Street plastic. Strip lessons include many dance styles

Strip dance (Strip Dance) is a very feminine, plastic, sensual, sexy dance. The movements studied in the lessons of stripplasty are suitable for any girl and help to fully reveal her feminine side, her femininity.

Strip plastic owes its name to striptease. But she is very different from him. The purpose of strip plastic lessons is to teach beautiful, confident movements, and the ability to undress seductively is just a consequence of them.

Stripplasty can be very different: gentle and lyrical or fast, rhythmic, even aggressive. Often it uses elements from other styles - striptease, Latin American, club dances. The strip plastics lesson necessarily ends with stretching (stretching).

Clothing and footwear for strip plastics should be comfortable. Shorts or leggings, T-shirt. In principle, any clothing that does not constrain movement. Even too open - let it no longer bother you. On your feet - high heels (preferably dance shoes) or ballet flats.



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The portal contains information about where you can sign up for strip plastic classes in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular destinations, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by districts and metro stations. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and trainings in different dance studios in the city, choosing the best option for the price.

Strip plastic in the form of a dance has nothing to do with striptease. In contrast to simple undressing to music, the emphasis is on the gracefulness of movements, the reflection of the emotions and feelings of the dancers. Strip dancing is an amazing combination of beautiful curves of the body, which are constantly changing to the sound of melodies and exciting rhythms. The viewer, who has looked at a professional strip dance at least once, will be impressed by the elegant movements of a self-confident beautiful woman for a long time to come.

Strip dance - features and nuances

Strip plastic is a dance that invariably catches the eyes of others. It clearly demonstrates the sensuality of the girl, the freedom of her soul. Professional performance never crosses the fine line of propriety, offering beautiful and natural action without the slightest bit of vulgarity. However, when choosing strip dance training, it is worth preparing for the fact that this direction is not for nothing considered one of the most difficult.

Strip dance training effective method struggle with extra pounds, since during its execution almost all muscle groups are involved with an even distribution of the load between them. In one hour of classes, you can easily burn about 400-500 kcal. At the same time, strip dance lessons do not require serious physical effort - the muscles of the buttocks, arms, chest and abdomen work intensively in the process without leading to overwork. Depending on the chosen school and the teaching methods used, the plastic strip can include elements with a cane, with a chair and other third-party items. What are the benefits of strip dancing lessons? The following points can be noted:

  • Exercise will help you learn to love yourself.
  • With the help of regular exercises, you can achieve the desired harmony of the figure and unleash the potential of the body.
  • Like any sport, plastic strip improves the functioning of the body as a whole and improves the immune system.

Do not forget about the pleasure derived from self-improvement and from the study of more and more new elements.

Strip plastic classes in Moscow

Today, plastic strip for beginners and advanced is one of the most popular areas in dance schools in Moscow. The opportunity to develop one's own grace, acquire attractive plasticity and sexuality attracts many girls to strip dance classes. To make the training as comfortable as possible, it is worth taking ballet flats or sneakers, leggings, a T-shirt or a topic for the first lessons.

On our portal you can find dance schools in Moscow, which present strip plastic lessons, both for beginners and advanced ones. Convenient and structured tables contain basic information about the school: directions available in it and their cost, location, reviews. Thoughtful filter allows you to quickly find dance school with training in strip plastic in the most convenient area for port visitors or at the nearest metro station.

Stripplasty is a symbiosis of aerobics, gymnastic exercises and seductive dance. Beginners can learn the graceful and sensual art of stripping at home. To do this, you need to know the basics of the dance direction, skillfully choose the right clothes and shoes, and also perform several simple recommendations for home workouts.

fashionable modern direction is a unique mix of professional choreography, plasticity and fitness movements, with a drop of sensuality and the ability to control the body.

Striptease and striptease have very little in common common features:

Stripplasty is work on yourself, on your body and emotions. It is important not only to learn the basic movements, technique, but also to find your own individual style.

Benefits of stripping

Dance is not about age or social status but an inner feeling of harmony and freedom.

In addition to aesthetics, stripping for beginners at home has a lot of advantages:

In addition to the benefits for psychological health, classes improve blood circulation, have a beneficial effect on the joints, and the cardiovascular system.

How to choose a place in the room

For beginners, it is especially important to achieve an immersive atmosphere, the surroundings for stripping, even at home, should evoke sensuality, positive emotions.

When choosing or equipping a room, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements:

It is desirable that the study room be separate so as not to violate the intimacy of the process. The room should be well ventilated, and the surroundings and design should be conducive to stripping.

Choosing comfortable clothes and shoes

Stripplasty for beginners at home involves the choice of clothes and shoes.

Clothing requirements are as follows:

There are also a number of requirements for shoes:

  • Comfortable shoes with flat soles, such as Czech shoes, are better for warming up.
  • The sole should not slip on the floor, this can lead to injury during training.
  • Having received the first experience, you can start dancing in shoes with a small heel. The foot must be well fixed.
  • Dance steps in strip plastic suggest emancipation. To fully demonstrate your skills, you can dance in high-heeled shoes. The main thing at the same time to feel convenience and comfort.

