England is a place of hard life and rapid degradation of people. Life in England: salaries and standard of living

As a rule, all sorts of pictures that employees of travel agencies and employment assistance offices draw in the imagination of Russians are largely at odds with reality. Even visiting the shores of Foggy Albion as a tourist, one cannot get to know life in England as it is in reality.

And only after moving to live in this country, starting to work there and earn your daily bread, you can get acquainted with the so-called wrong side of life, with what is hidden behind the magnificent facade.

It cannot be said that such a wrong side consists entirely of negative impressions. Rather, it is the accumulated experience that people get, including by stuffing themselves with bumps.

Salary and taxes

The first question asked by Russians who want to know about the peculiarities of life in England is the salary. In the capital of England it is higher, however, everything else is higher here. So, if you take the percentage of salary and cost of living, then the result will be the same.

The minimum wage that can be expected for those who want to work in this country is 6.19 per hour, without taxes.

If we take into account that the tax on the English "minimum wage" is 10 percent, then 884 per month. and potatoes and have a minimum pocket money.

If food costs increase, then pocket money will disappear. Taxes in England are a flexible system, tightly tied to the level of earnings. Depending on how you work, they range from 20-54 percent..

That is, the biggest rich unfasten more than half of their earnings to the budget. And this is only the first confirmation that the features of life in England are noticeably different from Russian national features.

The most prestigious professions

The most prestigious professions in terms of money are a lawyer, a financier and a doctor. And it means only that lawyer who, in the rank of a lawyer, has the opportunity to work for himself, having built a worthy practice for this.

In the capital of England, such a lawyer can receive about 50-70 thousand rubles a year, and if this is a job in an international company, then 100 thousand rubles.

However, one should not deceive oneself too much, since a demanding employer, for such money, rips off three skins at a pace that Russians are not used to.

doctor working for public service, also receives about 50-70 thousand. And in order to receive 100 thousand or more, one must work as a manager, company director or partner. Apparently, you can live happily on such money!

A school teacher has a salary of 30 thousand a year, but in England, as in Russia, earnings depend on many difficulties, including length of service. The director of an educational institution receives 1.5-2 times more, but, you see, not every Russian who wishes to live in the UK will be able to work as a teacher!

But representatives of labor professions, that is, those who can work qualified as an electrician, plumber or taxi driver, receive in England no less than lawyers and doctors. But with one condition: it must be your IP.

Of course, only data "from" and "to" are given here. It is quite difficult to determine the average salary that you can live on in the UK, here you need to take into account gender, length of service, field of activity, place of residence, and so on.

What is the cost of

Let's forget for a while prestigious professions and calculate how much a more or less normal life costs in England. To do this, let's take a salary level slightly above average (? 32 thousand per year) and assume that you are 30 years old, have a diploma of higher education and a fairly high qualification (in England, this is not the same thing).

Such a “white collar” living in the capital of the UK has the following living expenses (we take, again, based on practice):

  • the cost of housing (let's take a rented one-room apartment, which is located not on the very outskirts), without the cost of light, will be approximately 900 monthly;
  • all bills for the use of electricity, water, telephone and Internet combined will result in a sum of about ?120;
  • payment of municipal tax - ?120 monthly;
  • payment of a student loan, which a student receives upon entering a university, and then gives back some time after he has completed his studies and began to live like an adult -? 100;
  • transport costs (subway pass if people move around the city center) - 100;
  • the cost of home food - order? 400;
  • if you take into account that you have to live with Friday bar trips (the British can’t do without it!), then this type of expense (4x50) will cost ?200.

As a result, about 50-60 remain on hand. And this is without taking into account the cost of clothing, sports, medical insurance (so as not to stand in lines at state medical institutions).

From paycheck to paycheck

That is why those who intend to work and live in the UK are forced to rent not even one-room apartments, but separate rooms. A normal, spacious room, and not a rectangle in which a bed can hardly fit, will pull on 600 per month.

This factor, as well as significant savings on bills, gives about 450 pocket money.. This kind of life in England provides an opportunity to eat at least once a week in a restaurant (100), buy some clothes (100) and visit friends who may live in another city (100).

However, these can be trips to the bosom of nature, which, however, will cost about the same. In addition, Friday bar trips can be refocused on going to the theater or funds that will be spent on hobbies.

The result, in any case, is the same: even if you work normally, then postponing, with a good rest, does not work. And this is not the worst option for employment, but vice versa!

If you live in England on 20-22 thousand a year, then the money you earn is barely enough to make ends meet. But people live!

Over the past decade and a half, they have moved to the shores of Foggy Albion from all the republics that were part of the former USSR, about 200 thousand people!

