Student spring theme. The festival "Russian Student Spring" ended with a gala concert in the Kremlin

22. 05. 2017 163

On May 19, 2017, the final stage of one of the most massive youth events in the country, the XXV All-Russian Festival "Russian Student Spring", took place at the State Kremlin Palace.

"Studspring" has gone from an interuniversity amateur art competition to national festival youth creativity. In 2017, for the first time, it was organized in two cities: Moscow and Tula. “The festival is of great national importance. The first student spring took place in Samara, then in Perm. This is a tradition of generations, and it’s great that it continues,” said Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The gala concert in the Kremlin was preceded by four competitive days, during which the participants of the festival demonstrated their numbers to the strict jury. The selection of winners took place in the hero city of Tula. It was not easy for the competition commission to determine the best among the strongest, most creative student teams from all over the country. The guys fought for the title of winners in six areas: "Theatrical", "Musical", "Dance", "Regional Program", " original genre and Journalism.

“The student spring is a colossal experience, practice and knowledge. I am sure that students will find themselves, because here there really is an opportunity to show themselves and learn at master classes - these are really the very creative possibilities, which give stage skills, ”said National artist Russian Federation, actor, director Sergei Bezrukov.

For 25 years, "studentspring" was held in 14 regions. At the gala concert, the audience saw best rooms students throughout the history of student spring. “When I looked at what was happening on stage, I was once again convinced that there is no one more talented than Russian students. They are even more talented professional artists”, - admitted the head of Rosmolodezh, Alexander Bugaev.

At the end of the event, the results of the Regional Program nomination were announced. Third place was shared by the Republic of Tatarstan and Perm region. The Yaroslavl Region and the Primorsky Territory received a second degree diploma. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug took first place, and Grand Prize in the nomination "Regional program" went to the Tyumen region. The winners and laureates were presented with commemorative diplomas, steles, Tula gingerbread and samovars.

In the team standings, the top three winners are as follows: Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - 3rd place, Primorsky Krai - 2nd place and Saratov Region - 1st place. the best student team the Tyumen region became and received the Grand Prix, which also received an award from the Russian Youth Union for 300 thousand rubles.
Also, the main intrigue of the evening was the question of which subject will host the XXVI Russian Student Spring in 2018. Revealed by its first deputy governor Tula region Yuri Andrianov.

“You are the most talented, smart, lucky and probably the happiest at the moment. On the other hand, I think everyone is a little sad that the 25th Student Spring has come to an end. But this sadness will pass, because Stavropol is ahead of you. You can say together: “Goodbye, Tula and Moscow! Hello, Stavropol!” he addressed the students.

For a quarter of a century, "studentspring" has established itself as a unique platform for friendly communication between students from many regions of the country. The festival helps to realize the unique ideas of boys and girls, gives an opportunity to decide on future profession and gain useful experience in different areas activities, including volunteering and education.

“For 25 years we have been moving towards the fact that on May 19, 2017, on the main stage of the country, in the Kremlin Palace, we will hold the final Studvesna gala concert, where we could see the best performances of the festival. We can safely say that it is not in vain that we have been developing the Russian Student Spring program together for 25 years. I congratulate you on the end of the 25th anniversary festival, but we do not say goodbye, we say until we meet again,” concluded Pavel Krasnorutsky, chairman of the Russian Youth Union.

The event is the final stage of the program to support and develop student creativity "Russian Student Spring" in 2017. It should be noted that the program has been implemented in Russia for 25 years, and annually gathers more than one and a half million people from 700 universities across the country.


This year's festival program includes creative contests in areas such as dance, music and theatrical skills. In addition, the participants of the event will compete in the art of journalism. The business part of the event will also be very rich. Thus, among other things, within the framework of the festival, panel discussions will be held, the participants of which will discuss the problems of development national culture and ways to solve them. Also, as part of the business program, a solemn extinguishing postage stamp"25 years of the Russian student spring".

