What is "drogery"? Companies in Retail chain (drogerie, FMCG) in Tyumen area.

At a time when people are saving money and reducing the number of trips to large hypermarkets and hardware stores, there are new prospects for the development of drogerie stores. This type of retail appeared in Russia not so long ago. But experts predict a good pace of expansion of drogery chains in the regions: 20-30% growth in the number of outlets and turnovers in the coming years.

Drogerie is a European format of non-food convenience stores where, in addition to household chemicals, household goods, cosmetics and tights, you can buy over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements. Drogerie in the West is a great replacement for classic pharmacies, as the format of the institution is friendlier, it is more pleasant to go to it for medicines for coughs or mild colds than to a pharmacy, which is associated with more serious diseases. In European countries, the number of drogerie is comparable to the number of classic convenience stores. In Germany, the retail format "drogerie" has more than 9 thousand units. In the UK, Boots alone owns over 1,400 drogerie stores.

"The format for Russia is quite young. "Podruzhka" entered the market in 2005, "Magnit Cosmetic" in 2010. Each of the trade formats in Russia has its own target audience. The latest Nielsen consumer sentiment study found that 78% of Russian shoppers enjoy shopping and perceive shopping as a pleasant pastime. Interestingly, the Russian consumer is consciously willing to pay more for the benefits of drogery," says Firuza Kozhageldina, Head of Corporate Relations non-food market Nielsen Russia.

According to Euromonitor International, the volume of the Russian drogerie market in 2013 was estimated at 59.8 billion rubles, in 2014 - at 65.7 billion, the forecast for 2015 - 70 billion rubles. According to the consumer society "Drogerie - Soyuz", the average bill in stores is 250-500 rubles, the average traffic per day is 250-450 people. "Drogerie has a wider selection than a standard convenience store. I think if convenience stores and drogeries are relatively close and serve the same area, then there will most likely be a split in stock and grocery stores will either drop household items altogether and expand the product line, or reduce to a minimum the representation of such goods on their shelves, - says Ksenia Grevtsova, Head of Retailers Development "MAGAZIN MAGAZINOV". -some groups of goods to keep affordable prices with a minimum margin.

The main advantage of this format is a convenient location and a wide range of products. 90% of drogerie buyers are women. “The audience of drogerie in Russia is completely different. There are “hard discounters” like “Ruble Boom”, which are focused on the lowest prices and the low-income category of citizens. the average trend, then drogerie is not a store for the poor, - says Dmitry Kalachev, director of Trade House Vprok. - In my opinion, "beauty" (cosmetics, skin care products, hair care products) and household goods (cleaning, kitchen, shoe care products) that sell well and have a good margin".

There are prerequisites for further growth of the drogerie format, and experts are seeing a growth in the segment. Regional players see no other way than extensive growth. They are pursuing a very balanced financial policy, as a rule, have a low debt burden, and this is holding back expansion. “Regional chains, firstly, cannot afford to have a large share of unprofitable stores (as a rule, new stores bring losses in the first year), and secondly, they have already experienced several crises and remember well how banks can suddenly close lending and leave the company in a difficult financial situation. At the same time, there are still entire regions where there are no significant network players, so there will be growth, and most likely it will be measured in double digits (20-30%) both in terms of the number of outlets and in terms of turnover," he believes Dmitry Kalachev.

According to Vladimir Kukushkin, general director of the BEAUTY MARKET network of perfumery and cosmetics stores, the capacity of the drogerie market in Russia is 12-15 thousand stores. By the way, the format is constantly transforming, and now many chains are moving into beauty - cosmetics, tights, goods that are difficult to sell in grocery retail, reduce the share of household chemicals, which just flows into hypermarkets. Drogerie began to select customers from the classic "perfumery-cosmetics" format, selling cosmetics and perfumes in the high price segment with a markup of 40-60%, which is significantly lower than that of large cosmetic retailers.

