Presentation for an English lesson on the topic: Checking homework. English homework dosing - document

The type of homework a student does depends to a large extent on the nature of the task. Based on certain signs, many types of homework can be distinguished. Let's consider some of them.

According to the method of execution that are used, they distinguish oral, written and subject-practical tasks. So, many actions can be performed both orally and in writing, and shown in practice. However, there are tasks that are performed mainly orally (for example, learn a poem, read an article, exercise, pick up examples for the rules), in writing (solve a problem, write an essay, translate) and practically (conduct some kind of experiment, study the terrain, natural phenomena ).

According to the stages of the assimilation process, tasks can be drawn up for the perception of new material (acquaintance with the text, figures, tables, etc.), for understanding the learned material (systematization, generalization, explanation, etc.), for its strengthening (memorization, exercises for memorizing the material) and applying the acquired knowledge (solving problems, performing experiments, etc.). The type of task is selected depending on the methodological goal set by the teacher.

Based on the nature of the learning activities that a student can perform, the tasks are divided into executive (repetition, reproduction of material, exercises) and creative (writing essays, conducting experiments, etc.). Both types of tasks play an extremely important role in the successful acquisition of knowledge by students.

Tasks can be mandatory for all students or chosen by them at will (using additional literature or other sources of information).

According to the degree of individualization, tasks can be divided into general, differentiated (individualized), individual. The main purpose of differentiated tasks is to ensure for each student the optimal nature of cognitive activity in the process of educational work, and the organization of work in the lesson allows the teacher to work simultaneously with all students. Strong students deepen their knowledge, help the weak, and the weak learn the program material firmly. The task is chosen such that even the weak feel that they can independently acquire knowledge.

Ways to differentiate homework.

According to the content and the main function that the tasks perform in the learning process, we distinguish the following types:

Homework that prepares students for the work that will be done in the next lesson.

This may be the understanding of the reported new knowledge by the teacher, and the solution of problems, and the conduct of practical work, etc. Tasks of this nature are given in the form of instructions: pick up proverbs and sayings, catchwords, drawings on a specific topic; watch a TV show or listen to a radio show and prepare to answer writing questions; select facts, make observations; collect digital material that can be used to create and solve problems in the lesson read the material that will be discussed in the lesson, find answers to questions that will be considered, etc.

Such tasks provide a link between learning and life, arouse cognitive interest in students, and most importantly, prepare them not only for the conscious and active perception of new material in the classroom, but also for its discussion, form the ability to give answers to questions that arise and formulate them. on one's own.

Homework, which contribute to the systematization and generalization of the acquired knowledge, their in-depth understanding.

Such assignments are given after studying the material of the lesson or after the end of the topic. It is very useful to reduce the material studied by students into diagrams, tables, lists, etc. This helps to visualize the studied material in a system consisting of components that are connected in a certain way with each other. What has been studied appears before students from a different angle, new connections are revealed.

This type of assignment involves drawing up plans, preparing answers to questions posed by the teacher, posing questions on their own, and inventing tasks.

Homework, contributing to the consolidation of knowledge and practical mastery of the methods of educational work.

This is a proposal to memorize verses, parts of texts that enrich the student's language, formulas necessary for solving problems, etc. However, their main type is exercises, performing which the student simultaneously consolidates knowledge and masters the methods of educational work.

During the performance of this type of task, the student uses different memorization techniques: multiple repetitions, establishing associative links, dividing the educational material into parts, highlighting any signs, etc.

Homework to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Assignments are given after studying the educational material in the classroom. These are simple experiments related to the use of the acquired knowledge in the household, in training and production workshops, while the student is working on the farm. Such tasks connect learning with life, increase the cognitive interests of students, form the practical orientation of their thinking.

Allocate also reproductive, constructive and creative homework.

Some students, after the teacher's explanation, can only complete a similar task that was solved in the lesson. Such schoolchildren are offered reproductive tasks for a while, for example, to read and translate an article from a textbook; insert missing letters; solve the problem using the formula, conduct research according to the instructions.

