Why did Olga Ilyinskaya fail to awaken Oblomov to an active life? based on the novel Oblomov (Goncharov I. A.)

In Goncharov's novel, the reader is presented with the kind-hearted landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a lazy and apathetic person to everything, whom nothing can awaken to life. He lies on the couch all day, rarely worrying about anything, being in constant dreams and fairy tales invented by himself. Moreover, Oblomov notices his shortcomings, but does not seek to change himself, he only asks the question: “Why am I like this?”

And this is how he was brought up in a patriarchal serf environment in his native estate Oblomovka, a wild corner of Russia, where they do not like work, where they believe superstitions and the stories of old people, where peace, affection, kindness and peace reign, where they do not know the unrest and hardships of life. Blessed land! But it was this region that made the cheerful and lively boy Ilyusha a pampered, careless and passive gentleman, for whom any movement (not to mention work) and a change in his ordinary life It's hard work, even punishment. Oblomov does not act, but only dreams and does not even think about making his dreams come true. And he dreams of serene life, dreams that he will have a family: loving wife who would take care of him, children, his home. But his dreams remain dreams. Oblomov does not go anywhere, he is all in his apartment. And the everyday life of Ilya Ilyich is rarely saturated. Only his friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was able to "revive" Oblomov.

Stolz was the complete opposite of Oblomov. Active and determined, he did not waste a single moment of his life. Oblomov appreciated and respected his friend for his constant support and help, Stoltz contributed to black and white life Oblomov bright colors. Andrei Ivanovich, in turn, although he did not approve of Ilya Ilyich’s lifestyle, appreciated his “honest faithful heart", which is "like a well deep" and "I did not love anyone so firmly and fervently." Stolz tried with all his might not to let Oblomov wither away: he invited secular society, called with him abroad, in the end, he introduced me to Olga, an energetic and outstanding girl. But Oblomov resisted almost all the changes that Stoltz tried to make in his life. How many promises did Oblomov make to his friend, how many times did he agree with him? But as soon as Stoltz left (and he traveled a lot), he immediately returned to his former life. And Stolz described his style of life and his main illness figuratively, but aptly: "Oblomovism." Oblomov himself understands that "his life began with extinction" and it is necessary to change it "now or never." What can change Oblomov, if even friendship is not able to do this? Only love.

it light feeling- love - turned the whole world of Oblomov. Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, in whom there was neither affectation nor coquetry, was able to make Oblomov (albeit for a while) a different person: active and cheerful. She became for him a guiding star, a ray of light. For Olga, love is a duty, she "admired, was proud of this man, prostrated at her feet, by her own strength." But she loved not the present, but the future Oblomov, whom she tried to create, like Pygmalion Galatea. What did she expect from him? “I am your goal,” you say, and you walk towards it so timidly, slowly; and you still have a long way to go; you must be taller than me. I have seen happy people how they love, everything boils with them, and their peace is not like yours; they don't lower their heads... they act! And you ... no, it doesn’t look like love, so that I was your goal ... ”, - Olga Oblomov says so. The latter understands that they will not be happy with Olga. “They don’t like people like me,” he says, but still he loves Olga himself, Oblomov is capable of a strong exciting feeling and emotional experiences, although the chores and everyday problems scare him, he is not ready for them even for the sake of his beloved woman. Olga hopes that she will be able to revive Oblomov, and he will live for her, but he "has died a long time ago." She asks him: "Will you be for me what I need?" But he gets a negative answer. Olga could not, like Stolz, by the way, save Oblomov.

The reason that nothing could save Oblomov is revealed by the hero of the work himself. “Why did everything die? Olga asks. - Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble ... and ... you are dying! What ruined you? There is no name for this evil ... "But Oblomov replies:" There is. Oblomovism! Oblomov's main illness is to blame for everything. But what is Oblomovism? For Oblomov - a dream, for Stolz and Olga - the whole life of Oblomov, which they so stubbornly wanted to change. The critic Dobrolyubov called Oblomovism "a vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of one's desires not from one's own efforts, but from others." But no matter what concept we give, no matter from what point of view we look, it was Oblomovism that prevented the main character from living a full life.