A photo: WG / Anton Petepletchikov / Inna Zubareva

The main factor that distinguishes Russian drogeries from European ones is pharmaceutical products. Nevertheless, there are already attempts to sell dietary supplements and parapharmaceuticals in our drogeries. “We are not talking about medicines that are sold exclusively in pharmacies. In terms of assortment, the bets are made on herbal teas, tonics, as well as cosmetics for body and face care, which are traditionally in demand in retail. In our opinion, this is a new and quite promising format for in terms of pharmaceutical products, it has every chance to compete for the consumer with pharmacies, especially in remote regions where the availability of pharmacies is low. etc.," says Natalia Prokopyeva, chairman of the board of directors of Evalar (signed a direct contract with the Magnit network).

According to Roman Ivanov, CEO of R&D Pharma, sooner or later the legislation will change in Russia and classic drogeries will become possible: “First of all, it will be necessary to change the mentality and capabilities of the target audience of such stores. As you know, these are middle-level housewives. Now in our country this category of society cares about how to feed their households. Currently, there is a steady decline in sales of parapharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals in pharmacies. This is due to the crisis of macro- and microeconomics. I do not believe that against this background, drogeries will gain popularity in Russia. "

So far, the drogheri themselves adhere to this point of view. “I believe that in Russia it’s more likely not about legislative obstacles, but about the habit of buying and trust in the format. I know that one of the Moscow chains tried to implement pharmacy departments on its premises, but sales did not go. I still don’t see the prerequisites for such a scenario," sums up Vladimir Kukushkin.

The network format drogerie (drogerie - translated from German as "pharmacy store") appeared in Germany in the 1970s. Then, several German retail companies at once launched chains of self-service stores selling household chemicals and parapharmaceuticals on a discount basis - this is how the largest chains in Europe Schlecker, Rossmann, DM (Drogerie Markt) now appeared.
Having arisen on the basis of the pharmacy business, the new format differed from ordinary pharmacies by a more pronounced desire to work with marginal and popular positions among consumers. And if traditional pharmacies are usually limited to medicines, dietary supplements and parapharmacy, then drogerie stores also began to sell pet food, household goods, children's toys and clothes, men's and women's underwear, impulse goods, chocolate, wine, etc. d.

The main advantage of "drogerie" was and remains that the development of the format does not require large initial investments. Essential goods offered in such stores do not need special storage conditions, the logistics of this format are much simpler than food ones, as it allows delivery with less frequency. The timing of the sale of the range (months and years) makes it possible to reduce losses from decommissioned goods. Electrical energy is spent mainly only on the lighting of the trading floor (there is no expensive energy-consuming equipment). At the same time, drogerie stores offer a wide range of essential goods. And thanks to the freedom of the concept in the choice of assortment, it is possible to adapt to the target audience.
It is not surprising that this format became widespread in the West in a fairly short time - it began to actively develop not only in Europe, but also in America.

In Europe, "drogerie" is developing in two versions: firstly, these are discounters with an average area of ​​​​about 200 square meters. m, with an assortment of 3-4 thousand items, located as "convenience stores", within a radius of 500 m from potential buyers - the Schlecker network operates in this segment. Second, a supermarket. The area of ​​such shops is 700-800 sq. m, assortment - 8-10 thousand commodity items, they are located on the central streets of cities or in shopping centers. These stores are being developed by Rossman and DM. They are distinguished by an open layout, more spectacular interior solutions, an expanded range of related services (the ability to print photos, iron things right on the trading floor) and, of course, higher prices compared to discounters.

Development in Russia

In our country, household goods stores, haberdashery stores and the corresponding departments in department stores can be considered prototypes of "drogerie". In the late 1990s, they were replaced by stalls and stalls in open markets specializing in household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics or lingerie. And in the early 2000s, distributors and wholesalers who worked with household chemicals and cosmetics began to truly develop the drogerie format as a network in Russia. It was a natural process of business diversification, as the need for intermediaries gradually disappeared. Thus, the Russian distributor of perfumes, cosmetics and household chemicals, Mak-Dak Trading House, in November 2004 created the Ol! - the network "Sangi Style", "K-Invest" from Rostov-on-Don - "Family Quarter", the St. Petersburg company "Lotos" - "Rainbow Smile".

