Unique funny scenes in the camp. Short funny scenes for children

For children, we have prepared scenes for the camp. Short, funny, informative skits will allow you to have fun and get the children to know each other better. Each scene is something new and exciting, it is a journey to a fairy-tale land where only children can find themselves.

How important it is to have a friend.

Option 1.

Members: boy, girl, woodsman-boletus, presenter (narrator).

Once the brave Vasya decided to show his courage. He decided to go into a dark, deaf forest. The path is long and one.

Vasya (walks along the path):
Nobody compares to me
I go alone into the forest, I am dense,
I will go around the whole forest alone,
And I will prove my courage.

But Sveta caught up with him, not letting one go.

Let me go with you, and if it's difficult, I'll help.

I don't need helpers or friends. I can handle one.

And Vasily went on alone. And he said that Sveta should not follow him.
But the path divided more than once, and then disappeared at once. Vasya decided to return back, but only he could get lost.
Vasya sat down on a stump, and the boy began to cry.
Suddenly he heard a strange voice.

I greet you boy. Why are you sitting here alone?

I got lost in the forest
I can't find my way back.

Well, I can help you
But just do one favor.
Get me an apple from the branch,
But there is one condition:
Don't climb a tree
And be smart.

How can I pick an apple for you?
If I don't even reach the branch!

Think, guess
But don't delay too long.

And Vasya began to think about how to get an apple from a branch. He began to throw branches and stones at him.

No, it won't work like that.
I will not eat an apple, if it falls to the ground.

Well, he set a difficult task,
I'm definitely not going home!

The boy sat down on the stump again and cried. But suddenly a girl came out to him alone. She followed Vasya all this time. But she also got lost along with him. But Light was not afraid.

Let me help you get an apple.
You just need to lift me up a little.

Vasya looked at Sveta and guessed about her plan. After all, he fulfills all the conditions then, he is a forest boletus. Vasya raised a little to Sveta, and she plucked a red apple from a branch.

Well done boys.
And now you can step back.
Apple you roll along the path,
And follow him.
He will lead you to the house.
Just remember my order:
anytime and anywhere,
if suddenly you are in trouble,
if trouble happened suddenly,
a friend will always come to the rescue!
Never leave your friends
because friendship is important - know that!

Option 2. For true friendship, one person is not enough.

Children play on the playground. One boy is sitting in the sandbox and playing with a spade and a bucket. Another one runs up to him.

Boy 1: (Picks up another spatula and another bucket)
Let's make cookies together, shall we?

Boy 2:
- I can do it alone.
(takes away both spatula and bucket).

Boy 1 shrugs and walks away. And boy 2 gets tired of playing in the sandbox. He takes the machine and plays with it.
Boy 1 runs up to him again.

Boy 1:
- Let's play cars together? Let's build a garage.

Boy 2:
- I can do it alone. (Picks up the car)

Boy 1 runs away and boy 2 goes up the hill.

Boy 2 rides down the hill. Boy 1 runs up to him.

Boy 1:
- Let's go down the hill with a train?

Boy 2:
- I and one jump.

Boy 1:
- Why are you crying?

Boy 2:
- Because I want to ride, but this swing does not ride.

Boy 1:
Of course she won't skate. It takes two people.

Boy 2 cries even more.

Boy 1:
Do you want to ride together?

Boy 2:
- Highly.

Boy 1 sits on the other side of the swing and they ride.

And since then the boys have become friends. Indeed, for true friendship, one person is not enough.

School life is full of events - funny and sad, simple and complex, serious and not very - but always exciting. No wonder books and films "about school" are loved by all generations of former and current schoolchildren. If school situations are treated with ease and humor, then you can have fun, and some problems, if you look at them from this angle, will be solved by themselves. To do this, you just need to play! Scenes from school life do not even need to be remembered - these scenes have already been collected in our collection. And not simple ones, you will find here the newest original scene from the author “Kolobok in a New Way”, an opera scene that will amuse any team, as well as scenes - fairy tales. Joint creativity brings people closer. Share with us your scenarios.

Humorous fairy tales for children to school and camp

Comic New Year's scene - the opera "ABOUT THE HARE" - funny until you drop, for an adult team and senior classes at school

Everyone sings in the scene as best they can, the funnier the better. The main thing is to rehearse 2-3 times and you will be the highlight of the evening :-) You should first listen to the cartoon "The bunny went out for a walk."

In the photo below, our 8th grade, mid-80s ... It was once we staged a musical scene about a hare. While rehearsing so laughed, barely kept from laughing during the performance. 🙂 We came up with folders for the entourage, words are very easy to learn.

Oh you grass-ant meadow,
Oh, you hare side dear!
We are sure that sooner or later
The bunny will come out for a walk in the meadow.
One, two, three, four, five…
One, two, three, four, five…
One, two, three, four, five…
One, two, three, four, five…
One-two-three-four, one-two-three-four
One-two-three-four-five-a-at ...
…Came out!!
Hare: (tenor)
I went out for a walk in the forest
I'm scared, I'm scared
My soul is full of anticipation...
My soul... My soul-ah-ah...
... Full of foreboding. Soul is full...

Choir: Premonitions did not deceive him!
Hunter: (bass)
So where are you? I need you.
You deigned to eat my carrots!
What a shame, what a shame!
Our hare is a thief, our hare is a thief!
What a shame, what a shame!
Our hare is a thief, our hare is a thief!
Not true!
Not true!
…I didn’t eat carrots!
To the barrier!
To the barrier!
Now someone's blood will be shed
Now it will spill...
Will spill...
One male voice from the choir:
It's pouring...
Oh, will my slanting eyes close forever?
And I will not see you, my love!
My love!
My love, my carrot!
Forever yours, my dear-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah ...
Now. Now. Now. Now…
Pif! Puff!
My bunny is dying!
The choir sings vocalis and cries.
Will bring me home
I'll be alive...
And more than once
Bunny will come out
Take a walk!
And more than once
The bunny will come out for a walk!

The final, fifth parody (“opera”) ends with the bravura chorus “And more than once the bunny will come out for a walk! ..”. In the script, this vocal number is not interrupted on this line, but continues: "... words are not heard, it is incomprehensible, incomprehensible - and do not care!". But censorship forbade this line to be performed in the cartoon, considering it a libel on the Soviet opera.

