Poster of events for May 9. Victory Day: concerts of stars, an exhibition of tanks and fireworks

Celebrations in honor of Victory Day begin in Kazan. Tomorrow, volunteers will hand out St. George ribbons to passers-by, and actions, athletics relay races and theatrical performances will begin in all districts of the city. What kind of help veterans will receive with tears in their eyes for the holiday, which streets will be closed for driving and what can be used to leave after the fireworks on May 9 - in Realnoe Vremya's material from business Monday at the city hall.

Waiting for May 9th

Starting tomorrow in Kazan, the all-Russian campaign "George's Ribbon" begins - on April 24, volunteers will walk around the city from Gorky Park and distribute 15,000 ribbons to residents. This action will open a series of events that will be held in the regions of Kazan. On the eve of the 73rd anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War on May 7, the DK im. Lenin, after the repair, will be hosted by a solemn meeting with the participation of 500 veterans and home front workers, after which the holiday will move to the Wings of the Soviets park. In the large shopping centers of Aviastroitelny and Novo-Savinovsky districts, from April 25 to May 10, the festive edition of the radio newspaper “Victory Bell!” will be broadcast again.

On May 3, in the park, named after the hero of the Soviet Union, test pilot Alexander Vasilchenko, at the administration of the Kirovsky and Moskovsky districts, the Alley of Winners will open, where people can post photos and stories of relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. In addition, an athletics relay race will be held at the Tasma Stadium on April 25. Another track and field race will be held under the name "1418 days of war".

Veterans will be honored and the Victory greeted in the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts on May 4 in the Kaleidoscope park and on May 7 in the garden. Kirov. In the house of veterans at Dubravnaya, 35, the district administration promises to organize a field kitchen with tea tables. On May 8, Sovetsky District will organize a large theatrical performance at the Raketa stadium with the participation of more than a thousand artists. About 500 children of the district will take part in the procession of the Immortal Regiment.

At the republican level, veterans will be congratulated on May 8 at the Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil.

According to Azat Abzalov, head of the Department of Culture of the Kazan City Hall, a team led by Maxim Skalozubov is responsible for the theatrical part. Photo

With tanks on the move and bombers from the swamps

The main part of the events, of course, will take place directly on May 9th. The official laying of wreaths and flowers at the Arsky and Arkhangelsk cemeteries will take place on Victory Day at 8.00 am. At 9.00 garlands and flowers will be laid at the Eternal Flame and the monument to Mothers and Widows in Victory Park. It is better to come to the parade, which will again take place on the Millennium Square, in advance. It is planned that at 9.45 there will begin a theatrical prologue with the participation of 2,000 artists. According to Azat Abzalov, head of the Department of Culture of the Kazan City Hall, a team led by Maxim Skalozubov is responsible for the theatrical part.

Another 2,000 people will attend the parade. The troops of the Kazan garrison under the leadership of Major General, head of the Kazan Tank School Kirill Kulakov will pass in front of the residents of the city, followed by 14 units of mechanized military equipment. It is worth mentioning it separately: the employees of the Tank School restored the equipment of the war years from the hulls received from Novosibirsk. This was done on the initiative of Major General Kulakov. Thanks to him, repaired tanks T-34, IS-3 and BM-13 "Katyusha" will pass through Kazan on Victory Day for the first time.

The morning program will end with a two-hour concert starting at 11 am. On the Millennium Square it will also be possible to see, touch and maybe even get into the cockpits of modern models of military equipment. For this purpose, the T-80, T-90 tanks, as well as BMP-2, BMP-3 and BTR-80 tanks will be brought to the celebration. And the pearl of the exposition of the search movement of Tatarstan will be the Pe-2 bomber, parts of which were found and recovered from the swamp.

In parallel with the main site in the Victory Park from 10.00 to 20.00 there will be festivities. The festival "Heirs of Victory" and the festival of children's brass bands "Fanfare of Victory" are organized on the central stage. Veteran choirs will sing there from 2 to 4 pm.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the organizers will begin to gather participants in the Immortal Regiment action. The march itself will begin at 15.00 and will follow the route of last year - the start is scheduled at the intersection of Marx and Gorky streets near the Agrarian University, and the finish line is at the Millennium Square. This year, the city authorities expect no less participants in the action than last year, when more than 120,000 people took to the streets with portraits of their relatives. The evening concert program will begin at the Millennium Square at 20.00 and end with fireworks at 22.00.

This year, the city authorities expect no less participants in the action than last year, when more than 120,000 people took to the streets with portraits of their relatives. Photo by Maxim Platonov

The movement of cars will be limited, and those walking will be protected by anti-rams

At least partially reduce the traditional crush in public transport after the fireworks on Victory Day may increase the work of transport.

The work of public transport on May 9 will be organized in an enhanced mode. There are additional subway trains. At the end of the event, a special supply of buses is provided on Levo-Bulachnaya Street near Kirovsky Lane and on the Leninskaya Dam near the publishing house, Azat Abzalov said.

Extended on Victory Day and public transport hours - it will run from 5 am to 12 am.

For motorists, the preparation of the city for the celebration of May 9 will not go unnoticed. On May 3 and 5, due to the rehearsals of the parade from 18.00 to 22.00, traffic will be limited on the Millennium Square and along the Lenin dam. This will be repeated on May 7 from 9 am to 1 pm and on May 8 from 7 pm. The reason is the rehearsal of the concert program.

Entrances to all venues for the celebration, like last year, will be fenced with special equipment, which confirms that Kazan remembers the numerous tragedies in Europe and America that led to death. Anti-ram equipment will also appear in places where the movement of cars will be limited.

All public spaces involved in the festival will be inspected for the presence of explosives before the start. Security will be monitored by both the personnel of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and private security companies. In addition, medical facilities will operate in an enhanced mode, and doctors will be on duty at the celebration sites.