Domestic drogerie chains differ from each other in terms of area, assortment, design concept, and price positioning. But they differ even more from their European counterparts.

If in a classic Western drogerie store, in addition to hygiene items, cosmetics and household chemicals, food products with a long shelf life are sold - nutritional supplements, dietary products, tea, coffee, boxed sweets and even wine - then in Russian conditions such a combination is irrelevant - “our » consumers are accustomed to buying all this in grocery stores. In the European version, the range of "drogeries" also includes parapharmacy, over-the-counter drugs, and in our country such products are the prerogative of pharmacies, and special licenses are required to sell them. Here are costume jewelry, goods for children and animals, related seasonal products - categories that combine domestic and Western drogerie stores.

The "classic" European range of "drogerie" in Russia has been adjusted in accordance with Russian needs and lifestyle. If in German stores of this format household chemicals occupy 3-5%, then in the Russian Federation - 14-15%, and in American and English - there are no household chemicals at all. This is due to the peculiarities of everyday life: in Russia, women do laundry, ironing and cleaning at home, in Europe and the USA they hardly do household chores, so household chemicals are traditionally sold in other specialized stores. Decorative cosmetics in the assortment of drogeries in Germany occupy 10%, in America and England - about 30%, and in Russian drogeries of decorative cosmetics there were still no more than 20%. But lately, "our" stores of this format have been expanding the categories of decorative cosmetics and perfumes. Perhaps in the near future their share in the assortment of Russian drogerie chains will be the same as in the American ones.

World leader in its format
The world's largest drogerie network is the German company Schlecker. founded by Anton Schlecker in 1975. The headquarters is located in the city of Ehingen (Germany).
The company began international expansion in 1987 from Austria. It was followed by the Netherlands and Spain (1989). To gain a foothold in the French market in 1991, Schlecker acquired Superdrug. Then branches were opened in Italy, Poland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal. In 2001, Schlecker acquired 240 stores from the Rewe Group. At the end of 2006, it bought the leading Czech pharmacy operator Droxi.
Today, Schlecker has a leading position in the German pharmacy market with a share of 76%. Schlecker is one of the 25 largest retailers in Europe and the 100 largest retailers in the world. The absolute leader among pharmacy retailers worldwide. In Germany it has about 9,000 points of sale. In total, the company has more than 14 thousand points of sale in 13 European countries. True, some of the company's stores in Austria and France were closed during the crisis, and in 2009-2010 Schlecker left the markets of Denmark and the Netherlands. In 2010, Forbes estimated Anton Schlecker's net worth at $3.1 billion.

Traditional Schlecker outlets are small (up to 300 sq. m.) discounters with a minimalist interior, lined with racks and goods, palletized and low prices. Assortment - 4000 items. But since 2008, the Schlecker chain has been developing the drogerie XL format, which offers new types of services and an expanded range of food products in an increased sales area.

The basis of the assortment of Russian "drogeries" are care products - almost 50%. This is the most capacious and most demanded category by Russian buyers, or rather, by female customers. It is also the most promising: manufacturers are actively expanding their product lines, and the Russian consumer loves to try everything new.

In Russia, as in Europe, two types of drogerie stores have developed: mid-price supermarkets - Ol! Good, Podruzhka, etc., and discounters - Yuzhny Dvor, Ulybka Radugi, Magnit Kosmetik ", "Spectrum". However, the latter some time ago became more flexible in positioning: Spektr began introducing a special format for Health and Beauty shopping centers, as well as developing middle- and low-formats - it is clearly moving into the middle price segment. The retailer plans to spend about $150,000 each to reposition old stores and open each new one.

Development prospects

Today, the total number of drogerie stores in our country exceeds several thousand, which is many times more than 3-4 years ago, but still very far from market saturation. In fact, only Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar are covered by this format. There is even some competition there - the format is represented not by one, but by several networks. In most regions of Russia, however, consumers are not even familiar with the drogerie format - they buy non-food items of prime necessity in the markets. But in some cities of the Volga region, the Urals, Kuban, there are also small local networks of "drogeries".

