Interesting facts from the life of Tolstoy. Biography of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - presentations on the topic Life and work of the Russian writer, free download for class

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10 facts about fat
Lev Nikolaevich in facts and figures

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174 works
surviving works of Leo Tolstoy, including unfinished essays and rough drafts. Tolstoy himself considered 78 of his works to be completely finished works. They were published during his lifetime and were included in collected works. The remaining 96 of his works remained in the archive of the writer himself, and only after his death did they see the light of day. The first of his published works was the story “Childhood”, 1852. The writer’s first published book during his lifetime was “War Stories of Count L.N. Tolstoy”, 1856.

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1415 characters
act on the pages of Tolstoy's works, most Of these, 715 are women. Tolstoy found the most striking prototypes of his heroes in his relatives. For example, the writer was inspired to create the image of the old Prince Volkonsky by his maternal grandfather. The image of Princess Marya, depicted in "War and Peace", captures the character traits of Lev Nikolaevich's mother. She had an amazing gift for storytelling, however, being very shy, she locked herself with her listeners in a dark room.

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7 times
According to legend, Tolstoy rewrote War and Peace. The novel's manuscript is 5,000 pages long, and he actually rewrote the beginning of the novel 14 times. 165,000 sheets of the writer’s manuscripts and 10 thousand of his letters have survived to this day. Complete collection works of Leo Tolstoy, published from 1928 to 1958, totals 90 volumes.

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2 years
was Leo Tolstoy when his mother died. His uncle’s wife, Irina Mikhailova, told the writer about his mother’s death: “Your mother was a kind, kind lady. She never offended, insulted or humiliated anyone in her life. She lived with everyone not as a lady, but as an essentially equal person. she felt sorry for leaving young children in this world, and especially, Lev Nikolaevich, she felt sorry for you. Just a baby, it seems, at that time you were 2-3 years old, no more. She calls her husband and children to her in a quiet, weak voice, baptizes everyone in turn, blesses them, says goodbye. And when it’s your turn, she quickly moves her eyes, searches and asks: “Where is Levushka?” Everyone rushed to look for you, and you, Lev Nikolayevich, then small, plump, with plump pink cheeks, like a head of head ran and jumped in the nursery. And the nanny, no matter how hard she tried to persuade and stop your ringing laughter, it was all in vain.

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5 years
Tolstoy served in the army. In the fall of 1851, having passed the exam, he entered the service as a cadet. For 2 years the writer remained in the Caucasus, where he participated in many skirmishes with the mountaineers led by Shamil. He had the right to the St. George Cross, however, in accordance with his convictions, he “gave it” to a soldier, considering that easing the conditions of service of a colleague was above vanity. With the beginning Crimean War Tolstoy transferred to the Danube Army, and from November 1854 to the end of August 1855 he was in Sevastopol. For the defense of Sevastopol, Tolstoy was awarded the Order of St. Anna, 4th degree with the inscription “For bravery”, medals “For the defense of Sevastopol” and “In memory of the war of 1853-1856”, but already in November 1856 the writer left military service forever.

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37,500 rubles in silver
This was the amount of the inheritance received by Leo Tolstoy after the death of his father. By the end of the seventies, Tolstoy was quite wealthy. He could literary work significantly increase his fortune: in the early eighties, he himself estimated it at 600,000 rubles.

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4000 rubles
One of Tolstoy's biggest gambling losses. He lost this amount to the Tula landowner Ogarev. This loss, as he wrote in his diary, brought his affairs into complete disorder; however, he managed to fight back. From youth future writer was quite excited. Once upon a time in card game with his neighbor, the landowner Gorokhov, Leo Tolstoy lost the main building of the inherited estate - the Yasnaya Polyana estate. The neighbor dismantled the house and took it 35 miles away as a trophy. Once in Tiflis, he got involved in a game of billiards with a marker and lost to this “swindler,” as he calls him in his diary, about a thousand games and almost lost his entire fortune.

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34 years
was Leo Tolstoy when he met his future wife Sophia Bers. She was seventeen at that time. They lived together for 48 years, gave birth to 13 children (five died in infancy). As of 2010, there were a total of more than 350 descendants of Leo Tolstoy (including both living and deceased), living in 25 countries around the world.

