Varieties of aerial gymnastics. Air gymnastics

Modern dance direction - dancing on canvases

This direction has many names: dance on canvases, gymnastics on canvases, aerial canvases, dances on circus canvases, air dances (Aerial dance), air silks (Aerial silks) and many more similar ones. Such an abundance of terms appeared because this direction contains various dance, gymnastic and acrobatic elements and belongs to such a sports section as aerial gymnastics.

Canvas dance is a set of elements, sometimes similar to those presented in pole dancing. The difference lies in the fact that two long pieces of cloth fixed under the ceiling are used as a projectile. Unlike a pylon, canvases are dynamic and require even more skill and dexterity.

In our country, the development of this direction in dance studios began only a few years ago. Initially, such aerial acrobats could only be seen in the circus (hence another name), and today almost anyone can master this art.

Dancing on canvases in St. Petersburg is becoming an increasingly popular hobby. But do not forget that this type of fitness can be quite dangerous, so choose professional studios and trainers.

! ! ! Professionalism of trainers, Comfort and Safety - should be the main criteria when choosing a school! ! !

In the Pole Dance Style studio, canvas gymnastics is one of the priority areas. We have created all the conditions for the training to bring you only positive emotions.

  • 1 canvas - 1 student - allows you to get the most out of the lesson;
  • No more than 7 people. in a group - provides an individual approach to each student;
  • One of the strongest coaches in St. Petersburg;
  • Mandatory use of safety mats;
  • Professional equipment;
  • High ceilings (4 meters).

Aerial dance: initial preparation

In order to engage in this type of aerial gymnastics, no special training is required. There are a number of physical qualities that can greatly facilitate training, but you can develop them directly in the learning process:

  • Developed vestibular apparatus
  • Good gymnastic stretch
  • Developed arm muscles (they bear the main load)
  • No fear of heights

The number and intensity of training will depend on the degree of your preparedness. First, stretching exercises and training of all muscle groups of the body will be given, then there will be a gradual assimilation of methods of fixation on the canvas and tying of the main knots. The first classes in this direction take place at a low height - only 1 meter. After that, various poses and ways of transitions between them are learned, the number and complexity of which will gradually increase.

The presence of contraindications for aerial gymnastics:

Anyone can sign up for gymnastics classes on canvases. There are no restrictions on age, gender or fitness level. Only the following can serve as a contraindication to training:

  • Presence of injuries
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Vascular disease (especially a tendency to high blood pressure and dizziness)

Useful information about dancing on circus canvases

If you want to practice this graceful and beautiful kind of dance, then it is useful to know a few things about it.


  • Turtleneck or gymnastic leotard with sleeves or overalls
  • on feet - socks or ballet flats

Additional terms.

For the duration of the workout, you need to completely remove your hair and remove all jewelry from yourself (rings, earrings, chains, etc.).

What is the result?

Aerial acrobatics does not necessarily have as its goal public performances or performing your own complex numbers. Aerial silks classes can also serve simply to improve health and improve physical fitness. In the process of training, all the muscles of the body will be strengthened. Stabilizer muscles will especially develop (they are responsible for supporting the body, maintaining balance).

  • Such qualities as endurance, strength, flexibility, dexterity will develop. The reaction speed will become faster.
  • Will show the ability to make quick decisions. The dance on the canvases will definitely require this, because not always during the execution of the number everything will go as originally planned.
  • The ability to perfectly control one's own body is formed.
  • Ultimately, your body will become more plastic and flexible, your figure will be chiseled, your posture will be correct, and your movements will be more graceful.

Dancing on canvases is a sophisticated and beautiful sport that does not leave the audience indifferent. If you want to keep yourself in excellent physical shape, are ready to make an effort and admire the "soaring" dances, then this acrobatics is just for you.

Aerial gymnastics on canvases is an elegant circus art of performing acrobatic numbers on two suspended canvases, which gradually migrated to sports clubs. Now not only a circus performer, but also anyone can learn how to soar under the ceiling.

