What is produced in the Crimea now. Crimea for Russians - Crimean industry: food, fuel, chemical industry Crimean Autonomous Republic

The Crimean economy is going through a transitional period. Businesses are hindered by the difference between Ukrainian and Russian legislation, companies recalculate taxes, sometimes they are forced to look for new suppliers and consumers. And if it is easier for small market players to reorganize due to flexibility, then for large companies the time has come for serious decisions.

The Crimean economy is going through a transitional period. Businesses are hindered by the difference between Ukrainian and Russian legislation, companies recalculate taxes, sometimes they are forced to look for new suppliers and consumers. And if it is easier for small market players to reorganize due to flexibility, then for large companies the time has come for serious decisions. In addition, they attract greater interest from the Ukrainian authorities, who hope, if not to return them to property, then to receive compensation for them. FederalPress presents a list of the five largest enterprises in terms of revenue operating in the territory of the new constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Most large enterprises - some with joy, some with difficulty - have accepted the new rules of the game and set a course for integration into the Russian economic field. As a rule, they had no choice: large production is either impossible or unprofitable to move (and in the shortest possible time) even to a neighboring region. However, there are exceptions. According to Forbes magazine, the second place among Crimean companies in terms of revenue (after Crimean Titan) and profitability (after Crimea CHPP) was occupied by the manufacturer and retailer of alcoholic products Crimean Vodka Company. During the spring events on the peninsula, the company's owners chose to curtail business and invest in production on the territory of continental Ukraine. It turned out to be easy to do, since the Crimean Vodka Company did not invest in the construction of its own production, but rented several long-established alcohol production plants.

It is unlikely that any of the defendants in our material will follow the example of the Crimean Vodka Company, but we cannot exclude the possibility that the owners of large companies with interests in the remaining Ukrainian regions will give up their Crimean assets under pressure and the enterprises will change owners, so interest in these companies in the near future from the media will remain high.

Crimean Titan, chemical industry

Revenue - 13.7 billion rubles (2013)
Head: Sergey Kosenko

The largest producer of titanium dioxide in Eastern Europe is experiencing some difficulties, both industrial and legal, when Crimea is transferred to the Russian Federation. The owner of the company, which consists of two factories on the Perekop Isthmus, Dmitry Firtash was recently under house arrest in Austria, and has now been released on a record bail of 125 million euros. He dragged to the last with the re-registration of the company to Russian jurisdiction, but he could not avoid a quarrel with the Ukrainian authorities, which is why Firtash lost control over titanium mining and processing plants in the Dnepropetrovsk and Kherson regions. Thus, the main task for "Crimean Titan" in the near future will be to find ways to supply raw materials. Also, we must not forget that the production of titanium dioxide is water-intensive, and therefore dependent on the supply of water.

"Atan-Crimea", transportation and sale of fuel

Revenue - 6.5 billion rubles (2013)
Head: Alexander Tereshchenko
Main beneficiary: Alexey Tikhomirov

The company is engaged in transportation, wholesale deliveries and retail sales of fuel - its fuel trucks are used by TNK and Ukrnafta brands, it has its own network of filling stations and is a monopolist in the supply of fuel for small boats. During the Ukrainian period of the life of the peninsula, Atan often managed to receive government orders, and its future largely depends on building relationships with the new authorities. Aleksey Tikhomirov, the owner of the company, should be able to work with the authorities; he is a member of the Crimean parliament from the Communist Party. The relationship between Russia and Ukraine largely determines whether Atan will be able to maintain its business outside the Crimea - for example, in 2013 the company invested heavily to enter the Dnepropetrovsk market.

Crimean soda plant, chemical industry

Revenue - 5.6 billion rubles (2012)
Head: Vladislav Shmelkov
Main beneficiary: Dmitry Firtash

Another enterprise controlled by Dmitry Firtash, in connection with the sanctions, may experience significant problems with the sale of its products, which previously met the domestic demand of Ukraine, and were also exported, including to the EEC countries. However, Krymsoda, which provides 1.5% of the world demand for soda ash, is unlikely to be completely without consumers. Another thing is that in recent years the global situation has been unfavorable for the company and it will not be easy to win back the markets lost due to sanctions. It should be noted that the plant is the city-forming enterprise of Krasnoperekopsk and can be supported by the authorities based on considerations of social stability.