Music selection

You can dance to any music. Traditionally, a playlist in the style of R'n'B is selected. The rhythm of rhythm and blues, juicy vocals, a special direction and a whole philosophy that conveys musical style, helps to demonstrate skills, to open up as much as possible. Under the tracks Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls, Jessica Simpson or Rihanna can accurately convey the mood of the dance.

If the dance is stylized, you can pick up a movie soundtrack to create a beautiful performance. Music should correspond to mood, fantasies, but not principles. This is the only way to achieve the effect of complete emancipation.

To relax in the dance, surrender to the music, demonstrate plasticity and grace, you can choose slow relaxation compositions. The sensual rhythms of Enigma, the seductive voice of Mylene Farmer, the compositions of Touch And Go, Madonna or Christina Aguilera will help to open up emotionally.

Strip training program

Stripplasty for beginners at home is a step-by-step system program that includes the following classes:

Load and complexity depends on the level of the dancer. Since learning to dance style is a long process, it must be approached with all seriousness. Before starting classes, an emotional mood, a feeling of cheerfulness and a desire to comprehend new facets of a seductive dance are important.

Standard warm-up - basic elements

A standard warm-up before doing stripplasty is necessary for both beginners and experienced dancers. In order to make it easier to perform complex ligaments at home, it is necessary to warm up the muscles.

For this there is a series simple exercises:

  1. Legs are shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist, performed circular motion head, rotation, and then turns back and forth, to the sides. The exercise is performed in four counts.

    Start warming up with light exercises.

  2. Exercise for the shoulder girdle. The shoulders rise alternately, and then together, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  3. Chest workout. Rotation is performed along the points back and forth and to the sides, and then circular, connecting the points.
  4. Warm-up for the back. Standing position, hands along the waist. The shoulder blades are brought together, rounding and straightening the back. An effective exercise for stretching the back is the “kitty”.
  5. Charging for the spine. Bring your hands forward, and then perform inclinations, stretching for your hands. The position of the back is straight.
  6. Warm-up for thigh muscles. The body in the hip area moves alternately to the left and right, stretching the muscles as much as possible.

    Warm-up exercises before stripplasty are no different from warm-ups before any other workout.

  7. Exercise "eight" hips. They look like the hips are a pencil that draws the number 8 in the air.
  8. Leg exercises. Sumo squats are performed. The legs are wide apart, the socks are turned outward.
  9. Lunges with legs forward and to the sides. Take the leg forward or to the side, do a squat on the retracted leg, then raise and return the leg to its original position.
  10. Wave execution to prepare the body for the smooth execution of elements. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet hip-width apart. Stretch your arms, pressing your palms to the floor. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and lift your pelvis and back off the floor. While inhaling, straighten the body, forming a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. As you exhale, take the starting position.

    A good warm-up will help you avoid injury during your workout.

The duration of the warm-up is about 30 minutes. It is necessary not only to warm up the body, but also to give a load to the muscles.

Stretching exercises

Stretching helps to prepare the body for dance training, relieve muscle tension, restore flexibility and lightness. Preparation for the dance involves a warm-up, which includes stretching exercises to develop movement dynamics and statics.

Basic lessons by stretching:

Static exercise are workouts in which all the muscles of the body are activated, while parts of the body remain practically motionless.

A few exercises for statics for stripplasty:

Dynamic warm-up includes exercises that involve certain parts of the body:

Each time, stretching the muscles, the result must be fixed, gradually increasing the load.

Work on coordination

After the first step to success in stripping - stretching, you can go to the training of coordination:

The result of regular work on coordination will be full control of the body in the dance: beautiful jumps with a confident landing, graceful gait of the dancer, the ability to balance, performing the steps in strip plastic.

To train coordination at home, it is enough to perform the following exercises daily:

  1. Standing with your feet moving, spread your arms to the sides. In this position, freeze for half a minute, closing your eyes.
  2. Rise as much as possible on your toes, close your eyes, throw your head back and stand for 30 seconds.
  3. Cat walk. Put a ribbon or rope on the floor, and walk along it, rearranging the feet in front of each other.

Development of plasticity

Amazing plasticity belongs to the striking skills of a strip dancer.

To develop it, you must regularly perform the following exercises:

How to learn to dance with video lessons

Stripping is hard physical work, you should not expect lightning miracles, but doing it regularly even at home, you can achieve amazing results. For beginners, there are manuals and training video tutorials.

Regularity of classes

To achieve a positive result, stripping exercises should be carried out regularly. Training should be carried out at least 2-3 times a week.

After a few workouts, there will be a feeling of smartness, complete control of the body. After 3-6 months, subject to the systematic implementation of the training program, you can perfectly learn how to dance strip plastic at home.

Stripplasty evenly involves all muscle groups

Like an artist painting a picture, the dancer creates a small performance, a celebration of grace and seduction. It is possible even for beginners to learn stripping at home without the help of a professional trainer. Beautiful music, smooth and precise movements, flexibility of a cat, romantic atmosphere - all this is a celebration of a beautiful dance in the style of a seductive strip plastic.

Useful videos about stripping

A set of movements for stripplasty:

Stripping basics for beginners:

To keep the body in great shape, to move sexy and charming, to be self-confident will help the popular dance direction - plastic strip. Do you want to find beautiful body shapes and be desired and loved? sign up for a stripping class.


