Presentation for the lesson of reading a fairy tale daughter of seven years. Russian folk tale "Seven-year-old daughter"

"Russian folk household tale with riddles" Seven-year-old daughter " The purpose of the lesson: to delve into the features of the artistic world of everyday fairy tales, to learn to see its hidden meaning.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: Arouse interest in everyday fairy tales, oral folk art.

To teach children to see the hidden subtext of a folk tale, its wisdom.

Developing: To develop the skills of analyzing a literary text, imaginative thinking.

To develop students' speech, expressive reading skills.

Engage creative imaginationstudents.

Teach children to have a dialogue with the author

Educators:Feel pride in your folk culture, take care of your living native language.

During the classes

1. Self-determination for activity (org. moment)

Literature is a great lesson

Lots of good stuff in every line.

Is it a story or a story

You teach them, they teach you.

What is your goal in the literary reading class?

( Learn to talk with a book

-Improve reading technique

- Learn to express your attitude to what you read.

- Describe the characters in the story and describe them

-Learn to answer questions correctly and competently

- Learn to work with a textbook and dictionaries.)

How would you like our lesson to be?? (Interesting, playful, fabulous, fun, amazing)

May this lesson bring us the joy of fellowship and

fill our souls with wonderful feelings.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

There are many sad and funny tales in the world

And we can not live in the world without them

Let the heroes of fairy tales

Give us warmth

May good for ever

Evil wins

What do you think the lesson will be about? (- About the fairy tale)

What do we call a fairy tale?(A fairy tale is a work of art in which there is fiction, elements of the miraculous, fantastic. A fairy tale necessarily teaches something.)

    Work with reference literature.

    Checking homework.

    Work with text before reading.

    Illustration work.

    Work with the text of a fairy tale while reading.

    Identification of the features of a fairy tale in the form of a conversation on the following questions:

    Drawing up a plan (block diagram) on leaflets.

    Work in a notebook (from 17) Together with a neighbor, complete the tasks in a notebook. (At the end of the work, mutual check in the group)

    Group creative research work in small groups.Goal: compiling a baby book

Use the Reference Dictionary. Read what work is called a fairy tale.

Where do we start when working with a dictionary? (From the alphabetical index of words with. 139.

- A fairy tale is a literary work where there is always a struggle between good and evil, honest, good always wins.)

What is the main theme of the fairy tales? (- The fight between good and evil

What are fairy tales?(author's, folk), (magic, everyday, about animals)

What do you know about fairy tales?

fairy tales about animals?

domestic fairy tales?

Try to formulate the theme of our lesson.

That's right, the topic of the lesson is "Russian folk household fairy tale with riddles" Seven-year-old daughter "

What wise advice can a fairy tale give a person?(The fairy tale helps to answer the most important questions, teaches a person to be kind, to believe in oneself)

What fairy tale did you read at home? Fairy tale "About the Lazy and the Radical"

Who are the heroes of this tale?Old man, old woman, two daughters Lazy and Radivaya, Green old man

Now we will check our homework. To do this, we will divide into 2 groups. Group 1 works at a computer, performs a test on previously read fairy tales, and group 2 reads a fairy tale by roles. Then we change.

3. Summing up the results of checking homework.

Passed the test...

Which of the questions gave you trouble?

You can note the emotional reading in ....

3. Co-discovery of knowledge.

Today in the lesson we will read not quite an ordinary fairy tale, but a fairy tale with riddles, and I invite you to answer the question during the lesson:

Why do fairy tales need riddles? (write the question on the board) The purpose of the lesson

To do this, you need to delve into the features of the artistic world of everyday fairy tales and learn to see its hidden meaning - this will be the goal of our lesson.

And an example of such a work would be the fairy tale "Daughter - seven years old."

2. Working with text before reading.

Open the tutorial on page 38

What is shown in the picture?

What do you think the story will be about?

What is the hero doing?

What is his facial expression?

Is it possible to determine the genre of the work by the illustration?

· Heading work.

Read the title. Is it possible to determine from it who the heroes of our fairy tale will be?

Pay attention to the key words on the board:

Two brothers: poor and rich






Wise seven-year-old daughter

What do these key words tell you?

Listen to the reading of this work performed by a professional actor.Let's check our assumptions.Pay attention to how the actor creates images of the main characters of the fairy tale with his voice,convey the personality of the character.

Did you like the fairy tale?