Kolobok in a new way - original from the author

(reprinting of material is only allowed using a backlink)

Lived - there was a grandfather and a woman far away, but in the camp,

They ate bread and porridge. It's just that they were sad.

They had no children, they had no grandchildren,

That is why sadness, melancholy, a hole came to them.

And the woman and grandfather decided not to be sad, not toil,

It is better to go to the dining room with a cheerful song!

They walked with a friendly step, scraped together a little flour there,

Butter, sugar and salt! Here are the freaks!

From that composition, the woman thought to bake a pie,

But while fiddling with the dough, it turned out a bun!

That gingerbread man was cooled,

put on the window

Have a little rest.

But they forgot one thing:

After all, they read the tale far more than once,

But they did not believe that a fairy tale is a real story!

That bun rolled!

I'm tired of lying down!

He leaned on the threshold and ran himself to run.

Sees - on the way the director of the camp darling

With a surprised look, he looks at the unsociable miracle!

Gingerbread man sang a song here, than he finished off the director,

But he learned from his experience, his director praised!

I didn’t kick him out of the camp, and I didn’t want to eat him,

And only wished him success and much happiness.

Said that he did not catch the other kids in the eye,

And then he will have to find out, how a tear rolls from his eyes.

After all, kids will make you have fun and jump,

And they will teach you to dance and sing, and they won't let you sleep.

But our hero - a brave fellow did not heed the advice,

And with joy, enthusiasm, he quickly jumped to the kids.

He, of course, was surprised at first by the exploits of the children.

They tickled him, made him jump faster!

I had to invent games for them, and dance and sing songs,

To get him and torment them there was no time to be in time!

But the gingerbread man got used to them all the same and learned to live with them,

And now grandma and grandpa don't have to grieve either.

The director with obvious admiration said that it is better not to have him!

You will be the leader here! After all, there is no one here cooler!

Since then, in that camp there is a competition for the best counselor,

But it's still hard to find a better kolobok!

"The Prince Behind the Gates" (sketch for school and holiday camp)
Prince: Knock Knock.
Servant: Who's there?
Prince: I am the prince behind the gates.
Servant: We must report to the king. your majesty
King: (He's a prince.) What?
Servant: There is a prince outside the gate.
King: So give him the gate.
Servant: Take the gate.
Prince: But I don't need a gate.
Servant: What do you need?
Prince: I need the hand of the princess.
King: (He's a prince) What happened?
Servant: There is a prince outside the gate.
King: Well, give him the gate!
Servant: But he doesn't need a gate.
King: And what does he need?
Servant: He needs the hand of a princess!
Queen: (she's a servant) What happened, love?
King: There is a prince outside the gate.
Queen: Well, give him the gate!
King: Give me the gate!
Servant: Take the gate.
Prince: But I don't need a gate.
Servant: What do you need?
Prince: I need the hand of the princess.
Servant: I need to report to the king. Your Majesty!
King: (He's a prince) What happened?
Servant: There is a prince outside the gate.
King: Well, give him the gate!
Servant: But he doesn't need a gate.
King: And what does he need?

Servant: He needs the hand of a princess!
King: I need to talk to my wife! Expensive!
Queen:(she's a servant) What happened, love?
King: There is a prince outside the gate.
Queen: Well, give him the gate!
King: Give me the gate!
Servant: Take the gate!
Prince: But I don't need a gate.
Servant: What do you need?
Prince: I need the hand of the princess.
Servant: I need to report to the king. Your Majesty!
King: (He's a prince) What happened?
Servant: There is a prince outside the gate.
King: Well, give him the gate!
Servant: But he doesn't need a gate.
King: And what does he need?
Servant: He needs the hand of a princess!
King: I need to talk to my wife! Expensive!
Queen: (she's a servant) What happened, love?
King: There is a prince outside the gate.
Queen: Well, give him the gate!
King: But he doesn't need a gate.
Queen: And what does he need?
King: He wants our daughter's hand.
Princess: What?!
Queen: There's a prince outside the gate!
Princess: Well, give him the gate!
Queen: Give up the gate.
King: Give me the gate.
Servant: Take the gate.
Prince: But I don't need a gate.
Servant: What do you need?
Prince: I need the hand of the princess.
Servant: I need to report to the king. Your Majesty!
King: (He's a prince) What happened?
Servant: There is a prince outside the gate.
King: Well, give him the gate!
Servant: But he doesn't need a gate.
King: And what does he need?
Servant: He needs the hand of a princess!
King: I need to talk to my wife! Expensive!
Queen: (she's a servant) What happened, love?
King: There is a prince outside the gate.
Queen: Well, give him the gate!
King: But he doesn't need a gate.
Queen: And what does he need?
King: He wants our daughter's hand.
Queen: I need to talk to the princess! Cute!
Princess: (She's a king, she's a servant) What?!
Queen: There's a prince outside the gate!
Princess: Well, give him the gate!
Queen: But he doesn't need a gate!
Princess: What does he need?
Queen: He needs your hand!
Princess: NO!
Queen: No.
King: No.
Servant: No.
Prince: Absolutely not?
Servant: Absolutely not?
King: Absolutely not?
Queen: Absolutely not?
Princess: Exactly. NO.
Queen: Absolutely not.
King: Absolutely not.
Servant: Absolutely not.
Prince: Well, give at least the gate!

Funny outdoor games and skits for children's camp


Teams line up in parallel columns. Players stand at the back of each other's head at arm's length, feet shoulder-width apart.

At the signal of the referee, the first numbers take the balls lying in front of them with both hands and pass them over their heads to the second numbers. The second numbers, bending down, pass the ball to the next players between the legs. Still others pass the balls over their heads again, etc. The team wins, which, without making a single mistake and without dropping the ball, passes it faster than others from the first number to the last.

On a hot day on the river bank, instead of a ball, you can use a pot of water. The team that completes the task faster and has more water left in the bowler will win.

Chain fight

Three parallel lines are marked on the site at a distance of two to three meters. Teams line up on the outer lines facing each other, then converge on the middle line and form a single chain, with a player from one team being between two players from the other team. The participants of the game take each other by the arms and, at the signal of the judge, start the fight, trying to pull the rivals over the line from where they came from. The team that manages to do this wins. Nearby players who allowed the chain to break are out of the game.

