Standard and description of the breed Russian Spaniel. The Russian Cocker Spaniel is an ideal companion for hunting and at home.

And an English Springer Spaniel. Great helper for hunting waterfowl. His task is to find the bird, raise it on the wing, after the shot of the hunter and his team, serve the game.

History of the Russian Spaniel breed

AT late XIX centuries, various representatives of the Cocker Spaniel breed were brought to Russia. Unfortunately, these small squat dogs were not very suitable for the conditions of bird hunting in Russia. The hunters at that time had a great need for a hardy and unpretentious gun dog, of small size.

At the beginning of the 20th century, admirers of the new breed selected high-legged and temperamental individuals for breeding, brought springers from abroad to mix blood with heterogeneous livestock.

By the end of the 1930s in Russia there were a large number of spaniels that do not fit into any group of similar breeds. They possessed common features, although they were no longer cockers or springers, they did not reach the Russian spaniel either.

The breeding of a new breed continued after the end of the Great Patriotic War, when from abroad they began to bring to the USSR different representatives kind of spaniels. Thanks to hard and diligent work, from the livestock preserved during the war and imported individuals, the breeders managed to breed new type breeds - Russian hunting spaniel.

1951 The first breed standard was developed to meet the requirements and demands of USSR hunters.
1966 standard is slightly modified.

To date, the breed is very popular in Russia.

Breed Standard Russian Spaniel

Breed recognized: RSC, FIC, UFC, NAKC, CKC, APRI (FCI not recognized).

Build: Slightly squat, strong.

Construction type: dry.

Body: strong bones with well developed muscles.

Chest: Broad, deep and long, with well developed false ribs.

Withers : Well developed, slightly higher in males than females.

Back: Straight, strong, broad, slightly sloping from the withers to the loin.

Loins: Short, muscular, slightly arched.

Croup: Broad, moderately long, muscular.

Abdomen: tucked up.

Skin: dense, elastic, without folds.

Head: Moderately long, with an oval, slightly broad skull. The forehead is convex. The occipital protuberance is weakly expressed. Brow ridges highly developed. The lines of the skull and muzzle are parallel. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is markedly pronounced.

Muzzle: when viewed from above, wide, slightly narrower than the skull, closer to the nose, a slight narrowing is visible. When viewed from the side, the cut of the upper lip resembles a rectangle with a rounded front corner. The nose and lips are colored from light brown to black.

Teeth: Strong, well developed. Scissor bite, upper jaw closely overlapping lower.

Eyes: oval, large, straight eyelid cut. The color is dark or light brown, depending on the tone of the coat color.

Ears: Hanging, long, wide, rounded at the ends, set in line with the cut of the eyes or a little higher, close to the cheekbones. The end of a slightly stretched ear reaches the nose.

Neck: Moderately long, muscular, set low.

Forelimbs: dry, bony, straight, parallel. The angle of the humeroscapular joint is about 100 degrees. Elbows are directed back. Forearms are straight. Pasterns voluminous, slightly sloping. The length of the forelimbs is equal to half the height of the spaniel at the withers.

Hind limbs: straight, parallel, set, wider than the front. The articulation angle is well defined. The legs are short, set obliquely. Metatarsus voluminous, directly set.

Movement: light, free.

Feet: Rounded, well arched, with tightly closed toes.

Tail: thick at the base, mobile, straight. It is docked in half of its length. Carried almost in line with the back.

Coat: the coat is long, soft, straight or slightly wavy, close fitting. On the head and legs, the hair is short and straight. On the neck, back, sides, on the croup, the hair is long, thick.

On the bottom of the chest and abdomen, on the back of the front and hind legs, on the ears, the lower part of the tail, the hair is long, wavy, forms feathers and dewlap. Thick hair also grows between the fingers.

Russian hunting spaniel color

Single color (solid) color(completely without white marks, or with marks in well-defined places - on the forehead, muzzle, throat, chest, stomach, legs, end of the tail).

  • Black (smooth, straight coat)
  • Brown, chocolate (manifested in the absence of black pigment. Eyes and nose are brown. The coat is thick, long, soft. A dense cap is often formed on the head, thick, dense hair on the back and limbs)
  • Red (color from light fawn to dark red. Nose - black, brown; eyes dark brown.
  • Disadvantages: corporal nose, very light almost yellow eyes)

Bicolor (piebald) color:

  • Black and piebald contrasting color
  • Brown - piebald contrasting color
  • Red and piebald contrasting color
  • Black and piebald in speck (as they grow older puppies darken, the most speckled can turn into black).
  • Brown and piebald in speck
  • Red-piebald in the speck
  • Tan (red markings located in strictly defined places - above the eyes, on the inside of the ears, on the cheeks, two triangles on the chest, marks on the paws and under the tail. Tan can be present in all black and brown colors).
  • Black and tan
  • Brown and tan

In the Russian Spaniel, piebald colors are more common, divided into two types.:

  • Contrasting (spots of the main color on a white background). Puppies have a pink nose and pink paws with a few speckles.
  • Mottled (practically black or blurry specks, sometimes specks are clearly visible). These babies have dark noses and paw pads from birth.

Both contrast and speckled spaniel puppies are born white with large markings. Whether or not a puppy will spot can be determined by the pigmentation of the nose and paw pads.

At 1 month of age, the speck is already distinguishable. By the age of seven months, the dog acquires its final shade.

When mating a speckled and contrasting dog, speckledness will dominate. Two contrasting individuals will not produce speckled offspring.