"Test by love" on the example of the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

An important place in the novel "Oblomov" is occupied by the theme of love. Love, according to Goncharov, is one of the “main forces” of progress; the world is driven by love.

Main story line in the novel - the relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya. Here Goncharov follows the path that had become traditional in Russian literature by that time: checking the value of a person through his intimate feelings, his passions. The writer does not deviate from the then most popular resolution of such a situation. Goncharov shows how, through the moral weakness of a person who turned out to be unable to respond to strong feeling love, his social failure is revealed.

The spiritual world of Olga Ilyinskaya is characterized by harmony of mind, heart, will. The impossibility for Oblomov to understand and accept this high moral standard life turns into an inexorable sentence to him as a person. There is a coincidence in the text of the novel, which turns out to be downright symbolic. On the same page where the name of Olga Ilyinskaya is first pronounced, the word "Oblomovism" also appears for the first time. However, it is not immediately possible to see a special meaning in this coincidence. In the novel, Ilya Ilyich’s suddenly flared up feeling of love, fortunately mutual, is poeticized in such a way that hope may arise: Oblomov will be successful, in the words of Chernyshevsky, “Hamlet’s education” and will be reborn as a person to the fullest. The inner life of the hero began to move. Love discovered in Oblomov's nature the properties of spontaneity, which, in turn, resulted in a strong spiritual impulse, in a passion that threw him towards a beautiful girl, and two people “did not lie to themselves or to each other: they betrayed what the heart said, and his voice passed through the imagination.

Together with a feeling of love for Olga, Oblomov awakens an active interest in spiritual life, in art, in the mental demands of the time. The hero is transformed so much that Olga, becoming more and more carried away by Ilya Ilyich, begins to believe in his final spiritual rebirth and then into the possibility of their joint, happy life.

Goncharov writes that his beloved heroine “walked the simple natural path of life... she did not deviate from the natural manifestation of thought, feeling, will... No affectation, no coquetry, no tinsel, no intent!” This young and pure girl is full of noble thoughts in relation to Oblomov: “She will show him the goal, make him fall in love again with everything that he stopped loving ... He will live, act, bless life and her. To bring a person back to life - how much glory to the doctor when he saves a hopeless patient. And save the morally perishing mind, soul? And how much of her spiritual strength and feelings Olga gave in order to achieve this lofty moral goal. But, even love here was powerless.

Ilya Ilyich is far from the naturalness of Olga, free from many worldly considerations, extraneous and essentially hostile to the feeling of love. It soon turned out that Oblomov's feeling of love for Olga was a short-term outbreak. Illusions on this score are quickly dissipated by Oblomov. The need to make decisions, marriage - all this frightens our hero so much that he is in a hurry to convince Olga: "... you made a mistake, you are not the one you were waiting for, whom you dreamed of." The gap between Olga and Oblomov is natural: their natures are too dissimilar. last conversation Olga and Oblomov discover the huge difference between them. “I found out,” says Olga, “only recently that I loved in you what I wanted to be in you, what Stoltz pointed out to me, what we invented with him. I loved the future Oblomov. You are meek, honest, Ilya; you are gentle ... you are ready to coo all your life under the roof ... but I am not like that: this is not enough for me.

Happiness was short-lived. More expensive than romantic dates was for Oblomov the thirst for a serene, sleepy state. "A man sleeps serenely" - this is how Ilya Ilyich sees the ideal of existence.

The quiet fading of emotions, interests, aspirations, and even life itself, that's all that Oblomov had left after a bright flash of feelings. Even love could not bring him out of hibernation, change his life. But still, this feeling could, albeit for a short time, awaken Oblomov's consciousness, made him "come to life" and feel an interest in life, but, alas, only for a short time! According to Goncharov, love is a beautiful, vivid feeling, but love alone was not enough to change the life of such a person as Oblomov I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", "Enlightenment", M. 1984 - S. 34.