According to Pavel Krasnorutsky, chairman of the Russian Youth Union, several thousand people representing 85 Russian regions will be guests of the XXV Russian Student Spring festival. Among them are winners and prize-winners of student creative festivals in the regions. All of them were selected at the local, city and regional level, and then included in the official delegations of the subjects.

The governor of the Tula region Alexey Dyumin addressed the participants and guests of the festival. "Last year, Tula won the competition for the right to host the 25th anniversary festival "Russian Student Spring". This victory is the first not only for our region, but for the whole central Russia- said the head of the region. – For the first time, all regions of our country take part in the festival. It is a great honor for us to host this large-scale and important event."

"We hope that our guests will have the most pleasant impressions from visiting the Tula region."

"Dear participants! All of you, without a doubt, are talented, smart and purposeful guys. Among you are the winners of regional festivals. You have shown your best qualities and rightfully represent your region in the final. I sincerely hope that "Student Spring" will unite you, teach you mutual assistance and support, and help you find new friends, - said Alexey D.min. - I wish you success - not only at the festival, but also in your studies, in your profession, in life. Happiness, joy, energy and good luck to all participants and guests!"

This year, among the jury of the festival there will be many eminent figures of culture and art, as well as politicians, public figures and sports representatives. Among them are actors Sergei Bezrukov, Yegor Druzhinin, Felix Mikhailov, Nikita Vysotsky, choreographer Artemy Manukyan, musician Sergei Prikazchikov, singer Yulia Volkova, TV presenter Yana Churikova, nutritionist Tatyana Malakhova, Slovak water polo player Sergei Kharin and a number of other famous personalities.

AT this moment the opening ceremony of the festival continues on the territory of the Tula Kremlin. The event is held in the format of a large-scale theatrical show, in which more than two thousand artists take part.

At the same time, the opening ceremony consists of several thematic sections. Among them are such as "Tula meets the XXV All-Russian Festival", "Regions of Russia" (a flag show of the constituent entities of Russia participating in the "Russian Student Spring"), as well as a greeting to guests, in which representatives of the delegations participating in the festival perform, as well as a choreographic block with the participation of 200 dancers in costumes of the peoples of multinational Russia.

In addition, as part of the opening ceremony, there is a presentation of the festival's areas: theatrical, musical, dance, original genre, journalism and regional programs. Tula students take an active part in the opening ceremony and perform popular music and show their skills and abilities in popular sports disciplines (workout, parkour and jumping). The end of the ceremony will be marked fireworks to the processed music of Ludwig van Beethoven's "Ode to Joy".

The festival will end on May 20 with a grand gala concert at the Bolshoi concert hall State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. The event will showcase, among other things, the diversity and identity of Russian peoples, as well as reflected important milestones in the history of our country.

"Russian Student Spring" has been held since 1993 with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture, as well as the all-Russian public organization"Russian Union of Youth". This year the event was also supported by the governments of the Tula region and Moscow. Previously, the festival was held in Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, St. Petersburg and other cities.

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"Russian student spring" - the most mass program support and development of student creativity, which has been implemented in Russia since 1992. This year, RSV turns 25 years old. Every year, one and a half million students and more than 700 educational organizations higher education Russian Federation. In 2017, the anniversary XXV All-Russian festival"Russian Student Spring" will be held in Tula and Moscow. AT competitive program more than 3 thousand talented students will take part, and 800 volunteers will be involved in the organization of the festival. Gala Concert the festival will take place May 19 in the Great Hall of the State Kremlin Palace.

In the Komi Republic, for two days, the guys fought for the title of winner in dance, music, journalism and theater venues. AT Sunday evening students, teachers, participants and the jury of the competition gathered at the gala concert to look at the most bright numbers festival and sum up the results of the regional selection of the "Russian Student Spring - 2017". For those who could not come, there was an online broadcast on the Internet.

During the gala concert, the assembly hall of the SSU. Pitirim Sorokin turned into a roof, and real stars “lit up” on the stage. University students led Ekaterina Nikandrova and Andrey Kabishev. During the evening, the guys discussed such concepts as love, Motherland, friendship, peace, music and a fairy tale.