The fact that drogerie chains rarely go beyond their region may be explained by the specificity of the required assortment of goods in each of the regions, - says Vladislav Fadeev, head of the marketing department of the GVA Sawyer consulting department. - Obviously, the goods that could be offered in Astrakhan's drogerie shops will be different from those that can be offered in Arkhangelsk. Different regions have already developed their own consumer preferences, so opening a store in another region with the same set of brands and products as in the chain’s home region requires more marketing support not only for the retailer itself, but also for individual brands. Another possible explanation could be the presence of some administrative barriers on the part of municipal players and authorities. These barriers make it unprofitable to create a regional network. The fact remains that there are no federal-scale drogerie chains yet. That's just the project of Magnit, a player with already established logistics and work skills in different regions of the country, (Magnit Cosmetic) has every chance of becoming federal.

In Russia, leadership belongs to Krasnodar
The largest network of cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals in Russia, originally from Krasnodar, is Sangi Style, which has more than 700 outlets. Exists since 1995. She left Krasnodar in 2005. Develops mainly in the south of the country in 2 formats: cash&carry and drogery
Direct access drogerie format stores are opened in cities of district, regional and regional significance with a population of 10,000 or more. The assortment includes 5,000 items of cosmetic products, hygiene products, household chemicals, decorative cosmetics.

In the future, in Russia, as well as in Germany, national drogerie players will appear, it’s just that the format began to develop not so long ago, - Sergey Kudrov, Optima chain (Izhevsk) is sure. - Once the time will come for mergers and acquisitions. Yes, not soon, but these are the basics of the economy in any industry.

The market capacity of the drogerie format is great - with its active development, it will be able to approach saturation in 10-15 years, - says Ilya Belonovsky, Executive Director of the Association of Retail Companies.

Representatives of the drogerie format call hypermarkets and supermarkets the main competitors, and with an increase in the share of cosmetics in their own assortment, they also hypermarkets of perfumes and cosmetics, such as L'Etoile, Rive Gauche, etc. At the same time, the perfumery and cosmetic chains themselves, which sell mainly expensive products of Western brands, and FMCG hypermarkets, do not consider drogerie stores to be competitors.

In our opinion, the advantage of hypermarkets is that customers can purchase all the necessary goods (from food to hygiene products) in one place, - says Yana Mogileva, PR manager at Lenta. - And prices in hypermarkets are usually lower than in specialized stores. But even small shops have their fans. Often, perfume and hardware stores, due to their narrow specialization and a fundamentally different organization of the trading space, can offer a wider assortment in their categories.
The advantages of "drogerie", according to experts, are precisely a wide selection of goods of different price categories, a large assortment of related products and proximity to home.

O znamenosets

on a tip mamasha_muller
One of the formats of house shops.
Today (even though it's Friday), I open a series of articles dedicated to drogerie - one of the most common retail store formats. In the first article, we will consider general issues and look at Western examples of such networks. Later - analytics of all major Ukrainian networks and interesting small operators.

Drogerie is a small shop 100-250 m2, which sells perfumery, cosmetics, hygiene, household goods, household chemicals, and a limited range of food products. In some countries, drogerie also sells over-the-counter drugs.
To The number of such stores in European countries is comparable to the number of classic "grocery" discounters. For example, there are more than 9,000 of them on the German market. This network format quite naturally arose as the niche of mass food stores (discounters and supermarkets) was filled. This happened in the 70s of the last century (not so long ago!).

The format of the store is remarkable in the first place by the fact that the costs of organizing and operating the outlet are very low. Drogerie have high turnover rates per 1m2 of sales area. In addition, the costs for the creation and operation of such enterprises are significantly lower than in grocery stores.

Where are the savings from?

