Breathing exercises for perfect health. Energy Gaining Exercises Simple and Effective

Everyone likes energetic and active people. To always be in good shape, look young and be in good physical shape is the dream of every person. To do this, you need to have a high level of internal energy.

In today's article:

  • Why do you need a high level of energy?
  • How to increase your energy?
  • Types of energy
  • Ways to increase energy

What are the benefits of a person with high energy? Why is it so important to have an increased level of energy?

Firstly energy is life. The more energy you have, the longer you will live. Energy is our internal battery, and the more powerful its charge, the more vitality we have.

Secondly, people with a high energy level achieve their goals and fulfillment of desires much faster. It's all about the Law of Attraction, which starts to work many times faster. According to him, "thoughts become things" and "like attracts like". The materialization of what is conceived occurs at a faster pace if you have a large supply of energy, since this process is quite energy intensive and requires considerable energy costs.

Thirdly, the more free energy you have, the more money and material wealth will be concentrated around you as a result. Because money is the equivalent of energy, and a person with low energy will never have enough of it.

Types of energy

There are two types of energy that are used by man:

  • LIFE (physical)
  • FREE (creative)

Vital energy- this is the energy necessary for the normal operation of our physical body and the life of the organism as a whole. Without a sufficient level of vital energy, the normal functioning of the physical body is impossible.

Free energy- this is the energy of our subtle bodies, this is our creative, mental and creative energy. It gives us impetus and desire to act, gives us a boost of creative energy and increases our vitality.

Ways to increase energy

These energies are different and the ways to increase the energy for these are also different, so we will consider them separately.


As soon as our level of physical energy falls, we become exhausted, we feel overwhelmed and tired. And when it reaches the critical level, we start to get sick.

Therefore, you need to start increasing your energy by putting in order the energy balance of our physical body.

For a stable influx of vital energy, only two conditions are needed:



Observe, if possible, a sleep schedule - go to bed and get up at the same time. Remember that it is not the duration that matters, but the quality of sleep. 5-6 hours of sound and deep sleep is much more beneficial for the body than 10-12 hours of superficial "half sleep".

Don't forget about daytime rest. 40-60 minutes of an afternoon nap will significantly replenish your body's energy reserves.

The ideal option for a good rest is the following formula - 7 hours of sleep at night and 1 hour during the day.

  • FOOD

Food is the main source of energy for our body. And here, as in the case of sleep, quality comes to the fore.

To increase energy with the help of food, you need to try to eat foods with an increased energy potential.

First of all, these are high-quality carbohydrates - cereal cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley), whole grain black bread, germinated wheat grains.

Be sure to include healthy proteins in your diet. These are all types of nuts, soybeans, beans and lean white meats.

Healthy fats are found in turkey meat, fish, olive oil, seeds and nuts.

Vegetables and fruits should make up at least 60% of your nutritious diet. It is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable fiber.

Dairy products that help increase energy are low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt and milk.

Don't forget about water. We are 80% of it, and therefore a sufficient amount of it should enter our body. Follow the formula - for every kilogram of weight you need to drink 30 grams of pure "unbound" water. That is, a person with a weight of 70 kg needs to drink 2100 g of water per day.

Eat all these elements in the required proportions and your internal energy potential will increase significantly.

At the same time, say "no" in your life to such "bad" foods as fast food, white sugar, coffee and carbonated drinks. Of course, there is energy in them, but the harm they cause to our body is simply irreparable.

Following this simple rule, you will be able to move to a higher and higher quality level of your life energy, raising the energy of your physical body by an order of magnitude.


How to increase free energy?

After you put your physical body in order, you can think about increasing the overall, free energy.

Here, too, there are two approaches or two paths.

The first is a decrease in the outflow of free energy.

This can be done by refusing some of the negative manifestations of our lives.

When we give up what robs us of internal energy and vitality, we thereby replenish their supply. In this way, we “patch up” energy holes and holes in our subtle bodies, preventing free energy from flowing out.


Alcoholic beverages, energy drinks and drugs are all artificial ways to increase energy levels. They only give us a surge of strength and emotions for a while, and then they take us back, but in much larger numbers.

In addition to the fact that they cause irreparable harm to the body, this occupation is simply unprofitable. By using these substances and drinks, you take out a kind of loan at rather high interest rates.

Morning comes, and the turn comes to "pay the bills", and even with interest in the form of a hangover or withdrawal.

Have you ever wondered why drug addicts live so little? The fact is that each person has his own specific supply of vital energy, given to him at birth, let's say for 100 years of life. Drug addicts who take hard drugs take crazy loans of vital energy, at cosmic interest, allowing them to "fly away" so high in drug ecstasy. In other words, they “burn through” their energy reserves in a very short time, occasionally living up to 30 years.

Smoking is another bad habit that anyone who needs to increase their internal energy needs to get rid of. In addition to the harmful effects on the human body, cigarettes also "steal" a lot of free energy from those addicted to them.


This is a very important point. Make your life free from people who cause you negative emotions. Do an audit of your relationship. Stop or limit as much as possible communication with - those who pump all the strength out of you and next to whom you feel empty. It’s better to be alone than to be in the company of lovers to “recharge” at your expense. As a last resort, use from this type of people.


All our negative emotions, feelings and experiences take away creative energy in large volumes. This is especially true of feelings of resentment and guilt, the roots of which can go back to our childhood. In addition to the selection of internal energy, they imperceptibly destroy our personality. Forgiveness is a great way to get rid of these negative emotions.

In general, any negative emotions and experiences take away our free energy, making us weaker and weaker. Envy, anger, jealousy, irritation, regret, fear - everything that takes us out of balance - steals our vitality.

Avoid any negative emotions, control your thoughts, do not spray on trifles. Forgive and let go of people and situations more often - in this way you will make yourself a huge gift in the form of a good mood and a surge of vitality.

Second way- this is an increase in the influx of free energy by accumulating it.

What can be done to increase energy supply?


The presence in our life of a goal, a cherished dream or desire, the fulfillment of which you long for with all your soul, is a powerful source of energy. Where there is a dream, there will always be energy to make it come true. This is how our universe is designed. And if the dream is really yours, then the whole Universe will strive to help you with this.

If you have no desires, then you are dead.

Be sure to set yourself goals, tasks, make wishes and come up with dreams - and you will always be provided with the energy to make them come true!

  • VERA

“According to your faith, be it to you,” Jesus said. It doesn't matter what or who you believe in. Whether it is in God, Providence, in the Universe or in the Higher Mind - the very presence of faith in the Higher Forces, standing above us, gives us a powerful influx of free energy.

If you are an unbeliever, try to believe in your Personal World, which guards and protects you. “My world takes care of me” - repeat to yourself whenever you feel loneliness and spiritual emptiness. And he will really start to take care of you and take you under his wing.


Love is a very strong feeling that causes a storm of the most vivid emotions in our soul. No wonder it is called divine. When love comes to a person, wings seem to grow behind him - such a powerful surge of strength and energy gives us this unearthly feeling.

