The essence of strategic management.

Strategic decisions are characterized by the fact that they:

1. innovative in nature, and since it is common for a person and an organization to reject

all novelties, then special measures are required to overcome rejection (persuasion, training, involvement of performers in the process of developing a strategy, and, finally, coercion). Such decisions should be open and understandable to employees, which can be implemented through the use of internal marketing;

2. directed towards the long-term goals of the enterprise, towards opportunities, not tasks, towards the future, not the present;

3. differ from tactical decisions in that the set of alternatives is not defined, the procedure for their formation plays an important independent role;

5. require knowledge - the result, as a rule, depends more on the quality of the decision than on the speed or timeliness of its adoption.

There is no hard time frame for them;

1. subjective in nature, not amenable, as a rule, to an objective assessment;

2. are irreversible and have long-term consequences.

In practice, the managers of many enterprises act quite successfully on the basis of

intuitive strategy that replaces them with formal planning.

However, an extensive study by B. Henderson of the Boston Consulting

group indicates that an intuitive strategy cannot be successful when:

1) the size of the corporation is increasing;

2) the administrative apparatus grows;

3) the external environment changes significantly.

Increasing commercial risks are forcing managers to turn to strategic

management as a means of maintaining the competitiveness of an enterprise in a dynamic external

environment. In general, we can say that the effectiveness of the strategic management system

is defined as:

Provides a comprehensive, systematic view of the enterprise and its external environment;

Facilitates the adoption of strategic decisions based on the use of special concepts,

methods and approaches to the collection and processing of information;

Provides coordination and communication, both horizontally and vertically;

Helps to cope with changes and implement changes;

Provides an opportunity to anticipate business development trends;

Helps to make strategic choices and implement the strategy.

Stimulate strategic changes, for example, such events:

Change of company management;

Intervention of external organizations. In Russian conditions, most often such an organization

is not a bank, as it happens abroad, but the tax inspectorate and the administration for

insolvency and bankruptcy, which force the enterprise to develop an anti-crisis


The threat of a change of ownership or takeover of the enterprise;

Awareness by managers of the need for a "breakthrough" in the process of functioning of the enterprise in

if this enterprise does not reach the expected results (for example,

sales and earnings).

Strategic decisions are at the heart of strategic management.

Strategic Decisionsare management decisions that:

1) are future-oriented and lay the foundation for making operational management decisions;

2) are associated with significant uncertainty, since they take into account uncontrollable external factors affecting the enterprise;

3) are associated with the involvement of significant resources and can have extremely serious, long-term consequences for the enterprise.

Strategic decisions include:

Reconstruction of the enterprise;

Introduction of innovations (new products, new technologies);

Organizational changes (changes in the organizational and legal form of the enterprise,

structures of production and management, new forms of organization and remuneration, interaction

with suppliers and consumers);

Entering new markets;

Acquisitions, mergers, etc.

Prerequisites for the development of corporate planning.

In the economic practice of Russia, the mechanism of strategic management is at the stage

becoming. The Russian market has entered the stage when the lack of a developed strategy

significantly complicates the dynamics of the development of enterprises. Development of strategic management

contributes to a number of prerequisites.

In contrast to a planned, command economy, in a market environment, an enterprise must itself

determine and predict the parameters of the external environment, the range of products and services, prices,

suppliers, markets, and most importantly, their long-term goals and strategy to achieve them.

Rapid changes in the external environment of domestic enterprises also stimulate the emergence of new

methods, systems and approaches to management. If the external environment is practically stable, then there is no special

need for strategic management. However, at present most

Russian enterprises operate in a rapidly changing and difficult to predict environment,

therefore, need methods of strategic management.

An important prerequisite is the process of globalization of business, which has also affected Russia.

Global firms view the world as a single entity in which national

differences and preferences, there is a standardization of consumption. Resist, the onslaught of goods

global firms can only develop a strategy for working in a competitive environment.

Thus, today's leaders have a growing understanding of the importance of forming

long-term goals and long-term development planning. Things get complicated

the fact that many Russian enterprises found themselves in a kind of information vacuum. From one

on the one hand, an abundance of disordered external information, on the other hand, the absence

systematized guidelines for choosing directions for development. In addition, the tools

development and implementation of their own strategy differ significantly from the previously adopted system

planning and so far relatively little is known about them, since in practice they have not become

generally accepted planning methods. Most of the domestic producers only

come to understand what is called strategic management.

Stages of development of corporate planning.

The emergence of strategic management techniques and their implementation in the practice of firms is easier

understand everything in a historical context. Business historians usually distinguish four stages in

development of corporate planning:

· Budgeting

long-term planning

· strategic planning

strategic management.