Tricolor colors:

  • Black and piebald contrasting with tan (red marks appear in place of black marks).
  • Brown - piebald contrasting with tan
  • Black and piebald in speck and tan
  • Brown - piebald in speck and tan

The nature of the Russian hunting spaniel

By nature, the Russian Spaniel is a cheerful, friendly, affectionate and balanced breed. An indispensable assistant for a hunter, it has all the qualities of a hunting dog: a sharp mind, excellent flair, hardy, energetic, persistent, will not give up until it finds and brings the owner prey.

It will be a wonderful companion for long walks in the forest or park. Like all spaniels, he loves to swim. Getting prey out of the water is a mere trifle for him.

The Russian Spaniel is constantly on the move, even walking with the owner, he will run in search of prey, catch different smells and sounds.

He gets along well with pets, when kept in the village he is not noticed for the shameful habit of chasing chickens or geese. But the owner is always responsible for the upbringing of any dog. If, as a puppy, you praise and encourage your pet for pranks in relation to other animals, adult dog retraining will not be easy.

Due to his innate tendency to serve game, this is the best partner for active games, he will bring a ball and a stick with great pleasure.

He is patient with the master's children, loves them, can play with them and frolic, but often shows aggression towards other people's children.

It lends itself well to training, perceives new commands well, for the praise of the owner, he is able to perform various trained commands.

Big disadvantage of the breed, the Russian Spaniel does not know the feeling of satiety, he is constantly not enough. Be sure to watch the dog's diet, do not overfeed, find time for physical activity.

When walking, it is advisable to keep the pet on a leash, or wear a muzzle, it is like a vacuum cleaner, it sweeps away all the waste on the way, unfortunately, it will not miss a single garbage dump.

Keeping a Russian Spaniel

The Russian Spaniel is not whimsical in keeping, but the breed is long-haired and sheds. Shedding is seasonal, twice a year spring - autumn. When kept in a house with dry warm air, molting is more noticeable. But this is not a reason to keep the dog in the cold and frost. Just decide if you can find the time to care for this particular breed.

Like any hunting breed, a spaniel feels better on the street, where there are many interesting and understandable only smells that can be studied, there are sticks that can be gnawed without being scolded. But most importantly, you can frolic and spend restless energy.

If you are an avid hunter and live in a small city apartment, you will definitely like this breed. The small size allows you to keep a pet anywhere in the apartment, you can safely put it in a backpack and take it with you on a hunt, where he can release all the accumulated energy, run and swim. Frequent bathing hardens the body, helps to strengthen nervous system and the development of the respiratory system, improves paw motility.

True, there is one sin behind him, ROS, he simply loves to gnaw everything he finds in the house: slippers, socks, a TV remote control and so on. But loving owners often forgive him for this.

Russian Spaniel Care

Coat: should be combed regularly, 1-2 times a week, with a metal comb. So you can prevent the appearance of tangles and give your pet well-groomed appearance. Combing start from the head and end with the tip of the tail. Comb should be in the direction of hair growth.

Solution proportions: per 1 liter hot water add 1 tablespoon of citric or acetic acid, mix everything and cool to a temperature of 40 ° C. In the absence of a balm with this solution, you can rinse your pet's coat after bathing.

Spaniel puppies have a short and sparse coat, but it should also be combed. For this procedure, a massage brush made of natural hair is perfect, it will not damage the delicate skin of the baby, and will provide good massage and blood circulation.

Bathing: recommended when soiled or 1-2 times a month. Special shampoo for dogs with conditioner and rinse can be bought at any pet store, you should choose according to the type of coat. Make sure that the detergent does not dry out the pet's skin, you can find out by frequent itching or dandruff. In this case, change your shampoo.

After bathing, the spaniel's coat is treated with a balm or cosmetic oil. Thanks to these means, the hair becomes elastic, under the arms, in the groin area and on the hocks less often tangles appear.

Grooming: You can cut your puppy for the first time at the age of 3 months, based on the growth of hair. There are 2 types of haircuts for the Russian Spaniel:

  • Full (done every 2 - 3 months with the help of a groomer)
  • Hygienic (every 2 weeks, overgrown hair on the paws, around the anus and auditory openings is trimmed)

The wool on the back of the ROS cannot be cut. At the age of 8 months, the rejection of puppy down begins, the hair on the back looks unkempt. Use a comb with short teeth that removes fluff well. Carry out the procedure every day, combing out small areas, so you injure the delicate skin of the dog less.

Many owners want to shave it all off, let a new one grow, but remember, once cut, the hair on the back of a Russian hunting spaniel will never grow smooth and even. She will constantly bristle, which is a significant drawback for a show dog.

Around the anus, the hair is cut off for hygiene purposes. The tail is cut in the form of a wedge, and tangles are cut off in the inguinal region.

On the paws, it is cut in the vicinity of the pads, between the toes and in a circle just above the claws, so that during walking the hair does not come into contact with the ground.

Ears: lop-eared, need regular inspection and airing. Airing your pet's ears is easy, just wave them like wings for a few minutes.

Clean ears once a month or as needed with a cotton swab dipped in warm water or in a weak peroxide solution. Wipe the inside of the ear from dust and wax. A healthy dog ​​does not have much wax buildup and bad odor.

If the pet often shakes its head, as if shaking something out of their ear, a lot of sulfur accumulates, an unpleasant smell comes out, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian. The cause may be ear inflammation, but only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Eyes: A healthy spaniel is clean, without souring and tearing. Once a week, for prevention purposes, wipe your eyes with weak tea leaves or a decoction of chamomile flowers.

Claws: trimmed with a nail cutter - guillotine once a month. If the pet is active, runs a lot, the procedure can be done less frequently. But in this case, keep an eye on the condition of the claws, they should not be too long or twisted. This leads to lameness.

Always remember the fifth dewclaw on the front paws.

Hunting breeds are more susceptible to tick infestation than others, as they spend more time in the forest, running through the thickets.