Veterans left less than a thousand

As of April 4, 13,196 veterans and persons equivalent to them live in Kazan. There are only 946 people left who participated in and disabled the war. Almost 11 thousand people are home front workers and widows of fallen war veterans. Almost a thousand and a half more Kazan citizens are widows of war veterans who are not home front workers.

Traditionally, on Victory Day, veterans are in the spotlight. This year, the authorities announced their intention to renovate 23 apartments of lonely participants in the Great Patriotic War. Answering a question from Realnoe Vremya, Azat Abzalov, head of the Department of Culture of the Kazan City Hall, said that the number of apartments was determined on the basis of incoming applications. Last year, 41 apartments were renovated using them.

On the eve of the holiday, 4,131 war veterans and the widows of the participants will be helped with food. In Kazan, the cost of a food package will be more than 4,000 rubles. Similar actions will be held not only in the capital of Tatarstan, but throughout the republic. They are organized by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The health of veterans is remembered not only on the eve of May 9th. On April 20, Kazan polyclinics completed their annual comprehensive medical examination. Over the past year, 2,535 veterans were treated in hospitals, in total, as of January 2018, 8,360 veterans and persons equated to them were registered at the dispensary. Some veterans are registered with departmental institutions.

By Victory Day, students will also clean up the veterans' apartments and household plots. As part of the “Live and Remember” campaign, military burials will be put in order at the cemeteries in Samosyrovo, Derbyshki and Tsaritsino, and residents will clean monuments and steles at citywide subbotniks.

As part of the road works for 2018, the city authorities will repair the streets named after the participants in the war. Asphalt concrete pavement will be renewed on the streets of Oleg Koshevoy, Adel Kutuy, Bichurin, Vatutin, Marshal Chuikov and Simonov.

Maria Gorozhaninova

Heroes die not when death comes, but when they are forgotten. Every year the Great Patriotic War goes further and further into the past. There are fewer participants in those events. It is all the more valuable that for millions of our compatriots, Victory Day remains a real national holiday. It is a symbol of respect and gratitude of descendants to their great-grandfathers, the spiritual unity of a multinational country. We will tell you about the events for May 9, 2017 in Moscow.

In honor of the 72nd anniversary of the surrender of Germany, about 2000 interactive platforms and interesting programs were organized for guests and residents of the capital. Public events - rallies, parades, festivities, concerts, honoring veterans, laying flowers at the monuments to the fallen - are the main events of this day.

Parade at the Kremlin walls

The most significant event of the holiday, according to tradition, will begin at 15:00 on Red Square. Unlike last year's completely grandiose anniversary parade, this one will be a little more modest, but no less impressive. On May 9, 2017, 11,000 military personnel, about 100 pieces of equipment and 71 aircraft will take part in the march along Red Square.

For the first time, viewers will see cutting-edge:

  • self-propelled gun mounts "Coalition-SV";
  • missile systems (RK) "Ball" and "Bastion";
  • new modifications of Typhoon vehicles with increased protection.

On the paving stones will also pass:

  • missile systems "Yars";
  • self-propelled howitzers "Msta-S";
  • anti-aircraft complexes "Buk-M2" and "Pantsir-S1";
  • tanks "Armata" and T-90A;
  • anti-aircraft installations S-400;
  • armored personnel carriers "Kurganets-25" and BTR-82A;
  • infantry armored vehicles "Boomerang".

In the sky will circle:

  • heavy transport aircraft AN-124-100, "Ruslan",
  • strategic bombers Tu-22M3, Tu-160,
  • MiG-31 interceptors,
  • su-34 fighters,
  • helicopters Mi-28, Ka-52, Mi-26.

Aerobatic teams will show their skills.

Legendary war workers - the SU-100 self-propelled gun and the T-34 tank - will again take their place in the ranks. WWII units will march across Red Square: Cossacks, pilots, infantry and sailors. Accurately recreated costumes and historical weapons will set the true spirit of Victory throughout the event.

March of memory "Immortal Regiment"

On May 9, Muscovites and caring guests of the city are invited to take part in the Immortal Regiment procession.

  • The action starts from the metro station "Dynamo" in Moscow at 15:00 and will continue at the walls of the Kremlin.
  • The purpose of the event is to unite everyone who cherishes the memory of their grandfathers who won the Victory.
  • In all metropolitan centers for the provision of public services, anyone who wants to join the movement can print a picture of a front-line soldier for free.
  • “In 2017, the Immortal Regiment will go from the Dynamo metro station to Red Square. The procession will start at 15:00. We expect from 700 thousand to 1 million participants. If more Muscovites come than last year, the action will be extended by 1-1.5 hours,” N. Zemtsov (co-chairman of the Immortal Regiment patriotic public movement) is quoted in the message.
  • Also, marchers will be able to get free water along the entire route of the march, but the field kitchen will not work. This year, the organizers intend to improve the musical accompaniment. Military music will play along the way, and screens will be placed for the participants to broadcast the Victory Parade.


On May 9, 2017, at exactly 22:00, the sky of Moscow will light up with many lights. Victory will be saluted with the help of new installations equipped with a computer launch system to obtain a three-dimensional light panorama.

In 10 minutes, 30 artillery shots and 10 thousand volleys will be fired from special installations on the KamAZ platform. An additional interactive effect will create a spotlight.

It is best to enjoy the colorful volleys on Poklonnaya Hill - the main fireworks platform of the capital, the observation deck of the Sparrow Hills and VDNKh.

“A brass band is playing in the city garden…”

Field kitchens, concerts, theatrical performances, military bands and songs of those years on May 9 - in all parks of Moscow. Each district of the capital offers its own special events dedicated to the Victory Day.

On Poklonnaya Hill

Equestrian performance "Traditions of Russia"

The event starts at 17:00. The wonders of dressage will be demonstrated by the Guard of Honor Company, the Presidential Regiment, riding schools from Moscow and other cities. The Presidential Orchestra will show its skills.

