Interesting information about India for children. Interesting facts of ancient India

“India, cradle of the human race, birthplace of human speech, mother of history, grandmother of legend and great-grandmother of tradition. The most valuable and most instructive lessons in the history of mankind are valued only in India” (Mark Twain).

1. Among the countries of the world, India ranks second after the United States in terms of the number of English speakers. In India, it is spoken by about 125 million people, which is only 10% of the country's population. The number of English-speaking Indians is constantly growing.

Ganges River, Varanasi

Express info by country

India(Republic of India) is a state in South Asia.

Capital– Delhi

Largest cities: Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata

Form of government– Parliamentary

Territory– 3,287,263 km2 (7th in the world)

Population– 1.285 billion people (2nd in the world)

official languages– Hindi, English (+ 21 more)

Religion– Hinduism

HDI- 0.609 (130th in the world)

GDP– $2.048 trillion (9th in the world)

Currency– Indian rupee

Borders with: Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar

2. India has the largest number of vegetarians in the world. Whether it's for religious or personal reasons, around 40% of Indians are vegetarians. India has the lowest per capita meat consumption in the world.

3. Until diamonds were found in Brazil in the 18th century, India ranked first in the world in the extraction and production of diamonds. Diamonds were first discovered in alluvial deposits in the Guntur and Krishna regions in the Krishna Delta.

4. Up to 100 million people attend the Kumbh Mela Festival, a gathering of pilgrims that takes place every three years. It is the largest gathering of people in one place in the world.

5. 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India. Breathing the air in Mumbai for one day is equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes.

On the street of Delhi

7. About 70% of all spices in the world come from India.

8. India is home to 14 million slaves, the largest number of any country in the world.

9. To make money on a Big Mac, the average person in India would have to work almost 6 hours.

10. Judaism appeared in India 2500 years ago. Since then, the local population has never shown any signs of anti-Semitism.

11. India is projected to be the most populous country in the world by 2050. The number of inhabitants by that time could reach 1.6 billion people, which will be almost equal to the population of the United States and China combined.

12. Indian households own 11% of the world's gold. This is more than the combined reserves of the US, IMF, Switzerland and Germany.

13. 74% of young Indians prefer an arranged marriage over their personal choice. Perhaps that is why only 1 out of 100 marriages in India ends in divorce. This is one of the lowest rates in the world.

14. The inhabitants of North Sentinel Island in India are among the last people whose lives remain untouched by modern civilization.

15. Mawsynram, a village in Meghalaya, is the wettest inhabited place in the world. It has the highest average rainfall in the world.

From the Internet you can find absolutely any information related to India. But even he will not be able to tell in detail about this amazing country. In general, India is the only state in which national traditions have never been interrupted since its inception. If you remember, all known civilizations disappeared thousands of years ago, but the Indian civilization is still flourishing. It makes no sense to look for something interesting in it, you just have to come, and something unusual and amazing will be waiting for you on every corner. Many tourists note that having arrived here, a feeling of an otherworldly world with completely strange rituals and traditions is created. What is worth only the ancient Indian language - Sanskrit and Kamasutra, which anyone has heard of.

In India, deserts and fertile plantations, magnificent residences of rulers and poor shacks, and so on, coexist on the same territory.

  • In the Indian city of Takshashil in 700 BC, the world's first university was established. At that time, 60 subjects were taught in this place. In the 4th century AD, another educational institution was opened, which became the beginning of education in India.
  • India became famous for Ayurveda - the first medical school created by man. This institution was opened two millennia ago by Charak. Here, operations such as caesarean section, extraction of foreign objects, and cataract treatment were performed. At that time it was a major breakthrough in the field of medicine.
  • At the beginning of our era, the Indian astronomer Brashacharya calculated the time it took for our planet to orbit the sun.
  • A century later, another scientist calculated the so-called pi number. Moreover, he was ahead of the Arab mathematicians. It was in India that trigonometry and its derivatives appeared. Indian mathematicians also created the largest kalu, covering the period from the creation of the universe to its disappearance.

