Short-haired large pointing dog. Kurzhaar: photo, video, description of the breed, character, health

The Pointing Dog is a beautiful and graceful dog that will become your best friend, especially if you are serious about hunting.

The Kurzhaar is perhaps the most famous pointer in the world, bred in Germany. Kurzhaars are ready to hunt any game in absolutely any area. The dogs of this breed, moreover, have pronounced watchdog skills.

If you live in a small house or a city apartment, then the German pointer will not create problems: they are not aggressive at all, they get along well with other animals and small children. Dogs have very well developed muscles, thanks to which they are excellent swimmers and runners, and therefore excellent hunters! On the appearance This breed of kurtshaar is also worth paying attention to: the dogs themselves are very beautiful, and their hard short hair will not cause much trouble.

History of appearance

The breed of dogs kurtshaar has been formed for centuries. AT different countries they are called differently: in Europe they are called German marriages, in America they are called short-haired pointers, and in Russia they are called German short-haired hounds.

Of course, no one can accurately determine the origins of the breed, but there is one fairly plausible version: pointing dogs took part in hunting for game birds with nets and in falconry in the Mediterranean countries. This is where their story began. Pointing dog breeds began to spread from Spain, Flanders and France, and in Germany they appeared for the first time in the 15th century. After the invention of the double-barreled shotgun, the popularity of the kurtshaar increased greatly due to its predominant ability to make a stance.

Most influenced by Spanish marriages. They were crossed with the Hanoverian Bloodhound and the Iberian breed, as a result of which the German Shorthair Hound turned out.

But in Germany, dogs became most in demand only towards the end of the 19th century. Then they standardized this breed. Of course, now, after so much time, the standards and representatives are very different from what it was before. In 1890, in order to improve the shorthaired pointer breed, breeding activities were carried out, aimed at the appearance and skills of the animal.

Breed varieties

Kurzhaar is one of the varieties of cops, there are also drathaar and langhaar. Differences can be seen in the wool cover.

The drathaar has long hair on its muzzle.

Langhaar has a long and soft undercoat all over the body, the shades vary slightly.

Related breeds were bred much later.

breed standard

The shorthaired pointer dog is described as slender, with drooping ears, an elongated neck and a neatly shaped skull. The chest of the cop breed is usually quite wide, muscular, coffee-colored. The eyes are brown or dark brown, and the muzzle is strong and elongated. By standards, the German Pointer Pointer may be completely black, but this is extremely rare.

Their coat is usually coffee brown or dark brown in color.

The height at the withers is about 59-65 cm. The average weight is from 25 to 35 kilograms.

The nature and behavior of the shorthaired pointer

Pointing dogs are not only inexhaustible sources of energy, but also very smart animals. Given enough attention and upbringing, four-legged friends will not damage your property. The hunting dog kurtshaar, moreover, has a pliable temperament. It may not appear immediately, but when you get to know each other better, the dog will begin to see your owner and best friend in your face.

They are restless, very active, but obedient enough. Despite this, the German shorthaired pointer is full of equanimity and dignity.

It is worth noting that these wonderful dogs they can become very attached to their family. Attitude towards strangers is skeptical. Pointing dogs always strive to protect their loved ones, so they are repelled by the owner's emotions. But they have a very friendly attitude towards small children and other animals.

If you have a rodent or an exotic bird living in your house, then you should think before getting such a dog, because his thirst for hunting can have a deplorable effect on the health and life of your pet.

Education and training

Do not forget that the German Shorthaired Pointer Pointer is a hunter. Therefore, hunting instincts need to be developed. The training of the German shorthaired pointer is a rather long and laborious process. First, bring up the dog at home, and only then take him to specialized areas.

Distribution of physical activity:

  • Do not exhaust your pet with long walks. Better do it more often, going out for 20-40 minutes.
  • Regular physical activity is essential for both puppies and adult dogs. Otherwise, the dog will feel uncomfortable, and may show interest in furniture or personal items in your apartment.
  • It is not necessary to increase the load strongly and sharply, it is better to train gradually, then the dog will not get tired and will achieve the desired results faster.
  • Although a pointing hunter and athlete, do not overdo it with exercises. Everything should be in moderation. Do not demand from the dog what he cannot do due to his physical characteristics.
  • At a young age, do not overload the dog with training. Be consistent and allocate time so that the dog can take a break from school.

Features of care and maintenance

Choosing a puppy

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the features associated with the pedigree: color, stand, run, shade of hairline. And, most importantly, study the pedigree. It is better to take a dog up to 4 - 6 months, so it will be easier for the puppy to break away from the mother. AT young age dogs are easier to train and teach the necessary commands.

If you do not have training skills, desire or time, then it is best to turn to the services of professional cynologists. The specialist will unleash many talents in your friend so that he can become a first-class hunter.


The health of the dog depends entirely on the diet and the frequency of feeding. The kurtshaar breed also has its own nutritional characteristics, like many other breeds.

The dog should eat meat, poultry, fish and a variety of cereals, except pearl barley. At a young age, it is useful to give a puppy dairy products (milk, cheese, kefir), but before six months, you need to reduce their consumption completely.

It is important to give your dog raw fruits and vegetables, at least in small amounts. Potatoes, sharp cartilage and bones, flour products from the puppy's diet are best excluded completely. After one year of age, it will be possible to transfer a four-legged friend to an adult diet (twice a day).