Virtuoso Concert

On May 9, 2017, the unsurpassed symphony orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater will play on the stage of the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora. The musicians, led by conductor Valery Gergiev, prepared a unique program especially for the holiday.

"Light of Memory"

On May 9, activists will hand out 30,000 luminous bracelets on Poklonnaya Hill. In the evening before the fireworks, their radiance will merge with a ten-meter symbol of memory - a composition of flowers and eternal flame.

Walking in the parks of the capital


The amazing vocal data of the soloists of the television show “Voice. Children” and the performance of the group “Forbidden Drummers” can be heard in Perovsky Park. The highlight of the holiday will be the “Peace Wall” created by the guests from hundreds of paper doves. The solemnity of the event will be given by the parade of cadets.

Them. Bauman

On May 9, you will be able to attend the show of walking bands in the Bauman Garden. The festival in Moscow is being held for the fourth time. In 2017, the most unusual brass bands take part in it: Mosbras, Bubamara Brass Band, ½ Orchestra, Mishanyan Orchestra and others.

You will be surprised, but it turns out that in this form you can perform not only marches and jazz compositions. In the arsenal of walking orchestras - club house, mixes from works of various genres, performed in an unusual manner on the trumpet or sousaphone.

Do you want to participate? Create a costume for yourself in a cardboard atelier, learn the basics of playing the trumpet or trombone at master classes - and go!


The youngest participants of the holiday, together with their parents, can create costumes and decorations for the children's Victory Parade and personally take part in it. The march will take place on May 9 at 14:30 in the Tagansky park.

Snow-white balloons, laid out in the form of a dove of peace, will soar into the sky at 15:00. You can learn how to dance a square dance, a waltz to the fashionable hits of the 1930s and 1940s at a special master class.

In the evening, at 18:00, the event will continue with the performance of the Eurovision participant - Peter Nalich.

Small sites

You can learn the basics of foxtrot, waltz and square dance on Victory Day in the Lilac Garden, Goncharovsky Park.

The musical platform of the "Northern Tushino" offers a diverse program - from the performances of the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater Opera and to the show prepared by the radio "Dacha".

Kuzminki Park

To the live music of a brass band and the unusual rhythms of the Partizan FM group, on May 9, 2017, a costumed quest “Military Intelligence. Southeast" in the park "Kuzminki".

The territory will be conditionally divided into units and, starting from the checkpoint, all participants will master the course of a novice soldier, providing medical care to the wounded and injured. At a halt, you can taste the cooking of the field kitchen and play games.

The aviation battalion will have models of military equipment. Fashion of the 40s will be presented in a special fashion show, and retro cars can be seen up close. The combat unit will be attended by Moscow artists with a sponsored concert, and laureates of the Spring of 1945 competition will perform on stage. In the evening, hundreds of balloons with wishes and dreams will fly into the sky.


Take the opportunity to experience history in the full sense of the word. An exhibition of military equipment and retro cars of the 1940s will be held in Sokolniki Park in the center of Moscow to the accompaniment of military bands.

The most beloved films about difficult years and remarkable people of the era and rich porridge cooked in a real field kitchen will create the right mood. The performance of the Bravo group will provide a pleasant spiritual atmosphere of the post-war years.

On May 9, retro cars and military equipment can also be viewed on Pushkinskaya Embankment, in the Hermitage Garden.

Events worth visiting

  • On Strastnoy Boulevard, as part of the Cinema Pavilion event, everything will be dedicated to the cinema of the war era, creative meetings with famous directors, actors and other filmmakers will be held.
  • For boys and their dads! In the cultural center "Meridian", located on the street. Profsoyuznaya, d. 61, an annual exhibition of bench models of military equipment. There is everything: planes, armored personnel carriers, tanks, ships, helicopters. And also dioramas of famous battles, fighting robots from the world of fantasy, collectible historical miniatures and warriors of all eras: from Egyptian warriors to Saxon knights and special forces soldiers.
  • In the Fashion Village on the square near the Central Department Store on May 9, an unusual event will take place: you can plunge into the atmosphere of the 40s and watch fashion shows in the spirit of those years.
  • On the veranda of the theater "School of the modern play" at 15:00, the program "And I will call my friends ...", dedicated to the works of Bulat Okudzhava, will begin. You are expected at the address: Sredny Tishinsky lane, 5/7, building 1. The format of the event is open. Theater actors, songwriters and poets will perform. The main theme will be poems and melodies about the war.
  • On Victory Day on Stary Arbat there will be a photo exhibition of culinary masterpieces of the 40s and 50s and master classes on their preparation as part of the event.
  • On May 9, 2017, you can visit the Spring Flower Festival in Moscow, held in the Aptekarsky Ogoda (botanical garden) on Prospekt Mira, 26, building 1. Amazing tulips, hyacinths, outlandish sakura, magnolias and almond trees. Many rare and exotic plants bloom in the Botanical Garden during this period.
  • On May 9, 2017, the International Billiards Tournament for the Moscow Mayor's Cup will begin at the Olimpiysky sports complex. The event is open to players of all levels.


An unusual extreme event for the Victory Day was prepared by Russian athletes.

In 2020, Moscow will celebrate its 873rd anniversary. City Day celebrations will begin on Saturday 5 September and continue the next day, Sunday 6 September.

How will the City Day celebration be held in Moscow?

Residents and guests of the capital are waiting for a rich program of festive events dedicated to the City Day in Moscow. The holiday, preparation for which, as a rule, takes several months, traditionally takes place on a grand scale.

Tverskaya Street will become the epicenter of festive events. It will install platforms and stages where theatrical, musical and sports events will be held. Also, everyone will be able to attend exciting master classes and open training sessions, take part in intellectual competitions.