History of aerial canvases

It is believed that tricks similar to modern elements of gymnastics on canvases were first performed by acrobats in medieval China. But instead of fabric canvases, they used leather belts. In Europe, canvases became popular not so long ago - only about 100 years ago. Why are air canvases so common today? Cirque du Soleil (the world famous circus show) has contributed to the popularization of aerial gymnastics. Every few years, du Soleil releases a new show of amazing beauty. And usually performers of tricks on canvases are involved in each of them.

Popularity Secret

Canvases are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to other sports and dances. Such gymnastics involves not only your body. In order to cope with the fabric, knots and windings at a height of 10 meters from the floor, you must also have a sober mind, a clear mind and good coordination. If something goes wrong in the act, the aerialist must be able to react quickly and immediately decide how to proceed.

Classes on air canvases are complex, that is, they allow you to work out all the muscles of the body well. Regular workouts provide a general tone of the body and give the figure a noticeable fit. Working with canvases, you will definitely lose weight - the body itself will strive to lose weight ballast, which prevents you from grouping more accurately and easier to climb up the canvases. However, this will only work if you practice consistently and without interruption.

These exercises have a special effect on the muscles of the hands. Aerialists must be strong in order to be able to hold on to the canvases. A bonus to achievements with regular training is also the strengthening of the vestibular apparatus (from getting used to the buildup on canvases, it stops motion sickness in transport) and the loss of fear of heights - you simply get used to it.

What you need for classes

First of all, you will need to find a school, because air canvases are not the kind of projectile that you can easily keep at home. To work with canvases, high ceilings are needed - from 4 meters. Even if you want to hang canvases in your ordinary apartment, you simply cannot perform many complex elements with a fall - there is not enough height.

Safety is important for training on canvases. The canvases themselves must be of high quality and fixed. Be sure to need sports mats for safety net. It is better if there are mirrors in the school - so you can hone the accuracy of the elements.

Also, when looking for a school, pay attention to the qualifications of coaches, study their biography, watch performances in order to choose the most skillful and suitable in spirit. It is important that coaches do not chase the number of people in training - if there are more than 6-7 people in a group, then it will be very difficult to pay attention to everyone.

The uniform for canvas classes is usually a T-shirt and leggings. It can also be a one-piece jumpsuit. Think half-dance. Despite the similarity of the elements, there is a significant difference. If, when practicing on the pole, clothing should be minimal so as not to interfere with traction with the pylon, then the opposite is true here - the form covers the skin as much as possible, because sometimes the canvases can “burn” by abruptly unwinding.

Elements of gymnastics with canvases

Dynamic elements are slips, flips, somersaults, breaks. These techniques require more skill and skill in working with canvases than static ones. For example, a cliff is the art, wrapped in a cloth, to unwind in such a way as to freeze hanging at a certain height.

Yoga in hammocks

A separate variation of aerial gymnastics on canvases is yoga in hammocks or, as it is also called, anti-gravity yoga. You can call it a softer type of exercise with canvases, because if the latter involve performing acrobatic stunts with maximum entertainment, then yoga is designed to exclusively heal your body with the help of certain exercises - asanas. The use of a hammock provides additional support and helps make many of the asanas softer and safer, which distinguishes this type of yoga from others. Often yoga classes on canvases are chosen for recovery after a long illness.

Special sensations arise when performing meditations in a hammock. After all, if you close your eyes while sitting in a swaying hammock, then there is a feeling of weightlessness, which can be compared to drifting on the waves. This practice brings a sense of harmony and calmness.

Hello dear subscribers! Today there are a large number of sports. At some point, the usual classes in the gym become boring, people are no longer so willing to attend workouts. Traditional fitness is being replaced by new directions, among which everyone can choose what suits him.

One of the most popular sports is aerial gymnastics. If earlier only circus artists were engaged in such art, now aerial gymnastics as a direction is available to almost anyone, regardless of age, build and level of physical fitness.