More complex are constructive (or reconstructive) tasks, for example, highlight the main thing, draw up a plan, table, diagram, compare individual provisions, systematize the material. It is possible to give students such tasks only after proper preparation in the class, when they master the basic techniques of mental activity. It is not recommended to give assignments for copying diagrams, drawings, maps: each work should require new efforts, be at least a small, but a step forward in mental development.

Creative tasks are performed both by individual students and the whole class, they contribute to the development of cognitive needs and creative thinking of schoolchildren. Creative tasks can be given both before studying certain material in the lesson, and after studying it. Discussion of creative works, proposals, developments always causes an intellectual and emotional upsurge, creates a fertile ground for studying educational material that meets the interests of students. Such tasks require, as a rule, answers to the following questions: “How to do so that ...?” And why?" Creative tasks are given to students who have sufficient knowledge and mental operations, have the necessary experience in creative activity, and time to complete them. Creative work includes writing essays, conducting independent experiments, composing problems, finding new methods for solving them, etc.

Homework is usually done individually. Sometimes group tasks are practiced, which are performed by several students in parts.

Checking homework can be carried out by the teacher in different ways: an oral survey or a passing acquaintance with written work in the lesson or viewing notebooks after the lesson. Checking assignments is mainly carried out at the beginning of the lesson, but can be carried out at the end, and during it in combination with work on new material. Some teachers, instead of checking homework, give students exercises similar to tasks and, based on their performance, make a conclusion about the quality of homework.

The most commonfrontal check of the assignment in the lesson. The teacher checks homework, poses a question to the whole class regarding its content, students give short answers, note the difficulties they encountered. The teacher identifies and eliminates errors, makes a generalization. A deeper individual check involves a survey of one or three students, during which other students monitor the answers, supplement, correct errors.

If the student did not complete the task, the teacher must find out the reasons for this. They are very different - from unfavorable conditions for studying at home, to unwillingness to work systematically. In cases where it turns out that the task is difficult for the student, you should find out what the difficulty is and help overcome it. If the student is lazy, then it is necessary to strengthen control over his work, demanding the fulfillment of student duties, to accustom him to bring the work he has begun to the end. If the student does not have time to do homework - help him master the methods of rational organization of work.

An important form of control ismutual verification of work performed by studentswith the detection of errors, their elimination and grading, and then, in some cases, justifying the assessment in front of the whole class. Involving all students in the class to check homework, to discuss mistakes, ways to overcome them is very advisable, since it gives each student additional ideas about the learning process and possible difficulties. You can also involve students in the test in this way: the teacher calls one of the students who demonstrates the completed task (writing on the board, reading, etc.), and the rest check it with their work. If the teacher discovers an error in the called student, then he asks who did it differently, with the help of the class he finds out how it should be right.

Thus, in this article we have considered various types of homework and how to check them. The most common is their division into reproductive, constructive and creative, as well as oral and written. Regarding the methods of checking homework, it was found that the main methods are frontal, individual verification and mutual verification.

Dosing homework in English

The question of homework occupies one of the main places in the process of teaching students. This issue is directly related to the health of the child. Naturally, any teacher makes every effort to ensure that his students receive deep and solid knowledge. But with all the importance of knowledge, it must be recognized that the main, “primary” is the health of the child, and everything else, including knowledge, is “secondary”.

A competent approach to the volume and dosage of homework can, to some extent, preserve the health of students.

When organizing homework, the following requirements must be met:

The task should be clear to every student, i.е. all students should know exactly what to do and how to do it (assignment clarity);

The task should be in the nature of a question that is feasible for an independent decision. Tasks do not reach the goal if they are not given appropriate instructions or, conversely, they are extremely “chewed” (should be problematic);

The task must predetermine its verification. With the help of control, the teacher educates students in diligence, diligence and accuracy in work (setting to control);

Homework can be frontal, differentiated and individual, but always taking into account the characteristics of the class (setting to individualize tasks);

The task in English should be strictly regulated and coordinated with tasks in other subjects (taking into account the volume of tasks);

The task should not be monotonous and of the same type. Tasks should contain non-standard questions, questions for preliminary reflection, observations (a variety of tasks);

The task should orient students towards an independent search for solutions, the use of previously acquired knowledge and skills in new conditions (development of independence);

