Presenter 1:
What's wrong?

Because all my life I have been suffering for women! No, in order to suffer in silence, so I, go, suffer aloud! Have you heard of a fish being called a fool? That's right, because a smart infection is always silent, even fry it, even salt, that's all. And my mouth does not close, and it cuts the truth of the uterus when no one orders it. In how many families he lived, do not count. I remember living in mansions. The house, as they say, is a full bowl, even an overflowing bowl - a man has a Mercedes, a woman has a mink, I have chocolate-covered almonds. Live and be happy. So no, zasverbelo in one place. A couple of businessmen came to visit them. Nice couple, she is in a sable coat, and he is in Trussardi shorts. And as I scream while you went to visit your mother in your mink, this one in sable did somersaults with yours in front of my nose. What started here! They pushed this sable up to my tonsils. The owner with a knife broke through to me, shouting that I would go to the soup. Didn't go, flew to the devil's grandmother. So I fly from one to another and everywhere I suffer and will suffer! Because my heart aches for the fair sex. And what should they do if everything around is their own?! Comrades! Women don't get an orgasm! Love women! Wear them on your hands! Give flowers! Dedicate poetry! And I will not be silent! All! He left to do his duty.

Presenter 1:
The bird even understands how hard it is for our sister in this world.

Presenter 2:
Yes, compensation is inevitable.

The hosts choose 3-4 men. Take them out of the hall or behind the screen. Then 3-4 women are called. They must search them to the music (behind a screen or outside the hall, men hide in their clothes banknotes). The denomination may be different, but the number of each is the same. For example, ten bills. For a certain time (for example, a song), women are looking for stash, what they find, then remains with them (natural money).

Here, if desired, it is possible to arrange so that all women have the opportunity to materially rise. If there are not enough men for everyone, then they will have to make stash in the second round.

Presenter 1:
Who is the first to kiss?

Presenter 2:
Not! Will not work! Let's choose the best one!

Women are asked to clap, whistle and otherwise vote for a candidate who is worthy of kissing them. Leading call the name - women vote. The chosen candidate is taken to the middle of the hall. So far, three girls are invited, who sit down on chairs placed in a row. But it's not so simple. The kisser's eyes are closed and they are still untwisted. At this time, the places of girls are occupied by men. Intriguing music, kisses...

Presenter 1:
Oops, there was a mistake! We'll fix it now.

The men leave their seats and the girls take them back. The kisser is brought up to them, they give him the opportunity to touch his hands to make sure that the ladies are genuine. You can joke again, replacing only one girl with a man. Ultimately, the kisser is honored to give gifts to women where he can kiss them with 100% certainty.

Scenario corporate party
"March 8 in fairy kingdom"

An unforgettable corporate party in a fairy-tale kingdom will appeal to any company. Ladies will turn into fairy-tale heroines for one evening and will help other characters from fairy tales in solving their problems. After all, our women "will stop a galloping horse, they will enter a burning hut"!


Hello dear ladies and gentlemen! Today we have gathered here to congratulate the beautiful half of our team on the 8th of March! Our dear women, this evening is dedicated to you and only you! It will be unusual: we will go to fairyland where we will meet loved ones from childhood fairy tale characters. But first, we ourselves need to become one step closer to the fairy tale! So, I invite all the ladies to come out and choose a role for tonight!

Sounds " Magic waltz ".

Under his sounds, all women pull out a piece of paper with the name of a fairy-tale heroine from the “magic chest”. Details are attached to each image.

Vasilisa the Beautiful (kokoshnik)

Little Red Riding Hood (red beret)

Cinderella (apron)

Rapunzel (braid)

Snow Queen (Christmas diadem)

Princess Jasmine (oriental shawl)

Malvina (blue wig)

Frog Princess (frog mask on hair)

Women put on paraphernalia and sit down at the table in anticipation of the first guest.


All of you now fabulous beauties, and they, as we remember, are all-round craftswomen! So today we will check whether this is really so? But it will not be me who will check you in the case, but our fabulous guests! Don't lose face! Here comes the first guest.

Under solemn music the king comes out holding his stomach, groaning.


Have a good feast everyone!

I came to you with acute pain:

I have a stomach ache,

It's like someone lives there!

My cook, damned villain,

Gave me a cake with some mint!

I ordered him to be executed

Someone to cook now!

I don't eat for 7 days!

Chickens, ducks dream at night,

sandwiches and jams,

Olivier, stew, pickles!

And wake up - there is no food!

Only sprats for lunch!

Everyone is afraid to cook for me

And to be on the block ...

I came to you, help me out

Save the king-father!

Cook me food

Or I'll be lost!!!


Well, what beauties, will we not let the king die of hunger? Shall we feed him?

Competition "Culinary duel"

Only women participate in the competition. A pre-prepared box contains a set of products from which you can make a salad (crackers, crab sticks, sausage, corn, peas, banana, beans, apple, garlic, cheese, tomato, cucumber, greens). Participants are divided into 2 teams. They take turns taking one ingredient out of the box. From the variety obtained, you need to prepare a salad. The creators of the most delicious - win. And salads can safely migrate to the festive table ...

The king thanks the beauties, drinks a glass for the culinary skills of women, sits down at the table.


Do not relax, beauties, someone has come to us again!