First, from the primary investment. Almost 100% of the entire Drogerie range does not require special storage conditions. This means that there are no specialized refrigerators and freezers - separate for meat, fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, etc. There are no medium-temperature slides in the hall for laying out the same fruits and vegetables, yogurts, gastronomy. No expensive low temperature baths. It is not required to install remote units or arrange a high-performance air conditioning system in the hall.
Secondly, simple logistics. The absence of perishable products in the assortment makes it possible to supply with less frequency, efficiently load transport, etc. And the fact that all products have a sales period of months (and years) reduces losses from the write-off of "expired" goods.
Thirdly, electricity consumption is determined mainly by the need to illuminate the trading floor (as you know, for a grocery store, on the contrary, the most critical is the total power of refrigeration units). In some cases, the electricity limit simply will not allow the use of the premises for a grocery store. And under Drogerie - it's easy.

Over the past five years, Russia has shown one of the highest growth rates of the retail market in the world - 9% annually. According to forecasts, by the beginning of the next decade, the Russian retail market will become the largest in Europe, overtaking England, Germany and France in terms of turnover. At the same time, there are four main trends that have the greatest impact on the development of retail:

  1. Entry and active development in the retail market of large Western companies("Metro Group", "Auchan", etc.). International operators are increasingly influential in shaping the standards of the trading industry in Russia. Under their influence, there is an increase in requirements for retail trade in general.
  2. Changing consumer environment. The middle class has formed in Russia and the share of highly profitable clients has significantly increased. The priorities of the potential consumer have changed - the price as a competitive advantage is gradually fading into the background, and the importance of the assortment and design of retail space has increased. In addition, today it is not enough to know the demographic and social composition of the area in order to plan and open a store. Representatives of the same social stratum behave as buyers in different ways: this concerns both the choice of goods and the requirements for the level of service.
  3. Under the influence of Western retail chains, Moscow chains are actively developing business in regions
  4. Another trend in Russian retail is the development of retail chains new formats. After discounters they build hypermarkets, after supermarkets they open "convenience stores".

And these trends are typical not only for the retail market of food products. According to analysts, the consumer is already satisfied with food and is ready to purchase other goods in large quantities - household chemicals, hygiene items, cosmetics, etc. And the business is aware of this and responds adequately. New retail formats are emerging, borrowed from successful Western retail formats and adapted to Russian conditions.

One of such new formats for Russia is the Drogeri format. Drogerie is a network trading company focused on the sale of a range of essential goods, mainly non-food items - perfumes, cosmetics, household chemicals, hygiene products, and medicines.

The appearance of stores of this format dates back to the 70s of the last century. The format has been most developed in Germany, where there are about 9,000 such stores. The leading retail chains in this format include Rossman, Shlecker, Drospa.

One of the main characteristics of the Drogherie format is the range of products. In stores of this format, goods are presented that do not require special conditions for storage - refrigerators, bathtubs, bonettes, medium-temperature slides. These are goods such as perfumes, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, household goods, household goods, goods for children, jewelry, household chemicals and other non-food products.

However, in the Drogerie format there is also a place for food products - tea, coffee, cookies, juices, chewing gum, diet food, i.e. goods of impulse demand, which are usually placed in the checkout area. And although food products usually occupy 15%-20% of the store area, they can provide up to 70% of the total turnover.

A separate place in the assortment of the Drogerie format store is occupied by seasonal goods: in spring, these can be goods for summer cottages. But the season is not only the time of the year, as it is traditionally understood, but also this or that holiday, for example, New Year and Christmas.

Some of the assortment may also depend on the network, for example, some networks do not sell nutritional supplements or jewelry. In the classic German format, for example, a photo printing item is required. Despite the fact that the range of domestic Drogerie was formed with a focus on Western counterparts, it was adjusted in accordance with Russian needs and lifestyle. So, in Russian Drogerie, household chemicals occupy 14-15%, in German - 3-5%, and in American and English household chemicals there is none at all. In Russian Drogerie, unlike Western ones, there are no medicines, since special licenses are required to conduct this business. Decorative cosmetics in the assortment of Drogerie in Germany occupy 10%, in America and England - about 30%, and in Russian Drogerie of decorative cosmetics no more than 15-18%.