*subject to the purchase of a subscription on the day of the lesson

Strip training takes place under beautiful modern music and includes:

1. Warm up. It will help warm up cold muscles and prepare them for the next load.
2. Learning and practicing the technical elements of the discipline. The basic elements are: various waves, swings, hip circles, figure eights, head circles and many others.
3. Learning and practicing choreography. The teacher will show the dance sequence, and then explain step by step how this or that strip exercise is performed correctly.
4. Stretching. It will help stretch the worked muscles, improve their elasticity, and restore breathing.

The name of this discipline in an ignorant person may cause bewilderment. After all, the word "strip" means to undress. However, we will only talk about imitation of erotic dance.

Strip lessons include many dance styles. It contains elements:

● jazz;
● acrobatics;
● modern;
● gymnastics;
classical ballet;
● contemporary choreography.

Incredibly beautiful in their structure, choreographic performances in the style of strip plastics are filled with femininity and eroticism. Her hallmark is the possibility of self-expression in dance, the ability to control and manage one's own body.

Strip lessons for beginners. What clothes to use

Clothing for strip dance lessons plays a significant role. It is very important that the girl feels sexy and beautiful. Tight leggings, short tops, swimsuits - bodysuits, overalls - all these elements of clothing help to gain self-confidence and emphasize a feminine silhouette.
One of important details the finished image for strip dancing is shoes. A girl in heels looks and moves in a completely different way. Her legs visually lengthen, while the silhouette becomes more feminine and graceful. Shoes on a high platform, or boots, exactly those that are used for striptease, can be purchased in specialized stores or ordered on the Internet. And also training will suit ordinary “boats”. If in doubt, watch the plastic strip video tutorials on the Internet.
For a spectacular look, it is recommended to let your hair down. In many basic turns and head circles, they will play a decisive role. This is one of the branded elements of strip plastics.

To understand what it is, you need to come and try to learn how to dance strip plastic. Familiarize yourself with the teacher and learning environment. Here, every girl will be able to see for herself how beautiful and graceful strip training for beginners is. Successful musical accompaniment from the first minutes involves studying proccess. A special energetic atmosphere contributes to the appearance of the first results.
The lesson is held in front of a mirror. Each dancer can easily correct her own movements by looking into it. A competent teacher will always help to reproduce the complex elements of dance in a relaxed manner. Impressions from classes are always pleasant, so learning strip plastic is not difficult.

What is useful strip plastic:

1. Excellent physical shape. Despite the seeming ease, each lesson carries a decent physical load. Almost all muscle groups are involved in it. And the respiratory and circulatory organs are also actively working, due to which the overall vitality and mood rise.
2. Raising self-esteem. Having learned to control your own body, seeing its beautiful reflection in the mirror helps you feel more confident not only at the disco, but also in Everyday life. The gait of a girl doing strip plastic changes from scratch, becoming light and sexy.
3. Acquaintance with like-minded people. Classes are attended by many girls who want to learn or already know how to dance. Being in such a pleasant company it is easy to find girlfriends by hobby, make new acquaintances. Sometimes this is a good springboard for further education and not only.
4. Better health. Active exercise stress has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. The heart and respiratory organs improve all work. The metabolism is accelerated, and this can lead to a rapid loss of extra pounds. Therefore, such strip dancing classes can easily compete with any fitness disciplines aimed at losing weight.

Having tried to engage in such a beautiful and modern type of dance as plastic strip for beginners, every girl will be able to express herself through music without fear of looking vulgar, gaining a beautiful body and posture and cheer herself up.

Learning to dance strip plastic means mastering the style of modern dance, which has been at the peak of popularity for several years now. Its main secret is the opportunity for every girl to learn to be feminine and own her own body.

The ability to attract the attention of a man through music has always been relevant.

Art Arabic dances, unusual technique seduction of Indian women, striptease, incendiary burlesque - each era had its own ways to show sexuality and beauty female body. A strip of plastic from scratch is on the wave of popularity among modern women and young girls.
To evoke enthusiastic glances of the male half of humanity, it is not at all necessary to be naked or wear defiant outfits. Sometimes it’s enough to be confident, attractive and move well. Being engaged in strip dance, you can not only gain a toned figure in a short time, but also become more feminine and sensual. A girl visiting a strip plastic studio will always be in the spotlight, even if she is wearing modest ordinary clothes. Sexual attraction, sometimes beyond understanding, appears in the manner of dancing and just moving.

Strip plastic lesson basic movements it is not difficult to perform at all. You also have to learn all kinds of “chips”, and you like yourself in the process of dancing. An ordinary girl who comes to the gym can easily turn into a beautiful dancer. The meaning of this discipline is that it is quite able to replace a trip to a beautician and a fitness center at the same time. During the lesson, the girl's body produces a large number of hormones. It is some of them that are responsible for a good mood, a smile on the face and a happy gleam in the eyes. In addition, a young woman who has mastered the basics of this dance style can easily please her beloved man with a private number.
By enrolling in the GO Dance strip school, you will take the first step in mastering the art of seduction.