1) Where does the action of the fairy tale take place: in the real world or in a fantasy one?

2) To what type do we classify this tale and why? (There are no miracles in a fairy tale, there are no talking animals, real characters act in it - which means that this is an everyday fairy tale.)

3) Who are the heroes of the fairy tale?

4) What unusual things do the characters do?Daughter riding a hare

5) What is the basis of the fiction in this tale?Fiction in a household tale lies in the fact that the characters get into incredible situations and do unusual, funny things, their negative qualities are greatly exaggerated.

5. Application of knowledge.

Slow "thoughtful" repeatedindependentreading

Try to see the author's questions in the text

These are questions, the answers to which are contained in the text, but in an implicit, hidden form:

Why did the rich man decide that his cart gave birth to a foal at night?the foal was under the cart

Guessed why?

Why did the dispute start?The rich man wanted to outwit the poor, and the poor wanted to prove his case

Why did the brothers turn to the chief?The rich wanted by paying to win the argument

Can this be explained by...?Rich cunning and greedy,

Why did the king ask riddles?Check how smart

Did the godfather correctly guess the four riddles of the king? Not

Why? She was stupid, mean, cunning

How does the poor brother defeat his opponents? Daughter helped

Does he have magical helpers? Not

What was the girl like? smart, kind, honest

What is unusual about this tale?There are mysteries in the fairy tale

Read riddles...

For what? Does a fairy tale need riddles?(Guessing the riddle helps to understand the characters. Textbook p. 35)

What follows from this?Necessary rely on your own strength and mind.

What human flaw is ridiculed in the fairy tale?Greed , stupidity

Observations on the language of the fairy tale.

What features of fairy-tale speech did you see?

1) Find in the text stable combinations of words characteristic of the common language.Silk thread, bitter tears, royal majesty.

2) Find spacee real words.Mare, father, gelding, twig, cart, godfather, near, call, sovereign, boar, spinning, krosna, quail, palace, trap.

3) Are there proverbs in the fairy tale?“If you dodge one misfortune, another will be imposed!”

6. Physical education minute - Before you is an exhibition of books - fairy tales. Some you have read and others you can read. Let everyone come up and choose their favorite fairy tale, later you can exchange books with comrades.

What parts do you think can be distinguished in this fairy tale?

Reread the story.

Let's write a fairy tale with the help of "deputies" that will help us draw up a plan for the text:

B - brother

C - king

K - Kuma

D - daughter

What is the first part about? How would you title this part?

What clues did the godfather come up with? What do you think the name of this part will be?

How did the seven-year-old daughter guess and what tasks did the tsar come up with for her? Title this section.

How does the fairy tale end? What will be the name of this part?

Tasks for research

1. group - determine the genre of the work, topic and title(Cover title of the fairy tale, Russian folk tale)

2. group - draw up and write down a plan for a fairy tale(Fairy tale plan)

3. group - Illustrations for the fairy tale(creative work of children)

4th group -Find in the text the words characteristic of the common languagewrite down and explain them(Difficult words)

5. group - find and write down riddles in a fairy tale(Riddles in a fairy tale)

6. reflection: apples of different colors with the names of children

7. Stage of reflection.

In many fairy tales there is an apple tree with its bulk apples. So in our lesson such an apple tree grew. (book page)

But she is somehow sad, there are no apples on her. Let's revive it.

Everyone has 3 apples (red, yellow, green)

If you think that the lesson was interesting for you, you showed yourself, worked well, understand the features of a fairy tale - attach a red apple.

If not everything has been successful. There are some problems, something does not work - yellow.

If it was difficult for you, there are difficulties - green, you need to ripen a little. Write your name, stick it in the book.

8. Summing up the lesson.

What fairy tale did you meet?We got acquainted with the household Russian folk tale "Seven-year-old daughter"

What is unique about this tale?There are mysteries in this story.

Why do fairy tales need riddles?Guessing the riddle helps to understand the characters.

What did you learn in class?- Learned new words, learned to make a plan,

-learned to communicate with each other

What was the purpose of our lesson?To delve into the features of everyday fairy tales and learn to see its hidden meaning.

What is the peculiarity of a household fairy tale?In household In fairy tales, the heroes are real people - poor people in need, rich merchants. The tale, its plot, the actions of the main characters convince us readers to rely on their own strength and mind.