Several hundred art objects will decorate the capital these days. These are modern lighting structures created using the latest technologies. Pedestrian zones, where street festivities will take place, will be especially brightly illuminated. Fireworks on City Day in Moscow in 2020 promise to be an unforgettable sight. However, let's talk about everything in order.

Moscow City Day celebration program 2020

A detailed program for the celebration of Moscow City Day in 2020 will become known closer to the date of this event. At the venues in the center and districts of the capital, the guests of the holiday are waiting for musical performances, sports and craft master classes, street theater performances. Here you can dance to the hits of popular artists, as well as try various dishes specially prepared for the holiday by Moscow restaurateurs.

The center of the holiday - Tverskaya Street - by tradition on September 5-6 will become a pedestrian zone. You can also take part in festive performances, take part in contests and quests that will be held at various venues - there are many ways to have fun in the capital.

Last year, on City Day, during two holidays, about 3 million guests visited four central venues. The intellectual game “What? Where? When? ”, Master classes in a motorcycle workshop, a robotics studio and a decorative art workshop.

Highliner athletes from Russia, Germany, France and Canada set a new world record at the Moscow City site, breaking the distance between the OKO and Neva Towers on a rope stretched at a height of 350 meters. And on the Vodootvodny Canal, SUP-surfing competitions were held in which 50 amateur athletes who passed the qualification selection took part.

On the section of Tverskaya Street from Stoleshnikov Lane to Manezhnaya Square, master classes were held for fans of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Here, professional athletes demonstrated their skills, who held demonstration performances on freestyle scooters, rock climbing master classes.

For jumping on BMX bikes, mountain bikes and scooters, a special springboard 9 meters high was built. Here one could see competitions among amateurs and professionals. Shows and competitions were also held at the Skate Park, a special structure designed for scooter jumping.

Also here you could do slacklining or, more simply, tightrope walking. All those wishing to feel like circus performers were taught to balance on a tightrope by real professionals. In addition to master classes, an exciting show program of walking on a sling stretched between buildings was shown here.

Even more entertainment was waiting for the guests of the holiday on the site in front of the Moskva Hotel (the intersection of Okhotny Ryad and Mokhovaya streets from Tverskaya).

For the little guests of the City Day celebration in Moscow, a program of master classes was prepared in the Technograd and the Park of Crafts. Also, those who wished could participate in intellectual competitions, which were held in the format of the TV game “What? Where? When?".

The host, in the role of one of the well-known experts of this club, offered the players a question. After a minute of discussion, each team wrote down the answer to the question on a special form, which was given to the facilitator. The team received one point for a correct answer. 12 questions were asked, and the team with the most correct answers was the winner.

The theatrical program of the festival was no less extensive. In the very center of the capital one could see theatrical performances of Russian and foreign street theaters presented by the Golden Mask Festival.

Famous artists also prepared a special musical program for the Day of the City of Moscow. During the holiday, performances by artists from the Bolshoi Theater and the Theater of Nations, the Moscow State Academic Dance Theater Gzhel, the Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra conducted by A. Gindin, the Moscow Provincial Theater, and the SBPC Group took place on four main stages.

Muscovites were offered free tours for City Day. On them you can not only learn about the distant past of the capital's streets and squares, but also about how Moscow has developed in recent years. To participate in them, you had to register in advance.

An extensive festive program was prepared for City Day and for visitors to Moscow parks. In the park. Gorky, Fili, Sokolniki, Kolomenskoye, Kuzminki, Izmailovskoye, Tagansky, Babushkinsky garden, the park. Bauman, the Hermitage Garden and others hosted theatrical performances, concerts, fun games and competitions.

And at the end of the evening, colorful fireworks took place in the parks, timed to coincide with the celebration of the City Day in Moscow.

A varied program at the celebration on the Day of the City of Moscow with the participation of singers, dancers, musicians, competitions and dances was prepared by many catering establishments in the capital. Among the most popular establishments of the capital these days can be attributed such cafes and restaurants as "Paradise", "Fireplace", "Ararat", "Aurora", "Taj Mahal", "Carlson", "Bono", White Rabbit, "Banquet -hall in Izmailovo", "Wheel of Time" and others.

Bright festive shows with performances by DJs, famous artists, various competitions and incendiary dances were held in the nightclubs Propaganda, Roof of the World, Garage, Solyanka, Rolling Stone Bar, Papa's Place, Microphone, Baikonur and others. Everyone could give preference to establishments that organized bright shows for large audiences, or romantic cozy restaurants where one could celebrate a holiday in a small company.

For those who were ready to celebrate the holiday with good deeds, the largest charitable foundations and public organizations presented their projects:

  • Charitable Foundation for Children with Serious Liver Diseases "Life is like a Miracle"
  • Charitable foundation for helping people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other neuromuscular diseases "Live Now"
  • Charitable Foundation "In the Name of Life" helps people suffering from a genetic disease - cystic fibrosis
    Charitable Foundation for Support of People with Disabilities "Act"
  • Charitable Foundation for Helping the Elderly "Link of Generations"
  • Charitable foundation for helping those in need of constant care "Longevity"
  • Charitable Foundation for the Support of the Elderly "Dignity"
  • Charitable Foundation for the Promotion of Sports and Culture "Live Good"
  • Charitable Foundation "Protection of Childhood" "Our children - the future"
  • Charitable Foundation "CHILDREN TO CHILDREN"
  • NGO "Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow"
  • Charitable Foundation "Food Fund Rus"
  • Charitable Foundation "Red-White Heart"
  • ANO Training and Kinetic Center "Dogs - Helpers of the Disabled"
  • Fund for helping homeless animals "REY"
  • Charitable Foundation for Supporting People with Disabilities, Strengthening and Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle "Strength of Spirit"

Street festivities took place on Red Square, Tverskaya Street, Chistoprudny Boulevard, VDNKh, Poklonnaya Hill, Sparrow Hills and other venues.