1. Characteristic features of strategic decisions:
innovative in nature
aimed at solving specific problems
indefinite in nature
subjective in nature
objective in nature
many alternatives are well defined

2. The most common mistake when implementing a new strategy
lack of necessary resources
inability and lack of desire to carry out strategic planning
poor knowledge of the foreign market
the new strategy is automatically superimposed on the old structure

3. Factors that include the concept of strategic management:
research of the situation and development of the company

4. The guiding philosophy of the business, the rationale for the existence of the firm, is not the goal itself, but rather, the sense of the main purpose of the firm is ...

5. Strategic management includes elements of all previous management systems - budgeting, long-term and strategic planning.

6. The most important questions, the answer to which is the essence of strategic management:
What is the current state of the company?
which competitors have a stronger position in relation to the enterprise
Are the goals set realistic?
Where would you like to be in three, five, ten years?
how to achieve what you want

7. Paraphrasing P. Drucker, I. Ansoff writes: “Strategic planning is management according to plans, and strategic management is management according to…”

8. Determine the sequence of stages in the development of corporate governance:
1. budgeting
2. long term planning
3. strategic planning
4. strategic management

9. Main differences between strategic management in a commercial enterprise and in a public institution
strategic management can be organized in a commercial enterprise, but not in a public institution
a commercial enterprise has a mission, but a government agency does not
no difference
there are differences in the ways of forming the mission and goals, in the ways of monitoring and control, in the nature of responsibility, in the ways of evaluating activities

10. Functional analysis of the external environment of the enterprise should be carried out ...
meeting of shareholders
planning and economic service
marketing service

11. Strategic decisions include:
enterprise reconstruction
introduction of new technology
revision of the terms of delivery
entering new markets
acquisition, merger of enterprises
introduction of a new personnel motivation system
revision of criteria for final product quality control

12. The highest level of strategic management is ... level.
13. Who is considered the forerunner of strategic management and the first strategist
military strategists and thinkers
ancient philosophers and military strategists
German military strategists
Chinese philosophers

Currently, there are many definitions of strategy, but all of them are united by the concept of strategy as a conscious and thoughtful program of actions developed by management for the successful functioning of the organization. Strategic decisions include: reconstruction of the enterprise; innovation new products new technologies; organizational changes changes in the organizational and legal form of the enterprise production and management structure new forms of organization and remuneration of labor interaction with suppliers and ...

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Logistics strategy

Logistics strategy- this is a long-term direction in the development of logistics, concerning the forms and means of its implementation in the company, inter-functional and inter-organizational coordination and integration, formulated by the top management of the company in accordance with corporate goals.

There are the following types of strategies:

1) Minimization of overall logistics costs.

The strategy can be implemented as follows:

Reducing operational logistics costs in individual logistics functions;

Optimization of stock levels in the logistics system;

Selection of optimal storage / transportation options;

Optimization of decisions in certain functional areas according to the criterion of "minimum logistics costs";

Use of logistics providers.

When using this strategy, the company should pay special attention to the quality of logistics services. The higher the requirements of consumers to the level of quality of the logistics service, the higher should be the costs to ensure this level. Therefore, a natural limitation, which is set by the corporate strategy, is a limitation on the basic level of quality of consumer service.

2) Improving the quality of logistics service.

Strategic improvement in the quality of service involves improving the quality of logistics operations, logistics support for pre- and after-sales services, value-added logistics services, the use of logistics technologies to support the product life cycle, the creation of a logistics service quality management system, and the use of benchmarking procedures.

In this case, the implementation of this strategy is constrained by logistical costs.

3) Minimization of investments in logistics infrastructure.


Optimization according to the configuration of the logistics network / system;

Direct delivery of goods to consumers, bypassing warehousing;

Use of public warehouses;

Involvement of logistics intermediaries in transportation, warehousing, cargo handling;

Implementation of logistics technology JIT (just-in-time);

Optimization of the location of logistics infrastructure facilities.

4) Logistics outsourcing strategy.


Definition of main activities;

Selection of sources of external resources;

Choice of logistics service providers;

Leveraging supplier investment and innovation;

Optimization of the service of logistics intermediaries.

Recently, it has become a necessity for most companies to achieve a cost-service balance.

The chosen logistics strategy predetermines the choice of a logistics network, in which key business processes are designated (identified), supply chain links are included as independent legal entities, or as separate divisions.

Strategic decisions on the configuration of the logistics network include determining the prospective structure of logistics channels and chains, dislocating the logistics infrastructure (own and rented warehouses, terminals, distribution centers, transport divisions, road infrastructure, etc.)

The logistics network is the foundation of the logistics system, which determines the effectiveness of the company's logistics.