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25 years
Tolstoy was a vegetarian. In October 1885, Tolstoy was visited by William Frey, a writer, vegetarian, and follower of the teachings of Auguste Comte. While communicating with him, the writer first learned about the preaching of vegetarianism - the statement that the structure of a person, his teeth and intestines, proves that a person is not a predator. Lev Nikolaevich immediately accepted this teaching and, after realizing the knowledge he had gained, Tolstoy immediately abandoned meat and fish. Soon his daughters, Tatyana and Maria Tolstoy, followed his example.

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728 people
from different countries read almost 30 hours live Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina. The unprecedented campaign started on October 3, 2014 at Google service+. At venues in Yasnaya Polyana, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yasnaya Polyana, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, New York, Paris and London, theater and film actors, journalists, musicians, descendants of Tolstoy, scientists and ordinary Internet users read the famous novel. Among the readers were the great-great-grandson of the writer Ilya Tolstoy, cosmonaut Georgy Grechko, writer Dina Rubina, actors Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Sergei Garmash, and Olympic champion Adelina Sotnikova.

Biography Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is one of the most widely known Russian writers and thinkers. Participant in the defense of Sevastopol. Educator, publicist, religious thinker, whose authoritative opinion caused the emergence of a new religious and moral movement of Tolstoyism. Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (1873), honorary academician by category belles lettres (1900).

Leo Tolstoy and Orlenev One of the visitors to Yasnaya Polyana once told Leo Tolstoy that next time he would come to visit him with famous actor Orlenev, who reads poetry wonderfully. Tolstoy objected: “You know that I don’t like poetry.” The guest joyfully exclaimed: “That’s the point! Orlenev reads poetry in such a way that you won’t even be able to tell that it’s poetry.”

All the same, the First President of Czechoslovakia, who led the country from 1918 to 1935, almost until his death, will fall ill. The son of a coachman and cook was a spectacular head of state. In his notes, he recalled one incident related to his visit to L.N. Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana...

How did Leo Tolstoy feel about his novels? Leo Tolstoy was skeptical about his novels, including War and Peace. In 1871, he sent Fet a letter: “How happy I am... that I will never write verbose rubbish like War again.” An entry in his diary in 1908 reads: “People love me for those trifles, War and Peace, etc., which seem very important to them.”

Films about Leo Tolstoy: “Leo Tolstoy”. Documentary. TsSDF (RTSSDF) “The Passage of the Great Elder” (1912, Russia). Director Yakov Protazanov Historical chronicles with Nikolai Svanidze Leo Tolstoy “Leo Tolstoy” (1984, USSR Czechoslovakia). Director and performer leading role Sergey Gerasimov. Film about last days life and death of the writer. The Last Resurrection" (2009, Russia, Germany, Great Britain). In the role of L. Tolstoy, Christopher Plummer, in the role of Sophia Tolstoy, Helen Mirren. A film about the last days of the writer's life and death.

An outstanding Russian writer, philosopher and thinker, the count is known throughout the world. Even in the farthest corners of the world, as soon as the conversation turns to Russia, they certainly remember Peter the Great, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and several more from Russian history.

We decided to collect the most interesting facts from the life of Tolstoy to remind you of them, and maybe even surprise you with some things.

So, let's get started!

  1. Tolstoy was born in 1828 and died in 1910 (he lived 82 years). He married 18-year-old Sofya Andreevna at the age of 34. They had 13 children, five of whom died in childhood.

    Leo Tolstoy with his wife and children

  2. Before the wedding, the count gave his future wife to re-read his diaries, which described his numerous fornicating relationships. He considered it fair and just. According to the writer’s wife, she remembered their contents for the rest of her life.
  3. At the beginning family life the young couple had complete harmony and mutual understanding, but over time the relationship began to deteriorate more and more, reaching its peak shortly before the death of the thinker.
  4. Tolstoy's wife was a real mistress and conducted her business affairs in an exemplary manner.
  5. An interesting fact is that Sofya Andreevna (Tolstoy’s wife) rewrote almost all of her husband’s works in order to send manuscripts to the publishing house. This was necessary because not a single editor could decipher the handwriting of the great writer.