Fight on the line

Teams, lined up in lines, stand on both sides of the line facing each other. Intervals between playermi in ranks - 1m. On a signal, the participants approach the line and, without crossing it, try to take the hands of the players of the other team and drag them to their side. For each player who was forced to step over the line with at least one foot, the team is awarded a point. The player who was dragged over the line is out of the game. Players on the same team can help each other.

tie a knot

In front of each team, at a distance of 10-20 m, a circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 m is marked. A rope 1 m long and 0.5-1 cm thick is placed in the circle. There is a judge at each circle. The participant of the game, having reached the circle, takes the rope, ties a knot (the method is negotiated in advance), shows the judge, unties the rope and puts it in place. If the knot was tied correctly, the participant runs to his team. If the referee fixes an error, the player returns on all fours.

water carriers

At the start, there are buckets filled with water and mugs (buckets and mugs are the same size, the volume of water is equal). At the signal of the judge, the first numbers of teams take mugs, scoop water from their bucket and rush to the finish line, where there are empty buckets, each team has its own. Having poured out the water, the participants run back to the start and pass the mug to the second participant. Then the third participant enters the game, and so on. The task of the players is not only to cover the distance faster, but also not to splash water.

Move the victim

The teams line up in twos at the start line, and the captains at the finish line. On a signal, the captains run to their team and, holding hands with one of the players, carry the other, “injured”, to the finish line. From the finish line, the “injured” returns and, together with the player of the second pair, carries another “injured”. So until the whole team gathers at the finish line. The team that does it faster wins.

Cross caterpillars

This fun competition is best organized on a sandy beach. Several equal radii are measured from the center of the site with a cord or steps (according to the number of participants) and their ends are marked with pebbles, flags, etc. At the starting positions, the players lie on their stomachs with their heads towards the center of the circle. Assistant referees tie their hands behind their backs and their legs at the ankles. On command, everyone rushes to the center of the site, where the prize is located - a bowl of sweets, apples, nuts, etc., covered with a napkin. Everyone strives to reach the center before the others, and the one who "came" first must grab the napkin with his teeth and throw it aside. Participants are allowed to move in any way: rolling from side to side, pushing off the ground with their knees, somersaults, jumps on their knees or on their feet, etc. It is not allowed to move (throw away) the bowl from its place with the body.

comic run

Competitions can be held in the form of a relay race, at different stages of which different types of movement are used, for example:

    on one leg

    squat jumping,

    On knees,

    with closed legs.

frog run

Participants squat down. On a signal, they put two hands forward on the ground, then make a jump with both legs from a squatting position, then again put their hands forward, etc.

Running in a bag

Each participant is given a large bag, into which he climbs with his feet. With two hands, the bag is held above the waist.

Running with potatoes

The participant is given a spoon containing potatoes. The spoon is held in the outstretched hand or in the teeth. If during the movement the potato fell, they pick it up, put it back in the spoon and continue running.

Who quickly:

    thread a needle?

    sew on a button?

    peel potatoes?

    saw off a block of wood?

    hammer 2 nails?

    collects 20 scattered items in a backpack (each time taking off, untying and putting on a backpack again). Competitions can be held as stages of relay races. Indispensable condition:

    button, potato and other items must be the same size;

    tools must be the same (for example, knives for peeling potatoes);

    areas for collecting things in a backpack should be separated.

Competition "Sea Knot"

Players are invited to tie five knots on a thick rope as tight as possible. Nodes can be any - both marine and ordinary. When the task is completed, it is proposed to untie the knots. Whoever managed to do it faster, he gets a bonus point.

Children line up in a column, each holding the belt in front of him. The last person in the column is the tail, and the first is the head. The task of the head is to catch the tail. At the same time, the body of the snake should not disintegrate, that is, the hands cannot be disengaged. When the head catches the tail, a new tail and a new head can be selected.


The driver sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players move in a circle with the words:

water, water,

Why are you sitting underwater?

Look out for a glimpse

For one minute.

The circle stops. "Vodyanoy" gets up and, without opening his eyes, approaches one of the players. His task is to determine who is in front of him. "Waterman" can touch the player standing in front of him, but his eyes cannot be opened. You can't touch your head. If the driver guessed right, he changes roles.

1. Archery. Onions at a distance to get into the bucket.

2. "Skating". Running in big galoshes

3. "Badminton". With a racket, mint a balloon to a bucket

4. "Scuba diving". Running in fins, with a glass raised up.

5. "Jumps". Jump on a chair (stool).

6. "Running on skis". Run along the ski track drawn in chalk with sticks, stepping strictly on the track ruts.

7. "Night orientation". Blindfolded, the player reaches the chair, walks around it 3 times and returns. The team directs him with exclamations: "To the right!!!", "To the left!!!".

8. "Race walking". Walk through the midgets.

9. "Long jump". One jumps from a place in length, the other jumps further from the place of his landing, etc.

10. "Jumping into the water." Jump into a basin of water.

11. "Tug of war". Rope between legs, teams with their backs to each other.

"FROM Bump to Bump".

The players are divided into several teams and lined up in columns one at a time near the starting line. In front of each column from the start to the finish line (10-15m), 10-12 circles (bumps) with a diameter of 25-30 cm are drawn. At the command of the leader, the players standing first start jumping from bump to bump, and when they reach the finish line, they return back running . The first person to come running and his team gets a point. The game is played several times, and in conclusion, it is calculated who personally scored the most points and which team was the first in terms of the number of wins.


"WATER CARRIER". Participants will have to carry a plate filled to the brim, while trying not to spill a drop back and forth. The plate is then passed to the next person.

The plate is held with one hand,

The plate is placed on the head and held with one hand.

"WATERING THE FLOWERS". Flowers will replace empty jars, and for watering you will need a glass and a bucket of water for each team. Empty liter cans (4-6 pcs.) Are installed one after another along the entire line of movement. It is better to install them on stools. Next to the start line is a filled bucket of water. The first one takes a full glass of water and runs to "water the flowers". He must distribute the water in each jar so that there is approximately the same amount everywhere. When all the "flowers" are watered, the player runs to the turn, comes back and passes the glass. An even amount of water in each of the cans is estimated.