In Goncharov's novel, the reader is presented with the kind-hearted landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a lazy and apathetic person to everything, whom nothing can awaken to life. He lies on the couch all day, rarely worrying about anything, being in constant dreams and fairy tales invented by himself. Moreover, Oblomov notices his shortcomings, but does not seek to change himself, he only asks the question: “Why am I like this?”

And this is how he was brought up in a patriarchal serf environment in his native estate Oblomovka, a wild corner of Russia, where they do not like work, where they believe superstitions and the stories of old people, where peace, affection, kindness and peace reign, where they do not know the unrest and hardships of life. Blessed land! But it was this region that turned the cheerful and lively boy Ilyusha into a pampered, careless and passive gentleman, for whom any movement (not to mention work) and a change in his ordinary life is hard work, even punishment. Oblomov does not act, but only dreams and does not even think about making his dreams come true. And he dreams of a serene life, he dreams that he will have a family: a loving wife who would take care of him, children, his own home. But his dreams remain dreams. Oblomov does not go anywhere, he is all in his apartment. And the everyday life of Ilya Ilyich is rarely saturated. Only his friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was able to "revive" Oblomov.

Stolz was the complete opposite of Oblomov. Active and determined, he did not waste a single moment of his life. Oblomov appreciated and respected his friend for his constant support and help, Stolz brought bright colors into Oblomov's black and white life. Andrei Ivanovich, in turn, although he did not approve of Ilya Ilyich’s lifestyle, appreciated his “honest faithful heart”, which “is deep like a well” and “did not love anyone so firmly and fervently.” Stolz tried with all his might not to let Oblomov wither away: he invited him to secular society, called him abroad, in the end, he introduced her to Olga, an energetic and outstanding girl. But Oblomov resisted almost all the changes that Stoltz tried to make in his life. How many promises did Oblomov make to his friend, how many times did he agree with him? But as soon as Stoltz left (and he traveled a lot), he immediately returned to his former life. And Stolz described his style of life and his main illness figuratively, but aptly: "Oblomovism." Oblomov himself understands that "his life began with extinction" and it is necessary to change it "now or never." What can change Oblomov, if even friendship is not able to do this? Only love.

This bright feeling - love - turned the whole world of Oblomov upside down. Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, in whom there was neither affectation nor coquetry, was able to make Oblomov (albeit for a while) a different person: active and cheerful. She became for him a guiding star, a ray of light. For Olga, love is a duty, she "admired, was proud of this man, prostrated at her feet, by her own strength." But she loved not the present, but the future Oblomov, whom she tried to create, like Pygmalion Galatea. What did she expect from him? “I am your goal,” you say, and you walk towards it so timidly, slowly; and you still have a long way to go; you must be taller than me. I have seen happy people, how they love, everything is in full swing with them, and their peace is not like yours; they don't lower their heads... they act! And you ... no, it doesn’t look like love, so that I was your goal ... ”, - Olga Oblomov says so. The latter understands that they will not be happy with Olga. “They don’t like people like me,” he says, but still he loves Olga himself, Oblomov is capable of a strong exciting feeling and emotional experiences, although the chores and everyday problems scare him, he is not ready for them even for the sake of his beloved woman. Olga hopes that she will be able to revive Oblomov, and he will live for her, but he "has died a long time ago." She asks him: "Will you be for me what I need?" But he gets a negative answer. Olga could not, like Stolz, by the way, save Oblomov.

The reason that nothing could save Oblomov is revealed by the hero of the work himself. “Why did everything die? Olga asks. - Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble ... and ... you are dying! What ruined you? There is no name for this evil ... "But Oblomov replies:" There is. Oblomovism! Oblomov's main illness is to blame for everything. But what is Oblomovism? For Oblomov - a dream, for Stolz and Olga - the whole life of Oblomov, which they so stubbornly wanted to change. The critic Dobrolyubov called Oblomovism "a vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of one's desires not from one's own efforts, but from others." But no matter what concept we give, no matter from what point of view we look, it was Oblomovism that prevented the main character from living a full life.

