Blind musician problematic. Moral problems in the story

The most famous creation of V.G. Korolenko - the story "The Blind Musician: Etude", which went through 15 lifetime reprints (a unique case that testifies to the popularity of this work). The first edition was already published in 1886 (a year after the writer returned from exile and began to publish actively). The story was revised by the author, the text of the sixth edition (1898) is considered canonical.

Korolenko's moral-philosophical and aesthetic program is most fully realized in The Blind Musician. If we extract the parable-symbolic basis of the plot of the story, we are talking about the dominance of the light principle in a person, about an instinctive, innate movement towards the light, even if a person has never seen it, and this is exactly what is characteristic of the protagonist, blind from birth. The path of the hero was not easy, but it is the light, the "lights" already familiar to us from the prose miniature of the same name, that are waiting for us at the end of the path. This is the writer's point of view.

The moral collision is built on the basis of the natural infringement, inferiority of the hero (blindness), which separates him from other people, embitters in relation to the rest. Returning to people, overcoming the egoism of suffering became possible after the main character, Petrok, was able to feel the suffering of other people. It is universal solidarity, sharing one's pain with everyone (on the basis of folk spirituality) that becomes the road to the triumph of light, and therefore, actually human, according to Korolenko. The true essence of a person triumphed when the main character realized that one should not blame everyone, but serve people: in a small circle - to his wife and son, in a large circle - to all who suffer. This is the only way to find a worthy place in the world, your need, usefulness - this rule is valid for any person.

The story "The Blind Musician" embodies Korolenko's desire for a synthesis of realism and romanticism. Here it is easy to see both the tasks of this connection (the combination of the truth of life and the measure of the ideal), and its main methods. First of all, let us indicate the signs of the penetration of romantic aesthetics into the realistic fabric of Korolenko's world. Among them, firstly, the romantic poetics of the rare, unusual: we have before us the story of a boy born blind; It is on this out of the ordinary - and not typical - material that the universal human problem is revealed. Secondly, an interest in the irrational, the subconscious - as, for example, it manifests itself at the climax when Peter first took his son in his arms and seemed to see the light through his eyes (this, however, is also explained materialistically - through the biological memory of generations, dormant in the hero). Thirdly, the specific impressionistic, suggestive style of the story, the lyrical rhythm of speech. Fourthly, the romantic topic of synesthesia, mixing or substitution of types of sensory perception (as happens when a blind boy perceives the world). Fifthly, the story is based on a purely romantic understanding of music, which forms both the thematic level of the work (a model of art, the concept of the spiritual side of human existence), and the aforementioned impressionistic, rhythmic style.

The plot of the story is based on the triumph of the human spirit over matter. In this regard, the problem of art acquires decisive significance: it is precisely that spiritual, interhuman that unites in spite of grief, leads to happiness, to the ideal. A special role in the formation of the hero's aesthetic sense was played by the mythopoetic beginning of folk art. In folk art, at the very foundation is what becomes salvific for the hero - overcoming individual grief together (modern art can be selfish).

The moral and philosophical concept of the story is also connected with the problem of education, which, in turn, revolves around the issue of freedom of choice: there is no need to keep the child in greenhouse conditions, trying to protect him from pain and difficulties (as the hero’s mother Anna Mikhailovna does), you need to put his face to face with a big, dramatic life (this path for Peter is opened by his uncle Maxim, who is also an invalid, but in his case it was the result of a bright, eventful life, and not an innate biological disadvantage). It will not be possible to save a child from pain, and the egoism of suffering can only be overcome in the big world. It is necessary to give a person the opportunity of his own choice, his own search. Once again, we are faced with a specific author's trust in a person. Korolenko's world is a world of hope for the triumph of a bright beginning and a tense movement towards this light, a bloodless, but extremely active struggle for it.

Lesson of extracurricular reading on the story

Lesson topic. Moral issues in the story

VG Korolenko "The Blind Musician".

Lesson type : Improving knowledge, skills and abilities, targeted

application of assimilation.