"MELIORATORS". The team stands on the start line, there is a stool at the turn, and on it is a deep plate of water. This will be the swamp. It must be dried. The first one runs to the stool, stops about 20 cm from it and blows hard on the plate of water, trying to blow as much water out of it as possible. Then he runs back to pass the baton. You can blow only once and no closer than 20 cm from the plate.

"ROOKER". The first one will take a yoke-stick (2 m long) on ​​his shoulder, and two other participants will help him hang two buckets of water (small full or half large) on a stick. The participant must run to the turn and return back to pass the "yoke" with buckets. If the bucket falls, the player will have to start over. The guys should help each other at the start.

"PAINTERS". A piece of canvas will be replaced by any one-color matter measuring 50 x 50 cm (or a handkerchief). The role of the brush will be played by an ordinary tablespoon. The paint will be replaced by water. At the turn, a "canvas" is fixed on the tablet (or lies on the ground). In the hands of the first participant is a spoon. On a signal, he starts moving, scooping up a spoonful of water from a bucket. He runs to the "canvas" and pours water on it. Then he comes back and betrays the spoon. That team wins, its canvas will become wet faster.

"FISHER-SPORTSMAN". You will need a bucket of water, matches or small sticks according to the number of players, a tablespoon and a plate. In the hands of the first - a spoon and a plate. There is a bucket at the turn, in which matches-fish float on the surface of the water. The task of each participant is to run to the bucket-reservoir and use a spoon to catch one fish and put it in a plate-garden. Then return to the team and hand over the catch and the rod. Don't drop your catch or you'll have to start all over again. With fish, you need to scoop up some water.

"SPRING-CLEANING". You need a floor rag, a basin of water, a bucket. A basin of water is placed next to the start line, and a bucket on the turning line in the middle of the distance. The task of the participant is to take the rag in his hands, at the signal of the judge, lower the rag and the basin so that it is completely wet, then pull it out and run to the bucket as quickly as possible in order to squeeze out all the water that has been absorbed into the rag, go back and pass the rag to the next. The rag must be squeezed more carefully.

"AQUARIUS". It is necessary to pour water from a bottle into another. Prepare two half-liter bottles with a narrow neck. Fill one of them with water. And leave the second empty and place it on a stool next to the turn and pour its contents into an empty bottle as quickly as possible. However, he does not use any improvised means. When the water is poured, "Aquarius" leaves an empty bottle on a stool, and with a full one returns to the team and passes it to the next one. Check who lost less water.

"DIVING". The first one stands on the start line, puts flippers on his feet, takes a glass of water in one hand and raises it above his head and runs back and forth. Add water to the glass if it spills. Invite your free hand to make movements similar to those of a swimmer.

"WATER-JET". You need a bucket of water, a glass, skittles (maybe equal to the number of participants or less). At a distance of 5-6 m from the start line, place a bucket of water and a glass, and after another 2-3 m, put pins in a row. The first one runs to the bucket, scoops up water with a glass, and then splashes the glass towards the pins. After that, he leaves the glass and comes back. The task of the team is to knock down all the pins as quickly as possible. Try to splash water so that it flies in a directed stream.

"WATERING MACHINE". You need glasses, bottles of 0.5 liters and funnels (can be made of paper) - one at a time. Participants stand in pairs one after another. In the hands of the players of the first pair - an empty glass in one and a bottle filled with water in the other. At the turn there is a stool with a funnel. The first run while one participant must pour water from a bottle into the glass of another so as to fill the glass to the brim without stopping. Having reached the stool, the player with the glass must pour the water back. Then return the funnel to the stool and run back. The jury observes that the glass is filled to the brim during the run and how much water is lost from the bottle.

"DIVING". You need large bowls of water. Basins stand about a meter from the start line. Participants stand barefoot one after another. The task is for everyone to take turns jumping into a basin of water. But when jumping, you need to raise as many splashes as possible so that more water splashes out of the basin. You can not jump on the edge of the pelvis. If this happens, you will have to start all over again.

"WATER SCOOTER". You need a tablespoon, deep plates and liter jars. A plate of water is placed 2-3 meters from the start line, it is better to put it on a stool. And an empty can is installed at the turn. The first one runs with a spoon to the plate, scoops up water with it and moves to the jar to pour the water into it. Then it comes back.

"RAIN GATHERERS". Strong helpers will be needed, such that they can lift a bucket full of water. Assistants have to make "rain". To do this, they will have to throw out the water from the buckets as high as possible, so that it returns from a height with splashes and drops. This rain will need to be collected by the whole team at the same time. To do this, each team member must have a glass. With this glass, he must catch as many drops from the sky as possible after three rain splashes. Then everything is merged into one container and compared.


"KANGAROO WITH A BABY". You need a medium-sized bag (or a backpack, or a bag), a volleyball and a rope. Bags or sacks are tied to participants starting the relay at waist level. On a signal, the participants put the ball into the soybean bags and jump over the distance. At the same time, it is forbidden to hold hands on the bag with the cub. It is important that the baby does not fall out of the bag.

"PENGUIN". You need 2 tennis balls. The task of the participant, holding the tennis ball with his feet at the level of the knees or ankles, carry it to the turning point and back. In this case, you can not jump or run. We need to go waddle, but as quickly as possible.

"TURTLE TRAVELER". Need a metal or plastic basin. The first participant gets on all fours, a pelvis is placed on his back with the bottom up. Now you need to go back and forth without losing your shell-pelvis.

"CANCER FROM DANGER". The participant has to move backwards. Get on all fours facing the team. On a signal, he starts moving in this position, runs to the turn and returns.

"FROG ON THE HUNTING". The first participant puts on flippers, squats down and starts moving forward, jumping like a frog. Having reached the turn, he turns around to face his team. At this time, the next participant throws a tennis ball - a mosquito - to the frog. The frog must catch the prey and return home with it.

"Two-Humped Camel". 2 participants run. They stand one after another, bend over, with the second holding his hand on the belt of the first. A volleyball is placed on the back of each participant. Both participants hold them with one hand so that the humped balls do not fall to the ground.