The love of Olga Ilyinskaya did not change Oblomov, although for a while it brought him out of his usual apathetic state. The reader of the novel can observe the evolution of Olga's feelings: curiosity, the desire to "awaken" led to passion, the feeling that flared up in her makes her more persistent, stubborn. In Olga's mind, a comparison of her situation with Pygmalion's arises: “This is some kind of Galatea, with whom she herself has to be Pygmalion,” she thinks with annoyance.
What does Olga Oblomov offer in return for him lying on the couch? Alas, the program of awakening the “statue” in Olga’s smart little head is completely exhausted by Stoltsev’s horizon: read newspapers, books, fuss over the arrangement of the estate, go to the order. But Petersburg life for Ilya Ilyich is “an eternal game of cheesy passions”, “an empty shuffling of days”, far from his ideal.
For him, happiness is freedom, rest and peace, which are the goal of human fuss, passions, wars, trade and politics. Such an understanding of happiness is characteristic not only of Goncharov's hero. One can recall Tsar Dadon from Pushkin's "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", who "wished in his old age To rest from military affairs And arrange peace for himself," or Lermontov's "I would like freedom and peace." In the epilogue of "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy, we see Natasha Rostova plump, lowered, having lost her former fire, but acquiring an expression of calm softness and clarity on her face, and we learn that all her impulses “had only the need to have a family, to have a husband.” Therefore, Oblomov cannot be remade by empty vanity and painful worries that deprive a person of integrity.
The gods in ancient myth revived Galatea, seeing the boundless and reckless love of Pygmalion. But Olga Ilyinskaya's love is too rational: she reflects on her feelings, on her influence on Oblomov, on her "mission" - to save Ilya Ilyich. There is vanity and narcissism in her thoughts about love (“She instantly weighed her power over him, and she liked this role of a guiding star, a ray of light that she would pour over a stagnant lake and be reflected in it”), calling into question the absoluteness of her feelings. Such love cannot be reckless. This is also one of the reasons why Olga-Pygmalion never manages to revive Galatea-Oblomov.
Oblomov is more naive in his feelings, simpler than Olga, despite the fact that she is much younger than him. But dependence on a woman of this type turns into a need to constantly prove his intellectual and business viability, and this is painful for Ilya Ilyich. In many ways, this is why he chose to stay in the house on the Vyborg side.
Marrying Olga would not have changed Oblomov, in the end, she herself understood this. A person cannot be remade, and Olga did not want to accept Ilya Ilyich as he was, and this made their marriage, for which there were no external obstacles, impossible.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is the brightest socio-psychological work of the 19th century. In the novel, the author raises a row eternal themes relating to the relationship between people, a person's search for his place in the world, as well as questions of meaning human life. The central storyline of the book revolves around the description of the fate of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - a reflective, dreamy, introverted person. In the life of the hero until more than thirty years old, there were no particular upheavals, losses and drastic changes- he avoided them in every possible way, trying in any way to get away from the activity of the outside world. However, fate decided differently for him: the most important test in life was for Oblomov the test of love.

A strong, all-encompassing, elemental feeling broke into his life unexpectedly, for a while completely turning the whole worldview of the hero, his attitude to the world and life. Olga Ilyinskaya became for Oblomov a person who made him take a fresh look at his passive life, give up his usual pastime on the couch and forget about a dressing gown, replacing it with a secular suit. However, despite rapid development and mutual feelings, their relationship ended in a quick break - and the reasons for this lie, first of all, in the different upbringing of the characters, their characters and life values.

Oblomov and Olga: the meeting of two opposites

To understand why the relationship between Oblomov and Olga became a test for both heroes, it is important to remember the conditions under which the characters developed, who influenced the formation of their characters, and what were their basic life values.

Ilya Ilyich grew up in a remote provincial corner of Russia, where time passed very slowly, measured not in minutes and seconds, but in whole seasons. The pacifying, sleepy, excessively calm atmosphere of Oblomovism could not leave an imprint on young hero: little Ilya was a very active and curious child, but excessive parental care created from him a kind of “hothouse plant” - a driven, dependent, incapable of vigorous activity. On the other hand, the beautiful landscapes of Oblomovka, its unique harmonious nature, intertwined with the fantastic plots of fairy tales and legends that the nanny told Ilya, also influenced the development of the hero's personality. All this brought up in him dreaminess, poetry, the ability to appreciate the beauty of the world around him, but also escapism, the idea that even if nothing is done, miraculous changes will come into his life.