Mortgage is an unattainable dream for most migrants

A two-room apartment in the capital of England costs about 300-400 thousand. The first installment, if you are going to take out a mortgage with adequate interest, is 30-40 thousand. Question: how can you save up such an amount if the Russians here, for the most part, are forced to make ends meet ?

True, there are those (there are many of them not only in England, but also in Russia) who live on credit and are forced to work only to pay off the amount previously borrowed from the bank. In this case, there is no question of a decent quality of life.

It should be noted that approximately the same situation is developing in other European countries. The conclusion is as follows: if you decide to live abroad, then you need to tune in to energetic work by the sweat of your brow with a slight minimum (or even complete absence) of entertainment.

Our people abroad

A little about those of our compatriots who live in England. They can be divided into several fairly characteristic groups.

Great Britain is a kingdom that unites within itself as many as four states. Some people sometimes perceive the UK as a separate country and even refer to it as England. Indeed, England exists, but together with Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales within the boundaries of the Kingdom of Great Britain, which is very attractive to Russian immigrants. To understand what are the pros and cons of living in the "land of fogs", you need to compare Russia and Great Britain.

Russian emigrants in the UK

The immigration of Russians to the northwestern part of Europe - to the island of Great Britain - is marked by a long history. The UK experienced four waves of immigration while accepting immigrants from Russia. It would seem that the Russian migration influx should be significant? On the Internet, you can really stumble upon information about hundreds of thousands of Russian migrants in Britain. In fact, there are fewer Russians there.

How many Russians has Britain taken in?

There is an official list of Russian immigrants who settled in the UK during the four waves of migration. The list contains 135 people. All people on this list have received British citizenship or residence permits as internally displaced persons.

However, the flow of Russian immigrants is not limited to this list. If we take into account people who do not have the country's citizenship, temporarily or permanently residing (permanent residence), plus Russian-speaking immigrants, who are also considered Russian in Britain, the result will be different. Approximately 120 - 170 thousand people by the standards of RAIV - the Russian Association of Immigrants in Great Britain.

Exclusively Russian immigrants officially registered in Britain, judging by the statistics of ethnicity and native language, there are no more than 40 thousand people. Of this number, the main share is in England - about 30 thousand (in London alone 26-27 thousand). Nothing like most of Russians - 2-5%, live in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

“... The Russian Immigrants' Association of Great Britain, thanks to the financial support of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, conducted a sociological study, the purpose of which was to determine the size of the Russian-speaking population of Great Britain. The results obtained have an acceptable degree of reliability…”


Russian diaspora

The Russian diaspora in Britain, in the full sense of the word, existed in the period of 1920-30. Today, there is no Russian diaspora as such in the UK. There is a Russian-speaking community. However, the absence of such factors as a single religion, ideology, makes one be skeptical about the viability of the national community.

Nevertheless, aspirations to show the existence of the diaspora are manifested. For example, the British Coordinating Council of Russian Compatriots periodically organizes forums for the Russian-speaking diaspora. Leaders are invited to the forums public organizations, activists, representatives of the Russian-language media.

There, on the forums, awards are given for fruitful activities aimed at creating a positive image of Russian-speaking immigrants in Britain in various fields:

  • society, politics, economics,
  • protecting the interests and rights of immigrants,
  • development of intercultural relations,
  • support of the Russian language in the UK,
  • promotion of Russian art and culture.

However, the latest wave of migrants shows little interest in the development of the Russian diaspora in Great Britain. Perhaps the reason for this is the radically changed methods of obtaining information.. Today, thanks to the Internet, Russian culture can be comprehended without leaving home. But this is for mature and educated people.

The situation is quite different with the children of migrants. For the children of Russian immigrants, communication in their native language and knowledge of Russian culture in the conditions of Britain remain limited. There is a lack of Russian schools, cultural and educational institutions, circles, sports sections. The younger generation of Russian British is subject to assimilation. Analysts' forecasts are disappointing. The Russian-speaking diaspora of Great Britain is under the threat of extinction.

... In the absence of a powerful factor that could save the diaspora, given the age structure of Russian-speaking immigrants, the assimilation and dissolution of the Russian-speaking diaspora for the UK is inevitable in the near future...


The current British Russian-speaking diaspora is not able to survive and develop on its own. This is the opinion of many experts dealing with similar issues. The only force that can change the course of events is the help of the motherland. The high interest of the Russian side in the life of compatriots in Britain will certainly give impetus to preservation and development.

Who goes for permanent residence in the UK?

The composition of those leaving for foggy Albion is a variety of social groups. You can start building a list of Russian billionaires of the 90s and end with ordinary students. The UK is often compared to the home of Russian oligarchs.. However, this group of immigrants is the smallest in terms of numbers. The country was also chosen by citizens who consider themselves forced refugees. Finally, the kingdom attracts labor migrants by promising people interesting work and high wages.