These facts and many others are hidden today. The thing is that if all the secrets are revealed, then civilized Europe will have to explain how they found enlightenment. After all, the whole process took place with the help of violent actions. Graves were plundered and valuable relics were taken out. It was at this time that India reached its peak: important discoveries were made and complex operations were carried out, and at that time the British slept in barns. So if humanity digs deeper, then facts will be revealed that will not put Europe in the best light, but at the same time explain all the wars and conflicts with Asia.

Well, shall we continue?

Facts about India for kids

Several thousand years ago, the teaching of yoga appeared in India. Coming here, everyone, young and old, wants to see great yogis sleeping on nails or walking on broken glass. And if you are very lucky, you will see cases of levitation.

Each of us, probably, read a fairy tale about Mowgli. So, in India, cases of raising a human child by animals are not rare, there are even places where this can be seen with your own eyes.

India through the eyes of a tourist

  • Everyone considers India a hospitable country, and this is true. Another amazing fact is that during the last ten thousand years, this country has not invaded other people's possessions.
  • Did you know that India is the birthplace of chess? Many years ago, this game was called "chaturanga" and translated as "four types of troops."
  • In terms of population, India ranks second after China, but in terms of area it is smaller than the United States and is in seventh position in the ranking.
  • It is estimated that the largest number of post offices in the world has been built here, and the local railway is considered the largest employer, employing more than a million people annually.
  • Until the end of the 19th century, India was the main diamond miner.
  • Hinduism is recognized as the main religion, and Islam can be seen in second place.
  • Most travelers believe that the inhabitants of India are called Hindus, but this is completely wrong. Hindus are people who profess Hinduism, in other words, monks. But the citizens living in the country are called Indians.
  • Despite the large number of attractions, India is a big garbage dump. It even happens that mountains of garbage rise next to some ancient temple. And nobody cares about that.

More interesting facts about the country

  • The name Hindustan appeared after the Persians invaded Indian territory. If you disassemble, then "Hindostan" is translated as "Shindu" and "Indu". These are the lands of India that have been drawn into the conflict.
  • The world's first granite structure was built in India. This is the Brahideeshwarar temple in Tanjur, built in just 5 years.
  • India built the world's largest bridge in 1982.
  • Ancient Indian physicians have been aware of anesthesia for centuries. Numerous documents confirm this fact.
  • More than 300 mosques have been built in the state.
  • India is a multinational country. More than 400 nationalities live on its territory.
  • In many restaurants in the cities you will not find a menu. All visitors order what they already know.

The state of India is located in South Asia. It borders with Burma and Bangladesh in the east, with China, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan in the north, with Pakistan in the west.

From the south side it is washed by the Strait of Polk and, from the east by the Bay of Bengal, and from the west by the Arabian Sea.

Today, India is partly territories of Kashmir and Jammu, which are disputed by Pakistan. The area of ​​the country is 3,165,596 square kilometers.

India can be conditionally divided into 4 regions: the northern river valleys, the Himalayas, the Western and Eastern Ghats, and the Deccan plateau.

The Himalayas are the highest mountain range in the world with a width of 160 to 320 kilometers., which stretches along the eastern and northern borders for 2400 km.

The highest mountain peaks, which are wholly or partially located in India:

  • 8598 m - Kanchendzhanga;
  • 8126 m - Nanga Parabat;
  • 7817 m - Nanda Devi;
  • 7788 m - Rakaposhi;
  • 7756 m - Kamet.

Parallel to the Himalayas in the south is the region of the northern river valleys - this region is a flat strip reaching a width of 400 km. This region occupied a large part of the flat region, through which the Brahmaputra, the Ganges and the Indus flow. The western and central parts of India receive water from the Ganges and the Ganges valley (its tributaries).

