In winter twilight, an excerpt from a sachet. Summary of the lesson on literary reading on the topic "N

1 Like a mother over her son's grave, A sandpiper groans over a dull plain, Whether a plowman sings a song in the distance - A long song takes by the heart; Will the forest begin - pine and aspen ... You are not cheerful, dear picture! Why is my embittered mind silent?.. The noise of the familiar forest is sweet to me, I love to see the familiar cornfield - I will give free rein to a good impulse And I will shed all the boiled tears on my dear land! The heart is tired of eating malice - There is a lot of truth in it, but little joy; Sleeping in the graves of guilty shadows I will not wake up with my enmity. Motherland! I humbled myself in soul, I returned to you as a loving son. No matter how many on your barren fields the young forces would not perish for nothing, No matter how much early anguish and sadness Your eternal storms would not overtake On my timid soul - I stand before you defeated! Strength was broken by mighty passions, Proud will was bent by misfortunes, And about my murdered Muse I sing funeral songs. I am not ashamed to cry in front of you, I am not offended to accept your caress - Give me the joy of the embrace of my relatives, Give me the oblivion of my suffering! I am crumpled by life ... and soon I will perish ... Mother is not hostile to the prodigal son either: I just opened my arms to her - Tears poured out, strength increased. A miracle happened: the wretched cornfield Suddenly brightened up, lush and beautiful, The forest gently waves its peaks, The sun looks more friendly from heaven. Joyfully, I drove into that gloomy house, That, having overshadowed with a crushing thought, Once a stern verse inspired me ... How sad, neglected and frail it is! It will be boring. No, I'd better go, Fortunately, it's not too late, now to a neighbor And settle down among a peaceful family. Glorious people are my neighbors, Glorious people! Their hospitality is honest, Flattery is disgusting to them, and arrogance is unknown. How do they live out their lives? He is already a decrepit, gray-haired man, and the old woman is not much younger. It will be fun for me to see Sasha, their daughter too... Not far from their house. Will I still find everything in it? 2 Good people, you lived in peace, You dearly loved your dear daughter. Wildly grew, like a flower of the field, Swarthy Sasha in the steppe village. Surrounding her quiet childhood with everyone, What miserable means allowed, Only to develop by education, alas! You did not think this head. Books for a child are vain torment, The mind of a village is frightened by science; But it lasts longer in the wilderness The initial clarity of the soul, A blush blooms and brighter and more beautiful ... Your sweet and young child, - Runs alive, burns like a diamond, Black and moist laughing eyes, Cheeks are ruddy, and full, and swarthy, Eyebrows so thin, and shoulders so swarthy! Sasha knows no worries and passions, And she has already turned sixteen... Sasha will get enough sleep, get up early, Tie black braids at the camp And run away, and in the expanse of fields She breathes sweetly and freely. Is that another path in front of her - A lively leg will boldly entrust to her; And what is she afraid of?.. Everything is so calm; Silence is all around, Pines wave their peaks in a friendly way, - It seems that they whisper, flowing imperceptibly, Waves over the vault of green branches: "Tired traveler! Throw yourself quickly Into our arms: we are kind and glad to Give you as much coolness as you want." You walk through the field - all the flowers and flowers, You look into the sky - the sun laughs from a blue height ... Nature rejoices! Everywhere freedom, peace and freedom; Only at the mill the river is angry: There is no room for it ... captivity is bitter! Poor! How she wants to get out! It splashes with foam, boils and bubbles, But it does not break through its dam. “It’s not destined, it’s clear, she’s free,” Sasha thinks, “madly murmuring ...” Life around spilled jubilation to Sasha is a guarantee that God is merciful ... Sasha knows no doubt of worries. Here, through the plowed, black glade, Exploding the Earth, the villagers wander - Sasha sees in them satisfied with the fate of Peaceful guardians of simple life: She knows that it’s not for nothing that they will pour sweat and blood on the Earth with love ... It’s fun to see a family of villagers Throwing handfuls of seeds into the ground ; Expensive-loving, nurse-cornfield To see how you ear beautifully, Like you, filled with amber grain Proudly stand high and thick! But there is no more cheerful time of threshing: Easy work is arguing in unison; The echo of forests and fields echoes her, As if shouting: "Hurry! Hurry!" Blessed sound! Whom he wakes up, That's right, that will have fun all day long! Sasha wakes up - runs to the threshing floor There is no sun - neither light nor dark, They just drove away the noisy herd. How horses and sheep trampled on the frozen mud!.. There is a smell of fresh milk in the air. Waving its tail, Chinno's cart loaded with sheaves is followed by a piebald colt, Steam pours from the open barn, Someone is sitting there by the stove in the fire. And on the threshing floor only hands flicker Yes high threshing take off, Their shadow does not have time to lie down. The sun has risen - the day begins ... Sasha picked field flowers, Beloved from childhood, dear to my heart, I knew each grass of neighboring fields by name. She liked In the motley displacement of sounds of familiar Birds to distinguish, recognize insects. It's about noon, but Sasha is still gone. "Where are you, Sasha? dinner will get cold, Sashenka! Sasha! .." From the yellowing cornfield Songs of simple overflow are heard; Here was heard "ay" in the distance; Here, above the ears in a blue wreath, a black head quickly flashed ... "Look where you ran, you cheat! E! ... yes, no way eared rye Our daughter has outgrown!" - "So what?" - "What? Nothing! Understand as you can! What you need now, you yourself understand: To a ripe ear - a sickle to a daring adult girl - a young groom! " _" Here's another thought, old prankster! "... Sasha will be caught and it will be fun for them To see their lively child ... In the winter twilight, Sasha loved her nanny's fairy tales. In the morning Sasha sat in the sledge, flew like an arrow, Full of happiness, from the icy mountain. The nanny screams: "Don't kill yourself, dear! "Sasha, chasing her sleigh, Cheerfully rushes. At full speed On the side of the sleigh - and Sasha in the snow! Braids will break out, a fur coat will be disheveled - The snow shakes off, laughs, dove! Not grumbling and gray-haired nanny: She loves her young laugh ... Sasha used to know sadness too: Sasha wept as the forest was cut down, And now she feels sorry for him to tears. Below, all sorts of animals lurked.Suddenly, men with axes appeared - l crackled. The hare listened - and ran away, A fox hid in a dark hole, A bird flaps its wing more carefully, In bewilderment, ants drag Whatever comes into their dwellings. Man's labor argued with songs: As if knocked down, the aspen tree fell, They broke the dry birch forest with a crash, They uprooted the stubborn oak forest, First they cut down the old pine tree After they bent it with a lasso And, having knocked down, danced on it, To lie more tightly to the ground. So, having won after a long battle, the Enemy tramples on the already dead hero. There were many sad pictures here: The tops of the aspens groaned, From the cut old birch, farewell tears poured like hail, And the tribute of the last on the native soil disappeared one after another. Fatal works ended late. The night lights came out into the sky, And over the fallen forest the moon Stopped, round and clear, - The corpses of the trees lay motionless; The branches broke, creaked, crackled, The leaves rustled pitifully around. So, after the battle, in the darkness of the night, the wounded groans, calls, curses. The wind flies over the bloody field - It rings with idle weapons, The hair of dead soldiers stirs! Shadows walked over the whitish stumps, Liquid aspens, shaggy birches; They flew low, curled like an Owl's wheel, shying away from the ground with their wings; The cuckoo cuckooed loudly in the distance, Yes, like a mad jackdaw screamed, Flying noisily over the forest ... but she Can't find foolish children! The jackdaws fell from the tree in a lump, Yellow mouths opened wide, Jumped, got angry. I got bored with their cry - And the peasant crushed them with his foot. In the morning, work began to boil again. Sasha didn't want to go there, but a month later she came. In front of her Exploded blocks and thousands of stumps; Only, sadly hanging with branches, Old pines stood in places, So in the village only Old people remain on working days. The upper branches are so tightly intertwined, As if there were nests of firebirds, That, according to long-lived people, Children are brought out twice in half a century. It seemed to Sasha that the time had already come: The magic tribe would fly out soon, Wonderful birds would sit on stumps, They would sing wonderful songs to her! Sasha stood and attentively listened. In the colors of the evening the dawn burned out - Through the neighboring uncut forest, From the lush-ruddy edge of the heavens, the Sun was pierced by a radiant arrow, It went through the stumps with a strip of amber And pointed a motionless pattern to the distant hillock of Light and shadows. For a long time that night, without closing his eyelashes, Sasha thinks: what will the birds sing? The room seems to be cramped and stuffy. Sasha can't sleep, but she's having fun. Motley dreams are replaced quickly, Her cheeks burn with a blush without bashfulness, Her morning sleep is strong and quiet ... The first dawns of young passions! You are full of charms and careless bliss, There is still no torment in the anxiety of the heart; A cloud is close, but a gloomy shadow Slows to spoil the laughing day, As if pitying... And the day is still clear... It will be wonderfully beautiful even in a thunderstorm, But the thunderstorm unaccountably frightens... Are these childishly alive eyes, Are these full of life Are the cheeks sadly fading, covered with tears? Will the all-destroying passion proudly take over this frisky will? ... Go past, gloomy clouds! Proud of your strength! Mighty with freedom: With you, formidable, endure the battle Weak and timid blade of grass of the steppe? suffering ... Yes, my predictions did not come true! I found the old people in a terrible misfortune. Here is what his father said about Sasha: “In our neighborhood, a large estate has been empty for forty years already; In the third year, Barin finally rolled into the estate and visited us, Name: Lev Alekseich Agarin, Laskov with servants, as if not a master, Thin and pale. He looked into his lorgnette, He had little hair on the top of his head, He called himself migratory bird: "I was," he says, "now I'm abroad, I've seen a lot of big cities, Blue seas and underwater bridges - Everything there is freedom, and luxury, and a miracle, Yes, they sent income to me badly. I came to Kronstadt on a steamer, And I must The eagle kept spinning around me, As if he had read a great share. The old woman and I marveled to our heart's content, Sasha laughed, he himself laughed... In winter, the balconies are open, Lemons ripen in the sun, And he began, looking at the ceiling, To read something sad in a singsong voice. Right as the song's words were coming out. God! how much they talked! Not only that: he read books to her And taught her French. As if someone else's grief took them, Everyone reasoned: what is the reason, That's really what is now a century A poor, unhappy and angry person? But, - he says, - do not weaken your soul: The sun of truth will rise over the earth! And, in confirmation of his hope, he clinked glasses with her with his Old Ryabinovka. Sasha does not want to be left behind - He won’t drink a drink, but wet his lips; Sinful people - we drank too. He began to say goodbye at the beginning of winter: "Bil," he says, "I'm pretty bubbly, Be happy, good souls, Bless for work ... it's time!" He crossed himself - and moved out of the yard ... At first, Sasha was sad, We see: our company is boring for her. Years to her, perhaps, such came? Only we could not recognize her: She is bored with songs, fortune-telling and fairy tales. Here comes the winter! - yes, the sled does not amuse. Thinks Duma as if she has more worries than old people. Reads books, furtively cries. We saw: he writes letters and hides everything. She began to write out books herself - And finally she gained her mind! Whatever you ask, she will explain, teach, You will never get bored talking to her; And kindness ... I have never seen such kindness for a century, and you will not see it either! Poor all her friends-friends: Feeds, caresses and heals ailments. So she was nineteen years old. We are doing well - and there is no goryushka. It was necessary to return to the neighbor! We hear: he has arrived and will be there for dinner. How fun Sasha was waiting for him! Brought fresh flowers into the room; I put my books in order, I just got dressed, but it’s so nice; Came out to meet - and the neighbor gasped! Like timid. There is no wise man: At two recent years miraculously Sashenka became magnificent and beautiful, The former blush in her face began to play. He became paler and balder ... Everything that she did or read, Sasha immediately told him; Only not for the future pleasing went! He contradicted her, as if to spite her: "Both of us then talked empty! Clever people decided otherwise, The human race is base and evil." Yes, and go! and went! and went! .. What he said - we do not know how, Only since then we have not had peace: Today is the seventeenth day Sasha yearns and wanders like a shadow! He reads his books, then he leaves, The guest visits, so he asks him to be silent. He was three times; Once he caught Sasha at work: a peasant dictated a letter to Her, but some woman asked for Grass - she had a toad. He looked and said to us jokingly: "Amused new toy child!" Sasha left - she did not answer a word ... He was to her; he said: "I'm not well." I sent books - I didn’t want to read And ordered to send them back. She cries, mourns, prays to God ... He says: way "- Sashenka came out, said goodbye in front of us, Yes, and again locked herself upstairs. Well? .. he sent a letter to her. Between us: Sinful people, with fear we ourselves We read it secretly before: He offers his hand in it. Sasha at first She sent the refusal, And then she showed us the letter. We persuade: why not the groom? Young, rich, and quiet in temper. "No, I won't go", But she is restless; Then she says: "I'm not worthy of him" - That: "He is not worthy of me: he became Angry and sad and lost his spirit!" And when he left, he yearns even more, He kisses his letters slowly! What's the matter? Dear, explain! If you want, look at poor Sasha. she no longer sings, does not laugh, And he ruined the poor thing forever? You tell us: is he a simple man Or what kind of warlock-destroyer? Or is he himself a demon-tempter? .. " kind people, grieve! You will soon continue to live: Sasha will recover - God will help her. He can't bewitch anyone: He... I can't lay my head on How to explain it so that you understand... A strange tribe, a tricky tribe Time has created in our country! This is not a demon, a human tempter, This, alas! - modern hero! He reads books and roams the world - He is looking for gigantic deeds, The blessing of the heritage of rich fathers Freed him from small labors, It is good to go along the beaten path Laziness prevented and the mind developed. "No, I won't waste my soul On the ant work of people: Or, under the burden of my own strength, I'll become a victim of an early grave, Or I'll fly around the world like a star! The world," he says, "I want to make happy!" What is at hand, that he does not like, That he destroys in passing without intent. In our great, difficult days Books are not a joke: they will indicate Everything unworthy, wild, evil, But they will not give strength for good, But they will not teach you to love deeply... It is not easy to correct the matter of the ages! In whom the feeling of freedom has not been brought up, He will not occupy it; It takes not years - It takes centuries, and blood, and struggle, To create a man from a slave. Everything that is lofty, reasonable, free, His heart is both accessible and akin, Only giving strength and power, Passion is alien to him in word and deed! He loves much, hates more, And if you bring him, he won't hurt a mosquito! Yes, they say that he cares about love too. His head is more concerned - not blood! What the last book will tell him, That will lie on top of his soul: To believe, not to believe - he doesn't care, As long as it was proven smart! He himself has nothing in his soul, What he squeezed yesterday, he sows today; Today he does not know what he will reap tomorrow, Only he will probably sow. It turns out in a simple translation, That he spends his time in conversations; If he gets down to business - trouble! The world is to blame for the failure then; Slightly loosen unsteady wings, The poor cries out: "Efforts are useless!" And where does the scorched eagle's wings get angry... Got it? .. no! Only the poor sick thing would understand. Fortunately, now she guessed, That she should not give herself to him, And time will do the rest. He still sows good seed! In our steppe zone, every step, You know, is either a hillock or a ravine. In the summer, ravines are waterless, Scorched by the sun, sandy and naked, Dirty in autumn, invisible in winter, But wait: it will blow in the spring warm region, from where people Breathe more freely - in three-quarters of the chest, - The red sun will melt the snow, The rivers will leave their banks, - Alien waves pouring around, It will be bold and full to the brim A miserable ravine ... Spring has flown by - The sun will again burn it to bottom, But it is already ripening in the field of the flood, What he irrigated with the wave of the borrow, Lush harvest. The neighbor awakened so many untouched forces in Sasha ... Eh! I say slyly, incomprehensibly! Know and believe, friends: every storm is blessed for a young soul - The soul matures and grows stronger under a thunderstorm. The more inconsolable your child, The brighter and more beautiful it will wake up: A grain has fallen into good soil - It will be born a magnificent fruit! (1854-1855)