A fairly large share of goods in Drogeri (up to 50%) is sold under its own brand (PL). Own brands are always a priority for the operator, as they allow you to make a big profit, create a positive image of the store for the buyer. In the West, many trademarks have become national brands precisely because of the popularity of Drogerie stores. Under its own brand, Drogerie usually sells the most popular cosmetics: suntan lotion, deodorants, shaving creams, but there may be more exclusive goods, such as perfume.

Private label products can be very expensive or very cheap. It all depends on the positioning of a particular network and the image created by it. So, if we take the DM network (Drogerie Markt), here the quality and positioning of private labels allow setting the same prices as for analogues "from brands", and often even selling the assortment under private labels is more expensive than brands. But Schlecker's own brand products are much cheaper. Drospa's photography departments, for example, sell their own branded film at low prices alongside Kodak or Fuji.

The Drogherie format, like the discounter, is economical and involves small sales areas (150-300 sq.m.) with a high turnover per square meter and high throughput. In addition, the costs of creating and operating such stores are significantly lower than in grocery stores and the savings are as follows:

Firstly, almost 100% of the entire Drogerie range does not require special storage conditions. This means that there are no specialized refrigerators and freezers in the trading floor - separate for meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, etc. There are no medium-temperature slides in the trading floor for laying out the same vegetables, fruits, yogurts, gastronomy. There are no very expensive low-temperature baths. It is not necessary to install remote units or arrange high-performance air conditioning in the hall if built-in units are used.

Secondly, logistics - an order of magnitude easier. The absence of perishable products in the assortment as such allows for supply with less frequency, efficient loading of vehicles, and so on. And the fact that all products have a sales period of months (and years) reduces losses from the write-off of "expired" goods.

Thirdly, power consumption is also very small, and is determined mainly by the need and adequacy of lighting of the trading floor.

Drogerie's main income is not from markup, but from turnover. Shops of this format are characterized by simplicity of design and minimally civilized trading conditions, although they are much more civilized compared to many Russian stores.

80% of the turnover of the Drogeri store is provided by regular customers. Therefore, the store should be within walking distance. A 5-minute walk is the maximum effort that can be demanded from a local resident who comes for his daily traditional purchase.

In Russia, two types of positioning of Drogeri stores have developed: in the middle and lower price segments. So, the network "Ol! Good" is in the middle and above the average price segment, "Southern Court" is a hard discounter, "Podruzhka" and "Perfume Paradise" belong to the middle-low and middle price segment. For example, the average bill in the stores "Ol! Good" is 300 rubles, "Podruzhka" - about 200-250 rubles, in the stores "Smile of the Rainbow" - about 170 rubles.

The founders of the Drogherie format in Russia were distributors and wholesalers of cosmetics and household chemicals, and this is a natural process of business diversification, since there was no need for intermediaries.

For example, in November 2004, the Russian distributor of perfumery, cosmetics and household chemicals Trading House "Mak-Dak" decided to develop its own retail network in the format of Drogerie - "Ol! Good". Distributors are also the companies "Southern Dvor" and "Perfume Paradise", which have their own networks of Drogeri stores. Another representative of the Drogerie format in Moscow is the Podruzhka chain, the first store of which opened in October 2005. The Podruzhka retail chain is operated by Taber Trade LLC, which has been operating in the retail market since 2003.

Drogeri networks are also developing in the Russian regions, for example, Spektr and Rainbow Smile in St. Petersburg. Not so long ago, the decision to develop its own network of Drogeri under the Mila brand was made by the Pharmacy Chain 36.6 holding. Nizhny Novgorod became the launching pad for the project.

According to analysts, the niche of the Drogeri format is practically undeveloped and extremely promising. Now in Moscow there are 5-6 chains, about 250 stores, despite the fact that the potential capacity of the capital's market is about 2 thousand stores. Experts estimate the total potential of this segment at 15-20 thousand stores throughout Russia (the turnover of each store is $40-100 thousand per month). This means another three to five years of active growth for the Drogerie segment.