Type of lesson: Lesson - a study with elements of analysis of 2 episodes.


a task: increasing the level of perception and depth of penetration

into a literary text;

show the spiritual renewal of a person offended

fate, the path to the realization of one's destiny.

Development task:

education of an attentive and thoughtful reader;

ability to work with art

analyze what you read, select the main thing;

training in competent analysis of individual episodes;

ability to speak.


a task: help students hear the moral sound

stories, her worldly wisdom;

education of tolerance, mercy.

Equipment: portrait of V.G.Korolenko,

drawings of students for various episodes,

movie clip,

musical accompaniment,


book exhibition.

    Theme, idea, genre, plot, composition of the work. /Name/.

Topic : about overcoming difficulties, about the trials that befell the hero from the very

birth, about the importance of human destiny.

Idea : show the difficult path to realizing your destiny.

“My task was not specifically the psychology of the blind, but

psychology of universal longing for fullness


Genre: story.

Plot: includes 2 stories:

1 - about how a blind boy was drawn to the light, to life;

2 - a story about how a man depressed by personal misfortune overcame

passive suffering, found a place in life and managed to educate

understanding and sympathy for all the disadvantaged.

Composition :

Exposure: 1, 2 ch. - a premonition of trouble - and a sentence:"The child was born blind."

This is a tragedy. How will his life turn out?

Development of action : The fate of the boy depends on others, on the participation of loved ones:

/ mother, uncle Maxim, Evelina /.

Climax: Resign and suffer or defy fate?

/meeting with the ringer, conversation with uncle/.

denouement : The path of searching, finding happiness: wife, son, talent, recognition.

Epilogue: Instead of blind, selfish suffering, he found in his soul a sense of life

"... he began to feel both human grief and human joy."

1. Introductory speech of the teacher .

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and the world. The world around is huge, there are many different roads in it, and the future of a person depends on the right choice of his life path.

Life requires from everyone not only the ability to survive, but also civic responsibility. And, only realizing this problem (choosing a path), taking responsibility for the chosen path, a person can move on.

This will be discussed in class today.

But what about the one who does not know this huge world - the blind?


The topic of our extracurricular reading - Moral problems in the story

VG Korolenko "The Blind Musician".

The purpose of our lesson - try to understand what moral commandments the author left to his descendants in his story?

For today's lesson, assignments and questions were given for each group.

So, I invite you to a conversation and to reflection on what you have read.

Main question , which the author put in the story is:

« What exactly was man created for?

"Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight." But the hero of the story answers with bitter irony:

"... only happiness is not always created for him."

The question is what is happiness? Where are its limits? What is its meaning?

Is a person, as a person, capable of resisting circumstances, of changing these circumstances? - the author dedicated one of his most remarkable works, "The Blind Musician", first published in 1886.

The birth of a blind child is a tragedy.

What will happen to him?

2. Work in groups.

Consider the steps

the formation of a personality, during which the main character is formed:

Stage 1:

1. Ways of knowing the world.

/ 1st contact with the natural world occurs in a boy at about

3 years. How subtly and surprisingly accurately the author conveys the feelings that

experienced by a blind child. Korolenko notices the subtle

experiences, impressions of the child's soul. Boy painfully

listening to the world of sounds. To show the boy's world of perception,

ringing drops,

gently murmuring water,

bird cherry, rustling foliage,

trills of a nightingale song,

roar, noise, the creak of carts, the rustle of a wheel,

fair talk,

the sound of branches on glass

cries of cranes. / 1 chapter, subtitle 6/.

- How does knowledge of the world take place?

Painfully listens, anxiously stretches out his hands,

searches for his mother, clings to her.

Conclusion: the world is perceived by the boy through sounds, smells, sensations.

So: Sound forms became the main forms of his thought.

What feelings does this world evoke? / Curiosity, fear /.


But he was lucky.

At first, two people took a special part in the fate of the child:

his mother and uncle Maxim. Two different beginnings

mother's tenderness and poetry

and the courage of an old warrior helped Peter to know the world.