"A SQUIRREL CARRYING A NUT". Prepare for each team 5-7 hoops, depending on the length of the distance, and one volleyball. Place the hoops on the ground so that you can jump from one to the next. Moreover, they may not lie in a straight line. The task of the squirrel is to carry a nut - a volleyball, burping from tree to tree (from hoop to hoop), first to the turn and back. (you can give 2-3 balls)

"WEAVING SPIDER". 4 people participate at the same time. They stand with their backs to each other and grapple with their arms bent at the elbows. Now the spider needs to quickly go from the start to the turn and back. But you will have to move not in a straight line, but along a cobweb thread. Let it be a rope laid on the ground or a line drawn in chalk. The line may have unexpected turns, zigzags.

I have a steam locomotive


I have a train - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
He takes me on rails - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
He has a pipe and a stove - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
And the magic ring - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
We will depart from the station - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
It has four halls - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
We'll go to Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
And maybe closer - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
Then the spring rain came - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
And our train got stuck - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
We are standing in a huge puddle - TU - TU - CHI - CHI
Here we are not up to Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI


Fedya : Grandma, cheers! I found the exact coordinates of Treasure Island. And here is the instruction on how to find the treasure.(is reading Attachment 1 )

Granny: Well, granddaughters, we must swim. Let's take a closer look at the schooner. Two of your brothers will go with us. Only five more people are needed in the team, but smarter.

Fedya: How do I know who's smart?

Granny : Here's an old recipe for you. He got it from my grandmother. Now, I heard, according to the scientific name "test" is called. Directly on it and a spatula.

Fedya: Hello, pirates! Whoever answers my questions, I take with me for treasures. Question one. What did you understand when you heard my words “question one”?

Gene: I understand that there will be a second question.

Fedya: Well done, smart! I'll take you on the team. Next question. I have a hundred and one enemies. Each left 13 teeth, he counted. Who can quickly count how many teeth they have in total?

Zhora : It is necessary to write down 13 2 times: a thousand three hundred and thirteen.

Fedya: You're good! Third question. The old man from whom I buy musket bullets does not trade in small things. I agree to sell such a number of bullets that all the numbers would meet in it. How many bullets can he buy at least?

Fedya : And you fit! Let's go further. The schooner cost 9 thousand piastros. Then the price went up by one third. And then it also fell in price by one third. How much does one schooner cost now?

Zhora : Yes, the same 9 thousand is worth it! Why bother people?

Emelya: Eight thousand! Get it before the price goes up again!

Fedya : Well, you're a genius! I didn't even know how to solve this problem. But in my grandmother's cheat sheet there was such a solution. And now the last question. How can two pirates share the booty so that both are satisfied?

Gena : Take everything for yourself, and let him complain even to the devil!

Jora: Let the captain share!

Gena : Hang on the scales!

Zina : Oh, you! Pirates are called 1 Mind only enough to beat the dishes. Let one pirate divide the booty into two parts, and the second one will choose which one he likes best.

Fedya: Blimey! Just like grandma's. I will have to take you with me.

All Pirates Together: But what about the tavern?

Zina: Nothing, stay locked. Perhaps by my return you will grow wiser.

Fedya: Well, the team is ready. In the morning everyone boarded the schooner: Gena, Zhora, Zina, Dima, Emelya. My brother Alik will go with us, and our dear Granny. We'll choose a captain tomorrow.

On the way home, Fedya suddenly realized that among the named pirates he did not have a single reliable friend. Therefore, he came to Granny preoccupied.

Granny : What, granddaughters, or my prescription did not help.

Fedya: No, it's all right. The people gathered smart. But here's the problem: there are 9 people in the team, and I have only four faithful supporters: you, brothers, and myself. What if they don't choose me as a captain?

Granny: And you arrange a two-stage election.

Fedya: What is it like?

Granny: And you divided the team into three equal groups. And let each group choose one elector from its membership. Let the electors choose the captain.

(grandma shows application2)

Fedya: I don't understand!

Granny : You are my stupid! Put your two in two groups. This is how you become a captain. Got it?

(grandma shows app3)

Fedya thought and understood. The next morning it all happened.

Granny : I propose to choose Fedya as captain. He found the map.

Alik : Fully support.

Gene: And I propose to captain me. I am the smartest.

Granny A: Let's vote. Who is for Fedya?(considers). who is for Zhora?(considers). Fedya passes.

Granny : What's this! Now, if there were 27 people, then with the help of three-stage elections, you could become a captain, having only 8 supporters.

(grandma shows app4)

The treasure hunt has begun. The sea was calm, the way was not close, and the captain tried to make the voyage interesting. In the evenings, he gathered everyone in the wardroom and entertained them with entertaining tasks from the Granny's chest. Maybe you will say that only piastres are interesting with pirates, but they are not interested in tasks? But do not forget that these were not ordinary pirates, but conformable ones.

The pirates thought for a long time about how to cut such a piece of cloth into 8 equal parts in order to make headbands for all ordinary members of the team.

Finally, the pirate Zina came up with a solution. Here it is.

(Zina shows APPENDIX 5)

After that, the pirates asked for an easier task. And Fedya found this:

Fedya: ( is reading ) “Two travelers approached the river at the same time. A boat was tied to the shore, in which only one person could cross. The travelers could not swim (ha ha ha), but each of them managed to cross the river and go their own way. How could this happen?

Alik: They approached the river from different directions.

So passed yesterday on the schooner. Fedya turned out to be a skilled captain, and soon the schooner reached the island. The team prepared to land on the beach.

Emelya : Take up arms, captain?

Fedya: No need. This island is almost uninhabited. Two people live on it. People are peaceful, but strange. One always tells the truth and the other always lies.

Going ashore, the pirates immediately saw a birch and an oak.

Jora: Where is the chapel?

Pirates wandered, wandered around the island, but there was no chapel anywhere. But they suddenly stumbled upon two peacefully talking islanders.

Fedya: Now we will find out from them what happened to the chapel.

Gene: Yes, but one of them lies all the time.

Alik: Stop pirates. Now we will find out which of them can be dealt with. I'll ask this one on the right if he's truthful, and he'll answer me honestly.

Emelya: So after all, any of them will answer “yes” to such a question: the truthful one will tell the truth, and the liar will lie.

Alik : And you need to be able to ask questions (he approached the islander)

Tell me brother, what would you answer me if I asked you if you were truthful?

Islander: I would say yes.

Alik: Oh brother, we need you.

Zina: Captain! Here is a man we can completely trust. He always tells the truth. Friend, where is the chapel?

Islander: The chapel is destroyed by a hurricane.

