New Russian sensations (02/18/2018) Kovtun's two wives. Battle for Glory

"New Russian Sensations" is, first of all, a high-profile exclusive, an information bomb or a poignant, touching mono-story of a celebrity whose name the whole country knows, and whose life is full of dramatic events.

New Russian sensations - Two wives of Kovtun issue of 11 03 2018

"Love Maidan" of the main Ukrainian of Russian television: how did Vyacheslav Kovtun manage to live with two women at once for eight years? How did he humiliate his first wife? And why did he humiliate himself, kneeling in front of her in a puddle? Why did Vyacheslav Kovtun go to a woman who is suitable for his daughter? Why does he hide his second wife from the first? And what awaits him when she finds out about everything?

New Russian sensations issue dated 11 03 2018 watch online

Watch online New Russian sensations NTV latest release from 11 03 2018 on any mobile device (tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch online in high quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

March 11 in the program New Russian sensations 11 03 2018 watch online the secret personal life of the main Ukrainian on Russian television. What did Vyacheslav Kovtun hide from everyone? How did it happen that he lived with two women at once, and why did he hide his second wife from the first? How did they become aware of each other? What will his first wife say and what will the loving Ukrainian himself answer to this?

"New Russian Sensations" is a weekly program made in the genre of investigative journalism.
Each issue is a high-profile exclusive, an information bomb or a poignant, touching mono-story of a celebrity whose name is known throughout the country, and whose life is full of dramatic events.
A frank interview in the style of a television confession, unexpected meetings with people with whom they shared years, distances and past grievances, unknown facts, family secrets and "skeletons in the closet" - all this will be seen on television for the first time.

Released: Russia, LLC "PPK" commissioned by NTV

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