Video on how to get permanent residence and British citizenship

Nouveau riche billionaires from Russia have always seen foggy Albion as a reliable place to invest and save money. These people invested in real estate, bought expensive yachts, cars, jewelry. Today, the policy of rich people who really earn money has changed somewhat. High taxes are forcing many to reconsider their attitude towards London banks. Therefore, the number of billionaire immigrants from Russia is steadily declining.

The UK is famous for its well-developed research and development area. This moment naturally attracts the minds of the Russian elite. There are few geniuses of Russian science who would refuse to immigrate to England. Especially active was the immigration of minds after the collapse of the USSR. At present, the situation is changing for the better for Russia. Russian scientists, researchers, engineers are again in demand in their homeland.

One of the many immigrant layers is students who ventured to enter British universities. We must pay tribute - many manage to pass exams and engage in prestigious studies. British education is considered one of the best in the world. In addition, studying in the UK is a good opportunity to stay for permanent residence. Specialists who have received knowledge based on the Bologna system of education are worth their weight in gold.

Forced migrants from Russia - a caste of immigrants for whom the UK is seen reliable protection from political arbitrariness. Indeed, if Britain grants asylum, one can hope for a high percentage of non-refoulement guarantees.

The main cities of settlement of Russian immigrants

Statistics show that the preferred places for Russians to settle are:

  • England London,
  • Scotland - Edinburgh, Glasgow
  • Northern Ireland - Belfast,
  • Wales - Cardiff, Newport.

London attracted the bulk of Russian-speaking immigrants. The capital of England is really attractive to Russians, first of all, by the presence of a fairly stable Russian-speaking community.

This is an important factor when there is an opportunity to visit Orthodox churches, shops with Russian-speaking sellers, restaurants where they cook in Russian, read the press in Russian, walk along the streets with a Russian name. Of course, London does not promise excessive satisfaction with native motives, but there is still a small piece of the homeland there. This makes it easier and faster to go through the path of adaptation in a foreign land.

... The farther you go from London, the more natural Englishmen get in the way. It seems that there are simply no such people in London, except for pensioners. All the rest are immigrants from former British colonies and countries of Eastern Europe


Scottish Edinburgh is the promised land mainly for students. Edinburgh University is popular among the student fraternity. There are at least 100 Russian students there. Edinburgh and Glasgow attract foreign labor. As in other cities in Scotland, there is a lack of workers and employees of various qualifications. Employers themselves usually pay for good specialists (£700-800). It is impossible not to note the high cost of Scottish Edinburgh. According to available information, no more than 300-450 Russian-speaking citizens live in the city.

Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland, a large city, which is also one of the settlements in Ireland, where Russian immigrants are fixed. In total, no more than 4,000 Russian-speaking migrants are settled in Ireland. In Belfast, the bill goes into the hundreds. Isolated cases of Russian settlement in rural areas.

Cardiff and Newport are two major cities in Wales. Most of the Russian-speaking immigrants settled in these settlements. Fewer live in towns medium size and in the countryside. The total number of resettled people from Russia and the CIS countries does not exceed 1,000 people.

The life of ordinary people in the UK

Great Britain has always seemed to many foreigners a country of well-being and prosperity. In particular, this attitude was and is to London - the capital of England. It is not for nothing that the majority of Russians chose this city for life - the financial center of the world. And then one day - in 2013, according to the results of a study by the site switch.com, it turns out that Britain is in the last position of the European ranking of living standards. The studies were performed on the basis of 16 criteria:

  • average level income
  • value added tax,
  • the price of essential goods,
  • the price of fuel and electricity,
  • living conditions,
  • and others.

As it turns out, British prices are significantly higher than the European average. UK residents get the shortest working holiday in the EU. Retirement age comes for residents of foggy Albion later than in others European states. The cost of housing and its maintenance take away a third of earnings.

Approximately 15% of the working population are professional specialists, but receive a small salary for their work. This information made many ordinary Britons skeptical about the world ranking, where the UK is in the top twenty countries with high level life.

Table of the main parameters that determine the average standard of living of the British

There is no way to do without taxes. The UK tax system supports progressive taxation. If the amount of income is in the range of £10,000-41,865, the tax is on average 20%. Anything above is from 37.5% to 45%.

Features of British life (reviews)

Great Britain is actually the same Russia, only on a smaller scale. There are several administrative-territorial formations on Foggy Albion, and each one lives its own special life. For example, the inhabitants of Wales consider themselves Welsh, but not English. Foreigners are almost forcibly forced to learn Welsh.

... Welsh in Wales is forced to learn everything. The language is not very complex, Russian speakers, quite complex, are available for study. But something else surprises. In a country where everyone communicates in English, they are forced to learn a language that is useless for everyday life ...