Pros and contraindications for strip training

Every hour spent in a dance class will change your body beyond recognition:

1. Already from the first lesson it is clear that in order to learn how to move beautifully, you need to work. There will be plenty of physical activity.
2. During the most "quiet" lesson human body spend from 400 kcal per hour. Therefore, at this time, the body will actively lose extra pounds and lose water.
3. During the workout, all the muscles of the body will be “hit”: arms, back, lower and upper press, inner and outer thighs, calves, etc.
4. At more advanced levels, you need to learn how to perform complex acrobatic elements. It is they who will give a special sharpness to the muscles, leaving the body flexible. With hard work, over time, a good stretch will appear. You can easily verify this by watching a strip of plastic video tutorial.
5. The basics of physical training are present in the structure of each lesson. Consistent strength loading on the body will help you quickly get in good shape. That's what strip plastic is useful for. The address of a nearby dance studio can be found on the Internet.

The main contraindications for strip plastic surgery are problems with the knees, joint diseases, and intervertebral hernia. If you suffer from one of the above diseases, before signing up for a course, consult with your doctor about the advisability of visiting a strip plastic center. Perhaps you should avoid only some of its directions.

What you should know when signing up for a strip dance studio

1. Depending on the type of discipline and teacher, one strip plastic lesson, the price of which will pleasantly surprise you, may differ from another. Some prefer energetic video dance sequences. Others like erotic ground choreography to slow music. Therefore, when choosing a school or teacher, you should focus on personal preferences and temperament.
2. Group classes will be the right choice for those girls who want to learn how to dance and lose weight. excess weight. Individual lesson suitable for perfecting complex elements or staging a solo number and shooting a clip that can be a surprise for your young man.
3. Choose a comfortable nice clothes in which you will feel confident. Be sure to bring your heels and knee pads. They will help protect the joints during parterre choreographies.
4. Before signing up for strip dancing in Moscow, try to learn the link from the video lesson. So, you can determine your own level, especially if you are no longer a beginner in this world.

Number staging

A private strip dance room consists of three parts:

1. Exit or appearance of a dancer. In this part, it is worth paying special attention to the spectacular appearance. The introduction itself cannot be too long, otherwise, in terms of its energy, it will easily overlap the main part of the number. However, you should not be condescending to the exit, you should think through everything to the smallest detail. It is this part that is considered the most memorable to the viewer. During the introduction, the dancer is not recommended to use complex choreographic techniques and tricks. It is better to give preference to special effects (for example, smoke, musical sounds or the details of the costume).
2. The main part of the speech. Choreographic solution based on an idea, choreography. The longest piece in the dance. If the dancer has a lot of experience on stage, she can safely improvise. Beginners are strongly recommended to put and work out all the necessary combinations and tricks. This will add to their self-confidence and give the production a special finish. Learn to strip dance should be just for this.
3. Final. The last part of the speech should be very bright and memorable. Here we are talking about the terms of everything about imitation of undressing. For this, clothing items such as a hat, gloves, shirt or jacket are well suited. You can end your performance lying on the floor in a beautiful pose, or just gracefully walk off the stage.

To stage the performance, you can use the services of a professional choreographer. The strip school in Maryino will kindly provide this opportunity. Or try your hand on your own, using previously acquired skills and experience.

What music to choose for a private dance?

To choose the right music, you should focus primarily on personal preferences. It is best if the musical accompaniment matches your temperament, or reminds you of pleasant moments in our lives. It is very important that the music evokes emotions in you, you like it a lot. This will be a great help not only in the creation of the production, but also in its execution. It is also worth watching strip plastic clips to broaden your horizons.

What movements to use?

The choice and complexity of the elements directly depend on your level of training and the existing repertoire. Feel free to use complex elements if they are easy for you. However, do not put them all together. It would be better to dilute them with smooth transitions and simpler movements.
If you do not have much experience, but still really want to try yourself as a strip dancer, the basic elements should become the basis of the choreography. Smooth circles of the hips, figure eights, swings, beautiful, not difficult staged poses. Watch strip dance video tutorials to broaden your horizons. Use beautiful moments in music to emphasize the imitation of undressing. Don't be afraid to improvise if you're good at it. And then learning to dance the strip will be easier than it seems.


Pay special attention to the choice of costume. If the dance is not thematic, you can wear a beautiful sexy dress. It doesn't have to be short. Men's trousers and a jacket will also work. Do not be afraid to use accessories in creating a costume: beads, a hat, gloves, etc. Sometimes the right details create an unusual, memorable image. Individuality plays a very important role in choosing a suit.
Lap dance shoes should be comfortable and at the same time contain a heel. It is he who gives the leg a special elegance and femininity. Shoes on a high platform visually elongate the leg, but it is more difficult to dance on them. you should be especially careful when performing all kinds of turns. Learning to strip dance turns is hard work.

So, if your goal is to present an erotic surprise to your young man or spouse, hurry up to sign up for strip plastic lessons, the cost of which is quite democratic. In order to sign up for classes, you do not need to have special training, there are levels for beginners. Do not skimp on buying a beautiful suit. Consider makeup, music, and staging details. Organize a surprise for your loved one in a beautiful romantic setting and the result will exceed all expectations. Your relationship will take a new direction.

Strip plastic. Target selection

Many girls who attend strip plastic classes do not set themselves the goal of going to work in night club or disco. They want to put their body in order, become sexier and learn how to move beautifully. Indeed, in her classes, great attention is paid to stretching and plasticity. Exercising regularly, extra pounds will disappear by themselves and every morning will bring happiness from satisfaction with your own body.
If, nevertheless, your goal is to become a professional dancer, you will have to pay special attention to improvisation.