The tasks should include questions to repeat the main sections of the program (installation to repeat what has been passed);

Each task should have difficulty, but be feasible for students. They can overcome this difficulty with the maximum use of all their abilities and skills (setting to overcome the difficulties of learning);

Tasks should include questions that require the student to be able to compare, analyze, generalize, classify, establish cause-and-effect relationships, formulate conclusions, apply acquired knowledge in new situations, etc. (setting for the development of thinking);

The task aimed at mastering the material of the lesson is best given at the end of the lesson. A task aimed at consolidating a skill is best given immediately after exercises that develop this skill. It is more useful to give a task that controls students' knowledge at the beginning of the lesson.

Homework is closely related to the work in the lesson, organically follows from the previous lesson, is its continuation and prepares the next lesson.

It should be remembered that homework is explained and given before the call from the lesson and is extremely clear to the students. Even at the lesson, the teacher must be sure that students know what, why and how to do at home. The task should be feasible for most, not very easy for strong students.

Setting a clear goal for each homework assignment, selecting the types of assignments, and realistically assessing the full capabilities of the students will prevent the danger of overload.

The time for preparing lessons recommended by hygienists should not exceed: in the 2nd -3rd - 4th -1.5 hours, in the 5th - 6th - up to 2 hours, in the 7th - 8th -2.5 hours, at 9 am-3 pm, 10-11 am - 3.5 pm In this case, the individual psychophysiological characteristics of children are taken into account. The volume of homework in English should be 4-5 of the total time that the student spends on preparing lessons.

A clear rhythm is required. For a second-grader after 25 minutes of class - a break for 5-10 minutes. During a break, it is good to do a few gymnastic exercises, special gymnastics for the eyes is useful. In the third grade, the duration of classes (without a break) can be increased to 35-40 minutes, and in the fourth - up to 45 minutes. But during this time there should be a physical pause for 2-3 minutes. During the long break (i.e. 10 minutes) third and fourth grade students can do a little homework (like watering the flowers).

Parents and children should clearly know the basic hygiene requirements for doing homework: the organization of the workplace, the rhythm and duration of the lesson, and concentration during their implementation.

Checking homework

To check the completion of homework means to establish the fact of its completion, the correctness of its execution, the quality (both in content and form), to identify the independence of performance, to determine the techniques used by students in independent work at home, and ultimately to determine the readiness of students to master new material. . Checking homework requires a certain system: the content of the check materials, its volume and sequence (what and when to check); types and methods of verification (in what ways and how to check): the order of calling students (whom and when to check). The verification system must necessarily provide for a methodology for conducting knowledge recording and its various forms, which make it possible to cover all students with verification and obtain enough data to judge the knowledge of each student.

Homework becomes meaningless if it is not checked regularly. Depending on the content and objectives of the lesson, checking homework can be carried out both at the beginning of the lesson (if the topic of the lesson is a continuation of the previous one) and at the end (if the topic is new).

Homework in English

Exercises that are given as homework can be performed not only in writing, but also orally. The amount of written homework should not exceed one third of the amount of work done in class. The time spent on performing an oral exercise should not exceed the established norm. Exercises can be complicated by a number of different tasks, which increases the amount of work.

The most time-consuming tasks, such as selecting examples for a certain rule, drawing up diagrams, tables, etc., must be given without other tasks, always with preliminary preparation, and in some cases - as one of the differentiated tasks, taking into account individual capabilities students.

In terms of content, homework assignments can be related to the material of one or more lessons. They may include (as additional tasks or as part of the main task) a review of what was previously learned. In any case, it is necessary to adhere to the measure: if there is a sufficient volume of the main task, it is not advisable to overload students with additional tasks. They must be given in the case when it is really important: in order to repeat the studied material, which is necessary for clearer work when learning new things, or in connection with preparation for verification work.

As homework, there can be exercises such as complicated copying with insertion (letters, a whole word), as well as various types of grammatical analysis.

A reasonable alternation of different types of exercises trains all types of memory: visual (for example, when performing cheating exercises), auditory (when compiling an oral story), logical (when drawing up a diagram for the studied material), figurative and emotional (when describing an object or phenomenon orally) .