    Diary of Tolstoy L.N.

  6. Almost all her life, the thinker’s wife copied her husband’s diaries. However, shortly before his death, Tolstoy began to keep two diaries: one that his wife read, and the other personal. The elderly Sofya Andreevna was furious that she could not find him, although she searched the whole house.
  7. All significant works(“War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”) Leo Tolstoy wrote after his marriage. That is, until the age of 34 he did not engage in serious writing.

    Tolstoy in his youth

  8. The creative heritage of Lev Nikolaevich amounts to 165 thousand sheets of manuscripts and ten thousand letters. The complete works were published in 90 volumes.
  9. An interesting fact is that in life Tolstoy could not stand it when dogs barked, and also did not like cherries.
  10. Despite the fact that he was a count from birth, his soul always gravitated towards the people. Often peasants saw him plowing the field on his own. There is a funny anecdote on this occasion: “Leo Tolstoy sits in a linen shirt and writes a novel. A footman in livery and white gloves enters. “Your Excellency, it’s time to plow!”
  11. Since childhood, he was an incredibly gambling person and gambler. However, like the other great writer – .
  12. Interestingly, Count Tolstoy once lost one of the buildings of his Yasnaya Polyana estate at cards. His partner dismantled the property that had been transferred to him down to the stud and took everything away. The writer himself dreamed of buying this extension back, but never realized it.
  13. Excellent command of English, French and German languages. I read in Italian, Polish, Serbian and Czech. He studied Greek and Church Slavonic, Latin, Ukrainian and Tatar, Hebrew and Turkish, Dutch and Bulgarian.

    Portrait of the writer Tolstoy

  14. As a child, Anna Akhmatova learned letters using a primer, which L.N. Tolstoy wrote for peasant children.
  15. All his life he tried to help the peasants in everything he had the strength to do.

    Tolstoy and his assistants compile lists of peasants in need of help

  16. The novel “War and Peace” was written over the course of 6 years, and then rewritten 8 more times. Tolstoy rewrote individual fragments up to 25 times.
  17. The work “War and Peace” is considered the most significant in the work of the great writer, but he himself said the following in a letter to A. Fet: “I am happy that I will never write again verbose rubbish like "War".
  18. An interesting fact about Tolstoy is also that the count, towards the end of his life, developed several serious principles of his worldview. The main ones boil down to non-resistance to evil through violence, denial of private property and complete disregard for any authority, be it church, state or any other.

    Tolstoy with his family in the park

  19. Many believe that Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Orthodox Church. In fact, the definition of the Holy Synod sounded verbatim like this:
  20. “Therefore, testifying to his (Tolstoy’s – author’s) falling away from the Church, we pray together that the Lord will grant him repentance into the mind of truth.”

    That is, the Synod simply testified that Tolstoy “self-excommunicated” from the Church. In fact, this was the case, if we analyze the writer’s numerous statements addressed to the Church.

    1. In fact, towards the end of his life, Lev Nikolaevich actually expressed beliefs very far from Christianity. Quote:

    “I do not want to be a Christian, just as I did not advise and would not want Buddhists, Confucionists, Taoists, Mohammedans and others to be.”

    “Pushkin was like a Kyrgyz. Everyone still admires Pushkin. And just think about the excerpt from his “Eugene Onegin”, placed in all anthologies for children: “Winter. Peasant, triumphant..." Whatever the stanza is, it’s nonsense!

    Meanwhile, the poet obviously worked hard and for a long time on the poem. "Winter. Peasant, triumphant..." Why "triumphant"? “Perhaps he’s going to town to buy some salt or shag.”

    “On the firewood it renews the path. His horse smells the snow...” How can you “smell” snow?! After all, she runs in the snow - so what does flair have to do with it? Further: “Trotting somehow...”. This “somehow” is a historically stupid thing. And she got into the poem only for the rhyme.