What is improvisation for?

The ability to invent movements and transitions on the go, evenly distributing along the entire length musical accompaniment skill is not easy. For this, it is not only necessary to have a good command of technical elements and be able to listen to music, but also to be able to “let go of yourself”. The question is not even whether it will be a professional performance or just a private dance for a beloved man, to improvise this art. He should learn not only in dance, but also in ordinary life.

How to learn strip improvisation?

How to learn to express emotions and feelings through body movements and gestures in strip plastic? How to dance beautifully? As paradoxical as it may sound, improvisation is the most difficult skill in any discipline. You should have a sufficient base of knowledge and skills in order to be able to improvise beautifully.

1. Before entering dance class try to leave all your problems behind his threshold. Be extremely diligent. Even if you don’t have any strength at all, try to give it your all and assimilate all the material provided as much as possible. This will help in the future when improving strip plastic exercises, honing complex movements on your own.
2. Try to come up with links and transitions on your own. This will actively develop fantasy and imagination. The skill of harmoniously combining elements with each other comes with experience. And with it, the ability to beautifully improvise in free form, succumbing to the flow of music, will appear.
3. Do not try to improvise on musical compositions you do not know. A thorough knowledge of the song will help to use all its "tasty" parts in the best possible way.
4. Rehearse with a mirror, and also try dancing without it. This will comprehensively develop your sense of yourself on stage and raise your self-esteem. Try to film your performance on video and critically evaluate all the details of the choreography.
5. Dance often with eyes closed listening carefully to the music you like.
6. Watch stripper video tutorials for beginners more often to stay up to date with the latest innovations.

How is discipline different from others?

Many ignorant people do not see the difference between the types of strip plastics and, for example, “go-go”. Indeed, they have a lot in common:

1. These two currents are sexually suggestive and give the dancer a chance for self-expression.
2. Both disciplines require good physical fitness, stretching, and the ability to listen to music.
3. They are also summarized by the need to use shoes with high heels.

What then are the differences:

1. Purpose final performance. "Go-go" can be described as a style aimed at provoking the viewer to active dancing. Most often it is very energetic, associated with the respective club music. Strip dance, on the other hand, is performed to smoother compositions; its whole is considered to charm the viewer with the beauty of the performance.
2. Technical elements. The performer of "go-go" can safely do without transverse twine. She is forced to dance in a small space, performing all the perfected movements as much as possible. In the opposite variant, the "rope" can play a decisive role in the final production. Yes, and there may be plenty of room for the performance of the number.
3. Go-go has a lot more improvisation. Most likely, a girl working at a disco will be forced to dance to the music provided to her by the club. The movements in strip plastic are still more intended for a production number.

Learning to dance beautifully does not mean being able to improvise well. This skill comes with experience. However, having acquired it, the girl will get an amazing opportunity to use improvisation not only on stage, but also in everyday life. By signing up for a strip plastics course on Kievskaya, you will get a unique opportunity to get closer to this type of art.

Learn to strip dance is not difficult, the main desire

Girls who dream of trying strip plastic are usually stopped by three questions: “Is it necessary to be naked?”, “Is it necessary to have good physical training?”, “Is it difficult to learn strip plastic?”

Despite its name, you don’t have to undress in the classroom, but it’s nice to move and control your body. The acquired skills, you can apply anywhere: at a disco or in a private dance for a loved one.

As for physical activity, you really have to work on yourself. Especially if by nature you are not endowed with a good stretch and strong muscles. But you shouldn't worry too much about this. good teacher organizes strip training in such a way that the body will gradually acquire everything necessary for doing strip plastic surgery. Therefore, if you are tired of aerobics, you should try this discipline - a beautiful body and a great mood are guaranteed.

How is the lesson

As a rule, strip plastic lessons begin with a warm-up of all muscle groups, correct body positioning, working out the main elements of discipline and small choreographic fragments. Further, at the choice of the teacher, exercises to strengthen the press or back muscles, as well as a lot of stretching, can follow. It is she who will make it possible to move slowly with special grace. After all, the softer and smoother the transitional movements in the dance are performed, the more professional the number is considered.
Sometimes additional subjects are used in the learning process. As a rule, we are talking about a chair, a cane or items of clothing. To them you can mark a hat or jacket.

Why choose strip plastic?

Strip dance lessons can easily replace essential fitness disciplines. It will affect:

1. On the physical form of the girl. Intensive, strength training, stretching - together form a complete complex effect on the body. During exercise, a considerable amount of calories is consumed. With improved blood circulation, metabolism is improved, excess water and toxins are removed from the body. The skin acquires a healthy appearance, cellulite resolves.
2. For coordination. As with all forms of dance, strip dancing will develop or improve the ability of different parts of the body to perform complex elements at the same time.
3. To improve posture. Keeping your back straight while actively working with your arms and legs is not so easy. It is during this work that the muscle corset is strengthened in the correct position. The stoop will gradually improve, and the gait will become easier. True, this effect is achieved only with regular visits to lessons. Versatile deflections and inclinations of the body, which are widely present in the technique, have a unique effect on the health of the spine.
4. How unique opportunity express yourself. Despite all the physical benefits of discipline, its main property is to activate the resource of the individual, the inner harmony of a woman. Setting a goal to please not only a man, but, most importantly, her classes magically transform her. The manner of holding, walking, gesticulating is changing. Reincarnation is reflected in her perception of her own age, health and self-esteem.
5. On sexuality. With growing self-esteem, the present psychological blocks disappear by themselves. Despite the differences with the standard template of beauty, any woman will be able to feel desired and irresistible. From this feeling, the level of energy rises sharply. And also strip dance lessons are an excellent tool in the fight against chronic depression and fatigue.