The shorthaired pointer is the best hunting dog. And such a luxurious dog requires careful care of himself and his health.

The following diseases are characteristic of the breed:

  1. Melanoma (cancer that affects skin cells).
  2. Epilepsy (a neurological disease of a chronic nature, manifested in convulsions and loss of consciousness).
  3. Otitis (inflammation of the ears).
  4. Cataract (clouding of the lens of the eye).
  5. Hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland (low level of thyroid hormones).

Vaccinations for dogs must be done as prescribed by the veterinarian, observing all the terms and recommendations.

Do not forget that there is a high probability of the presence of worms in the body. Therefore, deworm from time to time.

Particular attention should be paid big ears kurtshaar and their hygiene, as well as the oral cavity.

Also inspect the kurtshaar for ticks after each trip to the forest or field.


Mating is most rational to carry out after the third estrus, when the dog's body is already fully formed, ready for reproduction and carrying puppies. Since the color scheme of the hairline of the kurtshaar varies, it is worth choosing a dog on this basis.

The Kurzhaar is a highly intelligent, loyal, caring and talented dog breed. Innate instincts make themselves felt from the very early childhood. If you need a friend who shares your main passion - hunting, then a dog of this breed will become an excellent and devoted companion.


Pointing dogs are all breeds of this species of animals that are used to hunt game birds. Among their relatives, they stand out for their sharp scent, dexterity, lightning speed and the ability to point to prey with a specific stance.

The pointing dog is extremely athletic and smart, it feels equally comfortable in the role of a hunter and a pet. It needs a constant learning process, whether it be the science of good manners or methods of baiting and detecting the bird.

Training of pointing dogs

The so-called "room" training of dogs of these breeds begins at 2 months of age. After a year, they should understand and implement the following commands:

  • knowing your place and returning to it if necessary;
  • when the command "Walk" the dog is obliged to leave the house;
  • loyal to the leash;
  • on the command "Next" to go flush with the specified leg without a leash;
  • understand the meaning of the whistle;
  • meaningful perception and execution by the pointing dog of the command “Lie down”;
  • offering the specified item (future game);
  • assimilation of the commands "Forward", "No", "Quiet" and "Take".

Nicknames of pointing dogs should be short and sonorous, easy to remember and pronounce. The names of the ancient gods are very popular in this case, especially those that consist of a maximum of two syllables.

Pointing Dog Nataska

After home stage training, the time comes for training in marsh conditions, in fields or forests. The task of the trainer is to teach the cop to behave adequately in natural conditions and develop her search. The effectiveness of the dog's work directly depends on its good instinct, the speed of detecting game, the work of the upper sense and against the wind, as well as the ability to search for game with a shuttle with the right parallels. Very often, hunters, without knowing it, reduce the natural capabilities of pointing dogs in favor of their compliance with the standards.

Hunting with a pointing dog

This event is considered to be the most exciting kind of hunting sport. In order for the dog to show a beautiful and vigorous activity in natural conditions, it is necessary to properly train it, train it and adapt it to long-term loads. When choosing your pointer from representatives of several breeds, be sure to consider the area in which you will be hunting, the climate and the type of game. The position of the pointing dog is highly valued, indicating the close location of the prey. Experienced hunters call it a “stand” and cannot imagine the process of baiting game without it. The stance must be firm, confident and without moving forward along own initiative. One of the most necessary conditions for effective hunting with a pointer is its correct setting, which allows it to feel relaxed, listen and follow commands, and show its own initiative.

Breeds of pointing hunting dogs

Each type of hunting dog has its own, innate style of behavior in the conditions of baiting. It must be encouraged and developed, and not adjusted to suit oneself. Most hunters appreciate in cops flair, speed, manner of searching, while forgetting about style. The most commonly used types of dogs for hunting are:

The breeds of these dogs in our country include the so-called island cops, bred in England, and continental cops, bred on the continent, in Europe.

Island cops:

  • pointer,
  • Scottish Setter or Gordon
  • Irish and English Setters.

Continental cops:

  • kurtshaar (shorthair),
  • drathaar (wire-haired).

Pointing dogs have a large excitability, mobility, vigor in the search for game on the hunt. Moving quickly in one direction or the other in front of the hunter (shuttle), the pointing dog searches for game birds lurking in the grass or bushes, freezes in front of it in a tense pose, makes a stance and, at the command of the owner, rushes forward, raising the bird on the wing and substituting her thus under the shot.

The history of the origin of the breeds of pointing dogs goes back to ancient falconry, in which the dogs had to look for game and raise it on the wing so that the hunters let their falcons in time. In the Middle Ages, when, along with falconry, catching birds with pillowcase (loose) nets was very developed, the cops developed and fixed hereditarily the desire for a rack, that is, for a longer stop at the discovered game before throwing at it. And now, when hundreds of generations of pointing dogs have already changed, this quality has already been consolidated to such an extent that young dogs often, on their own, being not yet trained, make a stance on the first feathered game encountered.

All pointing dogs are distinguished by their large affection for a person. They are easy to train and often, in addition to carrying out the usual hunting orders, they surprise with the ability, at the request of the owner, to serve his shoes, clothes or look for one of the family members.