The Brahmaputra flows into Bangladesh and originates in the northern Himalayas- it is from it that the Assam region receives water. The Indus flows into Pakistan, originating in Tibet.

The region of the northern river valleys is the most populated region of the country, and this is due to the fertile lands and the abundance of water. It was in this region that Indian civilization was born.

The Deccan Plateau, which has a triangular shape, is located to the south of this region and occupies almost the entire area of ​​the Indian Peninsula. The height of this plateau ranges from 300 m to 900 m, but sometimes you can find chains that have a height of up to 1200 m. The plateau is crossed by rivers in many places. From the west and east, the plateau is framed by the Western Ghats (rise to a height of up to 900 m) and the Eastern Ghats (rise to a height of up to 460 m).

According to a 1998 estimate, the population of India is more than 984 million people, respectively, the average population density per square kilometer is 311.

Ethnic groups:

If we talk about India as a whole, then more than 1600 languages ​​​​and dialects are used in this country.


  • 80% are Hindus;
  • 14 percent are Muslims;
  • 2.4 percent are people with a Christian faith;
  • 2% are Sikhs;
  • 0,7% — ;
  • 0,5% .

The capital of India is New Delhi

The largest cities in the country with their population:

  • About 10 million people -;
  • More than 7 million people -;
  • 4.4 million people - Kolkata ()
  • 4.2 million people - Hyderabad;
  • 4.1 million people - Bangalore;
  • 3.8 million people - Madras;
  • More than 1 million people have 12 more cities.

The state structure of India is a federal republic . The monetary unit is the Indian rupee. The average life expectancy for both men and women is 60 years. The death rate per one thousand people of the population is 8.7, the birth rate per thousand people is 25.9.

India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Until the middle of the 3rd century BC, the Dravidian civilization successfully developed in India, which not only was not inferior, but even surpassed the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt in some respects.

In the period from 2500 to 1500 BC, the Indo-Aryan tribes conquered India, displacing the Dravidians.

Various kingdoms, predominantly with Hinduism at the head of the religious factor, developed on the territory of this country until the 8th century AD. After the Muslim conquerors brought Islam to the country. Muslim rule continued until 1398 in the largest part of India, until the arrival of the armies of Tamerlane in the country. However, the Mongols stayed in India for a short time and soon left the country, so that until the end of the first quarter of the 16th century, India was ruled by the Muslim dynasties of the Saids and Tugluks.

Babur, a descendant of Tamerlane, in 1526 conquered almost all of India and founded the empire of the Great Mongols that existed until 1857 on its territory.

The Portuguese established several trading posts along the coast between 1498 and 1503 and were quickly followed by the British and Dutch. In 1603, the British East India Company obtained the right to trade in textiles and spices from the Mongols, and as a result of a sensible trade policy, the British also gained political influence in most of India.

In 1828-1935, full political leadership passed to Great Britain, and India became a protectorate of Great Britain in 1857.

Gaining Independence

Independence was gained by India on August 15, 1847, but the country was divided into two - Pakistan (later Bangladesh separated from it) and modern India on religious grounds.

The conflict between India and Pakistan is still ongoing, which began in 1947 (at first the conflict had an open form, now it is more hidden). The conflict concerns the issue of belonging to the territories of Kashmir and Jammu, which are separated by the state border and are located in both states (two tritia of the territory belongs to India, one third to Pakistan).

India is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, UNESCO, World Bank, IMF, UN.

Climate of India

Due to the size of the country and the regions differing in topography, the climate is very different. In India, with the exception of the mountainous regions, there is a tropical climate with two seasons - dry and wet, lasting from June to September. At this time, heavy rains are brought by monsoons (up to 10800 mm per year in the Khasi hills). The hot season starts in March and reaches its peak in May. At this time, the thermometer is able to rise to the mark of 49 degrees Celsius.