Conclusion. The role of the uncle is invaluable. He could not remain indifferent to the fate of his nephew. And not only because their fates are similar:

both are disabled: he has no legs,

the other has vision.

It is he who does not allow his sister to make a "hothouse plant" out of a child. And we are convinced that he is right.

What would have become of the boy without the participation of his uncle?

/I would go into myself/.

There are loving people around him. He knew the warmth of the family, the kind friendly participation of those around him.

He was given a talent: love of music / Joachim /.

Fate gave Peter in the form of Evelyn Guardian Angel.

2 - stage.

Everything seemed to be fine.

But uncle decided to expand the boundaries of space. Meet people from different walks of life:

- meeting with the Stavruchenko family, blind beggars-bandura players ....

He learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. He felt like a stranger, defective. Peter completely plunged into darkness, into personal misfortune.

This world is unknown to him, and will this world want to accept a blind man?

- The suffering in his soul aggravated andafter meeting with the caller.

What did he feel?

/ He felt that the fate of the blind is anger and resentment. A mental crisis has set in. Watching an episode.


"I wanted you to feel someone else's grief and stop running around

with his", - with anger he says to the young man.

“You only know how to blaspheme with your well-fed envy of

someone else's hunger!..." - throws Maksim Yatsenko to his nephew.

Why is your uncle talking to him like that?

/ Uncle reveals to the young man the whole depth of human suffering:

suggests that personal misfortunes are insignificant in comparison with the suffering of the people /.


This episode is of particular importance.T.K. the hero receives his moral lesson, the uncle's words are decisive and bring clarity to the thoughts and actions of the hero:

Conclusion: Peter makes a choice: he leaves to wander with the blind on the advice of his uncle.

After a long wandering, anger is replaced by compassion for people and a desire to help them. In the end, the suffering, which he learned from his own experience, cured him, his soul was healed: "as if the nightmare had disappeared forever from the estate", where Peter returned.

We see that folk music, which he mastered to perfection, helped him find peace of mind.

And soon he mastered the heights of classical music.

He gains strength in music, which can influence people, tell them the most important thing about life, which is so difficult for him to understand himself.

The story ends with a concert where we see Peter confident and strong.

He achieved this only with the help of his environment and his own perseverance.

Remarkable in the work is another image - the image of Evelina.

She made an equally difficult choice. But this is her choice. And the writer convinces us that it was not a sacrifice, but a manifestation of sincere and very selfless love. The author sings the love of a girl who is ready to sacrifice her well-being for the happiness of her beloved. Evelina's personal feat acquires a highly civic meaning.

So, the story of the complex comprehension of the world,

about his small victories over illness, about the fact that a person

must fight for the right to be human despite


Conclusion: So, what helped Peter to return to a full life?

- love of loved ones

- human fate,

- mercy of others,

- own will.

Essay miniature. What does the story teach us?


Extracurricular reading in 8th grade

on literature:

moral issues

in the story of V.G. Korolenko

"Blind Musician"

During the classes.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

2. Work in groups.

- Theme, idea, title of the work, genre, plot, composition of the story.

- Stages of personality formation, during which the most

common common features.

- The skill of the writer.

- The attitude of others to the main character.

-Analysis of episodes.

3. Listening to music.

4. Composition - miniature.

1. What does the story teach us? or

2. Am I capable of compassion, sensitivity to my neighbor?

5. Summing up.


The problem of moral and civil choice.

The problem of moral choice in the story of V. G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician"

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and the world. The world around is huge, there are many different roads in it, and the future of a person depends on the right choice of his life path. But what about the one who does not know this vast world - the blind?

Korolenko puts his hero, the blind-born Peter, in very difficult conditions, endowing him with intelligence, the talent of a musician and a heightened susceptibility to all manifestations of life, which he will never be able to see. Since childhood, he knew only one world, calm and reliable, where he always felt himself to be the center. He knew the warmth of the family and the kind friendly participation of Evelina. The inability to see the color, the appearance of objects, the beauty of the surrounding nature upset him, but he imagined this familiar world of the estate thanks to the sensitive perception of its sounds.