After that, monitor the condition of the spaniel for several days. If he is active, eats with appetite, urine is clean, you are lucky, the tick is not contagious.

But if you notice lethargy, lack of appetite, fever (40 - 42 ° C), red or brown urine, immediately go to the veterinarian. Only a specialist can save a dog.

Nutrition of the Russian Spaniel

The diet of the Russian Spaniel should include foods necessary for the dog's body, vitamins and minerals. ROS from those breeds that are characterized by a constant feeling of hunger. Even if he just ate, he will still ask for more.

The main task of the owner is to monitor the size of portions and provide physical activity.
Spaniel puppy is fed 4 - 5 times a day, with an interval of 3 hours. As they grow older, the number of feedings decreases to 2 meals a day, morning - evening. Feeding should be full, healthy and balanced.
Clean water should be in a place accessible to the dog. Make sure your pet's bowls are always clean and free of food debris. They should be washed with hot water.

There are a number of foods that should not be given to dogs, and no matter how the pet asks you, do not give in to big hungry eyes, the key to a healthy dog ​​is proper nutrition.

Required Products for Russian Spaniel:

  • Lean meat (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken)
  • Liver, heart, kidneys, udder, spleen
  • Lungs, mesentery, gut clippings, stomach
  • Meat and bone meal
  • Sections, cartilage, captivity
  • Heads, legs, wings
  • Sea fish (without bones)
  • Cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat)
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
  • Bread, toasted or stale (may be added to milk or thin soup)
  • Rye crackers strengthen and clean teeth
  • Lactic acid products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese)

Prohibited Products:

  • Fat meat
  • Smoked meats
  • condiments
  • Chocolate
  • Spices
  • River fish
  • Legumes (lead to gas)
  • Baking, fresh bread
  • Sweets

Spaniel puppies are given scalded meat products in the form of minced meat, when changing milk teeth to permanent ones, at 7-8 months they are cut into small pieces.

Meat waste from the intestines and stomach is given boiled, there is a risk of infection with pathogenic bacteria.

For hunting breeds, waste from game birds is fed boiled so that the dogs do not subsequently tear and crush the game.

The Russian Spaniel is a dog that owes its origin to Russian cynologists. This is a good hunter, as well as a loving and pet, well adapted to life in an apartment. The dog has an attractive appearance, as can be seen in the photo. This, as well as its friendly nature (as evidenced by numerous reviews) and excellent hunting qualities make it an indispensable companion for many dog ​​breeders. A video demonstrating the hunting skills of the animal can be found on the Internet. The characteristics of the Russian spaniel, as well as the question of how much it costs, are of interest to many who want to get such a pet.

Historical milestones in the appearance and development of the Russian Spaniel breed

The Spaniel is a breed that originated in England. Their ancestors are Spanish cops with long hair. As for the name itself, it is believed that the word "spaniel" is associated with the country of origin of the ancestors of the breed - Spain.

Having existed for some time as a single breed, spaniels were divided into two weight groups: up to 25 and over 25 pounds. Two factory breeds were named: Cocker and. At the beginning of the 20th century, various breeds of spaniels began to be widely bred and bred in England. The American Cocker appeared in America, and Water Spaniels were bred in Ireland.

In Russia, these dogs appeared in 1884, but until 1945 they did not enjoy wide popularity. After the end of the war, spaniels of various breeds were brought into the country. They began to mix with each other. As a result, new manufacturers appeared who met the requirements of Russian hunting. Breeding of a new breed called "Russian Spaniel" began. The first description and photo of the breed appeared.

The standard was approved in 1951. The standard was amended twice: in 1959 and 1966. Photos of animals that meet standard characteristics can be found on specialized sites.

Appearance and characteristics of the Russian Spaniel

The breed standard suggests that the Russian Spaniel is a dog of small stature but strong build. Her weight is up to 16 kg, and her height is 42 - 44 cm (females and males, respectively). The head is moderately long, the skull is wide, the forehead is slightly convex. The ears are long, hanging close to the head. The eyes are large, dark or light brown. The chest and back are broad and muscular. The belly is tucked up, the tail is straight. The standard provides for stopping it by half.

The coat of representatives of this breed is thick and long, it can be wavy or straight. It is soft to the touch and looks shiny. Color can be one, two or three colors. The Russian Spaniel breed standard provides for the following colors: black, red, golden and brown.

Dogs live on average 8 to 10 years. Life expectancy directly depends on the proper care, nutrition and conditions of the animal.

Photos and descriptions of animals that look as prescribed by the standard can be found on specialized sites, and owner reviews about the dog are also published there; information about the care and maintenance of a pet, video. On kennel websites, you can find out how much a thoroughbred hunting spaniel costs and watch a video of hunting or training.

Spaniel Character Features

The nature of this breed is distinguished by devotion and friendliness. Dogs quickly adapt, if necessary, to life in an apartment. But they need frequent games in open areas - there is no escape from the hunting spirit. Care and maintenance of the Russian Spaniel is not difficult.

The Russian Spaniel has excellent intuition, so a dog that is usually friendly to guests can recognize suspicious personalities.

The complaisant nature of the pet ensures its easy learning, training is quick and easy.

The Cocker is attentive and friendly, and also has such qualities necessary for hunting as: endurance, perseverance, energy, excellent scent.

Spaniels quickly learn the hunting trade: with early age they can already be taken for hunting, the animals look for and raise the bird on the wing, and after the shot they bring prey. The Russian Spaniel can hunt in difficult conditions. Usually hunters use them to hunt such animals: quail, sandpiper, dergach, wild goat, hare.

The Cocker has a pleasant appearance (examples in the photo), a friendly disposition and hunting instincts, for which he is very much appreciated. The Russian Spaniel is an ideal companion that will never lose sight of its owner.