    The great Pushkin wrote this, undoubtedly clever man, wrote because he was young and, as a Kyrgyz, sang instead of speaking.

    This question was asked to Tolstoy: But what, Lev Nikolaevich, should we do? Should I really give up writing?

    Tolstoy: Of course, quit! I tell this to everyone who is a beginner. This is my usual advice. Now is not the time to write. You need to do things, live exemplary lives and teach others how to live by your example. Quit literature if you want to listen to the old man. Well for me! I will die soon…"

    “Over the years, Tolstoy expresses his opinions about women more and more often. These opinions are terrible."

    “If a comparison is needed, then marriage should be compared with a funeral, and not with a name day,” said Leo Tolstoy.

    “The man was walking alone; five pounds were tied to his shoulders, and he was happy. What can I say, that if I walk alone, then I am free, but if my leg is tied to a woman’s leg, then she will drag behind me and interfere with me.

    - Why did you get married? – asked the Countess.

    “I didn’t know it then.”

    Leo Tolstoy with his wife

    Despite the interesting facts about Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy described above, he always declared that highest value in society it is a family.

    “Indeed, Paris is not at all in harmony with its spiritual system; He’s a strange person, I’ve never met anyone like him and I don’t quite understand him. A mixture of poet, Calvinist, fanatic, barich - something reminiscent of Rousseau, but more honest than Rousseau - a highly moral and at the same time unsympathetic creature.

    If you want to get acquainted with more detailed information from Tolstoy’s biography, then we recommend that you read his own work “Confession”. We are sure that some things from my personal life outstanding thinker You will simply be shocked!

    Well, friends, we have brought you the most complete list of the most interesting facts from the life of L.N. Tolstoy and we hope that you will share this post on any social network.

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  • Done the job
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  • Rodents
  • Eugene.
  • "Tolstoy is the whole world. Without knowing Tolstoy, one cannot consider oneself to know one’s country, one cannot consider oneself a cultured person.”
  • M. Gorky
  • L.N. Tolstoy was born on the Yasnaya Polyana estate (near Tula) on August 28, 1828. Yasnaya Polyana. Repeating these words, you feel music and beauty
  • Many of the writer’s works were conceived while walking along forest paths and ancient linden alleys of the park. “I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it without Yasnaya Polyana,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy
  • Parents of Leo Tolstoy
  • “I remember my mother, who remained a bright ideal for me”
  • In 1837, the family moved to Moscow to continue their children’s education
  • Since 1843, the Tolstoy family has lived in Kazan.
  • In 1844, Tolstoy entered Kazan University at the Faculty of Oriental Languages.
  • To change his life, L. Tolstoy in 1851 left for the active army in the Caucasus.
  • “I feel like I have become a better person here.”
  • In the Caucasus L.N. Tolstoy begins his writing activity. Here he wrote an autobiographical trilogy.
  • The story "Childhood". It is unlikely that anyone before Tolstoy managed to convey the charm of childhood so vividly and poetically. “The happy, irrevocable time of childhood. Memories of him refresh and elevate my soul.”
  • In 1854, L. Tolstoy wrote the story “Adolescence”. Life poses serious questions to the heroes.
  • In 1857, the story “Youth” was written.
  • “I decided to write the rules of life again”
  • In 1857, the war between Russia and Turkey began. Tolstoy arrived in Sevastopol. Here he got to know the Russian people better and wrote “Sevastopol Stories.” The writer showed war as a phenomenon unnatural to humanity. He spoke about the heroism and patriotism of the Russian soldier.
  • In 1859, Tolstoy resigned and left for St. Petersburg, and then to Switzerland. Here he writes the story "Lucerne". This is a story condemning callousness and indifference to a poor person.
  • Deep, strong feeling came to the writer. In 1862, L. Tolstoy married the daughter of a famous doctor, Sofya Andreevna Bers. She was 18 years old at the time.
  • From 1863 to 1869 The writer is working on the novel “War and Peace”. There are about 500 here characters. In this novel, Tolstoy showed the life of Russian society since 1805. to 1820
  • The writer resolves such philosophical issues as man and society, war and peace, historical paths and destinies of all mankind. He raises the question of the role of the individual and the masses in history. The novel "War and Peace" is a work about the best people Russia.
  • The main characters of the novel are Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova. The heroes of the novel are united by the unity of perception of the beauty of the world.
  • Natasha Rostova.
  • This is a poetic image.
  • Natasha Rostova is the personification of youth and joy. She grew up in an old noble family. Its main features are the kindness and breadth of the Russian soul, friendliness, and hospitality.
  • Natasha – perfect image women in Tolstoy's view.
  • In 1877, the novel “Anna Karenina” was written.
  • Anna Karenina fought for her happiness as best she could, and in this overwhelming struggle she threw herself under a train.
  • Who is to blame for Anna's death?
  • Tolstoy blames the environment in which Anna lived.
  • Novel “Resurrection” (1888 - 1898)
  • The novel tells about the fate of a simple girl Katyusha Maslova and an aristocrat Dmitry Nekhlyudov.
  • This is a novel condemning autocracy, callousness and corruption of judges.
  • Tolstoy shows the resurrection of the soul of the hero D. Nekhlyudov.
  • At the end of his life, on an autumn night in 1910, Tolstoy secretly left the estate in search of truth, simple shapes being. But on the way he fell ill and died at the Astapovo station. It was November 7, 1910.
  • In... the silence of Yasnaya Polyana, above the ravine, in the Old Order, the grave of the writer.
  • Life and work of L.N. Tolstoy is inextricably linked with Moscow. Until 1901, the Tolstoy family lived in Khamovniki. The Tolstoy Museum is located here. Usually the whole family lived here in the winter and went to Yasnaya Polyana in the summer. In the museum you can hear the writer’s voice and his musical work.
  • In Moscow, in the park on B. Pirogovskaya Street, there is a monument to Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer.