The most open, friendly and cheerful people of the country are the Scots. But they don't like the English either. Scottish dialect differs from English by a pronounced accent. Scottish medical care looks interesting. These services are free for citizens. The peculiarity is that if in Russia a patient can be treated boorishly, but at the same time they provide real help, in Scotland doctors are usually polite and friendly, but often do not treat properly.

... At a Scottish doctor's appointment, you can often hear: “You are doing great. Take these pills and you'll get better soon." In a word, it is better not to get sick there ...


In contrast to the Scots, English dentists treat well. At the same time, the cost of dental treatment services for an ordinary Briton is far from affordable. Much less money will be required, for example, to buy a used car.

By the way, car traffic is left-handed throughout the country and this is also a peculiar feature that requires getting used to. Russian driving license is valid for one year from the date of arrival in the country. Then you need to re-register for local ones with a retake of the exam.

The English are a special caste of Great Britain. At least that's how they see themselves. For them, exclusively pure English is a taboo, as is adherence to traditions. Life, rituals, behavior, habits characteristic of the original English society - this is what distinguishes the British from everyone else living in the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Life in the “land of fogs” through the eyes of Russians

The life of Russian immigrants in the country primarily depends on work. Legal work in Britain is provided on the basis of two documents - a work permit from the authorities and an employment contract with the employer.

Video about the life of Russians in Britain

Relatively high chances of getting an interesting qualified job, as a rule, are given to Russians only by England and, in particular, London. Other areas of the country in most cases offer low-skilled labor.

… In Scotland, many Russian-speaking immigrants work as service personnel. They hold the positions of waiters, hairdressers, cleaners. There are rare cases of the device of Russians in the field of oil production and in the field of science. Relations between employees are built on a typical British level - obligatory smiles, diplomacy ...


The earnings of a Briton - an Englishman, a Scot, an Irishman, a Welshman and a Russian immigrant - directly depend on many factors. Among these factors, work experience plays the same significant role as qualifications. Without a proven experience, you should not count on high earnings.. Therefore, Russian-speaking immigrants who go to the country on a general basis are forced to engage in unskilled work with low pay for a long time. Average earnings for them does not exceed £1200-1500 per month. Another thing is officially invited experts.

…I am a researcher. They were invited to work in Britain for 3,500 pounds a month. I thought for a long time, but in the end I did not dare. I work in the telecommunications system, where I am mainly engaged in engineering work ...


... Once in the UK, I realized one thing for myself. Every immigrant in this country must prepare himself for a decline in social status. A qualified nurse, for example, will have to work as a nurse. Here, no one looks at the level of education and work experience gained at home. Here is my opinion...



Where do Russians live?

Housing in Britain is expensive. Therefore, most of the migrants can only afford the option of renting. You also have to pay a high price for renting a good apartment or house. As a result, many immigrants rent separate rooms in inexpensive apartments on the outskirts of cities or live in so-called hostels.

Video about finding accommodation in London

A small percentage of Russian immigrants, as a rule, students - children of wealthy parents, live in purchased apartments or rent. Among this category of Russians, areas of London are popular: Westminster, Notting Hill Gate, Marylebone. Less wealthy students, as well as immigrants with a work visa, prefer to settle in the areas of Battersea, Elephant and Castle, Valve Junction.

How are Russians treated in Britain?

We must not forget that Great Britain is a kingdom. This fact alone can indirectly show the attitude of the British towards foreigners. The inhabitants of foggy Albion consider themselves a great nation (citizens of the British Empire in the past) and to this day dream of the revival of bygone times.

As for the Russians specifically, the attitude of the British here is rather contradictory and varies from event to event that takes place in Russia. However, we must pay tribute, the inhabitants of the kingdom behave like a king. Therefore, even if they do not like someone, they do not express such an attitude openly. Around only smiles and standard apologies (“sorry”, “excuse me”).

With all the existing cool attitude towards our compatriots, it is not forbidden in the country to support national culture. Russian-language media work here, cultural institutions, outlets, restaurants, clubs. Russian infrastructure is especially well developed in London.

For life, Russian-speaking families usually choose areas: Hampstand, Hyde Park, St. James Park, St. John's Wood. Immigrant students are settled in the areas of Covent Garden, Knightsbridge, Soho. Business people prefer Mayfar, City, Westminster. There are no areas of compact residence of Russians in Britain.

A little more comparison

Education system

Preschool is practically no different from the Russian version. There, children from the age of 1 year are also sent to nurseries or kindergartens of the state or private type. From the age of 5, British children are sent to preparatory private schools. There are restrictions for foreigners in this regard. Immigrant children can only be sent to school from the age of 7.