Chernomorneftegaz, mining

Revenue - 5.5 billion rubles (2012)
Head: Sergey Golovin
Main beneficiary:-

Chernomorneftegaz carries out exploration, development and production of oil and gas in the Black and Azov Seas, as well as storage and transportation of fuel. For the peninsula, the company is the main supplier of gas. Before the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Ukraine was the key in matters of its own gas production. Now the question of the ownership of the company has not yet been resolved - for example, only at the end of the summer the Russian Ministry of Energy created a commission to resolve problems related to the existence of Chernomorneftegaz. The fact is that 100% of its shares belonged to the Naftogaz of Ukraine company, but in March of this year, the State Council of the Republic of Crimea issued a decree according to which all the property of Chornomorneftegaz was transferred to Crimea. It is possible that the company will become the subject of a material dispute between Kyiv and Moscow.

KrymTETS, utilities

Revenue - 4.9 billion rubles (2013)
Leader: Igor Senko
Main beneficiary: Konstantin Grigorishin

Konstantin Grigorishin is a Russian businessman who has invested a lot in the Ukrainian economy. He owns controlling stakes in utility companies in several areas of the neighboring state. In January 2014, the Ukrainian authorities wanted to raise the rent for those thermal power plants operated by Krymteploelektrotsentral, but did not have time. Now Grigorishin's name appears in materials discussing the prospects for freezing or liquidating Russian assets in Ukraine. However, this will no longer affect the Crimean company - it continues to develop and invest in projects to develop the energy sector of the peninsula.

Publication date: 08/03/2016

Despite the fact that the Crimean peninsula is not so large in area, it can surprise with its diversity not only with its multinational composition, architectural monuments, the azure shores of the Black and Azov Seas, but also with large factories, which are in Crimea. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a peninsula without vineyards and wineries. Vineyards in Crimea are among the best and give a large and tasty harvest of various grape varieties. Many varieties of wines are made from it, mainly Muscat, which are later exported. And the berries themselves are also sold in unlimited quantities. Crimean wine is valued not only on the peninsula itself, but throughout Europe. And this is not strange, because in terms of grape harvest, Crimea exceeds many union republics and is second only to Georgia, Moldova, and Uzbekistan. In order to preserve the vineyards, it is necessary to plant at least 4,000 hectares of new vineyard seedlings every year. To easily rent any room in a hotel or hotel in Crimea, go to.

List of wineries and factories on the Crimean peninsula:

  • Alushta (wine enterprise).
  • "Solnechnaya Dolina" (wine enterprise).
  • Winery "Massandra".
  • Sudak (wine enterprise).
  • Factory of vintage wines and cognacs "Koktebel".
  • Livadia (wine enterprise).
  • Inkerman factory of vintage wines.
  • Malorechenskoe (wine-making enterprise).
  • Gurzuf (wine enterprise).
  • Sea (wine enterprise).
  • New World (factory).
  • Privetnoe (wine-making enterprise).
  • Institute of viticulture and winemaking "Magarach".
  • Tavrida (wine-making enterprise.

These are the largest factories and enterprises that are in the Crimea for the manufacture of wine products.

Chemical large plants, which are in the Crimea

Chemical production in the Crimea began in the first decade of the 20th century - this is due to the presence of unique salt deposits on the peninsula. The first chemical enterprise was located in the city of Saki, where they produced magnesium chloride, bromine, bromine salts and medicines. To date, these are the Saki Chemical Plant and the Iodobrom Research and Production Association, based on the use of brine from local lakes. Also in the Crimea there are two plants in Krasnoperekopsk - Crimean soda and Perekop bromine.

A number of chemical enterprises are located in the Crimea due to the availability of places for dumping production wastes here (Titan production association, Krasnoperekopsky district).

Metallurgy in Crimea

The production of metallurgy on the peninsula is located in the city of Kerch. Iron ores are mined in this area, but they are classified as low-quality, and all because the iron content in them is about 40%, and there are many harmful impurities in them. On the basis of the old metallurgical production, today a plant operates in Kerch, which produces not very large batches of steel castings made from scrap metal. The most profitable and promising at the Kerch Metallurgical Plant is the workshop for the manufacture of enamel utensils.

Food factories in Crimea

In Crimea, domestically produced goods account for about 97.9% of food products and 65.7% of the industrial group of goods. The products of the Soyuz-Viktan company, the Simferopol pasta factory, the Krym Brewery and Non-Alcoholic Plant JSC, the First May and Kirov canning factories are in the greatest demand. No less popular products are the Simferopol confectionery factory, the Dionis winery, and many others. These are bakeries, dairy plants and others. The products of a domestic manufacturer are in no way inferior to imported ones, both in taste and in aesthetic terms.