Published but St 1873, vol. I, part 2, p. 47--77, with the restoration of art. 449--452 according to the correction of the IRLI and clarification of Art. 452 as inserted in Ex. Efremov 1861, coinciding with the copy of M. L. Mikhailov (it was not possible to find this copy, according to which K. I. Chukovsky printed Art. 452 in Nekrasov's publications, starting from St 1920; see the link to it: PSST 1934--1937 , vol. I, pp. 696--697).

First published: S, 1856, No 1 (censored cut - December 31, 1855 and January 5, 1856), p. 123--140, with a dedication: "I--at T--vu" (i.e., to Ivan Turgenev) and a signature: "N. Nekrasov" (reprinted: St. 1856; st. 177--232: For easy reading , vol. II. Under the editorship of N. A. Nekrasov. St. Petersburg, 1856, under the title: "Cut down forest (excerpt)" and signed: "N. Nekrasov").

For the first time included in the collected works: St. 1856, with the dedication: "I .... wu T .... wu" (reprinted: 2nd part of all subsequent lifetime editions of "Poems", without dedication).

Autographs, without titles and division into chapters, - GBL (Zap. Tetr. No 3) and TsGALI (Zap. Tetr. TsGALI).

Earlier are the autographs in Zap. tetra. No 3: plan (a prose sketch in pencil, sheet 39v.) and a number of poetic texts. The plan outlines the content of chapter 2 (significantly different from that implemented in the poem), chapters 3 and 4. It is developed in poetic texts, from which two initial (draft) editions of the poem should be distinguished. A. Ya. Maksimovich qualified them as "a schematic representation Chapter III"and" the first author's summary of chapter III "(see: PSS, vol. I, pp. 464--472), however, they also present an episode from the future chapter 2 (see: Other editions and options, pp. 276- -277, verses "And as it happened from the icy mountain ..." and the next) and - in part - chapter 4.

The first draft edition was written in pencil, hastily, with numerous omissions, unfinished words and unfinished verses, from the end of the notebook to the beginning (sheet 37v - 33v).