Creativity revitalizes our soul. The ability to create is given to us by the fact of birth, since we are created in the image and likeness of the Supreme Creator, who breathed life into us. At the moment of creation and creation of something new, our subtle bodies are activated and channels of communication with the Highest source are opened, which gives us an impulse and creative energy.


Music itself is pure energy. She inspires and inspires us, she is able to lift our mood in a matter of seconds. Choose your music to your liking, turn it on louder and replenish your energy reserves to your heart's content!


It is any occupation that we like. This is something we really enjoy doing. Take up a hobby if you don't already have one - it's also a great way to boost your energy.


Communicate more with people with high energy. And this will not be considered energy vampirism on your part, because such people have an increased energy level, it directly “buoys up”, “splashes over the edge” and they share their energy voluntarily and willingly, as they are “energy donors”.

"Energizers" are easy to identify - after contact with them, the mood rises and a surge of strength is felt. Find such people in your environment and spend as much time in their company as possible.


Proper breathing can significantly increase our energy. Engage in breathing practices and learn to breathe deeply, using your lungs to their fullest. Most people breathe irregularly and shallowly, using only the upper part of their lungs.

To increase energy, there are various ways and breathing practices, such as "full wave" or "holotropic" breathing, with holding the breath in various phases. All of them are aimed at one thing - an increase in the volume of inhaled air and an increase in the flow of oxygen to the brain, which has an extremely positive effect on the overall energy balance and overall health.


Cleanse your subtle bodies regularly by doing. Learn to manage your energy flows (ascending and descending), connecting to the energy of the Earth and Cosmos, systematically “pumping” them to cleanse your subtle bodies of all debris and energy “suckers”. By clearing your energy-information field in this way, you simultaneously replenish your “internal batteries”.

There is one quick way to increase energy. This is an energy exercise called "Energy of sun"

Wait for a nice sunny day. Find a place where no one will disturb you. Stand up straight, relax and stretch out your arms with open palms towards the Sun. Close your eyes, let go of extraneous thoughts and imagine how the energy of the Sun fills you. Feel how the life-giving warmth permeates and fills all the cells of your body. Remain in this state for several minutes and at the end do not forget to say your words of gratitude to the Source of Life on Earth.

  • SEX

Here, as they say, comments are unnecessary - everyone felt the effect of this most powerful source of free energy.


When you give something unselfishly, without expecting to receive anything in return, when you donate to charity, the Universe will thank you with free energy in large quantities.

The phrase from the Bible "Let not the hand of the giver fail" - just about this tells us.


During physical exertion, an exchange takes place in our body - stagnant energy is released and its place is filled with renewed free energy, which increases our vitality.

Go in for sports more often - run, swim, do fitness - to always be in shape and have high energy.

  • PETS

Another source of free energy, well known to all lovers of our smaller brothers. Pets generously share their inexhaustible energy with us, bringing so much joy and positive into our lives.

Dogs “charge” their owners especially strongly, being energy donors by nature. An exception here are cats, which do not give anything at all, because they themselves exist due to the intake of energy and have a vampiric nature. But they are able to “feed” on negativity and can heal their owners by lying down on their sore spot and taking on negative energy.

  • SELF-Suggestion and Self-Hypnosis

The self-hypnosis method tunes our subconscious to frequencies corresponding to the settings put into it. Using self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis, as well as using affirmations and, you can achieve positive changes in any area of ​​your life, including to increase internal energy.


A healthy and strong human biofield is the key to its high and stable energy. Strengthening your biofield is another way how to increase energy.

There are many ways to make your biological field stronger and more stable. These are all types of hardening, breathing practices, giving up bad habits, special physical exercises. All of them require great effort, concentration and willpower.

I want to introduce you to an advanced way to enhance the biofield - a technology that has appeared relatively recently. It only takes 5 minutes a day to do it.

This is the use of hypnosessions developed on the basis of the latest psi-technologies. I have gone through them many times myself and can only confirm their effectiveness. These audio-visual programs are intended for the psycho-correction of our subconscious and the introduction of positive attitudes into it.

One of them is a hypnotic program "BIOPEL AMPLIFIER". Its use for 2 weeks leads to an increase in the human biofield by 2-3 times, and with a healthy lifestyle - up to 6 times!



It is best to start your acquaintance with Chinese traditional medicine with healing exercises based on the power of oxygen.

The complex of qigong breathing exercises posted in this article will help you improve your health and feel a powerful surge of strength and energy, strengthen your immunity and spirit. It is very convenient to do such practices at home, because all you need is to follow the instructions and comprehend the basics.

Qigong Breathing Practices for Beginners

Many people know that breathing is life. Even intuitively, we all strive to be in the fresh air more often, to visit open places, parks, reservoirs and mountainous areas in which there is a lot of clean air. Meanwhile, in China, even the ancient inhabitants were well aware that the air is also a breeding ground for the healing power that gives life to everything on the planet. They called her qi, this energy cannot be seen, measured or felt, but it is present inside every living being.

Together with oxygen through our respiratory tract, it penetrates into the body and strength qi. During normal breathing and in everyday life, we receive only a small part of it with air. We spend qi every time we exhale, we spray it when we feel unwell, when we are tired, sad or morally depressed. The life-giving force is also spent during periods of physical illness to help us recover faster and improve our health.

The Chinese have been practicing qigong for more than two thousand years, this is a real ancient technique for the self-healing of the body, which was effective before our era, and remains so to this day. There is a huge amount of power around us qi but people just can't use it. But this is so important for health, and for mental development, and for the psycho-emotional background.

Through concentration and retention qi inside their body, Taoist monks were able to heal from all diseases, they strengthened their body and tempered their spirit.

Qigong breathing practices can also be considered from a different angle. Illnesses, misfortunes, negative experiences and stresses - all this is detrimental to humanity, it deprives people of strength, health and energy. Without the restoration of these forces, further quality life is simply impossible. We all know perfectly well that severe stress can cause serious illness, but few people know how to cope with it.

Qigong is deep breathing that brings healing energy into the human body. Through practice, the student gets the opportunity not only to increase his vitality and accumulate a supply of qi in your body, but also to develop an iron calmness, to become more flexible and psychologically resilient.

For those who wish to lead a long and happy life, qigong is an indispensable technique. Until now, humanity has not learned how to replenish the lost supply of energy and strength, but meanwhile in China they were doing this long before the invention of writing.

In many ways, the ancient method of the monks relied on nature itself, the sages imitated animals and the elements in an attempt to develop their positive qualities, sought to use them for the benefit of their own bodies and take possession of them.

Later, qigong was divided into several new branches, it was used both for medical and recreational purposes, and as a means to increase physical strength and strengthen the body, they diversified martial arts, and the “highest”, spiritual qigong, was used in order to penetrate the secrets Universe. Warriors imitated predators and dexterous animals, developing a special style of combat qigong, while in medical practice, students paid great attention to the forces of the earth - the sky, the moon, the wind, and the trees.