The chemical industry provides about 13.2% of the entire industrial production of the peninsula. The main production facilities are concentrated in the north and are located at the Krymsky Titan plant in Armyansk and the Krymsky Soda Plant in Krasnoperekopsk, which are part of Dmitry Firtash's business group (Sgoir OR).

The construction of the Crimean soda plant began in 1967 near. The construction site was chosen due to the presence near the production site of a natural source of table salt, energy resources, water resources of the North Crimean Canal, as well as convenient transport logistics and the possibility of dumping production waste into closed salt lakes. In 1973, the production of disodium phosphate was launched, in 1975, the production of soda ash began, and in 2008, the enterprise began to produce baking soda. Now the main product of the plant is the production of soda ash, which forms 98% of the total revenue. Manufactured products are supplied both to the Ukrainian market and to the CIS countries and far abroad countries (through ports, and Odessa). Now the plant accounts for about 2% of the world output of soda ash, its share in the Ukrainian market reaches 80%. In 2013, the plant produced 582 thousand tons of soda ash, including 427.5 thousand tons of grade A soda, 24.4 thousand tons of salt, and over 4 thousand tons of baking soda.

In recent years, the company's revenue has been 6-7 billion rubles, due to the unfavorable situation in the global chemical market, the plant has been chronically unprofitable in recent years (in 2012, the company's loss amounted to 0.9 billion rubles). At the same time, the company continued to invest heavily in development - in 2013, capital investments reached 0.7 billion rubles. The bulk of investments (RUB 0.36 billion) were directed to the construction of a cogeneration unit for generating electricity and heat with a capacity of 14.4 MW.

The company also continued to invest in the development of the production of baking soda and in the development of the Severo-Baksanskoye limestone deposit, which will be able to meet the prospective demand for limestone from the enterprise (annual demand is estimated at 1.1 thousand tons).

Another large chemical plant, Krymsky Titan CJSC, is located in the north of the peninsula in the city of Armyansk, and is also under the operational control of Sgoir OR (it owns 100% of the company's shares). The decision to build the plant was made in 1969, and already in 1971 an ammophos production workshop was put into operation, in 1973 a complex for the production of aluminum sulphate and whole glass began to operate, and by 1978 2 workshops were launched for the production of pigment titanium dioxide. Now the plant is the largest producer of titanium dioxide in Eastern Europe (the installed capacity of the plant for this type of product is 80 thousand tons per year), which is widely used in the paint and varnish, metallurgical and pulp and paper industries. According to preliminary data, in 2013 Crimean Titan produced 107.9 thousand tons of titanium dioxide.

In recent years, the company's revenue has been growing, thanks to vertical integration and stable demand for products, the plant managed to enter the zone of positive profitability (in 2012, net profit reached 0.2 billion rubles). However, if the border with c is closed, the situation at the enterprise may worsen significantly - titanium for processing is supplied from the Irshansky mining and processing plant (Zhytomyr region) and Volnogorsky mining and processing plant (Dnipropetrovsk region). Termination of the supply of raw materials can lead to a shutdown of the enterprise.

We talk about life in the Crimea, displaying the main and important events that are certainly interesting to every inhabitant and guest of the peninsula. News of Crimea regularly publishes information about the population, prices and tariffs, education and social issues, health and environmental issues. For you reviews of holidays and festivals, competitions and public events, materials about the work of non-governmental organizations of the Crimea.

News of Crimea are reviews of cultural life

We talk about the culture of Crimea, covering all the most significant events and activities in the cultural life of the Republic. We bring to your attention the latest information about ongoing exhibitions and concerts, place posters of theaters and reflect novelties in the film industry, conduct photo reviews and video tours of interesting places on the peninsula, historical monuments, sights. We are clever about museum business and archeology in the Crimea.

It's sad, but the news of the Crimea is a summary of incidents

A significant place in the total volume of our information is occupied by incidents in the Crimea. We provide operational reports of accidents and emergencies, road traffic incidents (RTA) and fires. We discuss the criminogenic situation, publish the details of crimes and shed light on the corruption component of our reality.

I am glad that the news of the Crimea is information about affairs

Business in the Crimea today is certainly interesting to the reader. Having reunited with Russia, the peninsula attracted a powerful wave of investments, which in turn caused rapid growth in the construction industry and trade, the restoration of industry and agriculture, and a revival in the real estate market. Long-lost positions in winemaking and industrial fishing, again occupy a coordinating place in the economy.

We have a good rest, we read the news of the Crimea

Being in the epicenter of resort life, we note the undoubted revival of the entertainment and tourism industry. In a series of publications about sanatoriums and boarding houses, hotels and hotels, campsites and beaches, we will talk about the obvious advantages and hidden disadvantages, highlight the pitfalls and unequivocal advantages, objectively discussing the rest in the Crimea. Interested in prices for holidays in the holiday season? For advice in the summer, only to us!