The second draft edition consists of two fragments. The first, larger fragment is a summary of chapters 2 and 3 (fol. 62-69). First, the poet wrote down in ink the verses relating to the beginning of chapter 3, from the words "There is a large estate in our neighborhood ..." to the words "This is she ..." (l. 62 and rev.), Leaving unfinished lines and spaces for inserts ; then he corrected the text with a pencil and, ending the line "This is she" with the words "[said] called - poems ...", he wrote a continuation with a pencil (sheet 62v - 64v); having rewritten this pencil passage in ink, he again straightened it out in pencil (sheets 65--67v.); the end of the first fragment (fol. 67v.-69) is also written in pencil. The last six couplets of the first fragment ("And how he left ...", etc., sheet 68v - 69) partly vary at the beginning of the second fragment, which is a summary of the end of chapter 3 and chapter 4. Thus, the second fragment is a direct continuation of the first. The second fragment was written in pencil, in draft form (sheet 12v - 13v).

In addition to these two draft editions of the poem, in Zap. tetra. No 3 contains separate poetic (mostly pencil) sketches. For the most part, they reflect an intermediate stage of work between both editions, but it is likely that some sketches were made before the work on the first edition, and others after the work on the second edition. Since the chronology of writing individual sketches does not lend itself to exact definition, they are given in the section "Other editions and variants" (pp. 286--292) in the sequence of verses to which they refer. Small sketches that coincide with the final text are not reproduced (st. 164 - see fol. 26; st. 405-408 - see fol. 37 v.; st. 465-468 - see fol. 19).

The next stage of work on the poem is presented in Zap. tetra. TsGALI. It contains the third draft edition of the poem as part of chapters 2, 3, 4 (Isolating from this autograph the "second author's summary of chapter III" (see: PSS, vol. I, pp. 472--476) does not seem justified.) originally written in ink, with subsequent editing and insertion in ink and pencil (sheets 10--16v.). In some verses of this edition, the heroine of the poem receives the name Sasha (in the first two editions, she is everywhere called the Hive). Under the last verse of the poem ("It will be born as a lush fruit! ..") - the date: "May 1<1855 г.>"(The year is determined by the position of the autograph in the Western Tetr. TsGALI). This is not the date the work on the poem was completed: it is displayed under the text, which is still far from final. Having marked this date, Nekrasov writes down part of chapter 3 (l. 17 and about.) , without editing, with a sign indicating the place of insertion on sheet 14. Then he writes (in ink, almost without editing) a new white version of the beginning of chapter 4 (sheet 19 and rev.).

The earliest extant full text poems - in proofreading, appointed for "Contemporary" (IRLI, 21120). The author's editing in this proofreading is both stylistic and censorial in nature. On the last sheet - Nekrasov's litter, addressed to the compositors: "NB. Last eight verses to edit according to the proofreading of Mr. Beketov: "Eh!" and so on". The mark shows that the censorship was made in connection with the remarks of the censor V. N. Beketov; however, there are no options in the last eight verses. : "N. Nekrasov".

The proofreading of "Sasha", assigned to St 1856 (Kor. Ketcher), has also been preserved - State Historical Museum.

Since the poem was published in a form distorted by the censors, lists and printed copies with various corrections and insertions became widespread. Some of these copies have been edited by the author (Cor. Ketcher and Ex. auth. GBL - see: Other editions and variants, pp. 305 and 309). In Ex. ed. GBL and a number of others present discrepancies in the text, the degree of authority of which is unclear. Let us name the following sources: Afanasyev's diary, (A. N. Afanasyev's diary is stored in the Central State Archive for Architecture and Development (f. 279, op. 1, No. 1060).) Modzalevsky's list, Ex. Vasilkovsky, Ex. Gerbel, Ex. Green, Ex. IRLI b, Ex. Lazarevsky, Ex. Museum H, Ex. Chukovsky. Discrepancies of "Sasha" according to Afanasyev's Diary were published by S. G. Lazutin (see: Lazutin S. G. To the history of the creation of the novel " thin man"and the poem "Sasha" by N. A. Nekrasov. - In the book: Questions of Literature and Folklore. Voronezh, 1972, pp. 19--20); discrepancies according to Ex. Green (whose location we could not establish) are printed from a copy S. A. Reiser (Leningrad).

In the late 1850s, during the period of censorship repressions that hit St. 1856, the poem was rewritten as part of this publication and separately. The list, which belonged to D. I. Mendeleev, was marked: "Janvarsk<ая>book "Modern<енника>"1856" (Museum of D. I. Mendeleev at Leningrad State University, code: P. A. 11.1.6).

The poem is listed in Nekrasov's autograph - a list dating back to the spring or summer of 1856 (the poem "Princess", created in March 1856, is named in it): "Listening to the war. For a long time, rejected by you>. Prince<иня>. Sasha. Wine. My baby<годы>. Prekr<асная партия>. Demon "(Zap. Tetr. No 2, l. 43v.). This is not a list of poems of 1855, as K. I. Chukovsky believed (see! PSS, vol. I, p. 570), but a list of poems different years, planned by Nekrasov for inclusion in St 1856.

Under the text of the poem, Nekrasov in his editions (starting with St. 1861) put the date: "1852 - 1855". - However, the materials that have come down to us make it doubtful that work on the poem was started in 1832 (it is possible that this is the date the idea arose). June 30 - July 1, 1855 Nekrasov wrote to I. S. Turgenev: "Do you remember, on the hunt somehow whispered I told you the beginning of the story in verse - you liked it; this spring in Yaroslavl, I wrote this story, and since this was done solely at your request, I wish to dedicate it to you ... ". Together with Turgenev, Nekrasov hunted on the twentieth of July 1854 in the estate of A. V. Druzhinin Chertovo (See about this in Druzhinin's diary, stored in the TsGALI, f. 167, op. 3, No. 108, l. 151), and on the twentieth of September and at the very beginning (before 4th) October in Spassky (see. : Turgenev, Letters, vol. I, pp. 226 - 227, 533). By that time, only a small part of the poem had been written - "the beginning of the story in verse." Perhaps these were poems about Agarin's arrival at the estate, which Nekrasov repeatedly revised (see: Other editions and variants, pp. 270, 274, 293.) Nekrasov's words "this spring in Yaroslavl I wrote this story" undoubtedly refer to the three draft editions contained in Zap. TsGALI notebooks (see above) The poem was not included in the Soldiery notebooks, since the Soldiery notebooks, which included all the best poems of the poet, were handed over by Nekrasov K.T. Soldatenkov for publication on June 7, 1855, it is obvious that by that time work on "Sasha" had not yet been completed. A notice of the upcoming publication of the poem in Sovremennik appeared on the cover of No. 11 and 12 of the magazine for 1855. On December 26, 1855, Nekrasov read Sasha to A. N. Maikov, who in his diary mentions two parts of the poem: the first, corresponding to the chapter 2 final text, and the second corresponding to chapters 3 and 4 (see: Melgunov V.V. To creative history Nekrasov's poem "Sasha" (A page from Apollo Maykov's diary). - RL, 1977, No 3, p. 101--102). Chapter 1, which is a lyrical introduction to the poem, was apparently created only at the end of December 1855, but not later than the very beginning of January 1856: it is known that by January 2 the poem was proofread and banned by the censor V. N Beketov (see below), and on January 5 it was allowed by him - apparently, at the direction of the Minister of Public Education A. S. Norov. Thus, the poem was written between the summer of 1854 (previously only some small sketches could exist) and the end of 1855, with the main part of the work on it taking place in the spring of 1855.

The first publication of the poem (in Sovremennik) ran into censorship obstacles. The poem was banned (obviously, by the St. Petersburg censorship committee on the proposal of the censor V. N. Beketov). However, Nekrasov did not give up his intention to publish it. At the request of the poet Eg. On January 2, 1856, P. Kovalevsky visited the minister of public education, A. S. Norov, who headed the censorship department, and, without finding him at home, left a proofreading of "Sasha" and a note: "Be fair and patient, as always, take the trouble to read this poem by Nekrasov and tell me if it is possible to ban it, but meanwhile it is forbidden" (TsGIA USSR, f. 772, op. 1, 1856, No 3766, l. 2). There is evidence that at the same time I. A. Goncharov was busy about printing "Sasha" (see the entry in the diary of S. I. Smirnova-Sazonova indicated by M. V. Teplinsky - IR LI, f. 285, No 2, l. 95) .

As a result, "Sasha" appeared in Sovremennik, but with large censorship distortions, which were fixed in the proofs of the IRLI. Despite this, the early printed text of the poem attracted the attention of an official who was watching Sovremennik. special assignments N. Rodzianko, who reported to A. S. Norov on February 23, 1856: “This poem, in relation to its literal meaning, seems very dark in many places; may involuntarily captivate readers to an unfavorable interpretation of them" (Garkavi A.M. Nekrasov and censorship. - Necr. Sat., II, p. 451). However, A. S. Norov, personally involved in the permission of "Sasha", left this report without consequences.