"pedigreed" diseases

The Russian Spaniel is a relatively healthy and hardy breed. Among the most common diseases are the following: food, otitis and obesity. The latter arises due to the fact that the dog was provided with the wrong content and feeding regimen. Regular checking and cleaning of the ears will help prevent otitis media.

Prevention of any diseases is also the timely affixing of the necessary vaccinations and a visit to the veterinarian.

Features of the diet

The Spaniel is a fairly active breed that requires high-calorie nutrition. Once every two weeks, the pet needs to have a fasting day, giving 60% of the daily allowance.

Spoiled or failed food should not fall into the dog's bowl. Food should be fresh, warm and soft. Do not give too cold or hot food.

Puppies are fed 6 times a day, adults are transferred to two meals a day. You can't force an animal to eat. If the pet refuses to eat, it must be taken to the veterinarian.

In addition to meat or prepared feed, the daily diet of the animal should include vegetable and dairy products, minerals and vitamins.

Features of caring for a Russian spaniel

Usually care consists of regular combing and occasional bathing. It is necessary to monitor the ears and eyes of the pet. Their care must be meticulous, as the eyes are often watery and the ears are prone to infectious diseases. The pet needs from time to time,.

Proper care of a spaniel is to provide it with regular. Training, games, hunting - this is what this pet needs.

Pet grooming deserves special attention. Breed Russian Spaniel participating in exhibitions must be properly trimmed, according to the rules. Wool trimming and shearing are acceptable, but they should be almost invisible even in the photo. Shearing can be done with both a machine and scissors, but traces of their use should not be visible.

It is forbidden to cut the lower part of the tail and belly, the back of the legs. It is undesirable to cut the hair around the neck, chest and ears. Haircut must be carried out in advance - at least a month before the exhibition.

Mandatory grooming for all dogs:

  • wool on the paws, between the fingers;
  • hygienic haircut.

How the Russian Spaniel haircut is carried out, you can see on the video. The main rule is that the haircut of the Russian Spaniel should not be noticeable. But this applies only to exhibition pets. Pet-class dogs can be cut by owners at their discretion.

How to name a pet

Nicknames for a thoroughbred spaniel are given in the club. They are registered in the stud book. Nicknames for this breed should sound clear and contain few syllables. Usually they include the following letters: b, c, d, l, n, p, h.

To quickly accustom a dog to a name, nicknames should be associated with a pleasant - or a walk. When choosing a nickname, you should exclude options similar to names. Nickname options can be as follows: Rada, Master, Roy, Sonya, Cupid, Randy, etc.

Purchasing a Sraniel Puppy

Russian Spaniel puppies are sold in kennels, by announcement and from hands. Their prices can vary considerably. How much does a pet cost, you can find out on specialized sites. Usually the price depends on the class (show, breed and pet), the availability of a pedigree and documents. The presence of a hunting scent and skills can be an additional plus to the cost.

In the advertisements for the sale, you can find a description of the parents and offspring, reviews of the owners, photos, the price is also indicated there. The description may not always correspond to reality, it is necessary to look at both parents of puppies with your own eyes (photo or video will not work here). It is necessary to pay attention to the care of the offspring and their maintenance, as well as the nature of the babies. They must be active and inquisitive.

It is best to make a purchase in specialized nurseries. The price here may be higher. But in this case, you can be sure that the puppies bought here are thoroughbred, properly cared for, made all the necessary vaccinations and filled out the documents.

Spaniel training features

From the first days of the appearance of a puppy in the house, you need to start training him. Educational training is carried out in clubs. The video can be found on the Internet. You can do this on your own as well. But keep in mind that training has its own characteristics. The main commands that the pet must master are “Come to me”, “Place”, “Next”, “Sit”, “Lie down”. Of course, he must know his nickname, which he should associate with the “Attention” command.

Puppies and adult dogs get special pleasure from working out the “Search” command. Training is carried out in the form of a game, some object is hidden from the puppy - at first you should use treats that the Cocker will find by smell. Owner reviews indicate that this game will appeal not only to the animal, but also to adults and children.

As for the development of hunting skills, a description and video of such training can be found on the Web. But it is better to trust professionals in this matter. Before entrusting the training of your pet to a specialist, you can find out reviews about his work or watch a video, if available.

The Russian Spaniel is a great friend, an excellent companion and an active hunter. The Russian Spaniel is selflessly devoted to the owner and will be to him reliable support. Dogs of this breed can be kept in an apartment, they are not pretentious about the conditions of detention, caring for them is quite simple - they do not even need a regular haircut. The temperament of the Russian Spaniel is calm. The dog is affectionate and will find mutual language, as with other animals in the house, and with children.

December 23, 2015

The Russian Spaniel is a gun dog. This breed is distributed only in the countries of the former USSR, and is still not recognized by the International Cynological Federation.

Height at the withers of a male: 38-44 cm
Height at the withers of the bitch: 36-42 cm
Weight: 14-18 kg

  • single color (red different shades, black or brown);
  • two-color (the same colors, but in combination with pezhins - large white spots);
  • tricolor (black-brown-piebald, black-brown and tan, white with spots).

General form:

  • short strong dog with long soft wavy hair;
  • the tail is straight, thickened at the base, usually docked at half the length;
  • the head is oval with a slightly convex forehead and powerful brow ridges;
  • ears hanging, soft, with wavy hair, long and wide;
  • brown eyes;
  • the nose (as well as the lips) usually matches the general tone of the coat in color, ranging from black to brown.

Characteristic exterior flaws of the breed are any color options other than those indicated, bulging eyes, imperceptible gender differences. Another defect is cryptorchidism, congenital underdevelopment of the tail, pathology of the teeth, signs of rickets.