Pointing Dog Breeds

- a squat dog with a long and slightly wavy coat, with wide hanging ears and a saber-curved tail. Height at the withers in males 54 - 62 cm, in bitches - 52 - 60 cm. The main color tone is white, according to which there may be different sizes and forms black, yellow or brown spots. The English Setter is distinguished by its fast search in a low, so-called creeping, canter. Only he has a recumbent stance. By nature, this is a very excitable dog capable of continuous work.

- Outwardly, perhaps, the most spectacular of the setters. It is high on the legs (height at the withers for males 57 - 65 cm, for females - 54 - 62 cm), less stretched than the English. The head is long and dry. It can be easily recognized by its long, wavy and bright red coat. Irish Setter looking for game at a fast gallop. This is the most temperamental of the setters, with an independent and proud character. Only a persistent, even and gentle approach can bring up in him good friend and a great hunting companion.

scottish setter, or, as it is also called, the Gordon Setter, is the largest of the setters. Height at the withers in males 60 - 67 cm, in bitches - 58 - 65 cm. He has approximately the same coat as the previous two, but it is shiny black, and has bright red tan marks on the muzzle, chest and paws. Gordon is the most calm and balanced of the setters. He was bred to search for game not in the open spaces of the meadows, but in the bushes. Therefore, it is distinguished by a somewhat slow pace, but it is more enduring than other setters and is more easily accustomed to serving game.

It differs from setters in short hair, a very sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle, a tail similar to a rod. Height at the withers in males 57 - 65 cm, in bitches - 54 - 63 cm. Its color can be very diverse: black, coffee, fawn or two-tone with white spots or black spots. This is the most energetic, most excitable and impetuous pointing dog with a beautiful manner of searching and a sculpturally expressive stance.

(wire-haired) and kurtshaar (short-haired) - German cops. These are relatively tall dogs. The height at the withers for males is 68-70 cm, for females - 58-63 cm. The kurtshaar's hair is short, tight to the body, while the drathaar's hair is hard and long, on the muzzle it forms a "beard" and "mustache". Tails in dogs of these breeds are docked (shortened artificially). The color is approximately the same: coffee and piebald with different shades and gray hair. The short-haired hound is more temperamental and more mobile than the wire-haired one. But drathaar is more adapted to work in difficult conditions in water and cold. In our country, and especially in Europe, these dogs are now used not only for traditional hunting for marsh and upland game, but also for hunting hare and large game for the selection of wounded animals.

Talking about pointing dogs, we will not repeat how to raise puppies. There are no special commands or training methods for these breeds. Pointing dogs begin to be trained when they are at least seven months old. The main commands that the puppy must learn to carry out even before this are: “ lie down”, “ you can’t”, “forward”. He is then trained to shuttle search on a long cord. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that he executes commands on the whistle, changing the direction of travel. How the hunter and dog should move is shown in the diagram.

It is more correct to start nataska in the meadows along the great snipe or quail.

If there are no places where great snipe and quail are found, you can also train a cop in a moss swamp along a white partridge. A dog trained in swamp game is easily trained to work in upland. But it is much more difficult for her to switch from upland game (white partridge) to swamp game.

When attacked, the cop should develop the skill quickly and on large area detect game and raise it on the wing under the hunter's shot. It is easy to train a dog to search by shuttle, but you need to look very carefully at what kind of instinct (smell) it has. It is necessary to ensure that the distance between the parallels of the shuttle does not exceed the range of your dog's instincts. Determine this distance (it will be different for different conditions weather) you can by measuring in steps the distance from the place of familiarization to the game itself: usually the bird is within 10 - 15 steps. A hound with a relatively weak instinct can skip game at a fast pace, it should not be rushed.

Sense of smell is the main thing for a cop. Among the hundreds of smells of herbs and flowers in a wet meadow, she must find a small bird - a snipe. Therefore, dogs are especially valued, which, going into the wind with their heads up, from afar and from above, chug game. The correct pulling also depends on the development of the sense of smell - a slow, careful, but confident approach to the detected game in a straight or slightly curved line.

Different dogs work differently. Some of them, having too rapid a search, cannot smell the game from afar, and having found it, immediately, on the move, they make a rack or even lie down. Others, with a good sense of smell, pick up a bird from afar and make a long, confident pull. The pull is followed by a stand - a stop in a tense pose over the game itself or over its warm trail. And, finally, at the command “forward”, the stand is followed by an eyeliner - a quick and confident throw of the dog to the game.

If your dog doesn't make the first stance on its own, it should be directed to the game. While the cop is busy searching, you can accidentally pick up a great snipe or snipe and notice the place where the bird has landed. Try to bring the dog closer to this place. But even here, not every young cop completes the pull with a stand. Many dogs, sensing the game very close, immediately rush at it and, raising it on the wing, set off in pursuit. Don't miss this moment. As soon as the bird takes off, command: " Lie down!" and pull your pupil by the leash with a long cord on which she goes through the basics of hunting. A few such lessons - and you will wean her from rushing after flying game. But it is very important, of course, that already before that the pointer flawlessly and at any distance fulfills your command “ lie down».

Even before the first outings in the field, you must teach your dog not to be afraid of a shot, and it's good if during the first encounter with the game you shoot the bird, let the dog sniff it, and then reward your assistant with a treat or just caress it. Unfortunately, there are dogs of different breeds, including cops, who are terribly afraid of gunshots. Then you need to accustom the dog to shooting gradually, over several days, starting simply with clicking the triggers, then shooting with primers, weakened charges, etc. Your friend should shoot, and at this time you need to calm the dog by petting it.