Fedya: Where was she?

At the same time, such a fire flared in Fedya's eyes that the islander wondered why they needed to know this. Nothing to do. Fedya told who they were, why they had come here and why they were asking this question.

Islander : And what will happen to me if I show you where the chapel was?

Fedya: We won't hurt you when we share the booty.

Islander: Don't you cheat?

Fedya: No. We are honest pirates. Check if you want.

Islander : I don't know how to check honesty. But I can test your intelligence. I trust smart people. Guess my birthday. Let everyone ask me a question. And I will only answer yes or no.

Granny: Goes.

(Fedya made a list of months on the sand).

Fedya: First question. Were you born in the first half of the year, from January to June?

Islander : Yes.

(Emelya erases the last months).

Gene: You were born for the first time three months, from January to March?

Islander: No.

(Emelya erases the first three months).

Jora: Third question: were you born in April?

Islander: No.

(Emelya erases "April").

Grandma: Were you born in May?

Islander: No.

(Emelya erases "May").

Zina: All clear. You were born in June. It remains to determine the number. Jora, come on!

(Jora made a list of days).

Jora: Were you born between June 1st and 15th?

Islander: Not

(Emelya erases the first fifteen numbers).

Gena : From 23 to 26?

Islander : Not.(Emelya erases the numbers)

Zina : From 27 to 28?

Islander: No.

Granny: Were you born on the twenty-ninth?

Islander: Yes. You are smart people. I trust you.

Author : And he showed them where the chapel stood. The pirates quickly found the right place and dug up the treasure. They rewarded the islander, boarded the schooner and raised the sails.

Granny: I've been thinking about treasure here. And I realized that it could be found without knowing where the chapel is located. Look, the point where the treasure is buried is the center of the square, the tops of which are birch and oak.

(Gena shows APPENDIX 7)

Fedya: Hey Granny! What didn't you say before? We would have saved so much on an islander!

Granny: Yes, I did not realize right away. And when the promise was given, it was already too late: what if you deceived him. After all, you, granddaughters, though quick-witted, are still pirates.

Tale of Pirates: The Brave Captain

A funny scene in verse
for staging a mini-performance
at the children's puppet theater

Performance duration: 10 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 9.


First Pirate
Second Pirate

The sea is on stage. A pirate ship emerges from behind the scenes.


Unwashed, bearded
Pirates sail the seas.

A toothy Shark emerges from the sea in front of the ship.


Suddenly a shark is on the way
Don't joke with her.


BUT! Gotcha Pirates
I'm hungry as hell.
Well, jump overboard!
Or else I'll bite
The brig is yours along with the sails!


I am a brave captain
And I won't give orders!
The mouth is not a cannonball.
I'm not afraid of you, shark!
And you go for an abortion -
So you yourself will give the ends!

The shark starts to rush at the ship and bite it.


The shark got angry
Whipped its tail on the water,
The mouth opened wide and into battle -
Anyone would be scared
But not a brave captain.


I'm not scared a bit!
Get it right.
Here's an oar on your forehead.

The captain takes out an oar and hits Shark with it.



First Pirate (happily)

Hooray! Hooray! Shark
Drowned in the blue sea.

Second Pirate

Will know how to bite everyone
Scratch your teeth on the sides!


And funny pirates
Unwashed bearded
They swam again ... Suddenly surfaced
A fish with a nose like a saw.

A Sawfish emerges in front of the ship.


BUT! Got me, pirates
I will cut your ship!
I will drown you all in the sea!
Your souls after death
Get the sea devils!

The Captain appears at the bow of the ship.


I am a brave captain
I won't give up the brig without a fight!
I'm not afraid of you at all!
You only try to saw -
If you go for a boarding,
So you yourself will give the ends!

The sawfish rushes to the ship and begins sawing it.


The fish is very angry
And let's nag that urine.
It's not smart to be afraid here,
Everyone would be scared, but
Just not a brave pirate.


I'm not scared a bit!
Get it right -
By sawing with your oar!

The Captain hits the Sawfish with an oar and it disappears into the waves.


And funny pirates
Unwashed bearded
Then they sail across the sea.
Suddenly an octopus came up to meet -
Octopus big and fat
About the size of their ship.

Octopus appears in front of the ship.


BUT! Gotcha, pirates
I haven't eaten for a long time
I'll drag you all down!
For sailors and sailors
I'm full of suckers!

The Captain appears at the bow of the ship.


I am a brave captain
And I won't let you sink the ship!
I'm not afraid of you! Hey slut,
Get your slippers out!
And you go for an abortion -
Here you will give up the ends!

The octopus rushes to the ship and begins to sink it.


The octopus was terribly furious,
A death grip grabbed the board,
He began to pull the ship to the bottom,
Everyone would be scared, but
Just not a brave pirate.


I'm not scared a bit!
Get it right
A nasty octopus, in the forehead with an oar!

The captain beats the Octopus with an oar.



The octopus disappears in the waves.

First Pirate

Hooray! Huge squid
Instantly disappeared into the dark abyss.

Second Pirate

From now on, this horror will not be
Pull the ships to the bottom!


For a long time the pirates sailed like this
Finally, a pirate brig
Dream Islands reached!

An island appears in front of the ship.


Pirates came ashore
Each with a map and a shovel.

Pirates with shovels go ashore.


They began to dig here and there -
Look for treasure on the island.

The first Pirate digs and takes out a snag.

First Pirate

I found a snag in the sand!

The second Pirate digs and takes out a flask.

Second Pirate

I found a flask for rum!

The captain digs and takes out the chest.


I found a big chest!

The chest bounces, a dull thud comes from it.

First Pirate (scared)

There's a knock in the chest!

Pirates hide behind the Captain.


Pirates got scared
Unwashed bearded -
Everything in life is not like in the movies,
Here everyone would have chickened out, but
Just not a brave pirate.


I'm not scared a bit!
Get it right!
Here's to you for a knock with an oar.

The captain hits the chest with an oar.

First Pirate (scared)

A cloud of dust kicked up!

Second Pirate (scared)

The smell is terrible, like in the grave!

Captain (disappointed)

There are no treasures!
The chest contains a skeleton!

From the chest rises the Skeleton of a pirate with a saber in his hand.


BUT! Gotcha, pirates
Who is a stranger here looking for a treasure,
He won't go back alive!