Not all types of exercises are equally valuable as homework in different specific settings. Therefore, it is extremely important to decide on the degree of effectiveness of each of them in this particular case. It is unacceptable to abuse such tasks that significantly increase the time for completing lessons (draw up diagrams, tables, prepare homework, etc.).

When checking homework, the following methods are practiced:

Frontal check of the exercise;

Selective check of the written task;

Frontal survey on assignment;

Performing a similar exercise;

Mutual verification of the written assignment;

Survey on individual cards;

Poll with a call to the board.

Thus, checking homework can be frontal and individual. It is impossible to allow the universalization of verification methods, using the same ones every day. Exit in the rational use of all the above methods. It is important not to delay checking homework, which will lead to unproductive loss of study time.

The dosing of homework in English complies with the sanitary standards of SanPin.

Homework assignments are given to students, taking into account the possibility of their implementation within the following limits: in the 2nd -3rd - 4th -1.5 hours, in the 5th - 6th - up to 2 hours, in the 7th - 8th -2 hours .5 hours, at 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 10 - 11 a.m. - 3.5 p.m.

In elementary school, -1.5 hours are allotted to complete the task:

LISTENING COMPREHENSION: the type of task is to establish compliance, the goal is to test the ability to listen with a full understanding of the content. Students listen to the interview twice. Before the first listening, students get acquainted with the instructions for the task and statements. The recording is played for the first time. Students match the statements. During re-listening, students check the assignment, the duration of the sound of the text is no more than 30-40 seconds;

Reading (READING COMPREHENSION): a) the type of task is the only correct answer, the goal is to develop the ability to read in order to fully understand the content. Students read the text twice. Before the first reading, students get acquainted with the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the text for the first time. Choose the correct answer. During re-reading, students check the assignment; b) the type of task is true / false, the goal is to develop the ability to read in order to fully understand the content. Students read the text twice. Before the first reading, students get acquainted with the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the text for the first time. Choose the correct answer. During re-reading, students check the assignment. The volume of texts should not exceed 100 words, excluding articles;

CULTURAL AWARENESS: the type of task is to establish compliance, the goal is to control the knowledge of the facts of the culture of the country of the language being studied. Students are introduced to the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the statements for the first time. Choose the correct answer using (if required) a linguocultural dictionary. Homework should not exceed 5 sentences

Speaking (SPEAKING): a) the type of task is an oral message, the goal is to test the ability of students to speak on a given topic, b) the type of task is a role-playing game, the goal is to test the ability to conduct dialogical communication on a given situation. Students are introduced to the instructions for the assignment and statements. Make up a dialogue. The volume of statements should be 2-3 remarks (dialogue), 5-6 phrases (monologue).

Writing (WRITING): type of task - writing a letter (words from 20-50), extracts from the text (words no more than 20), short congratulations (words no more than 20), filling out forms (words no more than 20); the goal is to test the ability of students to write on a given situation based on the material covered.

Dosing homework in English according to the established time frame

In secondary school (grades 5-7), 2-2.5 hours are allotted to complete the task:

The volume of homework in English should be 4-5 of the total time that the student spends on preparing lessons.

Reading (READING COMPREHENSION): a) the type of task is the only correct answer, the goal is to develop the ability to read in order to fully understand the content, (the volume of texts should not exceed 500 words excluding articles). Students read the text twice. Before the first reading, students get acquainted with the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the text for the first time. Choose the correct answer. During re-reading, students check the assignment; b) the type of task is true / false, the goal is to develop the ability to read in order to fully understand the content. Students read the text twice. Before the first reading, students get acquainted with the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the text for the first time. Choose the correct answer. During re-reading, students check the assignment. (the volume of texts should not exceed 250 words, excluding articles);

CULTURAL AWARENESS: the type of task is to establish compliance, the goal is to control the knowledge of the facts of the culture of the country of the language being studied. Students are introduced to the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the statements for the first time. Choose the correct answer using (if required) a linguocultural dictionary. Homework should not exceed 8 sentences

Speaking (SPEAKING): a) the type of task is an oral message, the goal is to test the ability of students to speak on a given topic, b) the type of task is a role-playing game, the goal is to test the ability to conduct dialogical communication on a given situation. Students are introduced to the instructions for the assignment and statements. Make up a dialogue. The volume of statements should be 2-3 remarks (dialogue), 5-6 phrases (monologue) from each student.