In each district of Moscow, specially equipped concert venues were organized, where professional and amateur groups performed. The safety of citizens was provided by thousands of employees of security organizations.

The celebration of the City Day in Moscow ended with traditional fireworks. The metro worked on the days of the holiday until two in the morning.

A more detailed program of festive events for the City Day in Moscow can be found on the open data portal of the Moscow government and the official website of the event Thanks to a convenient map, Muscovites and guests of the city will be able to choose the most suitable places for visiting the holiday.

Venues for celebrating Moscow City Day

Like last year, Moscow City Day 2020 will be the end of the Flower Jam festival, where the celebration of the 873rd anniversary of the capital will take place.

On the streets and squares of Moscow, from July 19, 2020, compositions by designers who have become nominees and winners of the Flower Jam contest will be presented. Last year, the streets and squares of the capital were decorated with the following venues of this festival:

  • Tverskoy Boulevard, 2 (at the entrance to ITAR-TASS)– «Rock Garden», Damien Michel (France, UK)
  • Kamergersky lane, vl. four– “Green Fluff”, Elena Fedosova (Russia)
  • street Kuznetsky Most, 7– “You are The Landscape”, Alessandro Trivelli, Silvia Calatroni (Italy)
  • Petrovka street, 15– “Tide”, Pavel Cherepanov (Russia)
  • Rozhdestvenka street, 7– “Harmony with Diagonals”, Heidi Hannus (Finland)
  • Klimentovsky per., 23с1 (near Tretyakovskaya metro station)– Whirlwind of Fate, Elena Bykova (Russia)
  • Moskvoretskaya Embankment (opposite Zaryadye Park)– “Reflection”, Alex Solomnishvili (Georgia)
  • st. Krymsky Val, 9с2 (at the main entrance to Gorky Park)– “Sounds of the city”, Elena Gorskaya (Russia)
  • st. Krymsky Val, 10 (Museon Park, near the entrance to the New Tretyakov Gallery)– “Topographical Flower Stories”, Kairi Meos (Finland)
  • Muzeon Park (entrance from Maronovsky Lane)– A-mazing Garden, Maggie Wu, Alejandro O'Neill (PRC, Uruguay)
  • Arbat street, 48– “Above the Roof”, Patricia Garcia Alayo (Russia)
  • Novy Arbat street, 15– "Origami", the team of authors of the company "Elki" (Russia)
  • Novy Arbat street, 15– “City Pastoral”, Dmitry Bochkov, Denis Batashev (Russia)
  • Novy Arbat street, 17– “Silk Road”, Tinatin Khimshiashvili, Giorgi Saginadze, Marina Shimanskaya (Russia, Georgia)
  • New Arbat street, 19-21- "Architecture of nature", the team of authors of the company "Derevo Park" (Russia)
  • New Arbat street, 19-21– “Life”, Elizaveta Kozyreva (Russia)
  • Peace Avenue, ow. 119 (JSC "VDNKh", Northern Square)– «Universal Rhytm», Adele Sironi, David Rampinelli (Italy)
  • Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square (near the Sukharevskaya metro station)– “Neglinka-Sad”, Natalia Shushlebina (Russia)
  • Myasnitsky Gate Square– “The retinue is playing”, Vitaly Panteleev, Anastasia Golovina (Russia)
  • The area near the metro station "Barrikadnaya"– “Red Garden”, the team of authors of the company “Archiland” (Russia)
  • The area near Krasnopresnenskaya metro station– “The Circle”, Lorenza Bartolazzi, Luca Catalano, Claudia Clementini (Italy)
  • Presnenskaya nab., 4c1 (near the bridge "Bagration")– 360 Flower Garden, Richard Marfiak, Michael Marchinov (Slovakia)
  • st. Cow shaft, bldg. 1A (the area near the Dobryninskaya metro station)– “Gravity”, Evgenia Vorontsova (Russia)
  • Square near the Marxistskaya metro station (entrance 6)– «Goblin and Sunbeam», Tanja Nyemenen, Tina Holmberg (Finland)
  • – “Kandin-skyline”, Katyusha Ratto (Italy)
  • mountains Zelenograd, Youth Square– Intermission, Elina Krasilnikova, Nadezhda Abdrashitova, Alesya Goncharik, Ilya Zdulyakin, Ana Zlateva, Olga Vakhrameeva (Russia)

On May 8 and 9, about 600 festive events will take place in Moscow in honor of the 71st anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. The large-scale program will cover 68 sites located on the territory of all metropolitan districts.

The leitmotif of the program dedicated to the Victory Day in 2016 was the preservation of traditions and the history of military music that inspired victories. Two more key themes are cinema and literature about the heroic deeds of the Soviet people. Spectators are waiting for numerous concerts, theatrical performances, literary readings, costume balls, film screenings. Exhibitions of historical photography, special photo zones and photo booths will open in the center of Moscow. There will be recreation areas for veterans and field kitchens in the tradition of the war years.

For those who still have not decided what to do on holidays in Moscow, we publish the full program of events.

May 9 celebration program will start from Victory Parade on Red Square, from 10:00 it will be broadcast on large screens on Poklonnaya Gora, Patriarch's Ponds, Teatralnaya, Triumfalnaya and Pushkinskaya Squares, and the parade can also be seen on TV on the country's main channels.

From 13:00- the beginning of the city-wide celebratory program.

At 18:55 Muscovites and guests of the city, together with the whole country, will honor the memory of those who died in battles against fascism with a minute of silence. The citywide program of evening concerts will begin at 19:00.

AT22:00 festive fireworks will be held from 16 fireworks sites and 20 points in Moscow parks of culture and recreation.
On May 9, a procession of the "Immortal Regiment" will take place in Moscow and other cities of the country

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

AT 16.20 On May 8, a joint team of the Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment and the Kremlin Riding School will hold a Cavalry Parade along the Alley of Peace and show demonstration performances of horsemen at the entrance square.