Pointer stance is a hereditarily fixed quality, but sometimes it does not appear immediately. Don't be discouraged. A happy moment will come, and your dog will freeze in a tense pose over the desired game. Then carefully approach her, without letting go of the leash, stroke her, let her stand for a while, and then command in a quiet but decisive voice: “Forward!” - and loosen the leash. If the dog was not on a leash, then during the first racks, be sure to fasten it. The leash or cord can be left only after the pointer learns to correctly search for game and clearly perform stances and eyeliners with the final prone after raising the game to the wing.

If your dog, after the stand on the “forward” command, rushed too smartly after the game, pull it back. Or it may happen that she makes a rack, but she does not want to leave it. Then try to show her yourself that you rush to the game, but do not go ahead. Or tighten the leash, barely pulling back the dog, and then, together with the “forward” command, immediately loosen it.

Transition from rack to eyeliner- one of the most difficult moments of training, and here, as in similar situations with other dogs, you can resort to help already. experienced pointer. One or two lessons with a good "teacher" is usually enough. Then everything will depend on how often you will go out for training and hunting with a dog. Try to diversify the places of your trips and game. In the beginning, it can be helpful to walk with a good shooting companion to shoot while you closely monitor the dog's behavior and correct it if necessary.

You can also train a cop on a decoy bird, using a quail with trimmed flight feathers for this. Feathers should be trimmed (preferably four on each side) so that the bird can make short flights. So that it does not get lost, you need to tie a long, several meters long thread with a red patch at the end to the paws.

Release the quail in a field with low grass and, noticing the place where he sits, launch a dog there with a canoe against the wind. Let her make a stand, then after a while let her raise the quail on the wing. Then repeat all over again, but for the moved bird. As you become more familiar with the methods of nataska cops, you will find that different books sometimes give different advice.

For example, some hunters, while practicing the “lie down” command after raising the bird, offer to use a whip, others do not advise taking it at all for going out on a nataska. You must resolve this issue yourself. And, of course, a gentle, touchy dog ​​cannot even be lightly lashed with a whip. A stubborn dog, with a "good nervous system"You can punish, but again as a last resort.

No rating

This breed of cops is known and kept mainly by hunters.
But an interesting fact is that it’s not at all hunters who, by chance, encounter this breed, subsequently give birth only to drathaars, and this indicates the complete self-sufficiency of the breed. Eyebrows, mustache and beard give the drathaar a serious look, which fully corresponds to its inner content: a strong character and truly limitless hunting abilities.

Translated from German, “drathaar” means wire-haired, but in Russia it is called differently: German wire-haired hound. This is due to the fact that the population of our drathaars was formed on the basis of various breeds, united by a similar exterior and hunting qualities, but differing in the structure of the coat. The hard coat was recognized as the most desirable, therefore this name was assigned to the drathaar.

As an independent breed, it finally took shape at the beginning of the 20th century. German hunters set themselves the task of obtaining a versatile working gun dog, suitable for work in the field, in the forest and on the water, both before and after the shot. Drathaar is good for hunting ducks, hares; The valuable qualities of the German wire-haired hound - multifunctionality and a "shirt" resistant to adverse conditions - contributed to the widespread distribution of the breed mainly among hunters not only in Germany, but also in many other countries of the world.

Busty (bearded) cops
In many breeds of hunting dogs, mainly hounds and cops, the coat is coarse and hard.

Wirehaired and other breeds of bearded cops originated from the so-called beagle-like hound dogs, references to which can be found in writers and historians. Ancient Greece and Rome - in particular, Xenophon (430–355 BC), Arrian (95–175 AD), Seneca (4 BC–65 AD). e.). Bearded hound dogs were found throughout Europe, but they were especially popular in Eastern and Central Europe.

Many coarse-haired cops of Europe in late XIX- At the beginning of the 20th century, they received the status of independent breeds: these are the German Drathaar and Shtikhelhaar (wire-haired and needle-haired, or bristle-haired, cops), the pointer poodle, the Kortals griffin, the Hungarian wire-haired vizsla, the Slovak coarse-haired hound, the French griffin Bule, the Italian wire-haired hound - spinone.

German Wirehaired Hounds
In Germany, hard hound cops are mentioned in hunting books from the 16th century. They were called differently: Polish, Russian, Danish or Swedish divers. These dogs most likely descended from bearded barbets and griffins.

For a number of centuries, coarse-haired pointer breeds were widespread - practical German hunters often preferred them to smooth-haired ones, because the coarse coat perfectly protects the dog from injuries and cuts while working in dense thickets. But since the 1830s, hunters in Germany have been fascinated by English cops, and rough-haired breeds have survived only in the south of the country. Since 1882, their popularity began to increase again. Several varieties of German Wirehaired Hounds have been bred with the participation of shorthaired breeds. In 1902, in Berlin, lovers of these cops united and organized the German Wirehaired Hound Club. Its president was Lauffo Unkel, who led the club for thirty-two years. The organization defined its tasks as follows: the most important thing is to get cops with excellent working qualities, then pay attention to the correct constitution of dogs and, last but not least, their beauty. The first goal was reached quite quickly, since the new breed was formed on the basis of excellent hunting breeds. As for the addition of dogs, then I had to work longer. The hardest part was getting dogs with good coats. Only those four-legged animals that met the most stringent requirements were entered into the stud book, and at first - dogs from the age of at least a year, and then - from seven months. This age made it possible to judge the build, features of the coat and working qualities of the wire-haired hound.