Video: private boarding school in the UK

Primary school in the UK teaches children from 5 to 11 years old. Selective subjects are English, history, mathematics, geography, art. What is interesting, unlike the Russian elementary school, British children also receive lessons in industrial technology. Specific subjects of study are chosen by parents. Completion of elementary school education is confirmed by a standardized test.

Secondary education is a compulsory process for children under the age of 16. Public and private institutions accept students from the age of 11. Immigrant children tend to be enrolled in boarding schools. This type of institution provides education and accommodation. The ultimate goal of training is to obtain a national certificate of professional qualification GCSE. Completion of studies is preceded by passing the exam (Common Entrance Examination). If the exam is not passed, it is impossible to go to the next stage of education - to enter the university.

College is one of the education options that becomes available after completing primary school, that is, from the age of 11. What makes college education so special is educational institution can act both as an individual structure and as an integral part of the university. In Russia, something similar began to be introduced in 1990.. Colleges, which replaced vocational schools and technical schools, became widespread.

British citizens from the age of 18 have access to higher education. Usually, admission is preceded by two-year preparatory courses of level "A" (A-levels), which take place within colleges or separately. Higher education conditionally divided into three categories - bachelor's degree, master's degree, MBA - master's degree in business administration. In other words, there is the Bologna system of education, which today is being tried to be introduced in Russia.

Medicine and healthcare

British Health is a national service that operates within the four public health systems. Simply put, it's:

  1. National Health England.
  2. Health and Welfare Northern Ireland.
  3. National Health Scotland.
  4. National Health Wales.

Each system has complete independence and is controlled by the government of the region where it directly operates. Differences from Russian system obvious. Funding comes from tax revenues, but not from health insurance, and here, too, there is a difference. Almost all medical services are free. Even foreigners are provided with free medical care in case of emergency.

An interesting fact: the National Health Service of Britain has the status of the largest employer in the world.

Video: the pros and cons of life in the UK

Great Britain - the country of well-being really is such, judging by the pages of glossy magazines. This region is certainly attractive to wealthy people - oligarchs and nouveau riche. There will always be a place for political refugees and fighters for world freedom. That's just ordinary people For those who want quality changes in their lives, the UK rarely gives a reason to rejoice. However, if you are a sought-after specialist or a capable student, then the kingdom says “Welcome!”.

Today on the site we will tell you about what you need to know about life in England.

The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but more often this country is still referred to in one word - England.

And the British themselves also emphasize the separation of the Scots, the British, the Welsh and the Irish. And there is also a huge army of those who came to this country from Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe.

Great Britain is the largest trading and financial center of the world. The British are rightly proud of having made a huge contribution to world culture and economy.

Great Britain is one large island and many small islands. Only a narrow thirty-kilometer strait separates the country from continental Europe. But the difference in the mentality of the British and other Europeans is huge. Traditions, habits - everything is typically "British".

Many foreigners visit the UK every year. All of them receive various rights and benefits. And today there are sometimes more people from Asia and Africa on the streets of London than native Englishmen.

Many in England and our compatriots. Someone went to London to live their millions, someone came to the UK to study at Cambridge or Oxford. And someone just went in search of a better life.

Marrying an Englishman is not so difficult. On many you can see profiles of the British.

The English language is no longer a barrier to happiness for our women, as it was a couple of decades ago. Great amount courses helps to learn the language for communication and a comfortable stay in the country for the first time. And then it remains only to improve it.

If your chosen one lives in Scotland or Wales, it will be more difficult to get used to, but all this can be overcome.

When you move to Britain, you will have to abandon the standard system of measurement and start getting used to feet, pounds, inches, miles, dozens, etc. It's hard to get used to it at first. To make your life easier, you can install an application on your phone that will convert data from one metric system to another.

A feature of the UK is left-hand traffic and separate taps, which constantly surprises visitors to the country.

The tradition of guarding the royal palace by guardsmen from the noble family of Gordons is sacredly observed. The colorful form, the beautiful ritual of the changing of the guard attract crowds of tourists.

Books and films have shaped the image of the Englishman as a polite, cold and withdrawn person. Yes, the British are really very polite. Even when addressing their child, they always say “please”, “thank you”. At every opportunity, these phrases are heard in a conversation.

But here is a common misconception about the lack of sociability of the inhabitants of foggy Albion is fundamentally wrong. For the most part, they are very cheerful, cheerful, talkative people who will gladly support the conversation and answer any of your questions. But they have one major drawback. The English are snobs. They do not like third world residents who have moved to their own country. Pakistanis, Indians, Iranians, settlers from Africa irritate the British, despite the fact that they do dirty work for a penny, which the natives of the island would hardly have done.