All these directions were united by a common principle - no qigong is possible without the respiratory system, because all its positive effects are based only on the beneficial effects of force. qi.

With the help of breathing, a practitioner can heal his own body, delay old age, strengthen muscles and ligaments, get a flexible and plastic spine, eliminate physical pain, and even find his place in life, finding harmony and inner peace.

  • Breathing Qigong for Beginners will help you deal with stress and setbacks easily;
  • You will strengthen your immunity and increase the protective barrier of the body;
  • Breathing practice makes a person look much younger than his age;
  • All internal organs and systems will improve their function and improve their health;
  • Respiratory therapeutic exercises will make the body flexible, dexterous and mobile;
  • Energy drink for the body qi prolong life and delay decay.

The qigong breathing technique has a beneficial effect in three directions at once - on the physical body, on the human spirit and on his mind, therefore it is a truly universal and complex technique for quick recovery and a quality life.

Most beginners and inexperienced students note that after the first lessons they notice noticeable improvements in all areas of their lives. Anxiety, fears and oppressive feelings go away, and they are replaced by calm confidence, firmness and steadfastness in the face of life's hardships.

Healing qigong breathing has another practical function - it strengthens the body so that even in the season of the peak of diseases, you will be able to avoid infection and stay healthy. Healing practice also fights well with existing diseases, even those that are chronic.

For strength qi there is nothing impossible or impossible, it gives the body life in the mother's womb, it is also able to restore health and restore strength, transform a person.

Qigong breathing exercises to restore energy

Many people use breathing exercises to gain a portion of vivacity, new strength and fresh thoughts. This is especially important for those who want to take place in life, make a career, and succeed in their business. It is known that in the process of fighting for our place under the sun we lose a lot of vital energy, and this inevitably affects the further course of events. Motivation decreases, faith in one's own ideas and dreams is lost, the former enthusiasm and energy are not enough.

Diffusion of vital juices also affects the external appearance of a person. Such people grow old much ahead of time, begin to get sick and decrepit literally before our eyes. With a pronounced lack of strength qi in the body it becomes brittle, flabby, hardened, inflexible. All plasticity and mobility are lost, internal organs and systems fail.

There are many reasons why a person can lose his initial supply qi given to him from birth, but they all lead to the same negative consequences.

That is why in Chinese medicine the restoration of the energy resources of the human body is one of the most important tasks for the practitioner. Without this, it is impossible to feel healthy, happy and peaceful.

The respiratory system allows you to quickly restore stock qi, as well as accumulate it inside the body, distributing it to organs and tendons. It is believed that it is the tendons that clearly demonstrate the state of the entire human body and are the first to signal a deficiency of vitality in the body. With a lack qi they become rigid, the motor activity of the body is disturbed and reduced, it seems to become stiff.

Such manifestations in Chinese medicine were considered unkind and promised the beginning of a process of withering, inevitably leading to death.

Therefore, the Chinese fought desperately to maintain their plasticity and mobility of the camp, actively practiced therapeutic breathing exercises. Modern exercises to restore the energy reserve can be performed even by the elderly, this is a universal system for accumulation qi inside the body.

Regular practice of qigong breathing exercises also has a beneficial effect on reproductive function, heals the urinary-genital system of the body.

Healthy pelvic organs are another sign of a person who will live a very long time, because any disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system inevitably affect the general condition of the body, without the full function of these organs, the body dries up and loses health, like a withered tree.

During breathing training, the practitioner distributes all the energy received with the inhaled air qi through your body, drives it along the energy meridians, accumulates and concentrates it inside. Thanks to this, a quick healing effect occurs, which is most pronounced with daily exercises.

  • Practice proper breathing every morning to restore your strength;
  • During the day stock qi will allow you to stay alert and maintain clarity of thought;
  • Gradually, you harden and strengthen your body, increase immunity;
  • You will feel a surge of energy and a desire to actively move throughout the day;
  • In the morning after waking up, you will be in a great state of health and mood.

Before morning breathing practice to replenish energy and gain reserve qi skip breakfast. Train in a room where there is access to fresh air, where there is enough light and quiet. Before class, put on clothes that have a loose fit and are sewn from cotton or linen.

Remember that your body needs a new supply of vitality on a regular basis, so it is not enough to practice qigong occasionally or a couple of times a week. Daily breathing training will quickly fill you with vital juices, and you will experience the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine firsthand.

Navel breathing: qigong exercise

As you know, great importance in qigong is given to the abdomen. This is where a lot of energy is concentrated. Qi. And the navel plays an important role in this area.

The navel, when the child is still in the mother's womb, is the place that connects the child's body and the mother's through the umbilical cord. This is the area of ​​nutrition and energy. Then, when the umbilical cord is cut, this flow of food and energy stops, but the navel area is still able to absorb a huge amount of nutrient.

Qigong considers the navel to be a huge energy channel through which a person is able to receive phenomenal energy from the outside world.

As soon as the practitioner begins to feed through this powerful channel, the usual appetite begins to fade, and then the need for breathing. The fact is that while in the womb, the child receives through the navel not only nutrients, but also oxygen, therefore, the navel zone is also capable of performing a respiratory function.

This exercise has two stages. At the first stage, the practitioner begins to feed on energy from the space around him through the navel. In the second stage, the practitioner transfers his being to the time before birth, that is, the period when he was still in the womb. That is why this practice allows you to rejuvenate the body and spirit.

First step of the exercise

  1. Sit up straight, relax the whole body, especially in the abdomen.
  2. Place both hands on the navel.
  3. Try to imagine that the navel begins to grow like a plant stem and rises above the surface of the abdomen.
  4. When the stem reaches its maximum, it begins to bloom and open in different directions, while the flower increases in size until it forms an energy cocoon and connects with petals behind your back.
  5. The flower begins to absorb energy from the space around you, while it and the navel itself move to the beat of your breath.
  6. Continue to absorb energy until you feel that your body no longer needs it.
  7. Imagine that the plant shrinks in size and slowly returns to the navel from which it grew.
  8. Put your hands on your stomach and hold the received qi under your palms.

The second stage of the exercise

The beginning of this exercise comes when the flower from the first stage has grown and cocooned your body.

  1. Try to imagine that you are inside the mother's body and the umbilical cord is still connecting you to the mother.
  2. Get nutrients and energy from your mother, while the pulsation of the navel will be in sync with the mother's heartbeat, not yours.
  3. When the body is satiated, similarly to the completion of the first stage, finish the meal.

Already after a few sessions you will feel the rejuvenation of the body, and then your character and spirit will change - there will be a complete rebirth of the soul.

Qigong breathing exercises for quick energy recovery

"Phoenix spreads its wings"

  1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body.
  2. On inhalation, hands are joined with palms at chest level, fingers look up. The knees are half bent.
  3. On exhalation, the legs are straightened, while the arms are spread apart, as if pushing away invisible walls to the left and right. The palms are directed in opposite directions.
  4. Repeat 10 times.