The Germans sought to develop a universal hunting dog capable of working equally well on both birds and beasts. The selection in this direction gave the German cops, including the rough-haired ones, a viciousness that was not characteristic of other cops. For the hunting conditions that exist in Germany, a slow-moving dog was required, so the angles of the levers of the limbs of the German cops should be more straight, the neck is shorter and set higher.

So, the German wirehaired hound, or drathaar, is derived from various types German wirehaired cops with the participation of French and Belgian. The breed was based on the old Korthals griffins, pointer poodles and shtichelhaars. In addition, wire-haired cops were injected with the blood of a short-haired German cop.

The official breed standard came out only in 1924, when, after much debate, the FCI approved three breeds of German Wirehaired Hounds: the Drathaar, the Stichelhaar (the needle-haired, or bristle-haired, German Hound) and the Pointer Poodle. In France, by the way, the griffin Kortals, bred in Germany, is still bred.

Drathaars in Russia
In Russia, the Drathaars have their own history. Before the October Revolution of 1917 and after it, there were only a few wire-haired cops in the country. In the 1940s and 50s, several German cops were brought to the USSR from Germany, belonging to various wire-haired breeds and, of course, differing in the type of wool and other exterior features. The length of their wool ranged from two to twelve centimeters. The main attention in the selection of wirehaired cops was directed to the improvement of hunting qualities: strengthening the stance, improving instinct and speeding up the search. The drathaar standard was taken as the exterior standard, therefore the German wirehaired cops of Russia were called “drathaar”, although they carry in their veins the blood of different, but very close breeds. In fact, half a century later, Russian dog breeders repeated the path of the Germans in creating a wire-haired pointer. The formation of drathaars in the USSR was influenced by the change in requirements for hunting: after all, it took place in more severe conditions than in Germany.

Drathaar work
In a number of European countries, universal cops work not only on birds, but also on wild boar, fox, hare and other animals. From the dogs there they are required to work on the trail, fetching game, report (announcement), bark at a lying animal.

S. Korolev, a great connoisseur of drathaars, who devoted many years to this breed, believes that in the conditions of Russia this dog, as a versatile pointer, must necessarily work on classic game, as well as make a stand on all types of birds and animals - sunken, hidden, hidden. In addition, she needs to work well after the shot: find wounded animals and dead birds, serve them to the hunter. In addition, the Drathaar must love the water and work on waterfowl, as well as work without a stance on game that cannot stand upright. In this case, the dog should turn the game on the hunter. Drathaar is also required to bark at a bird and a small animal on a tree, to keep a discovered animal on a driven hunt, barking about its location and preventing it from marrying the beaters, to bark and stop an ungulate animal, and also to work on a blood trail. According to Korolev, in our country with drathaars they successfully hunt capercaillie, black grouse, partridge, hazel grouse, woodcock, quail, corncrake, duck, as well as hare, hare, elk, wild boar, fox. It should be noted that hunting for an animal is usually uncharacteristic for other cops. But with the drathaar, it is possible because of his malice.

In Ukraine, drathaar is the best assistant in roe deer hunting. In any case, the scope of the hunting application of this breed in Russia is wider than at home.

Hunters appreciate the drathaar for its versatility, although it is believed that in the field it is somewhat inferior to the English cops. it the best choice for everyday hunting.

The Wirehaired Hound can work on any terrain. Usually, its search scope is 20–40 meters, in the field - up to 70 m. The dog goes at a gallop or trot, keeps its head at the level of its back, occasionally lowering its nose to the ground to check the correctness of its actions. This breed is characterized by a strong stance: the dog freezes, as if in front of a wall. The drathaar makes a stand for upland, steppe and waterfowl, as well as for a hare. The dog is capable of chasing a fox and a wild boar, looking for a wounded animal on the trail and barking to tell the hunter where he is.

The cops, bred in Germany, use the upper flair, are well versed in the tracks, are not afraid cold water, serve to the hunter not only the shot feathered game, but also the beast, which they are able to convey.

Wirehaired cops are quite vicious and distrustful of strangers, they take the role of a watchman quite seriously. In Germany, the development of watchdog qualities in Drathaars is even considered mandatory. However, a vicious pointing dog can cause a lot of trouble during hunting trips, where it will have to meet a lot of strangers, so it is not recommended to get too carried away in developing a pet's distrust of strangers. It will be better if the dog gets used to treating people calmly, without putting all his soul into guarding the owner's backpack. When training, you need to take into account that the character of the drathaar is somewhat wayward. At the same time, with proper training, he obeys the owner at a glance, does not require too painstaking training and training, the dog is easy to manage. Carried away by the pursuit of game, the dog does not forget that a hunter is following her, and from time to time turns around. This German breed cannot be ranked among the fastest cops, but the Drathaar is one of the most enduring dogs: after a six-hour hunt, she returns home without any signs of fatigue. Perhaps the only inconvenience of the breed for someone may be its tirelessness: it is always on the move, and the owner will have to make an effort to teach this dog to remain motionless for some time.

The German Wirehaired Hound was bred in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century based on the breeds of hunting dogs popular at that time: poodle-pointers, Kortals griffons, German stichelhaars and kurtshaars. The breed standard was approved in 1928. Drathaar combines the best features of the progenitor breeds. This versatile hunting dog can help the hunter in the field, in the forest and on the water, before and after the shot. At the same time, he can be not only an effective hunting assistant, but also a protector, and sometimes just a good family companion dog, albeit with some reservations.