The British are an amazing mixture of conservatism and craving for everything new. They honor their traditions, but at the same time they are happy to get acquainted with new cultures, people, cuisine of other countries. In other countries, you can meet quite a lot of traveling Britons who went for new experiences.

The famous English “five o clock” is a tribute to an old tradition. This is an opportunity to meet and chat with close friends or relatives. The tradition of five o'clock tea was adopted by the Americans and many Europeans. Serving something to the table for tea drinking during short friendly gatherings is not accepted here. Both tea and coffee the British drink a lot, in large mugs. Small coffee cups are not infrequently used here. The British love nature and animals. Many families go on weekend walks or short trips around their country.

The surprising devotion to the mail of the majority of the British is able to surprise any person. Here it is customary to buy dozens of postcards when traveling and send them to all relatives, friends and acquaintances. An interesting point is that often the British arrive before their parcels arrive, but traditions do not change. If a grand party, celebration or event is planned, then letters are also sent to all invitees. Even those who live next door. Here it is customary to send cards and congratulations on holidays, and not just say kind words in person. Almost every Briton has a list of friends and acquaintances to whom he will definitely send a postcard for the New Year or for his birthday.

The concept of friends among the British is slightly vague. Here, a close person who is always there can be called a friend, and one with whom meetings take place once a month over a cup of tea. But the people of Albion have interesting tradition- periodically gather in a complete set by the old company, even after a couple of decades. You can often encounter such a phenomenon that school friends, wherever they are, come to a meeting once a year or even sometimes more often.

Millions of employees work in London, Manchester and other large cities, as these cities are the location of the headquarters of large international corporations and trusts, banks and funds. British salaries are quite decent by the standards of most Europeans. But no wonder the UK is considered one of the most expensive countries in the world!

Tax, insurance, paying the bank for housing or renting an apartment, especially in London, eat up the lion's share of the income of a young family. Here, young couples rarely live with their parents. Therefore, until their own housing is purchased, as a rule, both spouses work in the family. And only after its purchase and the birth of a child, a woman can leave work and stay at home with a child. Not only because he can afford it, but because of the high cost of babysitting. It is not customary to leave children alone, even in adolescence.

Private entrepreneurs in the UK do not complain about their lives. A good doctor, lawyer, architect or dentist aspires to become a private specialist, not work for an employer. Private entrepreneurs have many responsibilities that they constantly remember. They must pay taxes, allocate to themselves the necessary amounts to the pension fund, pay medical insurance etc.

Most English people do not have a specific diet. Only breakfast matters here. Units do without it. In general, British cuisine is simple and unpretentious. They love meat, sweet sauces for it, boiled vegetables, arranged separately into piles, and fast food. Many people like Indian cuisine, but dishes from other countries are sometimes treated with caution. If you decide to treat your chosen one or his friends with delicious Russian borscht, pilaf, meatballs and other dishes, it is not a fact that they will be enthusiastic about this. Although the share of curiosity will be present.

English pubs are known, probably, to everyone. Beer is a favorite drink here. In Britain it is not customary to go to pubs alone, and if you come alone, you may be asked where your friend is. Sitting with friends over a glass of beer is the favorite pastime of most Britons. And if there are still masts on TV, then you can’t imagine better. This is one of the most drinking nations. Many people in the UK follow sports events and prefer to keep up with the news. Sports broadcasts are rarely watched alone. Usually people gather in a group in a bar or pub, sometimes with one of their friends. The British love to be members of various sports clubs or interest groups. It is simply impossible to get into many clubs without a solid recommendation.

The banking system in Britain is very developed, and the services of banks are actively used. Even for children, it is customary to open a bank account, where money is credited for petty expenses of the child. It is often possible to find that if the wife does not work, the husband also transfers money for housekeeping not to her personally, but credits it to her account.

The British are known for their careful planning. They are not temperamental and rarely do things that are not characteristic of them. If they have planned something, then the probability that something will change is too small. Orderliness in everything is one of the main features of the British.

As a rule, people in this country get married late, after 30 years. Average age the birth of a child for most couples is 32-35 years.

A true inhabitant of this island is proud of his country and even bad weather. It is not customary to complain about climatic conditions here. Despite the rain and strong wind the British can go on a walk outside the city.

In the photo: a typical London residential area in summer time of the year.

AT recent times I got so lazy that I even started ordering groceries online thanks to the service Ocado- I wrote about him. This saves not only money (you calmly choose goods, study special offers and take only what you really need, without being tempted by extra goods on the shelves), but time and effort. Going to the store with a small child is still a pleasure. And here, on the appointed day and hour, your purchases are brought to you, carefully arranged in packages - beauty! All products are guaranteed fresh - the expiration date can be checked in advance on the website. I order absolutely everything from Ocado - from fruits to household chemicals. Periodically they send vouchers for discounts on email so the savings are even more significant. On average, our family of 3 spends £100 a week.