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Recording on Strip plastic




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Recording on Strip plastic




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Recording on Strip plastic




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Recording on Strip plastic




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Recording on Strip plastic




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    Recording on Strip plastic

    Recording on Strip plastic


    Recording on Strip plastic


    Recording on Strip plastic

    Recording on Strip plastic


    Recording on Strip plastic

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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Recording on Strip plastic




branch Kutuzovsky

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Recording on Strip plastic




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Recording on Strip plastic




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Recording on Strip plastic




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    Recording on Strip plastic

    Recording on Strip plastic


    Recording on Strip plastic


    Recording on Strip plastic

    Recording on Strip plastic


    Recording on Strip plastic

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Stripping is an erotic dance that any girl should be able to dance.

There are actually a lot of dance directions, but strip dance is closer to the female fair sex. Classes today are held in almost every school or studio, and the popularity of this type of dance is only growing. Why? In this material, the questioners will receive answers to all the questions that have arisen, just start with an explanation or a small clarification, so that later there is no misunderstanding.

Some men think that strip dancing is very similar to regular striptease. This is not true. In the first case, the girl undresses to the music, smoothly and slowly takes off her clothes, in whole or in part, while strip dance dances mean something else. The beautiful maiden also dances to the music, only it can be more intense, and there are no undressings here. There are sharp movements, akin to acrobatic ones, but in the end, watching the dance, it looks very impressive and beautiful. A costume complements such a show, and if we compare the strip and oriental dance styles, the first one looks much more spectacular because of the complexity.

Everything needs to be learned and this too

A professional strip dance school will provide everything you need to master this unique and truly erotic direction. Many now who read this have a question - why exactly erotic, no one undresses ?! Everything is very simple - strip dancing has a lot of acrobatic elements, difficult to master, respectively, you will have to learn this before you start performing them professionally without the help of a choreographer.

And some of the movements are so frank and sexy that the viewer involuntarily gets the feeling that he is being undressed with his eyes and that the dancer's torn clothes will fly into his face right now. It is these feelings that arise when a professional moves, he gives himself completely to the dance and the audience. And don't be ashamed of it, you know why? It is strip dance dances that liberate, give self-confidence, plasticity, grace. They are suitable for everyone who is already 18 years old and even those who have crossed the line of 40.

Simplicity in complexity

At first glance, it may seem that strip dance lessons are simple and it will not be difficult to master them. Again a delusion. A professional dancer must be able to sit on the splits, and this element is an integral part of the strip. Before starting classes, the choreographer does a warm-up of the whole body with the group. Warmed muscles perform complex elements more easily, and if the body is drawn into strip dance lessons, it begins to lose weight intensively and acquires tone.

Perfect fit always

Even if a girl is not going to perform numbers, she will still enjoy learning this incredibly wonderful direction. Our strip dance school step by step will help you master all the elements, thanks to which all muscle groups will be pumped, including arms, back, abs, legs. It will be useful for girls to gain looseness and self-confidence through this. For women, especially those who have already given birth, strip dance lessons will help restore femininity, sexuality and passion.

A successful strip school invites you to learn seduction

For many centuries, it is dance that helps a woman open up. It awakens sensuality, femininity, gives self-confidence, helps to love yourself for who you are. But not every direction does it explicitly and quickly. If you still don't know what strip plastic is, the dance school will show you and help you learn a new direction.

It is completely in vain to consider this direction vulgar. The woman is almost completely dressed (although everyone chooses a stage image for himself), the movements are combined with smoothness and sharpness, but some acrobatic sketches are most striking, which can only be performed by rhythmic gymnasts. Every woman can learn to control her body, if there is a desire, and our school of strip plastic surgery will help with this.

Age is not a hindrance, the main thing is the goal and determination to change yourself

Many representatives of the fair sex think that after thirty it is already useless to try to dance something serious and complex, and after forty even more so. But strip plastic classes are attended by almost all ages, from underage young people to adults. successful women, experienced, with children, married and single. Each age group is divided into equal classes to make it easier to study and observe each other's progress.

The program is significantly different for those who are young and plastic and those who are just starting to master these complex, but beautiful dances. An experienced choreographer will show warm-up exercises, basic “pas” and tell you how to act correctly so as not to get injured. Regular strip plastic exercises will quickly tone the muscles, and the woman will not experience much stress, as she will enjoy the process.

What will independent attempts lead to?

There are many articles and videos on the Internet where girls show and tell what a plastic strip is. Dances are most likely performed by professionals whose muscles are elastic and trained. Few videos report on the warm-up, hence the trouble. Those who try to repeat the movements they saw at home, without warming up, often regularly feel pain, and sometimes get stretched. To prevent this from happening, you should receive strip plastic lessons from experienced choreographers in this direction.