The height at the withers of males is 61–68 cm. The bitch is 57–64 cm.


Brown with grey, with or without spots. Black with gray, with or without spots. Brown with or without white chest markings. Gray-haired (gray). Other colors are not allowed.


These dogs have a wiry, rough, close-lying and dense coat. The guard hair is approximately 2–4 cm long; dense, waterproof undercoat. The contours of the body should not be obscured by excessively long hair. Rigidity and thickness are required to provide the dog with the best protection against adverse conditions. weather conditions and damage. The coat on the lower part of the limbs, as well as on the chest and abdomen, should be shorter, but with the preservation of density. The hair on the head and ears should be shorter and thicker at the same time, but not softer. Prominent eyebrows and a well-developed beard, without excessive length, as rigid as possible, emphasize an energetic expression.


The breed standard describes the Drathaar as "an intelligent, energetic hunter". Most dogs are quite wary of strangers- tests for these dogs in Germany include guarding the owner's belongings! These cops are strong-willed and determined dogs that need a firm and experienced owner.

It is better for very neat and squeamish people not to get dogs of this breed: these animals casually drink and eat, their beard will have to be put in order after eating.

Alone, a pet can indulge in destructive activities and bark.

It is not recommended to have these dogs as a companion if the owners do not have the time and desire to walk the dog a lot, hunt, participate in competitions ... Dogs of this breed cannot be “just pets”.

Relationships with children
The Drathaar gets along well with older children, but is not well suited to play with toddlers due to its frequent tendency to "rough" play, especially when young. The dog does not show aggression, but after playing, it can push and knock the child to the ground.

Relationships with animals
Many individuals are prone to dominance, the manifestation of aggression towards fellow tribesmen, especially their own sex. In addition, drathaar, like many hunting breeds, can not always cope with his instincts of "chasing game". He will be happy to chase cats, chickens and other small animals, especially if she runs away.


Daily care of these cops is simple: it must be regularly cleaned with a cloth or a special brush. Bathing your dog is recommended only when necessary. However, it should be remembered that this dog belongs to the group of breeds that require trimming - plucking out dead hair with a special tool. This relatively complex procedure is performed several times a year and is usually performed by a professional.


Common diseases include: hip and elbow dysplasia, osteochondritis; hypothyroidism; allergy; cataract, retinal dysplasia; torsion of the stomach.


Large, athletic build, energetic dog. An excellent hunting assistant and a faithful companion during long walks or sports.


Can be independent and wayward, suspicious of strangers.

Males are prone to dominance and can be aggressive towards relatives.

Due to a highly developed hunting instinct, it pursues cats and other small animals.

In solitude, a drathaar can indulge in cognitive-destructive activities. Young cops are very energetic, in a fit of joy the dog can jump on the owner and even knock him down.


This cop can be independent, so it's important to be persistent and consistent, and not back down when the dog is naughty. However, it must be remembered that the totality of mechanical influences on the dog must be overlapped by positive reinforcements!

Now this breed began to be used in the search and rescue service. This is really a wonderful work, in which the dog's love for people finds an outlet, the desire for exercise and mental activity.

Drathaar is an energetic dog who needs a lot of exercise stress. It will be an excellent companion for lovers of jogging or leisurely bike rides. This dog loves to swim and so does he good way pour out energy. He loves to work and appreciates the attention of a person. In addition to participating in hunting trials, he can successfully compete in competitions in tracking, obedience, agility.

In our article we want to talk about such a breed of dog as the German Pointer. Everyone knows about the existence of hunting breeds, but why are they called "cops"?

Pointing dogs

Since ancient times, a dog has helped a person in many matters. The German Hound belongs to the group of hunting dogs used for catching game birds. Where did the term "cops" come from? This is the name of those animals that lie down in front of the found bird. At first, the dog, thanks to its instinct, searches for prey, stops in front of it in a stance, and then, at the command of the hunter, rushes headlong forward to frighten it away from the shot. The dogs search for the shot bird and bring it to the owner. As a result of careful selection and training, the stance has become a hereditarily fixed phenomenon in such dogs.

Pointing dogs are very common. In the FCI classification, they occupy the entire 7th group, which, in turn, is divided into island and continental animals. In our article, we want to talk about such continental dogs as the German Pointer Drathaar, Shorthair Pointer, Longhair Pointer. All of them have many similarities, but at the same time they are different breeds.

German Shorthair: breed history

The German Shorthaired Hound was selected as early as the end of the nineteenth century in Germany. She was the most adapted to hunting in this country. For selection, English pointers, several types of short-haired cops and old German birds were used.

As a result, a German cop was obtained with a good docile character, non-violent and non-aggressive, while being easily trained. Such valuable qualities were combined in one animal. But traditional German dogs were characterized by heaviness and slowness, but these shortcomings were completely eliminated in the new breed, which gained incredible popularity.

Description of the breed

The German Shorthaired Hound is also called the Shorthaired Pointer. This is a very energetic strong dog with an excellent physique. It is quite suitable for hunting various game and even fox and hare. Representatives of such a breed as the German Shorthaired Pointing Pointer are very intelligent dogs, it is easy to train them on the living creatures or game that interests you. With a little patience, you will have a wonderful dog. An obedient and balanced animal is strongly attached to the owner. It loves to play with children. There is absolutely no aggression in the dog. But she needs training and definitely loads. It is easy to keep at home.