Everything changed after meeting with the Stavruchenko family: he learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. To these disputes, to the stormy expression of the opinions and expectations of the youth, he at first reacted with enthusiastic amazement, but soon felt that this living wave was rolling past him. He is a stranger. The rules of life in the big world are unknown to him, and it is also unknown whether this world will want to accept the blind. This meeting sharply aggravated his suffering, sowed doubts in his soul. After visiting the monastery and getting to know the blind bell-ringers, he does not leave the painful thought that isolation from people, anger and selfishness are the inevitable qualities of a blind person. Peter feels the commonality of his fate with the fate of the embittered ringer Yegor, who hates children. But another attitude to the world, to people, is also possible. There is a legend about the blind bandura player Yurka, who participated in the campaigns of ataman Ignat Karogo. Peter learned this legend from Stavruchenko: acquaintance with new people and the big world brought the young man not only suffering, but also the understanding that the choice of the path belongs to the person himself.

Most of all, Uncle Maxim helped Peter, his lessons. After vagrancy with the blind and a pilgrimage to the miraculous icon, the anger passes: Peter really recovered, but not from a physical illness, but from an illness of the soul. Anger is replaced by a feeling of compassion for people, a desire to help them. The blind find strength in music. Through music, he can influence people, tell them the most important thing about life, which he himself understood so hard. Such is the choice of a blind musician.

In Korolenko's story, not only Peter is faced with the problem of choice. No less difficult choice must be made by Evelina, the friend of the blind man. Since childhood, they were together, society and the caring attention of the girl helped and supported Peter. Their friendship gave a lot to Evelina, like Peter, she had almost no idea about life outside the estate. The meeting with the Stavruchenko brothers was also for her a meeting with an unfamiliar and big world that was ready to accept her. Young people are trying to captivate her with dreams and expectations, they do not believe that at the age of seventeen you can already plan your life. Dreams intoxicate her, but in that life there is no place for Peter. She understands the suffering and doubts of Peter - and performs a “quiet feat of love”: she is the first to speak about her feelings to Peter. The decision to start a family also comes from Evelina. This is her choice. For the sake of the blind Peter, she immediately and forever closes before her the path so temptingly outlined by the students. And the writer was able to convince us that it was not a sacrifice, but a manifestation of sincere and very selfless love.

The teacher offers to formulate a conclusion on the analysis of this episode.

(discussion in groups, 1 person speaks from the group)

1. At first glance, it may seem that Maxim is cruel to the boy's mother, but this is not so. He knew how to treat such people, they should not be pitied, they should learn to overcome difficulties on their own, you cannot protect them from life. We need to help them find their place in life, overcoming illness

2. Thus, Maxim wanted to see his nephew happy, living a full-blooded life, and not a whiner, speculating on his misfortunes.

And in this he will help him.

Make a logical chain of events that show Petrus growing up under the influence of Maxim and his own outlook on life.

A logical chain reception is introduced. (work in groups, then advertising /

(Music by Joachim - piano - Evelina - ringer - way to the monastery - wedding - birth of a child)

What link in the chain turned the whole life of our hero abruptly? (the first love)

So, Petrus realized that a person must fight for the right to be a person, despite the circumstances.

Why the key scene in the story is the meeting of Peter and Evelina.

Chapter 8 (the teacher reads in order to form the emotional perception of the text of a work of art

What is love for Peter?

Did he know about her?

(discussion in groups, those who wish to speak)

(Yes, since childhood, but love is the pity of the mother, the wise love of Maxim, he is used to selfishly using all this, Evelina's love is something else.)

Peter goes through a difficult life path: finding the meaning of life, love, recognition.

Can Peter be called a happy person? (Yes)


Let's go back to your stories about happiness written at the beginning of the lesson. Did your idea of ​​happiness match what you learned today?