Interesting facts Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a world famous Russian writer. His novels were read by many generations, finding answers to questions that were relevant at all times. We know a lot about his works, but how much do we know about the writer himself? I propose to get acquainted with some facts of the great man.

Leo Tolstoy did not like the popularity of his outstanding works. In 1871, he wrote to Fet in a letter: “How happy I am... that I will never write verbose rubbish like “War” again.” In order to be closer to the people (according to another version, to improve health), Lev Nikolaevich began to walk barefoot in his old age, that is, he did not wear shoes.

Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina begins with the phrase: “Everything happy families similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Based on this aphorism, the so-called Anna Karenina principle was derived, which is used to describe systems in various sciences. For example, economists use Anna Karenina's principle when talking about adapting systems to external environment and their behavior during a crisis: all well-adapted systems have the same features, and all unadapted systems fail to cope with adaptation, each in its own way.

The Tolstoy family had 13 children, of which 5 died in childhood; his wife was 16 years younger. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was a vegetarian. In 1910, last year During his life, Leo Tolstoy repeatedly expressed the hope that in eighty years all people would become vegetarians and that meat-eating would be viewed with the same disgust as cannibalism.

Tolstoy wrote not only “serious” works, he is also known as the author of “The ABC”, “The New ABC” and “Books for Reading”, from which more than one generation of children learned to read. Leo Tolstoy knew Turgenev, but the writers failed to become friends - after a quarrel based on their beliefs, they did not speak for many years, and it almost came to a duel.

The story of Leo Tolstoy’s excommunication from the church is unique. There is no topic that would give rise to so many judgments, rumors and outright lies as this one. All Russian literature of the 19th century was created by Orthodox Christians. Against this background, the conflict between Leo Tolstoy and the Russian Orthodox Church looks especially depressing. In the eyes of most people, the writer looks like the injured party in the excommunication story. His relationship with the Church is often perceived as an unequal battle between a lone hero and government agency, a soulless bureaucratic machine. But that's it creepy curses, allegedly sent by the church to Tolstoy, is nothing more than a figment of the imagination of his fans. It wasn't all that scary. The newspapers just published the appeal Holy Synod, the church stated the fact of the writer’s rejection of the living God and his ceasing to be a member of the Orthodox Church.

The work was completed by Anastasia Shustova 10th grade

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