The logistics network includes:

infrastructure divisions;

Vehicle fleet (own, own, rented);

Where are the suppliers located?

Where are the consumers located?

Are logistics intermediaries involved (forwarding companies, etc.);

What possible procurement channels are covered.

When determining the key logistics business processes, it is necessary to decide the following tasks:

1) reduction of irrational expenses and loss of time;

2) optimization of the use of resources in order to achieve compliance with the requirements of consumers of a certain market segment;

3) prompt response to changes in the external and internal environment.

At the same time, a logistics business process is understood as an interconnected set of operations and functions that translate the company's resources into a result set by the company's logistics strategy, which is determined in accordance with the key indicators of logistics efficiency.

Key business processes include:

1) trademark development (brand management);

2) logistics business processes in the supply chain (including procurement, production, distribution, logistics network design);

3) information and knowledge management,

4) human resource management.

Once the key business processes have been identified, modeling and reengineering can begin.

The concept of strategic decisions

In the process of managing the logistics system, any organization makes important decisions that can be divided into four main classes:

1. Top level strategic decisions are the most important, determining the general direction of the economic activity of the enterprise; they are long-term, require large expenditures of resources and are considered the most risky. Top level solutions include:

Mission Statement - A statement that sets out the organization's overall goals, typically related to improving the way it works with partners and customers in an integrated supply chain. For example, the mission of the German transport group Schenker states that “our future is our customers”, and the mission of the English supermarket chain Tesco is “creating value for consumers in order to achieve their lifetime loyalty”;

A corporate strategy is a plan for the implementation of a mission, for example, making long-term investments in production and logistics; continuous implementation of new approaches and innovative ideas in the strategic areas of quality, cost, differentiation and focus, as well as forecasting consumer demand;

Business strategy - a set of measures to develop the type of activity of a particular division of the enterprise (business unit).

2. Strategic logistics solutions determine the main goals and directions of the supply chain in the long term and relate to the interaction of logistics with other business areas; As an example, the following main objectives of the organization can be given: striving to be a high-performance manufacturer with low production costs and world-class product quality; development of new projects for the production of new products; use of modern production and information technologies; application of modern methods of planning and management.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(()); Strategic logistics solutions include:

Functional strategy - a plan for the implementation of each function of the organization: logistics, marketing, investment and production;

Logistics strategy - sets the overall structure of the logistics system, or supply chain and the direction of logistics activities; it consists of all the strategic decisions, practices, plans and culture associated with managing efficient logistics in the supply chain: "purchasing-production-distribution". Logistics strategy deals with the actual movement of material and related flows, contributing to the implementation of corporate and business strategies, as well as optimizing the supply and demand of products, reducing overall logistics costs, minimizing logistics investments and improving logistics services. The overall goal of a logistics strategy is to provide customers with the volume and quality of service they require at the lowest cost in the supply chain. It is no coincidence that the motto of a perfect ECR (immediate response to market needs) logistics strategy is “Required, timely and accurate”.

3. Tactical logistics solutions related to the implementation of the strategy at a more detailed level in the medium term. These include:

The organization's capacity utilization plans to ensure long-term customer demand is met;

Generalized calendar plans - which summarize all types of work for all types of supply chain activities, as a rule, on a monthly basis;

Main schedule - a detailed description of all activities for the week;

4. Operational logistics decisions relate to specific activities in the short term; their implementation requires a small investment of resources with a minimum level of risk. These include short-term schedules, which are the detailed execution of work and the resources required for this, as a rule, for each day. This avoids many logistical problems.

In real life, the boundaries between these solutions are sometimes very blurred. For example, when choosing a system for distributing finished goods, inventory is a strategic aspect, but it goes to the tactical level, when it is necessary to decide how much money to invest in inventory, and to the operational level, when it is necessary to decide how to change the volume of inventory.

There is no universal standard procedure for developing a logistics strategy applicable to any organization. .

The concept of forming a logistics strategy involves, first of all, the search for answers to the following key questions:

1. What type of organization do we represent today and what kind of organization do we want in the future?

2. What are the features of our activity and opportunities for its development?

3. Who are our consumers (buyers) and competitors?

4. What are our strengths and weaknesses compared to our competitors?

5. What is the most suitable marketing (product) strategy for us?

6. What are the main goals and objectives of the logistics strategy?

8. What budget is needed to implement the logistics plan and where to get new investments?

9. How to organize monitoring of the implementation of the strategic plan?

10. What should be the most relevant programs to achieve the goals of the logistics strategy?

11. What are the risks associated with the implementation of a logistics strategy?

12. How to quantify the implementation of the logistics strategy?

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Page creation date: 2017-06-11

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