Writing (WRITING): type of task - writing a letter (words from 50-60), extracts from the text (words no more than 20), short congratulations (words 30), filling out forms (words no more than 30); the goal is to test the ability of students to write on a given situation based on the material covered.

Dosing homework in English according to the established time frame

In secondary school (grades 8-9), 2.5-3 hours are allotted to complete the task:

The volume of homework in English should be 4-5 of the total time that the student spends on preparing lessons.

LISTENING COMPREHENSION: the type of task is to establish compliance, the goal is to test the ability to listen with a full understanding of the content. Students listen to the interview twice. Before the first listening, students get acquainted with the instructions for the task and statements. The recording is played for the first time. Students match the statements. During repeated listening, students check the assignment, The duration of the sound of the text is not more than 2 minutes;

Reading (READING COMPREHENSION): a) the type of task is the only correct answer, the goal is to develop the ability to read in order to fully understand the content, (the volume of texts should not exceed 500 words excluding articles). Students read the text twice. Before the first reading, students get acquainted with the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the text for the first time. Choose the correct answer. During re-reading, students check the assignment; b) the type of task is true / false, the goal is to develop the ability to read in order to fully understand the content. Students read the text twice. Before the first reading, students get acquainted with the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the text for the first time. Choose the correct answer. During re-reading, students check the assignment. (the volume of texts should not exceed 600 words, excluding articles);

Speaking (SPEAKING): a) the type of task is an oral message, the goal is to test the ability of students to speak on a given topic, b) the type of task is a role-playing game, the goal is to test the ability to conduct dialogical communication on a given situation. Students are introduced to the instructions for the assignment and statements. Make up a dialogue. The volume of statements should be 5-7 remarks (dialogue) from each student, up to 12 phrases (monologue).

Writing (WRITING): type of task - writing a letter (words from 80-90), extracts from the text (words no more than 30), short congratulations (words 60), filling out forms (words no more than 30); the goal is to test the ability of students to write on a given situation based on the material covered.

Dosing homework in English according to the established time frame

In secondary school (grades 10-11), 3.5 hours are allotted to complete the task:

The volume of homework in English should be 4-5 of the total time that the student spends on preparing lessons.

LISTENING COMPREHENSION: the type of task is to establish compliance, the goal is to test the ability to listen with a full understanding of the content. Students listen to the interview twice. Before the first listening, students get acquainted with the instructions for the task and statements. The recording is played for the first time. Students match the statements. During repeated listening, students check the assignment, The duration of the sound of the text is not more than 5 minutes;

Reading (READING COMPREHENSION): a) the type of task is the only correct answer, the goal is to develop the ability to read in order to fully understand the content, (the volume of texts should not exceed 1800 words). Students read the text twice. Before the first reading, students get acquainted with the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the text for the first time. Choose the correct answer. During re-reading, students check the assignment; b) the type of task is true / false, the goal is to develop the ability to read in order to fully understand the content. Students read the text twice. Before the first reading, students get acquainted with the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the text for the first time. Choose the correct answer. During re-reading, students check the assignment. (the volume of texts should not exceed 1900 words)

CULTURAL AWARENESS: the type of task is to establish compliance, the goal is to control the knowledge of the facts of the culture of the country of the language being studied. Students are introduced to the instructions for the assignment and statements. Read the statements for the first time. Choose the correct answer using (if required) a linguocultural dictionary. Homework should not exceed 10 sentences

Speaking (SPEAKING): a) the type of task is an oral message, the goal is to test the ability of students to speak on a given topic, b) the type of task is a role-playing game, the goal is to test the ability to conduct dialogical communication on a given situation. Students are introduced to the instructions for the assignment and statements. Make up a dialogue. The volume of statements should be 8-9 replicas (dialogue) from each student, up to 12-15 phrases (monologue).