Breaking news of the Crimea is also for us ..

We place press releases of state structures of the Republic on our pages. We work directly with the press centers of the Government and the State Council, services of several departments and institutions. Promptly about the important - reports of supervisory authorities, customs and a number of law enforcement agencies, including the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Crimean news keeps the reader informed

Of course, we do not remain aloof from the events taking place in the world. In our materials, as in a mirror, the details of the relationship and socio-political life of Russia and neighboring countries are reflected. Crimea, as an echo of world politics, resonant news and events that in one way or another affect the life of Crimeans, occupy a worthy place on the pages of our publication.

Crimean News is trying...

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News of Crimea tried, but ..

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29. 03 . 2014 | Russia

New times begin for the Crimean industry - Russian investments come to the peninsula

Russian investmentsin the Crimean economy in the event of the accession of the peninsula may amount to several billion dollars in the near future. The authorities expect businesses from Russia to invest five billion dollars (about 160 billion rubles) in Crimean projects.

Potential directions for further industrial development of the region– investments in the military-industrial complex (Feodosiya enterprises of the military-industrial complex), in port facilities and hydrocarbon production on the shelf. In particular, D. Rogozin suggested the possibility of loading the Crimean industry with long-term and profitable orders, the same was stated by SoyuzMash of Russia, mentioning the possibility of financing in the amount of 40 billion rubles to support the industry. The funds will be used to support enterprises related to the military-industrial complex, mechanical engineering, ship maintenance, including ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The review of the industry of the peninsula, given below, suggests only 3 areas of investment in the industry - shipbuilding, instrumentation and hydrocarbon production on the shelf (after the delimitation of property rights with Naftagaz Ukrainy). Investments in the chemical industry and energy are possible only after clarifying the ownership of existing enterprises, since they are included in vertically integrated companies in mainland Ukraine.

General description of the economy of the Republic of Crimea

The total share of Crimea in Ukraine's GDP is 3%, and the GRP of Crimea was estimated in 2012 at $4.3 billion. 52% of the expenditures of the budget of Crimea, which is approximately 2.5 billion hryvnia, is provided by revenues from the state budget of Ukraine. In 2009, the volume of exports of Crimean goods to the EU countries amounted to 83.3 million dollars.

The main incomes of Crimea are given by:

Industry - 16% (more than five hundred large and medium-sized enterprises),

Trade - 13%,

Agriculture - 10% (grain farming, viticulture).

Tourism income - 6% (on average - 6 million tourists per year), while 40% of vacationers come to Crimean resorts from Russia

The Republic of Crimea, which is almost entirely provided with its own food products, sends 45% of its exports to the CIS countries (45%), most of it to Russia (29%), another 23% of goods are exported to the EU countries. Crimea is a major exporter of agricultural products, and many products of inorganic chemistry are exported to the EU countries.

Most of all, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (mainly wine) are exported from Crimea to Russia, Belarus, Japan, China, Germany, the USA and other countries.

General description of the industry of the republic

Chemical industry

CJSC "Crimean TITAN"(/www.titanexport.com/) is a leading manufacturer of chemical products, producing titanium dioxide, red iron ore pigment, ammophos and other chemical products. The plant's products, according to Gosvneshinform, occupy approximately 30% of the Russian titanium dioxide market and 80% of all imports of these products to the Russian Federation. However, according to sources in the market, the enterprise is unlikely to be able to function without raw material supplies within the framework of a vertically integrated holding. Ukraine has about 20% of the world's reserves of titanium ores mined by the Irshansky and Volnogorsky GOKs.

JSC "Crimean soda plant"(www.cs.ua) - a powerful enterprise - a manufacturer of soda ash brands "A" and "B", which has been operating for more than 30 years. The company offers technical soda, detergents, salt, building lime for sale in the domestic and foreign markets.

OAO Brom(www.perekopbromine.com) is the only producer of bromine and its compounds in Ukraine, which uses natural raw materials - brine from Lake Sivash.


Energy Distribution Company “DTEK Krymenergo”, which is part of the DTEK holding of Rinat Akhmetov, with a share in the supply of the peninsula with current of about 80%. In 2013, it increased its net loss under IFRS by 14.1% compared to 2012 - up to UAH 182.83 million ($19.81 million).