At the same time, there is an active occupation of the market by players. Leaders open an average of 6-8 stores per month, and the pace is constantly increasing. Thus, two years ago (2006) the Podruzhka chain consisted of 10 stores, by September 2007 their number had increased to 70. The company plans to increase the number of chain stores to 250 in 2008. Mak-Dak Trading House (Ol Good") for two years (2005/2007) increased the number of its stores (not including franchise projects) from 20 to 120. Almost all players are growing at a fairly high pace.

The high pace of development of the Drogerie segment attracts new players who seek to diversify their business. And Western retail chains have already assessed the potential of the Russian market and plan to enter it in the coming years. For example, A.S. Watson Group (Hong Kong) is one of the world's largest operators in the perfumery and cosmetics market. For this company, the strategic direction in Russia will be the development of a national network of stores in the "Drogerie" format. In Europe, this is a priority format for A.S. Watson - it owns such large Drogeri networks as Superdrug, Savers, Rossmann, Drogas, etc.

Magnet "drogerie" format

In № 9, 2018 of the Pharmaceutical Bulletin, a small article appeared that Erkapharm Group announced the launch of Ozerki drogiri.

Let's figure out together what kind of know-how is not entirely new, but for the Russian market.

The network format drogerie (drogerie - translated from German as “pharmacy store”) appeared in Germany in the 1970s. Then, several German retail companies at once launched chains of self-service stores selling household chemicals and parapharmaceuticals on a discount basis - this is how the largest chains in Europe Schlecker, Rossmann, DM (Drogerie Markt) now appeared.
Having arisen on the basis of the pharmacy business, the new format differed from ordinary pharmacies by a more pronounced desire to work with marginal and popular positions among consumers. And if traditional pharmacies are usually limited to medicines, dietary supplements and parapharmacy, then drogerie stores also began to sell pet food, household goods, children's toys and clothes, men's and women's underwear, impulse goods, chocolate, wine, etc. d.

In Russia, drogers develop differently, they have their own characteristics. This is due to the legislation, namely, the fact that pharmaceutical sales are accompanied by licensing. At the same time, it should be noted that all attempts by pharmacies to introduce products in the droderie format into their assortment were unsuccessful.

Companies in Retail chain (drogerie, FMCG) in Tyumen area

But apparently now is the time. Experts believe that the sports law on the sale of over-the-counter drugs in retail chains is pushing apotheca to do this. But well, let's see what's in store for us next.

Meanwhile, drogerie chains are beginning to actively develop and expand and go beyond the capitals: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

What are the advantages of drogerie?

The main advantage of "drogerie" was and remains that the development of the format does not require large initial investments. Essential goods offered in such stores do not need special storage conditions, the logistics of this format are much simpler than food ones, as it allows delivery with less frequency. The timing of the sale of the range (months and years) makes it possible to reduce losses from decommissioned goods. Electrical energy is spent mainly only on the lighting of the trading floor (there is no expensive energy-consuming equipment). At the same time, drogerie stores offer a wide range of essential goods. And thanks to the freedom of the concept in the choice of assortment, it is possible to adapt to the target audience.

Complex equipment of pharmacies!

Medical refrigerators
Hygrometers (moisture analyzers)
Thermal indicators, thermal recorders
Water distillers
Bactericidal recirculators
household refrigerators
Thermal containers, thermal bags

What is "drogerie"

  1. German drogerie - drug store."Drogerie" is the designation "shops close to home" , this is net self-service stores selling household chemicals, hygiene products and cosmetics, health products, accessories, jewelry, toys, underwear, etc. on a discount basis where you can buy non-food household goods . Household chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics, household goods - all this is much more convenient to buy in stores of the "Drogerie" format, after all, you won’t go to the supermarket for clothespins or washing powder?
  2. Drogheri It has European origin, since the 70s - its roots should be sought in the history of small family shops, which gradually merged, eventually forming large retail chains.
  3. Some European drogeries include up to 15 thousand stores . For example, in the German market over 9000 .
  4. In Russia, the development of the format is just beginning with 2007-2010 .
  5. Benefits for buyers:
    • Comfortable(the store is close to your house).
    • Fast(it will take only a few minutes to buy the product you need).
    • Wide selection of items you need(the range of drogerie format stores reaches several thousand items).
    • Affordable prices(lower than in supermarkets).