In Kolkata, the air temperature in January ranges from 13 to 27 degrees, and in July it rises to 32 degrees. In Madras, the thermometer in January shows from 19 to 29 degrees, and in July to 36 degrees. In Bombay, January is 19-28 degrees, July is 26-36 degrees.


The arid regions that border Pakistan boast only rather sparse vegetation. Palm trees and bamboo grow in some areas.

The valley of the Ganges is rich in a wide variety of vegetation, because it receives a fairly serious amount of rainfall. Most of the vegetation is located in the southern part of the region - there are many hardwoods and mangroves.

Dense coniferous forests are located in the northwest of the Himalayas, and subtropical forests are located in the east of the region. The slopes of the Western Ghats and the coastal region of southwestern India are rich in dense tropical forests - teak, bamboo and other evergreen trees grow here.

The Deccan Plateau is sparsely vegetated, but forests with deciduous trees, bamboo and palm trees can be found.

Fauna of India

Representatives of cats: panther, tiger, snow leopard, leopard, clouded leopard, cheetah. Other large mammals include the rhinoceros, Indian elephant, antelope, wolf, jackal, buffalo, black bear, deer, and several species of monkeys.

There are a lot of mountain goats in the mountainous regions. India is especially rich in poisonous snakes, such as scales, cobras and others. Reptiles also include crocodiles and pythons. Among the many birds, it is especially worth highlighting the heron, peacock, kingfisher and parrots.

Museums and reserves

There are more than 460 different museums on the territory of India, among which the main ones are the museums of Madras - the National Art Gallery and the Government Museum. In Varnassi - the Sarnath Museum, in New Delhi - the National Museum. In Bombay - the Museum of Western India, in Calcutta - the Birla Technology Museum, the Museum of India.

In addition to museums, India is rich in monuments of architecture and history. In Kolkata, in Maidan Park, there is a Victoria memorial, in the same city there is a botanical garden, St. Paul's Cathedral. There are several Hindu temples in New Delhi, among which Lakshminarasi and Balkesh are considered the main ones. In Agra - the Pearl Mosque, the Marble Mausoleum of Jahangri Mahal.

There are 1,500 temples in Varanasi, including the Golden Temple. In Bombay - Kanheri caves with rock bas-reliefs, Victoria Gardens Park (it houses a zoo). In Delhi - the Great Mosque, the Red Fort, the Rang Mahal Palace, the Hall of Public Receptions of the Great Mongols.

In Patna, there are many Sikh temples and a mosque built in 1499. In Armitsar - the Golden Temple, which is surrounded by a reservoir of immortality (Sikhs bathe in it to find spiritual purification).

short information

Distant India is of great interest to tourists. This country has thousands of ancient sights that will be of interest to any traveler. India is the birthplace of such religions as Buddhism and Jainism. However, millions of foreign tourists annually come to India not only, for example, to visit the places where the Buddha preached. India now has a large number of attractions, spa resorts, as well as ski and beach resorts.

Geography of India

India is located in South Asia. India borders Pakistan to the west, China, Nepal and Bhutan to the northeast, and Myanmar and Bangladesh to the east. In the south, India is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the southwest - by the Arabian Sea. The Bay of Bengal is located in the southwest of the country. The total area of ​​this country is 3,287,590 sq. km, including the islands, and the total length of the state border is 15,106 km.

India owns several islands. The largest of them are the Laccadive, Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean.

The Himalayas stretch across India from north to northeast. The highest peak in India is Mount Kanchenjunga, whose height reaches 8,856 meters.

There are several very large rivers in India - the Indus (its length is 3,180 km) and the Ganges (its length is 2,700 km). Among other Indian rivers, one should also highlight the Brahmaputra, Yamuna and Koshi.


The capital of India is New Delhi, which is now home to about 350 thousand people. New Delhi became the capital of India at the beginning of the 20th century. The "old" city in New Delhi was built in the middle of the 17th century by Emperor Shah Jahan, the ruler of the Mughal Empire.