(discussion in groups, presentations by moderators)

Could Petrus have made a different choice in life? And what is choice anyway?

The technique of joint written reflection is introduced

Write a letter on behalf of the blind musician Petrus to all people who are about to make their choice in life.

1. Young generation, I appeal to you. Every person has to make his own choice in life. I made it and chose the longest and happiest road. I wish everyone a lot of love, happiness and joy in life. Let the first love meet in your life, then life will be much better. Each person should have their own opinion and their own goal, if there is no goal, then there is nothing to live for, and happiness and love are the most important thing.

Happiness is not in material wealth.

2. Enjoy life, hope for a good future and go to your goal. Yes, there will be many obstacles on your life path, but do not stop, overcome them, and you will reach your goal, and the station called "Happiness" will be the final station. Do not despair if there is no longer any hope, even I, the blind man, have found my place and achieved happiness in this world. Believe in the best, and this faith will help you.

Homework: write a cinquain on the theme "Happiness"

1. Happiness -

good, good

Comes, surprises, pleases

Happiness is life

2. Happiness -

Unpredictable, long-awaited

Pleases, comes, comes true

The best thing in life

3. Happiness

Beautiful, light

Pleases, amuses, fulfills

Happiness is your life

4. Happiness

human, unforgettable

Achieve, enjoy, wait

You will find it in life

Answered by: Guest

1. cold - adjective, denotes a sign of an object, answers the question (in the sea) what? 2. n.f. cold. a qualitative adjective, there is a degree of comparison (colder) and a short form is cold. used in a positive degree, in full form, in the singular, in m.p., in the prepositional case. 3. plays the role of a definition in a sentence. in paragraph 1, in brackets, write the noun with which it is associated.

Answered by: Guest

"Mtsyri" - a romantic poem written by M. Yu. Lermontov in 1839, tells about the tragic fate of a captive mountain boy who escaped from the monastery walls, and about his death. Before his death, Mtsyri confesses to an old monk who once saved and raised him. In his confession, he says that he does not repent of his escape and does not regret that he endured worldly difficulties behind the walls of the monastery. Why did he run away from the monastery?

Mtsyri is a proud and freedom-loving young man, a child of the mountains and the son of a brave people. He always wanted to live like his ancestors, in the wild and in unity with the wild. However, fate decreed otherwise. At the age of six, he was captured, depriving his family and home. On the way, Mtsyri became seriously ill and the Russian general, taking pity on him, gave him up to local monks. The boy was cured, baptized and brought up in a righteous spirit. However, thoughts about freedom and his native village did not leave him. The monastic life could not kill his love for the vast expanses and mountains. Gloomy walls and stuffy cells did not become native to him.

Despite the fact that the people surrounding the young man were not enemies for him. On the contrary, they once saved him, did not let him die of hunger, gave him shelter, brought him up as a worthy person, treated him like a brother. These monks, for one reason or another, deliberately renounced worldly life. However, Mtsyri could not accept the way of life imposed on him. He did not even know what to lose by taking the tonsure, but still he could not live without it. Life in the monastery for him meant a gray, boring and joyless existence. He was ready to exchange such two lives for one, if only full of worries and unrest. So he decided on this escape.

All thoughts of Mtsyri were directed to the Caucasus. He wanted to visit his native land, to find the bright and beautiful homeland of his ancestors. The homeland in the poem is a symbol of freedom and an ideal world. From childhood, he swore to himself to find his family and see his relatives at least once, and the thought that he could not do this haunts him. Even before his death, it is precisely this perjury that burdens him most of all. But he is glad that he was able to live at least three days outside the walls of a hateful monastery, to see the beauty of nature, to experience a feeling of fear or tenderness, to meet face to face with a mighty leopard, to stealthily watch a beautiful Georgian woman. Only behind the walls of the monastery, he was able to fully feel and understand what life is. He seemed to have been in paradise, after which he was not afraid to die.