At the beginning of the concert, the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Komi Republic delivered a welcoming speech Natalia Mikhalchenkova:

I sincerely greet our golden, most beautiful and talented student youth of the Komi Republic, as well as all the heads of educational organizations and various enterprises that help the guys and wait for them to come to them. Well, here you are on the roof. Each of us would like to be here today, make a wish and see all the stars in the student arena. I wish you happiness and fulfillment of your plans, - she finished her speech.

The first "star" of the concert was the representative of Syktyvkar University at the All-Russian vocal competition"University - 2016" Ekaterina Kaneva. The girl delighted the audience with the touching song "Feather". The audience also remembered a participant from Ukhta State Technical University with his musical composition Dmitry Balashov.

Together with the dance group "Dance Academy", the audience plunged into the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland": the mad hatter, Cheshire Cat, the twins Tra-la-la and Tru-la-la lit up the stage to a magical melody.

Participants of the theater-studio "Seven Plus" of Syktyvkar University played poems by children's poets - Marina Boroditskaya, Valentina Berestova and Spike Milligan. The Dansfor team from the Syktyvkar Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after I. Kuratova, with her dance performance “To Live,” made the audience think about the really important things in life.

After the first block of performances for awarding in the nominations " Theatrical creativity” and “Journalism” invited the Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the stage Maksim Ganov, director and screenwriter of city, regional and republican events Nadezhda Izyumskaya, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan Galina Kiseleva, head of special projects of the TV channel "Yurgan" Elena Krasilnikova. The winners were awarded diplomas, a statuette with RSV symbols and a ticket to the All-Russian Festival "Russian Student Spring-2017".

I caught myself thinking that I have never been on the roof, I have a debut today. I have been communicating with students for 45 years, so I am a vampire to a certain extent - I feed on your energy. The guys who take the stage today put their hands, soul and mind into their work, - said Nadezhda Izyumskaya.

In the second block we were pleased musical compositions Ksenia Lebedeva, Victoria Nekrasova and Maria Anisimova, representatives of KRAGSU, Syktyvkar Trade and Economic College and Syktyvkar Forest Institute. The stage was full of bright costumes of Arevik dance groups ( youth centre Usinsk), "Ala-Too" (SSU named after Pitirim Sorokin) and "Araks" (Komi Republican Academy public service and management).

The vice-president of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was invited to award the winners in the nomination "Dance" Vladislav Rudoy. He paid special attention dance group"Arevik" from Usinsk, which got the third place.

The duet stood out in the last block of the concert Alena and Daniel Korepov from the Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications. The guys performed a touching ballroom dance under the song Eternal love". SSU student helped to cheer up the hall again Nikita Rashplya. Together with the backup dancer, he "lit the roof" with the song "Kalinka". Representatives of Syktyvkar University Sergey Tyapkin and the dance group "Flex" plunged the hall into the era of rock and roll.

In the nomination "Music" the contestants were awarded by the First Deputy Minister of Culture, Tourism and Archives of Komi Konstantin Baranov, music and theater producer Vladimir Yurkovskiy, artistic director Ensemble "Flame 21" Alexander Danko. They thanked the participants, the jury and the organizers of the festival, and wished them good luck and new victories.

And about. Rector of SSU Pitirim Sorokin Olga Sotnikova recorded a video greeting for the participants and winners of Studvesna.

- "Russian Student Spring" in Komi is a truly unique event: more than two hundred students out of 20 educational institutions republics show their skills in various directions. Today, the most creative students of Komi have gathered on this stage. I thank all the co-organizers of the festival, partners, the well-coordinated team of the university and the authoritative jury. Only thanks to our well-coordinated work this Studspring will remain in the hearts of the participants, - she noted.

Grand Prix of the competition went to dance group"United Bit" Ukhta State Technical University. The children were awarded by the Vice-Rector for Administrative and organizational work Syktyvkar University Dmitry Pinaevsky. The evening ended with an incendiary number about the "Russian Student Spring" from the participants and presenters of the gala concert.