Official language

The official language in India is Hindi. In turn, English is the "auxiliary state language" in India. In addition, 21 more languages ​​​​have official status in this country.


Over 80% of India's population is Hindu. More than 13% of the inhabitants of this country are Muslims, more than 2.3% are Christians, about 2% are Sikhs, and 0.7% are Buddhists.

State structure of India

Under the current Constitution of 1950, India is a parliamentary republic. Its head is the President, elected by a special collegium for 5 years (this collegium consists of deputies of parliament and members of state councils).

Parliament in India is bicameral - the Council of States (245 deputies) and the House of the People (545 deputies). Executive power in this country belongs to the President, the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers.

The main political parties in India are the Indian National Congress, the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Socialist Party, the Communist Party of India, the National People's Party, etc.

Climate and weather

The climate in India varies from tropical monsoon in the south to temperate in the north. The Himalayas, the Indian Ocean, and the Thar Desert have a great influence on the climate in India.

There are three seasons in India:
- from March to June - summer
- from July to October - monsoons
- from November to February - winter

The average annual air temperature in India is +25.3C. The hottest month in India is May, when the average maximum air temperature is +41C. The coldest month is January, when the average minimum temperature is +7C. The average annual rainfall is 715 mm.

Average air temperature in New Delhi:

January - +14C
- February - +17С
- March - +22C
- April - +28C
- May - +34С
- June - +34C
- July - +31C
- August - +30C
- September - +29С
- October - +26С
- November - +20C
- December - +15C

Seas and oceans of India

In the south, India is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the southwest - by the Arabian Sea. The Bay of Bengal is located in the southwest of the country. The total coastline in India, including the islands, is more than 7.5 thousand km.

Average sea temperature near Goa, India:

January - +28C
- February - +28C
- March - +28C
- April - +29C
- May - +30C
- June - +29C
- July - +28C
- August - +28C
- September - +28C
- October - +29C
- November - +29C
- December - +29С

Rivers and lakes

In India, there are two river systems with different "feeding" regimes. These are the Himalayan rivers (Ganges, Brahmaputra, etc.) and the rivers flowing into the ocean - Godavari, Krishna and Mahanadi.

One of the longest rivers in the world, the Indus, also flows through India, with a length of 3,180 km.

As for the lakes, there are not very many of them in India, but, nevertheless, there are very beautiful ones among them. The largest Indian lakes are Chilika, Sambhar, Koleru, Loktak, and Wular.


Neolithic human settlements on the territory of modern India appeared about 8 thousand years ago. In 2500-1900. BC. in Western India, there was the first urban culture, which formed around the cities of Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, and Dhalavira.

In 2000-500 BC. Hinduism spreads in India, and in the same period a caste system began to take shape there, consisting of priests, warriors, and free peasants. Subsequently, castes of merchants and servants were formed.

Around the 5th century BC. India already had 16 independent states - Mahajanapada. At the same time, two religions were formed - Buddhism, founded by Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, and Jainism, founded by Mahavira.

In the VI century BC. some territories of India were conquered by the Persians, and in the 4th century the troops of Alexander the Great conquered some northwestern parts of this country.

In the II century BC. the Mauryan kingdom reaches its peak, conquering several neighboring Indian states.

In the 1st century BC. Indian kingdoms traded with ancient Rome. In the 7th century, most of the Indian kingdoms were united by King Harsha into a single state.

In 1526, the Mughal Empire was founded on the territory of modern India, the rulers of which were the descendants of Genghis Khan and Timur.

In the XVII-XIX centuries, the English East India Company, which even had its own army, was in charge of the territory of modern India.

In 1857, the so-called. "Rebellion of the sepoys", whose dissatisfaction was just caused by the East India Company. After the suppression of the Sepoy Rebellion, the British liquidated the East India Company, and India became a colony of the British Empire.

In the 1920s, a massive national liberation movement began in India against British rule. In 1929, Great Britain gave India the rights of a dominion, but this did not help the British. In 1947, the independence of India was declared. Part of the Indian territories after some time became the independent state of Pakistan.