The skeleton, brandishing a saber, advances on the pirates.


He started clattering his teeth!
Rattle with rusty chains!
He waves his saber, rushes into battle -
Anyone would run away
But not a brave captain!

First Pirate and Second Pirate run away.


I'm not scared a bit!
Get it right -
Here's an oar on your forehead!

The Captain hits the Skeleton with an oar.


"Boom! Crap! Boo! - and no more
Evil greedy skeleton.

The skeleton falls and disappears.


The captain is glad for the victory.
But where is the treasure hidden?

The captain looks around in confusion. The sea roars, the seagulls cry.


Suddenly from the waves and seagulls play
The voice of a parrot was heard.

A Parrot appears from the crown of a tree.


You will not find treasure anywhere -
Neither on land nor in water!
It has been lying for two hundred years
In a safer place!

The captain pushes the thickets and sees a chest hanging on a tree.


The pirate raised his head.

Captain (joyfully)

I found where the treasure is hidden -
A huge hook is driven into the palm tree,
And on it hangs a chest.

Pirates run up to the Captain. Together they lift the chest from the tree, open it, and start showering themselves with treasure.


Pirates found in a chest
And piastres and ducats,
Gems, pearls
And crystal horns!
Instantly divided the booty
And sailed on the ship.

The pirates drag the chest onto the Ship and sail away.

Captain (to the audience)

Lots of treasures here and there
Adventure awaits!


How important it is to have a friend.

Option 1.

Members: boy, girl, woodsman-boletus, presenter (narrator).

Once the brave Vasya decided to show his courage. He decided to go into a dark, deaf forest. The path is long and one.

Vasya (walks along the path):
Nobody compares to me
I go alone into the forest, I am dense,
I will go around the whole forest alone,
And I will prove my courage.

But Sveta caught up with him, not letting one go.

Let me go with you, and if it's difficult, I'll help.

I don't need helpers or friends. I can handle one.

And Vasily went on alone. And he said that Sveta should not follow him.
But the path divided more than once, and then disappeared at once. Vasya decided to return back, but only he could get lost.
Vasya sat down on a stump, and the boy began to cry.
Suddenly he heard a strange voice.

I greet you boy. Why are you sitting here alone?

I got lost in the forest
I can't find my way back.

Well, I can help you
But just do one favor.
Get me an apple from the branch,
But there is one condition:
Don't climb a tree
And be smart.

How can I pick an apple for you?
If I don't even reach the branch!

Think, guess
But don't delay too long.

And Vasya began to think about how to get an apple from a branch. He began to throw branches and stones at him.

No, it won't work like that.
I will not eat an apple, if it falls to the ground.

Well, he set a difficult task,
I'm definitely not going home!

The boy sat down on the stump again and cried. But suddenly a girl came out to him alone. She followed Vasya all this time. But she also got lost along with him. But Light was not afraid.

Let me help you get an apple.
You just need to lift me up a little.

Vasya looked at Sveta and guessed about her plan. After all, he fulfills all the conditions then, he is a forest boletus. Vasya raised a little to Sveta, and she plucked a red apple from a branch.

Well done boys.
And now you can step back.
Apple you roll along the path,
And follow him.
He will lead you to the house.
Just remember my order:
anytime and anywhere,
if suddenly you are in trouble,
if trouble happened suddenly,
a friend will always come to the rescue!
Never leave your friends
because friendship is important - know that!

Option 2. For true friendship, one person is not enough.

Children play on the playground. One boy is sitting in the sandbox and playing with a spade and a bucket. Another one runs up to him.

Boy 1: (Picks up another spatula and another bucket)
Let's make cookies together, shall we?

Boy 2:
- I can do it alone.
(takes away both spatula and bucket).

Boy 1 shrugs and walks away. And boy 2 gets tired of playing in the sandbox. He takes the machine and plays with it.
Boy 1 runs up to him again.

Boy 1:
- Let's play cars together? Let's build a garage.

Boy 2:
- I can do it alone. (Picks up the car)

Boy 1 runs away and boy 2 goes up the hill.

Boy 2 rides down the hill. Boy 1 runs up to him.

Boy 1:
- Let's go down the hill with a train?

Boy 2:
- I and one jump.

Then boy 2 goes to the swing-balancer.
He sits on it, but he cannot ride, because a second person is needed for this. And this boy sits crying. Boy 1 runs up to him.

Boy 1:
- Why are you crying?

Boy 2:
- Because I want to ride, but this swing does not ride.

Boy 1:
Of course she won't skate. It takes two people.

Boy 2 cries even more.

Boy 1:
Do you want to ride together?

Boy 2:
- Highly.

Boy 1 sits on the other side of the swing and they ride.

And since then the boys have become friends. Indeed, for true friendship, one person is not enough.

In 2019, at the summer camp, children can relax in nature, gain strength and communicate with their peers. Many institutions organize an extensive cultural and entertainment program.

Interest groups work in the camps, various quizzes, competitions are held, hikes, campfire evenings, and concerts are organized. On them you can put funny skits for the summer camp, which the guys like so much.

The action of the first cheerful scene from the camp life takes place in the dining room. A boy and a girl are sitting at the table. The girl asks:

– Vovochka, why don't you eat your yogurt?
You see, it hasn't fully loaded yet...
- What, what?
- Well, look, it says 15%. So I'm waiting for it to load 100% and it will be possible to eat it.

Scenes for camp holidays and weekends may include interesting cases from the life of children. For example, in a skit for camp leaders, you can imagine swimming in a river or lake.

Several children and a physical education teacher participate in this miniature. He instructs the children, talking about the rules of safety on the water. The first group of children are swimming. When the fizruk gives a signal to go ashore, they do not go out, but, having taken air into their lungs, they dive.

Fizruk does not notice this. And then, when another group of children enters the river, he decides to count the swimmers. It turns out that they are more than necessary.

Fizruk runs along the shore and says:
- What to do? What to do? Where to put extra children?!

Finally, he decides, goes into the water and "drowns" the extra guys in the river. This funny summer camp skit can be played on Neptune Day.

Funny scenes from the life of a summer camp are often based on various fairy tales. For example, you can prepare a scene for camp holidays and weekends based on the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

The girl Masha, who was resting in a summer camp, went to the forest and got lost and meets a Bear who wants to eat her. But Masha shouts loudly: “I need to be urgently delivered to the camp, otherwise I will be late for the dining room!”, And the Bear retreats.