What is the main idea of ​​this tale?This tale is instructive. No matter how you hide the truth, it will come out. The beginning of the tale corresponds to the unfair state of affairs, and the end destroys this injustice. This expresses the firm confidence of the people in the triumph of truth.

9. Stage information about homework.

Select and write down the task that you can choose:

1. OptionRetelling the story according to plan.

2. OptionAdditional reading of fairy tales with riddles. (Introduce books from the school library)

3. OptionExpressive reading of the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter"

Ι. Knowledge update

* Mark the students who answered the teacher's questions correctly.

ΙΙ. Co-discovery of knowledge

Work in the textbook

* Mark students who read well and answered questions.

ΙΙΙ. Application of new knowledge.

Work in a notebook

* Mark the students who correctly completed the tasks in the notebook.

* Mark the students who correctly drew the outline of the story.

Lesson: Literary reading.
Theme: Russian folk tale "Daughter - seven years".
Purpose: to introduce students to the Russian folk tale "Seven-year-old daughter".
Lesson objectives:
- Educational: to introduce students to the Russian folk tale "Seven-year-old daughter"; continue to form fluent, conscious, correct and expressive reading among students; develop an active attitude to the problem under discussion, reflected in the title of the section “A wise man is different from a fool in that he thinks to the end”, which is present in a literary work; to teach children to see the hidden subtext of a folk tale, its wisdom;
2. Developing:
- Improve reading skills; to develop competent, coherent speech of students; activate "thoughtful reading"; accept and fulfill the educational task; develop the skills of analyzing a literary text, figurative thinking;
3. Educators:
- Promote the education of diligence; to cultivate respect for the opinions of others, the ability to listen to each other.
Teaching methods:
1. Verbal (conversation, explanation, work with a book, description);
2. Visual (illustrations, observation, demonstration method);
3.Practical (exercises).
Forms of study:
- Front work;
- Individual work;
- Work in pairs.
At the teacher: textbook, presentation, cards.
At the student: textbook, signal cards

Lesson stages
Tasks for students, the implementation of which will lead to the achievement of the planned result
Teacher activity
Student activities
Formed UUD

1. Motivation for learning activities
Purpose: preparing students for inclusion in educational activities at a personally significant level.
3 min.

Listen to the teacher and answer him in rhyme.

Everyone has 2 emoticons on their desks (smile and sadness)
Literature is a great lesson
Lots of good stuff in every line.
Is it a story or a story
You teach them, they teach you.
- You have emoticons on your tables, please show your mood.
- What is your goal in the literary reading lesson?
-How would you like to see our lesson? (Interesting, playful, fabulous, fun, amazing)
-May this lesson bring us the joy of communication.
Goal: (Learn to talk with a book;

Improve reading technique;
- Learn to express your attitude to what you read;
-Understand the position of the author;
- Describe the heroes of the works and give them a description;
-Learn to answer questions correctly and competently;
- Learn to work with a textbook and dictionaries.)

Personal: moral attitudes of students.
Personal: motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity

2. Articulation gymnastics.
Purpose: preparation of the articulatory apparatus before reading.
3 min.

3. Formulation of the topic by students.
Purpose: children independently put forward a goal and formulate the topic of the lesson.

4. Discovery of new knowledge.
Purpose: organization of communicative interaction aimed at the discovery of new knowledge.
20 minutes.

A) vocabulary work
The children are doing the exercises.

Children at the blackboard of letters collect the word: "Fairy Tale".

Answer questions

At the beginning of the literary reading lesson, we do articulation gymnastics. What do you think it is for?
- I suggest you do some exercises.
1. Elephant frog.
(Alternating the positions of the lips: in a smile - with a tube. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting).
I will stretch my lips straight to my ears like a frog.
And now I am an elephant, I have a proboscis.
2. Brush your teeth.
Open your mouth, smile, Show your teeth, We clean the upper and lower ones, After all, they are not superfluous with us.

Guys, today we are starting to study a new section. Please read the title on the slide. -
- Determine what the works of this section will be about in the book.
- What genres of works do you know?
- To find out which of the genres we will get acquainted with today, you need to assemble a word from letters.

What does fairy tale mean?
- What kind of fairy tales are there?
What kinds of fairy tales do you know?

What does a fairy tale teach us?

Open the textbook on p.50
Let's do the tasks with you. Read the first task
Read it straight:

Read it right:

Read attentively:
- In what part of the words is there a change (in the prefix by, under)
- Read the title of the story.
- What is this fairy tale?
- Guess what the story is about?