4 solar power plants - Perovo, Okhotnikovo, Rodnikovo and Mityaevo with a total capacity of 227.5 MW of the Austrian developer Activ Solar, which is associated with Andrey Klyuev in the media.

mechanical engineering

The industry is represented by more than 50 enterprises.

JSC "Machine-building plant "Firma Selma"(www.selma.ua) is a leading manufacturer of electric welding equipment in Ukraine and CIS countries. JSC "Simferopolselmash"(www.selmash.strace.net) is one of the leaders in the production of cutting parts for agricultural machinery not only in the Crimea and Ukraine, but also in the CIS countries.

JSC "Fiolent"(www.fiolent.com) is a modern highly organized enterprise, which is one of the leaders in the production of power tools in Ukraine and the CIS countries.

JSC "Pnevmatika"(www.pneumo.com.ua) is an enterprise that has been manufacturing pneumatic equipment for various sectors of the economy for over 30 years. The supply program includes a hundred modifications of pneumatic devices.

OJSC "Shipbuilding plant "Zaliv" is a leading manufacturer and exporter of modern medium-sized tankers. At the same time, the company mainly works for export - the main customers are Norway and the Netherlands. In 2013, it became known that the plant of Konstantin Zhevago would become a co-owner of two enterprises of the Norwegian shipbuilding company Bergen Group ASA. For $18.2 million, Zaliv will receive a 51% stake in the newly created company. Bergen Group's Fosen and BMV plants will be transferred to this company. The company will also receive $40 million under the signed agreement to finance the construction of ships.

Sevmorzavod (SMZ), 60% of which belongs to Petro Poroshenko. One of the main customers of the plant is "Ukrspetsexport". The plant's products are exported to the countries of Russia, Cuba, Romania, Poland, Germany and others. In 2012, SMZ reduced its unconsolidated net loss under IFRS by 2.6 times - to UAH 5.35 million ($0.58 million), its net income increased by 17% - to UAH 52.87 million ($5.72 million).

OJSC "FSK "More"(www.morye.crimea.ua) is a powerful enterprise that produces high-speed ships (hydrofoils, hovercraft, etc.), pleasure yachts, boats with hulls made of aluminum-magnesium alloys.

SE "Fiberglass"(www.boat.h1.ru) has a significant production potential and is a large specialized enterprise that owns the technology of manufacturing complex structures from polymer composite materials. The company's products: boats and boats for various purposes, pleasure boats, kayaks, etc.

Extractive industry

GAO "Chernomorneftegaz" is part of NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine" and specializes in the exploration and production of oil and gas in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, storage and transportation of natural gas. On the shelf of the Black and Azov Seas and in the onshore part of Crimea, Chernomorneftegaz develops 3 gas condensate (Golitsynskoye, Shtormovoye and Fontanovskoye), 6 gas (Arkhangelskoye Strelkovoe, Dzhankoyskoye, Zadornenskoye, Vostochno-Kazantipskoye, Severo-Bulganakskoye) and one oil (Semenovskoye) fields . At the same time, the company is quite promising - last year they began developing the Subbotinskoye field, and this year they plan to drill 11 new wells. Production in 2013 increased by 40.6% compared to the previous year and amounted to 1.65 billion cubic meters of resource.

"Smart Holding"- Balaklava Mining Administration (BRU), Evpatoria Plant of Building Materials and Saki Plant of Building Materials. Smart-Nerudprom companies supply limestone and crushed granite to the Ukrainian market, develop the Evpatariyskoye limestone deposit, the Psilerakhsky and Kadykovsky quarries and the Sasyksky deposit.


The main traffic flow (both passenger and cargo) to the Crimea goes by land - through the Perekop Isthmus. The Kerch ferry crossing is underpowered. Until recently, the Ukrainian authorities planned to increase its capacity to only 400 people and 60 cars per hour (in both directions). The Kerch cargo port is not designed for additional transportation in the absence of road and rail links with Ukraine.

in the event of blocking land communications (and this is very likely), Crimea from a peninsula becomes a real island. This creates problems with the export of bulk agricultural products (including winemaking), the chemical industry, as well as the import of goods necessary for the current life of the Crimea (missing food, especially during the holiday season, consumer goods, etc.).


If we talk about the Crimean recreation industry and its accompanying trade and service sector, then it officially employs 266.3 thousand people, or almost 30% of the legally employed population of Crimea. Small and medium-sized businesses in the industry are mostly not registered, and they need to be “introduced into the legal space”.


The second employment sector in Crimea is agriculture - almost 200 thousand people. These are the northern regions of the peninsula. The economy of this sector was supported by water coming from mainland Ukraine and electricity flowing from there.

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