Houses and apartments in London

In the photo: Historic buildings in London.

In London, local authorities carefully guard historical appearance of the city, so there are a lot of beautiful historical buildings built under Queen Victoria and even earlier. However, despite the fact that some houses look like real monuments from the outside, you may be surprised what a modern "stuffing" is inside. As a rule, all houses, especially those that are rented out, undergo periodic refurbishment - refurbishment for modern needs. Usually inside London apartments there is everything you need for comfortable life: high-quality repair, a complete set of modern household appliances and other amenities. In some places, however, an archaic misunderstanding in the form of double taps has been preserved, but gradually they are being replaced by familiar mixers.

AT cold period years in London houses it can be cool, especially on the first floors, but this is easily corrected by underfloor heating or turning on an electric heater. Or (which is cheaper) you can just dress warmer, as most locals do. Fleece clothing and a warm 15 tog blanket will keep you warm if you don't have £100 extra in your monthly electricity bill.

Life in London

Almost no Londoner cooks at home himself - there is no need for this: ready meals in stores are sold in abundance and are not much more expensive than the original products from which they are prepared. These dishes taste simply excellent quality and often even surpass the food served in restaurants. If you are invited to visit, then most likely there will also be ready-made food from the shops on the tables. Busy residents of the city value their time above all: special staff are usually hired to cook, clean the house and look after children.

house cleaning Londoners also, if possible, push on cleaners - their work here costs about 8-10 pounds per hour. Many cleaners are from Eastern Europe and speak Russian. Work babysitter in London, especially for Russian speakers, is also in great demand and generously paid: 10-12 pounds per hour is the standard rate for a nanny without special qualifications. Paid kindergartens not much cheaper than babysitting services: on average, a full day in kindergarten costs around 1700-2000 pounds per month. Therefore, it is often more profitable for a woman to stay at home and look after the child herself, rather than go to work and hire a nanny (or send the child to a paid kindergarten). From the age of 3, the state subsidizes 15 hours a week in kindergarten, and from 4 years baby goes to school (and mom can finally go to work).

Beautification of London

London is incredible beautiful city, with many green parks and gardens. Even in the very center of the city, a lot of free space has been given over to parks, including the famous Hyde Park where public rallies are regularly held on a variety of occasions. Not far from us is another no less beautiful park - Battersea park about which I wrote.

In the photo: There are many gardens and lawns in London.

It is strange that no one thought of cutting down all the trees and building up everything free space high-rise buildings - after all, how much money could be made on this, given that real estate prices in London are the highest in the world. But, nevertheless, the London authorities care not so much about their profits, but about people and their comfort. Caring for a person, its convenience and safety is felt in London in everything and everywhere - in the arrangement of streets and buildings, the organization of public transport and playgrounds.

But the main advantage of London is, of course, its inhabitants and the heady feeling of a complete freedom of spirit. You will hardly find such an incredibly harmonious mixture of races, cultures, religions anywhere else. It is a city of triumphant tolerance. You can be sure that here you will always feel at ease. Nobody will be a stranger here. People of any religion and skin color are treated equally politely and kindly. After all, any person deserves respect and kindness simply because he is a person.

It is believed that numerous conquering tribes left a big imprint on the character of the English nation: Angles, Romans, Celts, Normans, Scandinavian Vikings, Jutes and Saxons. It is this multifaceted intervention in the life and history of England that explains the special character of the native English: it combines Celtic dreaminess, Anglo-Saxon practicality, Viking courage and Norman discipline.

More than 300 thousand Russian emigrants live in the UK today, and this figure can be increased to one million, if we take into account Belarusians, Ukrainians, emigrants from Latvia and Lithuania and some others who prefer Russian to their native language (due to lack of demand) more than English.

What do Russians say about the UK?

At first glance, this country is very welcoming and friendly - even people smile on the streets. strangers, every careless action is answered only by “excuse me” or “sorry” and it seems that you are treated incredibly good-naturedly everywhere.

But such impressions very quickly give way to the true state of affairs: the hospitality of the British does not exist, it is imitated by a polite mask, complemented by endless apologies that fly out of the mouth automatically and do not carry any emotional load. Who even compared the English "litter" with the "red" Russian word, rushing out if, for example, a hammer instead of a nail head lands right on the finger.

There is an opinion that the majority of the British treat all foreigners not entirely partial: to someone with sympathy, to someone with disgust, to someone even with contempt, while considering their nation to be the best in the world. As one of the bloggers put it in his judgments about the British, “for British subjects, Russians in the ranking of nations occupy a line next to immigrants from Eastern European countries, perhaps giving way only to representatives of African countries and Indians.”