"The Archer Shoots an Arrow"

  1. On inhalation, the arms rise up above the head, the body rises on tiptoe and the whole body seems to follow the hands. The palms are still closed.
  2. Repeat 10 times.

"Bamboo sways in the wind"

  1. Stand up straight, legs straight and closed, hands joined with palms at chest level, fingers pointing up.
  2. As you inhale, raise your arms up above your head.
  3. The body leans to the left, the legs do not come off the floor, and the palms are still closed.
  4. The body leans to the right.
  5. On exhalation, the body returns to its original position.
  6. Repeat 10 times.

Qigong breathing exercises are exercises that will not only restore your health and make your body impervious to diseases and negative energy, this system will raise your standard of living, change and transform it beyond recognition.

These breathing practices contain all the power of the currents. qi and all the secret knowledge of the ancient Chinese, who have survived to our times.

In order to feel happy, a person needs health.

Lack of energy, chronic diseases, the presence of pain or tension from ill health take away strength, make life insipid, difficult, turn it into a struggle with illness. In this struggle, even more strength and health are lost.

But illness, to some extent, is our helper and adviser. The fact is that our body signals to us with the symptoms of the disease - there is a problem, look for a failure of energy.

Today it is no longer news that our body is surrounded by an aura - a thermal field created by the work of cells. This field has its own density, size, color. The field has a certain frequency of vibrations.
In a healthy person, the aura - the energy field - has a uniform structure, density and those vibrations under which all organs work in concert in the optimal mode.
The harmony of this field can be disturbed both by external influences - electromagnetic fields from the outside, the impact of people, climatic changes, and internal causes - a reaction to stress, internal conflicts, fears, insecurity, anger.

Any disease is a violation of the harmonious work of the body, any disease is noted in the structure of the field.
Violation of the field is a violation of its density, strength, uniformity, frequency. This is a violation of the harmonious functioning of the cells of the body.
Therefore, it is important to restore the structure of the energy field, the work of cells - and our body will feel healthy.

Today I bring to your attention a few simple techniques that align and strengthen the energy of the body. Regular repetition of these exercises gradually increases your energy potential.

To begin with, I want to suggest that you learn and then regularly perform one simple exercise of the Taijiquan System from Mikhail Korsakov, head of the Krasnodar Taijiquan Center, which will give you a general idea of ​​how the initial, basic elements of this System work.

Performing it regularly, you will strengthen your health, develop your energy system and gradually increase your energy potential, you will have vivacity, your general tone will rise, in general, your condition will noticeably improve, and you will really feel the benefits that Qigong or Taijiquan systems provide.

You don't have to become a qigong master or an "advanced" yogi. A few energy exercises a day are enough to maintain and restore your own health.

So let's start learning

Exercise "Energy ball"

Stand up straight. The spine should be straight and vertical, the feet should be firmly pressed with the entire sole to the floor a little wider than the shoulders, the knees should be slightly bent, the shoulders relaxed, the arms just hanging down, the gaze directed forward.

Let's stand like this for a while, get used to the rack.

And now imagine that you have an energy ball with a diameter of about 30 cm (a spherical clot of energy) located behind your lower back.

We take a slow deep breath for 4-5 seconds. and during this breath we mentally lift the ball up the back (along the spine), then along the back of the neck and along the back of the head.

The ball is already at the crown - this is a full breath.

And immediately follows the same slow deep exhalation, and mentally lower the ball this time from the front down.

Imagine how it slides down the forehead, chest, stomach and ends up in the bottom of the perineum between the legs - this is a complete exhalation.

Again we take a breath, during which we again mentally raise the ball along the back, neck and nape to the top of the head.

Then immediately follows an exhalation, during which the ball mentally descends from the front over the face, chest and abdomen again into the perineum.

We continue to perform such breathing cycles, visualizing the movement of the energy ball behind and in front of the body.

You need to repeat these cycles nine times., after which for some time (one and a half to two minutes) you just need to stand and calm your breath.

I'll clarify again. Inhalations and exhalations during the performance of the respiratory cycles should be slow and deep, and the movement of the energy ball should be imagined very clearly and distinctly.

Inhale - the ball rises from behind, exhale - the ball falls in front.

Here is a fairly simple exercise I suggest you master.

At the same time, you will see how much your general condition will improve. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised by the result, and this will happen inevitably.

Even this small and primitive "piece" of the Taijiquan system, in the case of regular practice, gives a tangible effect and allows you to significantly improve your general condition.

To help your body cope with excessive stress, add a few energy exercises to your daily routine and life will be much more joyful than you thought before.

And now, a few important notes about the exercise:

  • exercises are done calmly in breathing mode. The movements are adjusted to the breath, and not vice versa. Inhale - move, exhale - move. Do not rush and break the rhythm of breathing.
  • exercises are done smoothly without jerks and overstrain. Imagine that your body is molded from plasticine or fluid. Then the energy is redistributed evenly and does not injure the body with excessive load.
  • exercises are done in the morning on an empty stomach, this is the best time. But you can do it during the day and in the evening before going to bed. Or several times a day. The main condition is 1 hour before and 2 hours after eating.
  • and of course do in comfortable clothes and a ventilated room or on the street.

However, it happens that these rules are an excuse to postpone or cancel classes. There is no opportunity to study in the morning, it is impossible to ventilate for some reason, after 1 hour lunch, we do not fit into the schedule.

Perhaps I will be convicted of sedition. But I think it's better to do it in uncomfortable clothes, in an unventilated room and eat immediately after class than not to do it at all.

It is often difficult in the busy rhythm of life to carve out a few minutes for classes, and the rules are even more restrictive. From my own experience - I began to do exercises just to move, in any conditions, in any possible situation.
And after a while I got involved, felt their effectiveness, and I wanted to perform them in suitable conditions. And when a person wants, he will always find a way.

Therefore, one more piece of advice - do not bother with conventions. Just do it.

And most importantly - in every movement, in every breath, look for something that is pleasant. Pay attention to how the muscles stretch, how the air fills the lungs, how the vertebrae crunch, falling into place, how the skin warms up and the blood runs more cheerfully through the body. Enjoyment of the exercise is the most important element of effectiveness.
See what has improved since the previous day.

You need to do it regularly - this is at least 3-4 classes a week.

And now some warm-up exercises:

Perform them at any time of the day to revitalize your energy. The amount is any pleasant, from 5 to 20.

  • Rub your palms together, drawing energy to them. Press warm palms to your face, covering your cheeks and eyes with them. Feel a surge of energy to your face, relaxation.
  • Stroke your eyebrows with your fingers, then the forehead from the middle to the temples.
  • Stroke the contour of the face from the chin to the ears.
  • On the neck - from the bottom up in front and from top to bottom - on the sides.
  • From the crown down the head in different directions (to the ears, to the forehead, to the back of the head), as if opening the crown - there is the crown chakra, which helps the body to be in contact with cosmic energy.
  • Rub your palms again and with your right hand, use your index and middle fingers to rub the top and bottom of your lips at the same time.
  • Rub the clavicle to heat by turning the palm in the form of the letter V - the thumb along the right collarbone, the remaining 4 fingers along the left (for right-handed people).
  • Warm up the sacrum, the beginning of the spine, with the flat of your hand.