In the text you will come across unfamiliar words, let's get acquainted with their meaning:
Gelding is a stallion;
Kauraya - light chestnut, reddish suit.
The pock-marked boar is a male pig covered with variegated spots;
Krosna - an old loom.
Articulatory gymnastics is an exercise for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw), necessary for the correct sound pronunciation.
The children are doing the exercises.

A wise man differs from a fool in that he thinks to the end.

About wisdom and stupidity.

Fairy tale, story, fables, poems.

Kindness, courage, generosity, intelligence, etc.

In the prefix on, under.
Seven-year-old daughter
Russian traditional
- About girls.

Regulatory UUD: - formulate the topic of the lesson;
Cognitive UUD:
- navigate your knowledge system

Cognitive UUD:
- analyze, compare, draw conclusions;
- compare and generalize.
- choose the most effective way to solve the problem;
Communicative UUD:
build a monologue; work in pairs.
Regulatory UUD:
save the learning task and exercise control.

B) Primary reading.

5. Physical education minute

6. Consolidation of the studied.

Purpose: to consolidate the acquired new knowledge.

9. Summing up the lesson.

10. Reflection

Children work in pairs, characterizing the heroes of the fairy tale.
- Today at the lesson we were visited by four wise questions. Listen to what: What is the strongest and fastest thing in the world? What is the fattest thing in the world? What in the world is softer? What is the cutest thing?
- What will we set a goal based on these questions?
You can find the answers to these questions in the fairy tale that we will read today.
We walk on our toes, And then on our heels. Here's a posture check. And brought the shoulder blades together.

To what genre do we classify this fairy tale and why?

Who are the heroes of the fairy tale?

Why the tale is named: Daughter - seven years old.
- Why did the rich man decide that his cart gave birth to a foal at night? the foal was under the cart
Why did the dispute start? The rich man wanted to outwit the poor, and the poor wanted to prove his case

Why did the brothers turn to the chief? The rich wanted by paying to win the argument
- Tell me, what role does the king play in the fairy tale?
How many riddles did the king ask the poor peasant? (four)
- How many tasks for the girl was invented by the king? (3)
Why did the king ask riddles?
How does a poor brother overcome his opponents? (daughter helped)
What is unusual about this tale? There are mysteries in the fairy tale
- For what? Does a fairy tale need riddles?

Are there proverbs in the story? “If you dodge one misfortune, another will be imposed!”
- What other proverbs on this topic do you know?
- What is the main idea of ​​this story?
There are cards on the tables in front of you.
Your task is to describe the characters.

At the beginning of the lesson, I asked you questions, please answer them.

What is the strongest and fastest thing in the world?
What is the fattest thing in the world?
What is the softest thing in the world?
What is the cutest thing?

What conclusion will you draw for yourself?

Find out the answers to these questions.

Reading the whole story.

(There are no miracles in a fairy tale, there are no talking animals, real characters act in it - which means that this is an everyday fairy tale.)

Poor, rich, godfather, daughter, king.
7 years old, she was the main character.
The foal was under the cart

The rich man wanted to outwit the poor, and the poor wanted to prove his case

The rich wanted by paying to win the argument
Decisive. He is the head of the country.

- Check how smart they are.
- Daughter helped
- There are mysteries in the story.

Guessing the riddle helps to understand the characters.

Money can't always help. The main strength is your mind. We must stand up for the truth to the end.

The girl is smart, kind, honest, wise.
Kuma: stupid, evil, cunning.
Rich - cunning, greedy

You can't be greedy. Your mind will always help.

be able to formulate conclusions.
Communicative UUD:
conduct a dialogue, express one's opinion, listen to the partner's opinion in the framework of the dialogue.

Personal: the ability to show one's attitude to the characters, to express one's emotions.

Cognitive UUD:
- to systematize, summarize the studied, draw conclusions.
Communicative UUD:
construct a monologue
Regulatory UUD:
- adequately perceive the assessment;
- correlate the objectives of the lesson with the result of the work and with the ways to achieve it;
- correlate the goals and results of their own activities;
exercise self-control;
- together with the teacher and classmates to evaluate the activities in the lesson;
- highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned; evaluate the results of their activities and the whole class;

"Pages of Lermontov's Life" - Crossword. Yuri Petrovich Lermontov. Maria Mikhailovna Lermontova. Fragment of the film. Verification work. Son Michael. Quiz. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Lermontov. Guess the crossword. Arsenyeva Elizaveta Alekseevna. Accuracy and certainty. Literature lesson in 7th grade.