The censorship nature of some variants of proofreading and lifetime publications (see: Other editions and variants, pp. 305--310) needs to be explained. Art. 15-16 ("Guilty shadows sleeping in the graves I will not wake up with my enmity") were crossed out by censorship, since they contained an allusion to Nicholas I, who died on February 18, 1855. Later, when Nekrasov again submitted these poems for publication, a member F. Buhler of the Main Directorate of Censorship wrote (in a report dated October 30, 1859) that they could "give rise to very reprehensible interpretations" (Amazon. A. Un maitre du roman russe Ivan Contcharov. Paris, 1914, p. 399). In Art. 303--305 "obscene" was the image of an eagle, as if prophesying a great share for Agarin ("state eagle" - coat of arms tsarist Russia). Art. 449-452 (about the "sense of freedom", about "blood and struggle") - they, as indicated above, are published only in Soviet time. In the variants of Art. 39, 490] as well as in Art. 100, 453, 490 "forbidden" were the words "will", "freedom" and derivatives from them. In the original versions of Art. 39 ("Free air blew from the mountains"), Art. 326 ("The sun of truth will rise over us too") and Art. 489--490 (about the "warm region", "where people Breathe more freely with all the strength of their chest"), apparently, contained an allusion to the events of the European revolutions of 1848. Nekrasov did not return to these options, presumably, not only because of censorship obstacles but also because his attitude towards Europe, where the capitalist order triumphed, could change; it is significant that Art. 490 ("Breathe more freely with all the strength of the chest") he eventually remade as follows: "Breathe more freely - in three-quarters of the chest."

The hero of the poem, Agarin, is in many ways reminiscent of Turgenev's Rudin: they are both phrase-mongers, "superfluous people" from the nobility. In this regard, S. S. Dudyshkia even announced in his article that in Agarin, readers "found the same Rudin, only transcribed into verse" ("Poems by N. Nekrasov." - OZ, 1861, no 12, p. 87). Subsequently (in 1879), Turgenev himself claimed that Sasha was written under the influence of Rudin (Turgenev, Soch., vol. XII, p. 304). Meanwhile, "Rudip" was published simultaneously with "Sasha" - in No. 1 of "Sovremennik" for 1856. "Rudin" was written between June 5 and July 24, 1855, that is, after chapters 3 and 4 of "Sasha ", in which Agarin was bred. Thus, the version that "Sasha" arose as a "transposition into verse" of Turgenev's novel is untenable. It is only possible that some preliminary conversations about the type of "superfluous person" that took place between Nekrasov and Turgenev before the writing of "Sasha" and "Rudin" were reflected both in the poem and in the novel. This assumption is supported by the fact that in the draft editions of the poem, Agarin was endowed with positive traits("It's lovely and eternal child..."), bringing him even closer to Rudin. It is also noteworthy that in the plan and in the draft editions of the poem, the image of the groom Sasha, subsequently eliminated by Nekrasov, was outlined, corresponding to Volintsev (Natalia's groom) in Turgenev's novel (see: Harkavi A. M. Poem by Nekrasov "Sasha". - Necr. Sat., II, p. 153-- 160; Maslov V.S. Nekrasov and Turgenev. On the Question of Literary Relations ("Sasha" and "Rudin"). - O Nekr., no. III, p. 136-154).

The time of action in the poem, obviously, is the end of 1840 - the beginning of the 1850s, when many of the liberal-minded nobles, under the impression of the European revolutions of 1848-1849. renounced socialist aspirations (see notes in the book: Nekrasov N. A. Poems, vol. II. L., 1956, p. 315--316; Bukhshtab B. Ya. Problems of studying Nekrasov's poem "Sasha". - Izv. USSR Academy of Sciences, ser. lit. i yaz., 1971, vol. XXX, no. 5, p. 440--452). This definition of the time of action is confirmed by the allusions to European events noted above. B. Ya. Bukhshtab’s opinion is erroneous that, since at the time to which the action in the poem refers, there was still no sharp differentiation between liberals and democrats, A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev can be attributed to Agarin’s prototypes (see op. article, 451-452): Herzen and Ogarev experienced in the late 1840s. only a temporary disappointment (and by the time the poem was created, they had already overcome it), Agarin, on the other hand, is a man who has abandoned democratic views. These prototypes could rather be such people as the Kazan landowner G. M. Tolstoy (see: Chukovsky K. Grigory Tolstoy and Nekrasov. - In the book: Chukovsky K.I. Sobr. op. in 6 volumes, vol. V. M., 1967), P. V. Annenkov, all kinds of random "fellow travelers" of Belinsky, about whom Nekrasov wrote in drafts of the poem "V. G. Belinsky": "His associates humbled And they were transformed into scoundrels" (see: Other editions and variants, p. 267).

Attributing the action to recent times, Nekrasov pointed out that political renegacy had previously been characteristic of liberals; but at the same time, the image of Agarin was definitely projected onto the present; one of the key in this sense is the verse "This, alas! - a modern hero!". The poem was written for the most part in the spring of 1855, i.e., during the period of a social upsurge that had already begun and a clearly emerging divergence between democrats and liberals. FROM rapid formation A new type of Russian liberal is associated with a change in the assessment of Agarin by the author himself in the process of working on the poem - from condescending in draft editions to undoubtedly negative in the final text.

One of the immediate literary predecessors Agarina was Levin, a character in A. V. Stankevich's story "The Idealist", which Nekrasov analyzed in detail in a review of the almanac "Comet" (1851); already in this review there was a skeptical attitude towards "superfluous people", more fully embodied for the first time in Russian literature in the image of Agarin (see: "This, alas, is a modern hero ...". Unknown article by N. A. Nekrasov. Public (M. Blinchevskaya. - LG, 1971, May 26, No. 22, as well as the above article by S. G. Lazutin). In "Sasha" Nekrasov used the image of "an extra person" to denounce liberals - a concept that received a few years later theoretical background in articles by Chernyshevsky ("Russian man on rendez-vous", 1858) and Dobrolyubov ("What is Oblomovism?", 1859).

Nekrasov contrasted Agarin with Sasha, a true representative of the democratically minded youth of the 1850s. Sasha - new type advanced Russian woman. Unlike Pushkin's Tatyana, with whom she has many similarities, she does not imagine her marriage without a common ideological aspirations. In an effort to bring all possible benefits to the peasants, she embarks on the path of public service (for details on this, see: Kolesnikova L. I. About the nationality of Nekrasov's poem "Sasha". (Sasha and Tatyana). - Necr. and his vr., no. 1, p. 43--50).

In the image of Sasha, Nekrasov reflected the features of progressive women with whom he communicated, such as O. S. Chernyshevskaya, A. Ya. Panaeva, and others. Referring to Nekrasov, Chernyshevsky wrote to O. S. Chernyshevsky (July 7, 1888 ) that she served as the poet's prototype for a number of female images, including for Sasha (see: Chernyshevsky, vol. XIV, p. 701). In the PSS (apparently, at the direction of K. I. Chukovsky), next to the text of the poem, a portrait of A. Ya. Panaeva is placed (see vol. I, between pp. 128 and 129).

In Russian literature, Sasha foreshadowed the leading women of the sixties - the heroines of I. S. Turgenev, V. A. Sleptsov, N. G. Chernyshevsky.

The poem evoked numerous responses from contemporaries, overwhelmingly sympathetic.

However, writers and readers who did not belong to the democratic camp assessed it one-sidedly. There are two main tendencies in their reviews: firstly, admiration for the individual pestles of the poem (especially descriptions of nature); secondly, the assertion that the poet's "conciliatory" moods are expressed in the poem, his rejection of the civic trend in literature.

The earliest of the reviews that have come down to us is in the above diary entry A. N. Maykova dated December 26, 1855. Giving the poem an exceptionally high rating ("his best (Nekrasova, - Ed.) thing and in all modern poetry"), Maykov localized this assessment in this way: "The best part of it is the first. The life of a young girl in the countryside and the forest. " Immediately Maikov suggested that the poem "as if justified" by him, Maikov, the poetic message "N. A. Nekrasov", written two years earlier and representing a response to Nekrasov's poem "Muse" (RL, 1977, No 3, p. 101). In this message, Maikov, as you know, urged Nekrasov to abandon "malice and enmity" and turn to a soothing topic native nature(See the publication of S. A. Reiser in LN, vols. 49--50, pp. 614--617).

On February 3, 1856, shortly after the release of Sovremennik No. 1 with the text of the poem, V.P. Botkin wrote to Nekrasov from Moscow: "Everyone here really liked your Sasha, even more than they liked it: they speak of her with enthusiasm" (GM, 1916, No 9, p. 182). Speaking of the "delights" of the Muscovites, Botkin may have had in mind the responses of the Slavophiles. On February 7, 1856, S. T. Aksakov wrote to Turgenev: “In his last poems (i.e., in “Sasha,”— Ed.) there is so much truth and poetry, deep feeling and simplicity, that I am amazed by them, because I had not noticed anything like this in his poems before" (Barsukov N. Life and works of M. P. Pogodin, book. 14. St. Petersburg, 1900, p. 353). K. S. Aksakov v. In a journal article, he spoke very sharply about the accusatory direction of Nekrasov's poetry, to which he contrasted "Sasha": "Some of his former poems are saturated with the caustic cynicism of pictures and feelings<...>In his poem "Sasha" and others, the power of expression and the power of feeling are tange, but purified and driven by other, better aspirations" (Aksakov K. review modern literature. - Rus. conversation, 1857, No 1, department of "Review", p. 8--9).

Later, the Slavophile understanding of the poem was developed by A. A. Grigoriev in an 1862 article on the second edition of Nekrasov's Poems. Arguing that Nekrasov in the poem refused to expose ("The poet's heart is tired of feeding on malice ...", etc.), the critic at the same time emphasized Nekrasov's closeness to the "soil", which also affected wonderful pictures Russian nature, and in the warehouse of speech, from which "breathes folk spirit" (Grigoriev A. Literary criticism. M., 1967, p. 487, 488).