These simple exercises act on the active points of the body and help move energy, preventing its stagnation.

And finally, 2 wonderful exercises from the book "The Art of Qigong" Author Won Kyu-Kit. This is a great master, he studied and taught the arts of the legendary Chinese Shaolin Monastery for 30 years, educating more than 8,000 students from different countries during this period. Here are some excerpts from that book:

"Raising the sky" - an exercise to improve health

Qigong is an applied art, not a purely academic one. Practice is needed.

The following exercise is one of the best in qigong - it is useful for both the beginner and the master. Moreover, some deviations in the execution technique, even small errors, are permissible.

The form in qigong is not an end in itself, its task is to create a flow of energy within the body.

However, it is extremely important to breathe smoothly. Usually beginners try to breathe as deeply as possible. They think that the deeper the breath, the more power will come. This is not true. In qigong classes, not just air is inhaled, but cosmic energy. The effort of inhalation often impedes the flow of cosmic energy.

Another necessary condition is the ability to relax. By doing the exercise, free your mind from unpleasant thoughts. These three points are fundamental to all qigong practice. However, for a beginner completely unfamiliar with qigong, even these can be difficult. Dont be upset. For some time, just try to do the exercise without any tension.

Repeat the exercise 10 to 20 times.

Each time you move your palms towards the sky, feel your back straighten. As you lower your arms, feel the flow of energy down your body.

This exercise is called "Raising the Sky". As in many other cases, its form is deceptively simple. It is not the form itself that is important, but the flow of energy generated by the exercise.
Perform at least this exercise alone ten times every morning, without missing a single day for three months. The results will be very tangible and you will understand why Sky Rise is one of the best qigong exercises.

Support the moon and stay young

If you are still young but feel like an old man, if you are over seventy but want to be young, read the following lines from Lu Yu's poem. Maybe they will give you hope and inspiration.

“Happiness is to be healthy and live without fuss. At sixty, I climb a mountain without a cane.
At ninety qi fills me with vigor and strength. I look through thousands of books."

Obviously, just reading these verses, although they are inspiring and hopeful, will not make you young. But if you regularly perform the following exercise, you will achieve the desired result (and this has been verified by many students). The exercise is called "Maintenance of the Moon".

The exercise is over. Repeat it 10-20 times.

Zen Qigong Technique "Raising the Sky and Holding the Moon"

Keeping the Moon can be done on its own or in combination with other exercises. You can, for example, start with Energy Ball, then do Sky Rise six times in a row, and then do Keep the Moon six times.
Over time, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions - and you will be surprised to find that you are getting younger day by day!

I will be glad if these simple and very useful exercises will help you become healthier and more cheerful!
Be healthy!

Breathing correctly means managing blood circulation, metabolism, and the protective and adaptive properties of the body. The generally accepted breathing rate is 14-16 breaths per minute. A sick person breathes, as a rule, more often, and a healthy person, especially a trained one, breathes at a frequency of 10-12 breaths per minute, that is, in 1 minute. there are 12 full cycles of "inhale-exhale". Each respiratory cycle consists of an inspiratory phase, an expiratory phase and a pause, the duration of which determines the respiratory rate.

Breathing must also be controlled during exercise. So, when the muscles are tense, a slow exhalation is made through loosely compressed lips, an inhalation is made when the muscles are relaxed by the lungs on their own, without the intervention of our will. Health, wealth, intelligence, talent, success in life largely depend on how much energy we have and how we can manage it.

In order to restore the supply of vitality, the following exercise is used: sit with your legs tightly clasped and hands joined, put the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other. In this way, you close the circular flow of energy flows and almost completely stop the flow of nervous energy from the body for a while. Having closed the circular current in this way, Indian yogis replenish their energy reserves with the help of rhythmic breathing.

rhythmic breathing

During the first week, the exercise must be done three times a day for 10 minutes.

First week

Exercise should not exceed 10 minutes. The first 5 minutes should be used for preparation.

  • 1 Focus on developing your energy abilities for 5 minutes. You should absolutely not pay attention to your body, forget about it.
  • 2 After bringing yourself into this state, take a deep breath for 8 seconds. Then hold your breath for the same amount of time, then start exhaling as slowly as possible.

When you do the exercise, you will see that the first step in the development of breathing is not as easy as it seemed. You may feel the urge to hurry, it will seem to you that you need to breathe more often, maybe you will even get tired, you will feel bad. However, do not interrupt your studies. After a few sessions, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear, and they will be replaced by an increasing sense of strength. This first exercise is necessary in order to learn how to control the breath, to develop the will and to establish yourself in the decision to master the energy.

Second week

You need to exercise 3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

  • 1 After five minutes of preparation, close the right nostril with your finger and inhale deeply through the left nostril for 10 seconds, expanding the abdomen and chest as before.
  • 2 Then hold your breath for 10 seconds and exhale through the right nostril for 10 seconds.

At the end of the second week, you will already feel so much vital energy in yourself that, giving away an excess of your strength, you will not feel tired.

Third week

Like the previous exercise, with each breath lasting 15 seconds. Hold the breath, as before, should be for 10 seconds, and the exhalation should last 15 seconds.

Fourth week

The exercise consists in breathing through one and then the other nostril, only its duration increases. Each breath should now last 20 seconds, you should hold your breath for 10 seconds, and then exhale the trapped air for 20 seconds.

You should increase the duration of the exercise to 30 minutes (along with the five minutes required to prepare for the exercise). At the end of the fourth week, you can gain energy at any time of the day for 30 minutes of daily work. The most convenient time for this is early in the morning, at sunrise.

Positive and negative energies

The predominance of positive energy activates all the functions of the body: the temperature rises, the metabolism increases, the glands work more intensively, the pulse accelerates. However, it can cause blood disease, scrofula, tumors, abscesses, rashes, and various inflammatory processes. Persons suffering from an excess of energy, in addition to creating a negative flow, re-ko-men-du-et-xia cooling food (cold water, milk, etc.), staying in a cool room, light clothing, cold baths, wiping etc. An excess of positive energy is indicated by a sensation of heat and tingling in the limbs.

When accumulating this energy for one purpose or another, it is best to focus on the solar plexus (positive pole).

An excess of negative energy reduces the overall supply, slows down all body functions, lowers the temperature, causes lethargy, anemia and weight loss. Persons suffering from an excess of this energy constantly experience trembling and chills. They love the Sun very much and dislike the Moon. They benefit from sunbathing, a warm climate, warm rooms and clothing, strengthening products, warming food (meat, fat, oil, etc.).