History of the breed

The Russian Spaniel is the result of crossbreeding with a Springer Spaniel. He took endurance from his ancestors, long legs, small size and hunting temperament. Representatives of the breed are used to work on swamp, steppe, field and upland game birds.

They appeared in Russia in 1884, at the same time preliminary selection began. However, purebred breeding began only in the middle of the 20th century. The breed standard was approved in 1951, and the final version was developed at the All-Union Cynological Conference in 1966. The breed has not yet received worldwide recognition from the FCI.

Temperament and character

Positive aspects of character:

  • friendliness;
  • learnability;
  • playfulness;
  • unobtrusiveness;
  • self-sufficiency.

Negative Traits:

  • touchiness;
  • jealousy.

Excitability outside of puppyhood, cowardice and aggressiveness towards humans are considered disqualifying vices according to the breed standard.

Who should start

This is a hunting dog. Due to its compact size, it is considered a dog for city hunters. Spaniels are easy to keep in an apartment if care instructions are followed.

Thanks to their easy nature, they are also companion dogs, but do not forget that he needs physical activity. He will be a companion accompanying the owner on long walks. For protection spaniels at home unsuitable.

Representatives of the breed are not aggressive and get along well with children. They treat other pets well, but they can be jealous of the owner. It can also be difficult if the puppy has not adaptively gone through a period of socialization.

Nickname for a dog

It is customary to form nicknames for this breed from native Russian words (unlike Cocker Spaniels, which are usually called English names).

Nickname formation principles:

  • color orientation (Chernysh, Zlata, Ryzhukha);
  • reflection of working qualities (Vonky, Catch up, Bystritsa, Courage);
  • nickname as a designation of character (Bully, Shnyr, Zabiyaka, Sloth);
  • sometimes choose the old ones Slavic names or words (Radmil, Rada, Buyan);
  • use hunting terms (Bullet, Bolt).

The main thing in choosing a nickname is to find a name for the dog that suits her and the owner likes it.

Organize the dog permanent place– away from drafts and high humidity. However, it is better to organize the space in such a way that he lives in cool conditions. Overheating provokes colds and reduced immunity. The spaniel needs to be tempered!

In the house where the spaniel lives, there should not be strong odors - this can irreversibly spoil the scent.

Dogs should be regularly inspected and cleaned. ears. This breed is prone to otitis, so it is important to remove impurities in time and prevent inflammatory processes.

The dog needs frequent combing and brushing (1-2 times a week). During the working season, it is necessary to comb after each hunt. Once a quarter, it is recommended to wash the coat with special dog shampoos.

This breed does not need a haircut. If necessary, cut only the hair near the ears and around the anus.

Teeth need to be cleaned regularly with a special toothpaste for dogs.


  • Meat (except lamb and pork), pre-processed offal.
  • It is necessary to add some raw vegetables in a grated form to food.
  • Fish should be given with caution and not abused. The fish is preferably oceanic with carefully selected bones.
  • From cereals it is recommended to use hercules, buckwheat and rice.
  • It is strictly forbidden to feed food from the master's table!
  • The companion dog can eat dry premium food.

Training and coaching

Begin training in the period of 2-3 months. At this age, it is very important to introduce the puppy to other dogs, to organize the possibility of joint games, to teach the simplest commands. it period of socialization.

If the dog understood in time that the word of the owner is the law, then further training will be easy.

The period of socialization is also a period of increased excitability. Young puppies are extremely active, they need a lot of movement, they bark loudly and constantly. You can not punish a puppy for this, this is a normal physiological need. If you enclose it in too strict framework, then you can provoke the development of neurotic disorders.

When it comes to a working dog, it is extremely important to observe two points:

  • sequence of training;
  • dominance of one master.

Puppies being raised different members families, get used to receiving conflicting commands and may become naughty. This is unacceptable for hunting. For companion dogs, this situation is not so critical.

Nataska starts at age 7-8 months. Better to train him on marsh game. Before training, you should reduce the time of walks so that the puppy does not waste energy. Avoid working on hot days and in rainy weather. The optimal situation is when, by the time of training, the spaniel is already well trained and easily obeys the owner's commands. In this video you can see how the nataska goes.

Health and life expectancy

Representatives of the breed live on average 12-15 years old.

Russian Spaniels are considered a healthy breed. Of the characteristic diseases they have:

  • food allergies;
  • obesity;
  • otitis and other inflammatory diseases of the ears;
  • cataracts, glaucoma, conjunctivitis and infectious inflammation of the eyes;
  • with unreasonable care, a tendency to colds may develop.

Since spaniels work in hazardous conditions, they have their tails docked to half the length. This is the prevention of septic lesions.

Important: given that spaniels are hunting dogs and spend a lot of time walking in the forest, they are at an increased risk for disease. Long hair may not allow the owner to detect a tick in time, so during the period of tick activity, you need to constantly carefully sort out the hair and feel the skin.

How much and where can I buy

In Russia there is the National Club of the breed Russian hunting spaniel. Within the club there are many nurseries with experienced breeders.

Purebred puppy price: from 5 to 20 thousand rubles.

Russian Cocker Spaniel has long won love and respect among many people. This is a wonderful hunting dog, but do not forget that, first of all, pets for their owner are true friends. This type dogs are restless animals, constant movement and hunting adventures are very important for them. The breed is the number one choice among hunters. Russian Cocker Spaniels very well built, their body is flexible, the speed is fast enough. The Cocker Spaniel belongs to.

Dogs are often used for bird hunting. They quite accurately determine the location of nests, and are able to get game, even from the most inaccessible places. Russian Cocker Spaniel (photo) belong to ancient breeds, they take their origin from the long-eared Spaniard. Its location Western Europe, but it is worth noting that this species is also in great demand in CIS countries. She gained her popularity due to her hunting skills. Very often it is used for hunting hare, wolves and foxes.