Close to the Slavophile was the assessment of the poem by the figures " pure art", who admired Nekrasov's skill, especially in nature paintings, and also saw in the poem Nekrasov's departure from the "accusatory" direction. In an anonymous (apparently owned by A.V. reading" (1856), where an excerpt from "Sasha" was reprinted under the title "Cut down forest", it was said: "... This passage, in our opinion, is the best decoration of the whole poem<...>These lines are distinguished by completeness, freshness and poetic vigilance.<...>The poet retained in his soul the physiognomy of a frowning spruce, and an old pine, and the groan of the tops of aspens - and the corpses of fallen trees suddenly became alive in front of him, and even the thin shadows that came over the whitish stumps did not escape, did not run away from his impressionable eyes ... Vigilantly and subtly, with all the little things, he captured the most charming picture, worthy of a first-class master" (BdCh, 1856, No 9, " literary chronicle", pp. 20, 22).

L. N. Tolstoy, who at that time, following Druzhinin, opposed "didacticism" and "anger" in literature, wrote to Nekrasov on July 2, 1856: "... a bilious and evil person is not in a normal position. A loving person - on the contrary and only in a normal state can one do good and see things clearly. That is why I like your last poems, they contain sadness and love, and not malice, that is, hatred. in someone else" (Tolstoy L.N. Full coll. op. Ser. 3. Letters, vol. 60. M., 1949, p. 75). Disagreeing with Tolstoy, Nekrasov, in a reply letter dated July 22, 1856, proclaimed the need for a noble "malice" directed against social injustice.

Unreasonably saw in "Sasha" a departure from accusatory tendencies also the editor of the newspaper "Russian invalid" Colonel P. S. Lebedev, who from this point of view welcomed the poem in an extensive article (RI, 1856, June 2, No 121, p. 528- -529). A. I. Ryzhov (pseudonym - O. Kolyadin) approached the poem more critically: recognizing the high merits of the poem, which he called "a wonderful work", he at the same time wrote that it shows "to what extent analysis<...>undermined the foundations of our poetic activity ... ". Calling the introduction to the poem (i.e. Chapter 1) "excellent", he in the same article declared the "prosaic cut of the story" in it, about the "heaviness" and "clumsiness" of Nekrasov's verse, etc. (BdCh, 1856, No 2, "Journalism", pp. 72--74).

The reviews of liberal and conservative writers were opposed by the assessments that the poem received in statements revolutionary democrats. A deep interpretation of the poem was given by N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov, who, as already mentioned, connected it ideological meaning with the task of exposing Russian liberalism(cm.: Maslov V.S. Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov about Nekrasov's poem "Sasha". - Necr. Sat., III, p. 340--345). (Dobrolyubov, in addition, pointed out in one of the reviews of 1859 that excerpts from "Sasha" are highly desirable to be reprinted in books for children's reading (see: Dobrolyubov, vol. IV, p. 355). Soon, even during the life of Nekrasov , excerpts from the poem were included in numerous anthologies (see: Kuzheleva N. A. N. A. Nekrasov in pre-revolutionary publications for children (1849-1917). - Tr. Leningrad. library in-that them. N. K. Krupskaya, 1959, vol. V, p. 87--107).) D. I. Pisarev highly appreciated the poem, who ranked it (in the article "Pisemsky, Turgenev and Goncharov", 1861) among those works for which Nekrasov "knows and loves living Russia" (Pisarev D.I. Soch., vol. I. M., 1955, p. 196). The famous seventies revolutionary V. N. Figner, recalling the impression Sasha made on her in her early youth, wrote: "how to live, what to strive for. Coordinating the word with the deed - that's what the poem taught, she taught to demand this coordination from herself and from others. And this became the motto of my life" (Fiegner W. Imprinted work. Memoirs in two volumes, vol. I. M., 1964, p. 92).

Art. 7. What is silent my embittered mind? ..- An echo of Pushkin's verse "With his embittered mind ..." ("Eugene Onegin", chapter seven, stanza XXII).

Art. 41--43. I rode merrily into that gloomy house, Which, having overshadowed with a crushing thought, Once inspired me with a harsh verse ...- We are talking about the estate of the Nekrasovs Greshnevo and the poem "Motherland" (1846).

Art. 216-220. So, after the battle, in the darkness of the night~ Hair of dead fighters moves!- These verses are probably inspired by the Crimean War.

Art. 417. Or what warlock-destroyer?- The warlock is a sorcerer.

Like a mother over her son's grave,

A sandpiper groans over the dull plain,

Will the plowman sing a song in the distance

A long song takes over the heart;

Will the forest begin - pine and aspen ...

You are not cheerful, dear picture!

What is silent my embittered mind? ..

Sweet to me is the sound of the familiar forest,

I love to see a familiar field

I will give free rein to a good impulse

And to my native land

I will shed all the boiled tears!

The heart is tired of eating malice

There is much truth in it, but little joy;

Sleeping in the graves of guilty shadows

I will not awaken with my enmity.

Motherland! I have reconciled my soul

He returned to you as a loving son.

How many on your barren fields

The strength of the young did not perish in vain,

How much early longing and sadness

Your eternal storms did not catch up

On my fearful soul

I am defeated before you!

Strength broken by mighty passions,

Proud will bent misfortune,

And about my murdered Muse

I sing funeral songs.

I'm not ashamed to cry in front of you

I don't mind accepting your kindness

Give me the joy of the embrace of relatives,

Give me oblivion of my suffering!

I am crumpled by life ... and soon I will perish ...

The mother is not hostile to the prodigal son:

I just opened my arms to her

Tears flowed, strength increased.

A miracle happened: a miserable field

Suddenly brightened, magnificent and beautiful,

Affectionately waving the peaks of the forest,

The sun is looking down from the heavens.

I merrily drove into that gloomy house,

That, having overshadowed with a crushing thought,

Once a harsh verse inspired me ...

How sad, neglected and feeble he is!

It will be boring. No, I'd rather go

Fortunately, it's not too late, now to the neighbor

And I will settle down among a peaceful family.

Nice people are my neighbors,

Nice people! Their cordiality is honest,

Flattery is disgusting to them, and arrogance is unknown.

How do they live out their lives?

He is already a decrepit, gray-haired man,

And the old woman is not much younger.

It will be fun to see me too

Sasha, their daughter... Not far from their house.

Will I find everyone still in it?

Good people, you lived calmly,

They loved their dear daughter dearly.

Growing wild like a flower in the field,

Swarthy Sasha in the steppe village.

Surrounding her quiet childhood with everyone,

What poor means allowed,

Only develop education, alas!

You did not think this head.

Books for a child are vain flour,

The mind of a village is frightened by science;

But persists longer in the wilderness

The original clarity of the soul,

Rdeet blush and brighter and more beautiful ...

Your sweet and young child,

Runs fast, burns like a diamond

Black and wet laughing eye

Cheeks are ruddy, and full, and swarthy,

The eyebrows are so thin, and the shoulders are so swarthy!

Sasha does not know worries and passions,

And she turned sixteen...

Sasha gets enough sleep, gets up early,

Black braids will be tied at the camp

And run away, and in the expanse of fields

She breathes sweetly and freely.

Is that another path before her

Boldly entrust her brisk leg;

And what is she afraid of?

Sun is so calm; silence all around

Pine peaks waving hello,

It seems to whisper, flowing imperceptibly,

Waves over the vault of green branches:

"Tired traveler! rush quickly

Into our arms: we are kind and glad

Give you as much coolness as you want."

You go through the field - all flowers and flowers,

You look into the sky - from a blue height

The sun laughs... Nature rejoices!

Everywhere freedom, peace and freedom;

Only at the mill the river is angry:

There is no room for her ... captivity is bitter!

Poor! How she wants to get out!

It splashes with foam, boils and bubbles,

But do not break through her dams.

"Not destined, apparently, her will,

Sasha thinks - insanely murmuring ... "

Life around spilled glee

Sasha is a guarantee that God is merciful ...

Sasha knows no doubts of anxiety.

Here on the plowed, black glade,

Exploding the earth, the villagers wander

Sasha sees in them happy fate

Peaceful keepers of life simple:

She knows that not without reason with love

They will water the earth with sweat and blood ...

It's fun to see a village family,

Throwing handfuls of seeds into the ground;

Expensive-any, nurse-cornfield

See how beautiful you are,

Like you, filled with amber grain

Proudly standing tall and dense!

But there is no threshing time more fun:

Easy to work together;

The echo of forests and fields echoes her,

As if shouting: "Hurry! Hurry!"

Blessed sound! Who will he wake up?

That's right, it'll be fun all day long!

Sasha wakes up - runs to the threshing floor

There is no sun - neither light nor dark,

The noisy herd had just been driven away.

How they trampled on the frozen mud

Horses, sheep!.. Fresh milk

There is a smell in the air. waving tail,

Behind a cart loaded with sheaves

A piebald foal walks decorously,

Steam pours from the open barn,

Someone in the fire is sitting there by the stove.