One of. signs of excess negative energy is the feeling of cold. Thus, with lethargy, fatigue, passivity, etc., it is necessary to resort to solar breath; with an excess of strength, anxiety, excitement, anger, etc. - to moon breath; in a normal state of health, to maintain peace of mind, use earthly breath.

Solar and lunar breathing

Two types of vital energy circulate in the human body:

  1. The solar current is on the right side of the body and comes from the right hemisphere of the brain.
  2. The lunar stream runs along the left side of the body and comes out of the left.

The balance of these flows gives Health. Any disease is a violation of the balance of these flows.

The flow of lunar energy has mainly an inhibitory effect. The solar flow, on the contrary, is a stimulating effect. These two streams of vital energy converge in the solar plexus.

You can balance the currents with the help of breathing. It is extremely rare for a person to breathe with the same intensity simultaneously through both nostrils. Usually this phenomenon occurs only before death. Breathing predominantly from the left or predominantly from the right nostril alternates usually every 3-4 hours. However, the best situation is when breathing is predominantly through the left nostril and left lung ( moon breath) lasts all day, and breathing is predominantly through the right nostril and right lung ( solar breath) - all night long.

Proper regulation of breathing gives a long life. With the help of rhythmic breathing, you can significantly increase the reserves of vital energy. All breathing exercises can be reduced to three main types:

  1. Breathing through the left nostril and left lung moon breath;
  2. Breathing through the right nostril and right lung solar breath;
  3. Breathing simultaneously with both nostrils while working both lungs - earthly breath.

moon breath

Lunar breathing generates a negative current, representing the female element, symbolizing the Moon. This flow has a creative effect, heals and soothes, it is useful to work it out during the day.

Lunar breathing is the best remedy for all diseases, it helps with prolonged work, it helps with anxiety, sorrows and fever, it is useful in inflammatory diseases, accompanied by fever.

To generate a lunar flow, you need to breathe through the left nostril, closing the right with a finger or cotton swab. In this case, only the left lung works, the right one rests. To control breathing, you can put your hands on your chest and make sure that the left half of the chest rises, expands, and the right remains motionless.

Since it is difficult to determine when and what type of energy we need, we need to accumulate one type of energy for some time and determine by experience which type of energy we lack and which is present in excess. By changing the way you breathe, you can neutralize the excess of one type of energy by accumulating energy of the opposite type.

solar breath

With solar breathing, a positive energy flow is generated, which is a male element, symbolic of the Sun. This flow activates all vital functions, enhances metabolism. By nature it is dry and hot, it excites activity and activity.

Solar breathing is very useful for people who are passive, less mobile and obese, it favors reading and studying the exact sciences, swimming, drawing, physical activities, etc.

To generate a positive flow, you need to breathe through the right nostril, closing the left with a finger or cotton swab.

cleansing breath

This exercise strengthens the nervous and respiratory systems:

  • 1 take a slow full breath;
  • 2 hold your breath;
  • 3 purse your lips as if you are about to whistle (but do not puff out your cheeks). Then exhale the air in small portions with force through the hole in the lips. Stop for a moment, holding the air, and exhale again a little. Repeat this until all the air is out of your lungs. Remember that you need to exhale air through the hole in the lips with a fair amount of force.

More energy recovery exercises

The simplest and most affordable exercises for restoring energy are breathing exercises. 10 minutes of exercise a day will help you restore peace of mind and get a boost of energy. You can try doing breathing exercises during your work day.

Exercise 1

  • 1 Sit down and relax. Close your eyes.
  • 2 Take a deep breath, completely filling the stomach and diaphragm with air. Continue to inhale, filling the entire inner space with air to the limit. The shoulders straighten, the air reaches the collarbones.
  • 3 Hold your breath.
  • 4 Exhale.
  • 5 Repeat this exercise for 5 minutes.

Exercise 2

  • 1 Position yourself in any position that is comfortable for you.
    Close your eyes and start listening to your breath. Dissolve in it completely, no extraneous thoughts.
  • 2 Imagine visually, in your imagination, the lungs, which, with inhalation, are filled with air like a glass, filled with water, from top to bottom.
  • 3 Work to lengthen your inhalation and exhalation. Each subsequent respiratory cycle should be at least a little longer than the previous one.
  • 4 Direct the inhalation into the chest, then into the stomach, then into the back. Analyze your feelings.
  • 5 Don't breathe too fast. Do not speed up the inhalation and slow down the exhalation (try to exhale through your mouth, pursing your lips like a pipe, as if blowing on hot tea).

Exercise 3

One of the very effective methods of “breathing in” energy is “triangular” breathing, which means dividing the breathing cycle into three stages: breath - delay - exhalation and then repeating the loop many times. It is more convenient to use them of the same duration and keep them in multiples of the number of heart beats, for example, 6 beats each. If this is easy for you, increase the duration of the stages to 8, 10, even 12 heartbeats. Breathing should be free, without interruptions and tension.

Inhalation is performed according to the scheme: the lower abdomen is filled with air, then the middle part, then the top of the chest to failure. Exhale in reverse order. During the exercise, with the "inner eye" you need to mentally send energy flows from the lungs to all organs and parts of the body.

Exercise 4

Stand facing the Sun, located at the very horizon line, squint and through half-closed eyelids see a thin ray stretching from the Sun straight into your eyes. Through this ray of sunshine, which has become like a trickle flowing from a huge energy pool, you begin to “fill in” with energy. Imagine yourself as a transparent crystal vessel. The liquid fills your legs first. Then its level rises higher; the torso fills up, from where the liquid overflows into the hands; fills the head through the crown chakra begins to overflow, creating an already solar flow around you. If the Sun is obscured by clouds or you are indoors, imagine a ray coming from above. The exercise can last 3-10 minutes. After the exercise, wash your face with open (dry!) ​​palms.

Exercises for the restoration and circulation of energy (prana, qi, ki)

  • 1 Sit up straight, in a comfortable position; chest, neck and head should, as far as possible, be in one straight line. Tilt your shoulders slightly back, calmly place your hands on your knees. In this position, the weight of the body is well supported by the ribs and the posture is easy to maintain. Yogis find that the action of rhythmic breathing is more difficult to achieve if the chest is puffed out and the stomach is drawn in.
  • 2 Slowly take in the air with a full breath, counting six beats of the pulse.
  • 3 Hold the air in your lungs for three pulse beats.
  • 4 Slowly release air through the nose, counting six beats of the pulse.
  • 5 Skip three pulses before starting the next inhalation.
  • 6 Repeat the exercise several times without exhausting yourself.
  • 7 When you are about to finish the exercise, take a cleansing breath that will give you a feeling of rest and clear your lungs.

After a few exercises, you will be able to increase the time of inhalation and exhalation, until finally you reach five-to-a-half beats of the pulse. At the same time, always remember that the interval between breaths, i.e. air retention in the lungs should always be equal to half the number of heartbeats during inhalation and exhalation. If you want to increase the duration of the inhalation, do not make too much effort, but pay attention to the rhythm, which is more important than the duration of the inhalation. Practice and try until you reach a measured “sweep” of breathing and until you “feel” the rhythm of vibrating movements throughout the body.

