Brazilian dance show. Brazilian dance show Brazilian TV show

Can't decide what topic to order a show for a corporate party? The soul asks for something spectacular and enchanting, but there are no ideas at all? Then we suggest you consider, as an option, the Brazilian dance show, which, for sure, will not leave anyone indifferent.

We offer our guests eight versions of the Brazilian show, the videos of which you can find on the respective pages.

The Brazilian show in Moscow gains more and more fans every holiday. It is ordered for corporate parties, new year parties and a variety of other events where the main task of entertainment is to be spectacular and keep guests in a perky mood all evening. And what can do it better than colorful costumes, most of of which was produced in Rio de Janeiro, graceful bodies and sensual energetic movements that beckon to join?

Brazilian fashion of the Russian capital

Increasingly, orders are being received for a Brazilian show at a wedding. So in an unusual way future newlyweds want not only to make a truly explosive apogee of their holiday, but also to give guests the opportunity to many vivid photos, thanks to which they will not forget this event for a very long time.

brazilian show on New Year guaranteed to save your friends and loved ones from hibernation and ignite the fire of latino in their hearts. Becoming part of the dance extravaganza, they will receive master classes from professional artists. And photoshoots and exciting contests with beautiful half-naked dancers will give a lot of positive impressions and a charge of vivacity for many weeks, or even months.

Our "Brazil" is real

When ordering a show program from us, you yourself determine its duration and content. Our dancers are highest level will perform any of the original and modernized dances of the Brazilian carnival. The actors will amaze the audience with bright performances, capoeira elements and African-style acrobatic numbers.

But do not even think that you will spend all the black shows only as a spectator. Each of our programs (optional) contains an exciting interactive experience with guests, during which no one will be able to get bored.

brazilian show

In our performance brazilian show- this is not just a bright masquerade to the incendiary music of Africa, Cuba, etc. This is a professional Latin show, which only best artists in its category, and costumes, entourage and other design are thought out to the smallest detail.

Now, those who dreamed of seeing all the shows of the Brazilian carnival live, no longer need to go to the ends of the world. The holiday itself will find its audience. The incendiary melodies of Rio de Janeiro will make your event sparkle with new colors and give guests a lot of positive impressions.

Luxurious feathers and a bikini embroidered with multi-colored glass beads and sparkling rhinestones are the real costumes of dancers at the famous carnivals of Brazil in Rio. The expressive samba dance blows up the hall with the "carnival" mood of the main Brazilian holiday.

Capoeira (Capoeira)

Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art turned into a dance. Fancy Alloy martial art dance and acrobatics, thanks to the spectacle and beauty, conquered Europe and is gaining increasing popularity in Russia.

Master Class

The most fun part of the show is the master class of maestro Guillermo. Do you want to discover new facets of dance talent? By repeating simple movements after the maestro, you will acquire incredible plasticity and a hot Latin American temperament. The show smoothly flows into a fun disco where everyone dances!

Zouk Lambada

Sensual dance from the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique. echoes of this dance style in pop culture, the general public remembers the clip from the 90s famous hit"Lambada". Despite the pronounced sexuality, the dance looks elegant and has a romantic character. Smooth movements are in harmony with acrobatic elements. Zouk's music is like a light sea breeze, evoking the carefree mood of flirting on the beach.


Salsa is a favorite of Latin American club dances. "Salsomania" covered great amount people in all parts of the world. Popularly loved in America and Russia, he won the greatest popularity in Moscow clubs. In this room, modern club salsa is intertwined with traditional Cuban dance traditions. Brilliant compositions pair dance and salsa solo - the highlight of this number. Salsa music is emotion embodied. It gives a cheerful mood on a sunny Sunday morning. Funny bright costumes and flirting with the audience turn the performance into a mini-show.

Abrasarso (Latin-modern, Сha-cha-cha)

Synthesis of elements of modern club Latin American dances and catchy Cuban Сha-cha-cha. Unlike romantic salsa, whose character is courtship and flirting, Сha-cha-cha is an experience of beautiful and passionate relationship men and women. At the heart of this very energetic number is a game with a chair.

Real To Real (Latin-pop)

Incendiary salsa with elements of a show of high technical complexity, performed to popular Latin American music. The combination of sensuality, sexuality and cheerfulness in one dance will not leave anyone indifferent.


Born in Cuba, this expressive dance was influenced by jazz and even ballet and reached its peak in America. In Russia, Mambo became famous thanks to the movie Dirty Dancing. Of the Latin American dances, Mambo is the most complex and interesting in terms of technique. The plot with dressing up introduces an element of piquancy into the composition of the number. An unexpected change of costume right on the stage and, accordingly, a change in the mood of the dance makes this beautiful, elegant number simply unforgettable.


This one is the most fun latin dance kindle a fire in the blood of the most severe boss. Meringue rhythms are an adrenaline rush, thanks to which any man will feel like a Latin American supermacho. The fun of this dance is so contagious that even the most strict top managers perform a passionate composition in the style of real Dirty Dancing.

"Carmen Miranda"

A stylized Brazilian number with the participation of charming Latin American dancers in bright costumes with flowers and fruits, in the final part of which the girls have a short interactive session with one or more spectators of their choice and teach them the rhythmic movements of burning samba.


This production is a traditional capoeira with an admixture of African ethnic dance. sounds African drum and the Brazilian berimbau, a mixture of Latin American and African rhythms - all this is about Maculele / Afro.


Need a nail of the program? Do you want to make your party unforgettable and truly bright and sunny? For 10 years, the Caribbean Show has been participating in events of various scales. Our show will decorate any evening - be it a wedding, an anniversary or a corporate party of a large company.

We are pleased to note that many of our customers become regular customers.

Thanks to professionalism and individual approach for each of our clients, we have secured support and positive recommendations from leading event agencies in Moscow, Tver, Ryazan, Yekaterinburg, Saransk and many other Russian cities.

Performance cost

from 6 000 before 60 000 rubles

The cost is indicated for Moscow.

The cost of the performance depends on the number of people, time and place.
VIP show, 5 artists, show for 40 min. - 40,000 rubles.
Standard show, 5 artists, show for 30 min. - 30,000 rubles.
Show program, 3 artists, 20 min. – 18000 rub.b
Capoeira, 15 min. - 6000 rubles. per person.
The price is indicated by...


Terra Brasil - grandiose and colorful show. This is an incomparable spectacle. In the performance of artists you will see the most bright colors brazilian carnival. Dancers took part in carnivals in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, participated in many dance competitions, where they repeatedly became winners and prize-winners. Crazy energy, colorful costumes and interactive with the audience will give the atmosphere of a holiday, and memories will last a lifetime.


carnival samba
- Incendiary mulatto samba
- Capoeira
- Carmen Miranda
- Brasilerinho
- Song of Romeo and Juliet

- Big brazilian drum output
- Master class of Brazilian carnival dances

carnival samba
- Incendiary mulatto samba
- Capoeira
- Carmen Miranda
- Brasilerinho
- Song of Romeo and Juliet
- Sambadrome from the King and Queen of the Carnival
- Exit in feathers to the incendiary songs of Ricky Martin
- Exit with a large Brazilian...

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