And on the threshing floor only hands flash

Yes, they threshed high,

Their shadow does not have time to lie down.

The sun has risen and the day has begun...

Sasha picked wild flowers,

Since childhood, beloved, dear to the heart,

Every grass of neighboring fields

Knew by name. She liked

In the motley displacement of familiar sounds

Birds to distinguish, recognize insects.

It's by noon, but Sasha is still gone.

"Where are you, Sasha? Dinner will get cold,

Sasha! Sasha!.." From the yellowing fields

Songs of simple overflow are heard;

Here was heard "ay" in the distance;

Here above the ears in a blue wreath

A black head flashed quickly...

"Look, where did you run, you cheat!

Eh! ... yes, no spiked rye

Our daughter has outgrown!" - "So what?"

- "What? nothing! understand as you can!

What you need now, you understand:

To a ripe ear - a remote sickle

To an adult girl - a young groom!

- "Here's another invented, the old prankster!"

- "Think not think, but we will have a holiday!"

So arguing, the old people go

Sasha towards; in the bushes by the river

Quietly sit down, sneak up deftly,

With a sudden cry: "Gotcha, cheat!" ...

Sasha is caught and they have fun

To meet with your lively child ...

In the winter twilight the nanny's tales

Sasha loved. In the morning in a sleigh

Sasha sat down, flew like an arrow,

Full of happiness, from an icy mountain.

Like a mother over her son's grave,
A sandpiper groans over the dull plain,

Will the plowman sing a song in the distance -
A long song takes over the heart;

Will the forest begin - pine and aspen ...
You are not cheerful, dear picture!

What is silent my embittered mind? ..
Sweet to me is the sound of the familiar forest,

I like to see a familiar field -
I will give free rein to a good impulse

And to my native land
I will shed all the boiled tears!

The heart is tired of eating malice -
There is much truth in it, but little joy;

Sleeping in the graves of guilty shadows
I will not awaken with my enmity.

Motherland! I have reconciled my soul
He returned to you as a loving son.

How many on your barren fields
The forces of the young did not perish in vain,

How much early longing and sadness
Your eternal storms have not caught up

On my fearful soul -
I am defeated before you!

Strength broken by mighty passions,
Proud will bent misfortune,

And about my murdered muse
I sing funeral songs.

I'm not ashamed to cry in front of you
I don't mind accepting your kindness,

Give me the joy of the embrace of relatives,
Give me oblivion of my suffering!

I am crumpled by life ... and soon I will perish ...
The mother is not hostile to the prodigal son:

I just opened my arms to her -
Tears flowed, strength increased.

A miracle happened: a miserable field
Suddenly brightened, magnificent and beautiful,

Affectionately waving the peaks of the forest,
The sun is looking down from the heavens.

I merrily drove into that gloomy house,
That, having overshadowed with a crushing thought,

Once a harsh verse inspired me ...
How sad, neglected and frail he is!

It will be boring. No, I'd rather go
Fortunately, it's not too late, now to the neighbor

And I will settle down among a peaceful family.
Nice people are my neighbors,

Nice people! Their cordiality is honest,
Flattery is disgusting to them, and arrogance is unknown.

How do they live out their lives?
He is already a decrepit, gray-haired man,

And the old woman is a little younger.
It will be fun to see me too

Sasha, their daughter... Not far from their house.
Will I still find everything in it?

Good people, you lived calmly,
They loved their dear daughter dearly.

Growing wild like a flower in the field,
Swarthy Sasha in the steppe village.

Surrounding her quiet childhood with everyone,
What poor means allowed,

Only develop education, alas!
You did not think this head.

Books for a child are vain flour,
The mind of a village is frightened by science;

But persists longer in the wilderness
The original clarity of the soul,

Rdeet blush and brighter and more beautiful ...
Your sweet and young child,

Runs fast, burns like a diamond
Black and wet laughing eye

Cheeks are ruddy, and full, and swarthy,
The eyebrows are so thin and the shoulders are so round!

Sasha does not know worries and passions,
And she turned sixteen...

Sasha gets enough sleep, gets up early,
Black braids will be tied at the camp

And run away, and in the expanse of fields
She breathes sweetly and freely.

Is that another path before her -
Boldly entrust her brisk leg;

And what is she afraid of?
Everything is so calm; silence all around

Pine peaks waving hello -
It seems to whisper, flowing imperceptibly,

Waves over the vault of green branches:
"The traveler is tired! hurry up

Into our arms: we are kind and glad
Give you as much coolness as you want."

You go through the field - all flowers and flowers,
You look at the sky - from a blue height

The sun laughs... Nature rejoices!
Everywhere freedom, peace and freedom;

Only at the mill the river is angry:
She has no space ... captivity is bitter!

Poor! How she wants to get out!
It splashes with foam, boils and bubbles,

But do not break through her dams.
“Not destined, apparently, her will, -

Sasha thinks - insanely murmuring ... "
Life around spilled glee

Sasha is a guarantee that God is merciful ...
Sasha knows no doubts of anxiety.

Here on the plowed, black glade,
Exploding the earth, the villagers wander -

Sasha sees in them happy fate
Peaceful keepers of life simple:

She knows that not without reason with love
They will water the earth with sweat and blood ...

It's fun to see a village family,
Throwing handfuls of seeds into the ground;

Expensive-any, nurse-cornfield
See how beautiful you are,

Like you, filled with amber grain
Proudly standing tall and dense!

But there is no threshing time more fun:
Easy to work together;

The echo of forests and fields echoes her,
As if shouting: “Hurry! hurry up!”

Blessed sound! Who will he wake up?
It's sure to be fun all day long!

Sasha wakes up - runs to the threshing floor.
There is no sun - neither light nor dark,

The noisy herd had just been driven away.
How they trampled on the frozen mud

Horses, sheep!.. Fresh milk
There is a smell in the air. waving tail,

Behind a cart loaded with sheaves
A piebald foal walks decorously,

Steam pours from the open barn,
Someone in the fire is sitting there by the stove.

And on the threshing floor only hands flash
Yes, they threshed high,

Their shadow does not have time to lie down.
The sun has risen and the day has begun...

Sasha picked wild flowers,
Since childhood, beloved, dear to the heart,

Every grass of neighboring fields
Knew by name. She liked

In a motley mixture of familiar sounds
Birds to distinguish, recognize insects.

It's about noon, but Sasha is still gone.
"Where are you, Sasha? cold lunch,

Sasha! Sasha!.. "From the yellowing fields
Songs of simple overflow are heard;

Here was heard "ay" in the distance;
Here above the ears in a blue wreath

A black head flashed quickly...
“Look, where did you run, you cheat!

Eh! ... yes, no spiked rye
Our daughter has outgrown! “So what?

"What? nothing! understand how you can!
What you need now, you understand:

To a ripe ear - a remote sickle
To an adult girl - a young groom!

"Here's another idea, you old prankster!"
“Think not think, but we will have a holiday!”

So arguing, the old people go
Sasha towards; in the bushes by the river

Quietly sit down, sneak up deftly,
With a sudden cry: "Gotcha, cheat!" ...

Sasha is caught and they have fun
To meet with your lively child ...

In the winter twilight the nanny's tales
Sasha loved. In the morning in a sleigh

Sasha sat down, flew like an arrow,
Full of happiness, from an icy mountain.

The nanny shouts: "Don't kill yourself, dear!"
Sasha, driving his sleigh,

Fun running. Full run
On the side of the sled - and Sasha in the snow!

Braids will be knocked out, a fur coat will be disheveled -
Snow shakes off, laughs, dove!

No grumbling and gray-haired nanny:
She loves her young laugh...

Sasha happened to know sorrows:
Sasha cried as the forest was cut down,

She still feels sorry for him to tears.
How many curly birches there were!

There because of the old, frowning spruce
Red clusters of viburnum looked,

There was a young oak tree.
Birds reigned at the top of the forest,

All sorts of animals lurked below.
Suddenly men with axes appeared -

The forest rang, groaned, crackled.
The hare listened - and ran away,

A fox hid in a dark hole,
The bird flaps its wing more carefully,

Ants dragging in bewilderment
Whatever got into their dwellings.

The work of man argued with songs:
As if knocked down, the aspen fell,

With a crash they broke dry birch forest,
They uprooted a stubborn oak tree,

The old pine tree was first cut down,
After the lasso they bent her

And, knocking down, they danced on it,
To get closer to the ground.

So, having won after a long fight,
The enemy tramples on the already dead hero.

There were many sad pictures here:
The tops of the aspens groaned,

From a chopped old birch
Farewell tears shed

And they disappeared one by one
A tribute to the latter on native soil.

Fatal works ended late.
The lights of the night went out into the sky,

And over the fallen forest the moon
Stopped, round and clear, -

The corpses of the trees lay motionless;
The branches broke, creaked, cracked,

The leaves rustled pitifully all around.
So, after the battle, in the darkness of the night

The wounded groans, calls, curses.
The wind flies over the bloody field -

Idly lying weapon rings,
Hair of dead fighters moves!

Shadows walked over the whitish stumps,
Liquid aspens, shaggy birches;

They flew low, curled like a wheel
Owls, shying away from the ground with their wings;

The cuckoo cuckooed loudly in the distance,
Yes, like crazy, the jackdaw screamed,

Noisily flying over the forest ... but she
Do not find unreasonable children!