  • Drogerie = Drogerie is a small shop 100-250 m2, which sells: perfumery and cosmetics, hygiene, household goods, household chemicals, a limited range of food products, and in some countries, drogeries also sell over-the-counter drugs.
  • The number of such stores in European countries is comparable to the number of classic "grocery" discounters in the country.
  • This network format quite naturally arose as the niche of mass food stores (discounters and supermarkets) was filled. It happened in Europe 70s of the last century (not so long ago!).
  • The format of the store is remarkable in the first place because expenses for the organization and operation of the outlet very low .
  • Drogerie have high turnover rates per 1m2 of sales area 6-8 000 $ / m2 / year the best, 1500-2000 $ weak.
  • Rent 22%, 55% personnel costs of total costs. Store opening costs RUB 1,370,000, inventory 2,000,000 rubles Payback 14-18 months.

  1. 80% of the turnover is provided by regular customers living within a radius 1-2 blocks from the store.
  2. The network must be dense enough and shops are small.
  3. 5 minutes walk - this is the maximum effort that can be required from a local resident who comes for his daily traditional purchase.
  4. Considering that the market capacity is finite, and the range of networks is almost identical (with the exception of differences in private labels), it turns out that the who first occupied a good premises, he got customers .
  5. For example, companies boots currently owned over 1450 stores In Great Britain. The peculiarity of the network is that it also sells prescription drugs. They managed to find their way to the heart of the British. This is one of the few lovemarks(for the British) and they are trusted.
  6. A.S.Watsons with over 10,000 stores in Asia is the world leader in this market. The Ukrainian network "DC", the Russian "Cascade" are included in this concern.
  7. Leader in Germany Schlecker (in store 4000 sku, assortment core 75% ) followed by Rossman (9000 sku in store core range 8000 sku ), hereinafter Muller.

The history of the Müller chain of stores (Erwin Müller) - the Swabian counterpart american dream March 15th 1953 year started as men's barbershop in Nersingen, Bavaria near Ulm, today is one of the leading drogerie chains with stores in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and Spain.

About 600 stores throughout Europe, 24,000 people. Annual growth + 50 shops. Since 1967, Müller's branches have also been open on Mondays, thanks to which he went down in history as the "rebel from Ulm." Expulsion from the barbers' guild obviously interested Erwin Müller the least.

In 1968, he opened a barbershop combined with the sale of non-food household goods, he laid the foundation for the Müller brand stores.

The range, which includes, among other things, CDs, toys and stationery, differs significantly from that of competitors. Slogan "You can compare our prices" .

Drogerie in Russia

  1. In December 2011, Magnit opened 200th score.
  2. The basis of the range - home care products - 46% , as the most capacious and most demanded category by the Russian buyer.
  3. It is also the most promising: manufacturers are actively expanding their product lines, and the Russian consumer loves to try everything new.
  4. Household chemicals take 14% .
  5. Decorative cosmetics, perfumes, bijouterie - 18% .
  6. Accessories - 5% .
  7. Related products - 17% (women's and men's underwear, haberdashery, from sunglasses to batteries and food containers, manicure tools, curlers, hairpins, soft toys, food products that do not require packaging and special storage, drinks, etc.).
  8. The drogerie trading floor is taking shape like a supermarket . High racks are placed along the edges, in the center - islands high 1.2-1.5 m. The most common are longitudinal and transverse arrangements of equipment. Passages - standard, from 1.2 to 2.2 m. The closer to the exit, the less demanded goods are exhibited, the calculation is for an impulse purchase.
  • Bijouterie, ornaments.
  • Goods of seasonal and promotional assortment.
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