Attraction of prana

  • 1 Lying on a flat floor or bed with no tension at all, place (lightly) your hands on your solar plexus (on the "pad" where the ribs begin to separate) and breathe rhythmically.
  • 2 When the rhythm is perfectly established, wish that each inhalation brings an increased amount of prana or life force from the world source into you and transmits it to your nervous system, accumulating prana in the solar plexus.
  • 3 With each exhalation, wish the prana to spread throughout the body, being transmitted to every organ and every single part, to every muscle, cell and atom, to every nerve, artery and vein, from the head to the very heels, so that it strengthens, revitalizes and strengthens each nerve, so that it charges each nerve center, spilling energy, strength and strength throughout the body.

Prana (literally in Sanskrit means "life", "breathing" or "permanent movement") is one of the central concepts of yoga and traditional Indian medicine, understood as vital energy, life. In yoga, it is believed that prana permeates the entire universe, although it is invisible to the eye.

While exercising your will, try to imagine how prana spreads through your body, pouring into your lungs and passing from there to the solar plexus, and how, during the exhalation of air from the lungs, prana is distributed to all parts of the body, to the very heels and ends of the fingers. The will does not need to be strained with effort. All that is needed is to give the order and form a mental picture of the actions you are talking about. A calm order, accompanied by a mental representation of the action being performed, is much better than an intensified desire, for which only forces are wasted in vain.

The exercise described is extremely useful: it greatly refreshes and strengthens the nervous system and spreads a feeling of rest throughout the body. It is especially pleasant in those cases when a person is tired or feels a decline in energy.

Improvement of blood circulation

The circulation of the blood lends itself easily to the action of the will, and rhythmic breathing greatly facilitates the task.

  • 1 Lie down or sit up straight and begin to breathe rhythmically; when exhaling, direct the movement of blood to the part of the body where you would like to increase blood circulation.
  • 2 If you feel cold in the legs or with a headache, the blood should be diverted downward (in the first case - to warm the legs, and in the second - to reduce pressure in the head. You will probably feel a hot stream in the legs from the downward wave of blood.

If you feel a decline in vital energy in yourself and you don’t-oh-ho-di-mo quickly replenish its supply, use the following method: put your legs together (touching the insides of the top of your nose) and close fingers of both hands with each other so that you are comfortable. This technique closes the energy circle and does not allow prana to radiate through the limbs. Take a few rhythmic breaths and you will feel a surge of new strength in yourself.

Excitation of brain activity

The following exercise the Yogis find very useful when it is necessary to excite the activity of the mind and make it think and reason more clearly. This exercise produces an amazing effect and cleanses the brain and the entire nervous system. People engaged in mental work will find it extremely useful: it will enable them to work better and at the same time clear and refresh the mind after hard mental work.

  • 1 Sit straight so that the spine is perfectly straight and the eyes look straight ahead; put your hands on your knees.
  • 2 Breathe rhythmically, but not through both nostrils, as in other exercises, but by pinching the left nostril with your finger, inhale air through one right nostril.
  • 3 Remove your finger and, holding it to the right nostril, exhale through the left nostril.
  • 4 Without changing your finger, inhale air through the same left nostril and exhale it through the right.
  • 5 Again inhale through the right and exhale through the left, and so on, changing nostrils as above and plugging the resting nostril with the thumb or forefinger.

This is one of the oldest forms of yoga breathing; it is very important and quite worthy of application.

The Great Psychic Breath of the Yogis

Yogis have a favorite form of psychic breathing, which they use from time to time and which bears the name, which in Sanskrit sounds like "Great psychic breathing". I have saved this form of breathing for the end, as it requires a lot of practice on the part of the student in the area of ​​rhythmic breathing and the ability to visualize images. Skill in this is acquired through the preceding exercises.

The general principles of great mental breathing are expressed by the old saying of the Hindus: "good for the yogi who knows how to breathe with his bones." The exercise in this breathing fills the entire body with prana, and the student, having done it, will see that every bone, every muscle, nerve, cell, tissue, organ and every part of the body will be overflowing with energy, prana and the rhythm of breathing. One who carefully practices this breathing will purify his body and feel as if he had been re-created from head to toe. But let the exercise speak for itself.

  • 1 Lie down in a comfortable position, without any tension.
  • 2 Breathe rhythmically until the rhythm is established.
  • 3 Then, as you breathe in and out, create a mental picture of your breath:
    • entering you through the bones of the legs and passing through them;
    • then it passes along the bones of the hands and through the top of the skull;
    • through the stomach and reproductive organs;
    • then rises up and down along the spine,
    • and, finally, as if each pore of the skin breathes, inhales and exhales air, and the whole body is filled with prana and life.
  • 4 Continuing to breathe rhythmically, direct the flow of prana to the seven vital centers, in turn, calling up images of them in the mind, as in the previous exercise:
    • head-on,
    • in the back of the head
    • at the base of the brain
    • into the solar plexus
    • in the region of the sacrum (lower back),
    • in the middle of the abdomen
    • to the field of reproduction.
  • 5 Finish by moving the prana back and forth several times from the head to the feet.
  • 6 Do


Why do they exist energy collection practices?

Since we are, basically, energy-informational beings, the most important thing for our fruitful life is pure vital energy and correct information. How to purify energy, we considered in. But in order to purify it, it is necessary that there be something to purify.

In our time of wild information press, frantic speeds and polluted atmosphere, one can very often hear such phrases as "no strength", "not enough energy", "I'm falling off my feet", "I go to bed tired and wake up tired." And many other similar statements. What's this?

This is a banal lack of energy, which, by the way, is very easy to update. Through simple practices of filling with energy, you can replenish your energy bins at any second.

In order to effectively interact with your energy base, you need to clearly understand the following point: everything consists of energy, and information controls energy. Information transforms the part of the energy canvas to which a person's attention is directed. You can read more about the energy basis of all physical existence.

This point is very important. As a rule, when doing energy practices, a person should close his eyes and imagine himself in some clean place. Basically, it is a pure sunny meadow.

If you have practiced under the guidance of some master, then the first thing he says is: "close your eyes and imagine yourself in a sunny meadow." And every time a person draws this clear glade in his head in a new way. Also, you know, certain energy costs.

I recommend that you start your own clearing once and use it constantly. As a rule, based on such practices, it should be a clearing in a clean forest. Green grass, powerful slender trees, fresh bright flowers, clear blue sky.

In the clearing there is a clear transparent river and a waterfall. Maybe good animals are running around. Here fantasy is not limited. There is no rubbish, no strangers here. Only your energy. And this clearing is always with you. At any time you can close your eyes and find yourself on it. See if everything is clean, if there is any garbage.

According to the state of the glade, one can diagnose the accumulation of negativity, which has not yet been manifested at the physical level, but is about to be approached. And eliminate it in its infancy energy state.