A lump of jackdaws fell from a tree,
Yellow mouths opened wide

They jumped and got angry. Tired of their cry -
And the man crushed them with his foot.

In the morning, work began to boil again.
Sasha did not want to go there,

Yes, a month later - came. in front of her
Exploded blocks and thousands of stumps;

Only, sadly hanging branches,
Old pines stood in places,

So in the village they are left alone
Old people on working days.

The upper branches are so tightly intertwined,
As if there were nests of firebirds,

What, according to long-lived people,
Children are taken out twice in half a century.

It seemed to Sasha that the time had come:
The magic tribe will fly out soon,

Wonderful birds will sit on stumps,
Wonderful songs they will sing to her!

Sasha stood and attentively listened,
In the colors of the evening dawn burned out -

Through the neighboring uncut forest,
From the lush-ruddy edge of heaven

The sun was pierced by a radiant arrow,
It went through the stumps in a strip of amber

And pointed to a distant hillock
Light and shadow motionless pattern.

Long that night, without closing your eyelashes,
Sasha thinks: what will the birds sing?

The room seems to be cramped and stuffy.
Sasha can't sleep, but she's having fun.

Motley dreams change quickly,
Cheeks blush burning shamelessly,

Her morning sleep is strong and quiet ...
The first dawns of young passions,

You are full of charm and careless bliss!
There is still no torment in the anxiety of the heart;

The cloud is close, but a gloomy shadow
Slow to spoil the laughing day

As if regretting ... And the day is still clear ...
He will be wonderfully beautiful even in a thunderstorm,

But the storm is unaccountably frightening ...
Are these childlike eyes

Are these full of life cheeks
Sadly fade, covered with tears?

Is this frisky will to power
Will the all-destroying passion proudly take? ...

Go past, gloomy clouds!
You are proud of strength, mighty freedom:

Is it with you, formidable, to endure the battle
Weak and timid blade of grass of the steppe? ...

The third year, leaving our land,
Embracing my old neighbors

I remember I prophesied to my Sasha
Good husband, ruddy children,

Long life without longing and suffering ...
May my predictions not come true!

I found the old people in a terrible misfortune.
Here is what his father said about Sasha:

“In our neighborhood, the estate is large
For forty years it stood empty;

In the third year, finally rolled
The gentleman to the estate and visited us,

Name: Lev Alekseevich Agarin,
Affectionate with servants, as if not a gentleman,

Thin and pale. I looked into the lorgnette,
He had little hair on the top of his head.

He called himself a migratory bird:
“I was,” he says, “I am now abroad,

I have seen many big cities,
Blue seas and underwater bridges, -

Everything there is freedom, and luxury, and a miracle,
Yes, they sent me bad income.

On a steamer I came to Kronstadt,
And above me the eagle was circling,

As if he read a great share.-
The old woman and I marveled freely,

Sasha laughed, he laughed himself ...
He began to visit us often,

Started walking, talking with Sasha
Yes, to tease our nature:

There is such a country in the world,
Where spring never passes

There are balconies open in winter,
Lemons ripen in the sun

And he began, looking at the ceiling,
Sad something to read in a singsong voice.

Right as the song's words were coming out.
God! how much they talked!

Not only that, he read books to her
And he taught her French.

As if someone else's grief took them,
Everyone was talking: what is the reason,

That's what the age is now
Poor, unhappy and angry man?

But, - he says, - do not weaken your soul:
The sun of truth will rise above the earth!

And in confirmation of his hope
He clinked glasses with her with an old rowanberry.

Sasha does not want to lag behind -
He won’t drink a drink, but wet his lips;

Sinful people - we also drank.
He began to say goodbye at the beginning of winter:

- Bill, - he says, - I'm pretty reckless,
Be happy, kind souls,

Bless the deed ... it's time! -
He crossed himself - and moved out of the yard ...

At first, Sasha was sad,
We see: our company is boring for her.

Years to her, perhaps, such came?
We just couldn't recognize her.

She is bored with songs, fortune-telling and fairy tales.
Here comes the winter! - Yes, the sleigh does not amuse.

Thinks a thought, as if she had
More worries than old people.

Reads books, furtively cries.
We saw: he writes letters and hides everything.

She began to write books herself -
And finally got my mind!

Whatever you ask, he will explain, teach,
You will never get bored talking to her;

And kindness ... I'm so kind
You haven’t seen a century, you won’t see it either!

The poor are all her friends-friends:
Feeds, caresses and heals ailments.

So she was nineteen years old.
We are doing well - and there is no grief.

It was necessary to return to the neighbor!
We hear: he has arrived and will be there for dinner.

How fun Sasha was waiting for him!
Brought fresh flowers into the room;

She put her books in order,
Just dressed, but is it so nice;

I went out to meet - and the neighbor gasped!
Like timid. There is no wise man:

In the last two years, amazingly
Sashenka became magnificent and beautiful,

The old blush in his face began to play.
He became paler and balder ...

Whatever I did, whatever I read,
Sasha told him at once;

Only not for the future pleasing went!
He rebuked her, as if to spite her:

- Both then we chatted empty!
Smart people decided otherwise

The human race is low and evil.-
Yes, and go! and went! and went!..

What he said - we do not know how to understand,
Since then, we have not had peace:

Today is the seventeenth day
Sasha yearns and wanders like a shadow.

He reads his books, then he quits,
The guest will visit, so he asks him to be silent.

He was three times; once caught
Sasha at work: the man dictated

She has a letter, but some woman
She asked for herbs - she had a toad.

He looked and said to us jokingly:
- A child is enjoying a new toy!

Sasha left - did not answer a word ...
He was towards her; says, "Unhealthy."

Cries, mourns, prays to God...
He says, "I'm on my way."

Sashenka came out, said goodbye to us,
Yes, and again at the top locked.

Well? .. he sent a letter to her. Between us:
Sinful people, with fear we ourselves

Before it was read secretly:
He offers his hand in it.

Sasha first sent a refusal,
And then she showed us the letter.

We persuade: why not the groom?
Young, rich, and of a quiet disposition.

"No, I will not go". But she herself is not calm;
He says, "I don't deserve him"

Then: “He is not worthy of me: he became

Angry and sad and lost in spirit!

And as he left, he yearns even more,
His letters are slowly kissing! ..

What is this? dear, explain!
If you want, look at poor Sasha.

How long will she kill?
Or she no longer sings, does not laugh,

And he ruined the poor thing forever?
You tell us: he is a simple man

Or what warlock-destroyer?
Or is he himself a demon-tempter? .. "

- Come on, good people, grieve!
You will soon be still living:

Sasha will get better - God help her.
He cannot bewitch anyone:

He... can't put my head down
How to explain so you understand...

Strange tribe, tricky tribe
Time has created in our country!

This is not a demon, a human tempter,
This, alas! is a modern hero!

Reads books and roams the world -
He is looking for gigantic deeds,

Fortunately, the legacy of rich fathers
Freed from small labors,

Good to go down the beaten path
Laziness prevented and the mind developed.

"No, I will not waste my soul
On the ant work of people:

Or under the burden of your own strength
Become a victim of an early grave

Or I'll fly around the world like a star!
The world, - he says, - I want to make happy!

What is at hand, he does not like that,
That in passing without intent destroys.

In our great, difficult days
Books are not a joke: they will indicate

Everything unworthy, wild, evil,
But they will not give strength for good,

But they won't teach you to love deeply...
The matter of centuries is not easy to correct!

Who does not have a sense of freedom,
He will not take it; it doesn't take years

It takes centuries and blood and struggle
To create a man from a slave.

All that is high, intelligent, free,
His heart is both accessible and akin,

Only giving strength and power,
Passion is alien to him in word and deed!

He loves more, hates more
And bring it - the mosquito will not offend!

Yeah they say him and love
The head worries more - not blood!

What will the last book tell him?
Then on top of his soul will lie:

To believe, not to believe - he doesn't care,
If only it was proven smart!

He has nothing in his heart
What he harvested yesterday, he sows today;

Today he does not know what tomorrow will burn,
Only, probably, will go to sow.

It comes out in a simple translation,
That in conversations he spends time;

If he gets down to business - trouble!
The world is to blame for the failure then;

Slightly loosen unsteady wings,
The poor man cries: "Efforts are useless!"

And where does it get angry
Wings of a scorched eagle ...

Understood? .. no! .. Well, the trouble is small!
Only the poor sick thing would understand.

Luckily, she figured it out now.
What should not be given to him,

And time will do the rest.
He still sows good seed!

In our steppe zone, no matter what step,
You know - now a hillock, then a ravine:

In summer the ravines are waterless,
Scorched by the sun, sandy and naked,

Dirty in autumn, invisible in winter,
But wait: it will blow in the spring

From a warm land, from where people
Breathe more freely - in three-quarters of the chest, -

The red sun melts the snow
The rivers will leave their banks,

Alien waves pouring around,
It will be bold and full to the brim

Miserable ravine ... Spring flew by -
The sun will burn it to the bottom again,

But it is already ripening in the floodplain field,
What he irrigated with a borrowed wave,

Lush harvest. Untouched forces
In Sasha, the neighbor awakened so much ...