To the appropriate music (you can use a fragment of this musical recording, but not from the beginning, but starting from 1:22) 3 heroes appear.


We are looking for brides everywhere

For a whole year we roam the world,

We looked into every house

And we can't find brides!

We see - there are many beauties,

Know not in vain the road led

Us here, at this table,

Who searched, he found!

There is only one condition:

The main thing for us is health,

For the wife to be

Endowed with power!

To hold the sword

Riding a horse!

We will test your strength

And then trust yourself!

Competition "Tug of war"

The participants are divided into 2 teams and, at the signal of the leader, they begin to pull the rope.

Bogatyrs can jokingly choose their wives from the winning team. Everyone drinks together for the power of women!


Looks like someone is flying towards us! No Baba Yaga on a broom?!

Under relevant music Baba Yaga appears on a broom (it is better if it is a man in disguise).

Baba Yaga:

Hey, my iris,

Did you miss Yagi?

I heard there are girls here

Craftsman of all trades!

I need your help:

I have become old

I can not frame men!

How to lure them into the network?

Conduct a master class

Let me learn from you!

Sexiest Couple Contest

Several couples are invited. A frying pan is attached to women, a ladle to men. Which pair will make more strokes with a ladle on the pan in 30 seconds, that one won. Don't help with your hands!

Baba Yaga thanks for science, drinks a glass with everyone for female coquetry and sits down at the table.


Silence! Hear - someone is crying!

The roaring princess Nesmeyana enters under recording of loud crying(better if it is a disguised man).


I am Princess Nesmeyana!

I don't even laugh when I'm drunk!

Even if you try

I can't laugh!

And I watched comedies

And ate “funny” mushrooms ...

Not a tickle saves

Not a joint, not a glass of vodka!

People, you help me:

Make the unsmiling laugh!

Competition "Live beads"

2 girls are called. Each receives a 10-meter ribbon, on which beads must be strung. All the guests present in the hall act as beads. The tape must be passed through an element of clothing (through a sleeve, trouser leg, belt, shoulder strap). When the "beads" are ready, a dance battle is announced: one string of beads performs "lambada", and the other - "dance of little ducklings" (other dances can be offered). It is important not only to dance well, but also to make sure that the beads do not crumble!

Nesmeyana laughs (you can turn it on recording of insane laughter), drinks with the guests for a feminine sense of humor and sits down at the table.


Well done, our fabulous girls, you made Nesmeyan laugh! But the tests didn't end there! Not all fairy-tale heroes have received your help yet. Here comes the next guest!

Under "Song of the Waterman" from the m / f "Flying Ship" a staggering Waterman appears with a bottle of vodka.


Hi all! I am Water!

They don't want to be friends with me

Because I drink a lot

I drank my whole life away!

And to my wife, Vodyanka,

Tired of this booze

She went to Leshem,

Pydmanula let me down!

I tried to tie

FROM clean slate to begin!

I can't, well, for the life of me!

Either a banquet, or an anniversary ...

Everywhere a glass is poured,

They serve foamy beer!

Life is going downhill

I give a signal: "SOS"!

Help me stop drinking

I will be forever grateful!

Competition "Last straw"

The host invites the guests to pass an empty glass in a circle, into which everyone sitting at the table will pour a little bit of the drink that he drinks himself. At the same time, it is desirable to make a toast in honor of beautiful women. When the glass is ready, the host passes it to the Waterman and invites him to add the last drop of his drink there. But whether Vodyanoy will drink this "combined drink" is up to him to decide! Perhaps this competition will force him to give up alcohol forever?

The waterman drinks the “last” glass for a sober look at things and joins the guests.


It looks like Vodyanoy is incorrigible, but on the way new character from fairy forest- Goblin!

Under the song Noisy reeds Leshy comes out. The merman jumps up and shouts:

It's him! Hold the bastard!

I'll give you a bottle as a reward!

He took my wife!

You are not Leshy! You are a goat!

They put him in his place, calm him down.


Sorry I'm late

I recently got married here...

My new wife

She got me drunk!

Like, you're not very dressed,

You look like an old grandfather!

Don't cut your hair

Overgrown from head to toe,

You don't take care of yourself

I'm ashamed to be your wife!

Ladies, help me

Learn to dress up!

Competition "Funny outfit"

For the competition, you need to prepare a large box, which will contain various comical things: women's and men's underpants, a bra big size, clown noses, bonnets, baby rompers, etc. Participants pass the box around cheerful music. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the box in his hands pulls one thing out of it and puts it on himself. The chosen item must be worn for half an hour!

Goblin drinks peace with Vodyany for the most glamorous women and joins the common table.


In my opinion, our fairy-tale princesses have proved today that everything is under their control, they can handle any business! Let's greet them again! Our dears, happy holiday to you, Happy Women's Day! Stay always as beautiful, irresistible and omnipotent! Accept gifts from fairy-tale characters, because you helped them so much!

All women go to the middle of the hall and receive gifts and flowers from fabulous guests.

In the end - group photo as a keepsake (after all, half an hour after the last competition has not yet expired, which means that the photos will be bright and memorable!)


Round-the-world trip with Verka Serduchka" - script for a corporate party on March 8 for a women's team

Scenario corporate party March 8 "Visits of unexpected guests"

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