A very sensitive scent of the animal is able to catch even the most minimal smell. Inaccurate are theories about the origin of the name of this species. Most scientists come to the conclusion that the name "spaniel" is justified by the place of its origin - Spain. It was this country that contributed to the formation of the character of the breed. To us dog cocker spaniel russian first hit in 1884. And he did not win much love and affection.

Only after the Great Patriotic War, they have found use among hunters. So, in 1950, the mass importation of this breed began. In these years, thanks to selection, a new breed was bred - the Russian Cocker Spaniel. She had excellent data and good endurance. The main breeding centers of this breed in 1990 were formed in Leningrad, Voronezh and Bryansk. Today, as well as this breed of dog, it is widely used by hunters.

Russian Cocker Spaniel: breed description

The Cocker Spaniel is a long-haired dog, not very large in stature and build. Males reach a height of approximately 45 centimeters, females have a smaller build and reach a height of 43 centimeters. The bones of the dog are quite strong, their body is muscular and flexible. Tail docked at birth. In a healthy individual, it is dense, and is approximately at the level of the spine. The most important difference of this one are long ears, they are covered with curly hair and reach the level of the nose of the animal.

It is also worth noting that the coat of dogs is long. short hair on the head and front legs. All other parts of the body are covered with a rather long cover. The color can be the most diverse: black, red, brown. Also the inclusion of two colors at once. For a more detailed representation of the dogs of the Russian Cocker Spaniel breed, consider the photo. It should also be noted that one of the main factors of a healthy dog ​​is its proper feeding.

Russian Cocker Spaniel: feeding and care

Many people know that from proper feeding, spaniel puppies grow into a healthy and full-fledged dog. For small animals, frequent feeding is very important. For example, a spaniel who is 1.5 months old needs to eat half a glass of food, about 5 times a day. Do not forget about the main rule - pure water. It needs to be changed every day. Watch your pet's behavior, if he greedily pounces on food and eats everything to the last crumb, apparently he is not enough food, and the diet should be increased.

If he, on the contrary, eats reluctantly, and little - do not put the usual portion, but reduce it. With proper nutrition, you will not only have a beautiful, but also healthy Russian Cocker Spaniel (photo). Puppies To do this, they must be provided with a balanced diet. For puppies, the presence of dairy products is very important, since they play an important role in the structure of a normal, powerful skeleton.

Include more low-fat varieties of cottage cheese, milk and kefir in your pet's diet. Do not forget about meat, because the high content of iron in it will have a beneficial effect on the normal level of hemoglobin. Now there are many veterinary pharmacies, filled with vitamins and trace elements. Do not forget that this is also an integral part of your pet's health.

Consult with a specialist, and select the appropriate complex for the normal development of the puppy. good advice for owner little miracle will determine what kind of food he will feed the animal. It is very important. If you decide to use dry food, then remember that it will be very difficult to wean your pet from eating them.

Dog character russian cocker spaniel

Russian Cocker Spaniels (photo) kind and cheerful. She has a very stubborn personality. He loves walks with the owner in the forest, on the river and nature. It is not only a great helper, but also a good companion. Russian Spaniels get along well with other pets, they immediately make contact. Very loyal dogs, ready to go with the owner to the swamp, and to the river and for a walk. They are good as hunters, but more often they are turned on for their own pleasure.

The animal lends itself very well to training. At home, he can be taught several tricks. Cocker will become happy mascot, those who have small children in the family. He will become their nanny and good fun. You definitely won't get bored with it.

Russian Cocker Spaniel: photo, price

If you decide to get yourself a dog like russian cocker spaniel, buy which can be privately advertised, then be extremely careful when choosing a puppy. If you are determined to buy a baby, you must remember that the best choice will visit the nursery. The thing is that only these establishments provide the true breed of the animal. Thus, you save yourself from buying a non-purebred breed of a puppy.

The price of a Russian Cocker Spaniel can range from $100 to $1200. It all depends on the eminence of the ancestor and the purpose of the dog. If you saw an ad "Russian Cocker Spaniel for sale", or "Russian Cocker Spaniel sale", first make sure you have required documents. To do this, ask the owner to present them. They include a passport, and the necessary health certificates for the dog. The sale of a Cocker Spaniel must be carried out by legal entities or individuals who have the right to do so.

Do not forget that the adoption of a baby is a very serious decision. Remember that he just needs arrogant care and increased attention. And finally, I would like to point out that cocker spaniel russian, price on which it is large enough, will justify it in a short time with its devotion, playful character and exemplary behavior.

Data on the appearance of the Russian Spaniel, external data, character, health, care: walking, diet, training features, Interesting Facts. puppy price.

For many years, the popular breed has pleased breeders, but it is not so easy to meet such a dog in the city. As a rule, hunters start it, so spaniels do not have to lie down on sofas or be content with a walk in the yard. But this does not mean that such dogs cannot be pets. They are sweet and kind, and also perfectly adapt to living in a city apartment.

Data on the appearance of the breed of Russian hunting spaniels

The history of the creation of the variety originates from the deep roots of antiquity. For a very long time there were small curly dogs that scared the game out of the bushes. On the shores of Oceania to this day there are small dogs, which jump in shallow water, catch fish and serve it to their owners. They are not afraid of water, love and know how to work.

The Russian Spaniel originates from the European Spaniels that have been around for a long time in Holland, Germany, Great Britain, France and many other countries. The most popular in all regions is the English Cocker Spaniel. With the help of a cocker, they hunted a forest bird - a woodcock, which means its name in translation from English.