Writing (WRITING): type of task - writing a letter (words from 100-190), extracts from the text (words no more than 30), short congratulations (words up to 150), filling out forms (words no more than 130); the goal is to test the ability of students to write on a given situation based on the material covered.

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Lesson fragment. Prepared by: English teacher, category II, Mironyuk L.A. Checking homework.

One of the most important tasks of a general education school is to increase the responsibility of the student for the quality of education, the observance of academic and labor discipline. Being one of the forms of organization of schooling, homework has a great educational and educational value. Working at home, students not only consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson, improve their skills and abilities, but also acquire the skills of independent work, educate themselves in organization, hard work, accuracy, and responsibility for the task assigned. In view of the variety of forms and types of homework, the methods and ways of checking it are different. Just walking up to the board and telling a rule or writing down an example that has been done can seem boring to students. That is why now teachers are coming to innovative methods of testing.

Innovative methods for checking homework: Asking unexpected questions; Reviewing the oral response; Dictation based on home exercise; Brief written answer to the question; Checking with the help of new computer technologies; Project work, etc.

How to make sure that checking homework does not turn into a standard obligation, into a banal continuous reading by a student of words or sentences written down at home “in a chain”? How to develop the mental activity of students, introspection and self-esteem of children with the help of homework and monitoring its implementation? To achieve these goals, non-standard forms of checking homework are aimed, contributing to the development of inquisitiveness, curiosity, and a creative attitude to work. I settled on such an innovative and non-standard method as project work. This method is perfect for both junior and middle, senior students.

The Spotlight English Tutorial Series provides a variety of project options for kids. Projects are checked in the form of a competition - this further encourages children to prepare well at home in order to protect one or another of their work. Evaluate the work of the teacher and children from other classes during the break. The main criteria for evaluating the work of students are the defense of the project in English and a creative approach. Such homework is carried out with interest even by weak students who do not have language skills, but they can do something else well - draw, sculpt, sing, and even cook different dishes. Children are looking forward to such a test in order to tell in English how he made his “masterpiece”.

Spotlight 6. Make a Sock Puppet.

Project protection. Students' work.

Spotlight 2. A Fish Bowl You Can Eat! The children took this project with a bang. Parents took an active part.

They not only cooked, but also made a photo report “How I do my fish bowl”:

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Checking homework in math class.

Being one of the forms of organization of learning at school, homework has a controlling, teaching and educational value. Working from home...

Cards for checking homework in grade 6 on the history of the Middle Ages

These tasks are used to check homework on the topic "Formation of centralized states in Western Europe", "Strengthening the power of princes in Germany and Italy" ...

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Checking students' homework is an important and integral part of any lesson. If the verification system is not established, the role of the student's independent homework is practically devalued.

Check homework can be done in the following ways:

  • call one or more students to the board and interrogate on the topic;
  • conduct a frontal survey in the classroom (survey from the spot);
  • perform a similar task;
  • use individual cards;
  • conduct a random check of the written assignment;
  • conduct a self-check or mutual check of the written assignment.

Going to the blackboard and telling the learned rule or rewriting the solved example from the notebook - for many students, such a check seems to be a very boring task. Often, for this reason, the student loses all desire to independently prepare at home.

How to check homework? The secret lies in the teacher's harmonious combination of traditional and unusual, original, interesting forms and methods of verification, which activate the mental activity of students, increase independence, give birth and maintain motivation to do homework regularly and efficiently. We bring to the attention of teachers some interesting ideas.

Original ways to check homework

  • Discussion

To conduct it, the class must be divided into groups, each of which will defend its position or view of the problem. One point of view may be stated in a textbook or reference book, and another, different from it, may belong to one of the students or the teacher. In the discussion, the reasoning and arguments of students are important, and the result of it will be a deeper knowledge of the essence of the studied phenomenon.

  • Question to the author (in the form of an interview)

This is an unusual and very interesting way to check homework. The teacher invites the children to come up with a few questions to the author of the discovery, invention, work, in order to better understand its meaning. The most prepared students can answer the questions, and the teacher can answer the most difficult of them. For example, when checking homework in chemistry, you can address questions of interest to Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, in physics - to Isaac Newton, in geometry - to Pythagoras, in literature - to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

  • Thematic crossword puzzle

Many guys are fond of solving crossword puzzles, while showing enviable perseverance. To make it interesting to check homework, the teacher needs on the relevant topic and offer it to students. Especially children love, which can be solved by the whole class .