To start playing sports, it is enough to have an interest and desire for learning. For training, a sporty style of clothing is required: long leggings, a T-shirt or T-shirt, ballet flats. Jewelry is removed before class to avoid possible injury.

The benefits of aerial gymnastics

Aerogymnastics has a beneficial effect on the human body, so it is recommended for anyone who wants to improve their health, lose weight, and get a graceful body.

If you want to change the monotonous workouts with simulators to something more interesting, we recommend that you take a closer look at this one. This type of aerobics has many advantages, unlike other newfangled areas, thanks to it, you can:

  • Get an enviable figure.
  • Pull up the body.
  • Become plastic, flexible.
  • Learn to do splits, bridge and other gymnastic tricks.
  • Unleash the possibilities of the body.
  • Increase the level of endurance of the body.
  • Learn to keep balance.
  • Improve your emotional state.
  • Feel the lightness and increased mood from attending training.

Main directions

Depending on the training props, aero-gymnastics is divided into the following types: gymnastics on aerial canvases, hammocks, ring and yoga in the air.

In general, these directions have a common essence and result, but each has its own characteristics.

The magic of the air

In the classroom, in addition to improving your figure and strengthening your health, you will also enjoy the feeling of weightlessness, thanks to special sports equipment - an air canvas.

The essence of the lesson is as follows. Training is carried out using a projectile made of dense fabric, which is mounted on the ceiling of the room. Aerial gymnastics includes three basic techniques: lifting, winding, breaking. There are the following types of lifting: French, Russian and basic.

Next comes the winding - a spectacular moment of the performance, acrobatic stunts take place here. And the final action is a break, when the athlete breaks down in the final pose. Classes on the canvas are a spectacular and spectacular event.

This type of training requires a lot of effort and work on yourself.

Workouts in hammocks

Another common type of aerobics is gymnastics in hammocks. In such training, tricks are performed with turning positions, due to which blood flow to the brain increases, and the general condition of the body improves.

By doing this sport, you can effectively lose weight, as during exercise a lot of energy is spent on performing tricks. Also, another advantage of training is stretching the back. When working in inverted poses and head down position, the spine is strengthened, dexterity and flexibility develop.

yoga in the air

Recently, yoga in the air is gaining more and more popularity. Such a non-standard sport has many advantages for everyone who is not contraindicated in physical activity.

Thanks to such training, you can tone the muscles, improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, strengthen the muscles of the back, and even cure many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Yoga in the air is an effective way to straighten your posture.

If you regularly attend yoga classes, the body renewal mechanism will start: the muscles will become elastic and the joints mobile; improve the nervous and digestive systems; the spine will stretch. In addition, you will get an unforgettable experience.

Gymnastics on the ring

Aerial ring gymnastics is considered a particularly beautiful sport. Air ring - specialized equipment in the form of a hoop. In the classroom, basic elements are performed with ring swinging, spinning and all kinds of acrobatic stunts.

A person with sufficient physical fitness will be able to quickly master this direction, and this direction will also be attractive for pole dancers. The main thing in training on an air ring is to trust a professional and work hard on performing the elements of gymnastics.

Children's gymnastics

Aerogymnastics for children is suitable for preschoolers, older children and teenagers. In the classroom, the basic exercises of gymnastic art are studied.

Thanks to such activities, the child will become energetic, fall in love with a sports lifestyle, receive physical training, and group classes will help emancipate and eliminate shyness in the child.

Air aerobics will be much more exciting for a child than physical education classes, as they can feel the feeling of flying, get impressions of a lifetime. Children will feel like actors of circus art, gain confidence.

Of course, all these types of gymnastics require preparation. It is best to first resemble in order to strengthen the muscular corset. For example, use the exercises from the video course Hatha yoga for beginners at first. And after that you can start training with air elements.

Would you like to try such an unusual kind of fitness? See you soon!