This sandpiper leads a secretive life, hiding in dense thickets of bushes. A compact dog with an excellent instinct was extremely necessary and in demand for such a hunt. In addition to the Cocker, there was a whole group of English spaniels: Sussexes, Clumbers, Field Spaniels. The partridge dog was bred in Germany. In Holland, they created their own water hund - a water dog. At first, this was the name of all spaniels, because they were used to work on water game, not excluding, of course, forest and upland game. Only in the 18th century did a group of these dogs form.

According to information from the book of Vasily Pavlovich Sabaneev, spaniels came to Russia in the early nineties. These canine steels are actively used by hunters, but for the then hunting conditions in Russian Empire they didn't fit very well. The dogs were a little small and not so strong. By merging the bloodlines of different breeds of spaniels and then careful breeding selection, they created a new breed of canine - Russian hunting spaniels. These are excellent hunters for water, upland and waterfowl with excellent instinct and endurance.

Description of the external data of the Russian hunting spaniel

The Russian Spaniel has a compact size, squat build. The dog has a stretched format and a beautiful silky coat of various colors. The constitution is strong, dry, without signs of roughness, tightly covered with skin. The dog has a balanced and mobile type of higher nervous activity. People are friendly. Endowed with excellent characteristics of a hunting gun dog. She has developed endurance, an excellent sense of smell, energy, perseverance and an innate desire to bring game.

Referring to accepted norms, individuals can reach the following height at the withers: males 42–46 cm and females 40–42 cm with a change of 1–2 cm. Pedigree males weigh from 5.8 kg to 7 kg and females from 5 kg to 6.3 kg. A stretch index of 110 to 120 in bitches due to the physiology of childbearing.

The Russian Spaniel moves actively, quickly, easily and productively. The front legs are carried high, and the hind legs have a strong push from the ground. In search work, it runs at a light gallop, when slowing down, it switches to a trot.

  1. Head- in good proportion to the body, with dry muscles, moderately elongated. The skull is moderately expanded. When assessed from above, oval. The frontal part is moderately rounded in the upper part. The furrow on the forehead does not stand out. The tubercle on the back of the head is poorly developed. Cheekbones are flat. The eyebrows are moderate.
  2. Muzzle narrower than the skull and parallel to it, long, perfectly filled under eyeballs. It tapers towards the nose, but is not sharp, but rather has a blunt end. The bridge is even. Stop smoothly pronounced. Lips have a dark or brownish pigmentation, stretched, fit tightly. Flews slightly go to the lower jaw. Jaws are strong. The fangs are powerful, the teeth are large, white, connected in the form of a scissor bite.
  3. Nose- Pronounced, nostrils well open. The earlobe is pigmented in black or brown tones - depending on the color of the coat.
  4. Eyes Russian hunting spaniel of medium location. They are round-oval, slightly larger than average, dark or light. Brown color. Eyelids tight, dark. They have an attentive and lively look.
  5. Ears- hanging, long and wide. Moderately low placement. The cartilages are elastic, rounded at the ends. The auricles have a dense arrangement with cheekbones. In length, the end of a slightly stretched auricle should almost reach the nose.
  6. Neck- Moderately long, strong, oval, widening towards the shoulders. The withers are not developed. The suspension is missing.
  7. Frame fits into a rectangle, slightly higher at the withers, lower towards the tail. Chest of good depth, not wide, oval. The ribs are curved, there are false ones. The back is well muscled, extended. The loin is strong, convex, wide, shortened. The croup is strong, rather muscular, slightly sloping. The abdomen is moderately tucked up.
  8. Tail- is a continuation of the spine. It is thickened at the base, strong and straight, there is a dewlap. When moving quickly, the dog carries it above the level of the back. It docks at half of its natural length.
  • Front- when viewed from the front and side, straight, stable, bones and muscles are dry. The set is neither narrow nor wide. The blades are placed obliquely, strongly pressed to the body, elongated. Elbows are directed back. The shoulders are connected to the shoulder blades at almost a hundred degrees, the pasterns are slightly sheer, powerful.
  • rear- parallel to each other, standing wider than the forelegs, with strong bones, slightly laid back when viewed from the side. Thighs with powerful muscles, almost equal in length, with slightly sloping lower legs. The joints are clearly defined, dryish. Metatarsus almost vertical.
  • Paws- small, compact, rounded, collected in a lump. The fingers are curved, tight-fitting. Tufts of wool grow between them. The nails are dense, strong and dark. The pads are firm and firm.
  • coat Russian hunting spaniel has an attractive appearance. The hair is silky, without curl. It can only be slightly wavy. On the head, body, on the back of the limbs, the hair is short. On the ears, on the underside of the chest, on the tail and back of the legs creates elegant spectacular fringes. Dogs have no undercoat.
  • Leather- very dense. It is elastic and elastic, fits the body well. Hangings and folds are not observed.
  • Color- Diversified is possible. It can be monophonic, for example, black, red. It can be spotted, black and piebald, red and piebald, coffee and piebald. Tricolor: white with masks or spots, black or brown and tan. The desired color of the nose and eyelids of a spaniel is black. But, red, red-piebald, fawn colors allow a light nose.

The nature of the Russian hunting spaniel

Both at exhibitions and on the streets, Russian hunting spaniels always attract attention. They do an excellent job with the role of pets and often have them for this very reason. These spaniels love to communicate with people, and at the same time they are not intrusive. They know how to be invisible and keep their distance. These dogs get along wonderfully in an apartment or in a house. But they are active fresh air. With them it is necessary to walk for a long time and play outdoor games, for example, a ball.

They are kind and affectionate. Animals have no malice at all. Dogs are great with kids different ages. They will play with them and obey them. Leaving a child alone with a spaniel is not at all scary because the dog will never offend his friend. Peacefully treat other pets, whether it be a hamster or a cat.