"The Life and Works of Shakespeare" - He studied at a grammar school, where he learned Latin and the basics of the ancient Greek language. Second period (1595-1600). M. Vronchenko, 1828), or excessive liberty ("Hamlet" in Polevoy's translation). Late chronicle: "Henry VIII" (1613; possibly with the participation of J. Bearers of Evil (Tybalt, Shylock, Malvolio) - alone.

"Textbooks on literature" - In 2 parts. Literature of the XX century. Chalmaev V.A., Zinin S.A. Textbook-reader Grade 9. Sakharov V.I., Zinin S.A. Russian classics of the 20th century are presented, as well as works by contemporary authors. Zinin S.A. guidelines for the use of textbooks. Textbook-reader Grade 6. Experience in working with new teaching materials.

"The novel "The Hero of Our Time"" - M.Yu. Lermontov. The plot of the novel. Hero of our time. Who tells the story of Pechorin. questions raised in the novel. The novel "A Hero of Our Time". Lermontov violates the chronology of events. The meaning of the image of Pechorin. Lermontov created a completely new novel. Lermontov builds the plot of the work. Problem question.

"Nosov's putty" - I'm sitting here, - said the citizen. Shurik was worried and asked: - Where is the putty? Here Kostya took two places. Kostya was offended and hid the putty in his pocket. Show pictures like this! Shurik looked and said: - Liverwurst. He sat on one himself, and put putty on the other. In the dark I mixed up, you know, putty and gingerbread.

“Poems by Tsvetaeva” - “And most importantly, I know how they will love me ... in a hundred years,” Tsvetaeva wrote. “The Rowan lit up with a red brush. "If the soul was born winged." And how penetratingly and meaningfully Marina Tsvetaeva writes about herself: “Who is made of stone, who is made of clay, - And I silver and sparkle! Eyes accustomed to the steppes, eyes accustomed to tears, green - salty - peasant eyes.

Total in the topic 1073 presentations

Russian folk tale "Seven-year-old daughter"

Genre: folk tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter" and their characteristics

  1. Rich brother, greedy and stupid
  2. Poor brother, not very smart either.
  3. King, cheerful, wise, cunning
  4. Seven year old daughter. Clever and beautiful, knows everything and can do everything.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter"
  1. Foal and cart
  2. brothers dispute
  3. The riddles of the king
  4. Kuma's answers
  5. Answers of the seven-year plan
  6. Silk thread and twig
  7. Eggs and wheat
  8. Net, hare and quail
  9. Fair decision
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The poor man's mare gave birth to a foal under the rich man's cart
  2. The rich man demands to give him a foal, the dispute reaches the king
  3. The king gives four riddles
  4. The godfather tells the rich man incorrectly, the seven-year-old daughter gives answers to the poor
  5. The king gives three riddles to his seven-year-old daughter
  6. The king awards a foal to a poor brother.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter"
People's intelligence and mind are more valuable than any wealth

What does the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter" teach
It teaches you not to bring things to the point of absurdity, teaches you to answer stupid questions correctly, teaches you to be smart and resourceful. Teaches not to be greedy, teaches that poverty is not a vice. Teaches you how to reach everything with your mind.

Review of the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter"
I liked this story about a smart girl who easily answered any of the most difficult and tricky questions. The child saw the absurdity of the rich brother's claims and laughed at them, and at the chicane judges, as best he could. I really liked the dexterous girl and her rich imagination.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter"
What is the question, what is the answer.
Greed deprives the last mind.
The court is crooked if the judge is false.
And the spinning wheel requires ingenuity.
You can't weave a whip out of the sand.