India was admitted to the UN back in 1945 (however, then this country was still British India).


India is a country with a huge cultural heritage. Indian culture has had (and continues to have) an impact not only on neighboring countries, but also on other states located far from it.

Until now, India has a caste system of society, thanks to which Indian culture retains all its traditional values.

The expression of Indian traditions is music and dance. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world.

Tourists in India, we recommend that you definitely see the local festivals and parades, of which there are a lot. Elephant processions, musical performances, tiger dances, fireworks, sweets distribution, etc. often take place during festivals. The most famous Indian festivals are the Onam festival (dedicated to the memory of the mythical king Bali), the Tea Festival in Kolkata, Diwali, Ratha Yatra (Chariot Festival), Dussera in Delhi, Ganapati Festival in honor of god Ganesh.

It should also be noted an interesting holiday of sisters and brothers "Raksha Bandhan", celebrated every year in July. On this day, the sisters wrap their brothers' wrists with handkerchiefs, ribbons that protect them from evil forces. In return, the brothers give their sisters various gifts and swear to protect them.

Indian Cuisine

Indian cuisine is known throughout the world for its use of spices. It is thanks to the Indians that various seasonings and spices, including black pepper and curry, have become widespread in the world.

India is a very large country, and therefore it is not surprising that each of its regions has its own culinary traditions. However, all regions of India are characterized by the use of rice. This product is the basis of Indian cuisine.

It is generally accepted that the inhabitants of India are vegetarians, as required by their religious teachings. However, in fact, meat dishes are also quite popular in India, because there are also Muslims in this country. The most famous Indian meat dish is "tandoori chicken", when the chicken is marinated in spices and then baked in a special oven. Other famous Indian meat dishes are biryani (chicken with rice), gushtaba (meatballs stewed in yogurt with spices).

In general, meat dishes are most often included in the diet of the inhabitants of northern India. Fish and seafood are popular in coastal areas, while vegetables are popular in southern India.

Tourists in India are also recommended to try dal soup puree, naan wheat cake, sabji vegetable stew, chapati and samba rice cakes, kichari (stewed rice with mung bean and spices), jalebi "(fritters in syrup), "rasgulla" (balls of cottage cheese), "gulab-jamun" (yogurt with flour and almonds).

Traditional non-alcoholic Indian drinks - "dhai" (yogurt or yogurt), "raita" (yogurt with mint and grated cucumber).

Landmarks of India

There are so many attractions in India that it is difficult for us to single out the most interesting ones. Perhaps the top ten Indian attractions, in our opinion, may include the following:

Red Fort in Delhi

The construction of the Red Fort in Delhi began in 1638 and ended in 1648. This fortification was built by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. Now the Red Fort is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Mausoleum-mosque Taj Mahal in Agra

The Taj Mahal was built in 1653 by order of Shah Jahan, Emperor of the Mughal Empire. This mausoleum was built by 20 thousand people over 20 years. The Taj Mahal is now on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Minaret Qutub Minar in Delhi

The height of this brick minaret is 72.6 meters. Its construction lasted from 1193 to 1368.

Elephant Cave near Mumbai

In the Cave of the Elephants there is an underground temple of Shiva with her sculptures. It was built several thousand years ago. The Elephant Cave is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Virupaksha Temple in Hampi

The first small temple on the territory of the modern city of Hampi was built in the 7th century AD. Gradually, other religious buildings were built around it, and after a while there was already a huge beautiful temple complex in Hampi.

Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar

Harmandir Sahib is more commonly known as the Golden Temple. This is the most important religious building for the Sikhs. The construction of the Golden Temple in Amritsar began in the 16th century. In the 19th century, the upper floors of this temple were covered with gold.

Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra

Buddhist monks began to build their Ajanta caves around the 2nd century BC. These caves were abandoned around 650 AD. Only in 1819 did the British accidentally stumble upon the Ajanta Caves. To this day, unique frescoes have been preserved in these caves, telling about the life of people in the distant past.