Russian spaniels are ideal friends and companions. They require constant communication with their owner. Dogs will accompany him everywhere - whether it's a walk in the forest, or it's fishing. The dog raises the owner on a pedestal. This is his god and he will follow him everywhere, whether it be a clean sofa or impassable swamps.

Pets are very attached to the person and work with him in close contact. Breeders always advise novice hunters to start this particular breed. Because it is an easily trained, docile and intelligent dog. There are no signs of stubbornness and self-will in it. She easily and with pleasure submits to the owner.

Since the Russian Spaniel is designed to work on a bird and not on an animal, he has an innate ability to feed. Pets love water very much, willingly go into it and can swim in reservoirs all day long. Therefore, in Russia, these dogs are often considered duck dogs and are used in work on waterfowl.

But, dogs wonderfully hunt field and upland birds. Some hunters have noted that Russian spaniels work great on wild boar. In some hunting farms, industrial shooting of a wild boar is carried out only with this breed. People explained this by the fact that then it is necessary to look for huskies in the forest for a couple of days, and spaniels are always obedient and return at the first “whistle”. Dogs do not come close to the animal, they actively bark at it, indicating its location. That is, they give complete freedom of prey to the beast.

Given the excellent instincts of the Russian Spaniel, they are excellent on the blood trail. They work to find wounded animals and feed game from the portage. They do any work with enthusiasm, and they like it. With a Russian hunting spaniel, you can generally hunt without a weapon, for example, a duck. The dog tracks down, strangles the bird and then brings it back to the owner.

Health of the Russian Spaniel

Russian hunting spaniel, the breed is hardy and strong. Their average life expectancy is fourteen to sixteen years. There are no special patterns of genetic sores in Russian spaniels. Rarely, they may have heart problems, hip dysplasia, cancer, cataracts.

The most important thing is that the dog be healthy and cheerful, feed him properly, create appropriate physical exercise. Throughout the life of a dog, she needs routine vaccinations against viral diseases. Also regular procedures regarding the drive of worms, ticks and fleas.

Specific dog care

  1. Wool Russian spaniels are wavy and beautiful. A haircut does not suit them. On the contrary, it is strictly forbidden to do so as not to spoil the natural appearance of the dog. Shear only the hair between the paw pads. Once a week, the pet is combed. They bathe the dogs with a special shampoo once every two weeks or if the dog was lying in something smelly. Of course, show spaniels require more care. They are combed out more often. They wash not only with the use of shampoo, but also use a softening conditioner. When the dog eats, it is better to tie the ears with an elastic band so that they do not get dirty, and they do not have to be washed once again. It is possible to purchase a tall, cone-shaped bowl for spaniels that does not trap the ears.
  2. Teeth such pets are prone to the accumulation of tartar and manifestations of periodontal disease. Therefore, keep them clean. The dog must know what brushing is from an early age and allow it to be done. To prevent plaque, let her gnaw on hard bones bought in zoological stores.
  3. Ears Russian Spaniel coats are hanging, that is, closed and should be cleaned at least twice a week. Cut off the thick protruding hairs inside the ears so that they are better ventilated. For cleaning, use special products that soften dirt and sulfur. They are buried in the ear, which is then massaged a little and the dog is released. After a certain period, everything unnecessary that has flown out is wiped from the inside with a napkin.
  4. Eyes to avoid infections and inflammations, inspect and wipe regularly, especially after hiking in the forest. After all, a problem not noticed in time can provoke a serious illness.
  5. claws needs to be trimmed regularly. As soon as they have grown, remove the excess stratum corneum with nail cutters or cut it off with a regular file.
  6. Feeding Russian Spaniel should not be overweight. If such a dog lives in a city apartment and does not participate in hunting, then it needs to be fed less than a working one. These dogs have a great appetite and they can eat more than their norm, and this threatens with extra pounds.
  7. walks spaniels do not depend on the place of his residence. Either way, he needs plenty of exercise and long walks to stay in shape. Having not received the release of his violent energy, the dog will regularly surprise you. And only you will be to blame.
Russian hunting spaniels are not selective in loads. You will run, they will run with you, ride a bicycle, the dogs will be happy to keep you company. Take a ball or a flying saucer with you outside. Your pet will be very happy to catch these items and bring them to you. These dogs should not be kept outdoors as they do not have an undercoat.

Features of training a Russian hunting spaniel

These dogs are brilliantly trained and start working quite early. They are well developed conditioned reflexes, which are fixed for almost a lifetime. But, nevertheless, a real four-legged hunter needs constant training. And especially in winter, when the dog forgets a little what summer hunting is.

The owner needs to constantly work with the Russian Spaniel. They say that twenty percent depends on the dog, and eighty percent depends on its owner. What a person invested in a pet, he received.

Hunting dogs should be regularly checked in field trials, where, under the supervision of an expert, all hunting should be gradually put into certain time. If everything works out, the dog will win a medal.

Interesting facts about the Russian Spaniel

Popularization of Russian hunting spaniels came in the late fifties, early sixties. This time, paradoxically, was combined with the order of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 31, 1954 "On the development of housing construction in the USSR." Many people were able to get separate housing, which was then called "Khrushchev". And in my home there was an opportunity not to depend on anyone and even make a real four-legged friend - a dog. Such pets in most cases were Russian hunting spaniels.

Purchase and price of Russian Spaniel puppies

Breeders take into account working qualities in breeding. As a rule, the history of puppies begins long before they are born. Choosing a pair for a dog sometimes forces the owner to overcome considerable distances. Breeders take into account not only the quality of external and working data, but also look at the balance of the psyche. Therefore, if you want to have the best Russian Spaniel, you need to find such specialists. The average price of a puppy is $150–$400.

For more about the Russian Spaniel, see below:

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