Under the supervision of a professional, it turns out for each to almost completely repeat the elements seen. Everything is much easier if the coach always helps with instructions, agree? Moreover, the atmosphere in the hall is conducive, but do you really want to master strip dance at home? Plastic involves freedom of movement, so you need a lot of space so that nothing gets in the way, and the floor is even.

Vocational training in strip plastic in Moscow

The first lesson can be attended free of charge. This will be enough to understand whether it will work out and whether you want to do it or not. In addition to strip dance, the school offers many other popular directions, so you can try each of them and stop at the one that you liked the most.

To look at "five" strip plastic lessons will help to sparkle

Women are constantly thinking about how to keep their figure, so someone is on a diet, and someone goes to the gym and dances. By the way, if you attend a stripplasty class, you can eat whatever your heart desires, the girl will not get better. This type of dance burns as many calories at a time as it will not burn in gym, while running or in the pool. Don't believe? Come and try your first class for free. And now a little history.

Perhaps someone thinks that strip plastic in Moscow appeared relatively recently, although it all started with ancient east. The dance looked completely different from what it is today and did not at all call for seduction and temptation. Then, this direction was reborn a little into Ancient Egypt and the girls, dancing with uninhibited movements, additionally sang. Then ancient india and Europe gave men priestesses of love. But it was in Europe that stripping began to resemble what we see today. Because they live there humble people hiding exposed parts of the body. Do not confuse strip plastic with striptease, since no one undresses in this dance. Seduction occurs with the movements, gaze and charisma of the girl.

A beautiful figure and long hair is incredibly sexy

By the way, it is absolutely not necessary to be a model with a figure of 90 * 60 * 90 in order to attend strip plastic lessons, the body will change by itself if the girl dances regularly. It will acquire exciting alluring curves and become more desirable for a man than boring standards. By the way, the world is intensively working to ensure that on TV screens, girls are more and more likely to catch the eye not of thin flat forms, but of appetizing ones. Even dolls in stores appeared with a feminine figure.

Ideally, you need to have long curls, because you have to make head movements, enticing and charming. Therefore, those who want to professionally engage in this direction will have to grow and change their hairstyle in order to achieve the desired effect in the dance. Our stripping lessons will liberate any, even the most modest lady, give self-confidence. If you want to love yourself for who you are, be sure to come to our school, attend the first lesson absolutely free.

The earlier the better

Start off education stripplasty is required from the age of 18. The muscles are not yet petrified, the figure is still being formed, so intensive movements will help to achieve incredible results. Society condemns those who master this type of dance much earlier, but ultimately the parents decide. Stripping is nothing shameful for beginners, so if mom and dad understand the importance of such a dance for a teenager, our strip plastic school in Moscow will properly teach and help master this beautiful choreography.

Those who are just starting to learn complex movements will need light clothing that does not restrict movement, and instead of heels, shoes or ballet flats should be worn. Professional dancers perform every action to music in high heels. The legs are already used to it, and everything looks spectacular and charming as a whole. Many elements of stripplasty are complex, so the muscles must be well trained and elastic.

On your own or with the help of a professional?

Thanks to the Internet, stripping lessons can be found on popular video hosting sites, but it is better to start under the close supervision of an experienced choreographer. You can’t immediately start performing complex “pas”, you can get injured. You should first warm up the body and only then start training. Moreover, at home there are no large mirrors where every movement is clearly visible and there is so much space so that you can calmly turn around and fully dance. Quick stripping courses in Moscow may not be suitable for beginners either. Do not guess, come to us, try yourself in the first free lesson, whether you need it or not.

Strip plastic - be gentle and graceful,
To be naive, insidious and alluring.
In strip plastic all facets of seduction!
Strip plastic - the keys to admiration!
Copyright © RenarDance Dance School


There are many in the world dance directions, but none of them express such sensuality and femininity as plastic strip. This is an amazing combination of choreography, plasticity, flexibility and emancipation during the dance. Strip plastic has recently become popular in our country, but has already won the hearts of many women with its beauty and the ability to express itself through dance.

Do not confuse strip dance with striptease and pole dance(pole dance). Do not be afraid, no one will force you to undress during strip plastic lessons! :) Moreover, this direction does not imply exposure. Strip dance is a dance, chic, feminine, graceful, it is the plasticity of the body, it is soft or sharp, gentle or bold movements, remotely and veiledly hinting at temptation to the viewer. Stripping is the subtle art of seduction! And this is what every woman should own.










Today, many women attend a variety of dance sections, this is a great way to keep your body in good shape and spend your free time usefully. The dance direction of strip plastic is the best suited for those who want to train and give elasticity to the entire muscle group. In addition, this is a great choice for women and girls who do not feel proper self-confidence, are embarrassed about their bodies and have complexes about extra centimeters or kilograms.

Stripping will allow you to find femininity in yourself, open up and learn the art of seduction. Some characterize strip dance as daring, modern and seductive dance. Others are sure that it is strip dance that will make you love yourself or change for the better. Both opinions are correct, the plastic strip is an amazing dance that will completely change your life.

Stripping is an excellent choice for young girls, it leaves an imprint on the character, makes every movement more relaxed even in everyday life. Married women strip dance will help save ardent passion spouse, return faded feelings and prove yourself in the role of a subtle and skillful seductress.