After the end of the holiday, SSU student Yakov Vorobyov shared his impressions of the event with the correspondent of the VERBUM media center

I myself took part in the Komi Student Spring last year and even performed at a gala concert. At the qualifying rounds of RSV-2017, I helped in the Theater and Original Genre categories. Today I really liked everything: cool participants, an excellent team of organizers, an interesting concept of the gala concert itself. The jury was objective in scoring. It's great that our republic supports student creativity! he summed up.

On May 19, 2017, the final stage of one of the most massive youth events in the country - the XXV festival "Russian Student Spring" took place at the State Kremlin Palace.

"Studyvesna" has gone from an interuniversity amateur art competition to a national festival of youth creativity. In 2017, for the first time, it was organized in two cities: Moscow and Tula.

“The festival is of great national importance. The first "Student Spring" took place in Samara, then in Perm. This is a tradition of generations, and it is great that it continues,” said Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The gala concert in the Kremlin was preceded by four competitive days, during which the participants of the festival demonstrated their performances to the strict jury. The selection of winners took place in the hero city of Tula. It was not easy for the competition commission to determine the best among the strongest, most creative student teams from all over the country. The guys fought for the title of winners in six areas: "Circus", "Musical", "Dance", "Regional Program", "Original Genre" and "Journalism".

“We were pleasantly surprised by the variety of forms and genres that more than 300 talented, wonderful students presented in the musical direction. They made us happy academic vocals, folklore and bright pop singing. As the great Nietzsche said: "Without music, our life would be a mistake," therefore, Dear friends, keep creating, be yourself, ”the jury member wished the children musical direction, soloist of the Balagan Limited group Elena Selikhova.

For 25 years, Studspring has been held in 14 cities. At the gala concert, the audience saw the best performances of students in the history of "Student Spring".

“When I looked at what was happening on stage, I was once again convinced that there is no one more talented than Russian students. They are even more talented than professional artists,” admitted Alexander Bugaev, head of Rosmolodezh.

At the end of the event, the results of the Regional Program nomination were announced. The third place was shared by the Republic of Tatarstan and the Perm Territory. The second degree diploma was received by the Yaroslavl region. The first place was taken by the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and the main prize in the Regional Program nomination went to the Tyumen Region. The winners and laureates were presented with commemorative diplomas, steles, Tula gingerbread and samovars.

“It's great that students, in addition to their main professions, develop comprehensively, are engaged in creativity and art. This is the most important thing, and Studvesna helps young people to fulfill this task. In 2017, there were many good, big, new programs. Every year the competition is growing, the students themselves set a high standard for themselves,” the director shared his opinion. television shows, member of the jury of the "Regional Program" direction Vadim Plokhotnikov.

Also, the main intrigue of the evening was the question of which subject will host the 26th Russian Student Spring in 2018. It was revealed by the first deputy governor of the Tula region, Yuri Andrianov.

“You are the most talented, smart, lucky and probably the happiest at the moment. On the other hand, I think everyone is a little sad that the 25th Student Spring has come to an end. But this sadness will pass, because Stavropol is ahead of you. You can say together: “Goodbye, Tula and Moscow! Hello, Stavropol!”, he addressed the students.

For a quarter of a century, Studvesna has established itself as a unique platform for friendly communication between students from many regions of the country. The festival helps to realize the unique ideas of young men and women, provides an opportunity to decide on a future profession and gain useful experience in various fields of activity, including volunteering and educational activities.

“For 25 years we have been moving towards the fact that on May 19, 2017, on the main stage of the country, in the Kremlin Palace, we will hold the final Studvesna gala concert, where we could see the best performances of the festival. We can safely say that it is not in vain that we have been developing the Russian Student Spring program together for 25 years. I congratulate you on the end of the 25th anniversary festival "Russian Student Spring", but we do not say goodbye, we say see you again," Pavel Krasnorutsky, chairman of the Russian Youth Union, concluded.

Prepared by Maria Naumenko

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