Unlike the apathetic, introverted, reflective Oblomova, Olga appears in the novel as a bright, purposeful, self-confident girl. Having received a good upbringing and education, Ilyinskaya continues to develop, constantly learning something new, for her there are no boundaries and barriers in this knowledge, and any mistake or failure only inflames her excitement, forcing her to move forward more confidently. (For Oblomov, the first and only failure in his career was the end of his professional activity- after that, the hero completely refused to work, finally plunging into the world of unrealizable illusions).

The life goals of the characters were also completely different. Bright, active Olga wanted, if not to change the world, then at least to influence its changes, to bring something new and important into the development of society. Oblomov, on the other hand, saw his happiness in finding the lost atmosphere of Oblomovka, which in his memories was like an earthly paradise - a quiet, calm place where he would not have to answer for anything or decide something himself.

Why did Olga fail to change Oblomov?

The differences between the characters were also reflected in their relationship. In love for Ilya Ilyich, Olga, first of all, saw her duty to change him, to make him a completely different person - active and purposeful. At the same time, the leading motive of the girl was not pure love and a sincere desire for happiness to her beloved, but her own egoism, that it is she who will make him the prototype of an ideal (in her opinion) personality. Oblomov, on the other hand, expected from their relationship something similar to the relationship between his father and mother. In Olga, the hero saw an idealized image of a beautiful muse who would be ready to live with him in Oblomov's paradise, creating an atmosphere of half-asleep and peace so attractive to the hero. This misunderstanding between the characters, hidden by the beautiful veil of love, is the reason for the parting of the lovers. Nevertheless, their relationship became an important lesson for both characters, affecting their future fate in different ways.

As mentioned above, in childhood, Oblomov associated himself with the heroes of children's fairy tales and legends, all the while waiting for that very turning point, a miracle that would completely turn his life around. It was precisely such a miracle that fell on Ilya Ilyich, similar to Emelya lying on the stove, that the test of the hero with love became. Oblomov knew that according to the plot of fairy tales, a previously passive character, after going through a series of difficulties, became a different person, his inner potential was revealed, and he reached hitherto unseen heights.

However, as Goncharov shows in his novel, fairy tales are too far from reality. Oblomov does not pass this test - unlike fairy tale characters, he lacks the determination to change himself, go through all the trials and open up to the world. Perhaps the reason for this was his age - after all, as indicated in the novel, in his youth Ilya Ilyich was ready to strive forward when he was constantly motivated to do so. But at more than thirty years old, the hero was already a fully formed personality, he did not want to change even for the sake of his beloved. Oblomov wanted to find a woman who could love him with the introverted, dreamy bumpkin he really is. As a result, the hero retreats before the test that has arisen, literally laying down his arms and refusing to fight for his happiness.

At the end of the novel, Ilya Ilyich finds his happiness in marriage with Agafya Pshenitsyna - a quiet, domestic, economic woman who managed to fall in love with him real person, not an illusory, embellished image. Moreover, Pshenitsyna was able to create for the hero the very atmosphere of "Oblomovism" that he had been striving for all his life.

Did Oblomov pass the test of love?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether the hero passed the test of love. On the one hand, he could not become better, could not step over his laziness and daydreaming, start a new, active, completely different life, the opposite of his gradual degradation on the couch. On the other hand, as in the plot of fairy tales, the hero at the end finds the expected happiness - peace in the house of Pshenitsyna. In such a case, it is acceptable that the test consisted of checking true values hero: is he ready to betray his true dreams for the sake of Olga's ephemeral ideals. Goncharov does not give us an exact answer, so the novel leaves open questions over which they continue to ponder and modern readers, revealing for himself all the new facets of a brilliant work.

The essay on the topic “Oblomov's test of love” is published for informational purposes only for students in grade 10.

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