FROM 18:00 before 21:00 a musical festive program will take place on the large stage area on the Main Alley.

The May 9 holiday on Poklonnaya Hill will begin at 10:00 from the live broadcast of the Victory Parade on Red Square.

From 13:00 to 15:00, the audience is waiting for the concert of the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra, which will take place as part of the "Easter Festival". Conductor and artistic director of the orchestra -.

19:00 - 22:00 - a big festive concert-shooting of the TVC channel, in which the ensemble "Cossacks of Russia" will take part, the Russian Folk Choir. Pyatnitsky, folklore theater "Russian Song" under the direction of Nadezhda Babkina, People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina, popular performers Igor Sarukhanov, Renat Ibragimov, Iosif Kobzon, Stas Piekha, Diana Gurtskaya, Olga Kormukhina, Gleb Matveychuk, Marina Devyatova, Elena Maksimova, Tatyana Ovsienko and others. The hosts of the concert are theater and film actors Dmitry Dyuzhev, Anastasia Makeeva, Yegor Beroev, Ksenia Alferova, Anatoly Bely, Ekaterina Guseva. 70 veterans of the Great Patriotic War received special invitations to this event.

The culmination of the gala concert will be action "Light of memory": Viewers will receive 12,000 interactive bracelets that will change color synchronously along with a 14-meter construction symbolizing a flower and an eternal flame. The light show will be accompanied by reading poems and letters from the front. Promotion starts at 20:55 .

theatre square

Theater Square will traditionally become the main meeting place for veterans of the Great Patriotic War; comfortable recreation areas will be equipped for them. AT 09:00 music will begin to sound over the square, and from 10:00 to 11:00 on the big screen you can see the live broadcast of the Victory Parade.

11:20 - 14:00 - performances by propaganda teams, an interactive dance program with the involvement of the audience, a musical performance "By the Roads of War" with the participation of the show ballet "Likk" and the Classy Jazz group, performances by the dance ensembles "Katyusha" and "Brothers".

15:00 - 16:30 - a concert in which Honored Artist of Russia Irina Savitskaya, singer and composer Yuri Bogorodsky, soloists of the Moscow Musical Theater Vitaly Chirva and Evgeny Valts, participant of the Voice program Marie Carne, pop singer Artur Best, group "Five" from the soloists of the Sretensky choir will take part monastery.

16:30 - 18:30 - festive concert program "Crystal stars - to the Great Victory!". Iosif Kobzon, an orchestra of cadets of the military institute of the Military University, as well as participants in the All-Russian festival-competition "Crystal Stars" for gifted children from families of law enforcement officers will perform before the audience. Young artists will come from Tver, Lipetsk, Bryansk, Kaluga, Sverdlovsk and Tula regions, as well as from Buryatia, North Ossetia and even Chukotka. The hosts of the concert are Elza Yusupova (Republic of Tatarstan) and Ivan Dyatlov (Ivanovo region).

18:30 - 19:00 - continuation of the festive concert with the participation of the show group "VIVA!", soloist of the group "Mirage" Margarita Sukhankina and singer Maxim Lidov.

19:05 - 20:20 - performance of the Moscow theater "School of the modern play", then a film concert.

20.20 - 21.45 - concert program.

Triumfalnaya Square

As part of the Victory Day, a large two-day musical and poetic festive marathon of the "City Theater of Poets" by Vlad Malenko - "Victory Lighthouses" will be held on Triumfalnaya Square. Among the special guests are people's artists Igor Bochkin, Sergei Nikonenko, actress Anna Snatkina and others.

At 15:30 the State Academic Theater named after Mossovet will perform, at 16:00 the baton will be taken over by the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. At 17:00, the voice of Elena Frolova, an artist of the Theater of Music and Poetry under the direction of Elena Kamburova, will sound on Triumfalnaya Square.

May 9 from 13:00 Literary and musical performances will be presented on Triumphalnaya Square Moscow Drama Theatre. A.S. Pushkin, the children's center "Katyusha" under the direction of Zemfira Tsakhilova, the poet, singer-songwriter, winner of the art festival of modern poetry "NIGHT OF THE FEATHER", known as the White Horseman, will perform. The day will end with a military performance based on the works of Konstantin Simonov from the artists of the Moskontsert.

On the eve of the holiday, a large screen will be installed on Triumfalnaya Square to broadcast the Victory Parade and other key events of the May 9 celebration, as well as for a thematic film concert.

Pushkin Square

The festive program on Pushkinskaya Square with musical and poetic numbers, a film concert and showings of famous films about the war will go on for two days.

May 8 holiday on Pushkin Square will begin at 9:30, and will open his film concert of songs beloved by everyone, such as "In the forest near the front", "Smuglyanka", "Moments", as well as famous musical masterpieces from domestic films about the war. Host: theater and film actor Mikhail Dorozhkin. The concert will be broadcast in a cinema specially created for this purpose, where a stage for 300 seats is organized for the audience under a canopy that protects from the sun.

At 10:00 the film concert will be interrupted to show footage of the 1945 Victory Parade. It was filmed in black and white and freshly colored by graphic designers to convey the solemnity and grandeur of the event.

9th May the screening of these historical film frames will precede the live broadcast from Red Square from the 2016 Victory Parade, which will begin at 10:00.

At the end of the film concert, films will be shown in the cinema, and a dance floor near the monument to Pushkin will also work. The brass band will perform famous works of the past years, and veterans and younger participants of the holiday will dance a victory dance. Animation and dance group dressed as soldiers and civilians of the 1940s will help them with this. There will also be a harmonist soldier with whom you can sing songs from the war.