Eh! I say slyly, incomprehensibly!
Know and believe, friends: blessed

Every storm for a young soul -
The soul ripens and grows stronger under a thunderstorm.

The more inconsolable your child is,
The brighter and more beautiful it will wake up:

Grain fell into good soil -
It will be born as a magnificent fruit!

Analysis of the poem "Sasha" by Nikolai Nekrasov

In the poem "Sasha" (1854-1855), N. A. Nekrasov raises a problem that is generally not characteristic of his work. Celebrated Advocate common people refers to the topic raised by Pushkin and Lermontov - the emergence in Russian society of the so-called. " extra people". At the same time, the poet illuminates this problem in his own way. He notes that such people still benefit ("good seed"), providing positive influence for the new generation.

The central character of the poem is Sasha, the daughter of the old landowners. This image is described by Nekrasov with big love and warmth. A young girl grows up in a rural idyll. The narrow framework of secular education does not weigh on her. Sasha does not receive any education, but she does not need it. The girl lives in absolute harmony with the world around her. The only thing that gives her serious grief is deforestation.

The tranquility of the patriarchal way of life is disturbed by the arrival of a neighbor - L. A. Agarin. It is easy to guess the bearer of liberal ideas in him. Sasha's parents are surprised by his strange speeches, but submit to Agarin's good nature and courtesy. They look with approval at the fact that the daughter begins to spend more and more time with the young neighbor. Agarin likes Sasha with bold looks. He instilled in her a love of reading. The narrator does not say this directly, but it becomes clear that the young girl is completely influenced by liberal ideas. At the same time, love for Agarin naturally awakens in her. Sasha's love repeats the tragedy of Tatyana Larina. "Tormented" by life, Agarin does not need this pure disinterested love, he is leaving.

The old people see a drastic change in Sasha. They are worried, trying to unravel the reason for her reverie. The parents' guess about the love that has arisen is confirmed when Agarin arrives again. But for the old people, the inner change in Sasha remained hidden. The “good seed” of the thirst for knowledge thrown by Agarin gave a rich harvest. The girl guessed the character of her neighbor, his wasted life. Agarin finally lost the purpose of life, and Sasha found it in the noble service of the people.

Nekrasov, in the person of the narrator, is trying to explain to his parents what happened. But he does it more for the readers. Agarin - typical representative of his generation. His extensive knowledge and life experience remain a useless burden without striving for a truly important goal. Nevertheless, he did a useful thing, awakening in Sasha's soul a thirst for useful activity. A pure girl, raised far from high society, will not repeat the mistakes of Agarin and will not experience disappointment in life. Nekrasov concludes the poem with an optimistic speech, convincing readers that the "untouched forces" awakened in Sasha's soul will eventually give an excellent result.

Lesson summary on literary reading on the topic " N. Nekrasov. « Sasha" (excerpt from a poem)» Grade 3

Topic. N. Nekrasov. « Sasha" (excerpt from a poem);

Target: Familiarization with the content of the poem by N. Nekrasov "Sasha" (excerpt from the poem);

Tasks: To acquaint students with the work of the Russian poet of poetry of the XIX century N.A. Nekrasov, to develop expressive reading skills, to form in children the ability to understand the mood lyrical heroes; show the history of the country, the problems that worried people of that time, relations between people, moral issues, the main universal values;

Develop Creative skills children, memory, speech, attention;

Cultivate love for Russian poetry, patriotic feelings,love for nature, its protection.

Equipment: portrait of N.A. Nekrasov, a reproduction of the painting by Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky "Peasant Children", an excerpt from N.A. Nekrasov's poem "Peasant Children"(electronic textbook).

During the classes

Class organization. Buzzing Reading 5 min.

Psychological mood for the lesson

Give each other a smile. Smile and you will bring joy to yourself and others.

Work should always begin with a posture check. This instills the ability to sit properly while reading.


Breathing exercises and voice preparation.

Now stand up straight, breathe freely.We will do breathing exercises.

Flower shop.

Imagine that you have come to a flower shop and smelled the delicious aroma of flowering plants. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale (2-3 times).

Take a deep breath as you exhale, count loudly until youthe air runs out.

Use of tongue twister (in chorus):

Like on a hill on a hill

There are 33 Egorki (deep breath)

One Yegorka, two Yegorkas……(until full exhalation).

Applying at each lesson, after 2-3 lessons there will be enough air for a larger number of Egorok.

Exercises for developing clarity of pronunciation.

Planes take off: woo. Cars go: w-w-w. The horses galloped: tsok-tsok-tsok. A snake is crawling nearby: shhh. A fly hits the glass: z-z-z-z.

Examination homework

Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we will get to knowthe great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.

Work on the topic ( Post by 2 students)

A word about a poet. (1821-1877) Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born in 1821in the village of Greshnevo on the Volga. He was the third child in the family. Mother - Elena Andreevna, a noblewoman. Father - Alexei Sergeevich, was a poor landowner, a former army officer.He was a rude and domineering man. Not only the peasants subject to him suffered from his character, but also the poet's mother, who loved her son immensely.Elena Andreevna gave all her love and tenderness to the children. She was seriously involved in their education, read a lot to them, played the piano for them and sang. Little Kolya was passionately attached to his mother, he spent long hours with her. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov spent his childhood years in the Yaroslavl province in the family estate of his father, which was located near the Volga. At the estate there was an old, neglected garden, surrounded by a blind fence. The boy made a loophole in the fence and in those hours when his father was not at home, he invited the peasant children to him. But as soon as the nanny shouted: “Master, master is coming!” - how they instantly disappeared. Nekrasov dedicated his first poems to his mother in honor of her name day, when he was 7 years old. Elena Andreevna encouraged him to study literature. She dreamed that her son would become an educated person.From his mother, the poet learned sensitivity to human suffering, and from his father he adopted firmness of spirit, strength of character. . FROM early years the boy was fond of hunting, and meetings with peasants on the hunt introduced him to the life and character of people, contributed to rapprochement with the people. The poet was called the defender of the disadvantaged and disenfranchised people.

Mastering the content and analysis of the poem.

And now listen to the poem performed by the masters of the artistic word.

Reading a poem by N. Nekrasov "Sasha" (excerpt). (Electr. Textbook. See disk).

Reading the continuation of the poem in the anthology.

Analysis of the poem. Conversation on questions .

What is this piece about?

What made Sasha cry? Why was she crying? What character traits do the girl's tears speak of? Why does she feel sorry for the cut down forest?


Expressive reading poems by N. Nekrasov "Sasha"

Selective reading

Find the answers in the poem: How and why do lumberjacks cut down the forest? How do trees feel? To whom does the poet compare them? As if cut down, the aspen fell / The tops of the aspens groaned, / From the chopped old birch, farewell tears poured in a hail. / The branches broke, creaked, cracked, / The wounded man groans, calls, curses.

What technique does the poet use to show the forest as a living being?

How did you feel when you read the poem? Do you share Sasha's sadness?

How do animals react to deforestation? And how do you feel about such human activity?

What will deforestation lead to on our planet?

Creative work. Group work.

The first group Give a positive assessment of the activities of lumberjacks.

The second group Give a negative assessment of the activities of lumberjacks.

Work with work .

Expressive reading. Exercise "Tugboat" is performed together with the teacher.

Children are invited to independently read the text using the “Lips” exercise.


- What is the main idea of ​​the poem? Nature is a living being. It gives life and health to man. Love nature, take carenature! Only then can we save life on Earth.

Homework assignment. Learn the passage by heart.

An excerpt from the poem "Sasha"

In the winter twilight the nanny's tales
Sasha loved. In the morning in a sleigh

Sasha sat down, flew like an arrow,
Full of happiness, from an icy mountain.

The nanny shouts: "Don't kill yourself, dear!"
Sasha, driving his sleigh,

Fun running. Full run
To the side of the sled - and Sasha in the snow!

Braids will be knocked out, a fur coat will be disheveled -
Snow shakes off, laughs, dove!

No grumbling and gray-haired nanny:
She loves her young laugh...

Grandpa Mazai and hares

... Old Mazai loosened up in the barn:
"In our swampy, low-lying land
Five times more game would be conducted,
If they didn’t catch her with nets,
If only they didn’t crush her with snares;
Hares, too - they are sorry to tears!
Only spring waters surging
And without that, they are dying by the hundreds, -
Not! Not much more! The men are running
They catch, and drown, and beat them with hooks.
Where is their conscience?
I went in a boat - there are a lot of them from the river
It catches up with us in the spring flood, -
I'm going to catch them. Spring is coming.
I see one small island -
Hares on it gathered in a crowd.
With every minute the water was getting closer
To the poor animals; left under them
Less than an arshin of earth in width,
Less than a fathom in length.
Then I drove up: they babble with their ears,
Themselves from the spot; I took one
I commanded the rest: jump yourself!
My hares jumped - nothing!
The oblique team just sat down,
The whole island was lost under water.
“That's it! I said, don't argue with me!
Listen, bunnies, grandfather Mazai!
That way Gutorya, sailing in silence.
A column is not a column, a bunny on a stump,
Crossing his paws, he stands, unfortunate,
I took it - the burden is small!
Just started paddle work
Look, a hare is swarming by the bush, -
Barely alive, but fat as a merchant!
I covered her, fool, with a zipun
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