  • Unexpected Questions

The task of the teacher is to formulate the question in a different way than in the textbook after the paragraph. If the student has conscientiously prepared for the lesson, he will not have any difficulties with the answer, and a certain variety will be introduced into the verification process.

  • Oral response review

Pupils are invited to listen to the answer of a classmate, prepare and make an oral review of it (taking into account the advantages and disadvantages, making additions and clarifications).

  • Mutual verification

When checking written homework in chemistry, Russian or English, mathematics, students can be invited to exchange notebooks with a classmate, check assignments, grade and talk about the mistakes made, discussing contentious issues.

  • Brief written responses

Instead of an oral survey, the teacher asks to answer simple questions on the topic in writing. In this case, the answer should consist of two or three words. Such a task helps students to better assimilate theoretical knowledge.

  • Check with the projector

The correct version of the homework is displayed by the teacher on the projector screen. Students check with him, correct the mistakes made, receiving the necessary comments from the teacher or classmates along the way.

Checking homework by questioning students is the traditional and most popular way. It is often used to find gaps or shortcomings in knowledge, forgetting about the main task of the survey - to support the student, to help, to teach. We will show you how to put it into practice.

  • poll-traffic light

In our case, a long cardboard strip of red on one side and green on the other acts as a traffic light. The green side facing the teacher indicates the student’s readiness to answer the question posed (“I know!”), The red side indicates that the student is not ready to answer (“I don’t know!”). If the student shows the red side to the questions of the basic level, this is an alarm signal for the teacher. This is a deuce, which the student set himself. You can also ask creative questions, while the red signal means “I don’t want to answer!”, And the green one means “I want to answer!”.

  • Solidarity Poll

If the student at the blackboard cannot cope with the task, it is necessary to ask the class for help. Who wants to help? Of those who wish to help, the teacher chooses the strongest student and invites him to give a hint to a friend in a whisper. Alternatively, the student himself chooses the one whose help he needs, and the teacher gives the coach 10-15 minutes to prepare.

  • Mutual interrogation

The teacher instructs the three most prepared students to conduct a survey of those who prepared for "5", "4" or "3". A student who enrolled in the third group and successfully answered the questions in it can try his hand again.

  • Programmable polling

In this case, the student must choose the correct answer from those offered by the teacher. This form of work in oral questioning is rarely used. And absolutely in vain. Indeed, in the clash of different opinions of students, misunderstanding “melts”. The teacher can defend the wrong answer to give the children an opportunity to argue.

  • Silent poll

The teacher is talking quietly to one or more students, and the whole class is doing another task.

  • Poll chain
  • "Protection" sheet

Created for unprepared students and is always in the same place. A student who is not ready for the lesson writes his name on the protective sheet and can be sure that he will not be asked today. The task of the teacher is to keep the situation under control.

Interesting homework check in elementary school

For many teachers, the question of how to avoid monotony when checking homework in primary school is relevant. For younger students, the game form of testing acquired knowledge is especially relevant and effective. We offer several practical ideas that will not only allow you to perform an interesting homework check, but also help to activate the mental activity of students.

  • Game "Draw the answer"

The teacher needs to prepare questions on the topic covered, the answers to which the children can quickly and easily draw. Children should be warned that the answers should not be voiced, but depicted on paper.

  • The game "Slap-stomp"

Checking homework, the teacher asks questions and offers answers to them. If the answer is correct, the task of the children is to clap their hands, but if the answer is incorrect, to stomp their feet. This game is a great warm-up and a good way to de-stress in the classroom.

  • Team game "What and why?"

In the created teams, the captain is appointed as a teacher. The task for each of the teams is to come up with questions on the topic studied and answer them in turn. The right to answer is provided by the captain. It is important that all team members participate in the discussion.

  • Game "Semitsvetik"

The teacher needs to prepare in advance paper flowers with seven colored petals according to the number of teams. For the correct answer on the topic covered, the team receives one petal. They play until one of the teams collects the flower completely.