And most importantly: in this clearing, your meetings with God take place. God can be imagined in any way you like. The most important thing is the realization that this is the Creator, the most powerful Being in your life. You can talk to him about anything, ask for your needs, thank him and do whatever you want. You are alone with Him and no one can interfere with this fellowship.

I imagine the Creator in the form of a huge energy golden ball, like the sun. By the way, if there are dark spots in the clearing, just ask Him to cleanse, dissolve this negativity with powerful golden energy. And clearly see how they dissolve and disappear.

Energizing Practices

A set of energy from the Creator

Option 1

We close our eyes, imagine ourselves in our clearing, standing in front of the Creator. We turn to Him: "Lord, forgive me, bless and help me! Please, fill me with pure Divine energy."

And imagine how a golden cloud of pure energy on inhalation enters your crown (7th chakra), fills your head, neck, shoulders, chest, reaches the diaphragm, and on exhalation in the solar plexus folds clockwise into a ball. When there is enough energy in the solar plexus, you feel how it fills the abdominal cavity, pelvis, legs.

At the same time, you feel how the flow of this pure energy fills every cell, every organ, every vessel, and everything is gaining strength, power and glowing with the same golden light. The whole body radiates this golden light from within to the outside. When you have gained enough energy (you don’t need it for the future, too much is also not good), thank God. Send love and grace to Heaven and Earth.

Option 2

Imagine the Creator as a huge golden ball of energy. You, like a small grain of sand, stand next to him and make the same request to forgive, bless and help. And then take a step forward and enter this ball.

Feel how you plunge into this energy, how all the negativity remains somewhere far away, not with you. How you dissolve and become one with this ball. Breathe it, absorb this blessing with every cell and stay in this ball for as long as you wish.

In this practice, I often hold my hand and introduce my loved ones into this ball. Especially if someone needs help with their health. Such a state of being in the ball can be evoked in oneself at any second, without even resorting to a meditative state. The main thing is to do it right once, with all the sensations, and then just use it as needed. Let's not forget to give thanks.

Emergency Energy Recruitment Technique

Put your hands in front of the solar plexus. Imagine how, on inhalation, a cloud of energy of a color that is comfortable for you enters the crown, passes through the hands and from the palms enters the solar plexus. There, on exhalation, it curls up into a ball clockwise. So we pump as much as we need.

Technique for rapidly increasing the biofield up to seven meters

On both hands, we put the thumb, index and middle fingers together, as when overshadowing with a cross in Orthodoxy. The ring and little fingers are free. We hold our fingers and count from one to twenty-six. That is, twenty-six seconds approximately.

Energy compaction technique

This technique should be done about once a week. It is aimed at compacting the biofield. It is much more efficient and reliable when the biofield is dense and does not let in anything alien. It's one thing when it's just a haze around a person, and another thing when the energy is dense, like rubber.

We close our eyes. Imagine yourself in an empty room. We see how our biofield comes out of us and becomes the size of a room. Then the size of a house. Then it fills the street, the city, the country, the Earth and goes out into outer space. There are millions of stars in space, and their energy fills and condenses our biofield.

When filled, it returns back to the Earth, country, city, street, house, room and into our body. But this is something else - a dense and qualitatively new biofield.

A set of energy according to A. Ignatenko (I give this technique according to the book by E. Gulyaev "It's easy to heal yourself")

Performed sitting, hands on knees with palms up - “coachman's pose”. The flow of energy is controlled by inhalation. A set of energy is produced by sequentially performing two exercises.

Exercise 1. On the count of "1" imagine that energy fills the palms through the fingers. At the expense of "1, 2" energy again enters through the fingers and fills the arms up to the elbows. At the expense of "1, 2, Z", having passed the same path, the energy fills the arms up to the shoulders. That is, with each cycle of breathing, the energy passes the previous path and moves a little further.

4th measure - there is a filling of the shoulders and throat.

5th measure - energy washes the face. At the same time, it is necessary to imagine how wrinkles disappear, facial skin is rejuvenated.

6th measure - through the upper chakra, energy fills the entire head, destroying clots of negative energy there and activating brain activity.

7th measure - energy washes the back of the head and neck.

8th measure - flushing of the spinal column to the coccyx.

9th measure - filling the upper half of the body with energy.

10th measure - filling with energy of the whole body up to the ankles.

11th measure - filling the whole body with energy, including the feet.

Immediately after this, the second exercise is performed.

Exercise 2. At the expense of "1 ... 3" energy enters through the arms to the shoulders, washes the chest, stomach and, twisting clockwise, enters the abdomen.

On the count of “1…4”, having passed the previous path, the energy washes the groin area and twists into the lower chakra.

"1 ... 5" - the continuation of the movement of energy along the spinal column upward, twisting it between the shoulder blades inward.

"1…6" - the energy now passes into the neck area from behind, twists into the crown of the head.

“1…7” - washing the face of the throat of the chest and screwing energy into the area of ​​the solar plexus is added to the previous path.

Exist from natural objects. For example, you can gain energy from the sun, moon, sea, stars by imagining how an energy cloud separates from an object, enters your crown, curls up in the solar plexus clockwise and fills your entire body.

Set of energy from trees

The most powerful energy donor among trees is oak. First, oak always grows in places of power. Especially powerful perennial oaks will never grow in an energetically weak place. Being in such places is useful in itself. And from the oak to feed - even better.

We become either facing or with our backs to the oak, hugging the trunk tightly, creating as many points of contact as possible. We take deep breaths, attuning with the energy and rhythms of the tree. We mentally ask you to fill the body with pure energy. And we breathe, imagining how pure energy enters on inhalation, and negative comes out on exhalation.

So breathe until it gives a pleasant feeling. It must be understood that such trees are extremely powerful and can be overfilled, which will lead to increased pressure, arrhythmias, and headaches. Therefore, we do everything in moderation.

In general, energy is everywhere, there is no deficit or lack of it in the Universe, since the entire Universe is woven from energy. But in the process of life, we build mental barriers around ourselves and do not let pure new energy into our lives.

After all, communication with a person you like is an exchange of energies, that is, mutual replenishment of each other with the types of energy that are missing for each. Love between people is the widest direct channel for energy to flow into the lives of all participants in the process. Just by talking with an animal or being in nature, a person receives a tremendous recharge.

Only this all happens at a level invisible to our three-dimensional perception and seems to be something unreal. But it's real. More real than we can imagine.

Now you can find a great variety of practices for filling, cleaning and protecting energy. Very effective breathing exercises, Wu Xing practices, yoga techniques. By and large, it doesn't matter what you do, the main thing is a clear understanding of the process and the goal.

The main thing is to do. From the fact that we just read and study, nothing changes. It begins to change only when the information receives the appropriate application. To judge the effectiveness of an action, you must at least try to perform it.

In this article, we looked at several practices for gaining energy. But in addition to collecting and purifying energy, it also needs to be protected. We will talk about energy protection methods in the next article.

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Blessings to you!

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The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...