Mtsyri died of anguish. Realizing that he would never see his native land and would not be able to exist in the wild, he lost interest in life and deliberately hurried his death. The main character is close to the author himself in spirit. He supports the impulses and experiences of the young novice, considers him the embodiment of courage and love of freedom.

Answered by: Guest

By the end of the day (who?), Having done a considerable part of the journey, she found herself in Montfermeil, on the Rue Khlebopekov.
Who is Cosette's name?
How old is Cosette?
What is the name of Thenardia's husband?
How did Thenardier respond to the letters of Cosette's mother?

Answered by: Guest

The story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" depicts many bright and original characters - courageous,

resolute, just. However, my attention was most attracted by Masha Mironova - the main character of the work, the daughter of Captain Mironov.

Masha's life takes place in the Belogorsk fortress, the commandant of which is her father. The portrait of the girl is unremarkable: she is about eighteen years old, she is "chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair, combed smoothly behind her ears." Her mother considers her a "coward", and the vicious Shvabrin characterizes the girl as "a complete fool".

However, further acquaintance shows that Masha has many virtues: she is a hospitable, sincere, sweet, “prudent and sensitive” girl. Her even character and friendliness cannot leave others indifferent.

Once in a critical situation, Masha reveals herself from a new side. She shows unheard of stamina and strength of mind, being in the hands of the hated Shvabrin. A defenseless girl cannot be broken by force or threats, she is ready to die rather than agree to marry an unloved person. Left without parents, separated from her fiancé, Masha decides to fight alone for her happiness.

Having learned about the arrest of Pyotr Grinev and accusing him of treason and betrayal, she goes to St. Petersburg with the intention of filing a petition with the empress. Confident in the innocence of her beloved, she so simply and sincerely talks about his relationship with the leader of the rebels, Pugachev, that she wins over Ekaterina P. “By personal order” Grinev is released from prison, in addition, the empress undertakes to arrange the state of the orphaned Masha.

I believe that Masha Mironova is one of the best heroines in Russian literature. It harmoniously combines tenderness and willpower, femininity and determination, sensuality and intelligence. Acquaintance with this girl causes sincere sympathy and location. I really want to become like Masha, because I consider her the ideal of a woman.

In the story "The Captain's Daughter" Pushkin painted vivid images. Describing the actions of the heroes, their attitude towards others, their appearance, conveying thoughts and feelings, the writer creates a clear idea of ​​their characters, that is, their inner qualities.

One of the characters in the work is Masha Mironova, the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. During the first meeting with her, we see an ordinary Russian girl: "chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair, smoothly combed behind her ears." Timid and sensitive, she was afraid even of a rifle shot. In many ways, her timidity and shyness are caused by her lifestyle: she lived rather closed, even lonely.

From the words of Vasilisa Egorovna, we learn about the unenviable fate of the girl: “A girl of marriageable age, and what kind of dowry does she have? frequent comb, yes broom, yes altyn money... with what to go to the bath. Well, if there is a kind person; otherwise sit yourself in the girls as an eternal bride. But Masha refuses Shvabrin's offer to become his wife. Her pure, open soul cannot accept marriage with an unloved person: “Aleksey Ivanovich, of course, is an intelligent person, and of a good surname, and has a fortune; but when I think that it will be necessary to kiss him under the crown in front of everyone ... Never! for any welfare! A marriage of convenience is unthinkable for her, even if she finds herself in the most difficult situation. Masha sincerely fell in love with Pyotr Grinev. And she does not hide her feelings, openly giving him an answer to his explanation: “She, without any affectation, confessed to Grinev her heartfelt inclination and said that her parents would be glad of her happiness.” However, she never agrees to marry without the blessing of the groom's parents. It was not easy for Masha to move away from Pyotr Andreevich. Her feelings were still strong, but pride, honor and dignity did not allow her to do otherwise after she learned about his parents' disagreement with this marriage.

A bitter fate awaits the girl ahead: her parents were executed, and the priest hid her in her house.

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