The German Shorthaired Hound (photo is given in the article) is always energetic, the dog rushes about as much as he can, but at the same time he has good watchdog skills. Of course, the dog will not bite, but it will certainly bark loudly.

Animal color

The German Pointer Pointer (photos are given in the article) can have the following color: coffee or coffee-piebald, with specks, with gray hair, white with coffee spots, black with marks of the same shades. Usually the dog's head is a milky coffee color. Fawn markings may be present.

The character of the shorthaired pointer

The German pointer needs constant exercise, otherwise it may affect behavior. Representatives of this breed are prone to dominance and need a strong-willed owner who can establish their own leadership in relationships. In a person who is not able to do this, the dog can turn into an uncontrollable animal.

The kurtshaar is a very intelligent animal. And the combination of unbridled energy and mind obliges the dog to be always busy not only physically, but also mentally. Learning the simplest commands brings pleasure to the animal, as well as physical exercises.

A dog that has grown up in the house with other pets gets along well with them even in adulthood, but because of the hunting instincts, small animals can be considered by dogs as fun or as an object of hunting.

The breed of dogs German Pointer (Kurzhaar) is distinguished by the fact that its representatives do not tolerate loneliness very well. Under no circumstances should an animal be left alone for a long time. The Kurzhaar is one of the very noisy breeds. It is for this reason that with early age Pets should be taught when to bark and when not.

Pointer care

The German pointer can live in any climate. But do not forget about the loads necessary for it. The animal loves society very much, but its play with children should be supervised, since an overly active animal can knock a child down. Unlike many sporting breeds, the kurtshaar rarely gets sick. We can safely say that the kurtshaar is a super breed. Animals are great at sports competitions. They can not only run, but also jump well.

Dogs have a water-repellent coat that does not get dirty. Therefore, representatives of the breed require minimal care. However, the coat still needs to be combed out from time to time. Despite the fact that the breed is short-haired, dogs shed heavily.

Drathaar: the history of the breed

The German Pointing Drathaar is currently one of the most popular hunting breeds in the world, including in its homeland of Germany. Such universal love quite understandable, since the dog is universal. She can work not only in the field, but also in the forest, on the water, while at the same time she is an excellent companion. This is a wonderful dog.

The German Hound Drathaar was bred at the beginning of the twentieth century in Germany. For its selection, already existing breeds of cops were used. Initially, the founders of the new species wanted to get a well-built animal, suitable for the most different types hunting.

Years of hard work have led to the goal, and at present the German Hound (Drakhtaar) breed is one of the best. The dog works well on the trail, picks up game, confidently makes a stand, works on the water, in the forest and in the field, brings prey.

Drathaar: description of the breed

The German Wirehaired Hound Drathaar is highly intelligent and extremely active, yet extremely loyal to its owner. Such a dog must constantly do something, it is especially pleasant for her when her friend works, and she can help him with this. Idleness and lack of exercise can make the dog uncontrollable, so it is very important to involve him in active activities. very energetic, but at the same time slightly irritable, they mature by two years.

Dogs bark excessively if they are nervous or bored. In addition, the animal tends to experience fear of separation from the owner, and therefore does not like to be alone for more than a few hours. If you are rarely at home because of work, then such an animal will not suit you.

The German Wirehaired Hound is not an easy breed to train. As a rule, a puppy needs a couple of months of intensive training. Animals of this breed are strongly attached to the owner and at the same time can be jealous. Drathaar can be an excellent watchman and quite a good defender. But for families with kids, such a dog is not the best. a good option, although animals get along well with older children. Drathaar usually dominate the house over other animals, but at the same time get along well with them. They are excellent hunting companions. The dog has a wonderful sense of smell, which allows it to search for prey, indicating its location, and bring it to its owner. Drathaars are energetic and hardy, they are good for hunting not only on land, but also on water.

The coat of dogs of this breed is short, but very hard. The color can be different: brown or black with gray, with spots and marks on the chest. Drathaar is a dry, strong animal, with well-developed muscles. A feature of its structure is clearly defined eyebrows, mustaches and beards. The eyes of dogs are usually brown, and may be yellow in young individuals, but darken with age. In height, males reach 68 centimeters.

Animal care

Drathaar are easy to care for. Worth picking a couple important points. During the shedding period, the coat must be plucked and combed a couple of times a week. If necessary, the dog should be bathed using a special shampoo. You also need to take care of your eyes, claws and teeth.

Drathaar is satisfied if the owners strive to make his life active and spend with him a large number of time outside. The ideal option content is a house next to a lake or other body of water.

Drathaars live an average of 12 to 25 years. They are very hardy and strong. But nevertheless, they are prone to diseases such as dysplasia, otitis media. However, do not be afraid of this. At good care and proper nutrition the risk is minimized.

You can feed the dogs ready-made food and homemade products. It is believed that dry food has a number of advantages. For example, a person does not know exactly how to organize a balanced diet for his pet, and everything in the finished food is already selected in the right proportions. In addition, the use of such food allows you to avoid infecting your pet with all sorts of infectious diseases. In the event that the owner wants to feed the animal with homemade food, it is good to use cereals with meat products, vegetables and sour-milk products. Puppies need to be fed in small portions, but adult dog two feedings a day are enough.