Often Russian becomes the object of irony - a kind of English humor, which is sometimes expressed in very unpleasant moments: this is how banks can be faced with a mocking offer to cash a check in Russia, and instead of an apartment approved after viewing, in the end, renting the wrong one at all.

By the way, about a sense of humor - in England, its presence is considered one of the most important virtues of a person, and therefore everyone in this country tries to show himself as a person with an excellent sense of humor, which often looks rather ridiculous. The English often throw foreigners into sincere bewilderment with their penchant for physiological jokes, like greasiness, falling trousers and the like. At the same time, most jokes do not imply a particularly deep context, but rather serve as a kind of outlet for accumulated feelings and emotions. Many English people not only love to play pranks on others, but often laugh at themselves, which contrasts strongly with their stiffness and arrogance.

If we return to the topic of the fact that Russians are not much favored in the UK, then it is worth mentioning that an active anti-propaganda about Russia in the media plays a big role in this. Many Russian émigrés living here complain that the broadcast news consists entirely of negative news, where the image of a Russian person is presented as an ignorant "barbarian" who prefers to earn money illegally.

Vladimir Milovanov, who has lived in the UK since 2003, says that in all ten years he has not heard anything good about Russia on official TV or read anything good about Russia in official sources. “The minimum information that can be found,” he writes, “is always negative. At the same time, they manage not to talk about what it is impossible to remain silent about.

All of the above does not mean at all that the Russian emigrant will be an outcast in the UK, although, of course, one cannot count on a warm welcome. At the same time, it is in the power of the person himself to form a kind and positive attitude towards himself, if not immediately, but over time. And above all, you have to start with good knowledge of English language- until the ability to speak and understand is brought to the signs of perfection, it is practically useless to expect respect for oneself.

Despite the fact that the British are a rather closed and delicate people, who do not openly demonstrate their emotions, especially negative ones, their attitude towards an educated foreigner is quite acceptable. By the way, the education of the Englishman himself also plays a role: if among the middle class and above it is difficult to find an ardent Russophile, then among the less educated you can meet those who believe that the Russians (meaning the hardworking Baltics) have captured all the jobs.

By the way, among immigrants there is an opinion that Russians in Great Britain are treated with sympathy, which is explained by Russian non-aggression, law-abiding, industriousness and rapid assimilation in this country. But the attitude towards other emigrant ethnic groups is much more restless.

About life in the UK for Russians

The majority of Russians in England are middle class, having an apartment or house on credit near the center, a job in middle management, a once-a-year holiday to Europe, and children attending a public English school.

In general, one can respond quite positively about life in the UK - there are a lot of low-wage jobs that do not require special qualifications. At the same time, the funds received are usually enough to rent a room and food. For many Russians from the Baltics, especially those who are older, this is quite enough - if you reach the age of 60, you can hope for a pension, which is due even to a person in the UK who has not officially worked a day in his life. Such a pension entitles you to free travel, a free apartment somewhere on a disadvantaged social reservation, and benefits.

About the English mentality

The dominant feature of the English character is adherence to traditions. Moreover, the British tend to leave some of their traditions, habits and rituals in their original form in order to retain all the features of gentlemanly behavior. It is interesting that the British are extremely difficult to part with the past - for them, the process of getting rid of old furniture, they strive to plant gardens in the same style as their ancestors, and a restrained manner of dressing is characteristic of most Britons - regardless of financial situation.

As for the famous English coldness, it is really just a special ability of the British to self-control. It is this coldness that is considered the basis of "gentlemanly behavior" and is feature English mentality. In order to control himself and wear a mask of equanimity, every Englishman from childhood has to fight with his own temperament and accustom himself to strict self-control. By the way, an open or uninhibited display of feelings in public is considered in the UK a sign of bad manners and greatly affects every Briton in foreigners (especially in emotional French and passionate Spaniards).

This is precisely what explains the excessive severity of the British in raising children - they are convinced that softness in relation to offspring does not benefit them. As in everything else, the English treat children with restraint, thus trying to form in them the habit of curbing their own feelings. Children in the UK are usually sent to study at a distance from their parents' home in order to instill in them independence and responsibility (often in boarding houses and eminent schools, where British children study rather rigid orders and strict discipline, according to parents, contributing to the upbringing of a true Englishman).

In general, the British are a special nation. In this country, every self-respecting Englishman is obliged to have a hobby - no matter in what form, the main thing is that this hobby be brought to perfection. They say: "My home is my castle." They are characterized by snobbery, arrogance towards other nations and stiffness. They do not share problems or difficulties because it is not accepted. And their main tradition is the unchanging loyalty to the monarchy, although the queen has long become simply a symbol of Great Britain.

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