Perhaps, you need to start with the fact that anyone can learn how to dance strip plastic. If you try to answer the question of who needs stripplasty, then there is only one conclusion - it is needed and will be useful to almost all women:
  • fat or thin, as strip dance makes all muscles work, gives the body elasticity and improves overall tone, regardless of the structure of your body and / or extra pounds;
  • if you want to develop flexibility, plasticity, there is no better direction! Stripplasty is based on a good stretch, which, in turn, will give the body flexibility and plasticity, increase the amplitude of your movements, give lightness;
  • for women who want to lose weight, active strip plastic exercises will help to quickly get rid of extra pounds, due to the fact that many movements are very energy-intensive, and while seeming easy to perform, they require great physical fitness and burn excess calories well;
  • if you dream of pumping up your back, abs, legs, arms, but you are bored in the gym doing monotonous swings on your own, then you definitely need to try strip plastic! After all, strip dance tightens, strengthens muscles, while stretching them easily and naturally, during the dance!
  • For self-doubting, quiet and closed women, strip plastic can gain confidence in themselves, reveal their potential and make them take a fresh look at their reflection;
  • it will be comfortable for bright and open personalities, impulsive natures to throw out their energy at strip dance lessons, because it is here that you can show your individuality and realize your fantasies;
  • if you have never danced, then the easiest way to start is with strip plastics. In our RenarDance dance school, there are groups for the very beginners, where each element will be explained in detail and in detail, decomposing it into components, helping to master the new and unknown, they will help, prompt and lead by the hand in Magic world dance!
  • strip dance will help women who dream of learning grace. After strip plastic lessons, you will be able to move beautifully not only on the dance floor, but also in real life, become charming and seductive!
  • For everyone who wants to change something in their life, striplasty will give such a chance!


You can start stripping at any age, however, the sooner you start working with your body, the more success you will achieve. As for classes for the youngest persons, because of its name, the society criticizes strip plastic classes before the age of 18.

At the same time, parents who understand the essential difference between striptease and plastic, graceful dance can bring a teenage girl to our dance school. Our competent teachers will teach the girl to move gracefully, easily and confidently. They will teach you how to walk in heels correctly, which will help to avoid pain and fatigue in the legs, in the back, various injuries when twisting the legs, which, unfortunately, happen quite often among females. After all, girls need to learn the right gait, grace and lightness from childhood.


Stripping classes are designed, first of all, to teach a woman to realize her beauty and uniqueness, to learn to control her body, to demonstrate streamlined and concise movements based on natural grace and plasticity. Therefore, the invariable components of each lesson on stripplasty are:
  • warm-up;
  • balancing and coordination exercises;
  • muscle pumping and the formation of a muscular corset;
  • flexibility exercises;
  • stretching;
  • development of plasticity and softness of movements of hands and other parts of the body;
  • directly the dance of the strip plastic;
  • improvisation lessons;
  • acting lessons;
  • catwalk lessons.
You will be able to get acquainted with the training program in the lesson itself in more detail. They differ depending on the level of the group (from beginners from scratch to professionals) in complexity, it all depends on the level of preparation of students, and, as a result, on the group in which you will be enrolled.

Lessons for beginners in strip plastic will give you the basics of this multifaceted art of dance, the correct setting of the body, the competent technique of performing elements, the base. In the future, as you move to older groups, the tasks will become more difficult, the dances will become more and more complex, spectacular, physical activity will increase, new elements of strip plasticity will be added, as well as other dance styles, including acrobatics.

Each level of training in strip plastics has its own tasks and means of implementation. They are united by one goal - to bring dance movements to automatism, achieve the correct performance and give you the ability to move to the beat of the music, emphasize musical accents, “play out” musical compositions, create mini-performances, moving feminine, beautiful and sexy. You learn to seduce imperceptibly, subtly and gracefully, so that the viewer does not know that he is being seduced, but he could not take his eyes off you!


Clothing for stripping should not restrict movement, it should be tight so that the teacher can see the work of the body and knees, monitor the clarity of the elements.

  • top, tight T-shirt or T-shirt;
  • leggings, leggings or shorts;
  • socks or dancing ballet flats (for beginners), shoes (for advanced groups).


A lot depends on you. From your desire and determination, the ability to express yourself in dance and the general emotional state. Of course, desire alone is not enough. The speed of training in stripplasty also depends on general physical fitness, flexibility, muscle work and memory ability. The number and frequency of classes also play a huge role.

In general, plastic strip is a fairly accessible type of dance and success in this direction comes much faster than, for example, in modern jazz or Argentine tango. Many of our students who have reached an advanced level of training in strip plastics take part in various competitions and competitions, many of them become teachers in the future.


Many girls and women, having once tried to do strip plastics, have forever remained faithful to this multifaceted and amazing style of dance. The result from strip plastic surgery will not be long in coming. On the one hand, you will gain a toned body, learn how to manage it, feel light in your walk and lose weight during intense workouts. On the other hand, you will find emotional relief in our classes, you will love yourself more, open up new horizons for your capabilities and feel the ability to seduce the stronger sex.
A strip of plastic leaves an imprint on a lifetime, gives confidence, liberates, gives a surge of strength and teaches you how to achieve results. Discover new facets of your body with this amazing dance today.



600 rub.
200 rub.

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