Langhaar: history of the breed

The German Longhaired Hound appeared as a result of crossing the Drathaar, Shorthaired Pointer and Water Spaniel. In addition, the blood of Gordons and German quail dogs can also be found in representatives of this breed. Back in the 10th-11th centuries, people knew the quail dog, which looks very much like a modern langhaar. Currently, dogs of this breed are distinguished by excellent hunting data. They can be used to catch any game.

Animal character

Good-natured langhaars are not only wonderful hunters but also great companions. Since the animal needs regular exercise, it is happy to take part in team games and also have fun with the kids. The German Hound is used for any kind of hunting, as it has an excellent sense of smell. It was once used for hawk and falconry. Elms, swamps and impenetrable swamps are not afraid of such a dog. In the nature of the animal there is persistence within reasonable limits, thanks to which it tracks down prey to the end. As a result, the dog will certainly bring prey to its owner. This amazing quality is appreciated by hunters all over the world. It is for this reason that langhaar is so popular today, when hunting is just entertainment, and not a means of obtaining food. To this day, the dog has not lost its primitive skills, but at the same time it is an affectionate pet with an extraordinary mind.

Langhaar has good character. He is infinitely devoted to his family. An interesting fact is that a dog of this breed does not become attached to one person, but loves absolutely all family members. The kindness of such dogs is passed down from generation to generation, despite the fact that attempts were made at one time to slightly harden the character. Langhaar has absolutely no aggression in character. On the hunt, he can direct his anger to achieve prey, but in no case does it extend to the owners.

The dog is very sociable, she willingly gets acquainted with new people and animals. But if the owners do not pay enough attention to her, then she may become jealous, because she also needs a portion of affection and warmth. The animal loves to frolic in the air with a ball and children, whom he loves very much. The pet needs an active owner who will walk it regularly and work with him, especially if the dog lives in an apartment. By the way, even to city life, animals adapt very quickly.

Langhaar: breed description

Wool is very important for langhaars. It is quite thick and protects the dog from cold, heat and moisture, which makes the dog hardy on the hunt. Dogs reach 69 centimeters at the withers. And the weight can vary from 25 to 35 kilograms (weight depends on gender). Since the dog has a decent weight, then its diet must be carefully considered. It is necessary to strictly monitor the condition of her skeletal and muscular system. The muscles of the animal are dry, elastic and develop very quickly. And the bones need to consume additional calcium, which must be contained in food.

The head of the animal has an elongated shape with hanging ears. The eyes are symmetrical, the tail is set high and straight. A photo of a German pointer clearly demonstrates the strength and beauty of the breed. Langhaar is a wonderful pet that can become not only a guard of the whole family, but also a reliable friend.

Breed features

Dogs of this breed are not numerous all over the world and are quite rare, and therefore inaccessible to irresponsible breeders. They don't have any genetic diseases. Sometimes only problems with the ears can occur, but this can be very easily avoided by cleaning them regularly. Langhaars are very easy to train and are a versatile breed. They are kind and affectionate. They treat their family with special devotion. But they express distrust towards outsiders, and therefore they do a good job with the role of a watchman and a security guard.

Langhaar Care

It is undesirable for langhaar to live in an apartment, he needs space. The coat of the dog is quite long, so it needs care. It should be combed regularly with a large comb, paying special attention to the chest and paws.

Advantages of all German cops

Throughout the long history of mankind, the requirements for dogs that are close to people have changed. This also applies to hunting breeds. As a result of selection, dozens of various highly specialized breeds were obtained. German cops belong to the continental species and are used for hunting game. Their main task is to find prey hidden in the grass, thickets and make it fly up under the shot of its owner. Very often the same dog searches for and brings the bird after the shot. In addition, sometimes cops are trained to work in the reeds when it is planned

German cops (kurtshaar, drathaar, langhaar) are the most popular hunting breeds, distinguished not only by good professional qualities, but also by excellent good disposition, for which such dogs are valued. Indeed, at present, hunting has long ceased to be a means of survival, and the qualities of a companion are also valued in a devoted friend. In addition, the balanced nature of the German cops makes it possible to use them when hunting in harsh conditions, for example, in swampy swamps, where it is quite difficult to search for prey, and obedience is required from the dog, the ability to really spend time and energy.

An interesting fact is that in Western Europe German cops are used not only for their intended purpose, but also for hunting animals, although initially they were supposed to work only with game. This once again proves the fact that in the modern world, much more qualities are required from dogs than ever before. If during the breeding of breeds there was a specific task - to get a strong and hardy dog, who copes well with hunting for birds, now the same animal should be a good and devoted friend for a person, a protector and watchman. Similar qualities are fully possessed by German cops. Of course, there are certain, but minor differences between the Langhaar, Shorthaired Pointer and Drathaar, and yet they all enjoy well-deserved love and popularity among dog lovers. At the same time, breeders especially single out the langhaar breed, the ancestors of which, as we have already mentioned, are the shorthaired pointer and drathaar. The fact is that it is langhaars that are considered the most versatile animals. And this is due to the fact that they work well in almost all conditions, even the most difficult ones. But at the same time, they are incredibly kind and devoted to the whole family, and not to one person, which is very important. And in terms of disease, the breed is the least capricious. Such a wonderful pet is simply impossible not to love.

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