  • Game "Catch the ball"

The game is played in a circle. The teacher asks a question and tosses the ball. The student who caught him gives the answer.

Summing up

The degree of effectiveness of homework completion by students largely depends on how interesting and diverse in form and content its verification will be. The methods proposed in this article for checking the independent homework of students in order to achieve the result should be applied by the teacher systematically and comprehensively.

Doing homework in English.
in 2nd-4th grades - 1.5 h in grades 5-6 - up to 2 h, in 7th-8th grades - 2.5 h, in the 9th grade- 3h, in grades 10-11 - 3.5 hours
For a second grader
after 25 minutes of class - a break for 5-10 minutes.
During a break, it is good to do a few gymnastic exercises, special gymnastics for the eyes is useful.
In the third grade
the duration of classes (without a break) can be increased to 35-40 minutes,
In the fourth - up to 45 minutes.
But during this time there should be a physical pause for 2-3 minutes. During the long break (i.e. 10 minutes) third and fourth grade students can do a little homework (like watering the flowers).
When checking homework, the following methods are practiced:
. frontal check of the exercise;
. selective check of the written task;
. frontal survey on assignment;
. performing a similar exercise;
. mutual verification of the written assignment;
. survey on individual cards;
. poll with a call to the board.
Reminder for parents

  • Do homework with your child, not instead of him. Try to convince the child that the conscientious completion of the lessons greatly facilitates the completion of class assignments, that at home you can find out everything that he could not ask at school and, without hesitation, practice what is still not working out.
  • Do with your child only what is given in school. Do not overload the student with additional tasks. Remember that the child is at school for 4-5 hours, and then his working day continues when he continues to do his homework. A child's life should not consist only of school assignments.
  • Work calmly, without hassle, reproaches, censures. - Try every time to find something for which you can praise the child. If you fail, repeat the tasks, giving similar ones.
  • Never start with difficult tasks, gradually complicate tasks. In the course of classes, it is very important to reinforce each correct step of the child, since confidence in the correct execution helps.
  • Complicate tasks only when the previous ones have been successfully completed. Do not rush to get the result, success will come if the child is self-confident.
  • If you need to make adjustments along the way, do it immediately, as the child can “learn” the mistake. But avoid the words “you are doing it wrong”, “this is wrong”.
  • In order for your work with the child to be more effective, it should be systematic, but short. In addition, it is necessary that this work should not be a tedious, additional, heavy load, the purpose of which the child does not know and does not understand.
General recommendations for self-training: (for parents and children)
  • Do your homework at the right time;
  • before starting to study, check the readiness of the workplace;
  • when starting work, concentrate, think about where you will start;
  • try to solve all the difficulties yourself;
  • find out about the task in the diary or bookmarks in the textbook;
  • forgot the rule, try to remember, check yourself in the textbook;
  • start self-study in a certain order, for example: Russian, mathematics, reading.
Written assignments in English:
  • read the task carefully;
  • translate the task if it is written in English;
  • look in the workbook, there may be a similar task in class work;
  • repeat in the textbook, find the rule on this topic.
  • examples will help you complete the task; learn the definitions, rules associated with the implementation of this work;
  • after completing the written task, carefully check what is written;
  • correct mistakes carefully, in accordance with the recommendations of the teacher.
  • it is better to do your homework first on a draft
Write-off rules:
  • read the sentence, read each word syllable by syllable as it is written;
  • write off, dictating to yourself in syllables;
  • check what was written off: read the word in the notebook and the same word in the book
Oral assignments:
  • look at what is given, think about where to start doing the task;
  • read the assignment from the textbook;
  • translate the task, if necessary;
  • if this is a translation of the text, do not be lazy to work with a dictionary;
  • Write unfamiliar words in the dictionary, you will need them later.
  • read the task a second time, suddenly there is more than one task;
  • read the text again, follow the intonation, the pace of speech. Do not rush!
  • if this is a poem, then before you start memorizing it, do not forget to translate it. So it will be easier for you!
  • If this is the rule, then DON'T BE LAZY! Learn it properly!
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