Jaigarh Fort

This fort was built near the city of Amber in 1726. According to legend, once upon a time the largest cannon in the world was placed in Jaigarh Fort (it can still be seen now, because the ancient fort is now a museum).

Raj Ghat Palace in Delhi

Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were cremated in this palace.

Pearl Mosque in Agra

This mosque in Agra was built in the middle of the 17th century under the emperor Shah Jahan. No, there are no pearls in this mosque, just its domes shine very strongly in the sun.

Cities and resorts

The largest Indian cities are Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, and Kanpur.

In India, there are a large number of beautiful seaside resorts with magnificent beaches. The sand on Indian beaches is white and fine. The most popular beach resort in India is Goa. Among other Indian beach resorts, the following should be mentioned: Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, as well as beaches on the Andaman, Nicobar and Laccadive Islands.

There are several ski resorts in India that are considered the best in Asia. Of course, the winter resorts of India cannot be compared with the ski slopes of Austria, Italy and Switzerland. However, for those travelers who love skiing, and who at the same time want to get to know the unique India, holidays in Indian ski resorts will be remembered forever.

The most popular ski resorts in India are Auli, Dayara Bugayal, Mundali, Munsiari, Solang, Narkanda, Kufri, and Gulmarg. By the way, the skiing season in India lasts from mid-December to mid-May.

Many foreign tourists come to India to relax in the spa resorts. Indian spa centers offer clients various Ayurvedic programs. Among such spa resorts, first of all, Beach & Lake, Ayurma, and Ananda should be named.


Before you go to India think about what you want to buy there. Otherwise, the Indian merchants in the bazaars and shops will sell you a lot of different unnecessary goods, and you will lose thousands of rupees. We recommend tourists from India to bring Indian tea, various incense, bracelets (glass, metal, precious metals), amulets, talismans, marble souvenirs (for example, a small marble Taj Mahal), scarves, shawls, saris (traditional Indian dress ), leather shoes, sets of Indian dry spice mixes, henna paint, carpets, musical instruments (such as drums or an elegant wooden flute).

Office Hours

India is the largest country in South Asia. It has a large area and a very large population. Included in the top ten countries in the world for these two indicators. Birthplace of ancient Indian culture. On its territory there are many historical and architectural monuments. The current rapid development of the country contributes to technological progress and improvement in the quality of life of the population, but, by European standards, they are still low.

The natural wealth of the country makes it an incredibly popular travel destination. Since ancient times, other nations have sought to see all its wonders with their own eyes. Each state is a hotel set of attractions, among which it is easy to find places for every taste.

Large cities (New Delhi, Mumbai) are megacities, noisy and active. Outback - jungle villages, secluded beaches. There are many exotics in the country, in all spheres of life. The nature of the tropics, intricate palaces and temples, the great Ganges and the Indian Ocean, colorful saris and spices. In India, there is almost nothing familiar to a resident of another country. The main directions of tours: excursions ("Golden Triangle"), beach (Goa), Ayurveda and spiritual practices. A separate direction is the Himalayas. As souvenirs, you can bring wonderful fabrics, spices, tea, jewelry. The best time to visit the country is from October to March.

The best hotels and hostels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in India?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

The most famous and majestic mausoleum of the country. Snow-white huge tomb of Shah Jahan and his wife. The building is made of rare marble inlaid with semi-precious stones. Visited by millions of tourists, protected by UNESCO.

The oldest city in India. Located on the Ganges River, it serves as a place of pilgrimage for many locals and visitors. Ritual actions are performed on the banks. The center of the world for Hindus, the most important and revered place for them. It has a unique history, architecture, way of life.

The largest and longest river in India. It has great economic and cultural significance for the country. Sacred river for Hindus, a place of numerous rituals. It originates in the Himalayas, descends to the Bay of Bengal. Partially navigable. Flora and fauna are gradually becoming poorer, but are still of interest to tourists. Many cities and temples were built along the banks.