He even offers her to catch Kolobok for dinner, who left his grandparents and also got lost in the forest. But Masha refuses and asks the Bear if he is guided by the cardinal points.

Do you know which side is north?
- What is north? Bear is surprised.
- I was lucky to meet the Ignorant Bear! - Masha laments.
- There is nothing to call names, otherwise I will still eat you! Bear says.

But Masha squeals so loudly that he decides to take her to the camp.
“You’d better go to yours, otherwise your scream will ring in my ears for another week,” he says and leads Masha to the camp.

And a scene with the participation of counselors at a summer camp can be staged by remaking the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" in a new way and depicting the morning awakening of the guys in it.

In 2019, at the summer camp, children often arrange impromptu concerts, where they perform various amateur performances - they read poetry, sing songs. Especially popular with the audience are short skits staged by children in the camp. They can be based on some well-known fairy tale, for example, the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Short funny skits for summer camp

This summer camp miniature features a leader, a boy, a bear, a wolf, and ticks.

There was a boy in a summer camp. And then one day he decided to run away from there. A boy walks through the forest, and a bear meets him.
- Boy, boy, I'll eat you!
- And the boy answers him ...
Boy (clapping the bear on the shoulder):
- Oh, bear! I left the counselor, I left the teacher, I left the head of the camp .... And from you, clubfoot, and even more so I will leave!

The surprised bear opens its mouth and follows the boy with his eyes, who calmly walks away from him.
Similarly, there is a dialogue with the wolf, which the fugitive meets. But then, in this funny scene for children, he is attacked by evil ticks.

- The boy went into a thick, thick thicket, and met there ... a gang of ticks.
They surround him from all sides and take him prisoner.
– Yes you that, brothers! I left the counselor ...
But the pincers pat him on the shoulder and say:
- Oh boy! Yes, we do not care, from whom you left! We ourselves are hiding from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision.
This miniature ends with the host's words:
- This is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!

A short scene at a summer camp can be performed by putting the fairy tale "Turnip" in a new way. It will be funny if the roles of small characters are played by big guys and vice versa. For each of the characters, you can make masks by printing images on a color printer and sticking them on cardboard.

From childhood, the guys remember the text of this fairy tale, which is the best fit for this cool miniature in the camp. The host reads it:

- Grandfather planted a turnip. She grew up big and big.
The grandfather went to pull the turnip. Pulls, pulls, but can not pull.
Grandpa called grandma. Grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for a turnip. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull it out.
The grandmother called her granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull it out.
Granddaughter called Zhuchka. A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull it out.
Bug called the cat. A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull it out.
The cat called the mouse. A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip.
Pull-pull - and pulled out a turnip.

In this short funny skit, each of the characters will say a short phrase. When the narrator mentions the turnip, the actress who plays the role will say, "That's what I am!"

Similarly, in this one, the rest of the characters in the miniature will pronounce lines. Grandfather - “Well, fir-trees!” Grandmother - “Oh, where are my seventeen years old?” Granddaughter - “It’s not my fault!” mouse - "What kind of zoo is this?".

Another version of the replicas of the actors - the grandfather will say: "Oh, if it weren't for the Internet, your grandfather would be a sprinter!" Grandma can be given the words: “Botox, fitness and lipstick - what else do you need for a grandmother?” The granddaughter will constantly repeat: “Thicker turnips - we can earn more money!” and so on.

The plot of the famous fairy tale in this fun summer camp skit can be changed or supplemented as you wish. For example, a scene may include such plot twists:
- A mouse ran past ...
The cat caught the mouse
And demanded menacingly
For her to come to the rescue.
The mouse has nowhere to go
She can't refuse
But the granddaughter and grandmother ran away,
After all, they are afraid of mice.

Cool sketches for children about summer camp

Children can also act out scenes about life at the summer camp. For example, a scene about Petya and a goldfish.

Petya Perepelkin is sitting in front of the aquarium in a living corner. He lowered the fishing rod into it and begs the goldfish:
- Fish, fish, make me the strongest in the camp so that I can knock down Vanka Shapkin with one blow! And also make me the most beautiful so that Tanya Rastyapkina falls in love with me without memory! And I also want to become the smartest, so that I can defeat everyone in the game "What, where, when"!

Then the counselor appears in this miniature about the summer children's camp. He sees what Petya is doing and says:
- Petya, get away from the fish! She's not magical, she's normal!

Petya leaves, but then returns and everything repeats again: the counselor comes and asks the boy to leave.

Finally, the fish cannot stand it and also gives a voice:
- That's it, I've been telling this Petya for two hours now, but he doesn't understand anything! They read Pushkin, there is no peace from them ...

The next funny skit about the summer camp involves the counselor and the guys. The counselor enters the ward before lights out. The kids are on their phones. Someone listens to music, someone sends SMS.
Everyone gave me their phones!

He takes the phones and puts them in a bag. In the morning, the counselor who holds his head complains:
- Fiends! ... Everyone, before handing over the cell, started an alarm clock on it! For 2 nights, 3, 4, 5… and so on until morning!

In another children's skit about camp, a granddaughter and her grandfather are talking during Parents' Day.
A little girl in a pink dress plaintively asks:
- Grandpa, get me out of here.
Grandfather (in a T-shirt, shorts and with numerous tattoos) answers her:
- Granddaughter, camp is camp. The term must be served in full.

In another funny miniature, a crowd of hungry children run into the dining room. They see an inscription on the dining room door: "Lunch will be served at the right gate of the camp." The guys run to the right gate, where they also see the inscription: "Lunch will be served at the left gate of the camp." A crowd of children run there ...

At this time, the counselor announces over the loudspeaker:
-Attention all units! Lunch is canceled for running around the camp!

Short funny scenes for children in the camp can also be staged based on the fables of I. A. Krylov “Monkey and Glasses”, “Squirrel”, “Crow and Fox”, “Titmouse”, “Dragonfly and Ant”, “Quartet”, “Swan , crayfish and pike.

Or you can play funny school-themed miniatures at the summer camp. Choose the appropriate props and musical accompaniment, rehearse performances by roles - and the audience will certainly like this performance.

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