Read a summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter"
Once two brothers, rich and poor, were driving. And at night the poor brother's mare gave birth, and take the foal and hide under the rich man's cart.
Rich and says, they say, my cart gave birth, so my foal. The poor man argues, the cart cannot give birth, this is my foal. The brothers argued, argued, rowed in the courts, their dispute reached the king himself. and the king asked the brothers four riddles: what in the world is stronger and faster, softer, fatter, and sweeter.
The rich man went to a smart godfather. She taught him: Strongest of all is my mare, who will catch up with a hare, fatter - a pockmarked boar, softer - a down jacket, and the sweetest of all - granddaughters Ivanushka.
The poor man comes home in tears, and his seven-year-old daughter teaches: The strongest and fastest of all is the wind, the fattest of all is the earth, the softest of all is the human hand, and the sweetest of all is sleep.
The brothers returned to the king, reporting riddles. The king was surprised at the answers, found out that the poor seven-year-old daughter helped, and gave her the task of sewing a patterned towel from silk thread.
And the daughter gives her father a twig from a broom and says to ask the king of the master to find a cross (loom) from a twig to make it so that there is something to sew towels on.
The king was even more surprised, gave eggs and demanded a hundred and fifty chickens to be brought out by morning.
The girl baked eggs, hid them for lunch and dinner, and sends her father to the king, asking for one-day millet for chickens, which is sown, harvested and threshed in one day.
The king heard that, he came up with the last task. Let, he says, your daughter come to the palace tomorrow, neither naked nor dressed, neither on foot, nor on a horse, nor with a present, nor without a gift.
The poor man was completely sad, where is the child to decide! And the daughter asks him from the hunters for a hare, but to take a quail.
The next morning, the seven-year-old puts on a net, sits on a hare, takes a quail and rides to the palace. He holds out a quail to the king - here is your present. The king only take, and the quail flew away.
The tsar approved the decision and asks what the daughter and father feed on. The smart girl answers that her father catches fish on a dry shore, does not set traps, and she wears fish in her hem and cooks her fish soup.
The king asks how a fish can live on a dry shore, and his daughter answers him that just like a cart can give birth to a foal.
The king laughed, gave the foal to the poor brother, and when the girl grew up, he married her.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Seven-year-old daughter"

Fairy tales with riddles. Russian folk tale "Seven-year-old daughter".

Bashkir folk tale "Smart granddaughter". Starting diagnostics of reading technique.
The purpose of the lesson: to delve into the features of the artistic world of everyday fairy tales, to learn to see its hidden meaning.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: Arouse interest in everyday fairy tales, oral folk art.

To teach children to see the hidden subtext of a folk tale, its wisdom.

Developing: To develop the skills of analyzing a literary text, imaginative thinking.

To develop students' speech, expressive reading skills.

Engage students' creativity.

Educators: Feel pride in their folk culture, take care of the living native language.

During the classes

1. Self-determination for activity (org. moment)

Literature is a great lesson

Lots of good stuff in every line.

Is it a story or a story

You teach them, they teach you.

- What is your goal in the literary reading lesson?

(Learn to talk with a book

-Improve reading technique

- Learn to express your attitude to what you read.

- Describe the characters in the story and describe them

-Learn to answer questions correctly and competently

-Learn to work with a textbook and dictionaries.)

How would you like our lesson to be? ? (Interesting, playful, fabulous, fun, amazing)

May this lesson bring us the joy of fellowship and

fill our souls with wonderful feelings.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

There are many sad and funny tales in the world

And we can not live in the world without them

Let the heroes of fairy tales

Give us warmth

May good for ever

Evil wins

What do you think the lesson will be about? ( - About the fairy tale)

What do we call a fairy tale? (A fairy tale is a work of art in which there is fiction, elements of the miraculous, fantastic. A fairy tale necessarily teaches something.)

-A fairy tale is a literary work where there is always a struggle between good and evil, honest, good always wins.)

What is the main theme of the fairy tales? ( - The fight between good and evil

What do you know about fairy tales? ... fairy tales about animals? ... everyday fairy tales?

Try to formulate the theme of our lesson.

- That's right, the topic of the lesson is "Russian folk household tale with riddles" Seven-year-old daughter "

What wise advice can a fairy tale give a person? (The fairy tale helps to answer the most important questions, teaches a person to be kind, to believe in oneself)

What fairy tale did you read at home? Fairy tale "About the Lazy and the Radical"

Who are the heroes of this tale? An old man, an old woman, two daughters Lazy and Radivaya, Green old

(The check will express Thu. Chel).

3. Co-discovery of knowledge.

Why do fairy tales need riddles? (write the question on the board) (Guessing the riddle helps to understand the characters.

- To do this, you need to delve into the features of the artistic world of everyday fairy tales and learn to see its hidden meaning - this will be the goal of our lesson.

And an example of such a work would be the fairy tale "Daughter - seven years old."