A relatively young temple in New Delhi, built in 1986. Outwardly, it is very similar to a huge, snow-white lotus flower. The main temple of the Baha'i religion in India. Exceptional, in terms of architectural design, the building is unusually spectacular at any time of the day. There is a garden next to the temple. One of the most popular places for tourists in Delhi.

The most unusual building in Mumbai, its symbol. The architecture of the station is bizarre and very decorative, reminiscent of the Maharaja's palace. Built by British architects, during the colonization, but stylized according to local traditions. Formerly named after Queen Victoria. It was used for filming Slumdog Millionaire.

Buddhist temple complex. It is a set of rooms for prayers and the life of monks, carved in stone and decorated with rich carvings and columns. The wall paintings of the complex are interesting and valuable, many of the surviving fragments are classified as traditional Indian miniatures.

The site of an ancient city, the capital of the Vijayanagar Empire. Now there are the remains of ancient buildings and functioning Hindu temples. There are 18 ancient architectural and historical monuments in the Hampi area. Protected by UNESCO.

One of the tallest minarets in the world. It is a 72-meter building made of brick, decorated with carvings and artistic masonry. It was built in Delhi by several generations of sultan rulers. Protected by UNESCO.

Monument to Indian soldiers who died in the First World War. Opened in 1931. Located right in the center of the capital. It looks like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The monument is made of sandstone, about 40 meters high. The names of the dead are engraved on the walls of the arch. Nearby is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There is a large park around the memorial.

Symbolic arch gate built on the embankment in Mumbai. It was established in honor of the visit of the country by King George V. Through this symbolic gate, the last British soldiers left India after gaining independence.

Located in the city of Jaipur, its second name is the Palace of the Winds. An architecturally unique structure, all pierced with windows. Since the palace was built for a harem, all the windows were covered with marble bars, the white color of which goes well with the red walls of the building. Five floors, about a thousand windows framed in lacy stone.

A grandiose fortress built of red sandstone. Located in Agra, is one of the two most significant attractions in the region. It was built by several generations of the Great Mughals, the beginning of construction is attributed to the middle of the 16th century. Inside the impregnable walls is a whole complex of buildings, palaces and parks. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

A huge fortress-palace on top of a mountain. Located in the state of Rajasthan, directly above the city of Jodhpur. Construction began in the middle of the 15th century, along with the construction of the city. The walls and gates were erected for several centuries and became simply monumental. Until the middle of the 20th century, local rulers lived in the fortress. Inside there is a museum, palaces and viewing platforms on the city.

The palace of the local ruler was built right in the center of the reservoir. On the surface of the water is a white-stone eastern castle, richly decorated with carvings. Currently, it is rented to tourists and there are about a hundred luxurious rooms inside. One of the James Bond films, Octopussy, was filmed here.

The largest waterfall in India. Located in a natural park - the largest in Goa. The road runs through the tropical forests, in the real jungle, which is home to many animals and birds. You can get to it only by special transport (jeeps). The jets fall from a height of 300 meters and are white in color. There is a romantic legend explaining this feature.

Indian state, where about 100 km of beaches go one after another. It is divided into North and South. The northern coast is more “youthful”, it can be noisy and fun here. The southern one is quieter, there are fewer hotels on it and they are more expensive. Almost all beaches are sandy and ideal for relaxation. The proximity of the sea determines the richest diet of fresh seafood.

Spring Festival, which is celebrated annually in India. It is celebrated for several days, has its obligatory traditions. One of the brightest and most popular is sprinkling each other with a special coloring powder. All participants in the fun are painted in different colors from head to toe.

An Indian film factory named after Hollywood. Located in Mumbai, one of the largest film concerns in the country. It releases films in several languages, both sharply social and entertaining. Works with great productivity, film production never stops.

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