The portal contains information about where you can sign up for dance classes on canvases in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular directions, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by districts and metro stations. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and trainings in different dance studios in the city, choosing the best option for the price.

A completely unique dance direction is a dance on aerial canvases or aerial gymnastics, which harmoniously combines choreography, sports and acrobatic elements. Today this direction is developing very quickly, becoming more and more popular every day. Canvas dance includes exercises that are performed on apparatus or equipment suspended from the ceiling, for example, gymnastics on a rope, ring and canvases.

Teaching aerial gymnastics or dancing on aerial canvases in Moscow

Finding dance lessons on canvases in Moscow with the help of our portal becomes very easy! The tables contain information about dance schools, where full-fledged classes are presented. Visual prices will allow you to compare the cost of training in different institutions and compare the price of full-fledged subscriptions. Using the filter, you can choose with aerial gymnastics classes in the most convenient area or near a suitable metro station.

Aerial gymnastics on canvases - features of the direction

In some ways, the principle of dance is very similar to pole dancing. It contains both rotations and static poses. The only difference is that even the spinning pylon is fixed, while the canvases are spinning and swinging. Elements of aerial gymnastics look very unusual and beautiful, and the dance itself acquires a special sensuality and tenderness, behind which good physical preparation is hidden.

The advantages of doing aerial gymnastics include the absence of such a number of bruises, which is typical for the pole. Unusual exercises give extraordinary lightness to the whole body, giving elegance and grace to movements. Pole dancing lessons can be held both individually and in pairs - it all depends on the school schedule and agreement with the teacher. Today, dance or circus studios offer full-fledged training with a qualified teacher. Aerial gymnastics for children is also suitable, such lessons can be started as early as 4 years old. To make the classes comfortable, it is better to prefer a closed, tight-fitting suit.

Acting skills, plasticity and good physical preparation are the main components, without which it is difficult to imagine dancing on canvases. The dance includes a set of static elements, complemented by elements of acrobatics and smooth transitions performed at a height of 4-5 meters with the help of dense woven ribbons. It is difficult to describe the feeling of a dancer who moves to the music on the canvases - you need to try it yourself!

Choosing to learn aerial gymnastics on canvases, students not only master dizzying tricks and create a perfect figure. They develop their own flexibility and plasticity, sense of rhythm and musicality, gracefulness of movements.

Helped us:

Group Fitness Instructor at Hard Candy Fitness

What is the point?

The roots of training go back to the circus. Remember the performances of acrobats on aerial canvases. Breaks, spins, static poses in the air - on two strong strips of fabric hanging from the ceiling. And now rejoice - all this is within the power of not only circus performers. The creators of aerial silk have adapted aerial gymnastics for amateurs. In this version, it can be practiced without any special training. Your “simulator” (aka insurance) is silk sheets attached to the ceiling.

"In class you learn to control your body and keep your balance, moving relative to the tapes and performing spectacular dance and acrobatic elements to the music of different genres. First, in a standing position on the floor, then holding the body in the air,” instructor Anna Skorodumova plunges into the topic. It usually takes one to three months to learn all these rotations, hangs on the arms and legs, grabs, turns and flips.

What's the use?

The advantage of classes is not only to surprise yourself and others with bewitching tricks. Regular aerial silk training will improve joint mobility and stretching(I have long dreamed of doing a splits? Here it is, a chance!), the work of the vestibular apparatus and will help you stay in good shape.


Refrain from classes if you suffer from bronchial asthma, have heart problems. Among other contraindications that we cannot fail to mention are obesity and a tendency to psychological disorders.


Just because you're afraid of heights doesn't mean you can't do it. At the initial stage, practice at a level of 1–1.5 m from the floor. And you will climb higher (by 2–2.5 m) when you learn the dance base and master the safety precautions.

Analogues: Red Velvet, "Air canvases".

Where: Hard Candy fitness club (free with the purchase of a club card), Monkey and Vertical dance studios (600–800 rubles per hour).

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