At a music concert May 8 Artists of the Gradsky Hall Theater Alexandra Vorobieva and Valentina Biryukova will appear on the stage of Pushkinskaya Square together with the head of the group Alexander Gradsky. The program dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory will be presented by the Moscow Musical Theater named after K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Throughout the day, interactive installations related to the Victory Day will take place on Pushkinskaya Square. Both children and adults will be interested in seeing the military equipment located around the central fountain of Pushkin Square, or touching an armored vehicle that went from the beginning to the end of the war. It will be possible to take a memorable picture next to the gun that defended the cities of our country and participated in the offensives of the Soviet troops.

9th May on the main stage of the square, several films of the war years will be shown. At 12:40 guests will be able to see the painting "Belarusian Station", at 14:30 the screening of the film "Heavenly slug" will begin, and at 16:30 there will be a screening of the film "Officers" with the participation of People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Lanovoy.

May 9 at 18:55-19:01 All-Russian campaign Minute of Silence will be held, which will be broadcast live on all federal channels of Russia, as well as on large screens in the center of Moscow, including Pushkinskaya Square.

At 19:01 a musical concert will begin in the cinema, and after its completion, the audience will be able to return to the film screening, which will last until 22:00. Young vocalists, dancers and actors of the Igor Krutoy Academy of Popular Music will take part in the evening gala concert: Ekaterina Maneshina, Mikhail Smirnov, Anna Chernotalova, Maria Mirova, Polina Chirikova, Vilena Khikmatullina, Shlabovich Marta, Alexander Savinov, Sofia Lapshakova, Sofia Fisenko, Yulia Assesorova .

Square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

May 8 from 14:30 to 22.00
May 9 from 18:55 to 22.00
May 8 from 15.00 to 17.00
there will be a gala concert

In the evening May 8 from 20:30 to 22:00 against the backdrop of the majestic walls of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a concert will be held with the participation of Russian pop artists Alexei Goman, Marina Devyatova, Evgeny Kungurov, Yulia Mikhalchik, the Bondarenko brothers, Rodion Gazmanov, Margarita Pozoyan, Mark Tishman, Soso Pavliashvili and others. A variety of musical material - from folk songs and opera to modern pop hits - will interest a wide audience. The concert will be accompanied by the "Orchestra of the 21st century" conducted by the People's Artist of Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov.

9th May Vocal group "Quatro" will present the project "Grandchildren to Veterans" at the main temple of Russia. Dozens of songs from the war and post-war years will be heard from the stage. The artists will be accompanied by a symphony orchestra conducted by Honored Artist of Russia Felix Aranovsky.

Strastnoy boulevard

The festive platform on Strastnoy Boulevard is dedicated to the cinematography of the war years. The attention of adults and children will be attracted by cube pavilions with an interactive exposition dedicated to the legendary domestic films about the war, such as "The Cranes Are Flying", "... And the Dawns Here are Quiet", "They Fought for the Motherland", "17 Moments of Spring", " Only old people go into battle." The program also includes a large two-day film concert, the numbers of which will be interspersed with creative meetings with actors and directors, and evening film screenings.

May 8 at 14:00 - 15:00- a creative meeting with theater and film actor, poet, musician, People's Artist of the RSFSR Mikhail Nozhkin. 16:00 - 17:00 17:00 - 21:00 - screening of feature films "They Fought for the Motherland" and "The Ballad of a Soldier".

May 9 at 14:00 - 15:00- creative meeting with theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Sergei Shakurov.

16:00 - 17:00 - a creative meeting with the theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Zaitseva.

18:00 - 19:00 - a creative meeting with an actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR and Ukraine, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Dupak. 19:00 - 22:00 - screening of the feature film "The Cranes Are Flying".

During the day on May 9, the correspondents of "Road Radio" on Strastnoy Boulevard will give the townspeople and guests of the capital the opportunity to record a radio greeting, which will be broadcast live.

boulevard ring

The Boulevard Ring will envelop the romantic spirit of Moscow courtyards of the post-war era. This theme will be reflected in the scenery and repertoire of Gogolevsky, Nikitsky and Chistoprudny boulevards, there will be literary readings of works about the war, there will be historical photo exhibitions, art objects, dance floors will open.

The holiday will begin on Gogolevsky Boulevard At 12:00 from the musical hour, within the framework of which songs and compositions of the period of the Great Patriotic War will be performed. AT 13:00 a large-scale concert program "Roads of Victory" will begin, within the framework of which the Taganka Theater, the Moscow Academy of the Children's Musical, the Musical Heart Theater, the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater will perform, Christina Krieger, People's Artist of Russia Irina Miroshnichenko and others will perform. At 22:00, fireworks will be launched.

The Argumenty i Fakty weekly will hold the "Subscribe for a Veteran" action on Gogolevsky Boulevard: a subscription point will be opened where anyone can subscribe as a gift to a war veteran (lists of recipients who want to receive the newspaper are provided by the Council of Veterans).

On Nikitsky Boulevard, the festive program "One Victory for All" will unfold.

AT 13:00 The Moscow Theater "At the Nikitsky Gates" will present its musical program about the Great Patriotic War.

At 14:30 The Moscow theater "Moon" will present a musical and literary composition "Songs about the war".

15:00 Artists of the "FIGARO" Theater Group will perform the literary and musical composition "From the Heroes of Bygone Times".

At 17:30 a literary and musical performance based on the works of poets and writers of front-line soldiers "Roads of Victory" will take place on the stage.

Chistoprudny boulevard.

AT 14:00 actors of the Moscow Historical and Ethnographic Theater will play the musical program "Oh, roads!".

At 14:30 the Children's Musical Theater of the Young Actor will perform here, the songs of the war years will be performed by the children of the theater artists. Participating Liza Andreeva, Katya Bogdanova, Ernest Boreko, Veronika Dvoretskaya, Peter Ivanochkin, Polina Kareva, Sasha Novikov, Egor Fedorov.

Moscow Jewish theater "Shalom" 19:00 to 20:00 will delight the audience with a concert called "Stuffed Fish with Garnish".