2. Working with text before reading. c24

What is shown in the picture?

What do you think the story will be about?

What is the hero doing?

What is his facial expression?

Is it possible to determine the genre of the work by the illustration?

· Heading work.

- Read the title. Is it possible to determine from it who the heroes of our fairy tale will be?

Pay attention to the key words on the board:

Two brothers: poor and rich Cart Foal Dispute King Kuma Wise seven-year-old daughter

- What do these key words tell you?

Listen to the reading of this work performed by a professional actor. Let's check our assumptions. Pay attention to how the actor creates images of the main characters of the fairy tale with his voice, to convey the character of the character.

Did you like the fairy tale?

1) Where does the action of the fairy tale take place: in the real world or in a fantasy one?

2) To what type do we classify this tale and why? (There are no miracles in a fairy tale, there are no talking animals, real characters act in it - which means that this is an everyday fairy tale.)

3) Who are the heroes of the fairy tale?

4) What unusual things do the characters do? Daughter riding a hare

5) What is the basis of the fiction in this tale? Fiction in a household tale lies in the fact that the characters get into incredible situations and do unusual, funny things, their negative qualities are greatly exaggerated.

5. Application of knowledge.

Slow "thoughtful" repeated independent reading

These are questions, the answers to which are contained in the text, but in an implicit, hidden form:

Why did the rich man decide that his cart gave birth to a foal at night? the foal was under the cart

Guessed why?

Why did the dispute start? The rich man wanted to outwit the poor, and the poor wanted to prove his case

Why did the brothers turn to the chief? The rich wanted by paying to win the argument

Can this be explained by...? Rich cunning and greedy,

Why did the king ask riddles? Check how smart

Did the godfather correctly guess the four riddles of the king? Not

Why? She was stupid, mean, cunning

How does the poor brother defeat his opponents? Daughter helped

Does he have magical helpers? Not

What was the girl like? smart, kind, honest

What is unusual about this tale? There are mysteries in the fairy tale

Read riddles...

For what? Does a fairy tale need riddles? (Guessing the riddle helps to understand the characters. Textbook p. 35)

What follows from this? Necessaryrely on your own strength and mind.

What human flaw is ridiculed in the fairy tale? Greed, stupidity

Observations on the language of the fairy tale.

What features of fairy-tale speech did you see?

1) Find in the text stable combinations of words characteristic of the common language. Silk thread, bitter tears, royal majesty.

2) Find space e real words. Mare, father, gelding, twig, cart, godfather, near, call, sovereign, boar, spinning, krosna, quail, palace, trap.

3) Are there proverbs in the fairy tale? “If you dodge one misfortune, another will be imposed!”

6. Physical education minute- Before you is an exhibition of books - fairy tales. Some you have read and others you can read. Let everyone come up and choose their favorite fairy tale, later you can exchange books with comrades.

What parts do you think can be distinguished in this fairy tale?

Reread the story.

Let's write a fairy tale with the help of "deputies" that will help us draw up a plan for the text:

B - brother C - king K - godfather D - daughter

What is the first part about? How would you title this part?

What clues did the godfather come up with? What do you think the name of this part will be?

How did the seven-year-old daughter guess and what tasks did the tsar come up with for her? Title this section.

How does the fairy tale end? What will be the name of this part?

7. Listening to the fairy tale "Smart granddaughter." Comparison of characters and situations.

7. Stage of reflection.

What works are you familiar with? How are they similar? What is their difference?. What did these 2 tales teach us. What is unique about this tale? There are mysteries in this story.

Why do fairy tales need riddles? Guessing the riddle helps to understand the characters.

What did you learn in class? - Learned new words, learned to make a plan,

-learned to communicate with each other

What was the purpose of our lesson? To delve into the features of everyday fairy tales and learn to see its hidden meaning.

What is the peculiarity of a household fairy tale? In household In fairy tales, the heroes are real people - poor people in need, rich merchants. The tale, its plot, the actions of the main characters convince us readers to rely on their own strength and mind.

What is the main idea of ​​this tale? This tale is instructive. No matter how you hide the truth, it will come out. The beginning of the tale corresponds to the unfair state of affairs, and the end destroys this injustice. This expresses the firm confidence of the people in the triumph of truth.

Mutual check of PM (we check in pairs)

9. Stage of information about homework. from 24 30 expressive reading. Answer questions for T.

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