The art project "Frontline Life of Heroes" on Chistoprudny Boulevard will not leave the audience indifferent. Muscovites and guests of the capital will see scenes from front-line life, conveying the atmosphere of those years, on the topics: "Hospital", "Young soldier's course", "Before the battle", "Photo studio", "Dance floor of the 40s", "Station, meeting of heroes ".

A stage will be installed on the square in front of the Chistye Prudy metro station, where May 9 at 13:00 artists of the Moscow State Theater "Sovremennik" Sergey Girin and Dmitry Smolev will perform songs of the war years.

The festive platform on the Patriarch's Ponds invites guests by 10:00- at this time, a live broadcast of the Victory Parade on Red Square will begin on a four-sided video structure in the center of the pond. At the end of the parade, frames from favorite war films will appear on the screens. In addition, on May 9, an interactive project "Museum of the History of the Victory" will be presented at the Patriarch's Ponds, where you can see weapons and equipment of the war years.

AT 13:00 in front of the monument to Ivan Krylov, a concert program "To the Glory of the Great Victory!" will be held, where you can not only hear the most famous songs of the war years, but also learn their history. The host of the concert is theater and film actor Artur Martirosov.

At the festive marathon of Victory songs will perform:

13:20 - 14:00 - Variety artist, host of the TV project "Play Bayan", Honored Artist of Russia Valery Semin.
14:00 - 14:30 - young performer Yevgeny Illarionov, finalist of the musical television project "Main Stage" on the channel "Russia".
14:30 - 15:00 - Honored Artist of Russia Olesya Evstigneeva.
15:00 - 15:30 - jazz singer Alla Omelyuta, soloist of the Song Theater of the People's Artist of Russia Alexander Serov.
15:30 - 16:00 - Laureate of international competitions, singer and composer Yevgeny Gor.
16:00 - 16:30 - Folk-rock musician, virtuoso balalaika player, laureate of international competitions Dmitry Kalinin.
16:30 - 17:00 - singer Evgenia, participant of the television project "Highest standard".
17:00 - 17:30 - Laureate of international competitions, author of romances and ballads, singer and composer Dmitry Shved.
17:30 - 18:00 - trio "Relikt", honored artists of Russia, vocalists Alexander Nikerov and Vyacheslav Moyunov, laureate of international competitions, guitarist Alexei Leonov.
18:00 - 18:30 - singer Sergey Volny
18:30 - 18:55 - performer Alexander Elovskikh, winner of the festival "Slavianski Bazaar" in the city of Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).
19:00 - 19:30 - female vocal duet "Manzherok".
19:30 - 20:00 - singer Niko Neman, participant of the Voice project on Channel One.
20.00 - 20.30 - vocal group "Kalina Folk", finalist of the musical TV project "New Star".
20.30 - 21.00 - Honored Artist of Russia, saxophonist Alex Novikov.
21.00 - 22.00 - the concert will be completed by Peter Nalich, who will perform the songs of the legendary Leonid Utyosov.

May 8 14 parks will host free film screenings of films about the war, beginning at 21:00. The festive program on May 9 will cover 21 parks, more than 200 events will be held there, they will start at 13:00. Military and brass bands will perform before the audience, songs of the war years will sound, thematic photo exhibitions will work, various workshops for children will open, and dance lessons will be held. Venues for meetings of veterans will open in 14 parks, and at 22:00 fireworks will be launched into the sky in 20 parks.

Sites in Moscow districts

The large-scale musical and theatrical program "Front Brigades" will cover all districts of the capital on May 9. Venues where celebrations will take place in the districts:

VAO, Preobrazhenskaya Square 12,
.YuAO, Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"
.YuVAO, st. Belorechenskaya, 2
.YuZAO, Vorontsovsky park
.CJSC, st. Yartsevskaya, 21
.SZAO, Landscape park "Mitino"
.SAO, Northern River Station
.SVAO, Cosmonauts Alley
.ZelAO, Central square
.TiNAO, City of Moscow, st. Raduzhnaya, 8
.TiNAO, Lilac Boulevard, 1.

LED screens will be installed on the venues for live broadcasting of the parade from Red Square and a thematic film concert. Concerts will be held in each of the districts, in which both invited artists and the best groups and performers of various genres, subordinated to the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, will take part.

Thus, several theaters will perform in the Eastern Administrative District at once: the Moscow Theater "On Basmannaya", the Drama Theater "Modern" and the Moscow Theater of Illusion. At the festive site in ZAO with 13:00 to 22:00 there will be a non-stop concert, one of the brightest numbers at 16:00 will become a variety and circus divertissement "Center of Glory Polunin", built by analogy with the performances of circus brigades for the soldiers of the Soviet army during the war years.

In the SAO, the Moscow "Center for Drama and Directing" will present a musical and poetic composition "Poets of Military Roads".

In ZelAO, the "Vedogon-theater" will perform with poems and songs of the war years, and in the evening 9th May the group "NA-NA" will perform on the Central Square.

Moscow theater center "Cherry Orchard" - in TiNAO.

In total, more than 300 artists will take part in cultural and entertainment programs in the districts of Moscow.

SEC "European"

A festive concert will take place in the shopping center "Evropeisky", which is organized by the RUSSIANMUSICBOX TV channel! Participation will be: Avraam Russo, Mitya Fomin, Stas Kostyushkin, group "Nepara", Vlad Topalov, Brothers Safronov, group Reflex, Brothers Grim, Petr Dranga, Oscar Kuchera, Sogdiana, Alexander Panayotov, Dima Bikbaev, Alexander Shoua, Albina, Victoria Cherentsova , group "Dune", Arseniy Borodin, Alisa Mon, Victor Dorin, Sharif, Grigory Yurchenko, participants of the Project "Voice", Anton Elovskikh and others. Artists will perform not only with their hits, but also perform their favorite songs on a military theme.

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